New fish in quarantine from a semi-local online order.
I probably shouldn't have left my radio on while recording, or probably should take a newer video, but my phone is throwing a tantrum. This one was after they'd been out of the bags by about 3hr at most(? Idk, what even is time rn?)
A tip I found for head counts was using "O-Nips" or other glass adhearing tablets, so I figured a bunch of measured cello-tape could also give rough un-netted measurements, but as fish do, they stopped behaving for the camera when I pressed record.
I did post this to my Insta story on the same night as I recorded it, but forgot to even open Tumblr... oops (sorry for inactivity...)
The lightly coloured cory seems to be either a mutated strain (eg long fin or albino) or a totally different breed because it hasn't changed colour much, acts the exact same and has similar but super faint markings compared to the rest of the Peppered Corydora, and its pectorals are just as long as its body. When I checked the site to add everything to my wish list for re-orders (I want nice big shoals/schools for my 4ft) and leave reviews, they'd sold out of the Peppered Cories and removed them from options, so the oddball might have been a bag filler - at least they're cute and seem to get on well enough.
I'll post an newer pic when I can(/or remember) of how they're doing, but the Silver Tip Tetra are colouring up nicely.
My only complaint would be that they came in rather small, but that's better for the quarantine tank at least. And they have a whole month to grow (more if they need it) so meh v('u')v at least I didn't pay an arm and a leg for them.
Substrate: ~1 cup crushed volcanic rock/soil (<5mm depth, "Eco-Complete" I think it was called)
Plants: plastic stemmed silk/fabric fake plants
Cave: 1/3 terracotta pot (I did try to break it in half, the other side is with my pleco & shrimp)
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Wrong blog, oops
2019 has been rough...
& it's Not Even October Yet
So, on top of personal mental health issues and family members having their own battles, and work being unpredictable with my shifts, a lot has happened with the non-human side of the family, not all good... not much good as far as my mental health tries to put it (I often need to be reminded to step back and see the "then vs now" of it all), so I'll try to do an update on that to the best of my memory (I've always been bad at remembering dates - I would forget my own birthday if people didn't fuss about it)
Sometime between January & February, a heatwave was the final straw for Cabaré who had been fighting a scale tumor (I know, my fault for not researching dragon scale variants before getting him) for 3 months, aside from the tumor, he was as active as he normally was, eating fine and his fins were recovering nicely from the fin nipping, but 45°C IN the flat with the air con running was stressful enough before the power started to cut.
Late February, a tank heater malfunctioned and killed a couple of my tetra before I caught it, thankfully, not too much trouble was caused and I had a spare heater on hand, various issues have stopped me from getting new stock for the shoal however, so it currently stands at 7 black neon tetra.
March... hooboi... uh, as much as I was meant to have a milestone birthday that month, the month was utter chaos... Shakita, my Gran's beloved Am.Staf previously posted about, had her age catch up in the space of a fortnight and had to be laid to rest. Another event, regarding people, unfolded days later that made it tempting to remove all reminders of the month altogether, looking for a timeline in chats from family, someone already has.
Early April, I had flown interstate on a holiday I'd organised around Xmas, so I allowed tank/pond plants to grow out; a mild regret in now I have to sift shrimp out of a 8×10×5 inch ball prism of moss before i can trim, seperate or transplant it. Amidst this, I also had gotten a female Betta; Beau-bo, named after Critical Role's Beauregard, I had intended to have a female in a display next to Cabaré just a few months earlier, but due to...reasons, I had let the empty tanks (quarantine + Cabaré's) go un maintained at all, a bad move that I'm still trying to fix in my own slowbutt pace, so she was put in beside the matten filter of the shimp/tetra tank. I managed to lose 1 of 3 rescue orchids but have had decent success with most of the terrestrial plants I've gathered admittedly with a few close calls. I also recieved news around late April/early May that a friend of mine needed to rehome their 4ft tank, so I set out to rearrange my flat so it could fit... this turned out to be a 3 month task as different bills and problems would pop up, including a vet trip for Ludwig who sprained his wrist, and we decided to get bloods checked for any nasties; an overactive thyroid gland due to age was causing his metabolism&appetite to soar, so a prescription was given.
