nightcitysxmurai · 4 years
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Clone wars wisdom #12. posting here coz prequelemes keeps removing.
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nightcitysxmurai · 4 years
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Aleksandra Akimova | SAMURAI VS SHINOBI | RENDER.RU (2018)
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nightcitysxmurai · 4 years
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Beijing 2049
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nightcitysxmurai · 4 years
She gave him a gentle nod and a grin crossed her face, confirming her suspicions. Then Void looked at him and tilted her head and her smile shifted to a smirk “mhmm.. You could say Im one of their best dancers or best selling brain dancers” She practically purred as she spoke then went back to her work. 
Prideful about what she did, prideful of what she was capable of doing. “youve got a good head on your shoulders, must keep your nose clean not know the dirty under workings of this area” She lightly teased, fascinated by the Arasaka Samurai. 
Oni’s eyebrows furrowed as if to say ‘oh really?’ as he quietly said. “Sounds like something I need to see...” He had only really been to a few clubs in his life so far, and all of them were in Japantown. So he really didn’t know what to expect when it came to clubs and anything in this area.
The light teasing actually managed to get a light blush to wash over the scarred face of the young mercenary. “Ahaha, uh well... Lets say I’m somewhat new to the whole solo mercenary work and just leave it at that. But i’ll still gladly take the compliment. If you dance anywhere near as good as you are a ripper doc then I am sure its worth paying whatever price to see.”
"Do you have an appointment?"
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The swordsman pulled his jingasa off his head as he stepped into the ripper doc’s shop. An Oni mask still cover the bottom half of his face and he was draped in a black cloak with large sleeves that hid his left arm mostly from view but failed to hide the sword that poked out from underneath it. His steel grey eyes immediately scanned the room, initially to check for threats as he usually did but it quickly just turned to him just ogling the tech around the room. The sudden feminine voice drew his eyes to the gorgeous woman he had somehow glossed over. Mentally slapping himself for such a mistake he shook his head and took off his mask.
“No, I don’t. But a friend recommended your shop a while ago, and I happen to need some repairs done on my arm. I can pay.” 
Eyes were now pretty much locked onto her, observing her with a quiet intensity even without the demon mask.
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nightcitysxmurai · 4 years
Void smirked, she liked his banter and quick wit. She mauled over a response as she started on a repair work at least for the wire damage initially. Clipping off a small section of wire and letting a N33DL3b0t restring it with fresh wires on a smaller level then her hands could do. “Mmmm no, Mox isnt particularly aggressive unless you hurt their people” Void quietly responded as she tilted her head a bit, examining what she had to adjust next. 
“Are you a gun for hire by day?” She pressed lightly but also with curiosity. New customers where always more fun when it came to conversation.
“And I don’t go around hurting working girls, so good.” The last thing he needed right now was one of the largest gangs in the city hating him and possibly by extension the family as well. After all he had only just begun his ‘solo’ career so to speak.
“Yeah, I suppose that’s a pretty accurate description. Though maybe sword for hire might be a bit more fitting.” He joked. “But yeah gun for hire, bodyguard, security, whatever. Provided the pay is good. And I assume your mention of a place like Void Sisters, means that any time you’re not working here you’re over there dancing?”
"Do you have an appointment?"
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The swordsman pulled his jingasa off his head as he stepped into the ripper doc’s shop. An Oni mask still cover the bottom half of his face and he was draped in a black cloak with large sleeves that hid his left arm mostly from view but failed to hide the sword that poked out from underneath it. His steel grey eyes immediately scanned the room, initially to check for threats as he usually did but it quickly just turned to him just ogling the tech around the room. The sudden feminine voice drew his eyes to the gorgeous woman he had somehow glossed over. Mentally slapping himself for such a mistake he shook his head and took off his mask.
“No, I don’t. But a friend recommended your shop a while ago, and I happen to need some repairs done on my arm. I can pay.” 
Eyes were now pretty much locked onto her, observing her with a quiet intensity even without the demon mask.
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nightcitysxmurai · 4 years
She reminisced with a satisfied hum thinking about the vendors. “Alrighty Mister fine- I guess your right. Japan town, I havent been their in a while. Good street food.. Im a local. I live up a couple blocks in the Neon Sector, work here mainly by myself part time during the week. Augmented Reality is mine anyway. That’s part of the reason I half expected you had an appointment due to my limited open time” Void explained as she opened the metal casing to look at the inner working of the wires finding one of the culprits. 
“If youre asking me if Im a local, you must have never made it to the Void Sisters. I wonder then Mister Samurai.. Do you have an issue with Mox’s gang” She teased but also seemed genuinely curious how he was going to respond.
