nxamber-blog · 8 years
a smile is all it takes for amber’s own to grow. although amber can’t fully understand what dahee is going through, she is always trying her best to put herself in the other’s shoes, to really understand her thoughts, feelings, and fears. she’s utterly happy that dahee decided to come to her and open up, especially when she knew such feelings were hard for the other girl to lay on the table. 
amber lets a small, but understanding, smile curve on her lips, “i think i can see where you’re coming from, dahee. i used to be like that too, too afraid to use my powers and get into the battlefield. and trust me, even if you think you can’t, even if you believe you’re not worthy, just remember that you can be. you can be more, but only if you choose to be. you can only make an impact or a change if you fight for it. and truthfully,” she gives dahee a proud look, “i can see that in you. it’s small, but it’s there. and that’s all that matters. all you need to do now is nurture it.” 
“i’m glad you came to me though,” amber continues, “and i hope my little bit of advice helped you? if only a little.”
“see? all these booths sound like so much fun, especially the face painting one. mind if i you paint something for me? and kissing booth? oh, wow. sounds like that’s going to be a lot of fun,” she teases while wiggling her brows, “maybe you’ll rope in some very lucky boys.” 
“i would be glad to come, dahee! thanks for asking!” amber says, already getting up with a big smile on her face, “lead the way, and you don’t have to feel embarrassed. even if you didn’t ask, i probably would’ve come anyway,” amber winks before clapping the other on the shoulder.
Self Worth | Dahee & Amber
( x )
Still, Dahee finds herself chuckling at Amber’s words and she shrugs, somewhat embarrassed.  “I just really thought it was a shame we didn’t have a face painting booth.  I mean it is a festival after all.  The kissing booth though…Sana talked me into it.”  Even if she did help with the silly plan but that was beside the point in her eyes. “Actually…um, could you?  I just, I think I might do better if you’re there.” She speaks quietly, the tips of her ears burning.  It makes her feel vulnerable and she hates it but Dahee also knows Amber won’t judge her for it.
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nxamber-blog · 8 years
amber’s own eyes widened as soon as the door opens to reveal the baker who had created the delicious smell of cookies. now, with the door open, she notices that her nose was correct, as it always was. never has her strong nose senses steered her wrong. the smell was emitting from this very room, and it’s more than overwhelming. amber has to remind herself to be courteous and not just leap into the room.
“oh, yes please!” amber says, eyes alight with excitement. she can feel her stomach growling for the delectable treat. indeed, the rumbling from her stomach was loud, and amber had the decency to look embarrassed, a faint blush coating her cheeks. “sorry, i just really really love cookies.”
“sorry, that was rude of me. i should introduce myself,” amber laughs sheepishly, rubbing the back of her neck a little nervously, “i’m amber, a mentor here. you may have seen me around or not,” she shrugs, “i’m not really that impressionable.” 
“so, mind if i ask you, what you’re doing with cookies?”
✖ ;; sweet tooth.
another day, yet the same set of routines were still regulated so forth. the twenty one year old girl made her way back to her room thereafter her annual baking session for the whole inhabitants of the institute with baskets filled with baked goods—if one were to ask her, how and why was she too ‘generous’ to even conduct such an act? baking had been already demanding, distributing them altogether at once? hyemi would only smile in return to the form of queries that came her way. 
it was not that she wanted to be known, as the baker of the place. certainly, no. it was just for a fact that she enjoyed doing it and had not mind it in the very slightest, at times, she would often done the deed along with a partner. though the circumstances had seemed to differ greatly within the period of time as they would change. one time she would be seen with hyoeun, the next with dahee, and the rest was history. 