I kept quiet about it, but I got some zebra danios for my little basin-ponds at around Xmas last year, the planted/natural filter pond having mild success breeding, however, winter and personal issues haven't allowed me to see whether the bubs made it through winter (I had to go away for a while and the ones I could find were 1.5cm when I did get to check - it will be a matter of headcount once time/weather allows me to get back in there)
So between June and August, I had been preparing for and focusing on the 4ft tank (my first tank over 2ft), especially when I was challenged to scape it. Thus far, the plants I was expecting to grow slow have gone mad and are due for another pruning, while the plants I expected to go mad and fill in are taking their time still. I have all 3 of the same fish that came with the tank (I was scaping it wet - not something I recommend with fine and/or planting substrates), 2 Angels and a Cory, however the quarantine tank I'd set up for the new cories (to give Dusty a shoal of his own) crashed (again, my fault for prioritizing other things) and I thought I saved 1, but he didn't make it through the next day, so that was a big bummer. I've only had the energy to do mild plant tending and water changes since. My cousin's household has also gained a few more sets of paws from G.A.P, so Jojo now has siblings that are his own size (almost - he was always tall).
And then we get to September, specifically this past week... Ludwig, the mascot & icon of this blog, got out and went missing after plumbers made a lot of ruckus (like, scared me awake in my flat next door noise), today is day 5 without his medications and mum has been beside herself about it. But we couldn't let ourselves be too shaken as we were in order to recieve a rescue Greyhound to try and help my little sister with her mental health. Scout, a huge 9 month old pup who was pulled before being raced due to injury arrived earlier today.
So, that's how the year has been playing in regards to my nonhuman fam and a little about the human part.
Hopefully, Ludwig finds his way home (we've notified council and neighbours, but 8ish years ago, vets refused to microchip him because he was already over 5yrs), and I hope to get back in the habit of photographing things, but that might have to wait for my phone to be repaired and my head to have cleared a little.
I have been vaguely active on my new started in April while I was interstate Instagram account with the same name as my main blog (it is just as eclectic as that main blog too, probably)
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2019 has been rough...
& it's Not Even October Yet
So, on top of personal mental health issues and family members having their own battles, and work being unpredictable with my shifts, a lot has happened with the non-human side of the family, not all good... not much good as far as my mental health tries to put it (I often need to be reminded to step back and see the "then vs now" of it all), so I'll try to do an update on that to the best of my memory (I've always been bad at remembering dates - I would forget my own birthday if people didn't fuss about it)
Sometime between January & February, a heatwave was the final straw for Cabaré who had been fighting a scale tumor (I know, my fault for not researching dragon scale variants before getting him) for 3 months, aside from the tumor, he was as active as he normally was, eating fine and his fins were recovering nicely from the fin nipping, but 45°C IN the flat with the air con running was stressful enough before the power started to cut.
Late February, a tank heater malfunctioned and killed a couple of my tetra before I caught it, thankfully, not too much trouble was caused and I had a spare heater on hand, various issues have stopped me from getting new stock for the shoal however, so it currently stands at 7 black neon tetra.
March... hooboi... uh, as much as I was meant to have a milestone birthday that month, the month was utter chaos... Shakita, my Gran's beloved Am.Staf previously posted about, had her age catch up in the space of a fortnight and had to be laid to rest. Another event, regarding people, unfolded days later that made it tempting to remove all reminders of the month altogether, looking for a timeline in chats from family, someone already has.
Early April, I had flown interstate on a holiday I'd organised around Xmas, so I allowed tank/pond plants to grow out; a mild regret in now I have to sift shrimp out of a 8×10×5 inch ball prism of moss before i can trim, seperate or transplant it. Amidst this, I also had gotten a female Betta; Beau-bo, named after Critical Role's Beauregard, I had intended to have a female in a display next to Cabaré just a few months earlier, but due to...reasons, I had let the empty tanks (quarantine + Cabaré's) go un maintained at all, a bad move that I'm still trying to fix in my own slowbutt pace, so she was put in beside the matten filter of the shimp/tetra tank. I managed to lose 1 of 3 rescue orchids but have had decent success with most of the terrestrial plants I've gathered admittedly with a few close calls. I also recieved news around late April/early May that a friend of mine needed to rehome their 4ft tank, so I set out to rearrange my flat so it could fit... this turned out to be a 3 month task as different bills and problems would pop up, including a vet trip for Ludwig who sprained his wrist, and we decided to get bloods checked for any nasties; an overactive thyroid gland due to age was causing his metabolism&appetite to soar, so a prescription was given.
