nicolejesse190 · 3 months
Chinese AI Chip Startup Raises $800M to Dominate Computer Vision Industry
<h1>Chinese AI Chip Company Raises $800 Million in New Funding Round</h1> <p>On January 17th, Aixinnuo Cognition announced that it completed a Series A++ funding round. The company focuses on making artificial intelligence (AI) computer chips for vision tasks. It raised a total of $800 million yuan (around $125 million US dollars) in the new round.</p> <p>Several major investors participated in the funding, including Qiming Venture Capital, Weihau Venture Capital, Meituan, Meituan Dragonfly, Heju Capital, Jiyuan Capital, Legend Star (owned by Lenovo), and YouTu Capital. This was Aixinnuo Cognition's fourth round of funding so far. The last round was only about 6 months ago.</p> <p>The company plans to use the new money to bring in more resources from different industries. It wants to attract top talent in AI, expand its business, and work with other companies. The goal is to make high-quality computer chips that can compete globally.</p> <h2>About Aixinnuo Cognition</h2> <p>Aixinnuo Cognition was founded in May 2019 under its previous name "Aixin Technology". It focuses on developing high-performance AI computer chips that use less power. These chips are designed to help with vision tasks in AI. They can be used in smart cities, homes, transportation, shopping, and wearable devices.</p> <p>In less than three years, the company has already created two generations of chips for edge devices called the AX630A and AX620A. Both chips are very powerful but also energy efficient. This allows the company to offer complete solutions to partners for different applications.</p> <h2>Core Technologies</h2> <p>Aixinnuo Cognition has developed advanced neural network processors (NPUs) that combine different types of AI. Using its NPUs, the company provides a powerful yet affordable computing platform for AI. It has also created image processing technologies for AI called AI ISPs.</p> <p>By connecting its ISPs and NPUs, the company can greatly improve how traditional ISPs handle images. This gives customers a strong foundation for graphics and photos. Overall, Aixinnuo Cognition has established itself as a leader in computer chips for vision tasks using AI.</p> <h2>Future Plans and Market Outlook</h2> <p>Demand for AI computer chips is growing very quickly all over the world. Experts predict the global market will be worth $72.6 billion by 2025. China also has huge potential as industries like 5G and AI expand rapidly.</p> <p>Many Chinese companies in areas like chip design, internet, and technology see this as a big chance. As one top company in this field, Aixinnuo Cognition will focus on research, product development, and hiring the best people. Its goal is to become a major player in the vision AI chip industry.</p> <p>The company's CEO said "We appreciate the continued support of our investors. In the future, we will keep innovating visual AI chip technology to be long-term partners for customers."</p>
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nicolejesse190 · 3 months
How Less Attractive Guys Engage and Attract Cute Girls
<h2>Why Less Attractive Guys Can Get Pretty Girlfriends</h2> <p>It's common to assume that good-looking guys will have an easy time finding girlfriends. But often, less handsome guys are actually the ones who are living the single life! Meanwhile, some not-so-attractive guys surprisingly manage to score really cute girlfriends. What gives?</p> <h3>Focusing on Their Strengths</h3> <p>Ugly dudes know they're not easy on the eyes. So instead of worrying about their looks, they emphasize other qualities. Many guys let their appearance hold them back from putting themselves out there. But the secretly single crowd stays shy and never talks to girls! No wonder the girls don't even know their names. </p> <h3>Catering to Her Interests</h3> <p>Less handsome guys understand they can't rely on their faces. This helps them zero in on a girl's interests from the get-go. They listen closely and make sure she's having a good time. Girls love when a guy really pays attention to them. Before you know it, she's smiling and laughing with her new buddy! All while you're too nervous to even say "Hi".</p> <h3>Scoring a Pretty Girl</h3> <p>Ugly dudes don't worry about looks getting in the way. So they put their all into engaging with girls on a deeper level. This kind of focus really catches a cute girl's eye. She thinks, "Wow, this guy is soooo into me!" Who wouldn't want that? Plus, you have much more going for you than those other dudes anyway. The prettiest girls draw the least amount of guys too, so they crave connections even more.