noahkeddy · 2 years
Resources                                                   Free – Using what is already there
Construction                                               Require a quote – 0.3 – 3% of budget initial design fee, 25% of budget for    actual design – $2100 + $17,500 = $19,600.
Indigenous Consultation                                     requires quote – possibly up to $2500+
Plaque                                                           $300 - $400
Website                                                        $3,000 - $3,500
Other costs that will still require considering is the cost of installation/securing, the painting of the sculpture and the transportation of the sculpture.
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noahkeddy · 2 years
Future Innovations
Whilst this sculpture is envisioned as a singular installation, there is the possibility to create more, future sculptures could draw on more imagery from Northshore’s precolonial history and could attempt to recreate imagery of the rich ecosystem that existed before the industrialisation of the area, or it could incorporate tokens from differing Indigenous groups.  The installation could also have an AR app created to accompany it to potentially bring it to life, this is a way to serve a younger audience 10-14 audience, who may require a more engaging, interactive, and exciting form of storytelling to conceptualise what the sculpture represents.
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noahkeddy · 2 years
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noahkeddy · 2 years
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noahkeddy · 2 years
Pitch for Padlet
Built using the scraps and waste of Northshore’s Industrial past and drawing on Imagery from the area’s rich precolonial history, this sculpture is uniquely Northshore. Drawing audiences in with its identifiable and quirky presence, the statue represents, honours, educates and attempts to reignite the sites history of being a meeting place for those who visit.
This project requires people with a certain set of skills, (you do not need to have all these skills). These skills are:
High-level research skills – Particularly delving into history & culture
A solid understanding or experience in Workshop/Construction
Excellent communication skills both written & spoken
Experience with Photoshop/ 3D modelling would be great
Web design skills
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noahkeddy · 2 years
Engaging with First Nations People
I just watched the week 5 lectures on engaging with first nations people. Whilst I will need to likely watch it again, as I found some parts confusing, I did take away some key points. Consulting with first nations people will be a long process. Brett Leavy said that 'culture is a business' for first nations people, as such they are very busy. He also mentioned how there are multiple differing Indigenous perspectives and groups, that whilst it would be great to consult with everyone, in the end not everyone will be happy. In terms of approaching them, Leavy said you have to approach them with collaboration in mind, and how it benefits them, 'offering an outcome'.
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noahkeddy · 2 years
Appeal to Target Audience
For the target audience, 18-25 years old, this audience segment will revel in the quirkiness and uniqueness of the sculpture, but also be able to appreciate and reflection on Northshore’s history and culture, as well as what the land and site represents. Whilst this audience may not be seeking out this statue because of the history and culture it represents, it is still vital to be included, upheld, and promoted. I believe that it is important to be aware of the history and culture of where one lives whether it is their own culture or not, it plays a massive role in creating pride and sense of community in where people live. The sculpture is meant to be just as much educational as it is charming. This is why the target audience for this project has not been narrowed down to just young Indigenous Aboriginals.
This slightly older demographic is also most likely to share photos with the sculpture on social media, boosting the awareness of the site, and encouraging more youth to visit. According to the target audience profile provided by the client brief, they are looking for “Opportunities to connect, practical examples to bring education to life in areas of history, sustainability and innovation and Engaging Facebook and Instagram content”. The project is a very Instagram-able piece, it also exists to represent Northshore place as a meeting place, and it provides an easily accessible cultural and historical narrative. As such, this project seems to be a perfect match for the target audience.
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noahkeddy · 2 years
Benefits to Shareholders
This public display is designed to be a centrepiece for Northshore, representing the site. Ideally becoming closely linked to the site’s brand. For businesses associated with Northshore like Eat Street, the sculpture will also become linked to their brand, benefiting them. Due to the large size of the sculpture, it should, if positioned correctly also be able to be viewed from the river, on Brisbane City Cats cruising by, encouraging exploration and inciting intrigue on the site.
Another Shareholder this project aims to benefit is people of Indigenous Aboriginal heritage. Despite making up a small percentage of the local demographic, it is just as important to promote Indigenous Aboriginal culture as it would be to promote any culture. Recently in my studies, I have been looking at the role of the ABC and SBS quite a bit. I have been looking at how despite their comparatively small audience share to commercial broadcasters, they are important in promoting neglected voices and cultures. This has led to me reflecting on the fact that personally, despite coming from a privileged and largely served culture I always get a great sense of pride when I see my history reflected and recognised and why it is important that all cultures can feel the same. Whilst I cannot say with certainty what people of Indigenous heritage will feel about this project, it is the hope to instil a similar sense of pride in seeing their culture reflected, and why consultation and ideally their involvement is essential for this project.
