mytubetv · 10 months
TRIGGA Interview!
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Trigga Interview and Q&A.
I: Welcome Trigga, How Are You?
T: I’m Pretty good, still kinda tired from the party but I’ll manage.
I: Speaking of this party, which was a wild one, this is the 2nd Celeb party you’ve thrown this year and it delivered. Can you tell us about how you’ve managed to do that 2 times?
T: I just have friends in high places that were able to get the word out. And people showed up.
I: ok so we have to address this. Trigga party 2, SA cultural has posted images that were leaked by other party goers with you and brick’s mom Vivian and another one of you and Selena Romez. What was that about?
T: It’s a Party you know, things happens sometimes. Suppose to have fun.
I: Riiiighhht… so recently, you dropped an absolute banger with Mak and Brett. “Til the End of the world”. It’s set to reach Diamond Status, can you tell us about the recording process of that song?
T: I actually just got out the hospital like maybe two days before recording.
I: Really?
I: Yeah, my drink got spiked by a stripper in Vice City. I can’t say her name or the club for legal reasons, but yeah I got spiked.
I: Are you ok?
T: Yeah the dosage wasn’t strong but it was strong enough you know. Anyway I get out the hospital, Brett Max Texts me and says “Got a Track lmk if interested” I replied we go to the studio in LC. I recorded my verse and mak sent his in from Germany. Brett did the rest.
I: You Mentioned you are going to start making Latin music, why the change from R&B to Latin music?
T: Well I want to show more of my Latin culture. My mom is Dominican Dad is black and Puerto Rican. Growing up in that culture and black culture are huge parts of my life. So I want to share the Spanish part of me with the world.
I: Very Interesting. How soon can we expect the first Spanish track from you?
T: I have a track I recorded with Romez a long time ago that will be dropping soon. Then much more Spanish tracks.
I: Let’s go back to Trigga Party for a minute. Now I do t know if you know or not. It’s all over bleeter and snapmatic that Allegedly Alyx Vance threw Ted Morgan Overboard. Can you confirm or deny these allegations.
T: Sorry but That’s not for me to Deny or Confirm. I was most likely on another boat or somewhere.
I: With Selena or bricks mom right?
T: lol It’s a party! I’m suppose to enjoy myself.
I: Congratulations on your song with Poosie “FaceTime” it’s certified Diamond. That’s gotta be an amazing feeling right!
T: Absolutely man. Even while we were recoding it Poosie and His producers were saying this is going to be a hit, and now it is. It’s an absolutely amazing feeling man!
I: What’s next for you Trigga?
T: Latin music, either a Latin or R&B Album. We’ll see and then a tour.
I: How soon should we be expecting a 3rd Trigga Party?
T: Just have to wait and see..
“Free CJ” asks:
Are you and Selena Romez Dating?
T: Maybe we are, Maybe we aren’t..
“AlishaReina” Asks:
Who are your top three Celebrity Crushes? Besides Selena.
Samantha Lenae.
Madelaine Parker
Kyla Potts.
“DfSniperzz” asks:
Who is your favorite artists not in Kingpin?
Rapper is Probably .250
Singer is probably Selena.
Final Question is from “SjOp”
How much did you have to pay in fines for the party?
T: Zonza only charged me $10k because the party was so great.
That’s All the have ladies and gentleman. Trigga Ladies and Gentlemen!
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mytubetv · 10 months
Charlie D. Lordan Interview!
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Charlie D. Lordan Interview and Q&A
I: Charlie D how are you?
C: I am alright, just going with the flow really.
I: How has life been recently for Charlie D. lordan?
C: It's been eventful I enjoyed sun set festival with the boys and now I'm just relaxing and scribbling down jottings of song ideas
I: How was it performing at something like that with a crowd as big as it was?
C: The crowd were spectacular I mean I had a few boos from libras fans but I can't blame them they love josh and hate me but one things for sure we had everyone up and dancing with a few tracks from our first studio album and a few other songs here and there but other than that it was amazing!
I: speaking of Josh, how is your relationship now if there is one? I mean it must be awkward at label meetings with you two?
C: Well let's just say he doesn't wanna know about me but eh its one of them things really where business is business and we just need to get our heads down and do what needs doing.