“ only a few more and i’m done! ” the earth manipulator chimed to herself with a smile on her face as she carefully packed them into a plastic beg afore tying it with a ribbon when she heard a knock. she was certain that all of her delivering partners were missing in action at the moment, so she set the plastic glove down and made her way towards the door. opening it to see a familiar face, “ hi! how can i help you? ” she mused, recalling that she’s seen the unexpected guest bountiful of times before. “ oh, would you like a cookie? ”
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nxamber-blog · 8 years
amber huffs but chooses to not comment any further on his use of nicknames. it seems he wasn’t going to give it up, after all, and arguing just seemed like a waste of breath. “i’m not that small,” she murmurs but drops the topic nonetheless. 
she manages to choke on her sip of milk tea, coughing violently and trying to gather herself back together at that comment. she couldn’t believe he had just said that, and she tries to calm herself down. the blush across her cheeks is brighter now, and she’s cursing him internally for making her this flustered. “i’m going to pretend you didn’t just say that,” she says softly, still coughing, “and stop looking at me like that! blushing is normal!” 
the tap on her nose manages to stun her even more, and for a moment, she doesn’t know what to think, much less what to say. this guy was just full of surprises, and part of her was beginning to really like it. joonyoung was growing on her, and she didn’t know if she liked that- at all. she remembered what happened the last time someone tried to get close to her, and that didn’t end well. 
amber pretends to bite at his finger, narrowing her eyes a little playfully at him. “gosh, you’re kind of cute, you know that?” her eyes widened. did she really just say that aloud? “um, i mean just that that’s cute, that you’re so happy all the time.” nice save, amber- not really.
at his next question, amber sighs, a little uncomfortable, “i just- nicknames aren’t my thing,” she sighs, “it brings back a lot of memories i don’t like to remember.”  
✖ ;; not my cup of tea.
“Oh come on, chill! No need any of that formal stuff, plus I’m giving out nicknames since I think it positively fits you. Berries are quite sweet and small like you, they’re also a lot more adorable.” He grinned cheekily, winking at her. When Joonyoung flirts though, he was always honest with his compliments.
“Of course I’m human, and yeah, you’re right that those trays of coffee requires some strength.” He chuckled, joking along.
“Oh? Well if you’re offering then why not, plus, considering it’s with someone as lovely as you…” He smirked at her, of course if she sounded really sincere about it then he would have not acted the same way. In reality, he was awkward when it came to love but right now it was just joking around so that’s fine.
Not even caring about her comment of him being weird, he focused more on the fact she blushed. His mood brightened(yes, that was still possible) at that and he commented “You’re a blusher? How adorable! Man, I just want to hold you close now.”
When she leaned forward and smirked, he simply poked her on the nose “Boop.”
Ah, he had always wanted to do that. “Whoops, I’ve always wanted to do that and really, do you detest nicknames so much?”
Man, he was having a lot of fun with Amber. She was just a ball of fluff and cuteness in his eyes and even if she did punch him because he called her something else other than her real name, he’d still continue to do so. He could tell that he and Amber were going to get along really well and become close friends.
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nxamber-blog · 8 years
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omg apologies to everyone for disappearing on ya’ll! ;; this is a very very belated welcome to all the new faces that have recently joined us! i’ll be getting to all the replies i owe in just a few moments, but if you’d like to plot please like this post, and i’ll slide right into your dms!
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nxamber-blog · 8 years
“i just don’t believe people should be called something other than the name they were given at birth,” amber huffs, “after all, it was given for a reason, was it not?” she bristles at the use of yet another nickname, albeit a version of her name. ‘amberry’ was even worse than cutie or darling, “amber, not ‘amberry.”
“i’m only mad because you won’t respect my wishes, joonyoung-ssi,” she hisses, eyes narrowing at the older male. 
“i didn’t mean that literally, but glad to know you’re not a professional unicycler either? i guess you are human,” amber says, laughing a little,“oh, i’m sure lifting around steaming cups of coffee and whatnot can make one pretty strong too. trust me, i don’t think i’m that strong.”
“just being friends? are you sure you don’t want anything more, joonyoung?” amber muses out loud, raising a brow at the offer, “no offense, but you’re kind of weird.” oops, there goes her blunt mouth again. a slight blush dusts her cheeks at his compliment, and she turns away, shifting her gaze anywhere but at him. she had met flirts before, but there was just something about joonyoung that seemed to make her blush, which was fairly uncommon. she clears her throat, running her hand through her hair before speaking again, “um, thank you...?” 
that pleasing feeling in the pit of her stomach seemed to disappear as soon as the nickname came up again. it seemed like joonyoung was going to persist in calling her something that she absolutely abhorred. maybe it was entertaining for him to see her this peeved. 
she leans forward to meet his gaze, a wicked smirk curving on her lips, “that’s fine with me, as long as you quit with the nicknames and just use my real name. thank you very much. or i may just have to punch you.”