There are obviously several more shareholders who are going unmentioned, these are just some of the obvious benefits I could think of off the top of my head. I will also talk about the benefits it has to residents more when discussing placemaking. As well as how it offers opportunities and benefits for local businesses like Hackerspace.
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noahkeddy · 2 years
Meeting the Brief
The installation feeds into Northshore’s identity by drawing on its unique history and culture, as well as looking at what Northshore is becoming. Northshore is very much a site of rejuvenation and revitalisation, instilling new life into a previously industrial site. This installation represents what Northshore is as well as vision is for the future. It is giving new life to waste from Northshore’s industrial past, revitalising it into a public display. Representing what Northshore is becoming, a site of innovation, community, originality, connection to land and recreation. It is also, in a sense, returning to its roots of becoming a meeting place once more, which when looking back at its pre-colonial history was what Northshore was to the indigenous inhabitants. This sculpture looks to honour that history, and it strives to become that again, by drawing on imagery of the time.
With the Olympics right around the corner and the Athletes Village set to be located at Northshore, the sculpture has the opportunity to be an important symbol and centrepiece for the significant occasion. It was mentioned during a tutorial earlier this semester, that in 2032 Northshore will be a meeting place for so many cultures and people around the world, which is quite amazing given Northshore’s history. Given that it represents & honours the Aboriginal history of the space and its origins as a meeting place, the sculpture is a great dedication to that.
The client brief stressed the importance of sustainability. The creation of this project not only creates zero waste, but it also recycles material from the Industrial infrastructure.  Furthermore, due to the nature of the project its presence will not have any adverse effects on the environment either. It does not require any power, create any waste or pollution.
It also serves the youth audience, which I will address further in another post, as well as how it will increase brand awareness as well.
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noahkeddy · 2 years
To enhance my understanding, I did some research into other scrap metal sculptures, including the one I saw in Portugal that inspired this project. I found that overwhelmingly these statues are often a critique of society or just done as hobbies without a deeper meaning. Whilst scrap metal sculptures are hardly original, the history and culture-centred approach to this installation make it original and distinctive to Northshore. Incorporating materials and remnants of Northshore’s industrial past whilst incorporating imagery inspired by its rich indigenous history, ensures the installation is uniquely Northshore. The sculpture will represent the connection between past and present honouring the role of the area in being a meeting place.
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noahkeddy · 2 years
Actual Design for Sculpture
I have been struggling to decide on what the actual design of the sculpture should be. I had in mind early on that it would be an animal inspired by Dreamtime stories or something from the history of Northshore. However, I have struggled to find an animal from their culture that aligns with the meaning behind the sculpture. I think that even if I were to choose an animal, it would likely change after talking to advisors. I did think that instead of one large sculpture, multiple smaller sculptures could be created recreating life during precolonial times. For example the fishing.
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noahkeddy · 2 years
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This symbol means meeting place in Aboriginal Culture. Whether in the plaque or somehow in the sculpture, this symbol would be great to include.
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noahkeddy · 2 years
I found this site, which is owned and run by Turrbal people. They offer cultural assessments and training. As the Turrbal people are the original custodians of the land, they seem like the best option for consultation & advice.
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noahkeddy · 2 years
Timeline for Construction factors
For abstract metal sculpture artist Rob Lorenson, his projects can take up to 6 months. However, his work is a lot less detailed than what I have envisioned and is solid metal as opposed to scrap. It is also worth mentioning that this sculpture is envisioned to be created with Hackersmith, and ideally will involve the collaboration and efforts of multiple people.
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noahkeddy · 2 years
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This Comes from the Regional Aboriginal Consultation Guidelines (2013). There are a few different engagement opportunities. Whilst this project could work with the Whadjuk Working Claim Group Party for free, I think it would be best to spend time with Aboriginal Consultant and Elders as well, to gain a wide berth of knowledge. I read that with these consultations, it isn't about receiving approval, but rather learning about the culture and history. As such I would imagine to best honour their culture, this project spends sufficient time immersed in the culture and learning. As such I am imagining 5 days with Consultants and Elders would be best, which would equate to $2500ish. This is not a Brisbane consultant guide and is from 2013 so it could vary a bit. Whilst I was able to find a few different consultant businesses they were unable to provide prices.
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noahkeddy · 2 years
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noahkeddy · 2 years
Adjustment to Idea
Another element that I am adding to the concept is a plaque. It's a fairly basic addition but if this installation is here to be educational, then it should be some information. I often find plaques with information very bland and dry. This plaque is here to acknowledge that this sculpture honours the indigenous history, and is striving to become a meeting place once more like it once was.
It could also include a QR code with a link to more information perhaps.
The other thing that would be great, would be a little spiel on how to introduce yourself according to Abroringal culture, by who you are not what you do.
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