navein-bleh · 5 months
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Malcolm in the Middle (2000 - 2006)
You wanna know what the best thing about childhood is? At some point it stops.
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navein-bleh · 2 years
I’m ranting. So I’m a newer fan of Criminal minds. I was doin my totally not creepy research on the cast and I saw an article about MGG and it said “fans will be pleased that he’s not in a relationship” LIKE WHY? I see fans so happy that their favorite celebrity is single, and I get that they have a crush on them or whatever but I WANT them in a relationship!! I want them to be happy!! It makes me sit there and ponder ngl. Like if they don’t want to be in a relationship then good for them but if they want one, then I want them to be in one ya know? Everyone deserves love 😤
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navein-bleh · 2 years
A continuation of hit-the-head-too-hard-and-turned-nice-Vegeta AU from
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3
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Just ignore your Green dad, he tends to speak to himself a lot
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Part 5
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navein-bleh · 2 years
… fuck the duffers
So you're telling me, they just left his body there? In the upside down forever? That no one cared or mourned but Dustin? That they let him be called a murderer and cult leader with no one fighting back against those allegations? That max can survive several broken bones and a whole standoff with vecna but Eddie dies in vain to fulfill some heroic redemption arc that wasn't necessary? He deserved better than that. Fuck you stranger Things and the way you introduce characters just to kill them off.
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navein-bleh · 2 years
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and if I say Joseph Quinn has the same effect on men as Andrew Garfield then what
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navein-bleh · 2 years
Me too. Me too.
Man I miss the Andrew Garfield Renaissance Era of social media
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navein-bleh · 2 years
So....Vol. 2 huh
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navein-bleh · 2 years
This makes me want to cry
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Firm believer in the headcanon that Will would’ve dragged Mike and Dustin to Lucas’ game if he’d stayed back in Hawkins.
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navein-bleh · 2 years
Fr fr
will really be blushing, sly smiling, kicking his feet, heart beating out of his chest, giggling mouth dry as california summer and chuckling for this boy he's got it bad bad
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navein-bleh · 2 years
A Little Closer
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pairing: Steve Harrington/Female Reader
summary: There is a time and place to proclaim your love for somebody, and being injured and trapped in the Upside Down is not one of them.
warnings/extra tags: cursing, reader and steve arguing for no reason, and some kissing tm. >>>SPOILERS FOR ST4<<<, not beta read i edited myself but can't be trusted either.
note: I haven't written an imagine for him in a hot minute, and I say this because I have an ongoing series so check out my masterlist ;) Anyway, I wrote this with a dream my friend had about him in mind (she knows who she is). Thanks in advance for reading and please enjoy!
✧ ✧ ✧
You liked Steve Harrington, a lot. And have since you first met in that junk yard years ago when you were introduced to the creatures of this other dimension they called ‘the Upside Down’
Only then you just liked him, because these days you were pretty sure you were hopelessly in love with the guy. This didn’t mean he couldn’t get on your nerves though, especially when he treated you like you incapable of doing literally anything.
"No, you're not going down there."
Steve's voice was firm as he spoke, his words directed at you as you were starting to unbutton your Hawkins Letterman jacket, preparing to dive into Lover’s Lake and see if this gate was down there like Dustin theorized.
"Says who?" You bit back as you were pulling the jacket off, "Robin said Nancy was in charge, not you, Steve."
"Yeah well, I was the co-captain of the swim team and have had life guard certification for 3 years, so logically, it should be me," Steve stated as he too began to undress starting with his shoes all the while Eddie, Nancy, and Robin just watched. You scoffed at him.
"And I was the Captain of the girls swim and water polo team, and have had my certification for 3 and a half years,” you replied, “Can someone tell me which is better?"
They looked awkwardly at each other until Robin began to speak.
"I mean...technically speaking you both had similar responsibilities as a captain and co-captain, but I mean…” her eyes went to Steve who was looking at her with raised brows, “She doesn't have the co in front of hers and didn't have to share responsibility, and uh…her certification beats yours by half a year…so...I would say hers is better."
Steve shot a look at Robin as he was taking off one shoe as fast as he could.
"Gee. Thanks for taking my side Robin," he told her with a scoff while Robin shrugged and claimed she only said so because you asked, "It's just dangerous alright? There could be a gate down there, or worse Vecna could be there- and I don't think you should-"
"Look, out of everyone here I feel like I've been the most useless, and I'm taking the chance to do my part," you explained briefly, "Let me do this because I can do this."
"I know you can, but that doesn't mean you should-"
“And why not? No matter who goes down there the risks are all the same,” you said tearing your t-shirt off now, leaving you in just a tank top and your Hawkins gym shorts. 
Steve was untying his other shoe now, trying not to become distracted by your sudden loss of layers, and argued, “Yes, but I don’t want you to take the risk-”
“So anyone but me can?” You gave him an odd look, one that made Steve shake his head quickly.
“No- No I didn’t say-”
"Okay. Are you two seriously going to argue who gets to swim to a possible underwater gate to another dimension where yet another thing is trying to kill us?" Robin was asking, successfully making you and Steve finally go quiet, “Is this a regular occurrence? Arguing over who gets to do risky shit? Because I think this happened last time too.” 
She remembered how when coming up with a plan to infiltrate what they thought to be a simple stock room at Starcourt, Steve argued against pretty much any plan that involved you risking your life. Many valuable minutes were wasted with arguments like this with you two going back and forth. 
It was almost embarrassing honestly that Steve didn’t realize how into you he actually was or how into him you were because for everyone else on this boat, and on the shore line, it was pretty obvious and has been for quite some time. This was just more evidence of it.
“No, we’re not arguing because we all already decided I’m going,” Steve said, making you laugh and toss your shirt at him before he could even think about taking his other shoe off. It hit his face and momentarily blinded him.
“We decided? No, you decided. Are you implying this needs to be voted on Steve?”
Steve took your shirt in his hands, and looked back at you, “Well maybe it should be- Robin who do you think-” 
“I think the one who is already ready to go should go, you still have one shoe on and she does not,” Robin replied quickly as she was shoving the flashlight in the plastic bag Eddie had handed to her.
Steve groaned, “Are you never going to take my side or something Robin? I’m getting hurt over here.” 
You were twisting your neck side to side, a pleasant smile on your lips that Robin chose you, but it hadn’t compared to when Nancy finally spoke up. 
“Let her do it," Nancy told Steve, then cringed as her eyes went to yours, "Not because I think you're useless or anything, but I've been to enough swim meets for the paper throughout the year to know she's damn good…and she does hold the Hawkins High record for how long she could hold her breath...she can do it, Steve." 
It was always nice to have Nancy Wheeler on your side, especially when it was Steve on the opposite side. He always seemed to listen to her and take her words to heart and while other times in this friendship of yours he seemed to drop everything and listen to her it made you feel a tad bit jealous, this time you felt satisfied. 
