noircissablack · 3 years
“Business, mostly,” Esmeralda answered. Some might have considered it wise for her to drop her voice to a whisper as she said it, but Esmeralda did no such thing. If prying ears were listening, let them take it as an advertisement. “Selling a few rare pieces.” It wasn’t like the deceased would miss them; they couldn’t take their possessions where it was they were going. Someone who still could use them might as well. “From the Edgecombe grandmother.” She’d died in her bed—and her jewels—last week. It was all Witch Weekly had talked about since, so Esmeralda knew she would get a good price.
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Narcissa’s gaze remained steady, with the exception of her wrinkled nose. She knew little of the Edgecombe family, except for what she most notably did not know: their heritage. “One has to wonder how she came by such rare pieces to begin with.” By wonder, she meant accuse. Surely an Edgecombe -- who lacked the nobility that people like Narcissa and Esmeralda exuded -- did not come by such grand things honestly. Knockturn Alley looked all the grayer now, as did Narcissa’s cheeks, which did not betray the heat that fanned the temper beneath her skin. From between gritted teeth, she seethed, “May she rest in peace.”
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noircissablack · 3 years
WHEN: 18 May, 1980 WHERE: Hogwarts library WHO: Narcissa Black & Severus Snape ( @princesev​ )
“Oh, it’s stained.” Narcissa pulled the corner of her essay taut across the table and hissed. “I know it wasn’t like this when we left.”
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noircissablack · 3 years
WHEN: 12 May, 1980 WHERE: Knockturn Alley WHO: Esmeralda Macnair & Narcissa Black​
Esmeralda’s fingers flexed at her side, rubbing once more at the strap on her shoulder to make sure the bag hanging there had gone no where, as if she might have forgotten it somehow or lost it in between her house and Knockturn Alley. Unsurprisingly, she hadn’t. 
“It’s a shame what they’ve let happen to this side of the city,” Esmeralda remarked to her companion. Narcissa’s ears may have caught the words critically. It’s a shame about all the vagabonds, the homeless, ruining my Pureblood stomping grounds. Esmeralda had meant it earnestly though. She felt for the hag of a woman sitting on her cardboard box, begging for alms outside one of the shops.
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Narcissa’s eyes swept the alley with disdain, which quickly dried and crusted over into something more insidious: resentment. That her best hope of seeking the worthy lie in the seedy underground of the Wizarding world, when it ought to have been polished and presented directly beneath the rare rays of English sun.
“It’s a shame there are sides,” Narcissa sniffed. She shivered as she pulled the button over the neck her cloak shut, though she was not cold. If anything, she felt sick, the pressure of the Black family insignia pressed weightily against her throat, the too large hood itching the skin she had pulled her hair tightly away from. And yet, it was more bearable than Hogwarts, than the Wimbourne house even. She sucked another breath in with great enthusiasm, savoring the air, as her gaze mimicked the pattern of Esmeralda’s. A sickle fell from her sleeve into the woman’s lap, then bounced away. She pretended not to notice the mad scramble that followed.
“What brings us here today, remind me?”
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noircissablack · 3 years
Emmeline looked around to see if Narcissa was speaking to someone else but that didn’t seem to be. “I know.” She said, “I was going to sit in the corner and go over my notes, is that a problem?” She wouldn’t have cared if it was a problem because she was going to do it anyway.
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“It doesn’t much matter to me what you do.” So long as you stay out of my way. But as long as Emmeline Vance -- blood traitor, and offensive dresser -- walked the hallowed halls of Hogwarts, Narcissa considered her very much in the way. “Don’t touch my things,” she added stiffly.
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noircissablack · 3 years
WHEN: 22 April, 1980 WHERE: (before) Potions Club WHO: Emmeline Vance ( @vanceofmyheart​ ) & Narcissa Black
“You’re early.” It was more an accusation than an observation, a merciless one that wondered aloud why Emmeline Vance, of all people, would dare to break Narcissa Black’s peace.
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noircissablack · 3 years
Severus smiled at Narcissa’s compliment though he knew not to take it to heart. As if he could give meaning to Slughorn’s work. Sometimes, Severus wondered if he would ever even be able to find the meaning of his own work. He didn’t like to think about it too much, but deep in his heart, he knew that magic was his escape. It was a selfish endeavour. He wasn’t studying Potions alongside healing or history to invent for the greater good. To Severus, the draw was pure magic. Wasn’t that the luxury of so called dark magic? Magic for magic’s sake? Maybe Narcissa was right that he was a masochist. 
“If you’re not going to answer my question, there’s no need to distract me with flattery now, Narcissa.”
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Narcissa bit back a smile, still holding the answer beneath her tongue. What good was it to say any of this aloud when she was sure Severus already knew who would be vying for his talents once he had graduated. “Speaking of distractions,” she said quietly, turning her body to the front of the room and raising a delicate finger to her lips, “Professor Slughorn is starting now.”
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~ fin ~
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noircissablack · 3 years
What he was sure was supposed to be some sort of power move from Narcissa Black only amused James. And, of course, allowed him to retaliate. Letting her get a bit ahead of him as he collected himself and stood, and hopefully gave her some false sense of victory, he pulled out his own wand and sent a Furnunculus Curse in the her direction. Satisfied, he grinned. “Have a good day, Cissa,” he shouted over his shoulder before turning and heading off down the corridor. He only he hoped he found Sirius quick enough so he could get a good look at his cousins face before she had the chance to find a healing potion.
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Narcissa’s stride faltered. The sting of an unanticipated hex reached more than just her face. It tingled down her spine, straight to the root of her very being: her pride. With a hand over her face, Narcissa darted into the lavatory, barking at the first year at the mirror to leave. Maybe James Potter had thought he’d gotten the best of her, Narcissa thought bitterly as she tended to the blemish he had marred her face with. But -- for not the first time in his life, and certainly not the last -- James Potter was wrong.
