notlilred · 1 year
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notlilred · 1 year
closed starter location: la rose parisienne @glasslippcr​
Lilla didn’t normally eat at places like this, but she wasn’t actually there to buy any food or have some sort of fine dining experience. She was here for Ella and Ella alone. And to drop off some stuff from her granny. She honestly only agreed to doing this last minute because she knew Ella was going to be there. She didn’t know why she found such comfort with the older woman but...she reminded her a lot of her mother. Strong. Beautiful. Delicate. She knew she could never replace her mother and she wasn’t trying to. It was hard not having some sort of moral guide the way she did with her mom, but her end was her own fault so....she had to live with that and make her own mistakes and deal with the fallout on her own. 
Still, it was nice to see Ella. It made her feel human. She rang the bell at the hostess’s stand and scanned the back for her. “Excuse! I need a lovely, lovely, worker named Ella pronto! It is do or die!” When she saw the blonde make her way over she chuckled. “Okay, not really do or die. I just wanted to say hi.”
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notlilred · 1 year
Sara wasn’t sure what the girl’s pull was to the bakery when she knew that Lilla’s grandmother was a baker herself, but she kind of enjoyed the company. Without kids of her own, she saw the girl as some kind of daughter figure, making sure she was spoiled rotten whenever Tom wasn’t looking. “Give it a few minutes, and I can slip you a cupcake in the meantime?” Sara offered, sliding the pastry across the top of the counter with a wink. “How is your granny, by the way? I can’t believe she has you out here in the cold doing deliveries, you ought to get a heavier coat, or some gloves, at least. You’re not going out when it’s dark, are you?”
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Lilla grinned at her, pleased with the idea of a secret cupcake. She took the cupcake happily and dug in, eating like a child, but ingesting the cupcake quickly with a little bit of frosting on her face. “She’s fine. Being some super important bakery lady. I dunno. We haven’t spoken much recently.” She shrugged. Since becoming a shifter, she was unnaturally warm, so the cold didn’t bother her at all. “Pretty girls don’t get cold. Surely, you know that ma'am.” She smiled sweetly at her after that. She thought Sara was so pretty and so kind. She wished her granny was warm like that, but ever since the incident, she has been colder than she ever was. “Yeah, I go out in the dark all the time. Not always for work, though. I just like the night scene. Don’t you go out?”
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notlilred · 1 year
Lilla was a new friend, coming into Dani’s life once New Salem had been introduced to the rest of the world, it seemed. She somehow found herself with more friends in her life than ever, in part because there were people outside New Salem who didn’t think she was weird, and each of them had a little weirdness to them, too. Who knew all it took was a new pool of people to choose from to make her life that much less lonely? “I guess,” Dani groaned, rolling her eyes as she watched the idiots behind the counter laughing at who knew what on their laptops. “We need to come up with something better for them next time. I swear, the dumbest people are the hardest to prank.” Dani headed for the door, hearing the small bell ring as she stepped outside into the cold. “What should we do now? You don’t have to do anything for your granny today, do you?”
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When they finally left that hellhole, Lilla sighed in relief. She liked music, she really did. She had her own record player and all that jazz. She just...could not deal with the fact that idiotic men were the ones who ran that place. They didn’t know the difference between rap and r&b, or pop punk and metal. It was maddening to hear them talk. “That’s because idiots are phased by anything. If we go too complex, they think it’s a joke for them! If we go too simple we risk them missing the prank entirely.” Maybe if she snuck in and shaved ICE on that blonde’s head they would get into some kind of alpha male fight. A girl could dream. “Nope. I’m free! Eager to explore New Salem since I never really get to. Do you mind leading the tour?”
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notlilred · 1 year
Lilla would never admit it, but she was growing quite fond of the Baker’s shop with his wife. She didn’t think their baked goods were better than granny’s but they had the best bread. Of course that was the one thing they had ran out of by the time she skipped into the shop. She was disappointed, but she knew there was a reason that the bread sold out the way it did. “I don’t have a lot of time today, Mrs. Baker,” she said sadly. “I mean...I can maybe try to wait a few minutes but I have a lot of deliveries to get to.....” Then again, what was granny gonna do? Deliver them herself? She thought not. “I could use a in cinnabon too...and maybe a cookie? And....a cupcake or two....”
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open starter!
