nikandrosxnothos · 3 years
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“Death is not your enemy.” Ire strikes her and it is with foolishness that they cling to the idea of living forever, she assumed it was a mortal desire. That those who have lived for eons have realized what a curse it is to never leave this haunted mortal plain, evidently not as he stands before her and attempts to shame her for doing as she is meant to, to be there to guide a soul through their last moments and onto the other side. “I would have allowed her to die and granted her peace. It is your own ego that wishes to feel as if you are a hero.” He is thickskulled and she finds it frustrating to try and converse the order of life and death with him. “Manticores, cubi that were sentenced to the cages of tartarus, their souls have been twisted even further and they have the power with poisonous claws to drive anyone to an insane death.”
“Neither is it my friend. I know your gambit - you’ve a job to do, and one that you clearly take seriously. As you should. That woman will live and die another day, death is the one thing that comes for every mortal eventually.” Nikandros said instead, he wouldn’t be reduced to a hero complex, not when this had never been about him. He’d healed someone and helped them, that was enough for him. The sphinx wasn’t looking for thanks, praise, or recognition. And he expected none of these things from one who’d clearly become desensitized to death. “I’ve died before, the other side isn’t so kind as you make it out to be. Maybe she’d have found peace, or maybe her paradise would’ve been another cage for regret. You can’t say, and neither can I. But at least she gets to live to see another day.” The sphinx was made into a statue for Persephone when the veil fell, a gift from Ares to the Queen of the Underworld. “I know what manticores are,” he’d seen them firsthand once - when his own form was vastly different. When he was as this reaper, and did not care whether humans lived or died. “I’ve seen them firsthand, if they’re back-” he remembered their monstrous forms, twisted and frightening features that tormented humanity. “this isn’t good for anyone.”
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nikandrosxnothos · 3 years
“Wrongful death.” She has to find it within her to surrender her armor a little, as she can tell in the plains of his face that he is not one who wishes to disrupt the natural order of things, even as he has. Vampires fed, wolves attacked and some had such anarchy in their hearts they ripped shells apart only to witness them bleed. “This was mundane, human. Death is not something to fear, it is those who can never die who have become something twisted and violent. It is merely what comes next after a life has been lived.” She is the span between heartbeats, on the percipient between life and death and she wouldn’t wish this type of existence on another. The flames wouldn’t have necessarily scorched this human women. “You do know that because the cages of Tartarus have been opened, great evil has come to this earth? Sometimes the dead belong in Hades realm. You might have wished to help but you intervened in the natural of order things, and now I only pray that she will be able to cross the river once she dies again.”
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“I saved her.” Nikandros said again, “While you would have let her die.” He knew something of a reaper’s power, transportation being among them. Was she drawn to the souls crossing or had she been here already?  “I did what was right, you won’t tell me otherwise.” Tartarus sent a chill down his spine at its very mention, he didn’t know what the reaper was talking about but if creatures from the Underworld were resurfacing in the city than a human life was hardly the toll.  “What do you mean creatures from Tartarus - what’s been let out?”
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nikandrosxnothos · 3 years
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     “Oh.” Now Elias felt even worse, he didn’t want to make any bad impressions, or sound like he wasn’t happy. Because he should be, he knew that. This was all he wanted. And yet it didn’t feel that way now that he had it. A crooked smile appeared on his lips, and he nodded slightly. “Ice cream sounds really good right now,” he agreed quietly. “I’m pretty sure it’s not healthy, are you sure that’s okay after a workout?”
“I’m guessing... Not good?” Nik tried again, based off of Elias’ reaction alone it kind of seemed like things weren’t going very well. It made the sphinx kind of sad for him, the shifter was supposed to be getting married. He should be happy right now. “I think after our workout we absolutely deserve it, it’ll be my treat.”
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nikandrosxnothos · 3 years
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     Elias had decided to politely decline the protein shake, and instead he was taking a few sips out of his water bottle as he stared down at his phone. Nik’s question caught him off guard, and it took Elias a moment to make sense of it – the word fiancé still sounded weird to him. And in general he wasn’t entirely sure what to say. It was probably just him, but Elias hadn’t exactly been happy lately. “Uh… okay, I guess,” he said, shrugging his shoulders. “I don’t know, what do you want to hear?”
Oh. “That wasn’t supposed to be a trick question.” Wasn’t this supposed to be like, the happy period? Nikandros wasn’t an expert by any means but the unhappiness was meant to be after the whole honeymoon-phase. He slurped another mouthful of his nasty shake and made a face, “I think Kiki’s has homemade ice cream on the menu today, whaddya say. Split a sundae?” Elias was his friend and if things weren’t going well then... Well, the sphinx wanted to help. 
