All of our evidence for bench-marking, questionnaires and finances can be found on this google doc: (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1rmOMDoUIkwR2Cg6FV-p7kKwoyFqlP5czEcoiDlTfsL8/edit?usp=sharing) which has also been shared to the new innovation gmail account set up at the start of the project.
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The budget for the project was £4300, as outlined above.  This was based on having 4 seniors and 4 juniors, we only had 3 of each which allowed us some wriggle room on the additional costs.  One of the weeks does show a fall in hours worked, this was the snow week where we could not make it in to meet up.  This snow week led to the presentation being pushed back 2 weeks to accommodate, leading to people working more hours than contracted.  Due to the fewer number of people hired it allows us to pay overtime without going over budget.  all the additional costs were emails between the CEO and the Consultant.  At the end of the project we are £710 under budget, with a payment of £5500 that leads to a £1910 profit on the project.
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Our Recomendations
We are recommending that between the fort and the Command of the Heights team that they increase the frequency of their tweeting.  This would also transfer over to other forms of social media such as Facebook.  We believe that this will lead to a better reception to events thrown at the fort, it doesn’t matter who’s event it was the additional patrons to one may transfer over to another event.  It may also lead to people wanting to help out at the next event, or look to use the fort for their own event.  The number of tweets posted since Christmas means that it is a wasted asset, as we mentioned there was the Easter egg hunt event at the fort, but no advertising was done on twitter.  Regularly posting that there was going to be an event at the fort in the weeks or months leading up to it would generate more visitors, even if it is just for the event they would still be visiting and them may want to either visit again or volunteer.
Secondly we recommend that the fort focuses its efforts into promoting the modern history of the fort, its involvement in the first and second world wars specifically.  In this effort hosting experience days, allowing students and visitors to immerse themselves in the period and really get a feel for the conditions at the time.  This would be appealing to the local schools as the first and second world wars are on the GCSE syllabus and so then emphasising how the immersion will give the students a deeper understanding would be a draw for them.
Thirdly we recommend focusing attempts to gain volunteers from schools on students on the International Baccalaureate and the Duke of Edinburgh awards as both of these require volunteering to complete.  This recommendation works well in conjunction with our first, regularly tweeting or posting about the search for volunteers and the benefits towards those awards would be a draw to those looking.  It could also be that they did not know the fort existed or was looking for volunteers and so was an option they had not considered.  When it comes to increasing the frequency of twitter posts it does not cost anything but a small amount of time.  And when it can accomplish more than one goal then it is a worthwhile endeavour.
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Our Conclusion
With the data that we have collected we have come to some conclusions.
The bench-marking suggests that the key to improving social media presence is through frequency of posts rather than the quality of them.  Having multiple posts advertising the same event increases the likelihood of it appearing in someones feed, also having tweets with a scenic picture and a comment about the weather seem to be one of the best ways to go about this as it is something that can be used on a regular basis.  
The data that we have managed to pull from the questionnaires was that focusing on the history of the fort in more modern era’s would entice the younger generation in.  Furthermore from the email response it would lead us to believe that schools will be targeting the International Baccalaureate students as well as those trying to complete a Duke of Edinburgh award.
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Trip to the Fort
As a group we had a trip to the fort to see how it was doing and what it looked like. we saw all of the machinery which was outside such as the cannons and other firearms. it was a great experience to travel with my group and to see the fort.  The only thing which surprised was the Easter egg hunt.  The fort has arranged an Easter egg hunt however failed to put it onto their social media page which if they did they would have received a lot more attention.
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Our Method
During the course of this project we have had a clear method in mind.  We first broke down the project we were given and broke it down into its 2 separate parts: Fort awareness and the volunteers.
With the fort awareness we looked at ways that it could improve its twitter presence, it is one of the forts underused assets.  During the course of the term the fort has only posted 2 tweets, and has replied to 3 people.  There is an Easter Egg hunt event currently at the fort running until the 15th of April, yet there is no mention of it on twitter.  We took what we observed from the forts twitter account and compared it to other similar locations both in the local area and in the larger area of London.  We took some data and bench-marked the forts account and came up with a few ways that they could increase their awareness.
Then we tackled the volunteering aspect, to do this we created a form letter and then tailored it to fit the specific organisations that we were going to question.  We decided on a catchment area of the M2 and the River Medway as so we could make it as relevant as possible and we felt that people outside that area were unlikely to travel to the fort for school trips and volunteering.  We used this opportunity to try and get the students feelings, knowledge an interest in the fort as it is, as well as to try and find out how responsive they would be to the opportunities offered by the fort and the Command of the Heights team.  We also decided to not limit the search to just schools and include the Scout groups in the same area as they are likely to be responsive to volunteering opportunities.  After we sent the letters by post and email we then called to follow up on them after only having receive one response at the time.  We discovered that while some schools were waiting to reply they could not at the time as there is a process in place form the,.  They are going to reply they just have not gotten through that process at this time.  We did still capture some results and as such have then processed and analysed them providing our interpretations on them.
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What has new innovation been up to today?
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Today we are meeting up to discuss what we will be doing for the presentation. We will be discussing what each member of the team will be doing for the presentation. I will be doing the tumblr page with Sanea, this includes fixing and thing which we have not seen and going through the entire page before the end of today. Other people in the group have also been inputting to page by adding their introductions and images to the page to give viewers an in-depth review of us and information of the job roles which we have. Phoebe, James & Rohit have been doing the presentation for the past few days and are editing it today by adding any new results and information which have been coming in they have been analysing the information received and reviewing them.
