nullactor · 9 years
Over the course of running Crash Override, we’ve gotten a lot of cases where people were worried about their livelihoods. What happens if they find my stalker’s blogs about me? Will they fire me from all the phone calls from strangers? They’re mass emailing my boss demanding I be fired - even...
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nullactor · 9 years
I'm going to assume you all knew about this amazing cover for The Atlas Moth's The Old Believer, right?
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nullactor · 10 years
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mining and a new ship (inspired by the Cobra from Elite).
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nullactor · 10 years
Here’s a bunch of things I’ve wanted to say about the fallout from this piece but have largely thought weren’t worth stooping to address. I now feel like it’s important to have a record of this stuff going into the future, something more than a collection of tweets to point at and say—what...
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nullactor · 10 years
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Hi [Insert “The Truth Is Somewhere In The Middle” Advocate’s Name Here],
I am writing this letter in good faith and hoping that you can see it as such. Obviously, I can’t speak for everyone with this stance, but I want to let you know why people like me, who you deem “anti-gg”, may not be so...
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nullactor · 10 years
As a software engineer, I don’t like broad, never-ending goals. I like to focus on smaller, attainable goals. In that vein, I’m ready to announce something. I am in the process of setting up a legal defense fund for women targeted by Gamergate.
One of the biggest ways Gamergate operates is...
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nullactor · 10 years
Chris's book Elixer is really damn good. I'm one of his advance readers. When it finally gets published: You want to read it.
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Elixir Has an Agent!
After four drafts and a lot of query letters, I’ve been offered representation for my latest novel, Elixir, by a literary agent. This is a very good thing. While it’s not guarantee of publication, it’s an important step in the process. A great number of publishers won’t even look at a manuscript submission unless it comes from an agent. This opens a lot of doors!
It’s also reassuring from a personal standpoint. While I’ve thought for quite some time that Elixir is my best work so far, and certainly good enough to be picked up by a publisher, it’s immeasurably heartening to know that someone professionally involved in the business thinks this is a sellable book.
So, I’m pleased to announce that I’ll be working with Ms. Kirsten Carleton of Waxman Leavell Literary Agency, to try and get my book into publishers’ hands. That in itself can be a long, long journey … but I’ll keep everyone updated as things move along. In the meantime, I’m 42,000+ words into the first draft of my new novel, Pulse, a sci-fi thriller in the vein of The Matrix, Dark City, and Stephen King’s Cell. That should keep me busy while we work on finding a home for Elixir!
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nullactor · 10 years
Toronto Mayoral Race: an endorsement for Olivia Chow [please reblog!]
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Like many Torontonians, I have been disheartened with the quality of city government, which has been sliding into a right-wing, populist doldrums ever since the amalgamation of the city with its suburban neighbours under Mike Harris, back in 1998; finally, though, there’s a candidate for mayor that I can really get behind: Olivia Chow.
Read more…
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nullactor · 10 years
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A year ago I broke up with my girlfriend of three years. I moved out. I ran away from who we had become, from the terrible emotional mess I had become. Terrible start for a tumblr post, I know, but bear with me for a while, if you have a bit of time. If you don’t, it’s okay too.
So, a year ago.
I was doing freelance at the time, working weird hours, balancing between long periods of paralysing self-doubt and forced overwork to make sure I’d deliver on contract work. I had been hiding anxiety crises for a while, never telling her or my friends about it, except maybe when it was painfully obvious - then I’d just say I was just a bit tired, that it was very rare. I was ashamed of not being okay, so I hid myself away from everyone, therefore I became even worse, so I had to crawl even further in my metaphorical hiding hole. I became distant to my girlfriend at the time, so she got frustrated and became distant, so I got frustrated at her and became even more distant. I probably made no sense, constantly switching between looking for attention/love and hiding from attention/love. I was a mess, and I never talked about it clearly. I never really asked for help, because my problems were a big knot of unimportant problems and unexplainable anxiety.
So anyway, we broke up, I moved out, I moved on.
