neobestiary · 17 days
The Namako Incident
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The Namako Incident occurred on October 6, 2024, at Shibaura-Minami Futo Park. Archspirit Hamada Alchias made his presence known, put up a megaphone, and, for good measure, turned a sea cucumber into a girl. And on that day, the whole world changed. The incident was quickly picked up by news stations all across the nation and worldwide, and followed by the appearance of spirits everywhere. The incident’s goal was twofold: to get spirits out of hiding, integrating them into everyday society, and to lure out the monsters’ creator, Gehne. It simply can’t be overstated how historic this event was. It’s like a conspiracy theory came true: there really were lizard people (among other animal people) living among us, and we were somehow none the wiser until Hamada made his announcement. I know my tone isn’t helping matters, but… Just think about it! Thousands, no, millions of people, are still reeling from that incident! Imagine how many people are living in existential dread because of this! What else don’t we know?!
Wow, Mizune, I didn’t expect you to be the excitable one!
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neobestiary · 17 days
The Mongoose Revolution
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The Mongoose Revolution is a company founded by Jeevan Irving in 2024 that aims to make the world a monster-free place. It’s a glorified pest control company, but that’s exactly what glorified pests need. The Mongoose Revolution’s headquarters are stationed in Okize Apts., Fugane-cho, Shinjuku. Irving chose the apartment complex as his base of operations because the landlord already knew about spirits (we’ve been thinking of contacting him when we get the chance), and he wanted his company to lay low before the Namako Incident. The Mongoose Revolution’s prices can seem prohibitive at first, but they’re quick and efficient at their job, especially considering how strong some of these monsters are. We’ve compiled The Mongoose Revolution’s employees here. They’re on particularly friendly terms with each other, and tend to refer to each other by their given names, or nicknames—even Mr. Irving himself is normally referred to by the name “Gef” by his employees.
Jeevan Irving: CEO & Chief Medical Officer Risuba Torridge: Secretary & Receptionist Eun Jin-yun: Exterminator Sujima Toten: Exterminator Fukurojima Minami: Exterminator Tali Mtowa: Researcher Aurita Mtowa: Assistant Researcher Shikagayaki Namako: Exterminator Shikagayaki Namaco: Exterminator
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neobestiary · 17 days
Miscellaneous Profiles
Turns out we've still got a lot of ground to cover beyond just the people we've documented! Expect this list to fill up over time too~!
The Namako Incident
Organizations and Brands
The Mongoose Revolution
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neobestiary · 17 days
Fukurojima Minami
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Fukurojima Minami (袋島 南), originally from Okinawa, seems to have joined The Mongoose Revolution at the same time as her close friend Sujima Toten. While she sometimes works as an exterminator, she’s mostly there to survey the area around The Mongoose Revolution’s headquarters, or do some interior redecorating. A gnome of the hognose snake variety, Fukurojima’s specialty is hiding underground and picking up nearby vibrations. Fukurojima was eager to show us what else she was capable of, and promptly turned the floor beneath us into quicksand when we asked. Somehow we made it out alive.
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neobestiary · 17 days
Sujima Toten
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Local taxidermy legend Sujima Toten (春島 兜天) also works for The Mongoose Revolution as one of its exterminators. Spirits from all around would give him animals and monsters to taxidermy, and he was the best in the business. Due to this, he’s got a reputation for being delicate, despite his size and stature. The man’s a snowy owl sylph. Befitting his passion as a taxidermist, he specializes in silent, precise takedowns. He seems to prioritize using his sheer strength over his abilities as a sylph, but like most sylphs he can fly and acutely sense vibrations in the air.
Too bad we can’t ask him for a taxidermy anymore… He’s already swamped with work as it is, and he’s got a side hustle as a spirit historian, too! He says his ultimate goal is to discover a fossil record for spirits, but it’ll be a long while before that happens.
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neobestiary · 17 days
Risuba Torridge
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When you call up The Mongoose Revolution, there’s a good chance you’ll be answered by Risuba Torridge (理寸蕃 トリッシュ), the company’s receptionist. He and Irving are responsible for making sure the exterminators they send are best suited to the problem at hand.