I kept quiet about it, but I got some zebra danios for my little basin-ponds at around Xmas last year, the planted/natural filter pond having mild success breeding, however, winter and personal issues haven't allowed me to see whether the bubs made it through winter (I had to go away for a while and the ones I could find were 1.5cm when I did get to check - it will be a matter of headcount once time/weather allows me to get back in there)
So between June and August, I had been preparing for and focusing on the 4ft tank (my first tank over 2ft), especially when I was challenged to scape it. Thus far, the plants I was expecting to grow slow have gone mad and are due for another pruning, while the plants I expected to go mad and fill in are taking their time still. I have all 3 of the same fish that came with the tank (I was scaping it wet - not something I recommend with fine and/or planting substrates), 2 Angels and a Cory, however the quarantine tank I'd set up for the new cories (to give Dusty a shoal of his own) crashed (again, my fault for prioritizing other things) and I thought I saved 1, but he didn't make it through the next day, so that was a big bummer. I've only had the energy to do mild plant tending and water changes since. My cousin's household has also gained a few more sets of paws from G.A.P, so Jojo now has siblings that are his own size (almost - he was always tall).
And then we get to September, specifically this past week... Ludwig, the mascot & icon of this blog, got out and went missing after plumbers made a lot of ruckus (like, scared me awake in my flat next door noise), today is day 5 without his medications and mum has been beside herself about it. But we couldn't let ourselves be too shaken as we were in order to recieve a rescue Greyhound to try and help my little sister with her mental health. Scout, a huge 9 month old pup who was pulled before being raced due to injury arrived earlier today.
So, that's how the year has been playing in regards to my nonhuman fam and a little about the human part.
Hopefully, Ludwig finds his way home (we've notified council and neighbours, but 8ish years ago, vets refused to microchip him because he was already over 5yrs), and I hope to get back in the habit of photographing things, but that might have to wait for my phone to be repaired and my head to have cleared a little.
I have been vaguely active on my new started in April while I was interstate Instagram account with the same name as my main blog (it is just as eclectic as that main blog too, probably)
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Ammano and Neocaradina (? Not sure i spelt either of those right) would do quite well, but over population might become an issue in a matter of months with the neo. varieties, especially cherry reds (I had them breeding like mad in a 10g to the point any female fresh out of shedding would get so swarmed by males that several died of stress before I managed to set up somewhere to move the excess males)
But if you have the patience to set up the filtration systems thoroughly enough and scape in a way the stocking has enough open water and hiding places, there's quite a few things you could do.
Here's some photos of one of the main counter displays at my LFS, it changed hands to someone who's passion is Bettas a few months, maybe a year ago. He was so proud to get the fish (a wild betta pair). The tank is about 4g
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There's 2 or 3 shrimp that appear to be Ammanos (again, not sure I spelt it right) that I've been able to spot while waiting at the counter - downside of having almost clear critters, they easily disappear amidst the scape - and these photos are a bit older and lower quality (i actually took the photos for an example of shrimp witn betta for a friend), the betta were a little upset because theye were only in it for an hour or so before I got there. They've been doing great for the past month or so.
Admittedly, Betta do do better in larger tanks, and this pair will likely get moved when they're a bit bigger, but there are a few nano species that can do well in 5g and 10g tanks.
If you're looking for invertebrates that look good, maybe set the tank up as a planted and look into getting some Crystal Blue or even Tangerine neocaridina? Realistically, there's pretty much every colour (except maybe purple or pink, I haven't seen that yet) available, it's just a matter of price and availability; you might be able to order some online, but you should always be careful and quarantine, farmed shrimp can often carry nasties that can effect the whole tank.
