ningtyasfi · 1 year
Tumblr media
Tadabbur QS. Ali Imran : 186
Tumblr media
QS. Ali Imran : 190-191
Tumblr media
QS. Ali Imran : 196-197
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ningtyasfi · 1 year
#2 journey in tumblr.
typing this on 10.25 p.m. with my eyes gotta fall asleep as soon as possible.
i must remember that i have my vow to write down my daily activities in this medium.
i opened my day as usual, wake up lately at 7 a.m, and fell asleep again until 8 a.m. idk since when this keep be my one of bad habits.
i've ever heard about quote, said we should, at least, reduce the bad habit you did yesterday for your tomorrow. i always regeret it, but effortlessly, it repeated, become my regular routine. can this bad behaviour stop and get out from my life forever?
ow, three of sentence above were begun by letter "i" 🤣
because of one mistake i made in the morning, all of activities surely moved on the wrong time. finally i can finish the house chore on 10 a.m, and be well prepared on 11 a.m. actually i have an appointment with Dhila to help her with her research, but yeah fortunately, even i came late, there was no laboratory asisstant to keep the lab, so we delay the activities by did my organization stuff. i forget what i've done at that time. dhila gave me vanilla milk, yummy! thanks a lot <3
finally, at 1 p.m, we measure some medium chemical components on the chemical stocks room. there was a pregant cat sneaked into the room. i was worried about the cat, because the room contains and smelled chemical components that may causing a trouble to exhale-inhale process (im very very forget about the english of this activity). fortunately the cat comfortly lied on my thigh.
the measuring take times for 1 hour. so many components were measured. i hope dhila can well overcome her research, and hope Allah give my friends who still do research, Dhila and Dwi, easiness and blessings.
i planned to give lecture for my private students in kakap. but when i arrived to their house, the neighbour said they just go together with car. so i decided to comeback home safely alhamdulillah.
time to go home. this place gives me mixed feelings. here i feel comfort, here i feel energized, here i feel miserable, here i feel more productive, and here too i feel more lazy.
why the 'lazy' things happen, even in my home? is it because everything are easy to access? um, no, i have trouble in my internet access, esp on my laptop. what else? or.. maybe this place is my safe zone, so i can effortlessly accessed the unporductive stuff, handphone is the main villain, so do the laptops with no limited access for any websites. omg, do my future has at least chance to be better? yes of course!
yesterday, after i write my first blog, i printed words that groupped the sticky notes in front of my office desk to be more organized. omg that office lol. today i feel the phsycological effect after applied that method. i can feel triggered to do the "to do list" and "delayed" section. wow, can someone described this effect in phsycological way? i wanna know badly. yet i still cant overcome the "time table" section. is the writings too little, make me cant focus on it? yeah it can be the one of reason too. i will change the concept.
okay, i gotta back to my todays stuffs. i got my ordered book by Quranreview, there are Tadabbur Quran and Daily journal. but surprisingly i got the Daily journal twice, first i got it yesterday, and today i got it again chuakss. soo, i asked the admin of the sender, and i was asked to give it back lol. fortunately, they asked me to pay it with cod, saving my costs haha.
night begin. i opened my twitter. i found one of my following tweets, he shared some blogs on Medium, about self development. His words are beautifully said and well understood. even it is all in english. in his first blog, it's about use your 1 hour-3 hours a day wisely for achieving or learning something new. we are human beings are given the same amount of time, 24 hours. 16 hours we spent for 8-hours sleep, and 8-hour work. and the remaining time usually we use it for doing unproductive activities such as scrolling through tiktok (i've deleted it due to randomized algorithm that harms my precious time😪), instagram (this apps drags me into love-hate relationship, sometimes it can be act as tiktok-ends with uninstall it, but here i can share something useful with picture in it, as you know, me being as visual learner likes it soo much), twitter (alhamdulillah i am born to be bored of something that cant give me feedback, twitter nowadays just shows me about "is it true" and some validations of everyone, i cant hold it, so i rarely opens it recently), and any social media. in my cases, whats wrong about my life? i think it's more caused by binge watching for korean dramas. i cant hold it huhu. it is very dangerous poison man.
never get a sip if you dont want your precious time will be robbed by that korean drama things😭
this will be remembred because you know, i have spent my 3 days for finishing 24 eps of a korean drama😫. i regreted it so much yet i cant take my eyes off from it... yeah... i said it before
korean drama is poison ☠
even i know that, i still watch it today. i watched eulachacha waikiki 2. but fortunately (count this words on this blog plis) i got my sanity back haha. thanks to my new invention in front of my office desk lololol, i can spit out the poison jajajaja.
is it the blog going to the end? no.
i have one regretful things today.
it is.... related to the third blog of the writer that i talked above. his name is Briandito Priambodo (https://medium.com/the-tiny-wisdom). it is about "why i didnt do it earlier?".
one of the reasons, why we cant do the good things routinely is because we expect the journey has to be perfect, so we prepared it perfectly. do you know the results being perfect on preparing? i've felt that. one day full i design the perfectly journal structure, and it ended with nothing to write, even one word. and i decided to stated that..
being perfectionist for me is a poisonous way to start the change ☠
bruh, i want to post the example of ✨perfect✨ journaling structure that i compile from some vlogger. but sorry i type this on laptop so it'd hard to post. ehe.
yo. it's 11.55. i take too much time on typing this. means that i have interest on writing, isn't it? 😂😂
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ningtyasfi · 1 year
omg why all of my first posts always start with "Hello" things
this is my very very first blog in tumblr account. although it's very late to join here, but i believe there's no late word in every starts.
reasons that support me to open this tumblr account are, the one is i realize the power of journaling for the sustainability of a person to evaluate ourself. we can see what we were through along this time. (let me use my native language ; indonesia, due to my limitness english)
alasan kedua masih berkaitan dengan keberlangsungan hidup, yaitu dengan menulis, kita bisa mengabadikan segala perjalanan hidup yang telah kita lalui. Baik itu hal penting maupun hal yang tidak penting. pernah suatu ketika saya mendengar sebuah kata yang dapat menggantikan kata mengabadikan kenangan, yakni
Kristalisasi perjalanan hidup
ya, jadikan ia sebuah kristal yang sewaktu-waktu dapat kita akses, dan tidak usang oleh waktu. kecuali kita sengaja menghancurkannya berkeping-keping.
i acknowledge that my writing is not good enough to be read for everyone. karena kekurangan saya inilah saya memutuskan untuk mulai menulis. isi kepala saya akan benar-benar penuh oleh lautan informasi yang saya konsumsi setiap hari. As an input type person, which is a person who likes to collects many informations and likes to gain knowledge everywhere and everytime, saya rasa, saya harus menyalurkan isi kepala saya di sebuah medium. first thing that i've tried is journaling. i did it in 2 weeks, but i feel exhausted to write it in a period of time, maybe because of my bad habit, i cant continue it.
sebenarnya bisa aja dilanjutkan namun entahlah, seperti ada mekanisme dari alam bawah sadar untuk kembali ke kebiasaan lama..
i dont know, can this medium make me routinely write about my daily activities?
i hope so.
cheer up.
mind that every moment in your life are too precious to not be documented.
Pontianak, 11:12 PM, 21 December 2022
Last 10 days of 2022
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