nudestuck · 11 years
Sorry, lactoria, that this is ending up on your gorgeous photoset. Some of you might have forgotten this, but Nudestuck used to update only when it received new content, and that could be anywhere from days to months apart. Since coming on as admins--seeing as we're round four for this blog--we've worked very hard to change this. And by "worked very hard," we mean spend anywhere from one to five hours (unfortunately, this is neither a joke nor an exaggeration) per day that Nudestuck updates to track down content, plus come up with something cute to say at the bottom. Is that a complaint? Nope, every second of it is a labor of love. And in return for that, we ask one thing: that if you want your photos featured, that you submit an ID with them.
Now, based on the number of asks we get on the reasoning behind the ID rules, it appears that said reasoning needs to be made even more clear. Why do we keep these "draconian" ID rules? Well, people, there's a group called the FBI (among others) out there, and they really don't like something called child pornography. And since we post explicit, NFSW photos, we have to make sure that no one is underage in them. Ergo, the ID rules.
Finally, to the point of all of this: it is unfair to both you the viewers and you the cosplayers to have a few cosplayers posting all of the content--after all, it isn't their responsibility to fill this blog with content (even if they are really awesome for trying to). If you need a recap of the events that led up to this, we would suggest you look at the last news post. We're still going to do what we've been doing as admins, but we aren't going to post on a set schedule anymore. We'll post as often as we can--that doesn't mean we're going to stop posting, stop asking, or that you're off the hook if you want your content on here. To be slightly more positive for a second, things will probably look up a bit as soon as exam season ends and con season gets into full swing.
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Damara Megido - schoolgirl remix
photo/edits: cornuta
first teaser set here damkri set
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nudestuck · 11 years
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There is no reason to 8e so nervous, especially considering you are only dreaming. *Again, thanks to everyone who's been submitting, but we're still taking it day-by-day, and we would still appreciate responses from all o you wonderful cosplayers!
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nudestuck · 11 years
In lieu of naked bodies*, tonight we’re going to finally answer the anonymous asks in our inbox:
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We don't know of any with all four beta kids, but would all four alpha kids suffice for now?
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If you're asking if we know of any nudestuck gifs, check our archive and the nudestuck tag.
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We don't usually ask people to go off anon, but in this case, if you could please message us off anon, we'd be happy to talk about it with you.
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For the record, we have received acceptable intra-governmental ID before, but we *completely* understand why you would be unwilling to use your military ID; if you have no other form of identification (a scan of your birth certificate along with a non-governmental photo ID such as a school ID would be acceptable, if over-the-top), then we're sorry, but there's nothing we can really do.
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And a continual reminder to all you cosplayers of how much people appreciate the work you do!
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Mod 1: AH-HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHHAHHAHAHAHHHAHAHAHHHHHAHAHAAAAaaaaa... Mod 2: In all seriousness, both of us would love to see this community still thriving in 4-5 years, and we'd love to accept your submission at that time. ^^
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And on that note:
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This definitely sounds like something we (mods and community both) would be interested in, please do keep us posted!
  *Since we’ve been on the reduced schedule the past couple of weeks, content and ID submissions have continued to trail off.  We’ve been saved a couple of times by some truly wonderful cosplayers and their last-minute submissions (truly, thank all of you again, both recently, and throughout Nudestuck’s past!), and while people have been posting nudestuck, you haven’t been responding to our asks for ID.  We have exactly three IDs of cosplayers who’ve also been actively posting nudestuck, and we’ve always tried very hard to uphold a maximal diversity of cosplayers, regardless of the high quality of content across the board; to those who’ve submitted in the past/we’ve already received your ID, we know it’s the beginnings of both exam and con seasons, and that you’re trying to finish your cosplays and are busy.  But if you have been posting nudestuck recently, and you haven’t seen your content on this blog, there’s a reason.  We cannot assume, nor do we know, that you’re 18+; nor is saying you’d be happy to submit ID the same as actually doing so.  If that seems blunt, it is.  We have tried subtlety in the past, it does not work.  We need to hear from you in order for this blog to continue providing fresh content.  Thus, if we are in the same position come Monday, we cannot in good conscience do anything but place Nudestuck on indefinite hiatus.  That is, by Monday, April 22, 2013, before 10:00 PM EST (7:00 PM PST), we’d need to actually receive ID (either in response to an ask or of your own volition), an original submission (also with ID), or a link to reblog (if you’ve submitted in the past).
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nudestuck · 11 years
arsenicCatnip and Old Lace?
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nudestuck · 11 years
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nudestuck · 11 years
• • • Just HOW  do you even have to BE just to DO something like that........
