nishaagarwal · 3 years
Ayurvedic Immunity Booster To Overcome This Pandemic
COVID Pandemic has educated us what all to be built and how to overcome it in this situation. People are ongoing with various immunity boosters and supplements that actually work for that particular time which is also bothering them with the side effects too. As there is no proper medication followed till now, we can now follow some natural remedies along with some ayurvedic supplements. But don’t step into the wrong direction without knowing deeply about what you're consuming. Let us quickly drive into some Tips to Boost Immunity naturally.
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6 Natural Remedies for Immunity Booster:
Don’t Compromise Sleep - Just have a good sleep without any distractions.
Stay Hydrated - Drink at least 8-10 glasses of water every day.
Don’t Skip Your Workouts - Do your exercise regularly to stay active.
Improve Your Diet - Change your food habits and intake fruits and more vegetables.
Manage Stress Levels - Stay calm and make a practice of Meditation.
Consume Natural Supplements - Intake of herbs will help to overcome any disease.
Follow these on a regular basis to stay healthy not only to face COVID but any other common diseases, where these regular activities keep our mind and entire body system peaceful. However, Natural remedies take some part of action that makes our system clean. But there are methods we need to follow strictly, such as Traditional Medication which are remembered from our olden days. Intake of Iron, Protein and Carbohydrates in our food is how you think it helps us, the same way to overcome this COVID or to boost Immunity use Ayurvedic Immunity Booster from Jammi Pharmaceuticals. 
Immunity Booster from Jammi Benefits:
Boost immunity
Reduces allergies (sniffles and sneezing in the morning)
Improves digestion
Reduces phlegm from lungs
Promotes skin glow & health
Instant source of Energy
Regulates hormone function
Source - Ayurvedic Immunity Booster To Prevent this Pandemic
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nishaagarwal · 3 years
7 Quick Ayurvedic Remedies for Asthma - Effective and Natural
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Asthma is a common respiratory disease which affects the airways of the lungs. Asthma occurs when you have symptoms like tightness of the chest, wheezing noise while breathing, dry mouth and thirst, dry skin, anxiety, constipation, coughing or shortness of breath. Asthma can be treated with some massages, yoga’s, consuming some herbs, breathing exercises and some lifestyle changes that gives some relief.
Asthma may be an incurable disease with allopathy or unnamed drugs which people are now being used regularly. But Ayurvedic Medicine for Asthma was not new, as Ayurveda is an ancient method that has been followed by generations. It is still currently practiced by many as it is found to be comfortable, natural and quite effective than other drugs. Instead allopathy medicines also attain side effects further. Better find ayurvedic medicines that cures asthma naturally without any side effects instead of trying allopathy medicines and treatment.
Now let us quickly drive to some 7 quick ayurvedic remedies for asthma that can be an instant result to control asthma from severe attack.
Ginger and Turmeric or Curcumin - Turmeric is a regularly used ingredient which helps to cure any kind of disease. Same as for asthma too. Make a hot tea with the mixture of ginger and turmeric for better relief. 
Honey and Onion - Mix some pepper and 1 tsp honey and small amount of onion juice in a glass which should be consumed slowly. It minimizes and reduces breathlessness during an asthmatic attack.
Herbal Tea - For asthmatics, anything consumed with herbs works out well. Make a herbal tea that contains ginger, tulasi, pepper and cloves that really increases your immunity too.
Honey and Cloves - To strengthen your lungs, a mixture of cloves and banana to be kept overnight and eaten the next day. Follow this up, after an hour (nothing to be consumed during the time), with a little hot water and honey. This is very helpful for those suffering from chronic bronchial asthma.
Mustard Oil - Mustard Oil is highly useful for asthma attacks. Take a small amount of oil and rub it on your chest every day before you sleep, which gives complete relief of attacks.
Black Raisin - Dry fruits like Black Raisin, Dates should be equally taken and make a paste. Consume it with warm milk which prevents the breathing problem.
Honey and Bay Leaf - Bay and Honey works to be the best prevention for chronic symptoms of asthma. Mix both as one teaspoon of honey and bay leaf powder for effective medication.
