northhavenbarony · 5 years
*When you need someone most they leave you alone*
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northhavenbarony · 5 years
Let's talk about weapons
It's important to remember when using new weapons that each weapon requires a different skill set. A polearm fights different than a short sword which fights different than a mace, and each weapon fights different if the user has a sheild as well
When you want to pick up a new weapon find someone at your park who knows how to use that weapon and ask questions, listen to the answers, and practice, practice, practice!
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northhavenbarony · 5 years
Hey all, great weekend I hope you have a great week!!
Remember to take care of yourselves!
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northhavenbarony · 5 years
Had a great time at Pioneer Park!
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northhavenbarony · 5 years
Today’s forecast
Pioneer Park is in West Chicago, we are meeting up at the usual time of 2-6, and take note the weather is supposed to be 85 degrees and mostly sunny so BRING WATER. STAY HYDRATED!!! 
We are excited to see y’all out there today!
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northhavenbarony · 5 years
Thanks to the Aurora Crew for coming out and visiting!!
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northhavenbarony · 5 years
Just a reminder tomorrow we WON'T be at Lake Ellyn tomorrow, we will be at Pioneer Park! Bring plenty of water it's going to be a hot one!
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northhavenbarony · 5 years
Because why not bring this back?
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Boing, boing boing
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northhavenbarony · 5 years
GOS is tomorrow! Don't forget to bring PLENTY of water!
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northhavenbarony · 5 years
How much can you possibly know about yourself if you've never been in a fight?
Fight Club
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northhavenbarony · 5 years
Everybody’s getting ready of GOS this weekend!
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northhavenbarony · 5 years
A Guest at Park
Attendance was within its normal range, we had a guest who moved into the area and was looking for a new park. 
Maramus reeved the games, we played a few rounds of ditch to warm up and then went into a class battle. After a few rounds, I had to sit out and the rest of the players agreed to take a water break which was cut short due to inclement weather. Everyone packed up quickly and then made plans to meet up at a nearby Wendy’s where we were approached by a man who played Dagorhir and was looking to cross-game. After Wendy’ s everyone went their separate ways. 
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northhavenbarony · 5 years
On Saturday, May 4th the North Haven monarchy was re-elected through shows of skill and creativity. Tegan Morningdove offered up to the judges shishkabob sticks, a large sweet roll, and a spell strip pouch. Mara Sage presented four different salsas(no-spice, mild, medium, and hot) and a script about Gus the Goblin. Duran showed his creativity with three handmade sparkler candles, a tall candle with the North Haven banner on it, and two iron worked pieces-a fish and a twisted coat hook with a ‘leaf top’. After the contestants presented their pieces and the food was eaten, the fights were fought-Rosalie fought all the contestants that were present in five categories: flow(two short swords), Great, Sword and Board(sword and shield), Single short, and open.
