Marketing Reflecting
There wasn’t much that had surprised me in this course, partially due to previous marketing classes, and also partially due to following so many different businesses on social media already. I notice the nuances between the posts of more established companies and those that are independent and newer. The thing they all have in common is consistency. What I did like was learning more about the analyst side of things and that you can use different websites and algorithms to track the success of a page. I’ve been fascinated with social media marketing since it came in to play. I remember distinctly that it was around 2010-2012 when I really got in to social media. Watching it grow over the past 6-8 years has been a fascinating process. Everybody keeps saying that all of these things are trends and that they will eventually die out, but I kind of disagree. I don’t know if it will get BIGGER, but I definitely think it’s here to stay. So no matter what business you end up going in to, you need to know how to work it to your advantage.   
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Social Media Posts
https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=1685876401520419&id=1672836396157753 https://twitter.com/pages849/status/993254642762108928 https://twitter.com/pages849/status/993255436152459274
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Damage Control
The best damage control scenario is not needing damage control. So I would do absolutely everything to avoid that, you have to watch what you say and just be the absolute best version of yourself possible.
But, if something were to happen, I feel as though the best course of action with damage control are the points outlined in the Boaty McBoatface. Such as not making promises you can’t keep. By doing this, you can sometimes avoid needing damage control in the first place. When the time comes to need damage control, the important part is to respond quickly to the problem. Speed is a necessity in social media marketing and in damage control. It’s also important to come up with a plan and sticking to it. And if none of that works, and hire someone from an outside perspective to handle things and take care of it.
The recovery and aftermath of damage control to me is pretty much making sure you don’t make the same mistake twice.
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twitter: @pages849 (couldn’t find the link)
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Module 10
I searched Mykie I.E Glam&Gore from YouTube. She’s a self taught/trained FX Makeup Artist based in LA. She’s an AMAZING fx artist. She has almost 2.5 million subscribers, and in the past month gained almost 100,000 alone! In the last month she also had 7+ million views. She has a B grade on their site, which as a fan I feel is low, but that’s just me. But other than that, I feel like the metrics are accurate. The ONLY thing I’d do differently is post more routinely. Other than that, she’s awesome.
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Melt Cosmetics
Melt Cosmetics is an independent Cosmetics company based in Southern California run by two women in their early to mid 30’s. I believe that myself and others like me are their prime audience. Bright, bold makeup lovers. I believe their goals are to connect with their customers, build the relationships with them, and promote their brand as much as possible. Their language is definitely informal. They talk to their followers like we are their girl friends that they’re just chatting with. And I love that. I think they choose to write that way because they know they aren’t a huge, and forgive me but stuffy, company like Estée Lauder or Lancôme. They’re young, fun, and they let that be known.
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One of the hardest things for anyone to minimize is their wardrobe. Where did this idea that we need 100 different pieces of clothing come from? This week we’ll talk about what a capsule wardrobe is, how to pick pieces that will work for you, and how to mix and match for endless options! Minimalism can be fashionable too!
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Less is more, another phrase we have heard time and again. When living a minimalist, zero waste lifestyle this is a mantra, a motto. Living with less is by no means a lesser lifestyle. It’s more freedom, more options, and on our blog this week we’ll explore this idea a bit more!
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Cleaning supplies. They’re a necessity of life, but do they have to be so toxic? On the blog this week we talk about the chemicals in traditional cleaning supplies, and DIY zero waste alternatives...head on over and check it out!
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So you have started looking at ways to reduce your carbon footprint...but there are so many different ideas and you have gotten lost along the way. This week on the blog we’ll talk about a few simple steps that will kickstart your simpler lifestyle and encourage you to keep it up!
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Waste not, want not. We have all heard this phrase at least once in our life, but have you ever stopped to think about the true meaning behind it? Head over to our website where we dive a little deeper into this common phrase!
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Module 8
The platform I would primarily use would probably be Facebook. Mostly because of the sheer amount of users it has and how fast something can catch like wildfire. It would get the news of my brand out there, and known. After it became know I would direct people mostly to a separate website and Instagram. I feel that even though Facebook is widely used, Instagram is a little bit more user friendly, it’s easier to manage, and leaves a little bit more to the imagination which would make people want to read the rest of it and see what the brand is all about. I would use links so it’s easy to follow, and eye catching images to get peoples attention and intrigue.
