you can click on this button once daily to help palestine and support other causes in the middle east for free. it takes literally 5 seconds and could help save lives so please take the time to click and share this link.
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I want to bring another fundraiser to your attention. In the link above, Fadi Ayyad has told the story of his family, who lost their home in Northern Gaza and have been forced to evacuate to the south.
Fadi is a high school student who wishes to graduate and further his studies. And his father, Ayman is a well-respected and known Gazan educator, who has lost his source of livelihood during this war.
Their lives have become a constant struggle for survival, from trying to secure what food and water they can to the constant bombardment and raids by the Israeli military which threaten to take their lives at any time.
Their situation is dire. They require $35,000 to evacuate their 8 family members and after 1 month they have not even gone over $1000 yet.
Help this family reach their goal and evacuate to Egypt, where they can get back a semblance of stability and safety. Donate if you can, and please share!
You can also reach Ayman on tumblr @aymanayyad81
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you can click on this button once daily to help palestine and support other causes in the middle east for free. it takes literally 5 seconds and could help save lives so please take the time to click and share this link.
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you can click on this button once daily to help palestine and support other causes in the middle east for free. it takes literally 5 seconds and could help save lives so please take the time to click and share this link.
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you can click on this button once daily to help palestine and support other causes in the middle east for free. it takes literally 5 seconds and could help save lives so please take the time to click and share this link.
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you can click on this button once daily to help palestine and support other causes in the middle east for free. it takes literally 5 seconds and could help save lives so please take the time to click and share this link.
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you can click on this button once daily to help palestine and support other causes in the middle east for free. it takes literally 5 seconds and could help save lives so please take the time to click and share this link.
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you can click on this button once daily to help palestine and support other causes in the middle east for free. it takes literally 5 seconds and could help save lives so please take the time to click and share this link.
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you can click on this button once daily to help palestine and support other causes in the middle east for free. it takes literally 5 seconds and could help save lives so please take the time to click and share this link.
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you can click on this button once daily to help palestine and support other causes in the middle east for free. it takes literally 5 seconds and could help save lives so please take the time to click and share this link.
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you can click on this button once daily to help palestine and support other causes in the middle east for free. it takes literally 5 seconds and could help save lives so please take the time to click and share this link.
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you can click on this button once daily to help palestine and support other causes in the middle east for free. it takes literally 5 seconds and could help save lives so please take the time to click and share this link.
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hey white leftists
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My beautiful child died because of the war. R I P
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My first child died due to lack of food, and now my wife is pregnant, and I hope you will save her so that she can be born in a safe place.. My child was one year old. He could not bear hunger and thirst. He began to suffer from dehydration in his little body. Until the disease worsened and he was unable to breastfeed from his mother because his mother suffered from malnutrition My child lay in the hospital for three days in difficult conditions. The hospital did not have a bed for patients. My child slept on the floor and could not bear it and died because of the war
My child was very beautiful and always loved to laugh and play. I remember in October, two days before the war, it was his first birthday I am so sad because I will miss my baby I always see the pictures of my child that I take on my phone and cry every day
I cry every day for my child who died. My wife is pregnant with my second child, and I hope you will help me leave the Rafah area. We are being bombed every day. This morning 17 people died next to my tent, and I'm afraid for my family You can support my family through the link Your donation will make me start a new life
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you can click on this button once daily to help palestine and support other causes in the middle east for free. it takes literally 5 seconds and could help save lives so please take the time to click and share this link.
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you can click on this button once daily to help palestine and support other causes in the middle east for free. it takes literally 5 seconds and could help save lives so please take the time to click and share this link.
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you can click on this button once daily to help palestine and support other causes in the middle east for free. it takes literally 5 seconds and could help save lives so please take the time to click and share this link.
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