nighfurylisa · 26 days
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Before military service: Lalisa-Aniya Leng. She is 16 years old. An ordinary girl who was not particularly liked by those around her, but she tried to stay positive. She was different for everyone, too boring for some, for some, too talkative, serious, rude and too loving of justice.She never allowed anyone to hurt her younger ones and always stood her ground, her childhood trauma always lived with her in her head, but she tried not to trust fear, because it was the worst enemy.
Military service: Lalisa-Aniya «Fury» Leng. She is 29 years old. Too serious for civilian life, so it is very difficult to even make her laugh, but there were some people from the army who were able to find an approach to her.She was absolutely always cold to everyone and it was not surprising that she never even dated anyone. Every morning she got up early just to paint over her scars to the point that , no one would notice them. She received the rank of junior lieutenant and deservedly received it, almost leading to her death. She had no friends, she was almost constantly alone and talked only about business, without idle chatter. She never went drinking or smoking with anyone, she takes care of herself and especially likes to be in control of the situation around her. She is especially good at torture, which is exactly what her enemies hate her for. She always seeks the truth from the person she is torturing. She always hits the target and calculates her strength well. She used to grow her hair long, but after being sexually abused as a child and teenager, she decided to cut it off permanently and dye it her favorite colors. She received her call sign for a reason, but for her rage during the battle, she then killed everything in her path .
(If you want more details about the call sign, I’ll tell you about it in the next post.)
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nighfurylisa · 2 months
tThis is my character. Lalila—Aania "Fury" Leng. I will write her story in the next post.
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Name: Lalisa-Aniya Surname: Leng Call sign: Fury Age: 29 years old Citizenship: UK. History: From birth she was sent to an orphanage, and it just so happened that she was born weak. Her parents did not want to keep an eye on her, because they did not want a weak child. She was not particularly loved at the orphanage, but by the age of three, one family took her in. She seemed happy there, but then her father left the family and a complete mess began. The father left the family and the mother began to drink, they lived wherever they were lucky, or spent the night with someone. One day Lalisa turned four years old and on that day her mother was with her new boyfriend.The mother got so drunk that she fell asleep in the grass, and at that time her friend raped Lalisa.He left her on the ground, but put clothes on her and threw her among the trees on the ground. When the mother sobered up and found her daughter, she took her to the hospital.“It will heal until the wedding” - this is the phrase that Lalisa-Aniya hates most in life, her mother told her after the rape.As a result, Lalisa was taken back to the orphanage and was no longer accepted into the family. She studied excellently, passed the exams and, despite her fears, went to the military academy and also studied excellently. At 24, she graduated from the academy and was offered a job at MI6, but she refused and went to work as a shooting instructor at the military academy where she studied. She was an excellent teacher, but soon quit and accepted an offer to work at MI6. She worked there for 3 years and then she went to work in the British Army. And so, she is a sniper and she was put in a special task force, where she will find herself and face her fears.
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nighfurylisa · 2 months
Yesterday I drew assignments.. I did all this at one in the morning.
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nighfurylisa · 2 months
Pictures that I painted. I love to draw 🤭
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I have a lot more pictures, but I still need to photograph them all, even though they are at the end of another city.
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