It was that time of the day when the bakery ran out of bread, and Sara always felt bad about it, no matter how long they’d been in business. It was much earlier today than usual for it to run out, though, and Sara had ordered Tom to make another few loaves to at least get them through another hour or two. There was no telling how busy it was going to be on a Sunday morning in winter. “Morning! If you’re looking for bread, we’re waiting on the next batch of loaves to be done, and it’ll be a little bit, so I’m terribly sorry for the inconvenience.” She’d considered handing out free coffee or tea to anyone who was waiting for bread, but she didn’t want to assume before giving anything away. “Anything else, though, we have pretty fully stocked.” She took a look to the window, clutching her sweater around her shoulders. “How is it out there, by the way? It’s freezing in here, I can’t imagine how cold it must be outside.” 
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notlilred · 1 year
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notlilred · 1 year
closed starter @daniiidenniiison​ location: ice & jay’s record store
Lilla has found herself in New Salem more and more these days. In part, it was thanks to her granny because deliveries had started to expand since the new areas were opened to her. Another reason was because she liked hanging out with Dani. Lilla actually met the girl during one of her deliveries and they have been becoming fast friends since. It was nice to be around another girl for once instead of Jack and his boyish nature. She knew a lot of small things about Dani, but not any big secrets or anything, which was fine because Dani didn’t know hers either. But she did know her disdain for the annoying ass guys who ran the record store in her town, and as she popped another piece of stolen gum she swiped on her way in into her mouth and chewed, she still grit her teeth whenever Jay or the other guy started laughing loudly over some stupid joke they saw over their shared laptop. “Dani, are we almost done? I’m about to tear these guys apart. I knew we should have pranked them better...they’ve already recovered!”
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notlilred · 1 year
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“I just wanted to make sure you really love that cape.”
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notlilred · 1 year
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The Worst Person in the World (2021) dir. Joachim Trier
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notlilred · 1 year
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Species: Shifter Sexuality: Unsure Pronouns: She/Her Favorite Song: buzzkill by MOTHICA Big Three: Aries sun, Cancer moon, Aries rising
there was a time when being a puckett meant something to lilla. she wore the family red hooded-cape with pride and never questioned the life lessons both her mother and granny gave her. her father had never been in the picture so she was surrounded by strong women and she never felt anything but proud of it. she was incredibly close to her granny and delivering her baked goods all around animania was an honor, even though a little redundant at times.
lilla always knew that they were well-off because of granny and her secret recipes for her baked goods, but there was a lot she didn’t know about her granny. like the drug trade she ran in secret. the extreme sports she did in her free time in amity park. the fact that she was as ruthless as she was kind. finding that all out while her life was on the line was a lot. she had always seen her granny as a wise and old soul, but she was just a liar. and lilla did not like liars. her relationship with her granny has been strained since the attack. and when her mother passed too...it only got worse.
lilla doesn’t understand the full potential of her newfound life as a shifter. she was turned, so she knows that she is only really strong during the full moon. she knows she can still shift out if she’s in a high emotional state. she knows that she hates it. she knows that she is going to use it get revenge. she knows she never meant to hurt her mom. and she knows that she will never be able to tell her how sorry she is.
she hardly has control over her shifting when a full moon is involved. so like any caring family member, her granny chains her up in their attic on the full moon with silver. no matter how much lillla begs and pleads to be let out, she isn’t. she is forbidden to leave the home at all on full moons.
she hardly remembers the person she was before she met zeke wolf. she used to be a little more relaxed, carefree, naïve, and a lot friendlier. now she is cautious, a bit harsh at times, reckless, and confused. she just wants to be the person she once was, but she is convinced that person died along with her mother.
she still does the deliveries she is assigned because....her granny is her only living relative left. now that she knows it all her deliveries range from baked goods to risky business, but because of her shifting she can handle herself. for the most part.
despite all the secrets and betrayal, she stills wears that stupid red cape. she is still often called little red. it’s the only thing she has that reminds her of her humanity at times, so she finds it important to keep on her. she knows that weird baker wants it, but the only way that is leaving her body is if she is replacing it with zeke’s skin or something with better meaning. 
the girl has a very powerful sweet tooth. how could she not? she loves baked goods more than anyone, but no one makes them better than her granny. 
