nomuika · 9 years
█ Unfortunately, not all of us are predisposed to hanging around in the sewers of our own misery and playing mindgames against other hobos. Like - no offence! I'm sure this is working for you guys, no disrespect at all, but I've woken up with something gnawing on my junk one time too many to ever really get the appeal. Call me boring, I guess!
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No, but, could you? I knew Aerospace was going to pull something on me for the emergency phone number thing, but I didn't think she'd haul me out here on a makeup run! Like, worst case scenario is you're her new worst enemy and you still can't use a backpack full of lipgloss against her, and I get to sleep at night. Pretty hard to drag a bad outcome out of this one, Yearbook - and, wow, dude. Way to pick a hard name.
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So you don’t, uh- you don’t want to know where she is? I mean- I can deliver it, that’s no problem. Better than fine, actually… I think I prefer it. I’ll be like the postman, deliver the mail.
…Sorry. I’m- uh, call me Yasuki. It’s… it’s nice to finally get to know you. I kind of, uh- I didn’t expect to meet you like this, Kamako-kun. But you’re just passing through?
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nomuika · 9 years
█ Big sister! Her, obviously, not me. Madwoman and a genius, that's our Arsenic. Told her to only call me out in emergencies and the next thing I know I've got a red-flagged text telling me her chanel lipstick is life or death. Anyone else I'd laugh it off, but - well!
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Ah, sorry, my bad. Here I am leaning you for hints, and I haven't even introduced myself! Kamako - Nomura, again, obviously. Listen, though? I've got stuff to be getting on with, and I kind of need to be around for it. Can I dump this fetch quest on you?
So… you’re related, huh? Siblings, or cousins?
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I mean- no, you’re right, I’m not… I. I guess you could call it recently, that we talked. Why are you looking for Akazome?
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nomuika · 9 years
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█ I'm asking everyone who doesn't look like they've got an eye out for a fight, honestly. I never thought I'd miss sat-nav, but here I am, miles away from running water with a backpack full of makeup. Family, dude, it's not worth it! So, like - you see her? Recently?
…Right. Yeah.
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I don’t really— I mean, why are you asking me?
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nomuika · 9 years
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█ Hey - sorry. Listen, I'm looking for someone? Yay high, dark hair, looks like she fell asleep on her hair straighteners one time too many?
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nomuika · 9 years
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█ She really did it.
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nomuika · 9 years
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█ Yeah. But what if I didn't.
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You should. You know you should.
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nomuika · 9 years
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█ Ha! No you don't. I'm shipping out soon. Should I?
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I absolutely fucking hate you.
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nomuika · 9 years
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█ Guns out!
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Sun’s out.
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nomuika · 9 years
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█ What if I actually didn't want you to go.
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nomuika · 9 years
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█ Rats can eat a dick. Rats can eat my dick. Rats may actually eat my dick if I don't find a hammock in the next three hours and nail it to this roof, holy shit.
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nomuika · 9 years
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█ Haven't seen her in years but I can have a go. Mostly just normal sister stuff, you know? Always three steps ahead of me, runs that weird pyro cult, stole my cat when she left for boarding school three years in a row. Thanks. Blisters really aren't on my to-do list. So, like. Can I ask? What's your story?
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I didn’t think— I would not not say I felt my life was in danger, but I suppose you would know her better than I would. Do you think you could. Tell me more about her, if that’s alright? I apologize, I don’t mean to pry. Ah— yes, I do, actually. Take what you need.
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nomuika · 9 years
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█ Haha, yeah, that's Aquaduct! Pretty intense, huh. Good to see you're still alive. Say, you got a needle in one of those medical kits? I might need to ask a bandage roll back so I can patch these things back up.
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Sorry, all I have is the socks I am wearing. Maybe someone else will be able to help you. Wait - Akazome-chan? Is that what you said? I met an Akazome Nomura just the other day. I didn’t think she seemed. Too bad, though I admit she did have me feeling a bit on edge.
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nomuika · 9 years
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█ Does the walker choose the path, or the path the walker. Used to be one of Akazome-chan's favorite quotes, so it's pretty fitting for the life she's decided she wants to finish living. Hey - you got any spare socks? Weird question, but mine are all run through.
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I’m afraid. I do not know, actually. I will not pry, though…I cannot say I don’t understand wanting to avoid family. I would like to ask her name, though, if that’s alright.
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nomuika · 9 years
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█ Consider it dumped, then. Fair trade for real conversation and a drink, if you ask me. Especially if you're sick and I'm not. Ah - nicknames. My sister. She's not... I think at this point she's definitely one of the people I move during the early morning to avoid meeting. It's okay, though. Does the walker choose the path - you know?
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No, I insist…it is best to be prepared. Unless you were to dump the rest on the ground and walk away, I would not want to leave you without. Oh, yes, here you go— ah, Aniseed?
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nomuika · 9 years
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█ Yeah, and I'm running out of bullets faster than I planned. Be useful if I can get a few actual hours of sleep tonight. Kamako Nomura. You - you said you had fruit, right? I've got dried stuff and water. We could pool what we have and split it.
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☾◯☽➸ I think I might take you up on that offer—there are lots of masked  assailants out. I almost got jumped by three of them. My offer of food is  still there, though, in case you’re hungry! Oh! Wow, I’m being rather rude.  My name is Shikashi Ginga! 
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nomuika · 9 years
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█ Not mine. I don't own this any more than you do. Just coming on my way through, you know how it is. If you're wanting to stay overnight, we could double a watch. I don't like this area.
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☾◯☽➸ Oh gosh, I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to intrude!! I didn’t know I’d find  anyone in here; I was just looking for shelter. Do you mind if I stay for a  couple of moments, just to get my bearings? It’s very windy out there, and  I have some food I could spare!!! 
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nomuika · 9 years
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█ It's okay. Really. Less stuff for me to haul. I'm - don't worry about that, though. I've got things to do that don't involve dying, you know? All those genes went to Aniseed. Thanks, though. So, uh. Water?
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Th-thank you! I greatly appreciate it.
Without hesitation, Kotone reaches in and takes just about everything she can take, making sure to leave behind gauze and disinfectant.
I didn’t. Did not take quite everything - if you really were to shoot yourself you would want something on hand to treat it.
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