nlvhunter · 2 days
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Rakim is the best rapper of all time. This is my judgment, and it hurts no one. If it leads to a discussion, that's fine, too.
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nlvhunter · 2 days
On Judgment
People always trip about judgment, being judged; why do you judge me? Nobody wants to be perceived as passing judgment towards someone else. This is nonsense.
Of course we need to pass judgment towards our fellow man. It is the way the world works, at least when it is working at all. 
Without judgment, crime would run wild. Everyone could do anything and there would be no consequences. You need a judge for such matters to get to the bottom of things and to define what has happened and which consequences are appropriate. You cannot do this without judging someone.
How do we know what is good? Yes, you can argue “I’m not gonna like something just because everyone else does,” but you might want to find out why something is great, or why it stinks, for that matter. For a film or a book, a simple judgment, while not required, may smooth things out.
While we are at it, what about meals? Certainly we have been passing judgment on certain restaurants for decades. As consumers, we have limited time and funds. A quick review of a restaurant will determine if we are wont to drive across town to try the lobster at a new waterfront joint. You may need restaurant reviews for that decision.
Many people dislike the act of judgment because they fear they may not measure up to societal norms; that their lifestyle or belief system is being unfairly attacked by the judging. The easy response is…who cares? Why should anyone care about the opinions of your particular lifestyle choices when you are simply living the best version of your life? Our lives are tenuous; nobody gets out alive. It would seem we all have just enough time to run our lives. We probably don’t have time to stew in regret over what somebody else says or thinks. Time waits for no man.
Finally, what about Judgment Day? At the end of your life, you will probably be judged at the pearly gates, the decision of the disposition of your mortal soul hanging in the balance, if you believe in that sort of thing. If you don’t believe in heaven, then what do you care if someone is judging you? And if you do believe in such concepts, you would welcome the occasional judgment, keeping you on track and living on the straight and narrow. Eternity is a long time, Brother.
Perhaps, in the end, you feel this essay is not worth a damn. I accept your passing judgment on my work, knowing full well I can write another, as early as this afternoon. After the Mariners game, of course.
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nlvhunter · 4 months
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nlvhunter · 4 months
“The size is OK, but it don’t fit!” - Woody Woodpecker trying on top hats in a hat store this morning.
Nowadays, we would try to be clever, overthinking this line to mean the hat is the correct size, but for some reason, it’s just not my kind of hat. But Woody walked into the store asking specifically to look at top hats, so he wants the hat to work for him. This feels more like a pun from a simpler time, like when Henry Ford said you could order the Model T in any color, so long as it was black. To enjoy cartoons we sometimes have to relax and disengage our brains; not necessarily shut them off, but take them out of drive and let them slip into neutral. Let the cartoons take the wheel on a Saturday morning. It’s raining, and the rest of your life can wait for awhile.
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nlvhunter · 5 months
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nlvhunter · 5 months
They teach us how
It’s OK to ask for
Help, to reach goals and have success.
Go Bears!
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nlvhunter · 5 months
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nlvhunter · 5 months
Came home, door wide
Open. Nothing spooky
No one hiding to sock me with
Both hands.
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nlvhunter · 5 months
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nlvhunter · 5 months
New Years
Time to take stock
Clean house, get organized,
Maybe take down the Christmas tree?
We’ll see.
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nlvhunter · 5 months
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nlvhunter · 5 months
Out in Sumner
Home of Dad’s Potatoes
Two couples sitting side by side,
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nlvhunter · 6 months
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Oh, Hell yes!
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nlvhunter · 6 months
Still on Cloud Nine,
Showing out Monday night,
Eagles got Locked for all to see,
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nlvhunter · 6 months
Get to the gym.
Wilson arrives at five.
Change your name, but you cannot hide.
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nlvhunter · 6 months
My vantage point
From here I can see all
My food, my fun, my loves, my world
All here.
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nlvhunter · 10 months
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Get you some funky get down on the get down!
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