natthemess · 2 years
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natthemess · 2 years
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i hav to go to the grocery store
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natthemess · 2 years
what day is it
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natthemess · 2 years
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natthemess · 2 years
what do the 4 people who always like my posts want for christmas
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natthemess · 2 years
One of my darlings is having a difficult time, oh, most of the time, and not much I say or do helps because she’s not wrong in that many things suck so much and are unfixable in her life currently.
So (out of desperation) I told her I wanted her to come up with one good thing that happened for every class she had at school. (Do I know what the hell I’m talking about? No. But I’m all we’ve got.) I expected this to work … not at all.
(Kids mean well, generally, but like other humans they forget or lose the paper and so on, and it’s hard to build a habit out of nothing with intermittent reinforcement.)
But, but I’m wrong! This child has shown up every afternoon to show me her list of good for the day. It’s not always much, but I guess it’s enough to make her write a new one the next day, and keep her looking for the good in the day after that.
That’s my good for the day. I hope you have some. I hope it’s worth writing down.
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natthemess · 2 years
"the classics are all written by straight white men" alexandre dumas??
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natthemess · 2 years
some cute things i'd love to experience now that it's cold:
someone holding my hand in their pocket to keep it warm
them hugging me with their coat
rubbing our cold noses against each other
drinking hot beverages together
cuddling under a bunch of blankets
baking little treats and having the kitchen smell really good
fairy lights
leaving footprints in the snow
kissing even though our lips are really cold
rubbing their hands and blowing on them to get them warm
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natthemess · 2 years
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Happy birthday to AO3 🎂🎉
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natthemess · 2 years
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[image of the buttons at the bottom of an AO3 work. A new button is shown next to the kudos button. The new button reads "Second Kudos" and in place of the heart there is a Twitter verified checkmark]
if AO3 is looking for a new funding model, I don't know about you but I'd probably pay $8/mo to be able to leave second kudos
credit to @pie1313 for the idea ❤️
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natthemess · 2 years
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"You okay sweetheart? You're shaking like a leaf."
"Shut up."
Steve might know what he wants now but that doesn't mean he isn't allowed to be a bit nervous at first
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natthemess · 2 years
why do people try to pit star wars and star trek against each other when we all know damn well jim kirk would be all over that psychic twink with a laser sword
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natthemess · 2 years
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Hades Tarot Part 4/7
the hermit, wheel of fortune, and justice
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natthemess · 2 years
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stole this from the tl but i need to know
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natthemess · 2 years
Offering you all the gentle head pats and hugs, feel you on the brains being rude
-break anon
sorry your brain is being rude too, friendo, but thank you for the head pats and hugs. i’m better tonight and that’s what i’ll focus on for now. i hope you’ll have some good thoughts to spare for yourself tonight 💛
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natthemess · 2 years
It kind of bugs me that Tumblr has seized upon “taking everything literally” as the Defining Neurodivergent Experience™ – not only because it’s actually pretty uncommon, but also because it’s erasing an enormous variety of other frequent communication style issues, including but not limited to:
Having your brain stubbornly seize upon the first interpretation that happens to pop into your head as the Only Possible Interpretation, regardless of whether it’s literal or figurative  
Easily identifying several possible interpretations of a statement, but having absolutely no ability to parse for context and identify which of those interpretations is most plausible  
Being confronted with a statement that has Implications, then getting thrown for a loop when it turns out that the speaker wasn’t considering any of that and really did just mean it literally  
Perfectly understanding a statement’s intended meaning, but getting annoyed with the speaker anyway because they didn’t phrase it Correctly, seriously, are you the only person here who gives a shit about the goddamn Rules?
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natthemess · 2 years
"i love the fruity four"
bro which one
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