Now a year later, I started over. I’m with a wonderful girl, an amazing, lovely, caring girl. She’s had a concretely tough year, but we took care of each other as best we could. I got the best job ever, working with super talented friends on a super inspiring project. I’m confident in my art, somehow, and it’s weird. In the past year, I’ve been myself more than ever. My life is full of positives, and it’s great. 
I’m broke because I didn’t do much work during the “crisis” and poorly managed my money. I still have a few anxiety attacks here and there. I stress out about work, have moments of jealousy, get struck by impostor syndrome. I avoid sleep to not have to deal with some of my thoughts. My mother is on leave because she’s not feeling great, and it terrifies me. I’m not in good physical shape, I eat too much and don’t work out often enough. I’m afraid my emotional weakness will scare my fantastic girlfriend away. So, still kind of a mess?
Feels weird to say those things out loud and in this case to write them so clearly. I’m not okay, but I’m sort of okay with it? Now the hard part - I hope YOU are okay with it. I’m not asking for support, at least not in the “transfering some of my weight to you” sense. I hope we can all be okay with not being okay, together, by listening to each other. Sympathizing, loving, hugging, high fiving, congratulating each other. Make it okay to not be okay by saying it out loud, by smiling at how fucked up we all are, by laughing at how we have no idea what we’re doing.
tl;dr - It’s okay to not be okay but it’d be cool if we, all together,  were okay with not being okay
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nullactor · 10 years
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I am the master of movement code.
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nullactor · 10 years
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PAX East is right around the corner, and we’ll be there in full force. Once again Capy is teaming up with our superbuds Double Fine to create the next iteration of the CAPY FINE BOOTH. We’ll be right next to our pals Supergiant, and in the same area as the amazing Indie Megabooth. It should be fun! So, what are we bringing?
Well, for the first time ever, players will have a chance to dive into the depths of BELOW. Sit down, put on a pair of headphones, pick up a controller and explore, survive, discover… and then probably die.
As a special bonus, Jim Guthrie (composer of BELOW as well as Superbrothers: Sword & Sworcery EP) himself will be in attendance! He’s one of the top humans we know of on earth, and if you dug #Sworcery, make sure to pop by and say hello.
“Awww but I want to blow up sweet robots instead!!!” you say? Well then head on over the Microsoft booth and play a nearly final version of our totally bazonkers hyper-action videogame Super Time Force, chock full of single player co-op goodness, sweet explosions and fuzzy chip tunes by 6955! Thanks to our friends at ID@Xbox, PAX East attendees will asplode some robots, and if you die, just try and try and try and try and try and try and try again!
This PAX East is going to be nuts!!! Come hang out with us!
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nullactor · 10 years
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One of the Americans is going to get a nasty surprise, I guess. You’d think for important financial stuff you’d get your email address right. Well, he got my email address right. But that doesn’t help him much, does it? 
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nullactor · 10 years
I've read the first draft of this book (about to start the second), and it's *really* good. You should all follow him, and then eagerly anticipate the release of this book.
I’ve wrapped up draft two of my near-future revenge thriller, currently titled Elixir. Set in the partially flooded city of Brooklyn in 2058, after a civil war has torn apart the US, Elixir tells the story of Clay Foster, a former covert ops soldier, now a Brooklyn cop battling the rise of a...
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nullactor · 10 years
Listen/purchase: West by Disasterpeace / Derris-Kharlan
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nullactor · 10 years
What the smart man said.
Try as I might, I can’t shake the feeling that 2014 is the year we lose the Web. The W3C push for DRM in all browsers is going to ensure that all interfaces built in HTML5 (which will be pretty much everything) will be opaque to users, and it will be illegal to report on security flaws in them...
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nullactor · 10 years
Definitely check out my metal tumblr: http://thisismymetal.tumblr.com
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nullactor · 11 years
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I made another print for my wife’s birthday this year​, as an accompaniment to the previous print I made her.
(My wife is an aerospace engineer, which is why they’re all space themed​)
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