Photos taken by KewKyu9 [me]. Aquarium tank scape by employees of Marine Plus, South Australia, November 2018.
Hey guys!
I know that pretty much no fish would be happy with it, but is there an invert that would be fine in a hex or Fluval Chi? I have two 5gs that I want to put to use, not counting the 10g I want to get going.
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So Cabaré apparently likes salad...
So, I learned recently that most Duckweeds are edible for humans, especially when grown in soft water or boiled and rinsed, I also somehow only just realized in that same moment that it can out compete algae for nutrients in the water column.
So instead of just composting the excess duckweed from the shrimp/tetra tank, I decided to plop it into his. 2 birds, 1 stone, right? His softer water (I charcoal filter all of his new water, tap water here is often called "Liquid Rock", I only charcoal filter 1/2-2/3 of the shrimp/tetra tank specifically for the shrimp) will make the duckweed healthier for salads, while the duckweed improves his water quality and fights the algae.
It's been in there 2 days.
I was busy yesterday and this morning, so I only just paid full attention while feeding... I didn't consider what happened the first time I tried to add duckweed to his tank, back when he was in the 2.7g and I only had about 5 leaves... 5 leaves that lasted 2 minutes.
Cabaré is now quite plump in the stomach, swimming fine although a little sluggish from time to time, and still has a decent appetite, but we all know bettas love food...
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Please excuse the glare and blur and abundance of algae and overall poor photo (taken with FB Messenger app)
Now the question is, will removing half of it lessen the problem or make it worse?
I do intend to get some more enrichment for him to keep him active *realizes I haven't posted new tank scape* Oh yeah! He has more hidey-holes and stuff, I got a heap of silk plants for him!
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Some photos of right after scaping, I also added some Valis in a glass a few weeks before that? Not sure if it was before or after the last update I did. I've also mildly upgraded his filter by switching to a seperate submerged pump which is much closer to the "ground" and attached it to the old intake with the grey tubing you can see in the front view photo (this has pretty much fixed the cold spot problem from my last update)
But yeah, there's now duckweed covering 90% of the surface that Cabaré appears to be snacking on when I'm not looking.
Contemplating getting some corydoras pygmaeus and either some otos or saving up for a L-306 pleco(? I think that was it; a smaller breed that prefers warmer water, has vivid wavey stripes of black and orangish-cream?) Just no more Siamese Algae Eaters! T.T they get so boisterous and chased one of my tetra right out of the tank when I had them (albeit, I was young and naive, and bought them without doing research, and the tank was too small - they were pretty happy when the fish shop I traded them into put them straight in a 3-4ft heavily planted display/plant selection tank) same goes for ChineseA.E.s, too big and mean for my tanks. Buuuut my quarantine tank is currently occupied with the small po-- another post maybe =w=
I love how personable Cabaré is, even if it's basically him going "What Are you Doing to MY Glass?! No Touchy!!" or just being confused when I clean the algae off his goblet garden.
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I try so hard at work (chain pet store) to get these bettas into proper homes and customers just ignore EVERYTHING!