✖ ;; not my cup of tea.
“Awwww you still haven’t answered why love. And don’t be mad Amberry, people prefer it when you’re sweet.” He cheekily responded. Yeah he was totally going to call her all sorts of names and never call her ‘Amber’. It was a nice name, though he wondered who was the first to name their child after a fossilized tree resin.
“I don’t know how to act, or how to ride a unicycle as I tightrope. Some other stuff too like I can already tell that I’ll be losing to you in arm wrestling. My arms are almost literal sticks.” He answered nonchalantly, taking another sip of his milk tea. God he really should ask for the to provide this. It tasted absolutely amazing.
“Ah, price…hmmm…there’s no price except that I want to be your friend! We’d make a devilishly good looking pair. Oh you should totally smile more by the way, it’s make everyone fall head over heels in love with you.” He answered truthfully with a laugh. There’s a lot of people who asked him that question before and really all he expected was maybe becoming friends. Okay, definitely be friends because he will wreck into their lives worse than any of Miley Cyrus’s wrecking balls.
“So is that fine for you Amberry?” He asked her, leaning forwards as he rest his head on his hand.
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nxamber-blog · 8 years
“hey, we’ll be fine! all these safety precautions probably will save us from plummeting to our deaths,” amber said jokingly to try and make the tense atmosphere lighter. before she can even say ‘suit yourself’ to his rejection of her offer, his grip is already shifting from the bar to her own outstretched hand. she smirks a little victoriously.
amber winces slightly at the squeeze but laughs it off in an instant, “oh trust me, i’m pretty sure i’ve endured worse. but if i do end up in the hospital, i guess i’ll walk away from today with a new memory.” maybe not a nice memory, but a memory nonetheless. 
“hi mingyu, i hope you’re ready to-” the sound of the gears locking into place at the top of the tower sounds, and there’s a stretch of silence. amber shoots a look towards the other still gripping her hand tightly, “fall.” 
as soon as she speaks, it seems as if her one word was a sign for the drop to commence. a scream barely makes it way past her throat before they’re already halfway down, the scenery around them blurring together.  
✖ ;; what a ride!
at the words, his head snaps in her direction, reflexively inhuman. he wonders vaguely if he’d look intimidating if his eyes weren’t the size of saucers (probably) and his fingers weren’t indenting grooves into the vibrant metal of the bars between them. it’s dark out, the glinting lights of the festival around them casting soft shadows across the grass beneath them, and mingyu exhales a small breath, if only for something to do.
“that’s nice of you to offer but-” he hums with a small laugh that is tinged with the softest edge of hysteria before the ride jolts awake and the fingers latched vice-like around the bar reaches out instinctively to grip her hand instead. his laughter verges on panicked the moment the soles of his shoes brush nothing but cool air. 
“ah - if i crush your hand, amber-ssi, i promise to visit you in the hospital.” his grin is wide and daunting, but he reckons he is only half joking at this point as his gaze flickers out to scan their surroundings. he’s fallen from further before without too much hassle. this is nothing - he squeaks at the slight jolt in the gears, squeezing the girl’s hand impossibly tighter in response.
his own introduction only manages to be a rushed “you can just tell them to bill mingyu. hi.” 
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nxamber-blog · 8 years
“am-ber,” she said, stretching out the syllables of her name, “it’s amber, not darling, not cutie, not anything but amber.” besides, she didn’t see a point to using those little pet names as a substitute for names - that is unless she was dating the guy or something. but alas, she was not, so amber (or any version of her name that she approved of) or jinx would have to do. 
amber blinked at his comment. was this guy rich or something? she got her answer when he continued, talking about his dad providing some tea for the cafe. she was quiet as she listened to him speak, slightly amused at how completely unordinary he was. it seemed like he knew practically how to do everything relating to drinks, a wonderful skill set that was probably well appreciated here. 
