ninckvinny · 4 months
🤨 welcome back
hi mai :)
I don't know what you mean by back since I just keep reblogging stuff lol... I got lazy
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ninckvinny · 4 months
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resurrection is sort of romantic, isnt it
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ninckvinny · 5 months
the pool
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ninckvinny · 5 months
While taking a nap today I dreamt there was a hazard sign called "never found" which was used to indicate a location where people disappeared never to be seen again
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ninckvinny · 7 months
can we talk about how garnet most likely got the story of the rebel hero rose quartz and the cruel pink diamond that created her from rose herself and how pink is described as a coward, cruel, wicked. and how rose told greg it's good he doesn't know anything about her. and how rose felt like she owed greg a list of everything shed ever done wrong. and how rose didn't tell pearl anything about what she did because she couldn't bear to lose that love. and how rose didn't think how her actions would effect pearl and in trying to destroy the part of herself that she felt did nothing but hurt and ruin everything and deserved to die, she hurt one of the people she loved the most. can we talk about the fact rose is a self fulfilling prophecy and destroyed herself twice. once asking pearl to kill pink diamond. and then by having steven. and how both times, it was out of love for change and hatred for herself. and wanting there to be someone better in her wake. and out of fear of what she'd done. and how at the end of the day her story is a tragedy because she believed everyone could change and become a better person. the only exception she had ever made on that was for herself. because she knew she used to be a horrible person and the one thing that scared her more than anything was the fact she didn't know how to fix it. so she didn't. she ended it all, and she prayed that the child in her wake would be a better person. because she, fundamentally, thinks she's irredeemable. and the only good thing she could do now was give her life to someone that deserved it.
can we talk about the fact that rose fucking quartz would rather die than try to confront the people she hurt because she thinks the only thing that'd do would hurt them more. and she can never learn to see the good she did as well. because all she thinks she does is hurt.
can we talk about the fact that rose isn't a twist villain, she's a fucking twist tragedy. oh my god. this fucking SHOW.
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ninckvinny · 8 months
somewhere in an alternate universe mr breast just made a video giving 1000 people top surgery
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ninckvinny · 10 months
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hydras are cool ⚡️
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ninckvinny · 1 year
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ninckvinny · 1 year
katamari damacy is the game ever .you select a level and your giant father calls you a shithead to your face and then places you onto earth and tells you to go roll up some fish for 10 minutes and then the best song you’ve ever heard starts playing
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ninckvinny · 1 year
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death looms
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ninckvinny · 1 year
always astounds me when adults hate kids cause like. did you just Forget about how unfair the world seemed when YOU were a child?? do you not remember being upset about how no adult ever seemed to respect you or listen to you at all? and now youre gonna just go on and treat kids like the way you hated being treated when you were one. ok
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ninckvinny · 1 year
Miguel e Amanda, baseado numa foto do Pinterest
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Eu juro que vcs vão saber mais deles no futuro
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ninckvinny · 1 year
How To Draw A Horse - a comic by Emma Hunsinger
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ninckvinny · 1 year
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they are friends
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ninckvinny · 1 year
extremely extremely tiring to be around people who just vehemently hate themselves. nobody benefits from you acting like this. cruelty to the self is still cruelty. if i was at an art gallery admiring a piece by van gogh or in a library reading a beautiful poem and you walked up to me and went Ewww thats so bad... you think its good? youre wrong its really bad :/ you would be a certified piece of fucking shit it is not different just bc its your creation instead of someone else's. if a stranger walked up to me and started ranting about how they thought my friend was annoying and ugly i would punch them in the gut. it is not different just because you are saying this about yourself. nobody wants to hear it
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ninckvinny · 1 year
"Adeus" / "Farewell"
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| My last project from my last year in high school: a small zine with the theme "Pangaea/Panthalassa", the original continent and ocean, which drifted apart throughout the years. In practice, this theme was just a starting point, and you could do whatever you wanted with it.
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ninckvinny · 1 year
I hope the king crimson screaming guy is less scared now
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