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Aquarium Plants List
(By no means a complete list.  For any suggestions/corrections, please message me.  Please research the needs of your particular plant before purchasing) Africa Foreground
Anubias Nana Petite (West Africa)
Dwarf Hairgrass (Elocharis parvula)
Willow Moss (Fontinalis antipyretica) (North Africa)
Anubias barteri (West Africa)
Anubias gracilis
Anubias augustifolia ‘Afzelii’ (West Africa)
Hairgrass (Eleocharis acicularis)
Nymphaea lotus (East Africa)
Nymphaea rubra (East Africa)
Red Ammannia (ammania gracilis)
Anubias congensis (West Africa)
Aponogeton boivinianus (Madagascar)
Apoogeton longiplumulosus (Northern Madagascar)
Madagascar Lace (Aponogeton madagascariensis) (Madagascar)
Bacopa monnieri (West Africa)
Congo Fern (Bolbitis heudelotii)
Hornwort (Ceratophyllum demersum)
Floating Fern (Ceratopteris cornuta)
African Onion Plant (Crinum natans) (West Africa)
Lagarosiphon major (South Africa)
Nesaea cassicaulis (West Africa)
Nesaea pedicellata (Tanzania, Mozambique)
Potamogeton mascarensis (Madagascar)
Eichhornia crassipes
Duckweed (Lemna minor)
Riccia (Riccia fluitans)
Salvinia natans (North Africa)
North America Foreground
Dwarf Hairgrass (Elocharis parvula) (Cuba)
Willow Moss (Fontinalis antipyretica)
Dwarf Sagittaria (Sagittaria pusilla) (Eastern North America)
Water Cabbage (Samolus valerandi)
Fissidens fontanus (USA)
Giant Bacopa (Bacopa caroliniana) (North-Central America)
Water Hedge (Didiplis diandra)
Hairgrass (Eleocharis acicularis)
Pearlweed (Hemianthus micranthemoides) (Cuba, Southeast USA)
Hydrocotyle verticillata (North to Central America)
Scarlet Lobelia (Lobelia cardinalis)
Ludwigia glandulosa (Southern USA)
Banana Plant (Nyphoides aquatica) (Southern USA)
Giant Sagittaria (Sagittaria platyphylla)
Sagittaria subulata (Eastern USA)
Lizard’s Tail (Saururus cernuus)
Dwarf Vallisneria (Vallisneria Americana)
Acmella oppositifoli (Southern USA to Paraguay)
Round Bacopa (Bacopa rotundifolia) (Southern USA)
Hornwort (Ceratophyllum demersum)
Radicans Sword (Echinodorus cordifolius) (North America to Mexico)
Egeria densa
Eleocharis prolifera (Eastern USA)
Elodea Canadensis
Ludwigia brevipes
Ludwigia palustris (USA)
Ludwigia repens (North to Central America)
Lysmichia nummularia
Myriophyllum hippuroides
Myiophylum scabratum (Eastern North America, Cuba)
Shinnersia rivularis (Mexico)
Water Velvet (Azolla caroliniana)
Eichhornia crassipes
Duckweed (Lemna minor)
Riccia (Riccia fluitans) 
South America Foreground
Alternanthera reineckii ‘Lilacina’
Alternanthera reineckii ‘Mini’
Bolivian Sword (Echinodorus bolivianus) (Brazil)
Echinodorus quadricostatus var. xinguensis
Echinodorus tenellus
Lilaeopsis brasiliensis (Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay)
Hemianthus callitrichoides (Central to South America)
Water Cabbage (Samolus valerandi)
Staurogyne Repens (Southern Amazon)
Amazon Sword (Echinosorus amazonicus) (Brazil)
Black Amazon Sword (Echinodorus horemanii) (Brazil)
Peruvian Sword (Echinodorus parviflorus) (Peru to Bolivia)
Echinodorus opacus
Echinodorus uruguayensis
Hairgrass (Eleocharis acicularis)
Hygrophila guianensis
Acmella oppositifoli (Southern USA to Paraguay)
Aciotis acuminifolia (Lesser Antilles to Brazil, Bolivia)
Alternanthera rosaefolia (Argentina, Paraguay, Brazil)
Althernanthera Aquatica (Brazil, Bolivia, Paraguay)
Giant Cabomba (Cabomba aquatica) (Central to South America)
Green Cabomba (Cabomba caroliniana) (Central to South America)
Red Cabomba (Cabomba piauhyensis) (Central to South America)
Hornwort (Ceratophyllum demersum)
Braodleaved Amazon Sword (Echinodorus bleheri)
Echinodorus grandiflorus (Central to South America)
Echinodorus macrophyllus (Guyana, Brazil)
