nine-kingdoms-at-war · 7 months
"I still don't understand why you seem so infernus-bent on wasting your damn time seeing to my upkeep", he grumbled taking a slow sip of the drink in a manner intentionally exxagerated so there could be no doubt he had actually done so, "as for the charm, Altraeus has it, I dont need protecting."
In truth, despite his outward protests, some inner part of him appreciated the efforts of this strange woman and those who seemed to act to aid her. He had known of the efforts of some castle residents even before her arrival and though he never understood why they seemed to care, he never put much physical effort into resisting when he caught them trying to tend to him, as if his body craved the care in some reach of himself with which he was unfamiliar.
"My apologies, m'lady, he was quite insistent I take it with me on my last trip to the Scarphe outpost", the far more gentlemanly knight said producing the charm from under the collar of his chestpiece, "it is rather potent, I dare say it saved my life."
“Your Majesty… am I going to have to chokehold you to get this smoothie down your throat again or did you learn from last time. It strawberry banana~” call Vertoria what you want, but she is one determined being.
The grizzled man in front of her glared, unable to understand why this strange woman took such an interest in his wellbeing. "And just what makes you think the flavor makes a difference?!" He barked before remembering just how stubborn she could be.
"David..you know she will never relent..." the dark haired man in gold amd black armor reinforced as if reading his mind, the reminder forcing him to rethink.
"...Fine.." The king relented, wanting to avoid a greater irritation "but only a fucken sip.."
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nine-kingdoms-at-war · 7 months
“Your Majesty… am I going to have to chokehold you to get this smoothie down your throat again or did you learn from last time. It strawberry banana~” call Vertoria what you want, but she is one determined being.
The grizzled man in front of her glared, unable to understand why this strange woman took such an interest in his wellbeing. "And just what makes you think the flavor makes a difference?!" He barked before remembering just how stubborn she could be.
"David..you know she will never relent..." the dark haired man in gold amd black armor reinforced as if reading his mind, the reminder forcing him to rethink.
"...Fine.." The king relented, wanting to avoid a greater irritation "but only a fucken sip.."
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Send me   ‘ open up ‘   for my muse to be forced to open up about something they don’t want to talk about… 
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send in " take it easy. you're safe now, but you need to relax. " for the sender to greet a waking receiver after having found them badly wounded and on the brink of collapse at their doorstep.
alternatively, send in " how long was i out for? " for the sender, having woken up on the receiver's sofa/bed/spare bed, to greet the receiver after showing up on their doorstep earlier with serious injuries and in a weakened state.
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The creature that wants to kill you will not growl.
The function of a growl is as a warning. It is a communication that violence is available as a tool, but is not preferred. Other outcomes, besides your death, are available and should be considered.
But the creature that wants to kill you will not growl.
If your death is the goal, then growling will only serve as a delay and may result in your escape, which runs counter to the goal. There will be no growl, no warning. There will be no snarl or hiss or bluster. The creature that bares its teeth with the intent to kill only does so to bring closer its fangs to your demise.
The creature that growls does not want to kill you, but will if it must.
I advise you to appreciate the warning. You may not receive another.
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His memories of how he arrived in this strange land were sparce, the drudgery of normal existence watching over his people broken by the rage-inducing approach of another party sent to kill him and irritation born from listening to their inane declarations of intent and falsely reightous reasons to end his life suddenly ripped away in a brilliant flash in the midst of a battle resulting from one such approach.
'Had it been that Oculsan? She did hang to the rear as her fellow intruders fell like stalks of wheat to a farmer's scythe...perhaps she had seen how hopeless trying to kill me outright would be and decided to magic him to another world.' He pondered. 'A foolish miscalculation on her part, Altraeus would make shorter work of her than I would.'
His thoughts were suddenly broken by the shouting demands of a group of bandits, swords pointed at his black armor-clad visage. "Give us your money or die!" The apparent leader of this group of man-foxes bellowed, his voice falling silent as he fell to the ground cut in half at the waist by a black-bladed sword drawn and swung in the blink of an eye much to the panicked shock of his subordinates who attempted to flee but to the cut down effortlessly mid-run.
"Fucken idiots." He scoffed finishing off one who had been alive enough to scream with a hard stomp to the back of their head.
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Reblog this post to let mutuals know you're a-okay with them spamming you with ic asks / memes at any time!! Spontaneous interactions are great, fam
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The snow before this woman would seem to stretch forever in all directions as a near featureless ivory abyss of frozen death, the cold so deep as to chill the newly awoken bones like the touch of death brought to the mortal world.
"Ayyyye....shite, did eht work?!" A deep Scottish voice yelped from nearby in surprise, the figure of a muscular giant beared down to his ankles looming atop the arching exit to the cave in which the tomb had been. "Are ye alive? Can ye 'ere meh?"
She felt a sharp crick in her neck as she rolled her shoulders, joints popping from having being... Well, dead. Mei frowned as she put all her weight into lifting the heavy door, only to be blinded by the light.
"... Where the hell am I??" She mumbled to herself as she stepped out of the tomb, eyes scanning the landscape.
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        the 𝚘𝚗𝚕𝚢 person i’m willing to sacrifice for the safety of others         is myself
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Reblog this post to let mutuals know you're a-okay with them spamming you with ic asks / memes at any time!! Spontaneous interactions are great, fam
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Reblog this post to let mutuals know you're a-okay with them spamming you with ic asks / memes at any time!! Spontaneous interactions are great, fam
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Please Reblog is Your Blog is Safe for Non-Binary People.
If my mutuals can’t rb this then we can’t be mutuals
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universal classic monster headcanon asks! 
has your muse ever felt tied to something, unable to get away? ( a person / relationship, a fate, a place, ect. )  how did they break that tie, or do they still feel tied to it? 
The Mummy:
what is something your muse has lost and desperately wants to get back? what would they be willing to do to achieve this? 
if your muse had to choose, what three traits describe them the most? who taught them these traits, and who do they think had the most influence in making them who they are? 
The Wolf Man:
has your muse ever made a mistake that had lasting repercussions? what was it / were they? do they still regret their actions, or have they moved on? 
The Invisible Man:
does your muse feel unseen by the people around them? do they find it difficult to make others take notice of them? how does being ignored / unnoticed make them feel?
The Phantom of the Opera:
what aspect of your muse do they think is hardest for people to accept? do they try to keep it secret / are they afraid of being ostracized if it’s found out?
Creature from the Black Lagoon:
has your muse ever discovered / seen something unusual? did they try to tell anyone about it? how did others respond? 
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☆~ Please reblog/like this if you'd like an occasional visit from the Random OC Questions Fairy! ~☆
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Send me 🔪 to put a knife to my muse’s throat and see how they react.
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“May I please draw your OC?”
Reblog this message if you encourage anyone that wants to draw your OC to do so.  No need to ask for permission in advance.
Go for it.  Draw my OC.  If you want, I’ll even give you reference posts.  Go to town on it.
You are welcome to draw my OC and surprise me with the result.  Seriously.  In fact, I encourage it.  I will proudly display whatever it is you submit to me regarding my OC.  There is a chance that I will squeal about it for several days.
Even if you feel you aren’t good at whatever artistic adventure it is you do, please feel free to submit it to me.  I want to see what you have done.
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send REFLECT for me to explain a traumatic event in my muses’s past and talk about their perception of events,  which parts have stayed with them longest and how it affects them now.  (  sender can request specific scenes/backstory  )
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