noharasub · 2 days
Learn to be an observer.
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noharasub · 2 months
- I am the creator
- People are my NPCs
(While I’m eating delicious ice cream from Burger King, I’m writing you this post)
Yes, that's exactly what I mean. You are the only consciousness that can control everyone and everything. In your illusion, all people, animals, bloggers, etc. are not real people with consciousness.
Why? All reality is a hologram. And you reproduce it every second (let’s say conditionally, because time is also part of illusions).
Note. Even treating people as non-player characters doesn't make them any less realistic.
So don’t be afraid, everything will be the same, but it will become easier for you to change people’s feelings and thoughts. After all, you understand that all people are subject to you, they still adhere to you based on your beliefs....., and your partner will hate you or madly
to love you, it depends on you.
"NPCs are controlled by you, 3D illusion, everything is an illusion and you create it"
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noharasub · 2 months
- How do you manifest?
- I just know
- You know?
- I know
This kind of dialogue happens to me often, because such a question is common in my personal life. What does this mean? "I know I already got what I wanted"
It literally means what it says. When you feel the knowledge that the desire is already yours, then any doubts, contradictions, etc. disappear.
Aurora is 15 years old and wants to become a ballerina. But she has bad genes, she has never done ballet, and besides, there are a lot of contraindications. Aurora began to feel sad and driven, “Oh my God... I so dream of becoming a ballerina, but *lists 1000 and 1 reasons why this is impossible*”
One day Aurora came across the topic of loa (the law of assumption) and began to study this topic. She tried to figure it out for a long time, tried to track down her mistakes... all in vain. In desperation, she stumbles upon my post and writes to me in a personal message asking for help.
I tell her: Aurora, you should know that you have already become a ballerina. You are the prima of the big theater.
Aurora will ask in surprise: In what sense? How can you know what you haven't achieved yet?
But.....the essence of the law of assumption is that you have already received the desire. The boundaries are only in your head. You yourself gave meaning to some thoughts. What's stopping you from doing what you want? Fear? Doubts?
I ask her to say to herself: “I am a prima ballerina of the most prestigious theater in my country.
Aurora: “I am a prima ballerina of the most prestigious theater in my country”
Why does fear suddenly arise? If you are ALREADY a prima? You've been dancing for a long time!
Aurora says again: “I am a prima ballerina of the most prestigious theater in my country.”
Where do the doubts come from, if she is ALREADY prima.... what doubts, where will they come from?
The main thing is to realize that there are no boundaries and to leave the usual, boring 3D life behind forever......live a bunch of interesting lives, realities....Aurora is now a prima.....and you?
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