Echinodorus major (Brazil)
Echinosorus Osiris (Brazil)
Egeria naja (Brazil,Uruguay, Paraguay, Argentina)
Eichhornia azurea
Spadeleaf Plant (Gymnocoronis spilanthoides)
Stargrass (Heteranthera zosterifolia)
Brazillian Pennywort (Hydrocotyle leucocephala)
Micranthemum umbrosum (Central to South America)
Brailian Milfoil (Myriophyllum aquaticum)
Red Myriophyllum (Myriopylum tuberculatum)
Potagmogeto gayii
Spathiphylum wallisii (Columbia) (Semi Aquatic)
Eichhornia crassipes
Duckweed (Lemna minor)
Amazonian Frogbit (Limomium laevigatum)
Riccia (Riccia fluitans)
Salvinia auriculata (Central to South America)
Salvinia Minima
Asia Foreground
Dwarf Hairgrass
Japanese Rush (Blyxa japonica)
Cryptocoryne walkeri var. lutea (Sri Lanka)
Cryptocoryne siamensis (Thailand)
Cryptocoryne parva (Sri Lanka)
Cryptocoryne willisii (Sri Lanka)
Willow Moss (Fontinalis antipyretica)
Hydrocotyle sibthorpioides
Java Moss
Monosolenium tenerum (India, China)
Pogostemon helferi (Thailand)
Cryptocoryne albida (Thailand)
Cryptocoryne affinis (Malaysia)
Cryptocoryne beckettii (Sri Lanka)
Cryptocoryne ciliata (Southeast Asia)
Cryptocoryne undulata (India)
Cryptocoryne wendtii (Sri Lanka)
Hairgrass (Eleocharis acicularis)
Java Fern (Microsorium pteropus) (Southeast Asia)
Nymphaea lotus (Southeast Asia)
Nymphaea rubra (Southeast Asia)
Giant Sagittaria (Sagittaria platyphylla) (Southeast Asia)
Vallisneria tortifolia (Southeast Asia)
Cyperus helferi (Southeast Asia)
Ruffled Aponogeton (Aponogeton crispus) (Sri Lanka)
Compact Aponogeton (Aponogeton ulvaceus) (Sri Lanka)
Aponogeton rigidifolius (Sri Lanka)
Aponogeton undulates (India)
Chinese Ivy (Cardamine lyrata) (China, Korea)
Hornwort (Ceratophyllum demersum)
Onion Plant (Crinum thaianum) (Thailand)
Cryptocoryne balansae (Thailand)
Cryptocoryne cordata (Thailand)
Star Rotala (Eusteralis stellata)
Giant Hygrophila (Hygrophila corymbosa) (India)
Water Wisteria (Hygrophila difformis) (India, Thailand, Malaysia)
Hygrophila corymbosa ‘Gracilis’
Hygrophila corymbosa ‘Strigosa’
Hygrophila corymbosa ‘Glabra’
Hygrophila stricta (Thailand, Southeast Asia)
Hygrophila polysperma (India)
Giant Ambulia (Limnophila aquatica) (India, Sri Lanka)
Dwarf Ambulia (Limnophila sessiliflora) (India, Sri Lanka)
Najas indica
Nymphaea stellata (India)
Giant Red Rotala (Rotala macrandra) (India)
Dwarf Rotala (Rotala rotundifolia) (Southeast Asia)
Rotala Wallichii (Southeast Asia)
Vallisneria spirialis
Orchid Lily (Barclaya longifolia) (Southeast Asia)
Eichhornia crassipes
Duckweed (Lemna minor)
Riccia (Riccia fluitans)
Salvinia natans
Pacifica Foreground
Marsilea hirsute (Australia)
Glossostigma elantinoides (Australia, New Zealand, Tasmania)
Monosolenium tenerum (Japan, Taiwan)
Buce (Bucaphalandra spp.) (Borneo)
Cryptocoryne moehlmannii (Sumatra)
Cryptocoryne pondtederiifolia (Sumatra, Borneo)
Hairgrass (Eleocharis acicularis)
New Zealand Grassplant (Lilaeopsis novae-zelandiae) (Australia, New Zealand)
Nuphar japonica (Japan)
Ranunculus inundatas (Australia)
Chinese Ivy (Cardamine lyrata) (Japan)
Hornwort (Ceratophyllum demersum)
Star Rotala (Eusteralis stellata) (Australia)
Giant Hygrophila (Hygrophila corymbosa) (Indonesia)
Hygrophila corymbosa ‘Crispa’ (Indonesia)
Dwarf Ambulia (Limnophila sessiliflora) (Indonesia)
Lysmichia nummularia (Japan)
Corkscrew Valisneria (Callisneria asiatica var. biwaensis
Giant Vallisneria (Vallisneria gigantean)
Vallisneria spirialis
Orchid Lily (Barclaya longifolia) (New Guinea)
Eichhornia crassipes
Duckweed (Lemna minor)
Riccia (Riccia fluitans)
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Bonus, Cabaré enjoying his garden
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So I’ve been a bit slack with updates… Cabaré got a tank upgrade!