</p> <h3>Don't Make Excuses, Make Moves!</h3> <p>Opportunities are everywhere - if you go for them. Yeah looks and $ are important, but don't use that as an excuse to quit before you start. Ma Yun built an empire despite any perceived "flaws." His people skills are off the charts too. There's more to a person than meets the eye. So what are you waiting for - get out there and start chatting up some cuties!</p> <h2>Wrap-Up</h2> <p>In summary, less attractive guys succeed with girls by focusing on substance over style. They put themselves out there, make the girl feel special, and see past surface-level traits. With confidence and conversation skills, even an ugly dude can get a cute gal. The choice is yours - will you keep making excuses or start turning some heads?</p>
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nicolejesse190 · 3 months
Why Some Relationships Fail but Love Can Last: The Real Secrets of Adaptation and Compromise
<h1>Why Breakups Happen and How to Make Relationships Last</h1> <p>Have you ever wondered what really causes couples to split up? A friend of mine who got married recently is already planning a divorce. Can you believe their breakup started over a simple pot? Let me explain what happened and what it says about relationships.</p> <h2>The Case of the Divorce-Worthy Pot</h2> <p>My friend wanted to buy a new stew pot for cooking. But when she told her husband, he said there was no need since they already had pots at home. This tiny argument was apparently the last straw for my friend - she told me she now wants a divorce! I was shocked. "You're ending your marriage just because of a cooking pot?" I asked.</p> <p>My friend explained that the pot issue was really just the tip of the iceberg. Deep down, she and her husband don't see eye-to-eye on some big things. For one, he wants her to be a stay-at-home wife while she dreams of having her own career. She compromised by being home, but all the disagreements were building up over time.</p> <h2>Are Mismatched Views a Dealbreaker?</h2> <p>This got me thinking - does a relationship have no hope if a couple's views don't perfectly line up? The truth is, some differences can actually strengthen a bond. But there are a few key areas where too much of a mismatch can cause problems.</p> <h3> chatting, spending habits, and future dreams</h3> <p>It's tough to feel close if you and your partner can't easily chat about your interests. Your views on money management also need to match to avoid conflicts. And you both need to envision a similar future - one person wanting careers while the other only cares about fun won't work. </p> <p>However, not all differences are dealbreakers. Having some variety makes life more exciting. I may love a nice restaurant, while my partner prefers street food. As long as we try each other's favorites, we discover new things together!</p> <h2>It's About Adaptation, Not Perfection</h2> <p>In reality, no two people will ever think 100% alike. Our families, experiences and beliefs shape us all uniquely. What really separates lasting love from fleeting attractions is how well a couple can <i>adapt</i> to each other over time.</p> <p>When the new relationship energy fades, that's when the real work begins. Smart pairs start compromising on little things early, so adjusting is easier later on. If they can smoothly adapt during ups and downs, their bond has the strength to go the distance. But failing to adapt is why so many breakups happen.</p> <h2>The Takeaway</h2> <p>So in summary, some differences enhance relationships while others can harm them. The real key is how willing partners are to understand each other's perspectives, find midpoints and adapt. With compromise and effort, even mismatched views can be overcome for a deep, lifelong love.</p>
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nicolejesse190 · 3 months
Designer An Bo Wins Innovative 2022 Zippo China Menswear Design Award
