mysweetsmentality · 2 hours
Human Heian era! Muzan with arranged marriage wife! s/o super sweet and kind. Cue tsundere (and in denial ✨) Muzan whenever his wife cares for him. Wants to cuddle with her and tries to makes up the excuses that he needs her body heat lmao
... Then she dies after trying to get blue spider lily for the medicine that the doctor requested (doctor "hinted" to lady s/o that the flower can be a cure for Muzan so he could trick her to get it for his lazy self lmao)
Fluff to angst my cup of tea 👍
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➤ Muzan with a wife!reader
➤ SFW headcanons (not proof read)
Human!muzan x Fem!reader
warnings: death of reader
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No, no, no, no.
None of this sat right with him!
Why, why on god mother earth would he need a wife only to probably get bored of him and slowly witness him die?
What’s the meaning of this nonsense?
Muzan isn’t happy with it one bit.
He throws a fit.
Bro is immature as hell to be honest.
He judges you and absolutely resents this situation before he even meets you.
Fast forward to the first time y’all meet. let’s just say you aren’t what he expected!
you were.. so kind. it almost seemed unreal.
Wonders if your kindness is fake or genuine.
He obviously doesn’t admit he does in fact enjoy your presence so instead he either throws childish insults at you or pretends he doesn’t want to be around you when really he craves your body warmth and soothing voice.
I feel like this Muzan is insecure.
Like, definitely insecure of his sickness and he usually asks you why you even want him if he’s just going to die in the end.
You consistently remind him that you love him for who he is and reassure him that you’re going to find a cure for him.
Doesn’t really help since he hears that from the doctor 24/7 but when it’s coming from you he actually feels a bit better about himself which is a first.
I also headcanon that this Muzan grows a bit shy when you touch him.
That’s only because he isn’t used to someone touching him so intimately and gently.
If you notice his flushed cheeks don’t you dare point it out!!
One night, Muzan really wasn’t feeling the best (as per usual) so being the loving wife you are you gladly offered him cuddles. you enjoy holding him, or him holding you.
Most of the time it’s mostly you holding him since he struggles to move..
Despite him being the biggest asshole on the face of the earth sometimes he does have a cute side.
Cue those special moments whenever you have to leave the futon he lies in, he briskly grabs your waist and pulls you back down with him while mumbling the words “stay”
Anywho, you smother this man to death at times.
Turns all Tsundere mode every time you do anything.
Acts repulsed by love but deep down you know he loves you just as much as you love him.
You adore Muzan with all your heart. No words can even begin to describe how deeply you appreciate him. You’d do anything to see him grow healthy. You know he can!
You’d walk the earth to find your husband a cure for his sickness.
Muzans doctor is highly aware of your growing relationship with him and how you’re so desperate to please him.
So, here you are, naively making the fatal mistake of doing the doctor a massive favor and searching for a medicine/plant called “blue spider lily”
Your clueless self accepts this mission in a heartbeat, assuming ahead of time that nothing could possibly go wrong.
Oh my, what an unfortunate evening that was because as soon as you leave town a deadly storm hits.
To make matters worst, Muzan isn’t even aware of any of this. He just thinks you forgot to visit him tonight.. which is incredibly odd considering the fact you’re all over him by now.
Doesn’t think much of it all until you’re pronounced dead by the next day.
You died, searching for that damn flower that the lazy bum doctor couldn’t get himself?!
As soon as he heard of your death, Muzan goes on a rampage with all the strength he can muster up in his fragile body.
He killed the doctor that same day you were announced dead.
Now Muzan truly has nobody. No cure for his illness, his lovely wife is gone, the doctor isn’t alive to nurse him back to health.
But at the end of the day, he doesn’t care for the doctor, nor that stupid medicine.
He only cares about you.
Muzan is aware he’s close to dying. All his life he despised his condition, desired for it only to go away, dying was his greatest fear.
But now?
Maybe dying isn’t so horrible after all.
At least he could reunite with you in the afterlife.