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nikandrosxnothos · 3 years
Their workout was over but Nik was far from done with hanging out with Elias, he was determined to earn himself an invite to the wedding even if it killed him. “How are things going with you and your fiance?” Nikandros asked, not in the least bit subtle as he sipped on the protein shake that he’d picked up at the gym counter. It kind of tasted like how the equipment smelled but it was supposed to be healthy, so slurped he did. 
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nikandrosxnothos · 3 years
“How are you feeling now?” Nikandros asked as he took a few steps into Ade’s apartment, being good friends with Ava had some perks, but one of the drawbacks was that the witch had a big family. More people for Nik to worry himself about, and after Miri answered his riddle correctly  and he’d learned how sick Ava and her siblings had been... All he did was worry. “I brought you some soup,” he offered, “it’s from Kiki’s.” Ava was a big fan so he hoped that meant that Ade would be as well. 
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nikandrosxnothos · 3 years
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She tensed up. “She… she did?” Worry flooded her senses as she listened to him. Nikandros, while an absolute sweetheart, was still a sphinx. And going to a sphinx for information was a risky move. Because all you had to do was answer their riddles incorrect… and you were screwed. Thank the Gods Miri was fine but still, it was risky. “That’s… great.” The fact someone could heal them, not the dying part. “I’m assuming that Miri is off to find this rift.” Hopefully so if her sister reached out to a sphinx for answers. “I’m sorry. For not telling you about this.” 
“There’s more.” Nik said before he looked around Ava’s almost princess-style bedroom. She had everything anyone could ever want, power, wealth, luxuries that once upon a time the sphinx could have only dreamt of. “You can’t come back here, this place is killing you. Whatever caused all this, it’s in this house. You’re living with it.” The sphinx didn’t have all the answers but he knew the only way for Ava to avoid getting sick again after she was healed was to avoid ever coming back here.
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nikandrosxnothos · 3 years
Miri blinked, reaching for a napkin to write the information down. Narcissus, Rift. It was underlined twice, then tucked into the front pocket of her shirt. She would have to find him, to do a locating spell or something, but it was enough information to hopefully save them. Her brows tugged in, and she coughed into her hand, panicked when she saw her palm coated in red. “Find Ava. I’ll figure out where Narcissus is.” She swallowed, looking up at Nik as he started to get up whispering something sincere before she too parted ways. “Thank you.”
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It was hard to imagine anyone named Narcissus being particularly helpful, but at least they had a lead. Ava, Miri, and the rest of their siblings deserved a fighting chance. This also meant that Nik would have to tell Ava to stay away from the Vidalis estate, whatever had caused this was at the center of that place. Not news he imagined the witch would take well, if at all. “I’ll go find her,” he wanted to thank Miri despite the fact it was his magic that had helped the Delphi - he was used to loss, at least he should have been. Maybe losing people wasn’t something you were ever supposed to get used to. “if you need anything else, take my number okay?” He wasn’t sure what more he could do, but still, he wanted to help. “I’ll see you around.”
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nikandrosxnothos · 3 years
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She took the bowl and spoon, the gesture itself making her teary eyed. Always so emotional, it was no surprise that tears were prickling in the corner of her eyes. “I like anything from Kiki’s.” Because she was Kiera’s biggest stan so she would always love and appreciate whatever her friend made. “And you can never go wrong with chicken noodle soup.” It wasn’t Ava’s go to soup when sick but because it came from Nikandros, it was suddenly her favorite thing to eat. “Thank you for this, really. You didn’t have to do this or bring this to me.” 
“I wanted to.” Nik said, it was also guilt sip because he’d used his powers on Ava’s sister. Miri had gotten the riddle right but if she’d gotten it wrong then this would probably have been a very different conversation. “Miri came to see me when I was there studying tonight, you and your siblings... You’re all really sick.” The sphinx said quietly, he managed to look Ava in the eyes - full and empathetic. “There’s a rift here in the city, Narcissus. He can heal you, if you don’t-” Nik went quiet, “if you don’t this thing is going to kill you.” 
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nikandrosxnothos · 3 years
“I think you’ve got like, some actual thoughts rattling around in that brain of yours,” Sydney said with a laugh, leaning forward to snap the lid onto the container of fruit that was currently drawing in ants from all sides of the blanket. “Maybe I’ll just be that funky Australian presence, comic value or something when I say arvo instead of afternoon and forget to catch myself.” The brunette nodded, passing the last croissant over to Nikandros. “Of course, it’ll be fun. I’ve got headphones and stuff too, probably.” The brunette paused. “Does it have a name? The podcast?”
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“One or two, maybe.” Nikandros said with a smile. In truth he hadn’t put much thought towards an actual name for the podcast but he supposed that was probably needed. Brand recognition. “Good question, as the comedic value to the enterprise I’ll leave that up to you.” The sphinx said simply, Sydney was probably better at that sort of stuff with him. He’d probably call it something silly like mysteries with a sphinx.  “Something cheeky, clever, but on brand. Any thoughts?”