 Yusuf -
I have been editing the tumblr page for the past few weeks. It is not a very hard thing to go over seen as though the writing has been checked, all I have to do today is put the information we have set in order.
I will be checking the writing in the tumblr page to see if there are any spelling mistakes or grammar mistakes.
I will be working with Phoebe and Rohit to edit our already created presentation. I will be reviewing the information received and seeing if it is any good to add to the presentation. I will also be doing the finance for the entire team as well as monitoring the groups progress.
I will be working with Phoebe and James on the presentation which we are editing today. My role today is to go over the results from the questionnaires and send screenshots of the results to Phoebe and Yusuf so that they can use the information provided.
I am going over the presentation with Rohit and James. I will be the one editing the presentation if there are any new information which is deemed necessary in the presentation for tomorrow.
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Next Steps
After we completed the bench-marking we looked at ways to help the fort get the schools and their pupils involved with the fort, be it as volunteers or as visitors.  To do this we sent letters to various schools and scout groups in the local area, the catchment area we used was the River Medway ad the M2 corner, wrapping that line around Rainham to connect it back up.  This was 18 establishments in all.  While only 1 school responded we did still manage to get some data from them as well as an agreement to allow the Command of the Heights team to come in and pitch to the students about volunteering in the summer term.
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The response email that we got from The Rochester Grammar.
Previously posted there the results of the questionnaire that we did send out, the questionnaire (below) was designed to find what the students would be interested in so that the fort can tailor their efforts when trying to entice young people into the fort.
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questionnaire results
which gender do specify as results. 
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what year group do you belong to results.
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how much do you know about the fort/local area results.
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what areas in history are you interested in results.
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what would attract you to the fort results.
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would you be interested in volunteering opportunities results.
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would you like to learn about the local area results. 
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would you like to go to the fort with the school, your friends or family results 
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would you be interested in experience events results. 
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The results of our bench-marking, from what we did we found that the higher frequency accounts had more followers and responses.  This means that the best way to increase twitter following is to tweet frequently.
Through looking at the tweets we did find that the content of the tweets themselves did not matter too much.  Making the tweets vaguely related to the Fort would be a good idea, however the emphasis should be on the frequency.  Having a picture of the view and a tweet along the lines of “lovely day here at Fort Amherst, come on down and enjoy the weather” seems to be the way that similar sites are attempting to attract patrons and so is something that should be emulated.
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My name is Rohit Deb and i am the COO for New Innovation. I am 22 years old and live in North London, Enfield. I am a full time student as well as a part time Team Leader at Tesco’s.  I work closely with James the CEO in any operations support he needs. My role as COO is to help assist my team in anything activities/operations and working together in teams and enjoy any challenges that we may face. My interests are gaming, socialising and spending time with friends/family and i would like to be able to travel the world to experience new things.
Business Administration Year 2, [email protected]
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My name is James and I am the CEO of New Innovation, I am 20 years old from Chichester in West Sussex.  My role in the team has been to lead and guide the team for the duration of the  project, as well as keep track of the finances of the company as the substitute finance officer.  I have an avid interest in finance as well as gaming with groups of friends.  These interests have helped me lead the group as well as improve my confidence as a leader. jm9841m, 000937631, Fda Business Administration With Accounting and Finance Year 2
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business administration with marketing - year 2
My name is Phoebe, I’m 21 years old and I'm from south Suffolk. I am the CCO for new innovation. My role in the team was to monitor communications as well as communicate with contacts and clients. I also assist the CEO in daily tasks to help him with the overall work load. 
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Data analyst
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My name is Berkay Benli, I'm 22 years old. I am the data analyst for new innovation. I have been analyzing the data which we as a group have been recievieng from schools through questionnaires. I have been involved with the group by helping in finding questions to put into questionnaires. I am very happy with my group and I have been improving on my team working and communication skills.  
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Social Media & Marketing Analysts
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Yusuf Huseyin Nazlikol
Hi, my name, is Yusuf Nazlikol, I am from Turkey. I am an information technology management for business undergraduate. I am 19 years old. I’m studying at the university of Greenwich. My job role is social media marketing and analyst. I decided to study at the university of Greenwich because of the diversity of students and the campus.
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 Sanea Begum
My name is Sanea Begum and I’m 18 years old, I am from Kent. I’m a first-year student studying Business Administration at the University of Greenwich. My job role in this team is Social Media and Marketing Analyst. I enjoy working as part of the New Innovation team as I have been able to meet solve weekly tasks in groups. 
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what have we been up to?
Over the past few weeks we have been going through ideas we have been coming up with to ask schools on what would interest them in coming to the fort for trips and events. 
As a group we have been meeting up to figure out what questions to ask the schools and how to put those questions in a questionnaire. Whenever we had come up with a question to ask but wasn't together we would write it down somewhere and present it in meetings which we have once every week.  
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Last few weeks
Over the last few weeks we have been working on benchmarking, as well as creating a template letter to send out to schools and local scout groups to enquire about their interests and involvement in the site.   The benchmarking has been more time consuming than we would have liked, as it is a new skill we didn’t have past experiences to help gauge how long we would need to dedicate to the process.  It is also something that we are going to need to keep on top of as the project goes on, and so is going to eat up more time then we initially budgeted. The letter has been less time consuming but still a challenge, as sending letters to schools is not something that we have done before.  Most of the challenge has come in trying to make sure that we are keeping the correct tine and language in the letter.  Most correspondence we have done has been between peers and so the language for that is very different to a formal letter.
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