“And like I said, I know she can, better than me, and certainly better than the rest of you, but what if-”
“Dude I’m about to dive down there just so I don’t have to hear you argue for another minute,” Eddie interrupted for the first time since your argument started, “I mean, I’m not going to, of course, but the fact that I was tempted to says a lot. You just gotta trust your girl, Harrington.” 
All eyes went to him besides yours at his statement. You kept your gaze trained on Steve, seeing his expression turn from grumpy to confusion then to what you confused with amusement rather than nervousness.
“What? My girl? She isn’t…” he laughed, and you hated how a small part of your heart cracked, “She isn’t my girl, if anything she’s all of our girl-” he cleared his throat as he realized how weird that sounded, “I mean, she’s nobody’s girl, but definitely, definitely not mine-” 
Nancy cringed at Steve’s words, and Robin had rolled her eyes for you while Eddie just raised a brow. You were frowning now, turning away from all them after you snatched the flashlight from Robin with a little too much force. Her eyes snapped to yours, being the only one to see your aggravated expression and understanding why. 
While Steve’s concern was appreciated and not exactly unwanted, you were starting to get annoyed with him. Sometimes it really felt like when he was with you and the kids…he just saw you as one of the kids he had to keep an eye on and not as… something else.
Well, he didn’t get to tell you what to do, especially now when everyone was on your side and not his. So, without much of a warning, you dived into Lover's Lake.
The splash of the water had captured their attention, especially Steve’s and when he saw you were no longer in the boat. He cursed and looked over the edge and saw nothing but the darkness of the water. 
“Dammit! I should’ve known she’d do that!” he said as he gripped the edge of the boat. 
Why did you have to be so reckless sometimes? It seriously stresses Steve out, from you throwing him out of the way from that Demodog and getting smacked by it yourself despite it being your first encounter with one to you flirting with the guards at Starcourt and to now jumping into the lake to see if there’s a gate down there. One obviously was more dangerous than the others, but he wished you would just stop.
He was taking his shirt off now, obviously going to dive and swim down after you until someone's hand hit the back of his head just as he got the shirt off. 
“Ow, hey-”
“Don’t be dumb, Steve!” Robin told him, “She’s going to be fine. Nance, how long can she hold her breath?” 
Nancy answered, and it was more than a minute longer than Steve could, and it was obvious when he sighed. 
“See, we’ll just time her and if she doesn’t come back up then you can valiantly dive in there and rescue her, maybe even give her mouth to mouth since you want to kiss her so bad-” Steve’s eyes widened slightly and he scrunched up his nose.
“Woah what? I never said-” 
“Please, it’s obvious, so, so obvious that our new pal Eddie here thought you were together.” 
Eddie looked at the both of them, "I thought you were like…an overprotective boyfriend or something with how hard you were trying to take her place.” 
“Man, what do you know, you barely got here…”
“I’m just saying, man, I don’t think you would’ve fought that hard if it were one of us,” Eddie stated, making Steve scoff because he wouldn’t even hesitate to do the same with Robin and Nancy at least, but it was the fact that you could very well make this dive better than him was enough to prove to them at least that there was something more to it. And maybe a little to Steve too.
“Oh you don’t even know the half of it,” Robin said while Nancy half-smiled in amusement as she looked down at her watch, being sure to keep track of the amount of time you’re down there, “One time she flirted with a secret Russian guard, and lover boy here looked like he was going to explode-”
“What!” Steve’s cheeks were heating up at the mention of that, “We remember that very differently.” 
Sure, he was a little annoyed but not because he thought you were trying to hook up with him, because it was risky. It didn’t matter if it kind of worked…and he was a bit jealous...not explosion jealous, but still in the spectrum of jealous.
“And the way they’re always around each other? We had no room on this boat and Steve insisted she come with…”
“Yeah, it is a little exhausting having to keep you two apart to be honest,” Nancy stated, “We could’ve used her at Pennhurst.” 
“Hey, that is different, you guys are making it sound like I tell her what to do or something- first, I didn’t want her to be a babysitter again and second- she wanted to stay behind with me when you went to Pennhurst.”
“And I wonder why that was…” Robin hummed. Steve bit the inside of his cheek, not understanding was Robin was getting at, “You like her Steve, just admit it and things will feel better. I swear.”
Steve sighed, “Okay yeah, so I like her, but she isn't into me and I don't see why it's important right now-"
“Oh Steve, I thought you were a pro at this,” Robin said, and he shot her a little look as she grinned back, “I’m just saying, after all this is done, and your only problem is finding the ‘one’ maybe look at her, yeah?”
Steve swallowed a lump of spit, and laughed, “You’re just trying to mess with me so I'll ask her out and you can laugh when she says no.”
“Am I really that cruel?" Robin questioned, but was met with silence, she scoffed and continued to say, "Like I said, just look a little bit closer.”
Robin was finished speaking then, and Steve shook his head in disbelief before deciding to keep asking Nancy how much time had past.
✧ ✧ ✧
You hadn’t resurfaced yet, and the time you usually could hold your breath underwater was inching closer and closer by the second. Steve was getting nervous, eyes flickering all over the lake to see if you had maybe emerged elsewhere. 
Already, he was moving to stand, “That’s it, it’s been too long, I’m going down there-”
Suddenly, you were bursting out of the water with a loud gasp and splashing water all over everyone. Steve nearly fell over as it was where he was about to dive into. You looked up at him as your vision readjusted and saw him staring at you with relief. 
And then he started to speak.
“Were you trying to beat your own record down there? Why did it take you so long? Were you sightseeing or something- I was about to swim down there and-” 
“It’s there,” you interrupted him before he could blast more questions your way, “I saw it, Dustin’s right- there is a gate right beneath us.” 
Steve went quiet, and the other three all shot shocked looks to one another and Robin quickly relayed the information Dustin on the walkie-talkie.
“It’s really down there?” Nancy asked more so in disbelief. You were nodding.
“Is it snack-sized, or like the one we saw at Starcourt?” Robin asked.
“Definitely not as big as that one was, but still pretty big,” you replied breathlessly as you began to climb up. It was Steve who was offering you his hand, and you ignored the fact that he was no longer wearing that yellow long-sleeved shirt that made you forget for a moment you were annoyed with him. 
“That’s insane,” Steve was saying as your hands met. He was about to pull you up when he was suddenly jolting forward and nearly falling into the water. Your eyes had met each other, and it dawned on you that something was wrapped tightly around your ankle and pulled. 
In one breath you said frantically, “SteveDon’tLetMeG-”
The rest of your sentence was drowned out by water as you were suddenly submerged once again, but this time it was very much against your will. Whatever that was coiled around your ankle was forcefully dragging you back down to the bottom of the lake.
