mythriel81 · 3 months
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“My field leader awhile ago gave us the go to Tartarus. He gave me a fairly large scythe as a weapon, a special pistol with SEES engraved onto it called an Evoker with a holster, and a jacket and armband, signifying that I am an auxiliary member of SEES. I hope that we can discover why there are more of the Lost lately and how we can destroy Tartarus and the Dark Hour.”
- Mythril Azule, in a self-insert AU version of Persona 3 Reload
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mythriel81 · 3 months
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same fate
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mythriel81 · 3 months
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mythriel81 · 3 months
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“My field leader awhile ago gave us the go to Tartarus. He gave me a fairly large scythe as a weapon, a special pistol with SEES engraved onto it called an Evoker with a holster, and a jacket and armband, signifying that I am an auxiliary member of SEES. I hope that we can discover why there are more of the Lost lately and how we can destroy Tartarus and the Dark Hour.”
- Mythril Azule, in a self-insert AU version of Persona 3 Reload
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mythriel81 · 3 months
Hello, this is a reminder to activate the "prevent thrid party sharing for (the company changes from time to time)"
Also ignore the spanish please
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This seating is to prevent the use of AI training in your content/art
Ewwww. Thank you for letting me know! Hope you have a good day
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mythriel81 · 3 months
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Mosab Abu Toha, "Interlude", from his poetry collection Things You May Find Hidden in My Ear: Poems from Gaza, available for download here
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mythriel81 · 4 months
A major update for the fangame has just been released! I know I don’t post much lately, but I do hope you all enjoy what we’ve been working hard on so far! ; v;
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mythriel81 · 4 months
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The education system failed them, but physics sure won't.
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mythriel81 · 7 months
Don't Judge Someone Else's OCs
I don't typically make these kinds of posts, but I've been having firsthand experiences with this and I wanted to post a PSA.
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This is Kada Divali (art by @you-go-doe btw). He's an OC I've had since before 2017, and he's gone through a lot of evolutions into the character he is today.
He's not an Asriel Dreemurr OC.
He started out as one, yes, but he evolved into so much more to the point where he has his own backstory, a history, flaws, strengths and weaknesses. He's his own individual character.
The point of this PSA is that original characters are intended to be different, and unique. Some people are very passionate about their characters, they spend hours working on them, they commission artists to have those characters brought to life exactly how they're imagined.
It's a person's choice to share these characters with other people. When that happens... the worst possible thing for a person to do upon seeing that character, is compare it to something else. This happens a lot, especially with goat OCs which originated from Undertale. Just because it's got horns and long ears, doesn't mean it's an Asriel spin-off.
When someone shares their original character, they are not asking for criticism. They are not asking for feedback. They are not asking for how much their character looks like someone else's character. When they receive these kinds of comments, unwarranted, it completely snuffs their passion and pride for their work. It makes the person feel like their character isn't as special, or as interesting, or as unique. And that's not fucking cool.
If someone shares their original characters with you, don't criticise them. They're the products of creativity, inspiration, passion and effort. And when you make comparisons, or place judgement on how they're written or drawn, you overlook all of the interesting little creative decisions that went into defining them and make the creator feel horrible.
Reblog to share the word.
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mythriel81 · 8 months
Testing my animation editor by animating PPT2 Arle!
The animation editor still has a few things that i want to add, but it is fully functional and you can make any animations with it!
Isn't it exciting?
I might do a time lapse video, working on an animation, to show off the editor.
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mythriel81 · 9 months
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kris and noelle discuss critically acclaimed fps game half dead 2, their missing siblings, and obscure human musicians like claude debussy
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mythriel81 · 9 months
in honor of season 3 of game changer airing, i’ve clipped brennan’s fully buckwild monologue from the final episode of season 2
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mythriel81 · 9 months
What if alien abductions are the equivalent of walking around at night and seeing a weird bug and going “oooah what a weird little guy!” And then picking it up and taking pictures of it while shining a flashlight on it before putting it back down and leaving it alone.
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mythriel81 · 9 months
Youtubers will see some super tame sfw furry art and be like, “OH GOD WHY AAHHH MY EYES!!! WHAT IS THIS??!? WHY WOULD YOU SHOW ME THIS?!?” And the art will look like this:
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mythriel81 · 9 months
You guys do know you're supposed to reblog things, right
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mythriel81 · 9 months
Alright US mutuals, if you are interested in, morbidly fascinated by, or anxiously doomscrolling through AI news, including Stable Diffusion, Llama, ChatGPT or Dalle, you need to be aware of this.
The US Copyright Office has submitted a request for comment from the general public. Guidelines can be found on their site, but the gist of it is that they are taking citizen statements on what your views on AI are, and how the Copyright Office should address the admittedly thorny issues in rulings.
Be polite, be succinct, and be honest. They have a list of questions or suggestions, but in truth are looking to get as much data from the general public as possible. If you have links to papers or studies examining the economic impacts of AI, they want them. If you have anecdotal stories of losing commissions, they want them. If you have legal opinions, experience using these tools, or even a layman's perspective of how much human input is required for a piece of work to gain copyright, they want it.
The deadline is Oct 18th and can be submitted via the link in the article. While the regulatory apparatus of the US is largely under sway by corporate interests, this is still the actual, official time for you to directly tell the government what you think and what they should do. Comments can be submitted by individuals or on behalf of organizations. So if you are a small business, say a print shop, you can comment on behalf of the print shop as well.
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mythriel81 · 9 months
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Keep reading
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