mythikos26 · 1 month
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mythikos26 · 1 year
I convinced my mom to watch Warrior Nun and she was telling my dad about it and I promise you this is a real conversation they had:
Dad: How do they get rid of the demons tho?
Mom: Lesbianism.
Dad: I mean if it works, why not?
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mythikos26 · 1 year
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REWATCH and COMPLETE warrior nun season 1 and 2 on JANUARY 28TH
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mythikos26 · 1 year
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This is a ScreenRant article. If you’re thinking about giving up, read this. Then read it again. As long as we’re fighting there’s a shot. The only sure thing is: if we give up, we lose.
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mythikos26 · 3 years
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“Your vitals are back,” Alex sweeps into the MedBay, black leather boots scuffing the shiny floors. She shifts her weight to the side, a stack of files balanced in one hand. “Everything seems fine.”
“Phew,” Kara says out loud, kicking her feet back and forth on one of the gurneys under a solar array. “No infections? No cancer? No blood-eating fungi?”
“Nope,” Alex pops the ‘p.’ “It still bothers me, though. The pollen spray was obviously a defensive measure, and in one of the interrogation rooms no less. It doesn’t make sense that it wouldn’t do anything.”
Alex bites at her pen cap, quickly thumbing through the thick file one more time.
“Maybe I’m resistant,” Kara shrugs. “At least everyone’s not clawing to have sex with me.”
Alex’s eyes lance up from the file.
Did Kara just say that out loud?
Keep reading
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mythikos26 · 3 years
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Infinitely Everything
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mythikos26 · 3 years
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It has been updated!!
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mythikos26 · 3 years
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Beautifully Bright is currently being rewritten. It should be up soon. In the next hour or so. Unless I fall asleep. Then within the next day or so.
I’ve added more detail to the story, or I’ve tried to, and gotten rid of the mistakes. I think. I don’t think the changes are too major but I’m way too tired to try and confirm that.
NEW CHAPTERS HAVE NOT BEEN UPLOADED!! They also haven’t been written yet. I didn’t really have to do this but it was a way of getting out doing school work.
Note: may take a little longer than expected to upload the edits. It’s all written and checked but I’m a little bit busier than anticipated. 
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mythikos26 · 3 years
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mythikos26 · 3 years
i don’t know if you’re taking prompts, but you’re one of my favorite writers so... anyways, i’m nonbinary and crave representation and really identify with kara so i was wondering if maybe you could write kara realizing they’re nonbinary and being nervous about coming out to lena cause they know she’s a lesbian and she’s scared that lena won’t want them anymore since they’re not a girl? and of course lena’s just the most supportive and tells them that she’ll love them no matter what. i know that’s something that i really needed to hear when i came out so i’d love to see kara get that kind of support. sorry for how long this was.
It's all going well, until it’s not.
It’s just a regular Saturday date night; she and Kara tucked up on the couch with a queued documentary on the life and times of the African pyjama shark and enough pot stickers to feed a small nation. Lena’s chuckling as she watches her girlfriend shovel six dumplings concomitantly into her mouth, tucking her socked feet beneath the blonde’s thigh.
“You’re lucky your metabolism never catches up with you, Supergirl.”
Lena’s tone is light and teasing and she doesn’t mean anything by the comment, of course she doesn’t. But at her side Kara stiffens, hands clenching into fists, and as Lena’s eyes flick to her face she sees her girlfriend honest to god wince.
“Oh, Kara, what did I— what’s wrong?” she asks, horrified, reaching out to loosen the tension of Kara’s balled hands with her own fingers.
The blonde shakes her head, avoiding her eyes but Lena won’t let her go that easily. Too many relationships in her life have been brought down by lies and half-truths and evasions. Not with Kara. Never with Kara.
“Please tell me,” she urges. “I’ve upset you— help me understand why so I never do it again.”
But Kara’s shaking her head, her shoulders hunched. “No, it’s fine, it’s all good.”
“Kara,” Lena says firmly, loosing one hand from Kara’s to tilt her chin up, allowing their eyes to lock. “It’s not fine. You’re not fine. Please, darling. Tell me why.”
“I just—” It’s obviously a struggle for her to say the words, and Lena’s heart breaks to think there’s something, anything that Kara doesn’t feel comfortable sharing with her.
The blonde’s voice is a strangled whisper, brow crinkled and chin ducked to her chest. “I, um. I don’t really— I don’t like it when you call me that.”