“No disrespect meant of course, just wanted to make sure you understood how absurd a question like that was.” He offered a playful smirk and shrugged his free shoulder. “And Japantown has a lot more good than just street food, you just gotta know where to look. I am kinda surprised to hear this place is only open part of the week, as it really was just a whim and a prior recommendation that brought me here.”
The question about him ‘making it to the Void Sisters’ prompts him to pause and look the place up. He muttered a quiet “Huh,” upon discovering is popular local club. “Mhmmm, nope. Cant say I have, though I didn’t really leave Japantown a whole lot till recently. As for the Moxes, I don’t have any reason to dislike them. Unless they got some sort of issue with me?”
"Do you have an appointment?"
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The swordsman pulled his jingasa off his head as he stepped into the ripper doc’s shop. An Oni mask still cover the bottom half of his face and he was draped in a black cloak with large sleeves that hid his left arm mostly from view but failed to hide the sword that poked out from underneath it. His steel grey eyes immediately scanned the room, initially to check for threats as he usually did but it quickly just turned to him just ogling the tech around the room. The sudden feminine voice drew his eyes to the gorgeous woman he had somehow glossed over. Mentally slapping himself for such a mistake he shook his head and took off his mask.
“No, I don’t. But a friend recommended your shop a while ago, and I happen to need some repairs done on my arm. I can pay.” 
Eyes were now pretty much locked onto her, observing her with a quiet intensity even without the demon mask.
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nightcitysxmurai · 4 years
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irezumi / traditional Japanese tattoos
4K notes · View notes
nightcitysxmurai · 4 years
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494 notes · View notes
nightcitysxmurai · 4 years
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Shadow knows shadow
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nightcitysxmurai · 4 years
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Street samuraï (Bushi²)
67 notes · View notes
nightcitysxmurai · 4 years
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853 notes · View notes
nightcitysxmurai · 4 years
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522 notes · View notes
nightcitysxmurai · 4 years
“mmmm might cost you… but Im always appreciative of reoccurring customers��  Void smirks with a sense of pride as she pulled out a small needle like tool and disconnected a wire or two to get at the main problem. Tapping the connector briefly, it sparks momentarily as the electricity flared, finally having somewhere to go “Build up sparks, you were lucky it didnt fry your arm sooner. Lets get that replaced shall we?” 
She seemed to be half talking to herself and half talking to him as she sat back up. Swiping through a few panels seeming to be figuring out what would work and match his arm version and type.  “Do you live in Nightcity? or are you a contractor on behalf of Araska’s branch. Whats your deal Samurai” She idled conversation seeming to not wanting the room to fall quiet besides the obnoxious music you could hear from the apartments above.
“When wont it? Nothing in Night City is ever truly free. But I got no issues paying for consistently skilled work.” Oni chuckled lightly as she continued to search through the internals of his left arm. When she taps the connector and causes the sparks his eyes briefly widen as the severity of the issue was finally made clear to him. “Kuso...” He definitely considered himself lucky, had it actually shorted chances were good it would have probably gotten him killed.
He tries but is unable hold back a brief chortle at her question. “Do you think id be sitting here with you if I were an Arasaka contractor? Maybe if I were trying extra hard to be sneaky about it. But no, im local. Japantown specifically. Im probably safe in assuming you’re local too?”
"Do you have an appointment?"
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The swordsman pulled his jingasa off his head as he stepped into the ripper doc’s shop. An Oni mask still cover the bottom half of his face and he was draped in a black cloak with large sleeves that hid his left arm mostly from view but failed to hide the sword that poked out from underneath it. His steel grey eyes immediately scanned the room, initially to check for threats as he usually did but it quickly just turned to him just ogling the tech around the room. The sudden feminine voice drew his eyes to the gorgeous woman he had somehow glossed over. Mentally slapping himself for such a mistake he shook his head and took off his mask.
“No, I don’t. But a friend recommended your shop a while ago, and I happen to need some repairs done on my arm. I can pay.” 
Eyes were now pretty much locked onto her, observing her with a quiet intensity even without the demon mask.
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nightcitysxmurai · 4 years
Void tapped a few panels that appeared on her left arm and a chair with a little table pulled up right next to him with a little black box of tools. Her heels clicked walking over and then she did a small spin maneuver to settle herself next to him with a hum. She crossed her legs and brushed her long hair back over her shoulder getting back to buisness “hmm… im just gonna check a few more things and ask you a few questions just to make sure…” Gently Void takes his in one hand and gently moves his wrist back and forth, watching the wires tense and loosen for a moment. Then his thumb joints, checking which chords connected where just for precaution.
“Have you had any modifications done recently I should know about just in case I need to rewire anything?” 
