neuroticsynth · 3 years
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find me again . . in the next life.
mun here! crazy, right? it’s been a while.
i’m writing this post-pandemic (ish). so the good news is: i remembered the password to this account! the bad news is: i dunno how to roleplay on tumblr anymore. (like for example; the original post comes back every time i try to reblog/reply to a thread and i can’t get rid of it???)
but anyway, since i care not about learning how to overcome these new tumblr updates nor do i wish to download xkit again i’m going to abandon this account for realz this time.
i seriously want to keep roleplaying (it was a nice long break and i feel refreshed!) but this platform isn’t doing it for me anymore. lmk if there are better ones out there?
most of y’all i mutually follow are probably off doing better things than being here, yeah? i’ll follow suit.
if you miss me, find my ( personal tumblr blog here. ) it’s mostly about anime and my need to speak into the void with my aimless text posts.
okay everything’s said and done now. i’ll leave this blog inactive going forward. (unless i miraculously give in and download xkit or i manage to figure out how to remove the original post from a reblog.)
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neuroticsynth · 3 years
def ( vipperq ):
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“Likes and Dislikes…” No one really asked her stuff like that before, leave it to him of all people to catch her off guard like this. Her nose scrunched up a little in thought, ruby colored eyes looking away for a moment. She didn’t do much outside of watching Len and caring for the other vippers, it’s what everyone expected of her right?
She suddenly gave him a small smile. “I’ve always wanted to try playing those machines at the arcade!” Of course she didn’t know the words for ‘video games’ but she put in the effort at least! Waiting for the light to turn green, she shyly hid her hands in her sleeves, playing with her fingers as she looked away.
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“I…don’t do many personal activities outside of singing, taking care of the Vipperloids and…” Stop there Tei, he didn’t need to know anything else. She shook her head a little, looking back to him with a smile. “But! I heard Ruko and Rook talking about the arcade a few times! And I think it be fun to try! Especially…Especially if you’re by my side, trying it with me~"
“Aaa is that so? You should’ve said so from the start.” His voice, listless, yet a small curve resembling a kind smile pressed on synthetic lips. Eyes, now softer than their glaringly analytical counterpart, held Tei in his sight, truly seeing her rather than the typical mask that brushed her figure from his consciousness.
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Was it due to her unique response? He found that a rarity. Not a lot of synth droids entertained arcade games aside from Piko, from what he could recall. He himself was not too fond of them, but he was neither disinterested either. Did Project Diva count? eeeeh...not really. He treated it as a rhythm exercise for his own covers in his spare time.
When the light flipped to green, Len veered in a different direction than intended.
“There’s a movie theatre a couple blocks from here with an arcade corner we can try,” he suggested upon taking the lead down another street. “I don’t play a lot of games myself, so this should be interesting.”
He hummed nonchalantly at the thought. Perhaps this would be good to indulge in. Something just outside of his normal routine could not hurt. 
“I’m surprised, Tei. I wouldn’t have thought you were into that stuff,” he commented leisurely.
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neuroticsynth · 5 years
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neuroticsynth · 5 years
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neuroticsynth · 5 years
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Goodnight, wowakaさん
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neuroticsynth · 5 years
What Tea is your Muse?
Tagged by @vipperq // im rly happy, thank u :’^) Tagging: @indulgidol || @red-head-courage || @aestuavis || @tunafishforever || @toraburuchan || @taya-soune || @depressiontexting || @tangerinkagamine || @carrots-and-cappellas
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Chamomile Tea!
You are a warm blanket in the form of a human. You’re welcoming and comforting, and loved ones know they can turn to you when they need a hug or a soothing word. You appreciate the cozy things in life, like wrapping up in a blanket and listening to the rain. In a world full of aggression, competition, and noise, you believe there’s bravery in being soft.
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neuroticsynth · 5 years
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Credit:  ヤマコ
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neuroticsynth · 5 years
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  this (  synthetic  ) heart of mine still pulses !?      what more of a purpose could i hold ?!      in a dying world -- the post apocalypse begins, now !!
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neuroticsynth · 5 years
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source: http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=manga&illust_id=44605484
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neuroticsynth · 5 years
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the duality of cat
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neuroticsynth · 6 years
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           no longer afraid of losing the things i love ( i’ve no more to lose )            but these new fears are bubbling inside, and are thicker than ink            afraid to lose these ears, afraid to lose these eyes,            if i can no longer touch or feel how you feel            i’m afraid i’ll lose more
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neuroticsynth · 6 years
:// vipperq 
“Oh, I’m fine with anything you wanna do Len-kun!” The silverette said happily, meaning every word she said. She didn’t need anything fancy to spend time with him, whatever he wanted to do she was fine with! Ruby eyes followed his hand to the cafe, looking back at him with an eager nod.
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“If that’s what you wanna do!” Okay, maybe it was a little weird she was so willing to do what he wanted to do. But she couldn’t really help it! When you’ve been in love with someone as long as she has? And finally getting his attention? You didn’t care what you did with him, long as you could be near him–and not seen as a weirdo!
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“Anything, eh?” He spoke lowly, brows furrowing, a nondescript expression curving downwards just slightly, enough to be barely seen. He’d sing enough songs, listened to enough dramas, and watched enough memories play back in his head to understand the usual exasperation-trope. “It won’t be something I’d want to do if you keep saying yes like that. You gotta have some likes and dislikes, right?” Aside his small comment his feet would already drag him to the nearest corner, waiting for the lights to flare a bright green signal. “We can stay there until you come up with something, okay?” A smile presses against his lips with his brows this time crumpling at the center. An expression as tough as this was his way to firm persuasion.
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neuroticsynth · 6 years
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rest by Ushio
※ Permission to reprint was granted by the artist. Do not repost without permission. Please support the artist by rating, bookmarking, and commenting on their work!
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neuroticsynth · 6 years
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Fire◎Flower by Rai
※ Permission to reprint was granted by the artist. Do not repost without permission. Please support the artist by rating, bookmarking, and commenting on their work!
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neuroticsynth · 6 years
.// ismikuoaninstrument 
Mikuo shrugs a shoulder at the mention of difficulty, far too used to making sacrifices on behalf of fashion. “It isn’t that bad, depending on what you go for. Rings are good for a pop of colour, if they’re the right fit for you.” he had to fight the temptation to wear more than one of them more often than he’d like to admit. “Really? Ah, damn.” his attitude deflates, just a little. “I’m kind of surprised. You look like the type to wear it. I’d let you borrow some of my stuff, but they’d probably be too small..”
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“Do I really look the type?” he asked aloud with surprise in his eyes. He was aghast, but not insulted. He tried to figure a persona that would match a man with rings on his fingers and turned out blank. His eyes found themselves staring at Mikuo intently as a result before two fingers came up to pinch his chin while contemplating. “You seem more fit for rings, Mikuo-nii.” He fretted at the habitual tendency to use suffixes as if he was a kindergartner. “They seriously give off a bad boy kind of aura.” He then shyly scratched the back of his head before flickering away his attention from the other. “I think it’s just because people tend to make me sing embarrassing songs that I seem to come off like that.”
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neuroticsynth · 6 years
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 did he stutter when the world hushed to hear his words?  fragrance drifted side to side, sweeping away autumn’s debris.  this feeling of loneliness effectively hollowed his heart.  a hand had reached into his chest pulling nothing out but worms.
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neuroticsynth · 6 years
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♪ by 醤油飯
※ Permission to reprint was granted by the artist. Do not repost without permission. Please support the artist by rating, bookmarking, and commenting on their work!
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