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nikandrosxnothos · 3 years
It was on a blue moon that Calypso heeded a call to ferry a soul to the other side that hadn’t died on the hands of her own crafted weapons, on a September day however, she felt that tension where her spine met her neck and she knew, someone required to take them from this world. Her witchy senses tell her to report to the corner of Agia Paraskevi and Ermou and she arrives, expecting to see a spirit detached from their body and hovering over the accident scene, instead she sees a women who appears to carry a supernatural glow, a side effect from such grand healing that snatched her soul from where it belong. Her coin had already been granted to her and now when her day actually came, Calypso only prayed that she would still be able to cross the river Styx. A sphinx who is accountable for such healing slips into the crowd and it is with steely irises that hers connect to his. “She wasn’t yours to take.” It was the affairs of supernaturals, always messing with what was rightfully dead. The dead had been stolen from their realm once again.
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It was obvious that the reaper was displeased that Nikandros had used his magic to help the soul that was taken arguably too soon, but he didn’t care. Maybe she was content to stand on the sidelines and let death run its course but the sphinx could not in good conscience have just let the woman die on account of what the reaper would call natural order. “This city has known enough of death.” Nik said curtly as he shook his head at the woman’s words. “I won’t stand idly by as Hades further fills his domain.” Kind eyes looked for empathy in the woman’s features, she was human once. Someone who died violently, he hoped that meant she would understand. “She was in pain, I had to help her.”
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nikandrosxnothos · 3 years
Had she of been in better shape, she would have found this process fascinating. An ordinary man became something gleaming and golden, and Miri peered at whim as he summoned the voice of something ancient asking a riddle that made her pause. Around them, the city had slowed to let her think and each beat of silence was ushered with her heart in her ear, a steady thump that reminded her that she was wasting something precious. It rhymed, which irritated her, and the witch closed her eyes. “It’s a dream,” she said, voice quiet and uncertain. Blinking twice, then finding Nikandros’ golden gaze, she repeated herself, waiting for either punishment or an answer. “A dream.“
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A smile accompanied by relief crossed Nik’s golden features as all at once the air that had built about them fell flat. Light faded and suddenly the diner seemed dark in comparison to the power that had once filled it, there would be no curse, no punishment. Just the answer that Miri had requested as the sphinx’s power faded and Nikandros was left with the solution she had requested. “There is a rift in this city, Narcissus. He alone has the power to save you and your siblings. But you can’t go home, or your soul will decay again.” Nik stood up from his seat, “I need to go see Ava, she has to know.” He needed to find this man, Narcissus before it was too late. “I have to help her.”
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nikandrosxnothos · 3 years
Miri looked at Nik with curiosity, watching as his expression changed. “Yeah, she is. We’re all sick, and it’s getting worse— not better. Our brother is a healer, but even his magic does little more than make things bearable for the course of a few hours, now, even less.” She rubbed at her face, reaching for his glass of water without permission to take a sip from it, soothing a dry throat before she coughed. Miri made a face, drawing the glass to her side of the table. “Sorry.” His instructions were simple, and she was glad that he was willing to help instead of poise his powers as trickery: there had been some mention in the book that often a sphinx would delight in the punishment of those around them for seeking out wisdom that they did not deserve, but he seemed sincere: if not in nature, then in his concern for her youngest sister. “Okay,” she said, and her hands tremored as she considered the gravity of her phrasing. “How can I permanently cure what is affecting my siblings and I?”
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Miri was disintegrating before his eyes, but he let the witch fall apart if only so he could provide some form of comfort in that he was doing his best to keep from panicking himself. Nik’s thoughts were still on Ava, helping Miri would help her too, but if anything happened to Miri here then he was going to be blamed. The sphinx focused in on her question as the witch spoke her question loud and clear, his magic attuned to his very creation: guardian of secrets, dealer of riddles. Nik’s eyes closed and when they opened again the iris glowed bright and golden like the sun, his voice took on an ethereal tone as his words cut through the space between them. The air about them darkened as all the light in the room seemed to come from him, the world stopped, and listened. “Often will I spin a tale, never will I charge a fee. I’ll amuse you an entire eve, but, alas, you won’t remember me. What am I?” 
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nikandrosxnothos · 3 years
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No matter what medicine she took or how much rest she would get, Ava wasn’t getting any better. Her health was shittier than before and it was becoming more difficult to move around. Even when it came to Nikandros, she couldn’t bring herself to hang out with him, much less message him. So it was a surprise to see him again now. “Sorry,” Ava said, a weak smile on her face. “I’ve been… distracted.” A beat as she looked down at the soup. “Is that for me?” 
