nomchomaircon · 10 days
take this survey NOW (I was told to say this)
The 2024 Gender Census is now open!
[ Link to survey ]
The 11th annual international gender census, collecting information about the language we use to refer to ourselves and each other, is now open until 13th June 2024.
It’s short and easy, about 5 minutes probably.
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After the survey is closed I’ll process the results and publish a spreadsheet of the data and a report summarising the main findings. Then anyone can use them for academic or business purposes, self-advocacy, tracking the popularity of language over time, and just feeling like we’re part of a huge and diverse community.
If you think you might have friends and followers who’d be interested, please do reblog this blog post, and share the survey URL by email or at AFK social groups or on other social networks. Every share is extremely helpful - it’s what helped us get 40,000 responses last year.
Survey URL: https://survey.gendercensus.com
The survey is open to anyone anywhere who speaks English and feels that the gender binary doesn’t fully describe their experience of themselves and their gender(s) or lack thereof.
For the curious, you can also spy on some graphs and demographic data for the incoming responses here.
Thank you so much!
[ Link to survey ]
Image credit: Malachite and rhodochrosite.
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nomchomaircon · 1 month
I've eaten it, and it's .... ok I guess
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the real forbidden snack
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nomchomaircon · 1 month
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nomchomaircon · 2 months
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Another dream comic. Had a dream where I was tied to a chair in a dark room and some hooded figures killed me after I begged for my life—but then I got caught in a time loop and so I kept trying to figure out what I could say to get them to not shoot me but they killed me no matter what I said. Started just shouting random stuff eventually.
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nomchomaircon · 2 months
if i was a little kitty and you were a little kitty would you touch noses with me to say hi
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nomchomaircon · 3 months
Reblog this if you think a trans person is their identified gender even without surgeries
I need to prove a point to my stepdad. This is absolute bullshit.
So if you think a trans man can be a man without a penis or a trans woman can be a woman without a vagina, please reblogged.
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nomchomaircon · 3 months
You ever think about how Phoenix's disbarrment case was seemingly really well known not only in the legal world but presumably outside of it (considering how the legal system is very pop culture adjacent in the aa universe, and the gramaryes were very famous)?
Not only would that be horrible for Phoenix but it'd be fucking horrendous for an 8-year-old Trucy. Her dad disappearing was common knowledge and her new dad being fired from his job was also big news. I can just imagine all the other parents and teachers in her new school giving her pitying looks.
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nomchomaircon · 3 months
Happiness Will Come To You.
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nomchomaircon · 3 months
quick what’s ur opinion on tea. everyone who sees this is obligated to answer in some way
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nomchomaircon · 3 months
ai artist pushing the two minute button and then start on their microwave: 'i feel bad for the people who arent learning prompts right now theyre gonna get left behind by us tech-forward chefs'
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nomchomaircon · 3 months
the official baba plush looks sopping wet
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nomchomaircon · 3 months
edge of brazil
go to this random coordinates generator and say in the tags how you would fare if you were dropped where it generates without warning. i’ll go first i’d be dropped in the middle of the fucking south atlantic ocean and perish
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nomchomaircon · 3 months
Mario taught us typing
mario's early years preschool fun
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nomchomaircon · 3 months
Btw you can be intensely critical of the Democratic party and recognize that it is full of aged out of touch moderates who are refusing to meet the urgency of the moment,
and also recognize that voting for Democrats is extremely important because it allows things like the confirmation of Justices and prevents the literal fascist party from gaining more power and that harm reduction is an important end in itself
These things can coexist
Politics is a long game. Being disappointed and angry today does not obviate your responsibility to participate
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nomchomaircon · 3 months
the jurist system seems really cool i hope they keep using it :-)
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🌈 lawsbian Follow
hey girl. am i a suspect. because you can "court" me any time
🧊 just--ice Follow
🌈 lawsbian Follow
hey girl. am i a suspect. because you can "try" me any time
🌈 lawsbian Follow
hey girl. are you a lawyer. because you can "try" to "court" me any time
🌈 lawsbian Follow
hey girl. am i on trial.