<h2>Designer An Bo Wins Zippo China Menswear Design Award</h2> <p>The 2022 Zippo China Menswear Fashion and Creativity Award was created by the China National Garment Association, China Fashion Week organizers, and Zippo. It started on April 28th when designers could submit their work. After many steps like looking at the submissions, choosing finalists, interviewing designers, getting opinions from fashion experts, and showing the designs, An Bo was announced as the winner on June 23rd!</p> <h3>About the Award Theme</h3> <p>The award theme was "God of War New Armor." It focused on Zippo's "wolf culture" idea. The organizers used the "wolf totem" as the main part. They also connected it to the popular "metaverse" trend. The goal was to bring technology and fashion design closer together to help Chinese menswear evolve.</p> <h3>Winning Designer An Bo's Show</h3> <p>After two months of preparation, the award ceremony and fashion show for winning designer An Bo's collection happened on September 7th at China Fashion Week. It presented a fresh take on Chinese menswear style.</p> <h3>More About Designer An Bo</h3> <ul> <li>Independent and digital fashion designer</li> <li>Winner of the Zippo China Menswear Design Award</li> <li>One of China's Top 10 Fashion Designers (25th Chinese Fashion Awards)</li> <li>Member of the China Costume Designers Association</li> <li>Chosen for the 2nd 10+3 SHOWROOM Young Designer Program</li> </ul> <h3>Speech by Zhou Shao Xiong, Zippo Chairman</h3> <p>Zippo Chairman Zhou Shao Xiong thanked the fashion organizations for their support. He said Zippo wants to work with great Chinese designers. Together, they can make Chinese menswear brands that lead the world in style and quality. Zippo will explore new directions for Chinese menswear and share Chinese fashion globally.</p> <h3>Launch of New Zippo Collection</h3> <p>Next, everyone looked forward to An Bo's exciting fashion show. He would reveal Zippo's 2022 fall/winter collection.</p> <h3>"Parallel Space" Winning Collection</h3> <p>An Bo's winning "Parallel Space" series focused on technology and the future. It let thinking and aesthetics move between reality and the "metaverse." In that virtual world, cultures and styles blend freely. Clothing boundaries are broken.</p> <p>To celebrate 25 years of China Fashion Week, Zippo partnered with the fashion organizations on this award. They chose top young Chinese designers to collaborate with. This will help Zippo stay youthful as Chinese fashion grows alongside the country's rising global influence in style.</p>
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nicolejesse190 · 3 months
How to Answer What She Likes Without Being Too Forward or Fawning
<h2>How to Answer When a Girl Asks What You Like About Her</h2> <p>It's flattering when a girl wants your opinion, but your answer depends on where you're at together. Going overboard early on won't impress her. Here's some age-appropriate advice based on your stage:</p> <h3>You Just Met</h3> <p>If you just started chatting, her asking is a test, not a date invitation. Keep it light!</p> <ul> <li>"I like your confidence. We'll see if it's warranted."</li> <li>"Slow down! Let's keep talking before getting personal."</li> <li>"Don't fish for compliments already! We just met."</li> </ul> <h3>Starting to Like Each Other</h3> <p>Feelings are budding, but take it slow. Focus on connecting, not coming on too strong.</p> <ul> <li>"We're just getting to know each other. Let's enjoy finding out more."</li> <li>"Why don't we cozy up and talk? No need to rush things."</li> <li>"Give me a compliment first - then I'll say what I'm liking so far."</li> </ul> <h3>Almost Together</h3> <p>She's ready to commit but wants reassurance you're sincere. Pour on the charm, but keep it real.</p> <ul> <li>"I love your warmth and smile. You'd be great to introduce to my parents."</li> <li>"Your cooking's almost as good as my grandma's. Wanna meet the family?"</li> </ul> <h3>Girlfriend</h3> <p>She's feeling unsure and needs affection. Remind her why you're happy together.</p> <ul> <li>"Babe, I still adore your curious spirit from day one."</li> <li>"In my next life, I'll marry you before you can ask again!"</li> </ul> <p>With patience and honesty at each stage, you can build trust and show how much she means to you.</p>
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nicolejesse190 · 3 months
Avoid Being Desperate: 4 Keys to Not Seem Clingy