“Call you… Supergirl?” Lena hesitates to clarify and Kara nods, grimacing.
“Oh love, I’m sorry,” she rushes out. “I didn’t realise. Of course, I’ll stop. I had no idea it made you uncomfortable.” The tight lines of Kara’s tense shoulders still haven’t eased and Lena bites her lip hard. “Is it��� since you told me who you were? Because you know I have no problem with Supergirl now, I love every side of you—”
But Kara’s shaking her head, gaze fixed on the decorative pillow she’s pulled into her lap.
“Or— because you just want to be Kara, here?” Lena ventures. She’s always been this way; a scientist through and through, allowing no problem to remain unsolved. She’ll just keep throwing possible explanations at the conundrum until one sticks and a resolution can be found. She squeezes Kara’s hands reassuringly. “Is it that you want to be able to put down the cape for a while?”
Again, the blonde shakes her head. Lena nudges in close, pressing her lips to the sombre line of Kara’s jaw. “I want to understand, if you’re comfortable sharing,” she whispers against golden skin. “I want to be here for you. I am here for you.”
At length, Kara tilts her cheek to rest against the crown of Lena’s head. The lack of direct eye contact seems to buoy her tentative whisper. “It’s not the Super thing,” she manages at last, fingernails digging hard into the meat of her own thigh. “It’s— it’s the girl thing.”
Things begin to slot into place in Lena’s mind; individual cogs, innocuous enough on their own, fitting together to create a picture so undeniable she can’t believe she hadn’t connected the dots herself. Kara picking distastefully at the tight dress her sister had suggested for L-Corp’s latest gala, her body language troubled and uncomfortable. Kara trying out boxer briefs beneath her work slacks, blushing and embarrassed when Lena mentioned them in passing. Kara cringing as crowds called out for National City’s golden sweetheart, women fawning and men wolf-whistling. Kara huffing at the weight and volume of her long hair, tugging it back and up into a bun almost violently, never willingly wearing it down.
“Oh,” she murmurs against the hollow of Kara’s throat, mind still parsing through all the signs she’d been overlooking. “Oh, I see.”
“I didn’t want to tell you because it’s not fair to you,” Kara rushes out, seemingly unable to stop talking now she’s started. “You— you like women and, and I’m your girlfriend, we’re girlfriends and I don’t— I don’t want to ruin what we have and I don’t want to lose you, Lena, I can’t lose you so it doesn’t even matter, it’s not a big deal, just forget I said anything—”
“I’ll do no such thing,” Lena says primly, stopping Kara’s onslaught with a gentle finger to her lips as she tilts so they’re face to face once again. “Of course it matters, Kara. This is who you are.”
Kara’s blue eyes are aching and pained and so, so sad. “But it’s not who you fell in love with.”
Lena shakes her head, lips curving into a gentle smile even as her heart feels like it might be shattering. “Kara. Do you think I love you for your long hair?”
Kara blinks at her, a deep crinkle forming between her brows.
“I’m serious,” Lena prods. “Did I fall in love with your hair?”
Kara gulps. “Uh. No?”
“No,” Lena confirms. “Did I fall in love with your lipstick?”
The blonde shudders, but the crinkle between her brows has eased a fraction. “I sure hope not. I hate that stuff.”
“Exactly. Of course I didn’t,” Lena reiterates. “And did I fall in love with your dresses, or your pink-painted fingernails, or your lacy underwear? Your perfume or your high-heeled boots?”
“No,” Kara says again, more confident this time, and Lena reaches up to smooth the last remnants of the crinkle away with the pad of her thumb.
“No,” she breathes. “I fell in love with you, Kara. With the soul of you. With the person who pulled my crashing helicopter out of the sky six years ago. That same person who’s sitting in front of me right now.”
Kara sucks in a breath that’s somewhere between a sigh and a sob and Lena’s throat tightens as she notices unshed tears sparkling in blue eyes. She wonders how long Kara’s been carrying this weight, keeping it in, afraid to share what’s going on inside.
“Whatever you need to do, want to do, to feel comfortable in your own skin— I respect it, and I’ll support you however I can.” She cups Kara’s face in her hands, thumbs reaching out to brush away the tears that have begun to spill down flushed cheeks. But Kara’s sitting straighter now, bolder. More at ease. More at home.