Rosalie Swift, Prime Minister of North Haven 
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northhavenbarony · 5 years
Blacksmith not included(part 3)
Bows are used in conjunction with arrows, the maximum pull is 35lb with 28” draw length. Crossbows have a maximum of 450 inch-pounds, compounds are not allowed, and at 20’ or less bows are not allowed to be drawn more than halfway-crossbows do now have to be half-drawn. Bows can be destroyed if hit by a weapon. Daggers can stab and slash, must be between 10” and 18,” and must have at least 10” of strike legal surface. Shorts can stab and slash, must be between 18” and 36”, and at least 2/3rds of the total length must be strike legal. Longs can stab and slash, must be over 36” up to 48,” at least 2/3rds of its length must be strike legal, and it may be double-ended. Great can stab and slash, must be more than 48” in length and must be padded on the upper 1/2 or 3’ whichever is less, if it’s going to be used to slash it must have at least 18” of strike legal surface, and may be double ended. Double ended requires 1/3rd of it’s length to be padded or at least 3’ whichever is less. Madu counts as a shield and a weapon, can’t be used by all classes(so check!), the entire thing is affected by weapon destroying and shield crushing and shield destroying, magic that affects one part of the weapon affects the entire thing. The weapon part of the madu must be non-hinged and meet the  melee requirements. If a shield has weapons attached in any way it’s considered a madu and must meet these rules. If it’s a slashing weapon, at a minimum 1/3rd of it’s length must be strike legal which is at least 12”. It is allowed to be double ended. Siege Weapons  that shoot one projectile will kill a player and destroy all their gear and carried equipment, this can be blocked by enchantments such as Protection from Projectiles but not by Missile Block or Song of Deflection. If the siege weapon fires multiple projectiles then they count as armor breaking projectiles, each strike is separate both Protection of Projectiles and Missile Block work against these types of siege weapon and they have no effect on shields. Players within 20’ may not be targeted. Siege ammo must conform to the requirements for a throwie or rock or arrow. Siege weapons are considered normal and able to be destroyed, and they MUST be approved by the reeve at the beginning of the game. Shields are not allowed to be super bendy and must be made from something like sturdy high-density foam, plywood, high impact plastics, aluminum, they must have a durable and opaque over like cloth or plastidip. The rim and face of the shield must be covered by at least 1” of closed cell foam, shield made solely from foam don’t need any other padding as long as the foam it’s made from can be considered padding. Hard edges are not allowed in places where the shield could come into contact with players, only one shield per person. A small shield can be strapped to an arm instead of held in a hand-small shields are between 36 sq in(6.8in diameter) and 3 sq ft(23.45 inch diameter). A medium shield is no bigger than 5 sq ft(30.28 inch diameter) and a large shield is not allowed to be bigger than 8 sq ft(38.3 inch diameter).
Another thing that can be added onto weapons is strips which are used to mark different enchantments or special class abilities that are being applied to that weapon, the strip must have at a minimum 6” of visible drape and must be in plain sight where ever it’s put. There is a specific color-coding system: offensive enchantments and special effects are red, defensive and special effects are white, miscellaneous and special effects are yellow. Check your class sheet to figure out what strips you need. If you don’t have a strip you can’t cast a spell or enchantment that requires one.
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northhavenbarony · 5 years
Blacksmith not included(part 2)
So does your head hurt yet? That was quite a bit of terms, well I’m about to make it hurt even more. Here are the legality requirements for the weapon subcategories. Light throwies must be between 2.5” and 6” total length(tip to tail), and all parts must be completely strike legal. Gentle fabric maybe used instead of tape, Duct tape is not allowed to be used as a cover. A strike from any part of the weapon counts as a hit and must obviously be a throwie not a spell ball. Heavy throwies are between 9” and 18”(tip to tail) and must be completely legal, these may also be cloth instead of tape but NOT Duct tape. Rocks-a barbarians best friend- are 10” in every dimension, must be completely strike legal, and will score a point from a strike from any part. Also any hit from a rock is Armor Breaking and Shield Crushing. Note: Rocks and Heavy Throwies are different. A Javelin must be between 36” and 72” long, must have between 6” and 12” of strike-legal surface, it’s entire length must be padded, it can be used as a melee weapon and a throwie but may only stab. If a Javelin doesn’t strike tip-first there’s no point, the core must be rigid, and the pommel is not required to meet the criteria for a stabbing tip. Spell Balls must be spherical objects that’s at least 2.5” in diameter, the streamer must be