nubbins-sawyer · 1 month
[ OOC ]
9 hours ago, we found out my aunt died. I'm unsure what the cause was.
she was my best friend. she accepted every part of me and let me vent about my mother as a child when I didn't feel safe to talk to anyone else. she was a fantastic woman
my blog will return eventually but I just need a break.
you are free to keep sending asks and interactions
thank you for your patience.
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nubbins-sawyer · 1 month
Hey folks! Glad some of you are enjoying my blog!
There are a couple asks that y'all sent in that I haven't gotten to yet and I apologize! I'll be back to responding soon, just very busy irl and lacking the motivation to answer at the moment.
You can keep sending asks and stuff and I'll get to em, just taking a short break from responding! ♡
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nubbins-sawyer · 1 month
💚Sure can!! Just be a little slower, I gotta hard head so it didn’t hurt me I promise! Try again and take your time!
💚 Once again he took a deep breath and leaned closer to your face— slower this time— and placed a gentle kiss on your cheek. "How's that?" He then pulled you in a hug. <3
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nubbins-sawyer · 1 month
💜Hey chop!! You a snuggly kinda guy?? If so can we snuggle?? It gets real cold around here and some body heat would do real good.
💜 He grinned. "Well sure, come on over!" He yoinked you down into his lap(/nsx) and wrapped his arms around your torso, sitting his head on your shoulder. "How's this?"
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nubbins-sawyer · 1 month
💚Yes!! I mean it, that kinda kiss :) it don’t gotta be on the lips or nothin!
💚 "If you really want it, I guess." He chuckled. He hesitated for a moment before leaning in– perhaps a little too fast– to place a kiss on your cheek. His head bonked yours. "Damnit! Sorry, I've never done this before," He patted your head. "Could I try again?"
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nubbins-sawyer · 1 month
If you had a pet, what would it be? 🧡
🧡 "A 𝘱𝘦𝘵? I already got that big 'ol thing over there!" He pointed at Bubba. "I feed him and take care of him and watch him!"
He hesitated before leaning closer. He spoke quietly. "Between you and me.. I've always wanted a cat. One of them low energy cats that don't really bother ya. When I was younger, I wanted one of them spotted dogs– dalmatians, I think. But I ain't got the energy for a big hound anymore."
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nubbins-sawyer · 1 month
💚 can I get a kissy kissy <3
💚 He stared at you for a moment, eyes wide. "A kiss? Like.." He folded his hands like puppets and pressed his fingertips together. "L-Like this? You sure you want that?" He smiled nervously.
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nubbins-sawyer · 1 month
💜 hey choptop, man, dude! Should I buy some vinyl, if so which ones?
💜 "Hell yeah, man! You gotta get all the good ones! In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida by Iron Butterfly for sure! And, uh.. Pink Floyd is pretty rad, and The Beatles, and Jimi Hendrix—" He scratches his plate. "Oh, hell, let me take you down to pick some out!"
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nubbins-sawyer · 1 month
🧡How’s the best cook I know doin?? You got any leftover chili? I’ll work for it!
🧡 "Leftovers? We don't keep leftovers 'round here. They never get eaten, and it's a waste of food! Don't you know there are folks out there without any?" He sighed. "If you work for me, I'll make you a fresh batch, how's that sound?" He fought back a smile.
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nubbins-sawyer · 1 month
💙- Care for a dance?
💙 He nodded eagerly. He wiped his hands on his already very dirty apron and grabbed your hands. He made sort of sing-like groans as he danced side to side with you. He then started to twirl you around- over and over and over. He loved having a willing dance partner! <3
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nubbins-sawyer · 1 month
💜 ah fuck choptop, why do you leave your records just laying around? I just broke one.
💜 "You 𝙒𝙃𝘼𝙏?" He scowled. "What'd you break?! Oh, my golden oldies! You better replace whatever you broke!" He whined. "You bitch hog, you owe me!"
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nubbins-sawyer · 1 month
Drayton, at what age did your hairline start receding? 🧡
🧡 "Hardy har, real funny." He rolled his eyes. "Oh, I dunno.. late 20s? early 30s? What can you expect, ya know? My young years went down the drain taking care of 𝘛𝘏𝘖𝘚𝘌 idiots." He gestured to Bubba and Nubbins.
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nubbins-sawyer · 2 months
💚 Hey cricket! I brought ya some bugs! And some bones. Most are bird bones but I gotcha a cow skull!! Also can we take some pictures in the sunflowers? I think they’re real pretty.
💚 He grinned from ear to ear. "These are awesome!! I'm gonna hang them all up in my room!"
He smiled even brighter when you mentioned taking pictures. "I-I'd love to! The sunflowers are especially pretty while the sun is setting!"
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nubbins-sawyer · 2 months
💙 He let out an excited grunt before looking around— He had to make sure his brothers wouldn't see him! He looks at you, tilts his head, and places a kiss on your forehead. <3
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nubbins-sawyer · 2 months
I would pay for a hug drayton I beg 🧡
🧡 His gaze slowly shifts over, meeting yours. "A hug? You'll pay me- 𝘤𝘢𝘴𝘩 𝘮𝘰𝘯𝘦𝘺- for a little squeeze?" He hesitates. "How much we talkin' here?"
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nubbins-sawyer · 2 months
❤ Do you think you'll ever add Stretch and Lefty?
❤ Well, to be honest, I don't like Lefty. I don't particularly like him, I just don't like him. I'm also not a fan of stretch.
The answer here is no, probably not. I feel like it's easier to analyze the Sawyers and give them personality traits and quirks and headcanons and stuff while the victims don't really have complex stories, yknow?
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nubbins-sawyer · 2 months
What’s up chop! I got some real cool pins and stuff I’ve been collectin if ya want a few!
-your favorite hippy, Atlas
💜 "Far-out! I've been looking for new pins!" He flashes you a toothy grin.
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