These following methods are purely herbal and effective for breathing problems, eventually it is controlled from it. To make a complete cure out of asthma or this respiratory disease, Jammi Pharmaceuticals an expert ayurvedic clinic with a vast experience of 123 years in the industry has been successfully running with multiple solutions which is also one among for chronic respiratory disease or asthma. AA Caps is the finest solution that provides major relief from Asthma Attacks, Prevents Upper Respiratory Tract Distress and Long-Term Respiratory problems which gives easy and comfortable breathing without any side effects.
Source - 7 Quick Ayurvedic Remedies for Asthma
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nishaagarwal · 3 years
Kabasura Kudineer - Best Ayurvedic Immunity Booster for COVID
Worried about the comeback of the second wave of COVID? No idea on how to stay protected from this pandemic situation? Check out some tips to boost your immunity system this second wave. Immunity is the major factor every individual needs to build for this Coronavirus. A better immunity will make you stronger to fight COVID-19. There are several ways to boost immunity, but only some can really work for this second wave of attack.
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Things to Follow: Staying Hydrated, Taking more species in your daily intake, Steaming, Yoga, Staying Hygiene, Taking a Nutritious Food and Sleep, Vitamin tabs, Proteins like Egg, Milk, Dates etc., and also some special Ayurvedic touch will actually boost your immunity to the next level. As all these are already practiced, we all are aware of it. But the first wave is not such an easy thing to manage like the second wave. Second wave is really serious and the cases are increasing day by day. In such a situation, every individual should stay responsible enough and should take some crucial steps to take care of their immunity and health on a regular basis.
As we all came to know that medicines are not a solution so far, but the government has issued some welfare measures to use Ayurveda options that a person can take to increase their immunity. In that phase, Kabasura Kudineer from Jammi Pharmaceuticals is the excellent immunity booster recommended by both the Ministry of AYUSH and the TN State Government for protection against the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic. Kabasura Kudineer Choornam has strong anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, anti-asthmatic, hepato-protective, and immunomodulatory properties. Kabasura Kudineer Chooranam contains all the 15 ingredients that actually helps to fight from all related diseases like flu, fever, cold and cough.
Benefits of Kabasura Kudineer:
Protection from nCov-19 and Covid
Excellent Immunity Booster
Get Kabasura Kudineer Online Now for Immediate Action to Fight from the Second Wave of COVID.
Source - Kabasura Kudineer Ayurvedic Immunity Booster 
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nishaagarwal · 3 years
Top 5 Ayurvedic Natural Facial Cream for Glowing and Flawless Skin
Are you bored with chemical mixed commercial fairness creams and their unwanted side effects? Find Ayurveda solutions that can help your skin glow naturally without any adverse side effects. Ayurvedic Solutions are strongly recommended by experts, professionals and affected people who are suffering with common facial issues and want to regain their natural skin cover back. From adults to ages everyone can make use of ayurvedic products as it shows the effective results forever.
Why Ayurvedic Solution for Glowing Skin?
No Risk of unwanted Side Effects.
Suitable for all Skin types including Sensitive or Irritated Skin.
Nourishment and Moisturization along with fairness.
Improved Blood and Cell renewal for an Ageless Glow.
Healthy skin from inside with Natural Radiance.
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In older days, Ayurvedic Solutions ingredients like [herbs, rooted spices] applied directly to the skin, but for modern cultured women's now Ayurvedic solutions have been converted as creams that made it easy for all. Still in confusion on which product to invest and which gives effective results? Here is the solution. Let’s discuss in detail about the top 5 products that really help your skin to restore your beauty.
Vicco Turmeric Skin Cream: 
Vicco is a real branded product of Ayurvedic. It is a pure natural product without any chemicals that shines in the market for more than years. Vicco Turmeric is a purely mixed combination of Turmeric and Sandalwood that gives natural glow to your skin. It shows effective results like Nourishing and Revitalizes your skin back.