He seems kinda…jaded. But I get it… He’s both the receptionist and the secretary! Things’d obviously get real busy at a company with only ten employees.
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neobestiary · 17 days
Jeevan "Gef" Irving
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Jeevan “Gef” Irving, founder and director of The Mongoose Revolution, was born in New Delhi, India, 1852, and spent most of his life in the Isle of Man. Does that ring a bell? This mongoose psychopomp speaks fluent Hindi, English, and Japanese. It seems he was enticed by the political instability of Tokyo’s spirit communities, as well as the rising monster populations, so he set up his company there.
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neobestiary · 17 days
Jiranabe Zakadochi
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This turtle gnome’s name is Jiranabe Zakadochi (二等辺 三角形). Am… Am I reading this right? There’s no way that’s his real name, right? The kanji in his full name literally just translates to “isosceles triangle.”
Lots of spirits give themselves wacky names like that, Mizune! Heck, sometimes their “family” names are just for show, and don’t reflect any real familial relations. Mr. Jiranabe here is one of those spirits. He also looks a lot more senile than most spirits, and that part’s also for show! When spirits take on humanoid forms like these, they go with a look that best suits their tastes, so it seems Jiranabe is pretty comfortable in his own skin. He might not even be that much older than your average adult spirit. I’ve also noticed he’s got a fashion style similar to the Shinsengumi—perhaps he really liked how they dressed? Jiranabe is an archspirit in Tokyo, and one of Hamada Alchias’s closest compatriots; he even helped organize the Namako Incident! He carries around a snaky, cane-like object he calls Urokoke, and from what we’ve witnessed, it’s capable of carrying living beings around with ease.
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neobestiary · 17 days
Hamada Alchias
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We wonder whether we should’ve called it the Hamada Alchias (濱田 アルキアス) Incident, because this guy was the one who instigated it, as well as the appearance of spirits from all around the world. Seriously, who is this guy?
We know that he’s hundreds of years old, that he came from Rome, and that he gave himself the family name Hamada after staying long enough in Japan. He holds the rank of archspirit, and many spirits can attest to his authority and importance, as he has the power to turn animals into homunculi and organize the Namako Incident without much pushback. We can only speculate what else he’s capable of.
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neobestiary · 17 days
Tali Mtowa
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Tali Mtowa is one of The Mongoose Revolution’s employees, and a leading researcher in homunculus physiology and psychology. Mtowa and Eun became acquainted through their mutual connection to Irving, and after living in the same apartment for a while, they’ve become partners of some sort. A gnome of the chameleon variety, Mtowa has an affinity for copper. He’s been reported to be able to augment his body with copper, as well as make furniture out of it. Mtowa and Fukurojima were responsible for reorganizing Okize Apts. to Irving’s instructions. Mtowa’s homunculus studies began in his home country of Mozambique, and he’s made a name for himself in various countries in Asia, namely the Philippines and Japan. In fact, his daughter Aurita Mtowa came from the Philippines, and ever since he adopted her he’s been protective of her. We’ve asked him a few times to tell us more about her, but he’s refused time and time again.
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neobestiary · 17 days
Eun Jin-yun
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Eun Jin-yun is an undine from Korea and one of The Mongoose Revolution’s “star employees.” Before the Namako Incident, Eun spent a lot of time going undercover and surveying modern human society at Irving’s behest. Because of this, Eun knows a lot more about human society than the average spirit, and Irving owes most of his business smarts to her. If you ever felt chilly while you were out and about before the Namako Incident, Eun might’ve been the cause. She’s an undine of the shark variety, but she might not look the part at first, because she’s spent so much time in her human disguise (guess that means she can’t swim that well anymore). She specializes in manipulating ice, which is uncommon among undines. Eun is also a student of Iriomote-school martial arts, a style that takes full advantage of a spirit’s unique physiology.