I: What happened Charlie?
C: Well we just kinda wasn't in tune with each other and decided it wad best if we was to part and From what I can see it's probably over for good because he's found who he truly is and I'm not going to hold him back from that.
I: Let’s switch to INGB, talk to us about INGB and how have they’ve affected your musical career. Having all platinum label mates must be incredible.
C: It is and to be honest they have really helped me and the guys a tone in all regards really from getting out there to sales of the albums!
I: That’s fantastic!
We know you’re a busy man as you’re an owner of the company Zonza, can you tell us a bit about that?
C: Well I started ZONZA in I believe 2020 and it offers ever growing range of services, private jets, yachts, cars, helicopters, even package holidays to all around the US even the UK and I'm hoping to soon update @DownTownCabco22 's fleet of vehicles as I am currently in talks with Liberty City's Taxi company in regards to a new fleet of vehicles.
I: Oh that is awesome. And I agree those taxis could be updated!
C: It's an update in a sense I mean when has Downtown cab co ever used a minivan, in my eyes it was lost opportunity for business.
I: Great response. Now there is a moment which was caught on video. Of you and Drummer Corey Lilard having a few words. Can you talk about that situation?
C: All I will say on the situation is that it was an avoidable altercation that was started due to an misunderstanding.
Fan Q&A —
“Why did you cheat on Josh!?”
C: Oh wow erm.... that's blunt, all I can say is things happen and people meet people.
“Who is your top 5 artist?”
C: I personally like
Selena Romez might be something in the works wink wink
Libras even though they don't like me
And Charlton
Are you seeing anyone at the moment?
C: I am I met her through a business talk. she likes music and bikes and she works as a tattoo artist!
Is any new music/ Albums in the works ?
C: We are working on our second album I might post a little preview of what's to come at some point but until then my dear fans are going to have to keep biting their nails in anticipation!
What is something you can’t live without?
C: Honestly one thing I can't live without is the want to explore. I would like to explore the depths of the sea and see what It has to offer and or make a discovery!
I: thank you for your time Charlie and good luck to your future endeavors!
C: Thank you for having me!
I: Charlie D. Lordan Ladies And gentlemen!
*Audience Cheers*
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mytubetv · 1 year
Josh Ardal From Libras Interview and Fan Q&A!
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Joshua Ardal Interview and Q&A
I: Joshua Ardal! So good to see you! How are you?
J: Hey! I’m great, how’re you?
I: I’m good! Big fan! Talk to me Josh, now that Libras just announced the tour. How excited are you about going on tour?
J: I'm so excited!! I hope that we manage to please the rock community, and our fans who're attending!
I: What city are you looking most forward to perform in?
J: Los Santos is close to me, but I am really excited for Liberty City. I lived there for a while.
I: Liberty is a great place.
What should we expect from Libras on this tour?
J: Lots and lots of f—ing noise, crowd interactions, I plan on crowd surfing, why the hell not?!
But also expect some more singles releasing aswell!!
I: You guys are making a ton of noise already! You’re known to have a pretty wild fan base! I mean even Chanel Venturas came out and said she’d love to collab! How does that make you feel? And cam we expect something from you two in the future?
J: Honestly, I love Chanel I think she's amazing! We saw her celebrity insight on LSD and had a band conversation about it, we'd love to collab with her! I think the difference is music genre, how it would work, but I'm sure we'd figure it out if it happened.
I: Speaking of differences in music genre your label, INGB has all types of genres. Pop, rap, Edm, rock, R&B, with that being said, every artist on your label is platinum. Actually the only label in the industry today with all platinum artist. When you hear that what do you think? And how much would you say that played into you and Libras succes?
J: I think it’s amazing, all of INGB artists are amazing and friendly people, they all deserve the world. INGB has really helped us as a band to actually get out there, and we wouldn’t be where we were without them.
I also love how they aren’t just based on one genre, you don’t really hear a lot of rock anymore.
I: Yes you guys are single handily bringing rock back. I’ve also notice you sort to branch out with collaborating with Selena and Corey collaborating on mooks album. Could you tell us about that?
J: Yeah, Selena approached me and asked if I'd like to write a song with her, I couldn't say no and I'm glad I didn't. She's honestly such a pure soul, we've become close friends after that. Corey specialises in the drums, so he was quite happy when he was offered to collab on Mook's album.