From memory, this tank holds somewhere between 52 and 58 litres. I got it 2nd hand from a good friend who was upgrading for their crayfish (i think it was…? @excess-of-cervidae ) which cleaned up nicely in my opinion.
The water looks a bit odd because a) I have a really bad camera, and b) Indian Almond leaves are releasing tannins, which is good because his fins are looking great and so are all but one of his scales (he as a growth developing on/under the single scale, I fear it might be due to him being what I was taught was dragon scale)
But anyhow, he likes to hide in under the moss shelf from time to time, sitting on said shelf, and relaxing in the Wine Glass Garden (which the tall plants in it are still sulking after getting knocked about when I was putting the tank on the new shelves over a fortnight ago)
I’m still working on getting circulation to the right balance (i was out of town for a while), but he seems to like having a better viewpoint in my flat (top of the water is about 1.5 meters above the ground and can see most of my kitchen, most of the entry/dining and my bedroom, so he can see pretty much anything going on if he wants, although I think he’s mildly offended he can see the shrimp hanging out in the next tank’s filter compartment (update coming soon) and not get to them.
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So I've been a bit slack with updates... Cabaré got a tank upgrade!
From memory, this tank holds somewhere between 52 and 58 litres. I got it 2nd hand from a good friend who was upgrading for their crayfish (i think it was...? @excess-of-cervidae ) which cleaned up nicely in my opinion.
The water looks a bit odd because a) I have a really bad camera, and b) Indian Almond leaves are releasing tannins, which is good because his fins are looking great and so are all but one of his scales (he as a growth developing on/under the single scale, I fear it might be due to him being what I was taught was dragon scale)
But anyhow, he likes to hide in under the moss shelf from time to time, sitting on said shelf, and relaxing in the Wine Glass Garden (which the tall plants in it are still sulking after getting knocked about when I was putting the tank on the new shelves over a fortnight ago)
I'm still working on getting circulation to the right balance (i was out of town for a while), but he seems to like having a better viewpoint in my flat (top of the water is about 1.5 meters above the ground and can see most of my kitchen, most of the entry/dining and my bedroom, so he can see pretty much anything going on if he wants, although I think he's mildly offended he can see the shrimp hanging out in the next tank's filter compartment (update coming soon) and not get to them.
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I keep having people bringing in their Assistance Dogs in training into work and I always die a little inside...
Such good, sweet doggos, but I have to act like they aren't even there so they know they're on the job.
Keep up the good work, 4 legged kiddos, you are precious and doing a fantastic job!
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For some reason a bird speaking Japanese is mildly off putting.
> Literal translation
Bird:“ ‘Uhm Hello, this is the Ono family.”
Bird: “What’s wrong?”
Owner: “Abe-chan, you’re a little too early. Once the phone’s picked up, then properly say hello.”
Bird: “Okay, understood.”
Owner: “Do you really understand? I’m counting on you. Hello, this is the Ono family residence in Gifu.”]
Bird: “Okay, I understand!”
Owner: “Got it.”
> That’s clearly some sort of Pokemon.
> Off-putting? It’s like birds were meant to speak Japanese!
> For some reason it’s never occurred to me that birds can mimic languages other than English. It’s so cool, though!
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Sorry for the briefness of it, buuuut~ some regrowth progress on Cabaret's tail, he does still occasionally nip at it, but it's looking much better now. Thank you to the person who suggested Stress Coat (I'll probably go back through my posts and find your name then edit this) I'll probably also try and get him to pose long enough for a photo at some point too...