<h2>4 Keys to Not Seem Desperate</h2> <p>In relationships, no one wants to be seen as overly clingy or desperate. Here are 4 things you can do to avoid giving off that impression:</p> <h3>Attract, Don't Chase</h3> <p>A lot of guys try too hard to chase girls, constantly bombarding them with attention. But attractive girls get hit on all the time - they're tired of being pursued. Instead of chasing, work on making yourself more appealing. Focus on developing your best qualities so girls are drawn to you naturally.</p> <p>Put yourself out there by highlighting what makes you cool in subtle ways. Let girls come to you when they see you're an interesting person. And don't smother them with gifts - that'll just scream "desperate!"</p> <h3>Stand Out From the Crowd</h3> <p>Girls like guys who are confident and think for themselves. They want a partner who isn't afraid to break the mold. If you just follow trends and blend into the background, you'll seem bland. But having your own unique personality and style shows you're comfortable being yourself.</p> <h3>Take the Lead</h3> <p>Instead of constantly asking "Do you want to do this?" or "What do you think?", gently guide the relationship by making respectful suggestions. Leading with confidence tells a girl you can be depended on. Don't be afraid to plan fun dates and activities either - taking action shows you're interested without being clingy.</p> <h3>Have Style Savvy</h3> <p>Pay attention to your appearance. Dress well and put some thought into how you present yourself. Taking pride in your look gives a good first impression. It also shows you care about the same things many girls care about like fashion. Have interesting hobbies too so your life seems full.</p> <h3>Keep a Fulfilling Life</h3> <p>Girls don't want to feel like they're the only thing giving your life meaning. Pursue goals, spend time with friends, pick up new skills - always keep yourself occupied so you two enhance each other's lives instead of completing them.</p> <p>By developing an air of independence, confidence and style, you'll appear comfortable in your own skin - and far from desperate! Focus on always bettering yourself instead of chasing after any particular person. Success and fulfillment are the best ways to naturally attract the right girl into your life.</p>
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nicolejesse190 · 4 months
Liverpool's Busy Schedule Takes a Toll on Player Fitness
<h2>Liverpool's Busy Holiday Schedule Takes a Toll</h2> <p>Liverpool had a very busy Christmas period, playing 3 matches in just 8 days. Recently, they fielded their strongest team in both the League Cup match against Manchester City and the game on Christmas Day against Aston Villa. Egyptian forward Mohamed Salah played the full 90 minutes in both games. In this upcoming match, Liverpool may rest some players since the fitness of the first team isn't great after so many tough games close together.</p> <h3>New Signing Up Front</h3> <p>Liverpool has officially signed Portuguese forward Diogo Jota from Wolverhampton Wanderers. All the paperwork for the transfer is done, and both sides agreed to a 6-year contract. Jota can play on the wing or as a striker. He's 6 feet 1 inch tall and has good all-around soccer skills. His performance at the World Cup this year, where he scored 3 goals in 5 matches, earned him recognition. Jota's arrival will increase competition for Brazilian forward Roberto Firmino. Reports also say Liverpool may sell Firmino this winter since he hasn't played that well recently.</p> <h3>Leicester City Midfielder May Miss Game</h3> <p>In this upcoming match, Leicester City midfielder Youri Tielemans may not play because of an injury. He had to come off before halftime in their last game against Newcastle United. The Belgian midfielder has appeared 11 times for Leicester so far this season, starting 6 games, and providing 1 assist. If Tielemans can't play, English winger Harvey Barnes, who has 1 assist in 6 appearances, will likely take his place in the starting lineup.</p> <p>[This article is based on a report from QiShe Sports but does not represent the views of this website. Please get permission from QiShe Sports before reprinting. Contact us if you see any copyright issues.]</p> <p>More news: <a href="[URL of extended news section]">Extended football news and updates</a></p>
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nicolejesse190 · 4 months
Recent Graduates Face Challenges Securing Jobs and Salaries Over 8,000 Yuan