Not that I will be going solo, but I think sometimes it's a good thing to try something new, in my case doing a song with somebody who isn't my band, it get's me out of my comfort zone!
I: I agree It is a good thing to try something new. What got you into music?
J:Probably Corey, we were friends in school and we used to practice there.
I: Will any label mates or any other artist be joining you on tour?
J: We plan on inviting a few artists to the sisyphus theater, we just haven't asked them yet..
I: So surprises are in plan for the tour? I mean you’re selling out everywhere now this on top of that?
J: I’d say there are surprises yeah, but it wouldn’t be a surprise if I said! I’m surprised the tour sold out in 3 places so quick, I actually didn’t expect it!
I: That is amazing! I’m sure there is a lot more to come! You said you and Corey were friends since schools, but how was Libras formed? And where did the name come from?
J: Well, we all met in school, but me and Corey were friends before. We formed after Declan and Keegan were in the music room we usually went in, we got talking and then formed Libras. To answer your second question, We couldn’t think of any names, me and Coreys star signs are both Libras, so we just settled on it.
I: Josh are you ready for a short fan Q&A?
J: Yeah, let’s go for it!
I: Question 1 is from
• what is your favorite clothing brand?
J: Probably Blagueurs.
I: 2nd question is from
“What celebrity would you be the most star struck by?”
J: Chanel, or Missy Dada. It’s just..them 🤣
I: Question number 3 is from
• I know Charlie may be a sensitive topic, but could you speak on the situation and how you feel about the whole thing?
J: Sure, well, he cheated on me. I’ve got a lot more respect for myself than Charlie clearly did so I left him. Our relationship was rocky anyways, but he’s still trying to get back with me.
I: oooohhh drama!
4th Question is from
“Alysha_22” and this is another juicy one!
• what is you idea of a perfect Date?
J: Probably go to a restaurant, but I’m not fussy I wouldn’t care if it were a 5 star restaurant or burger shot
I: Final question is from
• Where can I go to get Merch?
J: We will be releasing merch before the tour exclusively at tour stalls and then releasing world wide!
I:Josh I have bad news…
J: What?
I: We’re out of time, that’s the end of the interview!
J: What!? Already? Ahh man! Well thanks for having me.
I:Thank you for coming! I will see you again maybe backstage at on of your tours. We’ll see, but thanks you for coming! JOSHUA ARDAL LADIES AND GENTLEMEN!
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mytubetv · 1 year
Ted Morgan sit down interview and Q&A is now Live!
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Ted Morgan Interview and Q&A.
I: Hi Ted good to see you, thank you so much for agreeing to this interview, I know being you’re very busy and all. How are you?
T: I'm doing good, how are you?
I: I’m great thanks for asking. Before we get into KingsGuard let’s talk about this collaboration album you just released, what inspired that?
T: Nothing really, I just thought it'd be a good idea to release a whole collection of them so that people don't have to pay for the separate CD's.
I: You’ve also just released a wonderful track with Elton John, I absolutely love the song, how did the process go with getting him on. Was he hard to reach?
T: It was a lengthy process, we 1st had to talk to his agent, then his lawyer, then his agent again then we got through to him and he was amazing.
I: Yea he’s always amazing, what’s the story behind this song, because this song isn’t just singing words into a mic, this song sounds and feels like it comes from a place within you, it’s deep.
T: I don't know really, its probably just all the built up stress just leaving us from writing it, to producing it and even meeting up.
I: good you could find a way to relieve that stress into a beautiful song! Ok now let’s get into KingsGuard what can you tell us about this movie?
T: Its set in LS and its about a normal guy who keeps getting himself in trouble because of the people he was brought up with and because of the loss of his father.
He meets up with someone who got him out of serving jail time and finds out he's a secret agent.
That guy brings my character to a training facility and trains him with a bunch of others to become secret agents.
I: How are you and your character in KingsGuard alike and how are you two different?
T: Well he's a master at using guns and I'm still learning to use one properly,
What we have similar is parkour and gymnastics skills as I had to learn it in PE in my primary school in London and my middle/high school here. I still do it sometimes but I mainly do flips and stuff on my bmx.