🌈 lawsbian Follow
i'm determined to make this work btw
🌈 lawsbian Follow
hey girl. law
🔪 violencekilling Follow
hey girl. are you a murderer. because ow ough ouch agh stop stabbing me
732,390 notes
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🌟 rockliker270 Follow
guys watch out hes gonna shelly de kill you
293,485 notes
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🎀 copiicat Follow
they called me to the witness stand and the defense attorney just shouted "BOOOOOO WE HATE YOUR PUSSY"
43,618 notes
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🧇 edible-evidence Follow
look if i was on trial and the guy prosecuting me started advertising his music i'd just plead guilty. avoid the embarrassment of getting put in prison by a guy who basically used the trial to say "this blew up btw here's my soundcloud"
97,384 notes
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⚖️ courtofpublicopinions Follow
💞 lawveyourself Follow
didnt miles edgeworth defend someone in a case once
⛲ fountainoftruth Follow
do you know the difference between a prosecutor and a defense attorney
270,934 notes
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💟 longingforyou Follow
being rivals isn't enough i need to kiss you
💟 longingforyou Follow
who the fuck is evil magistrate
💟 longingforyou Follow
584,769 notes
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🐈 nyattorney Follow
they hired a guy to stand in court and shout "GET A ROOM YOU TWO" whenever the lawyers start getting a little too homoerotic
976 notes
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💥 courtroomchaos Follow
your honor i know all the evidence points to my client being guilty. but come on you have to admit he kinda ate right
💼 courtofwaw Follow
mia fey when they had phoenix wright on trial
20,475 notes
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🔍 thuthseeker Follow
ok hot take but i feel like these lawyers should maybe not be allowed to drag literal children to court with them?? how many people have gotten genuinely actually fucking SHOT in court and they're just ok bringing fucking 8 year olds in?
12,475 notes
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💼 courtofwaw Follow
happy almost christmas to all who celebrate
💫 dizzydreamers124 Follow
it's march
🎄 holidazed Follow
happy almost christmas :)
😈 knownjaywalker Follow
WHO is putting this on my dash
👁️ cymorgue Follow
🐼 pandastar91 Follow
1,589,589 notes
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💽 platinumcourtrecord Follow
evil gavinners be like. innocent hate. this is a nothing post
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🥚 eggvidenced Follow
STOP asking me about the dl-6 post idc idc look even phoenix wright forged evidence once shut up
📕 lexculpatory Follow
he didn't forge the evidence, though. it was kristoph gavin who ordered the forgery. this was covered in the trial of vera misham. if you're going to try to compare yourself to well known figures, you could at least check the veracity of your claims.
🥚 eggvidenced Follow
yeah well. he might have. on a different case or something.
73 notes
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🃏 thecourtjester Follow
i tried to take the bar exam but they didnt let me because i wasnt cunty and traumatized enough
57,384 notes
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😇 innosense Follow
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683,876 notes
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🦀 mad_libz_87 Follow
when will global studios realize that i do not WANT another shitty steel samurai spinoff i just want the original show back
7,094 notes
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⚖️ courtofpublicopinions Follow
she present on my evidence til i reach a verdict
⚖️ courtofpublicopinions Follow
17,283 notes
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👑 courtroyals Follow
"we need more great prosecutors" you guys couldn't even handle manfred von karma
🧊 just--ice Follow
didn't he kill someone?
👑 courtroyals Follow
irrelevant. you guys couldn't handle him.
587 notes
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📋 lawandwhoreder Follow
law: i'm so law
lawyer, who needs to one up everyone no matter what: i'm more law than you
🏛️ lawyest Follow
📋 lawandwhoreder Follow
you've got to be fucking kidding me
183,834 notes
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🧊 just--ice Follow
why is it always murders with lawblr. why don't we ever talk about divorce or something
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nomchomaircon · 3 months
somehow I got 95/20 on an assignment
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I hope they never fix it and leave it this way forever
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nomchomaircon · 3 months
Experienced several previously undiscovered emotions today because my (conservative) mom said being gay is a choice because SHE likes women too but she simply chooses not to acknowledge it
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75K notes · View notes