nat-writer · 4 years
Characters: Petra Ral, Levi, Hanji Zoe x Levi Genre: Action / Mystery / Romance Rating: T
Summary: when Petra was promoted to a detective and partnered up with legendary Levi Ackerman, she felt like the happiest person in the world.
But, as she soon found out, detective Ackerman she used to admire so much was actually a far cry from the ideal policeman Petra thought he was. He was rude, harsh and easily annoyed. And, in addition, he still hadn’t moved on from the death of his previous partner - detective Hange Zoe.
Chapter 4/?
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Сhapter 3
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nat-writer · 4 years
Oh, that’s the reason why he didn’t show again
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nat-writer · 4 years
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nat-writer · 4 years
levi ackerman as a father
part 2 (part 1 here)
ff a week from the holy day their child was born. leigh, also known as "leelu", ackerman blessed the world with her existence
uncle erwin, uncle mike and aunt nanaba would visit a lot, and every time they would bring a little gift for leelu
again, the boys (eren, jean and connie) were not allowed to carry the baby
much to jean's dismay, he tried asking hanji if she could persuade levi to finally let him carry the baby but the man would send a deadly glare at jean even before he could utter a word
leelu's favorite was sasha. every time sasha carried her, leelu would have a small smile on her face
leelu was not a crybaby, she cried at times but once her needs were given she would calm down
leelu would often cry at 3 am. even if levi was awake at that hour, hanji would insist that they take turns in putting her back to sleep because it is also her child
if you think levi is overprotective of hanji, he's even more with leelu
when they are out of the house, his senses are heightened. levi has a fear of losing people because he thinks that once he's really happy life would suddenly take it away from him
sometimes hanji jokes about him being paranoid, but her joke aside she would envelope him in a hug to reassure him
no one really expected it, except for erwin, but the two are really great parents
hanji would invite moblit over a lot, only because they are besties
levi can't help but be jealous that they spend a lot of time with leelu
it took hanji 2 weeks to find out that it was what levi felt, she laughed really loud at first to tease him but after that the three of them slept in the same bed as a family
even though a lot of people told him that he was a good father, including mikasa, he still had doubts
hanji has caught levi a couple of times holding their child so dearly with a soft look on his face, every time it happened her heart would burst with so much love for the two
on days his doubts get the best of him, hanji would spend her time hugging him while whispering words he needed to hear
although levi's past haunted him, he did not allow it to dictate his life. he was going to be the father he never had
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nat-writer · 4 years
levi ackerman as a father
part 1
levi would first be speechless once he finds out that he's going to be a father, he's never had any figure to look up to
although hanji reassures him, she tells him that if anyone could show love and care for a child then it would be him *cough* 104th kids *cough*
during the pregnancy, he would often be anxious because he does not know what to do mostly
he's also very protective, he does not allow hanji to do heavy chores or go to work
morning sickness for hanji is the worst, but with levi beside her it makes everything much better
he would wake up to the bang of the bathroom door opening, he'd approach her and tie her hair in a knot. he would also rub her back
after that, he'd help her clean up and even volunteer to give her a bath
his harsh words aside, he cares a whole lot
hanji's weird cravings disgust him. it ranges from apples dipped in mayo to burgers with ice cream in between
levi would insist on visiting the doctor every 2 weeks just to make sure both hanji and the baby is healthy
he does not allow some people to touch her belly, people like eren or jean or connie
the girls would often visit and take care of hanji so that levi could go to work but he would always protest saying he's on leave
but after a couple of puppy eyes from hanji, levi packs his bag and calls erwin for a boy's night
even though it's boy's night, levi is on his phone asking for updates about hanji.
he'd call a couple of times, asking if hanji drank water already or if she ate dinner
as the due date approaches, levi would clean a lot just to ease his anxiety but he tries not to use cleaning products that may be harmful
hanji would be the one to ask him to stop cleaning because it's already the third time today, she'd give him a hug and reassure him once more
hanji's water breaks at 2 in the morning, levi grabs the "baby bag" and keys
the drive to the hospital is nerve wracking, and by the time they arrived in the hospital he had already called the whole gang (erwin, nanaba, mike, moblit, mikasa, eren, jean, armin, sasha and connie)
i will be posting part 2 tomorrow :D i hope u like this
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nat-writer · 4 years
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nat-writer · 4 years
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i went looking for the comic that the reaction image is from and i am not disappointed
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nat-writer · 4 years
Kage no Denshouka Daiichibu (陰の伝承歌 第一部) part 1, 2 and 3 - Shigeo Komori.