“I don’t mind if you identify as a she, or a they, or something else entirely,” Lena continues, and Kara’s mouth quirks up in a wobbly smile. Lena tilts forward to press a gentle kiss to trembling lips, trying to convey all the love and affection bubbling up in her heart through just the touch of their skin, the press of their bodies. She pulls back just enough to tilt their foreheads together, smiling as she drops a kiss to the tip of Kara’s nose. “Just so long as you’re you.”
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mythikos26 · 3 years
Black Lives STILL Matter.
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mythikos26 · 3 years
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These side-by-side images show the striking similarities between Martin Luther King Jr.’s historic 1963 March on Washington and the 2020 March on Washington led by his son and Rev. Al Sharpton on Friday.
follow @nowthisnews for daily news videos & more
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mythikos26 · 3 years
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mythikos26 · 3 years
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mythikos26 · 3 years
so basically, i had a burst ovarian cyst that was causing me the worst pain ever. i went to the ER, and was slapped with this. i cannot afford this. i simply can’t. i am out of work for the next two weeks without pay as i work at a school and it’s winter break. i can barely afford the bills i already have monthly. i’m just... ready to give up. this year keeps getting worse. if you can possibly help, anything is appreciated.
cashapp: $effynicole
venmo: Effy-Nicole
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mythikos26 · 3 years
Prompt: Lena being an adorable nerd, writing down a list of what makes Kara happy? Or like some guide book to caring for a kryptonian
Dating Kara Danvers: A Rulebook
Lena Luthor's rules and tips on how to deal with the tender-hearted kryptonian Kara Danvers.
1. When sad, roll into a burrito blanket and surround it with snacks and plates full of potstickers. Place the burrito blanket in front of a laptop and open My Neighbour Totoro.
2. Option two: allow her hands to rest on your chest. If she starts squeezing and unsqueezing, that means it’s working.
3. Option three: sit on her lap and have her head rest against your chest. Talk about your day as you play with her hair and let her hands wander around your back. If her hands lands on your ass, it’s working.
4. Sometimes, Kara starts floating when she’s sleeping. Place some weight on top of her (leg and arm over her body) to prevent floating situations.
5. Kissing her neck and brushing fingers up inner thighs is the easiest and quickest way to rile her up. Another tip: attack when sleepy/just woken up.
6. Place alarm at 6:20am instead of 6:30am. Ten minutes of just cuddling with her and rubbing your face against her neck will benefit and get you both through the day.
7. Her favourite fruit is peach (of course. should have known.)
8. I’m the Little spoon. I can be the Big spoon, I just need to learn to ask for it.
9. Do not give into the Puppy Eyes and Pout. Or at least maintain a 50% plus success rate of not giving in. Giving in all the time has caused too much trouble for its own good (or at least, Alex says so.)
10. Push a plate of food her way whenever there’s no food present in front of her at parties. It makes her heart happy. Reward: a cheek kiss.
11. Ask Jess to send flowers to her office. Include two doughnut boxes. Reward: a happy and eager kryptonian waits for your return at home after work.
12. Do not try to trick her into eating food that contains vegetables. If the tricking becomes unsuccessful, it will result in a three hour pout and not being allowed to cuddle for seven hours max.
13. AWWWWW!! golly. lena luthor, you’re so CUTE!!! you left this on the coffee, babe. so cute so cute, I LOVE YOU!!!!! heh
14. Kara Danvers is not permitted to touch this rulebook.
15. Maximum strong alien alcohol tolerance: six shots and three glasses.
16. If limit is reached, be prepared for one extremely handsy kryptonian asking for kisses and hugs. (additional tip: don’t let her lick your neck (too much)).
17. Don’t stop and get confused when she starts staring at your face when laughing too hard. It’s because of the dimples and unfiltered laughter. Makes her unbelievably happy.
18. Use “darling” or “love” often. Bonus: whenever Kara is distracted or not listening, if one is used it’ll earn Kara’s undivided attention almost instantly.
19, When angry and in a heated conversation, allow time for both of us to cool down.
20. Allow self to be readable and vulnerable. Don’t bottle things to self. Keeping troubles and thoughts to self will cause distancing and worry. It’s Kara—there’s no need to hide away from Kara.
21. We are each others safe place. Remember this.
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mythikos26 · 3 years
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I got this from my great grandmother who passed on the 7.11.20. So this gift is not only the cutest but just the best.
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