“that’s nice that you know so much about being a barista, and i guess, a bartender?” she laughed before taking a sip of her drink, “what don’t you know?”
“well, if it’s free, i’m not complaining,” amber said with a small smile, playing with the top of her cup, “but nothing is really and truly free in this world. what’s your price?” she’s learned that the hard way before, and she’s not keen on getting duped over again.
✖ ;; not my cup of tea.
“Why not? I think it suits you darling!” He responded, actually very used to such comments anyways. Honestly, the more they told him not to, the more he was inclined to do so. Of course, he still did so even if they were okay with it since he honestly just enjoyed to give out endearing nicknames to everyone he talked to.
“Oh and it’s totally fine, I wouldn’t still be a barista here if it was completely free, I paid it of course! Plus, this isn’t provided by the cafe, it’s a gift from my dad.” He explained nonchalantly. Not the first time he did so and definitely not the last. He smile became brighter as he noticed how satisfied she was, leading her to their table.
“Nice isn’t it? I got more of those so I can always give you a free cup if you want one! I could even ask dad to ask for his friend to provide the tea for this place…” He mused, hand on chin. Taking a sip of it from his own cup, he decided that he would definitely ask his dad to do so. It’d definitely bring in more customers. The thought of that made him chuckle.
“Plus, I’m an awesome barista, I know a guy who’s amazing at it and learned from him. Although, I do know how to make some mean cocktails too. Actually, I have lots of stuff I could do that most people wouldn’t find useful.” He cackled for a moment, before suggesting her on what to do from now on. “And since it’s the best you’ve ever tasted, you should come here a lot, I’d even give it for free.”
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nxamber-blog · 8 years
amber blinks, slightly taken aback at the slight tremor of his voice. so, she guessed wrong. it wasn’t excitement radiating off of him, but in fact, nervousness. she smiles, hopefully to ease the anxiety that he was so clearly displaying. she remembered when she used to be nervous and scared of these rides too, so she sympathizes. the rush that you got after it was always worth it though, in her opinion.
“well, you better be ready soon,” she notices the last rider board the remaining seat, watching as the staff started to make their rounds, checking the seat belts and safety precautions. “looks like the ride is starting in a matter of minutes.” 
one of the staff makes their way to the little booth shielded away from the ride where amber’s sure is the button that will ascend them to the top of the tower. she focuses her glance back on the person sitting next to her.
“hey, if you want, you can always hold my hand,” amber says so a little bit teasingly, but at the same time, she also means it. the ride is scheduled to start soon, and she’s afraid her fellow rider may not be able to make it.
as the ride begins to start up and climb to the thought, amber quickly introduces herself, “oh, by the way, i’m amber! nice to meet you, and i hope we’ll have a great fall together!”
✖ ;; what a ride!
mingyu is pointedly not shaking in his overly scuffed trainers, the soles of which are, at the moment, digging hard into the rubble tower recently erected just below his seat. this is nothing, he muses, even as he contemplates his inevitable death at the hands of the contraption, illogical in a way that he isn’t accustomed to. he’s survived far worse, he reasons with himself, his conscious filing through instances of exactly that. this is nothing, he insists again to himself, just under his breath, even as his fingers squeeze that bit tighter against the constraining straps. 
the shaky inhale he finally manages after minutes of not breathing lodges itself in his throat (who chokes on air?), and he sputters at the excitable words from beside him. was he ready? would he ever be?
“er - no. i don’t think so.” he chokes out with an audible tremor, swallowing down something that is resolutely not a squeak when he feels the ride dip under the very last boarder’s weight. “oh,” he wrinkles his nose with a laugh dripping in hysteria, “yeah. the answer is very much no.”