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Slight tank update
Cabaret's tank (the 2.7 gal) has purple algea (?) growing onnthe filter intake sponge that I cleaned just a few days ago (how...?) And on the tips of the java moss... I tried cutting back the light for 2 days, but I guess that would have only worked if I actually covered the tank... I'm also having troubles with protien film suddenly? I would reinstall the bubble filter, but he was always lathargic and hiding with that on =/ gotta love when a single tank gives you troubles...
Also, there's been a boom in the local moth population over the past fortnight and I came around the corner to see half of one sticking out Cabaret's mouth the other night, he also seems keen on catching any little bug that comes in for his light (but he won't touch the tiny pest snails), just thought the image of an angry boy with a moth wing sticking out his lips would be amusing to think about. He also doesn't seem very fussed about the added stress coat, although I will say his fins look a little better (re: fin nipping incident)
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Cabaret started Fin biting TT~TT I know how it started, and I know it was my fault... He started about 6 nights ago, I did a water change and forgot to put the sponge I use to soften the flow back onto the filter outlet. When I first realized, he had taken off about half of his tail's length overnight. I fixed the flow problem and he seemed quite happy - his colours were vibrant, he was swimming through and around his plants and hide (I didn't do a scape update when I put that in...oops...), he was dashing around the open top and he was displaying his - albeit torn to oblivion in the tail - fins nice and wide. I thought "Yes, crisis averted!" ...I thought wrong it seems... Although not easily noticeable, his tail apears to be growing shorter each day... which is such a pitty because there was such nice blue in the regrowth (my camera and the lighting don't show it well, hence the 3rd photo) I don't know if it's paranoia or if it really is getting shorter though... will he stop, or is this going to become an addiction of his? "Less tail = more speed, can I go faster?" Sort of a thing... Sorry that I haven't updated in a while... and yes, I know, I have an algae problem in the moss and on the val and that his water is low today (the evaporation rate here is weird...I never noticed it be this bad at my old house) but what looks like dirty glass is the lid, just saying... Once I have rearranged my little flat, I'm getting given a bigger tank for my tetra shoal and Cabaret will be getting their old one (roughly 7 gal instead of roughly 3 gal) although, I'm contemplating setting both the new tank and the 7 gal up as [more properly] planted tanks while their future residents are still in their current tanks - the 2ft because Black Neon tetra look good with plants, and the 7gal because a) I like plants, b) fishnets here looks good with black and green, and c) I kinda want to establish a shrimp colony to deal with algea, but Glutton Butt here tries to eat anything that so much as drifts slightly as the water shifts (even the duckweed perished before it could take hold) and they'd need somewhere - lots of somewheres - to hide, alternatively I could get a few otos, but they still need somewhere to hide. Also, all my plants in this tank have babies already and I've only had them for 3 weeks (excluding the moss, that's like 2years old and been through both tanks, I've pulled enough from that to fill a bathtub probably...)
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It wasn't based off Cabaret (currently my only Betta), but from a mix of individual bettas I've seen here on Tumblr and in person at aquarium suppliers
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In a waiting room and drew a good boi using the watercolour pencils my sister had in her bag (“Cornflower Blue” and “Cadmium Yellow” from a Mont Marte set) and her new liner pens our cousin gave her this morning. Not the best line work and my hands are being shaky again but meh…
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This is Jojo, a rescued racing Greyhound, labled as "vicious" and unable to live with small animals, with one of his sisters, Alyckina, showing that you shouldn't judge a book by its cover. No, he's not being fostered; he's in his forever home. Loves to cuddle, a bit of an anxious boy, Tol boi
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But also
Me at an aquarium shop on the other side of town contemplating buying fish: what are your water parameters?
Staff: what do you mean?
Me with my crummy memory and way of explaining stuff: . . .uh, pH and stuff? You know, all the parameters so the fish don't get sick from my water.
Staff: oh! Yeah, we just use the water supply and add conditioner and stress coat with regular water changes :)
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(For context, I live in an area where parameters can be drastically different 15 minutes down the road)
User: I need help w my fish
Me: okay what’s your water parameters?
User: they fine
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