she has become a thrill seeker, adrenaline junkie, etc. in the recent years. it makes her feel alive. from petty thievery to cliff diving it just...gives her a rush like no other. the only one who ever really goes along with her is jack, and most of the crazy stuff she ends up doing is on a dare. she never refuses a good dare.
she does say no to drugs. she will never ever do drugs. at least her granny got her repulsed by some vices. vaping and drinking, however? on the rise since she turned twenty one.
she is a big fan of graffiti and carving things on trees with her pocket knife. little hoodlum things. 
she lives with her granny now in the enchanted forest. not a great place to bring dates home to, so she doesn’t. she doesn’t really date much either. she doesn’t think there is a person alive who could tolerate her enough to love her like that, so she settles with the occasional hook-up.
honestly she is just a little shit who is doing her best. 
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notlilred · 1 year
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MAIA REFICCO as NOA OLIVAR Pretty Little Liars: Original Sin
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notlilred · 1 year
tag dump.
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notlilred · 1 year
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Lilla Puckett || 21 || Delivery Girl || Echo Creek
“Isn’t it nice to know a lot… and a little bit not…”
✨ Biography:
For most of Lilla’s life, it was just her mother and her granny. The Puckett family was very well-known for their famous goodies that were sold almost everywhere in Animania. Lilla’s granny was rich beyond belief for her secret recipes, that had been passed down Puckett to Puckett, but she lived a quiet and humble life in a cottage in the Enchanted Forest. Lilla spent most of her childhood traveling through the dangerous wood to visit her granny and help her deliver goodies all over Animania. As part of her delivery uniform, she wore the old Puckett red hood, which gave her the nickname “Little Red”. She used to hate it, but overtime the red hood became a security blanket to her, really. It made her feel safe in a scary world and made traveling through the forest not too bad. She liked to think her mother and granny taught her some really good life advice and she did her best to follow it. Still, there were a lot of things Lilla just didn’t know about the world. She was a little bit of a punk like most of the kids her age, but she was incredibly naïve and incredibly too trusting. When she met Zeke Wolf on her way to granny’s one day, she thought he was a little creepy, but kind. He showed her the best place to pick flowers and distracted her on her journey to her granny’s house. If Lilla knew that was going to change her life forever, she would have never trusted Mr. Wolf. 
The rest of that day was a blur to most, but Lilla remembered every second of it. She made it granny’s with a fresh bouquet, only to find her granny held hostage by Mr. Wolf. Her granny had apparently been doing more than just selling goodies and everyone knew about this except Lilla. Despite being betrayed, she still tried her best to get them out of the situation. She had been tied up alongside her granny after a struggle where she ended up getting clawed at by Mr. Wolf in his shifter form and then when she thought they were as good as dead, a humble Baker stopped by her granny’s cottage and was able to rescue them both and get Mr. Wolf behind bars. The entire situation warped Lilla’s views on what was right and what was wrong. She had the scars from the scratch she was given on her arm still and she was feeling a change in her.  When the full moon would hit, her nails would extend, her eyes would turn red, her teeth would sharpen and she would go into a rage that she could hardly pull herself from. Her mother was a casualty of one of her rages and ever since she has been living with her granny, who took the precautions needed to keep her locked up under the full moon. Now with a secret of being a newly formed shifter added to her trauma, she has started losing her sense of self. She puts up a good front, she still delivers the goodies her granny sends out for her, but she is also determined to get revenge on Mr. Wolf. He wasn’t behind bars for long and she knew that had to be because of friends in high places. Lilla was determined to get revenge for the way he ruined her, and that the red hood would be the very last thing he ever saw.
Species: Shifter Sexuality: Unsure Pronouns: She/Her Favorite Song: buzzkill by MOTHICA Big Three: Aries sun, Cancer moon, Aries rising
Jack Spriggins: He is someone she met on her daily deliveries into the woods. The two often get each other into trouble with their ridiculous dares to one another, but Jack makes her feel human and normal. So he has that.
Ella Tremaine: She brings a comfort to Lilla that her mother used to. She sometimes can’t handle being around her long because of that but at the same time she wishes she could be a better person for Ella.
Dani Dennison: She has similar eyes to Lilla and for that reason alone, she gets her. The two have only just met but Lilla has a strong feeling the two of them are gonna be fast friends.
Based On: Little Red from Into The Woods Faceclaim: Maia Reficco FC Change: Not Allowed Availability: Taken
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