Blackboard blocked me and I haven’t been able to get in contact with the help desk, or sign in to my student email, so I hope that this post answers the question.
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Personal SWOT
My personal goals are to move up at my current job, stay happy in my long term relationship, and do what I can to make my small part of the world better.
Strengths- willfull, good natured, quick learning, common sense
Weaknesses- self doubt
Opportunities- I work for an evergrowing company, I have a wonderful partner in life
Threats- there’s always someone with more experience, or the chance of my company closing; you never know what will happen in the future.
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SWOT Analysis 1
The goals for my brand are to help share and promote ideas for living a greener, simpler life. To show people that it isn’t necessary to keep up with the rat race.
Strengths- Honesty, openness, uniformity across platforms
Weaknesses- New, unknown, small
Opportunities- Partner with companies that have like minded ideas, increase in social media usage
Threats- Bigger brands, lack of funds, possibility of not catching on
The audience for my brand is anyone who is searching for a way to simplify their life, in any way. Whether it be going entirely green, zero waste, or just small ways. Every change counts.
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Unfortunately, and somewhat surprisingly, the name “New Age Hippie” was taken on all accounts, so I went with another name. But the concept is the same. I don’t think the world needs another store to sell people “things”. I think what we need is a guide almost to get back to simplicity. To find a balance between technology and the now, and a way to stay grounded and keep our sanity and humanity. And that’s what I would want this to be. A blog, a guide, a place for people to learn along as I do. I would have a profile on each social media site to help grow the brand. Instagram, Youtube, Facebook, Tumblr, and a separate website for blog posts. I would promote brands that have the same beliefs I do when it comes to sustainability, being eco-friendly, and wanting to reduce the carbon footprint. I would use warm browns, reds, and greens across the board. The brand awareness is small, but with regular posting and tagging I believe it would grow at a reasonable rate. I want to be a source for people to come to and learn and grow and have the resources to change their lifestyle.
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Barefoot Five is a brand that I feel I relate to a great deal. Brooke Hampton is the founder behind Barefoot Five. She has a blog, Instagram, Pinterest, and Tumblr. In her own words this is what her brand is about, “There is a lot to going on here on this little piece of earth. We have been on a mission to simplify our life for a few years now and are beginning to see the benefits of that decision. Also, we would LOVE to create a sustainable farm here, because we can and feel we should. Growing our food & building healthy organic soil, teaching our children, connecting with the earth, taking care of and loving the animals we have coexisting with us, learning how to do things for ourselves, being our own doctor (when that’s an option), spending time in prayer and meditation, getting to know each other, learning as much about nature as possible, helping the people around us and sending love and good energy to EVERYONE!! Those are a few things that we cherish & some of the things that fill up our days!Thank you for being here and for being part of our magic making. Love,  The Barefoot Five”
She’s raw, she’s real, and she doesn’t apologize for the way she lives her life and wants to help others along their journey to live the same way.
So, the logo is the picture above, and the tagline is shown as well. “Magic in The Making.” There aren’t really any shapes or scents or tastes, but the colors in her post are typically earthy and faded. You know when you see a Barefoot Five image by the font and the editing of the image. There’s a feeling you get when you read her posts and I can’t describe it really. There’s a rawness that most people these days are afraid to show, it’s refreshing. Barefoot Five is by no means a traditional brand, because even though she sells some products and has retreats every now and again, it;s not really a tangible thing.
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What is my personal brand?
I sat around for a while after this question trying to figure out what exactly my personal brand was. Was it my state of mind? The way I present myself to society? The way I live? It’s kind of all of these things. Truth be told, I used to have an obscene amount of “things”, clothes, shoes, makeup. Over the years though, around the time I was 18, I started realizing how ridiculous it was. Why did I need all these “things”? What is the point of them? Are they making me happy? No. So slowly over the years I’ve gotten rid of a lot of possessions, tried my hardest to buy less, and donate what I could, recycle what I can, grow what I can, or buy without packaging. Basically, I’ve been working to make my life as simple as possible, and my footprint as small as possible. My dad used to always joke around and call me a hippie, to which I would retort, “yeah but at least I shave my armpits.” So in my mind, I consider myself a new age hippie, if you will. I accept that there are things which we can no longer do entirely without such as vehicles, power, phones,savings accounts, jobs, etc. But I can choose to use them as little as possible and not sell my soul for a paycheck. 
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