Your hand had unfortunately slipped from Steve's grasp as you were pulled under, and he was calling your name. He didn't think twice, diving in after you while leaving Robin, Nancy and Eddie behind. In fact, Steve went after you so fast that for a moment they thought he was dragged down with you.
“What the hell was that, man! What the hell was that!” Eddie was shouting.
“What do we do?!” Robin shouted moreso at Nancy because she trusted her with decisions more than herself or Eddie. Nancy was already standing at the edge of the boat, ready to dive in after you and Steve. 
It was hard not to panic as you were being dragged further and further from the surface. The water of the lake filled your lungs, and you desperately swung your arms upward in an attempt to swim back up, but it was to no avail.
As fast as you were underwater though, before you could possibly drown, you were suddenly gasping loudly and being dragged across rough terrain. You were shouting, water spilling from you lips.
Just seconds after you were pulled through the gate, Steve was coming through it too. His eyes frantically looked around for you until he heard your shouts. He called out to you, already beginning to run as fast as he could toward you.
You called out to him too, "Steve! Help!"
Your hands desperately tried to grab anything that could anchor you, but everything easily slipped from your grasp. It was only when you hit something particularly large the thing let go of you, and the sudden force of the stop caused you to roll a couple of times before you were burrowed in a bunch of sticky vines. 
Steve called out your name again as he was by your side. You were too winded to comprehend what exactly had just happened, your eyes blinking rapidly at Steve and your new surroundings.
You were breathing heavily, gazing up at him with wide eyes as his hands grasped shoulders and making you face him. His eyes flickered all over you, making sure you were okay while asking you if you were hurt.
"I-I don't know, what- wait- where are we?" You said between pants as Steve eyes fell back onto yours. You were moving to stand, and Steve helped you.
After catching your breath with Steve’s arm wrapped firmly around you, you finally had taken in your surroundings. It was Lover’s Lake, yes but not your Lover’s Lake, and there were the same dust-like particles floating all around you. 
The terrain was covered with the vines, and the sky was permanently cloudy. What really had you staring in awe was the flashes of red in the distance that came with cracks of loud lightning and thunder. 
“Steve…are we?”
You looked at him now, and he was staring at the sky too, “Uh yeah…yeah I’m pretty sure.”
You were in the Upside Down.
✧ ✧ ✧
Steve was mad at you, though you couldn't really understand why. Because after he killed that bat-like creature that once had you by the throat by slamming its body repeatedly on the ground, he wasn't mad then, at least at you.
But, now he was and you thought maybe it had something to do with your newly sprained ankle that you were struggling to walk on. You knew the thing that had dragged you all the way down here was to blame for that.
After being dragged into this god forsaken place, these bat creatures had surrounded attacked the both of you. You were so high on adrenaline that you hadn’t even realized you could barely even walk on your ankle until you were able to catch your breath under Skull Rock.
"You shouldn't have dived down here," Steve said with a shake of his head, "It should've been me putting myself in danger. Not you."
You were leaning against Steve, who insisted despite his own injuries that he'd be the one to help you walk on your faulty ankle.
You rolled your eyes, "Again, it doesn't matter! We're all down here now, trapped and with no way of defending ourselves yet. The only way it changes is you being the one dragged and us coming after you."
"You went before we even properly decided who's going to go, at least you wouldn't be hurt or almost strangled to death-"
You huffed and began to try and move away from him, "You know what, I think I'd rather walk by myself."
Steve scoffed at the idea of that, "I'd hand you to Robin before letting you do that."
For some reason, this made you finally snap.
"Steve, seriously, what the hell is your problem? Why do you always treat me like I'm a kid who’s less than capable of doing literally anything? You treat me worse than you treat Dustin, an actual kid," you claimed in an irritated tone.
Steve seemed taken back by your words, stopping the both of you from walking (you limping) any further.
"Woah hey, I don't treat you like a kid-"
"Yeah well it sure feels like it," you interrupted with a deep frown now, "I just don't get it, do you not trust me or something? Is it because I'm a girl? Because you don't treat Nancy like that, or Robin-"
"What? No! It's not because of that, also I thought I made it pretty clear that I do trust you!" Steve argued back to you. You laughed in his face.
"Pretty clear? We wouldn't be having this lovely conversation if it was 'pretty clear' like you claim," you mocked slightly, Steve frowned too then.
"Well...yeah, I thought it was pretty clear how much I trust you and how much I..." he suddenly paused in his sentence, before sucking in a breath and saying, "...care about you, enough to not want you throwing yourself into danger and getting hurt," he explained, you pressed her lips together as you stared at him, "Seriously, you do it all the time-"
"For the same reason you throw yourself into danger all the time!" You exclaimed, this time loud enough for the other three to hear your back and forth, "I care about you too, maybe more than you actually know, so do you think it doesn't...affect me when you throw yourself into these situations too?"
Your voice was shaking slightly as you recalled him getting into a fight with Hargrove when he tried to attack Lucas, or when he was tortured and drugged up by those Russian soldiers. And how, more recently, you had to listen to his shouts of pain of the bats biting and chewing on his sides, being reminded of how helpless you felt.
Steve paused then, and furrowed his eyebrows.
"It does?"
"Yes Steve, it does because you're my friend. In fact, it terrifies me, Steve, when you do that because I'm also absolutely in love with you," You rambled on, "But I still trust you, you know? I trust that you know what you're doing and you'll just be okay. And I really, really wish you'd do the same for me."
Any words Steve was going to say had been wiped from his mind as he took in what you had just said. It seemed that you hadn't even realized what you said as you stared up at him with your eyebrows taunt and eyes meeting his directly.
'I'm also absolutely in love with you'
Steve's breath hitched gently, wondering if he actually hadn't of heard that and he was delirious from the blood loss.
"Shit, seems like he doesn't have to look closer," Robin muttered to both Nancy and Eddie who watched with raised brows that you'd just admitted that out loud.
"Uh hey, I don't think we have time for this-" Nancy called over to you too but was promptly interrupted by the ground beginning to aggressively shake beneath all of you.
Deep rumbles echoed from all around you as the tremors caused you to fall forward onto Steve. He caught you, but ended up falling backwards and hitting the floor with a thud.
You landed right on top of him with a short yelp, hands clenching the denim jacket Eddie let Steve borrow and your face pressed into his bare chest.
Despite the circumstances, Steve couldn't let go of your confession that he was now sure he actually heard you loud and clear. You were in love with him? Did everyone see it but him? You just had always seem to be this untouchable girl to him, even before you became friends, like you were there but never within reach.
When the floor had finally stopped shaking, you looked up to look at him with wide eyes that probably realized you'd just confessed your secret love for him. You looked ashamed, embarrassed even, and he could tell you were already thinking about ways to change what you had just told him before.