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nat-writer · 4 years
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requested by sam1772
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nat-writer · 4 years
Finally, I have found my perfect makeup.
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every day i’m alive i realize there is so much i have yet to experience
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nat-writer · 4 years
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nat-writer · 4 years
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nat-writer · 4 years
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“I can’t be vegan, I love cheese”
Dairy industry is as evil as meat. No less harm for animals. Does it look natural that calf can’t drink milk so you can taste your piece of cheese? 
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nat-writer · 4 years
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I’m such a fan of Fanmoose12′s writing. And her. She is amazing.
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Erwin was his King, and Levi was his knight. He was his most trusted soldier and his most loyal subject. Levi took an oath, swearing his life and soul in servitude to his King.
His heart, unfortunately, belonged only to a Queen.
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nat-writer · 4 years
okoko imagine like a military au where levis a soldier and hanji's a doctor. and she's really good at taking care of injured soliders. and levi always likes to come to her office when everyone else leaves just to chat or give her tea. or or, if he really wants attention he kinda fakes having a bad headache and just goes to her. this is so cheesy but imma say it anyway: levi's sick. lovesick. and hanjis the only doctor that can cure him :))
oh no!!!!!!!!!! that’s so cute!!!!!!!!!! i can totally picture levi in all of his grumpy glory coming to hange’s office, claiming that he has ‘an extremely frequent palpitations. increases of heart rate. redness in face and unusual dizziness. weird feeling in chest area and sometimes stomach.’ and hange’s like ‘oh my god!!!! that sounds so serious and i’ve never heard about a disease with such unique symptoms!!! let me examine you!!!’ so she orders levi to take his shirt off and she presses a stethoscope to his naked chest, and she’s like ‘oh god, you were right!!! your heart beats so fast!!!’ and then she looks up and levi’s all red and, at this point, hange starts panicking, because what if he has a fever? what if it’s some kind of exotic disease she knows no cure of? meanwhile, moblit watches it all with such pain in his eyes, because ‘goddamn it, they’re so oblivious.’ 
also, i just gotta say, anon, this part levi's sick. lovesick. and hanjis the only doctor that can cure him made me grin like an idiot. it’s so cheesy and yet! so adorable!!!! 
btw when levi gathers enough courage to confess, he definitely says something like this ‘hange, i’m very sick. i got a bad case of loving you.’ he says it with the most pained expression ever, because he feels so embarrassed, but hange’s smile is so bright, it was definitely worth it. 
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nat-writer · 4 years
I loved this so much :,)
LeviHan but Levi and Hange break up and it’s very painful (and then they see each other again and oh... their hearts hadn’t listened to that melody in a long time...) they still like each other when they broke up but they wouldn’t say it because it would break their hearts more
tbh it’s hard for me to imagine hange and levi’s break up, cause they are all so in sync with each other, BUT maybe it was all because of one small argument that was blown out of proportions, because they let their anger get the best of them? and so in a middle of their screaming match, levi probably said something like ‘i knew i shouldn’t have even bothered. we are completely incompatible. this relationship was doomed from the start.’ so they break up and it’s terrible, because they still love each other and they miss each other really badly. it doesn’t help that they work together and they constantly have to hang out, because they still have friends in common. levi’s jaw tightens every time he sees hange flirting with someone and his hands are itching to go and break that guy’s nose, when he gets too handsy with an obviously drunk hange. likewise, hange notices the dark circles under levi’s eyes and the tightness around his mouth, and it breaks her heart, because she knows she can’t just reach out and comfort him anymore. erwin, mike and nanaba, btw, are fed up with their bullshit. it’s obvious that they still love each other and that they want to be together, but they’re still in denial about this because of some stupid argument. so they probably hold some kind of intervention for levi and hange, where they basically just lock them together in a small room and refuse to let them out, until they sort everything out. it’s quiet for a while, then they hear levi and hange shouting at each other, and then they hear a loud bang, before it gets quiet again? erwin hurriedly opens the door, afraid that they’ve killed each other, but he just finds levi, pressed against a wall, with hange all over him and kissing him like it’s the end of the world lmao   
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nat-writer · 4 years
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Get ur shit together Yams
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