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neobestiary · 17 days
Aurita Mtowa
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Aurita Mtowa is a homunculus made from a nudibranch (species Gymnodoris aurita), and the adoptive daughter of Tali Mtowa. She comes from the Philippines, but Tali Mtowa refuses to share the details. The “ears” on top of Aurita’s head are actually rhinophores, which allow her to sense chemical changes in the air—in a sense, she has three noses.
She’s got a mark on her right arm that looks a lot like a nautical star, for some reason. I asked Kapi if that was just an artistic liberty, but no, Aurita actually has one. I don’t know why or how!
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neobestiary · 17 days
Miscellaneous Terminology
These terms don't fit in our page for spirit-related terminology, but they're handy to know nonetheless.
Homunculus (plural homunculi)- We know this term sounds a little derogatory, but that’s what they’re called, honest! A homunculus is formed when an unsuspecting invertebrate, like an insect or a sea cucumber, is exposed to some powerful energy, giving them humanoid form and intelligence. They might still retain some capabilities from when they were once normal animals! It’s important to note that homunculi aren’t a natural phenomenon, and each homunculus can differ vastly from the rest, but just remember: if they don’t seem to be a spirit or a human, chances are they’re a homunculus!
Monster (plural monsters)- Monsters are characterized by their pale skin, skeletal bodies, and blue, glimmering eyes, but their body types can differ vastly. All we know about their origin is that they come from an eldritch named “Gehne,” and their reproductive cycle, if they have one at all, hasn’t been studied extensively yet. Which means they’re like eels! Eels with very different body plans, that is.
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neobestiary · 17 days
About Spirits
Spirit (plural spirits)- The source of the supernatural! Spirits are wondrous beings with all sorts of abilities! In addition to being able to shapeshift, the very laws of physics bend to their will! Spirits come in five varieties:
Gnome (plural gnomes)- Contrary to what you might think, gnomes are far from the short, stout men you’d find decorating a Western front yard. Gnomes are spirits that specialize in manipulating inorganic solid matter! They can pass through walls and floors like it’s air, too. Gnomes mostly have reptilian features on them, so if you see a chameleon- or turtle-like person suddenly moving the ground to their whim, you might just be looking at a gnome!
Psychopomp (plural psychopomps)- Death gods, shinigami, whatever you wanna call them, they can communicate with the souls of dead humans and animals—or so they claim—and they can even visit the realm of the dead! Or so they claim. Psychopomps look like all sorts of mammals, and because of that they’re some of the most diverse spirits around. Kitsune? Centaurs? Selkies? All three of those and more are psychopomps!
Sylph (plural sylphs)- Another of the classical elementals, sylphs can manipulate inorganic gasses of all sorts, or in Paracelsian terms, wind! Sylphs resemble birds, and they tend to make that clear by flaunting their beautiful wings! Those wings are mostly just for show, though, since they can fly just fine without them. Did you know tengu are sylphs? I didn’t until one of them told me!
Undine (plural undines)- Undines control the flow of inorganic liquid matter—mostly water! They’ve all got fish-like attributes to them, making them quite adept at swimming! Piss off an undine and you might just suffer a forty-day storm or a rogue wave! Do note that some undines specialize in manipulating water-adjacent matter, such as ice and mercury, so their abilities are quite diverse.
Vulcan (plural vulcans)- They prefer the term “vulcan” to “salamander” to minimize confusion and maximize brevity. Vulcans manipulate plasma (the state of matter), and it seems that humans in the old days mistook it as manipulating fire, because plasma can cause fires. Vulcans resemble amphibians, such as frogs and salamanders, the latter of which they got their historical name after. Vulcans are said to be some of the most destructive spirits; I’ve seen some discharge blasts of electricity and create miniature stars!
Ichor (uncountable)- A spirit’s body contains a substance called ichor, which is essentially their blood. It’s like the sand in the hourglass that tells them how long they have left to live: it slowly depletes over the course of hundreds of years, and if they ever receive a wound or expend too much of their energy, ichor leaks out. In either case, the spirit dies and dissolves into nothing. Spirits can change their form, but only as much as their ichor allows them to. The more ichor a spirit has, the larger on average they are, because they can’t shrink to a smaller size.