“Fine with me, do what you gotta.”
Bracing his cheek on his right hand, he watched with calm grey eyes as the surprisingly good looking ripper doc as she began her work. While she was carefully checking the various wires, circuits, and parts within his cyber limb he had pulled up the net and was pulling up the specs and details of the arm to have them ready if she asked.
“Nope, this thing is entirely stock so far. Though after this, perhaps I might look into getting it modded. Maybe get some of the internals redone and upgraded. Hell if this goes well, I might even come back to you for that.”
"Do you have an appointment?"
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The swordsman pulled his jingasa off his head as he stepped into the ripper doc’s shop. An Oni mask still cover the bottom half of his face and he was draped in a black cloak with large sleeves that hid his left arm mostly from view but failed to hide the sword that poked out from underneath it. His steel grey eyes immediately scanned the room, initially to check for threats as he usually did but it quickly just turned to him just ogling the tech around the room. The sudden feminine voice drew his eyes to the gorgeous woman he had somehow glossed over. Mentally slapping himself for such a mistake he shook his head and took off his mask.
“No, I don’t. But a friend recommended your shop a while ago, and I happen to need some repairs done on my arm. I can pay.” 
Eyes were now pretty much locked onto her, observing her with a quiet intensity even without the demon mask.
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nightcitysxmurai · 4 years
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nightcitysxmurai · 4 years
“Arasaka Militech huh?” She raised a brow in surprise and smirked, “beautiful work, I dont see your kind in these neck of the woods very often” Void admired with a nod of respect. 
“If its not responding properly that usually means your…” She finds a small indent and sticks her needle under the edge and it pops open seeing the issue. “your wiring-Ah typical militech… never leaves enough room for wire stress and the shock build up shorts out the wiring over time, like a candle wick” Void gestures for him to sit in the chair in front of her desk.  “Design over function”
Oni nods in agreement with the admiration of the tech. “Yeah, its served its purpose pretty well until now.” He watched quietly as she popped up the the panel and inspected the inner workings of his arm.
“Agh, figures. Is there a solid fix? Something that will ideally keep it from happening again if possible. Otherwise I might have to look into finding something better, or maybe even looking at getting something custom made.” As he thought aloud he adjusted his sword and moved to sit down in the chair.  At the same time he opened up a brief menu in his cybernetic eyes and turned off the pressure and temperature sensors for that arm so that he couldn’t feel every little thing she did to it.
“Whatever you can do to alleviate the problem at the very least I will pay you for.”
"Do you have an appointment?"
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The swordsman pulled his jingasa off his head as he stepped into the ripper doc’s shop. An Oni mask still cover the bottom half of his face and he was draped in a black cloak with large sleeves that hid his left arm mostly from view but failed to hide the sword that poked out from underneath it. His steel grey eyes immediately scanned the room, initially to check for threats as he usually did but it quickly just turned to him just ogling the tech around the room. The sudden feminine voice drew his eyes to the gorgeous woman he had somehow glossed over. Mentally slapping himself for such a mistake he shook his head and took off his mask.
“No, I don’t. But a friend recommended your shop a while ago, and I happen to need some repairs done on my arm. I can pay.” 
Eyes were now pretty much locked onto her, observing her with a quiet intensity even without the demon mask.
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nightcitysxmurai · 4 years
Placing his mask and jingasa on the nearby table Oni pulls back his left sleeve to reveal the arm underneath. Its clearly entirely cybernetic from first glance, and appears to be high grade too. Covered with sleek black metal plates that are more akin to armor than skin or normal covering, on the shoulder there are even some extra plates that form a sort of pauldron reminiscent of samurai armor.
“Military grade, Arasaka tech if that matters to you at all. The works, Thickened myomar strands, reinforced joints, emp shielding. But recently it hasn't been responding as well. Normally id go see a my guy who is an expert with Arasaka stuff, however he’s out of town for the next little while.” 
"Do you have an appointment?"
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The swordsman pulled his jingasa off his head as he stepped into the ripper doc’s shop. An Oni mask still cover the bottom half of his face and he was draped in a black cloak with large sleeves that hid his left arm mostly from view but failed to hide the sword that poked out from underneath it. His steel grey eyes immediately scanned the room, initially to check for threats as he usually did but it quickly just turned to him just ogling the tech around the room. The sudden feminine voice drew his eyes to the gorgeous woman he had somehow glossed over. Mentally slapping himself for such a mistake he shook his head and took off his mask.
“No, I don’t. But a friend recommended your shop a while ago, and I happen to need some repairs done on my arm. I can pay.” 
Eyes were now pretty much locked onto her, observing her with a quiet intensity even without the demon mask.
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