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nxamber-blog · 8 years
amber blinks at the sudden pet name, furrowing her brows. what a weird barista/ stranger. “please don’t call me cutie; it’s amber,” she watches as he makes the tea, practically drooling for the drink, “are you sure that it’s okay to give out free stuff by the way? i mean, i’m all for it, but would you get- i don’t know- in trouble?”
 once he’s done, she takes the milk tea gratefully with a smile and a ‘thanks’. after her first sip, her smile grows bigger, a clear sign of her satisfaction and approval. she follows him almost absent-mindedly after a quick nod of her head, not even bothering to care much about anything else except for the cup in her hand.  
she’s quick to note that he’s tall, as in if she wanted to punch him or something she’d probably have to jump. not that she would, punch him that is, but just in case...
“okay,” she says, stretching out the word a little as she settles into her seat at the table. there’s a beat of silence before she speaks, “how’d you make such delicious milk tea? this is probably one of the best that i’ve tasted.”  
✖ ;; not my cup of tea.
Joonyoung turned to face a rather androgynous looking person, taking a closer look though, the person was definitely a she. With a bright grin, one which could rival the sun, he gestured her to come over. With ease, he sets out to make the milk tea. His shift was coming an end soon so once he was done with the milk tea, he could just take a seat on the table nearby and drink milk tea with her.
“So what’s your name cutie? I’m Jung Joonyoung by the way, the residential barista who keeps on giving out free stuff.” Joonyoung introduced himself as he made the tea. It didn’t take too long really, and once he was done, he handed her a cup and simply went over the counter, miraculously not spilling his milk tea as he did so.
“There’s a table for two right there so why don’t we take a sit there?” He smiled broadly, pointing at said table. He was definitely making this girl his friend no matter what.
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nxamber-blog · 8 years
✖ ;; may the best win.
to say amber is competitive might be a little bit of an understatement. growing up and trying to fend for herself, amber is not a stranger to survival of the fittest. even though she’s now living a comfortable lifestyle with little to worry about (other than her darling students, but she’s a mentor. that’s what she’s supposed to do.), the instinct is hard to shake. 
sure, she’s pretty much in charge of the water shooter booth, but that doesn’t mean she’s not going to play against those who dare to challenge her. especially if she gets to whip their asses. it’s still a little slow, mostly because the sun hasn’t quite risen that high yet, and she doubts anyone is actually coherently awake. 
but today is just full of surprises because a player does approach her booth, and he’s here to challenge her to her own game. she has no doubts he’s drawn in by the various (very expensive) prizes that joonyoung has displayed in all of its glory. amber rolls her eyes at the extravagance of it all. what happened to regular old stuffed animals?
when the new player decides to step up to the plate, she grins, eyebrows raised at the challenger. “so, you’re saying that you want to go against me?”  amber never backs down when a challenge is issued, and if a battle is what he wants, you can bet she’s game.
0 notes
nxamber-blog · 8 years
✖ ;; splash zone.
probably amber’s favorite rides at a festival were the rides that got you extremely wet, the very ones that you could find people bringing rain coats to or needing a towel to dry off with. amber never minded a little bit of water, especially if it came with the promise of fun.
convincing inha to go on a ride with her had been easy, like a piece of cake. okay, so maybe amber had decided to leave out one little fact.... that this was a water ride, and the ride guaranteed inha getting completely soaked. she knew that if she had told the other that the ride involved crashing headlong into a pit of water (in a log, no less), inha would’ve denied the request before she had even finished making it. 
currently, they’re in line, and it’s pretty much a miracle that inha didn’t noticed that the people getting off the ride are anything but dry. amber counts her blessings that she’s been able to distract inha long enough for her to not see any of the riders until it’s much too late. 
clearing her throat, she smiles at the fire manipulator, “so, inha, are you excited?”
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nxamber-blog · 8 years
✖ ;; sweet tooth.
if people didn’t know amber was a time manipulator, they would’ve believed her powers had something to do with extra senses (particularly those relating to smell). it’s amazing how she’s able to pinpoint the source of a particular food item from practically a mile away or able to diagnose exactly what it is (if she’s ever tasted it before). to be honest, it’s a gift, and amber is quite proud of it. 
she’s taking a walk, mostly to enjoy the warm summer weather (and to try and catch pokemon... but she’s not going to admit that, maybe). the smell of freshly baked cookies and warm oven treats hit her like a tsunami, and she has to stop herself from falling over at the heavenly scent. 
with her mind on auto pilot, she doesn’t even stop to think logically about this before she finds herself in front of the source. she raises her hand to knock quickly, barely able to keep still and in place. she’s sure her mouth is watering at this point, but amber has half a mind to care. 