Petrichor (uncountable)- A spirit’s skin. Petrichor is malleable and can expand or contract a good bit. However, it’s quite thin (about as thin as human skin), and breaking it causes ichor to bleed out. If a wound isn’t treated in time, then the spirit will eventually bleed out and die. Petrichor can be replenished by consuming organic matter, but ichor doesn’t, so spirits should still be careful with their bodies. Petrichor is what allows spirits to change their form. In addition to being malleable, it can also change color and texture. Petrichor varies between spirits: a vulcan’s petrichor is warmer and smoother than that of a gnome, for example.
Spirits, overall, have extremely delicate physical bodies. Their petrichor is extremely thin, and puncturing it makes their ichor leak out and evaporate. Spirits don’t leave a trace when they die, which also means that they don’t have a fossil record, and their origins are still shrouded in mystery, even to themselves. Spirits can live extremely long lives which can reach thousands of years. They also reproduce asexually, and every fifty years they lay a single egg from which their young hatches. Sexuality and gender are simply constructs to them, so spirits can identify however they please, whenever they please!
Eldritch (plural eldritch)- An eldritch is a term given to any spirit that’s still alive even when they’re supposed to be dead. Like a zombie, except they’re as intelligent as normal spirits are. Eldritch do require some living matter to feed off of to survive, though, and while some regularly feast on detritus or carrion, others will simply possess a living host and start a strange symbiotic relationship that depends from eldritch to eldritch. The powers of an eldritch typically exceed those of other spirits, but that’s not always the case.
Archspirit (plural archspirits)- Spirits have their own form of government; archspirits are leaders of their respective local populations, acting on their behalf and protecting them from harm. In that sense, they’re like tribe leaders. An archspirit’s abilities are also much more potent than that of an average spirit, to an extent that makes them comparable to eldritch, so they’re treated with great respect among the locals. For instance, Hamada Alchias is an archspirit who resides in Tokyo, and thus the spirits living in Tokyo are his subjects.
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neobestiary · 17 days
Shikagayaki Namako
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Shikagayaki Namako (紫輝忌 ナマコ)—wait, there’s two of them! This one is notably more panda-like than the first Namako, and she means business. For our non-Japanese readers, we’re naming her Namaco from this point onward.
She’s so dreamy…
Namaco is an example of an eldritch. From our findings, she can shapeshift to a degree, and siphon knowledge out of any living being she jams her fingers into. If push comes to shove, she can self-eviscerate like a sea cucumber can. She and Hamada are allies, and her goal is to lure out Gehne, the source of all monsters, to put an end to the chaos that’s been plaguing Japan. She’s the newest employee of The Mongoose Revolution’s Shinjuku Branch. Namaco also has an affinity for leeches, which is strange. She’s, like, three different animals at once… Maybe even more. You never know with these eldritch.
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neobestiary · 5 months
Our Findings
Through our own research and other willing collaborators' firsthand accounts, we've chronicled a number of events pertaining to the supernatural, illustrated in a comic-style format~! We'll keep publishing updates as we uncover more information. We've sorted these events based on the people involved, with catchy titles to match!
The Namako Incidents
These are the accounts of Shikagayaki Namako, the girl that changed the world forever and inspired us to write this blog.
Chapter 1: Dolphin Chapter 2: Turtle Chapter 3: Mongoose
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neobestiary · 5 months
Shikagayaki Namako
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Shikagayaki Namako (紫輝忌 生子) started this blog by appearing on the news one day and turning the whole world upside-down thanks to an event we like to call the Namako Incident. Once a sea cucumber of the species Holothuria lessoni, Namako was part of a ploy by the enigmatic archspirit Hamada Alchias to prove to humankind that spirits existed by turning her into a being of human form and intelligence. Boy, was that stunt persuasive. Namako's what we'd like to call a "homunculus," as derogatory as that sounds. She's 171 centim- wait, why do we know this?
I asked her myself!
Namako's kinda had her own fanbase ever since the incident. Only natural that Kapi'd be one of those fans. And what's more, she's not just a homunculus! She's got a secret!
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