I: How long did KingsGuard take to film?
T: Up to 2 and a half months due to it being filmed in LS we was able to get permits to close certain streets and film in certain locations.
I: What or who inspired you to get into acting?
T: No one really, I had to do it in Primary School and I enjoyed it so I just carried on doing it.
Fan Q&A:
I: First question is from
Amy Strongxvu
•If you could collab with one celebrity who would it be?
T: The kid raloi as I love his music and he seems like a cool person.
I: Second question is from user
Neil T
• when will you go on tour?
T: I don't know yet but hopefully before summer or at the start.
I: Third question
From Shelbyluvzyou
•Are you in a relationship with anyone at the moment?
T: No, not yet.
I: 4th question is from
• will there be a sequel to KingsGuard?
T: Hopefully but I think I have something new coming up which will take place in LC, there should be test footage out for that within the next month.
I: And finally the last Q & A questions
Is from Bandithank220
Why did you leave sanity records and do you think you made the right decision?
T: I left Sanity because I thought they helped me as well as they could and they were amazing, they actually suggested I should go to soundwave as they thought they could help me progress more, so if it wasn't for Sanity I wouldn't be where I am now.
I: Thank you for your time Ted, we know you’re busy. Everyone go out and support KingsGuard in theaters now! Thank you Ted!
T: No, thank you. See you soon!
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mytubetv · 1 year
THE FUTURE OF: S1E2. The Leader of the Free World, President Cosmic Miller.
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I: Mr. President, how are you?
Cm: I’m doing quite well, with everything going on. This is the best I’ve felt in a while
I: Congratulations on your victory! Before we get into your plans for the future tell us about Cosmic Miller before becoming President. What was he like?
Cm: Cosmic Miller started out as an ordinary Paleto Bay resident, working at Beaker’s garage, and assisting in a small farm on a Paleto Bay property. Formerly serving as a 1st Lieutenant in the Army, and releasing music. Then I began my long political career when I first ran for San Andreas Governor in 2020, and 3 years later. Here we are in the Oval Office.
I: Thank you for your service! What exactly inspired you to pursue politics, Mr. President?
Cm: I wanted to make an impact, but more specifically a change to our country, one position at a time. And I believe I’ve achieved some of my goals, in the political positions that I was fortunate enough to serve on. But now we have much bigger responsibility, and challenge to take on.
I: What do you think needs to change about our country the most Mr. President?
Cm: We are in a declining economy. You walk into a store, buy a couple of groceries for yourself or your family, ends up being 60 odd dollars. That’s not a way to live. Under my administration, we’re going to get a lot done, we’re going to make promises to the American people, and keep those promises. We have a lot to change, for the better of this country!
I: Beautiful, before we get too deep into politics let’s get to know the President a bit more. Mr. President, will there be a first family joining you? First pets?
Cm: Well currently my family consists of my dear mother, my sister and brother. My sister’s husband. And my cousin, the Chief of the LSPD. In terms of pets, it would be my sister’s dog, and my cat. So yes I would say there will be a first family.
I: Any hobbies Mr. President?
If I ever get time, I greatly enjoy the art of woodworking, carpentry, and automotive mechanics. I’m an avid target shooter, and a hunter.
I: Great, and finally what is something about you that no one may know or guess?
Cm: I don’t think many people would know, that I was actually injured in war. I was wounded pretty badly, but made a recovery and was sent back in.
I:a true warrior!
What is your relationship with President Thompson like? Will she give you a tour before her departure?
I don’t think that, President Thompson is very fond if me, I think that our past has unfortunately tarnished our friendship, and how she acts to me as president. I cannot say if she’ll give me a tour or not, and I think it’s very unfortunate where we stand.
I: unfortunate indeed, Now we know you’re a busy man who’s short on time right now, so let’s get into politics shall we.
Cm: Let’s do it!
I: What would you say is the most important thing you’ve learned from President Thompson while being her Vice President?
Cm: Communication, it’s highly important to speak with the people, as you are their Commander-In-Chief. I don’t think that much communication was given, to the people. I don’t think we heard enough about what was going on. So I think the most important thing is speaking to the American people!
I: Ok just a few more questions. What is something you’d want to keep and something you’d want to erase from President Thompson’s term?