BeAYUtiful.You Glow: 
BeAYUtiful.You GLOW facial cream is an outcome of 123 years of ayurvedic expertise. There are a total of 23 ingredients infused in this facial cream to nourish your skin and rejuvenate your face. Choosing these right ingredients for your face is paramount for enhanced blood flow thereby promoting your natural complexion. Major ingredients like Saffron, Tree turmeric, Lotus Stamens and Sandalwood helps to moisturize, exfoliate and improve skin complexion.
Himalaya Herbals Natural Glow Kesar Face Cream: 
Himalaya Herbals is a completely herbal ayurvedic product. Especially the kesar face cream is an advanced solution for skin whitening and complexion. The cream contains Saffron, Alfalfa, Vitamin E, and Vitamin B3 for moisturizing your skin and gives complete nourishment. It reduces hyperpigmentation, blemishes, dark spots, under-eye dark circles, and dullness on regular usage.
Fair & Lovely Ayurvedic Care: 
Fair & Lovely was most popular at times and people are using it for ages. It is also a brand of ayurvedic products providing various solutions from 1975. Fair & Lovely Ayurvedic Cream contains a unique blend of 16 Ayurvedic herbs which gives you a clear, glowing, and rejuvenated skin naturally. Other Ayurvedic ingredients used in the cream are lodhra, ksheera, kesar, chandan, manjistha, milk, til oil, padmak etc that helps to reduce dark spots, scar marks, blemishes on the skin.
Boutique Bio White Advanced Fairness Treatment: 
Boutique Bio is again a mostly used branded Ayurvedic Solution containing 100% pure and natural botanical extracts blended with fruit particles. The advanced fairness cream now contains extracted fruit flavors like jasmine, pineapple, papaya, tomato, lemon, and zinc ash etc., to make skin fairer, flawless and clear.
Choose your fairness solution wisely. Make use of it for better results. Want to consult a professional to get customized ayurvedic products for your skin? Book Appointment Online.
Source - Top 5 Ayurvedic Facial Cream for Glowing Skin
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nishaagarwal · 3 years
What Can Be the Best Treatment For Fatty Liver Disease?
Your liver is the busiest organ in your body that filters the blood all day, metabolizes food, produces hormones, detoxifies your system, digests fat, activates various enzymes, stores energy, excretes drugs and several other critical functions to keep your body in a fine state of balance. In fact, your liver is the workhouse of your body that does multiple activities a day. So, What happens if we maintain a poor lifestyle and lack in taking care of your liver? Let’s discuss in detail What it's all about.. 
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Firstly, What Is Fatty Liver?
Fatty Liver is also known as hepatic steatosis, where this resulting disease is formed when the fat builds up in your liver. Small amount of fat doesn’t affect your liver, but what happens when it ends up with too much fat? Resulting in Fatty Liver, when it finds its beginning stage is not a serious issue but later the next stage of inflammation damage ends up with fibrosis or scarring. In severe cases, this scarring can lead to liver failure. To control in the first stage of fatty liver what could actually help?
What are the Symptoms for Fatty Liver?
Fatty Liver cause Symptoms such as:
Loss of Appetite and Immediate Weight Loss
Occurs Weakness
Nose Bleeding
Itchy Skin
Yellow Skin and Eyes that results to Jaundice
Swelling in Legs and Abdominal
Results in Confusion
Treatment For Fatty Liver? How To Control It?
Livercure-Complex Forte is a comprehensive solution for all your liver problems, which is best specialized from Jammi Pharmaceuticals. Livercure Complex Forte is complete natural Ayurvedic Medicine which treats issues like Fatty Liver, Jaundiced Liver, Hepatitis, Fibrosis and Cirrhosis. Liver Transplantation should be done only if these diseases get severe. But, Unfortunately people who are affected with these problems can now use Livercure to control and settle back to normal.
Counteracts hepatotoxic drugs
Perfect adjuvant in antibiotic therapy
The power of 18 ‘time-tested’ active ingredients
Entirely secure and has no side effects
Non-Hormonal & Non-toxic
Jammi Wellness Clinic was formed into Jammi’s Livercure Clinic in 1949 which is well known for the treatment of many liver and spleen diseases. Which is later developed with more ayurvedic formulations that suits to cover all types of liver problems to get solved at times. Jammi’s 123 years of experience in the Ayurvedic industry proven to be the one stop solution for regaining your healthy culture. 