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~ fin ~
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noircissablack · 3 years
Mio smirked at the prim blonde she had once looked up to. Now, she was quite literally looking down at her. 
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Without another word, she picked up her book and walked back to her room, ignoring the tears that were threatening to form. 
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noircissablack · 3 years
Mio frowned and leaned in. “What matters to me, is that I thought the Junior Witches League was about promoting community service, sisterhood, and character. I saw that you were a new member educator, so I came to ask you about it. But it’s all right. I have all the information I need to know. Thank you very much.”
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Narcissa offered but a whiff of a delighted wail. “Is that supposed to upset me?” She asked Mio Bloxam. She reached up into her hair, delivering the back of her scalp a firm, satisfying scratch. “Make me rethink my wanton and wicked ways?” As she stood, she realized too late that she was shorter than this witch---but still, Narcissa assumed the position of tower between the two. “You’re a weed, Mio Bloxam. But I’ll thank you for at least weeding yourself out on my behalf. It’s the least you could do for interrupting my afternoon reading.”
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noircissablack · 3 years
Mio blinked. “If you’re asking about my family ancestry, you could just say that. Otherwise, I’ve already told you. What is it that you want to know?” She wasn’t sure why she was being so cold and curt, but something about the way Narcissa looked at her bothered her. Mio had long looked up to the other witch from afar, but it was as if the moment the glass wall between them shattered, so did the illusion. 
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“Is that what matters to you, Mio Bloxam?” Narcissa doubted it. Most people who threw such comments about were glorified Muggles in their own right. She sprawled out against the leather sofa, finally settling on an expression: boredom. “Or have you simply forgotten? Just as you’ve already forgotten who interrupted whom.”
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noircissablack · 3 years
Mio raised an eyebrow. As nervous as she was to say anything to Narcissa Black, she told herself she wouldn’t allow the other girl to step all over her. They had both been rightfully sorted into Slytherin after all. This white girl might be rich, but she wasn’t royalty. (And so what if she was?) “I’m Mio Bloxam and I’m in the Social Sciences degree.” 
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Narcissa leaned forward, careful to hold her posture as she dug her elbows into her knees, and her chin into her folded fingers. “But who are you?” she inquired, her gaze all but empty. She would put no weight in this witch until she knew she was worth the investment.
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noircissablack · 3 years
Andromeda bumped her hip against her sister’s, ever so gently. “I certainly won’t let them forget it,” she said, her voice low but no less warm.
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Narcissa did smile now, as a swarm of pleasant little moths flapped their tickling wings against her insides. “Now, about the bedrooms---”
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~ fin ~
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noircissablack · 3 years
“Perhaps,” she said, if only for the brief enjoyment she glimpsed at subverting commands placed on her by anyone. She meant no ill will by it; it was all a part of the game they had been born into playing. 
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~ Le Fin ~
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noircissablack · 3 years
WHEN: 29 March, 1980 WHERE: Slytherin common room WHO: Mio Bloxam & Narcissa Black​
Mio had sat down beside, well, two velvety green cushion spots away from, Narcissa Black about twenty minutes ago and was still working up the courage to talk to her. Though they were not in close proximity, she could smell the other girl’s expensive perfume. Narcissa looked perfectly poised, her long silvery blonde hair curtained over her shoulder without a single strand out of place. Mio was in awe. She closed her eyes and promised herself she would speak when she opened them again. “So, you’re a recruiter for the Junior Witches League, isn’t that right?”
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Instinctively, Narcissa hissed. Her position in the League had proven to be both a blessing and a curse over this past year. Of course, she loved to pass on tradition and legacy to the witches who would one day be running the organization. It was the others -- the ones she herself had deemed unworthy, but who had been admitted anyway -- that plagued her. The sneer she wore as she looked this first year up and down was the same she had given those unworthy witches during the rush mixers in September. And what good had that done? Her face was blank by the the time she addressed the other Slytherin at all.
“Who are you?”
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noircissablack · 3 years
“Well, it feels old, in a comfortable sort of way. Not falling apart,” she hurried to add, “but — like it’s got history, you know?” Andromeda acquired something of a dreamy-eyed look.
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Narcissa understood. She gazed up at the building, instilling in them the same reverence Andromeda spoke with. But what she said was, “They should be so lucky to have me.”
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noircissablack · 3 years
“You could always plateau instead,” she suggested. “Of course, eventually when others peak higher than you, that plateau will look like a valley surrounded by them.”
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“It’s lucky the mediocre inspire me, then.” She said the word with more disdain than necessary, as though poison hung between the letters, spelling out her deceased sister’s name. Her head pounded now with the same dull throb she anticipated a poison would deliver at the mere though. “I should be packing,” Narcissa said curtly, standing at once. “You’ll meet me for dinner?” It was not a request, nor an invitation, but rather one of her kinder commands.
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noircissablack · 3 years
“What there is left to do? And by that you mean…?”
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“Oh, I don’t know yet, Narcissa. I may even sign up for more Slughorn by doing a master’s degree.”
“How masochistic of you,” Narcissa smirked, sidestepping the question, to which she found the answer obvious. Her brother-in-law was making great strides in modern science, and so was Rosalind’s husband. If Severus didn’t know what sort of meaningful work he could find outside of Hogwarts, surely he would before long. “I’m sure Slughorn would be thrilled to hear you say so. You’d be giving meaning to his work, at least.” Unlike the ambitionless wizard had disturbed their lesson, and was now racing into the corridor, off to the Hospital Wing.
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