Steve realized in this moment you were always within reach, but just like Robin had said...he wasn't looking at you and just assumed you weren't interested when you very much were.
He prided himself in being able to capture the signs someone is into him, even called himself a pro, but clearly that title is wrong if he couldn't even tell if the girl he was in love with as well for almost a year returned his feelings.
"Steve I didn't-"
"It scares me too for the same reason," he suddenly told you. It took you a moment to process what he was getting at, "For the exact same reason."
You tilted your head, about to ask him if he knew what he was saying, but it was cut short by his lips meeting yours. It was a short kiss, but one that took your breath away in the few seconds your lips were touching.
“Are these two serious?” Eddie asked out loud.
“Oh yeah they are. This is not the time!” Nancy called from her spot, but her words fell on deaf ears as you and Steve kissed. Robin scoffed out loud and began to make her way toward her friends who were (finally) in a lip lock.
“Hey! I’m happy for you two to realize you have soft and fuzzy feelings for each other! I really am! But does it have to be right now!?”
Neither of you listened as you kissed, too engrossed with each other and the fact that these feelings you’ve both had for a year were reciprocated. It didn’t matter, at the moment, that you were in the Upside Down and would always remember your first kiss being here of all places.
You kissed him harder, pushing down onto him the way you always dreamed of kissing him and he returned with the same energy.
The kiss was brought abruptly to an end though when someone was grabbing you and making you stand. You blinked a few times in your stupor and saw that it was Robin.
“Like I said, I’m happy for you, but we seriously have to keep moving,” she told you. You looked back at Steve who was being helped up by Eddie. His eyes found yours, and so did a winning smile on his lips.
You laughed softly, still in a bit of a shock of what had just happened. Your fingers went to your lips that still felt tingly from his lips that were on yours.
“I better not wake up in my bed and realize this was just a dream,” you suddenly said to Robin.
She wrapped an arm around you, determined to be the one to help you walk now and replied, “Nope. This is real, we’re trapped in another dimension, and you just kissed Steve Harrington.”
You leaned against Robin now, a laugh escaping your lips.
Meanwhile, Steve was standing on his own, and gently placed a hand over his lips like you had, still feeling like he could feel your lips there and tasting you.
Eddie had cleared his throat, "Now you're really an overprotective boyfriend."
Steve coughed into his hand now as if to hide the fact he was touching his own lips, and stood up more straight. His eyes had found yours again, catching the smile on your lips as Robin helped you turn around and he grinned to himself as well.
He couldn't wait to kiss you again, preferably in your own world and on one of your first dates.
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navein-bleh · 2 years
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6K notes · View notes
navein-bleh · 2 years
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They are a band now
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navein-bleh · 2 years
another world [1]
after your boyfriend, peter parker, is killed by the green goblin, you take on the mantel of spiderwoman. a few years later, you're suddenly shoved into a multi-versal war after being called to another universe to help a (smaller) version of peter. a familiar face leaves you shaken.
[2] [3]
PAIRING: tasm!peter parker x reader
CONTENT: NO WAY HOME SPOILERS!!!!!, mentions of suicide, angst angst angst angst, may parker deserves so much better and i apologize for putting her through this
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Here lies Peter Parker. Beloved son.
We shall meet again.
[Y/N] stands over his grave. There's a chill in the air, autumn has finally taken New York. She shivers, her coat a few sizes too big, and two hands make their way to her lapel to tuck the girl in tighter. May Parker let's out a sigh.
"We've got to get you a thicker coat," May says. There's a tired look in her eyes. The lines on her face seem deeper. She's pushing on fifty-two now. The grief has aged her far more. "You're going to freeze when December hits."
"This one was his, May," [Y/N] replies. The words make May take a temporary pause. "I can't just find a new one."
Wind sends the leaves skittering along the graves. The red and brown contrast greatly to the pure white bouquet of cleomes sat on the headstone. Spider flowers, [Y/N] thinks with a small smile. He'd appreciate the irony.
"I think Peter would rather you be warm and cozy in your own well-fitting coat than freezing to death in one of his old, worn, baggy ones," May eventually responded. [Y/N] wrapped her hands around her body, subconsciously pulling the coat even closer. She could still pretend it smelled like him if she tried hard enough. The warm scent of cinnamon with hints of oak and amber. The smell of home.
The older woman gave her a sad smile and comfortingly rubbed her back. "But, I understand. It's hard to let go of it when you can imagine it's him. You wouldn't believe how many of Ben's old flannels are still folded up in my dresser."
Quiet crept in again. [Y/N] could still remember Ben Parker's death, how Peter shut down, how May crumbled. How could that have been nearly eight years ago? May still had her days of darkness, when the grief became too much. She had lost a husband and a son. [Y/N] had watched this woman quite literally go through every mother's nightmare. How did she get out of bed? How did she go to work? How was she still breathing?
"How do you do it?" [Y/N] broke the silence, unable to hold her thoughts back any longer. "It's been three years, May, and I still wake up expecting him to be next to me. I still wait for a call, a text, letting me know he's going to be late to dinner again this week because he's gotten caught up with some robbery downtown. I come home from work and I wait. I wait for Peter to walk in with Chinese takeout, give me a kiss that takes my breath away, and sit down to explain his latest gadget idea to me. I look at the door and I wait. I wait it for to open and it never does."
A sob falls from her lips. Tears are streaming down her face openly now, though [Y/N] can't remember when they started. May embraces her, tightly, as if she's keeping the girl in one piece. They fall together as [Y/N]'s knees give in from the weight of it all. The ground is cold. The grass is dead. Peter's headstone has collected enough dirt to look beige. There is no sign of life, no sign of who he was. All of it is dull. It makes the sobs wrack through her body even harder.
The two women sit there for quite some time. May cradles [Y/N] in her arms, whispering soothing words in her ear as the waves of sorrow slowly become smaller and smaller. There's been a quiet understanding between them ever since Peter's passing. They were family now. Neither would ever grieve alone. Neither would ever be alone. This was not the first time May Parker had held her son's partner in her arms as she grieved the loss of her love, and it would not be the last.
"You won't believe me, but it does get easier," May speaks while gently petting the girl's hair. Her breath had finally evened out, she was fresh out of tears. "It took me almost three years to come to terms with Ben's passing. I'm still learning to live without him. Healing is not linear, darling. I know it seems like this is never ending, but you will make it through this. We'll both make it through this, together, hand in hand. I am never leaving you and you're sure as hell not leaving me on my watch."
[Y/N] let out a shaky laugh, pulling back from May to look level with her. There were a few tear streaks down the older woman's face and [Y/N] felt a pang of guilt. She hated upsetting May or making her worry even more than she already did. May gently pushed the hair out of her face and [Y/N] took her hand.