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nxamber-blog · 8 years
✖ ;; what a ride!
with the news of the summer festival, there came the promise of everything that came with said festival: games, food, and best of all (at least in amber’s own humble opinion), rides. the thrill of feeling her stomach drop and screaming at the top of her lungs was enough to excite amber. after all, even if she was a mentor, she was still a child at heart. 
when the line moves forward, amber is quick to find herself a seat and begin strapping herself in. safety first, after all. the free fall ride is definitely a thrill, especially since it feels as if you’re plummeting straight to your death. after she’s finished strapping herself in, she looks over to find another, equally excited as she is.
“ready?” she asks, trying to make polite conversation before the ride starts. she tilts her head to the side, with a giddy smile on her face.
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nxamber-blog · 8 years
amber tries to lighten the tense atmosphere with a smile and then a laugh, careful to choose her new teasing words carefully, “aw, dahee, we’re friends here right? relax! you can tell me anything.” amber never really liked to refer to her mentor and student relationships as what it was. she was always sure to push that the relationship was friendship and companionship; they were equals and nothing less.  
a frown appears on amber’s usually cheery face, and she sighs, leaning forward towards the other nervous girl, “dahee, i know you feel like you can’t do much, but just remember, you’re important. the festival is a chance for those to go out there and display what makes everyone so unique from each other. look, i know what you’re going through. you don’t think you’re worth it, but you are.”  
“you’re a health manipulator, and in the support class. do you know how important you are to fights? if your teammate was in dire need of help, you would be their go-to person. you’re the key component to a fight. sure, the offense are always in the limelight,” amber shrug. she can’t exactly say much; she is an offense class after all, “but the support, the people-”she raises her hands to make quotes,”-’behind the scenes’, they’re the foundation of this all.”
she waves off her serious tone with another smile, “sorry, i got a little too serious there. but, with this festival and i’ve heard you’ve signed up for quite some booths, you’re going to have fun. i promise. and don’t worry too much about the games. i think with you as a partner, your team would have the highest chance of winning,” a pause. “hell, if you want, i’ll come with you. staying stuck in this office all day while you guys are out having fun sounds like quite a bore.”
Self Worth | Dahee & Amber
This is stupid this is really stupid.  Dahee glues herself to her spot for a moment, feeling the ridiculousness of the situation wash over her.  It is only the reassurance that Amber has worked with her for months now that pulls Dahee away from the security of the door.  And she does so with heavy steps, unintentionally dragging her feet a bit.  Goodness this is embarrassing.  Nevertheless, Dahee takes a seat on the edge of the offered chair, and sits erect.  She blinks once, then twice, and then realizes that Amber has already asked her what’s wrong.  
“The games.”  She starts cryptically, and chews on the inside of her cheek.  “I signed up for some festival stuff but…I don’t know.”  Dahee sighs in aggravation and runs her hand through her hair.  “I don’t know if I should even bother signing up for the games.  Even if I got a partner I’d probably just drag them down and the solo mission probably wouldn’t go well either.  I mean–I want to I just…it’s stupid.”  She wrings her hands together anxiously and tries to think of a way to explain herself, unsuccessfully.  “I just wonder if it would even be worth it.”  Dahee knows Amber isn’t going to be too pleased with this kind of talk, but she can handle that as long as some guidance came with it.     
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nxamber-blog · 8 years
immediately, the news of free milk tea grabbed her attention. she watched as the barista basically waved around a bag of that delicious tea. not to mention, it was free? she was never one to turn down anything free, especially since she had learned from a young age: “the best things in life are free.” 
a part of her was ready to shove any other competitors away from the offer, but the sane (not as milk tea driven) part of her shut down the thought with a firm no. that same part was also telling her the barista was a little weird, and she might want to watch what she was getting into. the prospect of free (and delicious) milk tea was enough to shut down that thought.