For Prevention, Cure and Care, Buy your Product Online Now or Consult our Reputed Liver Specialists - Call 7824822522 
Source — Best Treatment For Fatty Liver Disease
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nishaagarwal · 3 years
Can Arthritis Be Cured Permanently? Is There Any Effective Treatment for Joint Pain?
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Arthritis is one of the most common diseases of Joint Pains. Joint Pain is a common complaint that typically affects joints including shoulders, hips, elbows and knees. It results only from an illness or injury where it doesn't have any doctor treatment or hospital visit until or otherwise it has been a severe injury or a problem.
What are the Causes for Joint Pain?
Septic Arthritis
Rheumatic fever
Rheumatoid arthritis
Bone cancer
Broken bone
An infection of the bone or joint
Overuse of a joint
Tendinitis, or inflammation of the tendon
Symptoms That You Should Find A Doctor If:
If that particular area of joint is swollen or warm to the touch.
If the pain persists for three days or more.
If you have a fever but no other signs of the flu etc,.
You’ve experienced a serious injury.
If the joint appears deformed or motionless.
Treatment For Natural Cure:
Find natural medicine for Joint Pain / Arthritis from Jammi Pharmaceuticals, who makes expertise in Ayurvedic Solution - the natural way to cure a disease or disorder. OrthoRaksha – Ayurvedic Medicine for Joint Pains & Arthritis finds to be complete treatment and permanent relief for arthritis problems. Why OrthoRaksha from Jammi Ayurveda? Because OrthoRaksha is made by the choicest of 15 Classic Ingredients that controls inflammation and other pains without any undesirable side-effects. 
OrthoRaksha is a proven solution for Joint Pain & Arthritis that maintains healthy joints and improves flexibility with slow relief..
Source - Joint Pain Relief Treatment In Ayurveda
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nishaagarwal · 3 years
How Ayurvedic Medicine Works Effective For PCOS Disorder?
Polycystic Ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a hormonal disorder that was commonly facing among women in their reproductive age. Women with PCOS may have infrequent or prolonged menstrual periods or excess male hormone (androgen) levels. Symptoms include menstrual irregularity, excess hair growth, acne and obesity. Proper food diet, Medication & Practicing fitness on a regular basis makes way for better relief. Treatments include birth control pills to regularize periods, medication are there to prevent diabetes, statins to control high cholesterol, hormones to increase fertility and procedures to remove excess hair. 
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Do you think that all this works out for permanent solutions? And will it be 100% effective on consuming high control pills at regular intervals on doctor consultation? Ayurvedic Medicines, Therapies or Treatments is no way the best option for all the health disorders or problems that helps to cure in an organic and natural way without any side effects. 
What Happens If It Is Untreated?
PCOS affects many systems in our body as it makes the problem even worse if it is not treated properly. All of these symptoms will lead to other health risk factors like Cancers, Type 2 Diabetes, Heart Disease or major problems in getting pregnant.
Treatments are there, but Instant Control is not possible.
Diagnosing is hard at the next stage. More the symptoms, the more we get confused about how to treat it.
Results to Infertility.
How To Treat PCOS In Ayurveda?
Cystevit is a very unique formulation from Jammi Pharmaceuticals wherein all the problem areas associated with PCOS are addressed and solved to regenerate the life a fulfilling peace – both physically and emotionally.
• Effective in the management of PCOS both in adolescents and women of childbearing age.
• Resolves issues that affect Ovulatory and Metabolic functions
• Normalizes weight in obese patients
• Decreases Androgenic features – Normalizes hormonal balances
• Improves ovulatory functions and stimulates ovulation.
• Reduces cyst size and numbers
Cystevit is an advanced ayurvedic medicine, which is highly recommended in all cases and stages of PCOS problem for the woman to make the imbalance state in a balanced healthy way!
Buy Now Online - Cystevit – Ayurvedic Medicine for PCOS
Source - https://bit.ly/2L5ueDi
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