Cm: Well, truthfully there isn’t much to keep or erase. Nothing much was done under that term. But if I had to choose for keeping . I would like to keep the gas bill I proposed, and got released in July.
I: What is something you wish to accomplish in your first month as president, Mr. President?
Cm: I want to fix our country’s infrastructure, that’s a big problem that we must face. To put forth a infrastructure bill, to fix our cities, roads bridges and buildings. Road conditions are an issue for modern day people, we must get that fixed. As well as fixing our country’s economy, and keeping gas prices at an all time low, and hopefully keep foreign relations at its best!
I: What is something you wish to accomplish by the end of your first term as president?
Cm: I hope to accomplish a goal of creating jobs for everyone, boost the economy, strengthen international relations. And fix our whole country’s infrastructure.
I: What role will Chambers INTL. play in your term as President?
Cm: They are a trusted source for Military funding, and have worked with many presidents before me, I see no reason why they shouldn’t continue that role.
I: Should Americans be concerned if Chambers were to turn on America? Do you agree that Chambers could have access to too much information that if they were to turn they could cause severe trouble for America?
Cm: No, I don’t think the American people should be concerned over CHI. Like I said before They’ve been a very trusted source for military funding, and have worked closely with many presidents.
I: But do you agree that chambers could have access to too much information?
Cm: No, I don’t believe CHI has too much knowledge. Their a reliant military supplier.
I: Out of all Presidents who was your favorite?
Cm: President Reagan. From a Hollywood actor, to a governor, and then president. He was something thing, but under our recent years? President Barker was a wonderful president.
I: What about Barker made him so wonderful in your eyes, Mr. President?
Cm: President Barker, spoke to America. He opened a new path for president’s to come, I think he changed the country, he gave light to those in dark
I: Anything you want to say to those watching this interview before we close it out?
Cm: I thank those that elected me, and is entrusting me to be your leader. I will do everything I can, during my term. To serve the American people, to beat of my abilities.
I: Now to close it out Mr. President.
What does the Future of the USA looks like to you?
Cm: I see the future of our great nation, thriving. Where everyone comes together, as humans. And cherish one another, no fights, no death, no pain. Just peace.
I: Thank you for your time Mr. President, congratulations on your victory, and Goodluck on your term.
Cm: Thank you very much for having me, and thank you america for voting for me!
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mytubetv · 1 year
Hip Hop radio DJ K.Red has .50Cal on his podcast to talk about His upcoming tour, list his top 5 etc….
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Special Guest 50 Cal.
Dj: 50 wassup man how you doing man been a while.
50: wassup k.red been a while.
Dj: For y’all that don’t know me and fif use to kick it in Lc it was the slums man.
50: yea deep in the slums it was fun tho.
Dj: Talk to me 50, why you had to diss kilo tray mace on on bleeter and kick him off the cypher man? the man already dead.
50: it’s business move at the end of the day and at that time Craig ruined it for him.
Dj: you also kicked bazz off wassup with that man
50: Another business move, the nigga ruined it calling me annoying on bleeter. He sent mook a track and it was pure garbage I couldn’t have him on it he’d make the album lose value . Marco my boy but bazz owe me money.
Dj: *Laughs* fif you gotta chill let’s get off of this subject man, immunity tour starting in a few days let’s talk about that.
50: yeah, LC get ready Ima be back home soon immunity tour, we gone make it rock.
Dj: who joining you on tour?
50: we gotta couple surprises planned, but as far as opening acts Ima have some local talent. So April 1st get ready.
Dj:speaking of artist I’ve always wondered who you got in your top 5 dead or alive or retired not counting yourself and why?
50: my top 5 artist?
Dj: yeah.
50: let’s see..
I’ll put mook number 1. He very underrated to me. The nigga got heavy beats, bars, rhythm. He can do it all.
Number 2 a tie between Andre king and Poosie for obvious reasons
3 would be surprisingly Troy Burger. And here’s why. Troy has executive produced and produced, and written more songs than you’d think. I’m talking rap, pop, edm, dubstep the list goes on.. he’s done that for niggas in his label and other labels real talk. me and mook are even basing our LC Cypher album off his influence album but instead of singing and edm it’s purely rap. Niggas beg him for a feature left and right.
