numbfour · 2 months
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numbfour · 2 months
me: oh man im starving but im not sure what i should make for dinner……
the spirit of a 12th century templar knight that died a horrific death due to torture that started haunting me after i found a sword in the middle of the woods: spaghetti once more, prithee?
me: henry you are brilliant. spaghetti it is
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numbfour · 2 months
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Holy shit, there’s more! ❤️💀
Photos of Robert Sheehan by Sergei Sarakhanov
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numbfour · 2 months
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I. Am. Speechless. 😍😍
Photos of Robert Sheehan by Sergei Sarakhanov
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numbfour · 2 months
i'll fucking do it but christ alive
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numbfour · 2 months
Klaus wasn't sure if this guy was trying to be cute or if it just came naturally, but he definitely was trying to butter him up. His coffees might be good but "world class"?
...Ohhh fffffiiiiiine. Alright. He still didn't think that food service was for him. But he might enjoy it more if all patrons were this quick to compliment him. Fake or not, a little ego-fluffing never hurt.
"Uhhumm, just me," he said, scribbling on his notepad. "Usually there's at least one more guy with me but he fell into a fountain and broke his wrist." He tried not to smile there, but his traitorous mouth wobbled. "He was proposing to his fiancée and whoop, slipped on the stone I guess and tumbled in, ring and all— Would that be plain or everything? The bagel."
          Klaus' immediate reaction to being recognized in return was to grimace. He'd ridden in the backs of enough ambulances that he was practically considered a regular customer back home--but surely gossip couldn't have traveled this far do-- oh.
          "I do?" A laugh startled out of him. "I do! Yeah, oh, my god!" Klaus wheezed, tickled with relief. Did he make the best coffee? Or was that flattery? Both? Didn't matter; he was pleased as punch either way. "You know, I was gonna say 'on me' because you're a paramedic. But I'll take the compliment, no take-backsies." He grinned. "So, what'll it be for ya?"
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numbfour · 3 months
I'm Mr. Loverman And I miss my lover, man I'm Mr. Loverman Oh, and I miss my lover
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numbfour · 3 months
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Matthew Daddario
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numbfour · 3 months
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numbfour · 3 months
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numbfour · 3 months
remembering that time i got drunk and told a guy he looked like a wrought iron gate
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numbfour · 4 months
"is this about death or sex" what do you mean "or"
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numbfour · 6 months
          "Oop." Klaus stopped mid-rise and wobbled back into a crouch. His knees were starting to hurt, but what the hell. How was he supposed to leave with that kind of reaction? He patted her arm once, then stiffly plopped onto his bum next to her, fingers sliding down to loosely loop around her wrist. "Orrr I don't have to go anywhere. That's fine. You're gonna be fine." 
          All the while, he never stopped stroking her wrist with his thumb in little, quick circles, round and round.
          "Feel better?"
          “I know, babe, it really sucks,” Klaus cooed, rubbing her fiercely between the shoulders. “But take it from someone who has been in your position more times that he can count… Well, it’s going to suck a little more, but it will get better!” Then, quietly, “Guess partying like we just survived the end of the world was premature, huh?”
          Klaus caught a strand of hair threatening to slip over her shoulder and gently twisted it back up into her ponytail.
          “After you’re done, let’s get you back on the couch and I’ll drop by the corner store for aspirin.”
“I think I am,” She grumbled reaching up to flush the toilet. Her stomach didn’t have the taught-yet-bubbling feeling anymore. The prospect of getting up and laying on the couch might as well have been asking her to cross the desert on foot, instead she sat with her back against the tub. She tugged Klaus’s arm to keep him from leaving. 
“No!” She yelped when he suggested he’d go to the store. Nova felt like shit, and sure medicine would help but more than that “I don’t wanna be alone.” 
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numbfour · 6 months
          Klaus' immediate reaction to being recognized in return was to grimace. He'd ridden in the backs of enough ambulances that he was practically considered a regular customer back home--but surely gossip couldn't have traveled this far do-- oh.
          "I do?" A laugh startled out of him. "I do! Yeah, oh, my god!" Klaus wheezed, tickled with relief. Did he make the best coffee? Or was that flattery? Both? Didn't matter; he was pleased as punch either way. "You know, I was gonna say 'on me' because you're a paramedic. But I'll take the compliment, no take-backsies." He grinned. "So, what'll it be for ya?"
Mm, "Guilty," he said with an apologetic grin, dropping his slim leather wallet (more a cardholder than anything) down onto the table in front of him. He was in here most Tuesday mornings, these days, sometimes already wearing his uniform, and sometimes - like today - with a bubble tea in hand (little cart up the street). It was not unusual to be recognised.
"I'm at the firehouse 'round the corner. I left my cards." Still sorta guilty. He would have liked to pay upfront, and tip as well as he usually did. Instead he was wondering if maybe he should skip breakfast altogether.
Still -- the guy had recognised him, and TK looked up to check him out, now, a curved, loose finger lifting to try to plaaaaaace hiiiiim -- "You're, uhhhhh. Klaus, right?" More of a statement of fact than a guess. TK had been around often enough to hear his chatter in the kitchen. Yes, Klaus. The finger half-tapped the air, matter settled as he leant back into his seat, "You make the best coffee."
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numbfour · 6 months
oh, hollow art... i miss you
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numbfour · 6 months
          Klaus was pretty sure food service was not his thing. His night shifts at the little Italian place were fine, y'know, whatever. He did okay with tips there, sure, he could shmooze and flatter with the best of 'em, but godddddddddddd... morning shift at The Grind sucked. It was a small coffee shop, the kind where you didn't so much wait tables as stand behind a counter all day, taking orders for ridiculously named espressos and overpriced lattes until your brain ran out your ears like whipped topping.
          Or maybe it just felt like that because for the first time in Klaus' rollercoaster life, he had neither the crazy party life or literal apocalyptic drama to deal with. He just had his thoughts. Thoughts and coffee beans. Lots 'n' lots 'n' looots of coffee beans...
          "Yeah, sure, hon." Klaus flipped open his notebook, licked the end of his pen, and finally found the energy to look at his newest customer. Half-lidded eyes focused, then widened. "Oh. Hey, you're a paramedic, right?"
here's an open, pay for/cover TK's breakfast 🥺
... He was short. TK paused, thumb running over the edge of what cash he did have in his wallet today, but his dad had taken something for the Uber to his latest girlfriend's place last night, and TK, having waited in this line for twenty minutes, had not remembered that he was $10 short before he was reaching to pay for his food.
"Oh." His cards (the ones he'd use to pay, not his ID) were with his phone, which he'd left at work yesterday on his way out the door. There was a take a penny, leave a penny tray. TK doubted the spirit of it was 1000 pennies.
This was his breakfast, and the only chance he'd have to actually stop somewhere and eat before he was back at work again. Back-to-back shifts. He'd only gone home to sleep in the first place. "Um. You take IOUs?"
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numbfour · 7 months
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