"I'm not going anywhere, May," [Y/N] replied, placing a gentle kiss on the older woman's knuckle. "I'd miss your meatloaf too much."
May snorted, standing up and helping [Y/N] off the ground. "Now, there is no point in lying to me to butter me up," She joked, brushing the grass and dirt off the girl's coat. "Why don't you come back to the house for a bit? I'll make some tea. We could finally take a crack at that pumpkin bread recipe you've been talking about."
As if on cue, the shrill screech of a police siren broke May's created facade of a peaceful night. The women shared a look, [Y/N]'s full of remorse while May's held sorrow.
"Duty calls." [Y/N] sighed. She really did want to try that pumpkin bread recipe.
There was a beat. May opened her mouth and closed it again, trying to find the right words to say. She didn't have to. [Y/N] already knew.
"I know, May," The girl spoke up. "He wouldn't want this for me, and you're right, but he also wouldn't want New York to be completely on its own. This city needs a hero, a symbol of hope. It's selfish, but this is for me too. Makes me feel like I'm carrying on his legacy, I guess. As long as there's a Spider, there's still a piece of Peter around."
It had been hard informing May of the double life Peter had been living after he passed, but what else could [Y/N] have told her? "Ah yes, your son died in a very tragic car accident and that's why his spine was shattered into pieces and I was left completely unharmed although I was also at the scene." Lying to May after losing him just felt wrong.
So [Y/N] told her everything, about Spiderman, about the Green Goblin and the Osborns. And a few months later, when [Y/N] decided to take her late boyfriend's place and protect New York, the first thing she did was tell May. May, of course, pleaded with the girl not to go any further with the idea of Spiderwoman, but [Y/N] had her mind set. She was going to protect New York, not only for her home state's sake, but for Peter's memory as well.
May sighed. She knew there was nothing she could do to stop [Y/N] and there was no point in wasting both of their time. She'd been trying to put an end to this for two years now, but the girl was stubborn. Peter had called it "overly ambitious". May couldn't help but think that Ben could've put an end to this somehow, but it was just her now. She'd find a way eventually.
"If you need anything," May finally spoke. "I'll be home all night. I don't have night rounds at the hospital for the rest of this week. You stop by, no matter how late, okay? Peter's old bed is always there for you."
[Y/N] felt a pang in her chest at the mention of Peter's childhood bedroom. She'd spent at least four months after his death practically rotting away in his bed. There were so many memories from their teenage years in that room. She didn't know if she could face them again without deteriorating.
"Thanks, May," [Y/N] gave her a small smile. "I'll shoot you a text if I decide to stop by. In the meantime, pamper yourself. You work too hard."
The women shared a hug, May giving the girl a warm kiss on the cheek before they finally parted ways. [Y/N] watched May make her way out of the graveyard before leaning down to Peter's headstone. She gently sat her forehead against the stone and closed her eyes.
"I really, really hope you're proud of me."
It was late. She'd been out for hours now, patrolling around the entire state of New York. Stopped a few break-ins, prevented some drug deals, the usual crime scene. It had been quiet ever since Norman Osborn's death. His passing was sudden, an apparent suicide. The news had sent [Y/N] into a fit of rage.
"That coward took the easy way out. After everything he's done, after Peter, it's over because of a fucking self-inflicted gunshot to the head? It was supposed to be me, May. I wanted to watch him bleed."
[Y/N] sat close to the top of the Empire State building. This had been her and Peter's hiding spot. She could remember the first time he had brought her up here, sometime during junior year, and the view had completely taken her breath away. Peter had taken her hand and told her he loved her for the first time. It truly felt like they could've conquered the world together.
She took a breath, attempting to let herself relax for the first time in a few days. She was exhausted; her head was pounding and her body ached. It was a lot more difficult to do the job that Peter left behind without any super-human abilities. She was extremely lucky all of his equipment hadn't taken damage, trying to follow Peter's notes and blueprints felt like reading a foreign language. It was a miracle she hadn't taken life-threatening injuries yet, though she had ended up on May's doorstep needing help getting patched back up more times than she'd like to admit. Thank God for May Parker.
The wind up this high was chilling. It seemed to bite, but it held a certain familiarity that brought comfort. [Y/N] wrapped her arms around herself, leaning against the structure of the building. The red and blue of the suit reflected against the metal. She had managed to adjust Peter's old suit enough to get it to fit her smaller frame. She was cold. She never used to be cold up here.
Her eyes were getting heavier and it was dangerous to stay up this high, but she couldn't seem to care. She gave in almost at once, letting her eyes drift shut. I'll just rest my eyes for a minute, she thought. It's not like anyone will find me up here.
There was a brief moment of complete silence. No city sounds, no wind, she could barely hear the steady intake of her own breath. It was calm, almost as if she had made her way to the end of the world. A bright, nearly blinding light made [Y/N] squeeze her eyes shut tighter. What the hell?
The noise resumed. Cars honked, people yelled. [Y/N] rubbed her eyes, trying to shake off the effect of the light, and noticed that the sun had risen. Had she accidentally fallen asleep and slept until morning? She'd have to send May a text. She always sent May an "I'm Ok! :)" after patrol. The woman must be worried sick.
[Y/N] made her way off of the building, slipping her mask back on and beginning to swing home. The sounds of Jonah Jameson's voice echoed through Times Square. Since when had he begun filming his episodes? She could've sworn the reporter only did his podcast.
J. Jonah Jameson sat at a desk, a stack of papers in his hand. His voice seemed to echo through the city. "Spider-Man continues his era of chaos with no remorse—"
That was weird. She had sworn everyone had switched to referring to the vigilante as Spiderwoman ever since the change had become more apparent. Also, when did Jameson go bald? He looked just... slightly off.
The reporter's rant on the hero continued. "When will you cease this meaningless destruction? After your betrayal to Mysterio, it's a miracle you have any public support remaining at all."
Mysterio? Who the hell was Mysterio?
The girl stopped, perching herself on the edge of a building and looking at the screen expectantly. She couldn't remember fighting a "Mysterio". There hadn't been a big bad in New York since the Goblin.
"It's time this little round of show-and-tell was put to an end," Jameson continued. "When will you face the facts? For the betterment of this city, you should be put behind bars. It's time you turned yourself in, Peter Parker."
[Y/N] felt her stomach drop.
The screen flashed. A photo of a teenaged boy was put on display. The words "PUBLIC ENEMY #1" were plastered over his face. Footage followed of the man Mysterio, accusing Peter of attempting to kill him. He revealed his identity and screen went to black.
[Y/N] could see Jameson's face appear back on the screen, but she couldn't hear a word he spoke. Something was extremely wrong here. She couldn't stop thinking about the boy that they had shown.
That's wasn't Peter.
