ntthsou · 23 days
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"Now, what is it you dream of most?" ... I want to keep singing on that stage. (With you.)
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ntthsou · 1 month
monaca♡ice Special Book #0
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ntthsou · 1 month
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and it means So Much and is so important to me that its yuujirou's hand on aizou's back supporting and reassuring him. especially when you consider th
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ntthsou · 1 month
may this post be a reminder if there would come a day i'd lose my memories.
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last stage english translation notes by aizou & yuujirou
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ntthsou · 1 month
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Okay so from top to bottom
Blue pen (Yuujiro): "(about zutto's "to") Without losing breath making sure to synchronize" "(about kitto) like you were releasing something with strength" "(about kamishime) with feeling!" "(Sono toki made) Stop your breath. Be specially aware of the [de]" "DANCE!" "WITH POWER! Put attack power into (kusogaki's) [ku] and [ga] "
Red pen (Aizo): "make sure to put feeling into [karanai]" "Breath at [wo] (from egao)" "wouldn't it be better to make [mitsume utstteru] sound softer?" "(About the chorus)Without trying to make yourself look cool! Just come at it straight ahead!" "SING!" "(about fan wo damashite until sore demo ii to omotteta) Like you're trying to cover up your feelings"
You really are a brat <- that's you/says you
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ntthsou · 2 months
Spent over seven hours in a row editing this to get it out as quickly as humanly possible. My Itakisu subs are now out! Jurikou nation stay winning!
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ntthsou · 2 months
LIPxLIP Radio 2024
Track 1 (Meoto part)
Yuujirou: We did different kinds of photoshoots for the cd jackets and music videos for the songs included in this album. Aizou, is there something that left an impression on you?
Aizou: If we’re talking about the one that left an impression on me… Well… Of course, it’s all of them, but I’m glad we did that. Meoto’s photoshoot.
Yuujirou: Ah, Meoto. Hmm, because it’s a song with a particular genre, the impression is that of the Japanese clothing, right?
Aizou: Yes, yes. That was really super cool! There probably weren't that many chances in which LIPxLIP is dressed in Japanese clothes. I also wanted to wear one for a music video!
Yuujirou: Like the yukata in summer, New year’s kimono… Although we are able to have seasonal photoshoots, this is the first time we wore our original attire, right?
Aizou: It’s more luxurious than I imagined, and very splendid. When we wore it, it surprised me and I thought it was amazing! Although I enjoyed the photoshoot, it would be impossible to dance like we usually do wearing that attire.
Yuujirou: Aizou moves a lot, so before you know it, the attire would come apart.
Aizou: When he saw that, Yuujirou fixed it right away before the costume staff could come over. You’re amazing.
Yuujirou: It’s because I’m used to wearing it to some extent.
Aizou: That’s right. So uhmm, then what song left an impression on you?
Yuujirou: All of them left an impression on me, but I think it’s the filming for the music video of LOVE&KISS.
T/N: Keep in mind that Japanese and English aren’t my first language. I never claim my translation (attempts) to be error-free. As always, if you’re going to use or reference my translations, please do not claim it as your own and credit me.
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ntthsou · 2 months
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Some more totally accurate aiyuu memes
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ntthsou · 2 months
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Made some totally accurate memes for if lxl became canon
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ntthsou · 3 months
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I absolutely had to do this.
Credit here.
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ntthsou · 3 months
ok but. with meoto aizo’s ✨demon reveal✨ one of his lines in the first verse kinda makes sense now?
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i did think that it was kinda weird that he said 「同情もない」 before he and meoto yujiro got married. which y’know, kinda funny choice considering the other time he used 同情 was when he gave mona that umbrella out of pity that day in the rain
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but with the reveal, i guess local demon aizo just couldn’t find it in himself to muster up some pity for the poor human sacrifice who was to be wedded to him
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and he chose to fall in love with her instead, i guess, so who’s the real winner here?
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ntthsou · 3 months
tfw your ship
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kissed each other on the (corners of) the lips…
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went on 2 separate honeymoons…
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fed each other doughnuts…
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helped one another get dressed…
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made heart poses together (twice)…
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sang a love song about being each other’s other halves…
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held hands and literally got married…
and y e t they still aren’t confirmed to be canon
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ntthsou · 3 months
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me rn
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ntthsou · 3 months
okay lets look at the lore from the song in itself. the song establishes that aizo is an oni samurai and yujiro is his very human wife.
verse 1 after the pre-chorus says that yujiro has no idea who aizo is, but was married off to him as a sacrifice for his family. it also says that aizo probably has 0 idea about yujiro's situation and agreed to marry him for X reason. the marriage, entirely, had no love involved. "seiryaku no chigiri", the words used, is a phras for arranged/political marriages, and this is the only line they sing together in verse 1. the following line before the chorus says something about snow melting, indicating that the two got married during winter. the lyrics also say "melting", so spring must be approaching.
the next line skips over two seasons (spring and summer), but it does tell you that aizo and yujiro have gotten closer to one another. during this time, aizo isn't home because yujiro sings about waiting for him at home so he was probably gone for some time.
so, it's now fall and aizo is home again. why? because yujiro is cold, and that means the seasons changed again, as said by aizo covering him up so he doesn't freeze over (then getting flustered over touching probably a quarter of his shoulder). they flirt a little more here but i'm gonna skip over that. aizo leaves again after fall after whatever this is because he sings about rushing home to yujiro.
the next line passes over another season, winter, and moves directly to spring, summer, autumn, and winter again. considering they both sing here, i'm guessing this might be the first four seasons they spend with one another.
the song ends here, with it being spring again (hence the sakura), meaning yujiro is waiting for aizo at home—who, to his surprise, arrives and they hold hands.
in conclusion, yujiro was married off to aizo in winter, they grew closer during the following spring and summer but aizo left for samurai things™, then at fall, they're together again, until aizo has to leave during winter for samurai things™ again, but he rushes to return home. they spend four seasons together and fall further in love. finally, it's spring again and yujiro is waiting for aizo to return, while aizo himself rushes to return home. then they hold hands under the sakura and fall in love.
therefore lipxlip is gen3's spring couple.
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ntthsou · 3 months
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congratulations on the happy marriage
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ntthsou · 3 months
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congratulations on the happy marriage
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ntthsou · 3 months
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Laughing drunk vs crying drunk (different occasions)
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