4 is Marco. I think Marco will go down in hof of rap. He let me hear some of his music and yea he a problem. Plus the track he on in the cypher is crazy and lyrical.
5 is Mars. You talk about a nigga that can blow anybody out of the studio that nigga can do it. If he stays consistent he’ll be deadly
6 would be Rodrick. I know you asked for 5 but he a Real street nigga who raps how he lives I gotta respect him
7 is clover his bars crazy
Dj: That’s a heavy top 7. Some surprises I can’t lie, but anyway man we short on time I’ll have to have you back soon my guy.
:50: bet I’ll see you around
Dj: that’s .50 cal ladies and gentleman, go buy and support his album Immunity, and purchase your tickets for the tour tickets are selling fast! This is the Dj K.Red podcast we’ll see you soon with another special guest.
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mytubetv · 1 year
THE FUTURE OF: S1E1 Governor Ben Kelly of Florida.
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S1E1: Governor Ben Kelly
Interviewer: First how are you doing?
Bk:I’m doing good.. thanks for asking
I: Now tell us about Ben Kelly, the Ben Kelly before becoming Governor. What was he like?
BK: Before I became Governor of Florida, I served as a Vice City Criminal Court Judge dealing with a lot of violent criminals and thugs.
I: What did you learn most about being a judge, and what was your toughest challenge as a judge?
Bk: My toughest challenge as a judge is I didn’t wanna send innocent peoples to jail so I had to make sure I was on my feet and keeping myself in the cases.
I:What are your hobbies Governor? What do you do in your free time?
Bk: I like to be with my family and spending family time.. I also like golfing at times
I: Tell us more about the Kelly’s! how many Kelly’s are there?
Bk: It’s 5 of us.. my wife Anna, our 3 daughters Lisa, Katie, Jenny and than our son Jack
I: Lovely, now about your wife Anna I think the people of Florida would love to know about Anna Kelly! How is she, and what can you tell us about her?
Bk: Well I’m sure they do and they will meet soon but my Wife is not a political person. She likes to stay out of the spotlight but she’s a travel nurse and travels around the country.
I: Lovely to hear! Now that Florida has a First Lady will there be any First pets?
Bk: Maybe in the future but we just lost our family Dog Sammy a month ago so our family is still grieving.
I: Earlier The Liberty Post had posted an article saying you unveiled a new legislation aimed at preventing illegal immigration, can you go more into that legislation and the plan to enforce said Legislation, Mr. Governor?
BK:No I cannot at the moment BUT I can say that this new legislation will help keep immigrants out of the state of Florida
I: What is it about Tiffany Haywood that made you want to appoint her as LT governor?
Bk: Tiffany has what it takes to help me lead the state. She’s smart, very intelligent and her past job she was the CEO over schools in Vice City. She’s also good at politics and like me, she’s a conservative
I: What would you say your relationship is like with President Miller?
Bk: I consider Cosmic a very good friend and a even better politician! I endorsed him in his presidential campaign and he also endorsed me in the Florida Governor election
I: Good to hear. Governor Kelly yesterday you posted a plan for your first 20 days in office? Those plans included:
• Give every LEO officer a raise
• Cut taxes for unnecessary programs
• Start building up a new homeless shelter
• Work to protect Businesses in our state
What would make a program unnecessary?
Anything that don’t do what it was made to do. Programs let’s say for example… a city mayor creates a homeless program but it doesn’t succeed and homelessness is still up that’s an unnecessary program taking tax payers dollars
I: Will the programs be replaced or substituted?
Bk: I have started to replace the homeless program with my own! But I can’t get into much detail at the moment
I: You also stated that LEO officers will get a raise, but what about the Firefighters and the utility departments? Will plans for those come after the 20 day plan or will they not be included?
Bk: I will be raising the pay for all first responders sorry if that wasn’t in their but yes firefighters, paramedics as well.
I: last question
How does the future of Florida look to Governor Ben Kelly?
BK: It looks great and I can promise under my administration, Floridians are in good hands!
I: Thanks For your time Governor Ben Kelly! Also Congratulations to you and your staff on your win! Good luck and God Bless!
BK: Much appreciated Thank you as well for the interview!
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