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navein-bleh · 2 years
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42K notes · View notes
navein-bleh · 2 years
Just so I can find this later
hello! i dont usually do teasers, but here's one for my peter fic that i'm working on! i disappeared ik but i wanted to give you guys something! let me know if you'd like to be tagged in it <3 (this fic is for any peter btw)
PAIRING: peter parker x fem!reader
SUMMARY: you and peter hate each other, but spider-man and black cat are close as ever. what happens when you and peter are forced to spend time together and the two worlds bleed together?
warnings: none for now! but the actual fic will have smut, fluff & angst <3
If you could choose one person in the whole entire world to kill. You’d choose Peter Parker.
He’s an annoying, unbearable, know it all, who’s way too cocky. Who is nice to everybody but you. You thought it was strange at first, but then you learnt not to question it. You didn’t know why he hated you, but you eventually learned how to hate him. Eventually he’s hatred for you turned into your hatred for him. Nit-picking on everything he did. Not letting him have a break. Much like he hadn’t let you have one slither of fresh air since the moment you had met him.
If you could choose one person in the whole entire world to be stuck in an elevator with. You’d choose Spider-Man.
Easily your best friend. Your favourite person. Your partner in stopping crime. You were known as The Black Cat. Your powers came to you when your father died. It felt like everything in your life had turned upside down. That you were so unlucky. It used to be unbearable… until you learnt to control it. Your bad luck suddenly turned into everyone else’s bad luck. You became a hero. In meeting Spider-Man, you learnt that you could use these powers for good.
You remember it like yesterday, meeting him on a rooftop, you used to be a petty thief. You used to steal art that your father had sold. Trying to collect pieces of him back. He was an artist, the best artist he could be. Besides, these paintings belonged to the rich. They had taken everything from you. So, when you met Spider-Man, why did you change? You didn’t fight him, and he didn’t fight you. He told you that you could come back from this. He told you that you could come back from this. That you didn’t have to live this life. He convinced you to be a good person. He convinced you to help him stop crime.
The two people were very different. It never even occurred to you that they could be the same person. Never in your lifetime would you had thought that the confident, sassy, superhero, could be that fucking nerd that makes fun of you. That you bicker with every single day – fuck banter. This was different. This was hard hitting insults that would make both of you overthink at night. That would make both of you stay awake.
Upon meeting Peter. Upon arguing with Peter. You honestly think you’d only got a totally of eight hours of sleep. That’s an exaggeration. But that’s how it felt. If Peter was the same, you couldn’t tell. Hopefully he couldn’t see how tired you were either, because then all the makeup that you pound onto your face in the morning would be a fucking waste of time and if he knew you’d probably just stop all together.
The weekday rolled around, and you sat in biology. Your least favourite class and probably everyone else’s too. You sat next to Peter, and it wasn’t by choice. It was by force. You knew your teacher regretted it as soon as the two of you started arguing over Peter writing down the wrong measurements, which he argued would be correct. You scolded him for not following your instructions. He argued that your instruction was wrong – Mr. Harrington knew he had fucked up, but what’s the point of making a point if you can’t stick to it? He was stubborn enough to leave the two of you next to each other.
@wanniiieeee @itszulli @raajali3 @blankspaceblankday @nostalgiaminded @horrxr @rqmanoff @graciexmarvel @alohastitch626 @keepingitlokiii @justanotherkpopstanlol @hungrhay @chaoticevilbakugo @mxltifxnd0m @jurrasic-neverland-blog @​​spideysimpossiblegirl @adamcarlsenslvr  @notabotiswear @youlikethatdontyoucupke @edgycatx @alohastitch0626 @kayasholland @graciexmarvel @raajali3 @heartshapedholland @galaxyholland @animeollie66
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navein-bleh · 2 years
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happy pride month to my favorite lesbian!
27K notes · View notes
navein-bleh · 2 years
☇ POLAROID — Steve Harrington
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— pairing ;Steve Harrington x Fem!Reader
— summary ;Steve's still trying to get used to the whole dating thing, but the fact that one of the only girls who genuinely caught his eye seemingly despises him, doesn't really help.
— warnings ;Kind of angsty?, But with a fluffy ending, Swearing, Post-Season 3, Young Steve being a dick.
— A/N ;Going back to my roots and writing for this goofball <3. Thank you all so much for your love on my Eddie fic! I'm hoping to write more of him and Steve! ♡ (Also not proof read since it's about 0:45 rn, so that will have to wait til morning!)
— word count ;3,4k.
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"Whatcha staring at?"
Steve screamed as Robin's face appeared next to him, dropping the book he was holding and taking a few steps back, his hand resting over his banging heart as he tried to calm down.
"For fucks sake, Robin! Don't scare me like that!"
He snapped, pushing her face away with his book and going back to staring, although not at the work in his hands.
His brown gaze was focused on you as you walked around the store, browsing through the sections and picking up movies, staring at them and then putting them back, finally stopping at the horror section and reached for Tourist Trap, some 70s movie Steve had briefly hear Keith mention while restocking.
"That's Y/N."
Steve finally broke his stare away from you, turning to look at Robin as she copied his stance, resting her chin on her palms as she watched you pull a face at the description of the movie.
"She was my lab partner for a few years, almost blew the whole school to the ground if it weren't for her."
Robin chuckled at the fond memory, switching her gaze to Steve and instantly recognizing those unmistakable heart eyes of his, scoffing as she turned away.
"God, not her, please. She's like, way out of your league, plus, the only cool person I know."
Robin muttered beneath her breath, Steve furrowing his brows and turning to glare at his friend, both offended and hurt by her words.
"What about me? I'm cool!"
Steve clicked his tongue, turning back around to find you walking over to him, his palms growing sweaty and his heart speeding up, hissing a warning to Robin as if she genuinely cared that you were approaching.
"She's coming, fuck, she's coming-"
Steve did his best to try and seem cool, leaning on his arm but accidentally knocking off a stack VHSs that Robin had placed there, making her click her tongue and letting out a noise of complaint.
Instead of looking cool or smooth, the only thing you saw was Steve Harrington, the late King of Hawkins High, trying (and failing miserably) to pick up the fallen movies and place them back in order before posing awkwardly.
He flashed his award winning smile, hoping that that would distract you from the embarrassment he had just gone through.
He said cheerfully, leaning his whole body onto the arm he had placed on the counter, feeling his smile slightly falter as you silently placed the movies in front of him without a single word, only a quick nod he would've surely missed if he weren't looking at you so intently.
Steve went through the movies as he mentally punched himself for being so awkward, stopping as he picked one out, the VHS sticking out like a sore thumb compared to all the others.
"Raiders of the Lost Ark, huh? Good choice."
"You haven't watched it, Steve."