<h3>Recent Graduates Face Challenges Securing Employment and Competitive Salaries</h3> <p>As graduation season arrives, the issue of job prospects for new graduates has again come under widespread discussion among different parts of society. Data from Maimaizheng Jingyu Talent Recruitment Institute shows that nearly 40% of recent graduates did not receive any job offers from January to April 2023.</p> <p>Graduates' starting salaries have also been a hot topic of debate. In a survey on social media asking "What is a suitable salary range for new graduates?", around 35% believed it should be between 8000-30,000 yuan, while 33% believed it should be between 5000-8000 yuan.</p> <p>Maimaizheng Jingyu's data reveals that over 85% of newly graduated students who secured jobs from January to April this year found the job search difficult, with around 32% describing it as "very hard." In terms of time spent looking, 43.91% of hired graduates took over 3 months from beginning their search to receiving an offer. 21.95% received a salary under 120,000 yuan, and close to half (48.78%) signed contracts with annual pay between 120,000-300,000 yuan. About three in ten (29.27%) secured annual wages exceeding 300,000 yuan.</p>
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nicolejesse190 · 4 months
Try the New 1v1 Battleground and Upcoming Champion Debuts in League of Legends: Wild Rift
<p>According to an official announcement, the "1v1 Arctic Trial Mode" will be available for a limited time from March 16th through May 25th in League of Legends: Wild Rift. This new mode allows summoners to engage in one-on-one duels within the Howling Abyss map.</p> <p>To earn a victory, a summoner must fulfill one of the following conditions: defeat the enemy champion twice before the Burning Ring of Fire appears in the arena, or defeat the enemy champion once after it appears. Summoners can also win by destroying the first enemy defensive tower.</p> <p>The version 4.1 update will launch on March 16th, introducing several new features and changes. Friend lists will support nicknames, and an expressive allied chat function will be added. Individual player profiles will display role-specific badges and ranked season trophies unlocked after level 40. Statistics from large events will also be viewable.</p> <p>Two new champions will join the roster. The mechanical juggernaut Urgot will become available with the patch. Later, on April 6th, players can selected the sinister support Thresh. Several existing champions will see skill adjustments, including Caitlyn, Lucian, Sivir, and Pantheon. Jayce, Alistar, and Nunu will have different skill control schemes.</p> <p>Additionally, the level cap has been removed. After hitting level 40, summoners can progress through a new prestige-based milestone system. Gaining three milestone levels will upgrade their profile emblem to denote accomplishments.</p>
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nicolejesse190 · 4 months
Tesla Cuts Supercharger Prices by up to 10 Cents per Kilowatt-Hour in Key Markets
<h3>Tesla Lowers Prices for Superchargers in Multiple Regions</h3> <p>According to a report by Electrek, as charging services have gradually matured, Tesla has lowered the prices for Superchargers in several areas. Some local Tesla owners said that the prices for Supercharging stations have decreased.</p> <p>One Tesla owner tweeted that Tesla appears to have lowered the Supercharging fee across all of Los Angeles and parts of California by 5 cents per kilowatt-hour. Meanwhile, in some European regions the price drop has reached 10 cents per kilowatt-hour. Previously, it cost over $5 or $10 to fully charge at a Tesla Supercharging station.</p> <p>Tesla Supercharger uses a 480V DC fast charging technology developed by Tesla for its electric vehicles. Tesla launched its Supercharging network in 2012. The Tesla Model S was the first car that could use the Supercharging network, followed by the Tesla Model X, Tesla Model 3 and Tesla Model Y.</p> <p>On November 24th, Tesla's China charging team announced that the 40,000th Tesla Supercharging station worldwide had been completed. In mainland China specifically, over 9,500 Supercharging stations have been built so far. An additional 1,900 destination charging stations have opened to complement the expanding Tesla charging network.</p>
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nicolejesse190 · 4 months
Kosovo and Cyprus National Teams Preview Key Players Ahead of Upcoming Matches