“hey!” she said, before anyone else could, “i’ll take you up on that offer,” before she made her way over to where the barista was.
✖ ;; not my cup of tea.
( x )
Well, today he had a bag of expensive milk tea, courtesy of one of his family’s associations. He had a cup of it last time and darn, that was one of the best milk tea he had ever tasted! There was the sound of someone entering, another customer, but Joonyoung did not bother. No, what mattered n ow was that he was going to have a cup of milk tea with whoever said yes to what he was about to offer. “YO EVERONE! I got some helluva’ expensive milk tea with me now so who wants to have a free cup and deal with me?”
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nxamber-blog · 8 years
as a mentor, amber had at least some knowledge of the students that attended the institute. what kind of mentor would she be if she didn’t even know the students? she’s supposed to guide them, after all, and it always helps to have a personal connection. although, most of the time, she’s not much older than the students (perhaps even younger). she knows what’s it’s like to be struggling with your abilities; she went through it herself.
passing by the hallway, amber is quick to notice a lone figure perched on the bench. her eyes are closed, and all her belongings are kind of laid haphazardly around her. a clear sign of help arrives in the appearance of those dark eye bags, something that usually correlates to stress and therefore, not enough sleep. amber’s own smile turns down into a frown at the sight, and she finds herself approaching the sleeping girl quietly, as to not startle her.
worry is evident in her features, and already she’s trying to formulate a solution to the problem. she’s not sure if she should wake her though, seeing as the bags under the girl’s eyes are dark enough to entail not enough sleep for a handful of days. 
amber clears her throat softly, stepping closer to the sleeping girl. she lowers her voice into an almost whisper, just enough to be heard. 
“hey? are you okay? do you need to go to the health office?”
* 「 — ☆ ❛ somnambulant.
( x )
if she could make it there in one piece. then she would call it quite a successful day.
but the more she continued, the more she slowed her pace. she knew she wasn’t going to make it. she would have to skip that class for the day and while that didn’t sit well with her, there was nothing she could do about it. instead, she found a bench for her to sit down on and let her eyes close– only intending to do so for a couple of seconds. but then those few seconds became a few minutes and soon enough, the next round of classes already started. yet she remained there with her bag haphazardly laying on the ground and her cane laid across her lap. 
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nxamber-blog · 8 years
amber shifts her eyes from her phone to the clock hanging on her wall, watching as time passes by so idly. something tugs on the back of her mind, whispering for her to rewind, to experience something a little different. she pushes the impulse away, steels herself back to remain in the present. lunch had already come and gone, but despite that, amber can still feel herself craving for a slice of pizza. of course, she cannot leave now, especially when she has an appointment in just a matter of minutes. 
she’s still contemplating whether or not she should freeze time to go and grab a pizza when a knock interrupts her thoughts. her gaze slides from the clock down to dahee’s own gaze, a smile already curving on her lips at the girl’s entrance. she can sense the anxiousness from the other, and amber nods, almost like a greeting. 
“hey!” she chirps, shifting in her seat slightly and clicking off her phone, “of course, come on in, dahee.” she waits for the other to sit down before continuing, “so, what’s on your mind?” 
Self Worth | Dahee & Amber
Advertisements are everywhere for it.  The entire institute is buzzing with excitement over the games and Dahee can’t help but feel terrified the more she hears about it.  How in the world could she compete?  What is a mutant like her going to be able to do?  Give her opponents an adrenaline overload?  Well—actually that isn’t a bad idea but not exactly viable for everything and frankly it doesn’t make her feel better.  She might as well just join the medical team for the aftermath. At least then she would actually have some sort of use.  
There aren’t many people she would reveal this worry to.  Except for maybe her mentor for the past few months, Amber Liu.  Generally speaking, Dahee avoided the staff population of the school pretty devoutly but Amber was different.  They had actually made some sort of connection and it is because of that she isn’t afraid to ask for a meeting with the other in private. Which actually happens in the other’s office just after lunch.  She knocks on the door a few times before poking her head in.  “I know I’m a few minutes early, but is now a good time?” Her anxiousness probably clear even just from the way she speaks and it aggravates her.  
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