"Robin! " He hissed as soon as the words left her mouth, clearing his throat and turning back to you in hoped of smoothing things over. "I- I mean, I started to watch it with my dad, but I fell asleep."
He tried to lighten the mood with a bright smile, which you ignored, of course, snatching the tapes from him as soon as he was done with them and shoving them into your bag, the harsh gesture making Steve flinch.
"Thanks. Bye, Robin."
"Bye, Y/N."
The door to the store made a 'ding!' sound as it closed, announcing your departure and making Steve sigh, leaning back on the counter once he turned around to face Robin, an awkward look on his face.
"How come you get a goodbye?"
"I've known her for a long time. And, she doesn't hate me."
Steve whirled around to stare at her in shock, the word 'hate' reverberating throughout his mind as he took it in.
Hate ? She hated him?
He could only catch a glimpse of your jeans as you walked away from the corner of his eye, crossing his arms over his chest and looking down at the ground.
What had he done for you to hate him? It was the first time he had spoken to you! Had you heard the rumours from back when he was 'King'? Were those the ones that caused you to hate him?
"You really don't remember, do you?"
Steve looked up at Robin, who's normally cocky look was exchanged for one of pity, raising her finger to lick it before passing a page in her book.
"Remember what?" He said, a bit harsher than he meant for it to come out, but still, he couldn't really find the answer as to why someone who he had just met, could hate him so easily.
"The Snow Ball?"
Steve only looked even more confused, making Robin sigh in exasperation.
"Fuck, Harrington, how am I supposed to help if you're just going to act like a complete and utter idiot!?" Robin snapped, putting down her book and leaving to the back, where she wouldn't be so affected by his dumbassery.
"Wh-What? What did I do-"
The Snow Ball...
Steve couldn't remember much of that night, it was just some stupid memory in the back of his head from years ago, but it was almost like a fresh wound for you.
You could clearly remember his cute little smile as he fixed his hair with his hands nervously, biting the inside of his cheek as he sat in a corner patiently, waiting for anyone to just come talk to him.
It was quite sad at first, it was clear he had gotten his father to do his hair for him, since it was the first time anyone had seen it in such a state, loads of hairspray and gel clearly having gone into it.
His hands where everywhere but at his sides, playing with his tie or looking at his watch as if he hadn't just checked it moments ago.
You just had to do something, you couldn't let him simply sit there alone, waiting patiently for something that clearly wasn't coming.
"Steve? Do you want to dance?"
His brown gaze looked up at you, your hair done in some cheesy 70s hairdo and braces framing your smile, your hand outstretched to him.
Steve wasn't going to complain, hell, he wasn't in the best era of his life either, recalling how he had spent hours before the dance scrubbing his face clean of spots.
"Y-Yeah, I'd really like that."
He beamed, taking your hand and lifting himself up, quickly joining you on the dance floor and shakily putting his hands on your waist, gulping as you put your own on his shoulders, some ABBA song playing in the background.
You remembered the way he brightly smiled as he took you to the photo booth, looking at the Polaroids in disdain once they were handed to you both, the flash and the lighting doing no wonders for either of you.
Yet you smiled it off, drawing some silly moustache over him on his picture as he drew a few things of his own on yours, adding a little red heart on the back of it that he hoped you wouldn't see until you were back home.
It had been perfect.
Or so you thought.
Your dad had picked you up quite early from the ball, waving you over from the doors as you finished your last dance with Steve, ending the night with a quick peck on his cheek before rushing away in a blur of red cheeks and a blue dress.
As you fell asleep that night, you had the crazy idea, that maybe, just maybe, he'd become your boyfriend.
You were 12, you were allowed to giggle and dream of the boy that you had spent the best night of your life with.
But apparently, the feelings weren't returned.
It seemed that during a small school break due to some gas leak, Steve had dumped his old friends to hang out with the popular people he had met at the ball after you had left.
You had returned to your education with a bright smile and high hopes, but you were met with a look of disgust from his friends and a short chuckle as he rubbed the back of his neck, looking away from you as if he were embarrassed of what had gone down the night of the dance.
The new friends he had made were just absolutely horrible. Tommy was known for putting chewing gum in girls' hair, Carol for bullying girls who didn't fit in with her beauty standards, most of the others just being plain horrid to everyone else.
And if that wasn't worse, he had twisted the story of that night, claiming that he had felt bad for you, even though you were weird and had braces and were definitely not his type, and had invited you to dance out of pity.
That didn't go well with Carol's natural gossipy nature, instantly spreading the story until it got twisted and the whole school believed you were some kind of bitch that had somehow forced him to dance with you.
And of course, he got off scott-free, while you had to endure two full years of bullying until some other drama got their attention.
Still, it had ruined almost two years of your life, and Carol still gave you dirty looks every time you passed her at school, so no wonder you developed a deep grudge towards the boy with the perfectly styled hair, that not only festered over time, but ended with you actually admitting to someone that you hated him, and as fate would have it, that person would end up being his best friend years later.
Said person was also stabbing you with a pen at a pep rally, clearly trying to get your attention as you did your best to concentrate on the basketball players.
"What, Robin, what?"
"Steve doesn't remember the Snow Ball."
Those words hurt like actual daggers would, the thought that the boy that had technically ruined quite a big part of your life didn't even remember doing it... Genuinely fucking hurt.
That's how you ended up once again in home video, a small plastic bag with the tapes you had rewinded just that morning and two Polaroids in your hand.
"Where's Steve?"
The guy behind the counter looked at you with a bewildered expression, holding a bag of chips in his hand as a movie played in the small boxy TV that stood on the counter.
"Not here."
"When does his shift start?"
Your growled, slamming your hands on the countertop and glaring into his eyes.
"Listen, 'Keith', you're going to tell me when Steve Harrington comes in, or I will sit in here for hours on end waiting for him, telling you every single thought that pops into mind, oh, and I can assure you. I am annoying as fuck."
The manager stayed silent, his hand midway into the chips packet as he stared behind you, nodding slowly at whoever was standing there.
"Right there."
You whirled around with an angered glare, making eye contact with Steve's pretty brown eyes, his look of confusion almost comparable to that one of a puppy, but that wasn't the time for that.
"Uh, that- that's me?"
He pointed at himself, cocking his head to a side as he spied the plastic bag and the two pictures, about to question what you actually were doing there and why you were screaming about him, but you interrupted him as you grabbed his hand and pulled him into a corner of a store.
"Shit, take me out on a date fir-"
"Shut up."
You shoved the Polaroid into his face, your angered expression never leaving as he leaned his head back to try and see it properly, his brows furrowed before he recognised the face that was staring back at him.
"Woahoho! How'd you get this? Shit, I forgot all about it!"
He chuckled, focusing on himself as he cringed at the way his hair was styled back then, not realising that if anyone else was asked to tell the difference, they probably wouldn't be able to.