Foreign Intelligence 1. 20-year-old striker to lead Cyprus attack line Currently playing for Sporting Kansas City in MLS, 20-year-old striker Zioñis (14 caps, 1 goal for country) scored his first international goal in Cyprus' 2-0 win over Estonia on March 29th. He is expected to partner up front with Sotiriou (53 caps, 12 goals) as the main strikers. 33-year-old veteran Kristoforou (62 caps, 8 goals) will also look to push for a starting spot in the front line, but is more likely to play a substitute role. 2. Cyprus midfielders from Scottish Premiership expected to start In Cyprus' two-legged UEFA Nations League matches against Estonia 3 months ago, midfielders Kiriakou (44 caps), Gohych (10 caps) of Scottish Premiership club Hibernian, and 22-year-old newcomer Panayiotou (3 caps) played together in midfield. They are expected to continue partnering in the midfield for these upcoming games. 3. La Liga forward to lead Kosovo attack The Kosovo attack will be led by Vedat Muriqi (38 caps, 18 goals) of La Liga club Mallorca. He is Kosovo's all-time top goalscorer, and is expected to form the team's attacking trio together with Norwich's Rashica (40 caps, 8 goals) and Berisha (11 caps). 4. Kosovo Napoli defender to start in defense The Kosovo defense will be headed by captain Rrahmani (44 caps, 6 goals), who currently plays for Napoli in Serie A. Meanwhile, Swiss champions Zurich's Krecu twins (3 caps for Klejto) and Aliti (40 caps, 1 goal) will partner the defense line. 5. Man City goalkeeper to guard Kosovo goal National team coach Giresse is unlikely to make many changes to the starting XI that drew with Switzerland in March. Goalkeeper will still be 23-year-old Muric (24 caps) of Manchester City, who has been on loan this season at Turkish Super Lig club Adana Demirspor, where he played 31 games as their number one. 【The above content is from Outchi Sports but does not represent the views of this website. Please obtain permission from Outchi Sports if you wish to repost and contact for removal if there is any infringement.】
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nicolejesse190 · 4 months
Master Opera Artists Give Public Lessons at Top Chinese Theater
<h3>Masterclass of the Fourth "National Grand Theater - Sordi China" Held Publicly</h3> <p>The fourth "National Grand Theater - Sordi China Masterclass" jointly organized by the National Grand Theater and the Giorgio Sordi Institute of Italy, and sponsored by Rolex Tower of Achievement, recently held a public masterclass. </p> <p>The Giorgio Sordi Institute was founded in 2004 in Italy. It has strong opera teaching resources and rich vocal teaching experience. In 2016, with the support of Rolex Tower of Achievement, the Giorgio Sordi Institute cooperated with the National Grand Theater to hold the first "Sordi China Masterclass", which became an important part of the young artist cultivation plan of the National Grand Theater. Over the past three years, a total of 23 students have stood out and received "one-on-one" on-site guidance from mentors at the National Grand Theater.</p> <p>In the future, the National Grand Theater will cooperate with more world-renowned art institutions to plan and launch talent cultivation and exchange learning projects.</p> <p><i>The above content is from "Beijing Business Daily Network" and does not represent the views of this website. Reprinting requires permission from Beijing Business Daily. Please contact for removal if infringing on any copyrights.</i></p>
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nicolejesse190 · 4 months
Qualcomm Hopes to Join SoftBank's Arm IPO and Acquire Stake
According to a Bloomberg report, Cristiano Amon, CEO of Qualcomm, told the Financial Times of the UK that the company hopes to participate in Arm's upcoming initial public offering (IPO) organized by SoftBank Group and purchase some shares. Earlier this year, Nvidia's $40 billion acquisition of Arm failed. In response, SoftBank decided to list Arm on the stock market. Reports indicate that SoftBank will seek at least $60 billion valuation for Arm in this IPO. Amon said that Qualcomm is interested in co-investing with competitors and may directly acquire Arm together with other companies if the acquisition consortium is large enough. Amon's statement provides new momentum for the idea of chip manufacturers forming a consortium to become anchor investors of Arm. Intel CEO Pat Gelsinger indicated earlier this year that the company might support such a move. Amon said that with multiple companies investing together to acquire Arm, it could help Arm remain neutral with shared access for all. He noted that Qualcomm has not had any communications with SoftBank about investing in Arm.
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