Miri had made him realize already that there wasn’t anything that he could do to help Ava, his powers of healing weren’t strong enough to fix what was wrong with her. But Miri’s question had given him the answer too. The look on Ava’s face was almost pitiful, it wasn’t that he was mad or anything even remotely of the sort... He was just worried. “Something to keep your strength up.” Nik said as he offered her the takeout bowl and complimentary throwaway spoon. “I didn’t really know what kind you liked, hope you’re good with chicken noodle. It’s from Kiki’s.”  
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nikandrosxnothos · 3 years
Syd flicked the berry, sending it sailing hard into the back of someone’s skull. A hiss of disapproval and a sharp look backwards had her suddenly studying her hands, innocently avoiding their gaze as she murmured a soft ‘woops’. Nik’s words drew her attention back upwards again and her eyes lit up, eager by the offer. “A podcast?” The idea was thrilling; she loved to talk and she had the time— “Do I have to speak Greek? You know my Greek’s terrible, but I can work on it.” She was, technically working on it, but it seemed as though there were enough people in Corinth that spoke English that she wasn’t forced to have to use it at every moment and that was hindering her forced immersion process. “You did an hour of you talking to yourself?” Syd grinned, “Did you make jokes and then laugh at them yourself too?” Her brow raised, but the gleeful expression remained the same. “No, I’d love to. Do you think anyone will be interested in what I’ve got to say? I don’t really have any exciting opinions on anything, but—“ Sydney lifted a shoulder. “I think I can handle the nerd bit if you’re taking care of everything else.”
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“I think we can get by with English.” Nikandros offered, most of the people in the city seemed to be fluent in both, even the locals. It was a tourist city anyways. Sydney often sold herself short, all a podcast really was was a pair of people offering a hot take and unsolicited opinions about a niche topic. “I don’t think many people will care what I have to say either,” Nik said, “but I thought it could be fun.” The sphinx said with a smile, doing his best to avoid the gaze of the individual who was now scouring for the source of the person who’d assailed him with a berry. “You’ll do it then?”
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nikandrosxnothos · 3 years
She was too tired, too worn to play nice and Miri set her hands on the table, staring at him plainly. “Your name is Nik, right?” The witch coughed and her tough act lost some of its threat, but she maintained her steely expression. “Nik, I don’t think we have many options left.” The witch looked over at his glass, trying to will a whirlpool in the top of it. Within it, there was hardly a wobble in the water level. “I need your help, whatever it might cost.” She snorted, “A curse? I’m pretty sure we’re already fucking cursed and at this rate,” the brunette thought of Dio, and how worried Orion had sounded over the phone. “If I don’t die from this one, I’ll take whatever you’ve got to serve me from yours.”
Miri’s words were too much, it was too much excitement and irritation and she paused to cough in her elbow, shaking when the bout finally stopped. “Why do they keep it freezing in here?” Her gaze lifted finally, to find his. “Please, can you help me? I don’t know how to do it, how to ask the question properly.” She was a bad witch, a terrible student, and also— hadn’t read that far ahead in the book.
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Listening to the plight of the wounded witch riddled the sphinx with worry, if only because this meant that Ava had likely been affected by what was going on too. This was why it was wrong to get involved in mortal affairs, he could already hear the scolding because whether it was in a month, a decade, or a century the end result was going to be the same. Nik reached forward and touched his hand to hers, he extended his magic towards her but it had no effect, this illness wasn’t physical but ran much deeper. “Is Ava-” He felt selfish even asking, “Is she sick too?”
A worried hand ran through Nik’s short hair before he simply nodded. “Okay, I’ll help. Or, I guess I’ll try. You’re right that sphinxes can answer any question, but you have to ask the right one. Ask the right question and I can tell you anything.” It was a big if on whether or not she could answer his riddle correctly though, otherwise the power did not activate, she’d only be cursed. “I tried to heal you with my magic, if you’re looking to save your siblings, then ask me how to cure whatever it is that’s going on with you.”
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nikandrosxnothos · 3 years
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Gael had seen the magic that flowed through the sphinx’s fingers and into the woman that seemed to be breathing her last breath. Thankfully, the other man had been around or the woman would have been in grave danger. He saw something in the other man though. Sphinxes were usually not so kind. From his experience, at least. As the sphinx stepped onto the sidewalk, Gael turned his head. “That was really nice what you did for her.”
Nik’s eyes went from the woman he’d helped to the man in the other car who hadn’t been so fortunate. “Maybe.” The sphinx shrugged before he met the gaze of another he’d come to understand was a dryad. “A little less tragic,” but still sad. “people are reckless.” He wished there was more that he could have done, but the sphinx was tired now. His magic spent. “You’re far from the forest.”
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