Your finger suddenly pointed at the person next to him, with the blue dress and the stupid updo, frowning for a moment before it all clicked, recognising the girl as you.
"Ohhhh fuuuck-"
He looked up at you with a face that was contorted in a mixture of guilt and sadness, his free hand coming up to slap against his face as he groaned.
That was seemingly the only answer your brain could come up with, your fingers involuntarily playing with the hem of your shirt as you watched the recognition wave over him.
"Fuck, I- fuck, I didn't recognise you! Your hair it's - and your style! You- your braces! You got rid of your braces!"
"5 years ago."
You said with an unamused look, making him hiss uncomfortably and look away, nodding his head as his hand rubbed the back of his neck, a clear sign of his nervousness.
"Fuck, I... I was a dick, wasn't I?"
He mumbled, slowly starting to remember all the things that had happened subsequent to the ball. The Polaroid was flipped around, his heart skipping a beat as he recognised the messy looking heart in red Sharpie, recalling how nervous he had been as he shakily drew it on the back.
"Yeah, you were. An absolute dick."
He nodded, knowing now that your hate towards him was valid.
"Shit, look, I'm not trying to make excuses-"
"I don't want your apology."
"I wasn't going to apologize! Shit, that sounded bad-"
He hit his forehead with his hand once again, groaning as a wave of guilt washed over him, the memories just not ceasing now that he had unlocked that part of his life.
"Look, I- I was one of those shitty kids that believed that if you messed with your crush, they'd like you back!"
"So your version of a grand love gesture was getting your crush bullied for two whole years?!"
You snapped back at him, making him shake his head, trying his best to explain himself but just digging himself into a deeper hole.
"No! Fuck, I- I was nervous when they asked me if I liked you, I wanted to say yes but then they started to slag you off! I don't know why I joined in, I guess I just wanted to be cool!"
You rolled your eyes, crossing your arms over your chest as you glared down at the floor, your foot tapping on the floor angrily as you listened to his half-assed explanation.
"Yeah, well, you got that, didn't you? You didn't get the girl but you got your oh-so-important popularity!"
You raised your arms up in exasperation, letting him try to articulate one final answer but finally growing tired of his bullshit, snatching the Polaroids from him and shoving the plastic bag into his chest.
"Thanks for your time, Harrington."
You left him there with the bag full of tapes, his face staring at you longingly as you walked away, feeling his heart clench as all the now-painful memories of watching you get bullied flooded his mind, that stupid 'ding!' the door made finally snapping him out of it.
"Fuck, wait, wait!"
The bag was thrown across the store and probably into Keith's face, but in the spur of the moment, he couldn't care less.
"Y/N, wait!"
He reached you as you started to pull your car keys out, glaring at him with the same intensity that you had on the other day when he had met you for the 'first' time.
"I... Fuck, I'm really fucking sorry. I'm not like that anymore, I'm not like Tommy or any of those dicks! You think they'd be working at Family Video of all places?"
He cried out, pointing at the vest that displayed his little name tag, the corners of your lips lifting slightly at the thought of any other of those popular guys working at such a store.
"Look, I know there's no excuses for my actions, I made you suffer, I hurt you. I just want you to know, that if I could, I would go back and grab that stupid punk's ridiculous hair and shove him in a locker before he even had the thought of hurting you."
You felt your heart flutter at the thought that he had actually changed to repent his actions, even if he had still caused you enormous amounts of pain... It was... Nice, to know that he regretted it.
"So... I know a stupid apology can't change the past, but I hope it can change the future."
Steve outstretched his hand to you, gulping as he screamed at himself mentally, cursing himself out for being so cringy around you.
The last thing both of you were expecting was for you to actually take his hand, shaking it before pulling away and shoving it into your jacket's pocket.
"Just so you know, Harrington,"
The boy perked up, once again instantly comparable to a puppy finally getting attention, nodding as he tried to get you to continue.
"I don't really see the difference."
Your other hand came up to flick a strand of hair out of his eyes, letting him know you were referring to his perfectly styled hair, that in your eyes, looked exactly the same as that fateful night at the ball.
"Tsk, lies, you can! I use a different kind of hairspray, thank you very much. One that's easier to rinse out of my eyes."
He muttered the last bit underneath his breath, feeling his heart speed up at the sight of your lips forming into a smile, turning your head so he wouldn't be able to see it so clearly.
"Yeah, well ... I'll uh, see you later, Harrington. Thanks for the closure, I guess?"
You turned around to start to walk away, your hands fiddling with the Walkman that was attached to your jeans, but stopped in your tracks as Steve let out a weird sound, much like those a teenager going though puberty would.
"I uh- Harrison Ford is really hot -"
You raised an eyebrow at the sudden proclamation, crossing your arms over your chest as you spun around to face him once again.
"I'm aware of that."
"Would you like to watch that movie of him? The one you rented the other day?"
He was now nervously spewing bullshit, not knowing how to focus when you were right in front of him, his brain short-circuiting as he gazed into your beautiful eyes.
"Raiders of the Lost Ark?" You drawled out, making him clap his hands together and point at you, nodding energetically.
"Yeah, that one! Since I never got to finish it, I was maybe hoping- we could watch it together...?"
You considered his proposition, looking down at the ground for a moment as you thought it through. He did seem like he had actually changed, he wasn't that image of a bully you had made up in your mind all those years ago, he was back to being sweet innocent Steve. The Steve that had accepted your hand as you brought him to the dance floor, the Steve that had nervously placed his hands on your waist and constantly asked if that was okay, the Steve that had poured punch on someone for insulting your dress and had then spent the whole night complimenting it... The Steve your 12 year old self had fantasised about before seeing him again.
You gulped, looking back up and instantly recognizing the look on his face, that of a person that had been rejected way too many times to already know what was coming.
"We don't have to of course, it would be stupid consideri-"
"I'd love to."
You finally declared, smiling as his face instantly lit up at your confirmation, raising both his hands in a thumbs up, nodding furiously as his words came out as a mess.
"Yeah- okay! I mean, cool! Yeah, I'll uh- we'll talk later! I really don't want to be fired-"
With one last wave he hurried back into the store, the glass door slamming behind him and almost shattering it, making you chuckle.
Steve adjusted his hair in his car's rearview mirror one last time before clearing his throat and leaving the car, straightening out his jacket as he walked up the pavement, frowning in confusion as he recognised the steps that lead up to the house, looking down at the piece of paper that he had scribbled your address on as you told him on the phone, making sure he didn't get any numbers wrong.
Still confused as hell, he rung the doorbell, clenching his fists at his sides as he heard meowing from behind the door, and a few shouts before the door slammed open, his mouth falling agape as he instantly recognised the head of curls that stood in front of him.
"Dustin !?"
"Steve !?"
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