between 1” and 6” inches long, and it must be completely strike-legal. A hit from any part of the ball counts. Arrows are not allowed to be drawn back farther than 28”, the fletching and nocks must be in good shape, and the owner's name must be clearly labeled somewhere obvious. If your arrow is not marked it won’t be allowed onto the field, if you do use arrows without labels you could be suspended from play. If an arrow is broken or fixed poorly it’s illegal to use, and without specific permission an arrow can only be used by its owner. The owner is responsible for the safety of their arrow even if that arrow is used by other people, special arrows can NEVER be shared, and a player can only passively block an arrow by passively putting something in its flight path. The shaft of the arrow must be made of either fiberglass, aluminum, plastic, or graphite; wood shafts are only allowed if they are covered in at least 4 mils of plastic tape or something similar, real arrowheads and tips must be removed, and the tips need to be thickened to at least.5” in diameter in a solid wrapping like duct tape with a penny cap, putting a washer on the tip with a glued-in screw on the end, or some other method(ask some of the more experienced players what their favorite methods are). Arrowheads must be 2.5” in diameter and both the front and sides must be strike legal, there has to be at least 2” of foam in front of the shaft, and the .5” after the shaft must be closed-cell. The foam you use should be heavy enough that it won’t deform around the shaft when it hits another player but it also must be soft enough that doesn’t hurt, couch cushion foam and other foams like that don’t add to the required 2” and the heads must be checked regularly for deformation. And like all equipment thus far mentioned the head of the arrow must be covered in cloth. Strips are allowed to be used instead of colored heads, to mark out the type of arrow, normal arrows may not have any other color on them that could confuse players-red, yellow, grey, green, and purple. In order to score a point it must hit tip first and when in motion it affects every target struck-hits are armor breaking and weapon breaking.
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northhavenbarony · 5 years
Blacksmith not included(part 1)
Finally! You’ve got your class, a park(and it’s not too cold out), and you’re looking good. You’ve practiced a bit with the loner weapons but guess what? It’s Sunday, no one’s gonna hit each other today, sadly. Today is the day people meet up at one of the amtgarder’s houses’ and make things to be tested again next week. Welcome to A&S! Art and Science is the time when you get to learn all the new and fun weapons terminology. The core of the weapon is the part of the weapon that all the foam attaches to; for a melee weapon the best core is a golf club or something of similar materials, any other material would need to be checked for safety every time it’s put in play. Metal and wood are not legal cores, however metal counter weights are legal as long as they are in a place where they won’t inadvertently hit another player and that it is permanently fixed to your weapon. All weapon cores must be blunted on the ends and covered with foam and tape. For throwies denim, loose rubber bands, sweatshirt materials, and similar such things are allowed. The handle of the weapon is the part that’s only covered by a thin layer of tape and usually held in the players hand, the pommel is the end under the handle that only has a little nub of padding, the other side is called the Stabbing tip, and the cross guard is an optional piece.
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northhavenbarony · 5 years
Thanks to Tegan Morningdove the Baron of North Haven I am able to post this weeks weekly update.
Tegan arrive at 1:30 and DX is already there with the door open Ash arrives Kuro arrives For Weaponmaster they start a round robin style tournament suggested and ran by DX where everyone fights everyone individually and the winner gets marked down for each 1v1 Go through the Single, Flo, S&B, and Open rounds and we begin discussing a 5th category of throwies Duran shows up and goes through all of his fights for the 4 completed categories We go through the 5th category as Terry and Alison arrive DX tallies up final scores and Tegan comes in 1st, DX 2nd, Duran 3rd For Dragonmaster DX entered his wand from Dungeon Day and a hair tie in the style of Flappers, Duran enters his spoon and fork the latter of which broke while making it, and Ash enters his outfit and a bardic. Court is held to award 1st Orders of the Rose to Rosalie, Ben, and Cassie for their help cleaning the Dojo.  DX also receives his 2nd Order of the Lion for his work as Monarch and getting NH to Barony status again. An Althing is held to discuss reimbursement to Tegan for supplies, setting aside $50 to be used for loaner weapon repairs in preparation for CoD Con, voting DX in as a pro-term Champion, and voting Rosalie to be NH's new PM. As court is ending, Ash rushes up and assassinates Tegan and Kuro. They play some "winner stays" and then clean up.  Tegan vacuums, Ash mops, and Terry cleans the bathroom.
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