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While we wait for my shark week to GO AWAY so I can feel comfortable again to take pictures for photosets… Have this.
I had this lying around for a while and, yeah. Bondage!trickster!Davesprite anyone?
If it isn’t OBVIOUS, the purple skin color is a bad photoshop job I did. Because I took this picture just for the hell of it, and like hell i would paint my skin for that.
Fun fact: that’s a jawbreaker ball gag. Those things are super amusing by the way. I wear them by myself sometimes, because why the hell not? After all, if you have no one to use things with, why not take matters on your own hands?
I actually wanted to do more with t!Davesprite dear, specially now that my wings are properly colored and all, but aaaah, I don’t even know. I’m probably the only one way too madly in love with this character.
Don’t even know why I’m tagging this with nudestuck, since you can’t see ANYTHING.
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nudestuck · 11 years
Or monsters and/or puppets in the closet.  This time.
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presented without apology
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nudestuck · 11 years
Apologies, there won't be a proper Nudestuck post tonight, as we're gearing back down to a twice-a-week schedule. As we've mentioned in some ask responses, there's been a big slowdown in OC submissions and while people have been posting pics elsewhere, we haven't been having the best of luck with getting permissions, etc. ourselves. Since this blog, at its core, has always been about showcasing the community as a whole--and to keep from burning through absolutely everything we've ever received permission to use in the past--we feel it is in the best interest of the spirit of the blog to slow down posting than to spam the same handful of artists in rotation every week regardless of the quality of their work.
If you have posted something new in the past month and haven't heard from us yet regarding ID/permission to post, you're probably going to hear from us very soon (so if you'd like to beat us to the punch, we'd very much appreciate it). As always, thanks to everyone who has submitted content or alerted us to its existence on their blog--we really do appreciate you guys, you are, after all, what keeps Nudestuck going.
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nudestuck · 11 years
O+ne should never have to+ co+ver o+ne's true self... o+r bitchin' tats.
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Me as Porrim Maryam.
Erotic photoset we did for Homestuck’s team 3rd level’s challange quest at ‘Fandom Kombat’ @ diary.ru We thought her having nipple piercings was a better idea than covering up so… yeah.
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nudestuck · 11 years
So I assume that even if fifteen is the legal age of consent where I live (Denmark, if you're wondering), I still ought to wait until I'm eighteen to submit anything, right?
You assume correctly. The age of consent where we live in the US is actually 16, HOWEVER, federal law trumps state law, and the federal age of consent for pornography is 18.On top of the fact that there are federal laws demanding pornographic images include no one under 18, ambiguity in the international enforcement of internet traffic means that the standard is 18 regardless, ergo, it's 18 on this blog.
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nudestuck · 11 years
Would this page object to posting photoseries of cosplayers actually having sex with each other?
Not in the slightest! We just haven't happened upon any photoseries of cosplayers having sex.
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nudestuck · 11 years
My girlfrond brings all the trolls to t)(e s)(ip graveyard!
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i have the h0ttest gillfr0nd on alternia! She makes me burn like the green sun
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nudestuck · 11 years
Has someone been a bad dog?
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nudestuck · 11 years
They both then proceeded to have one of the best ninja sword duels in the history of paradox space.
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bro you left your stuff here you should come here and get it
A late New Year’s post to all my lovely followers and all the amazing people who supported the blog <3
Yes I’m a girl.
Yes I like Stridercest.
Don’t hit on my silly boys!
I tried to make this into a photoset but tumblr wouldn’t let me…
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nudestuck · 11 years
Do you ask certain nudestuckers to come back and take more pictures for the blog if requested? I would love to see more nudestuck of the Bro (from askbroandlilman) and also the Roxy (fluttersquid) and the faceless Roxy from post number 33748895384. If not, then I apologize! Please at least inform them that they received requests for more nudestuck? Thanks again! Your blog is great.
We don't actually ask people to do cosplay just for us--typically, we only contact someone once they've already posted cosplay to ask if we can reblog it. A fair number of cosplayers will also contact us when they post nudestuck (though if they've been featured recently, we will frequently wait a few days so that the blog doesn't just feature the same couple of cosplayers).It never hurts to ask to see more of someone or something--speaking of, we're compiling a list of all the asks we've gotten for specific cosplays. If anyone is interested in that, we should be able to post it relatively soon.
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nudestuck · 11 years
what would I have to do to remove a really old submission I made from Nudestuck?
You would need to contact us either by email or through tumblr (with Anon turned off), link to the post where your submission appeared, and ask us to take it down. We'll take it down as soon as we see your message.
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nudestuck · 11 years
More male nudestuck pls ! OTL
How about you check back tomorrow? >:] > :] >:]
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