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A/N: i apologize if this post isn’t well written. i was rushing and i’ve been insanely busy lately! I hope you enjoyed tho:))
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mysweetsmentality · 3 hours
Muzan w/ a s/o (gnc or fem is fine!) that wears a mask to hide their horrifically damaged face? their parents made them get married to him,(on the assumption he was a wealthy business man) but since s/o haven't met him before, they were afraid of what he would be like. The parents didn't like that their child is being difficult, so they throw acid in reader face as punishment. would love to see how Muzan reacts to what their parents did to his betrothed. Probably very livved since he'd expect to be all well-
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He is furious. He genuinely had feelings for you, and he couldn't believe someone so close to you would hurt you just for being nervous to meet him. Even he understood why you were so nervous to meet him. So, when you opened up to him about what had happened, he found it hard to stay in character as a wealthy businessman. "I'm so sorry to hear that." He said softly. He gently places a hand on your back and rubbed your back while you ranted about your parents.
He didn't act immediately. It would be too obvious that he did something, so he waits a few months. You two were married by then and he tried to limit conversations with your parents as much as he could. He also encouraged you to take the mask that you wear off. He hates the fact that you feel like you have to cover your face it makes him angry every time he sees you wearing it. "Y/n, you look fine without the mask can you take it off for me?" he would often say.
About six months into your marriage was when he did something. He ate both of your parents and made it seem like they just went missing. In his eyes he was doing the most helpful thing he could think of. You were upset about what had happened and he played it off like he had nothing to do with what had happened. "We will find who did this y/n don't worry" he would assure you. But months into the investigation the police couldn't find anything, and they ended up having to drop the case and no one figured out what happened.
thank you so much for reading!!! Have an amazing day/night!!
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mysweetsmentality · 3 hours
if requests are open can i request a story for muzan? ^_^
like a female s/o being tired of being kept in their shared house and leaves and muzan is panicking bc he cant find her
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You were sick.
The marriage was arranged, your parents wanting you to experience a happy marriage before you died.
You were used as a cover for him, a sick wife. There would be no way that the demon slayers would look his way.
But, the more he spent with you, how uplifting you were despite your upcoming death.
And he just felt so... Soft for you.
You were so... He didn’t know to explain it….
There was so much about you that he couldn’t help but fall for…
Which means he grew worried for you, he understood what it was like to have an incurable illness.
Which was why, the second you were moved out of your parents home to his…
You were isolated.
The only one you could interact with was him, if you wanted something you had to call for him.
He didn’t need the others trying to talk to you or get you even more sick than you already were!
He was working on a cure… Yet they didn’t seek to work… And you were running out of time…
There was another way… But he didn’t want to taint your innocence with his blood…
You smiled softly as you played with your nieces and nephews, you wished to have children of your own…
With this illness… It was impossible… You would die before even getting to your third trimester…
You giggled softly as your nephew reached out to you, just hugging him close as you smiled.
You could only imagine a life where you were healthy and having a family…
Muzak panted softly as he looked at the destroyed room and dead maids around him…
You were gone… You weren’t anywhere to be found…
These useless servants couldn’t keep track of you…
You were no where in sight…
Did you find out his secret?! No… No you wouldn’t…
There was no way you did!
He’d find you…
He’d find you if it was the last thing he did…
He finally found you a day later…
He watched as you played with your nieces and nephews, biting his fingernail as he furrowed his brow.
He couldn’t lost you…
He would never lose you…
Which is why he did what he had to do…
He watched as you withered in pain, he didn’t want to turn you…
But you would live longer, your illness gone.
He kneeled down as he grabbed your face.
“Shh… shh…” he said to you before he stroked your cheek.
“It’ll help over soon… And you’ll have the live befitting of a queen…”
He would never part ways with you…
It was after all… Death do you part.
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mysweetsmentality · 3 hours
Can we get Muzan and Kokushibo discussing Muzan's very menacing bratty spoiled, daughter's behavior towards other demons with Muzan defending her every action and seeing nothing wrong with her behavior (while she torment's Douma and Hantengu in the background?)
I think it would be hilarious, thank you for considering my ask<3~
Aaaa! That’s actually really cute in a weird way! I like this idea a lot, thank you, love!
Kibutsuji Muzan- True Angel
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“Lord Muzan…” Kokushibo asked softly, sat on his knees in a respectful manner as Muzan turned to his top Upper Moon and frowned slightly, annoyed as he had another duty to finish. What does he want? Muzan raises his hand without so much as a word, as a non-verbal sign that the six-eyed man can speak freely. “Lord Muzan… you need to… talk to the… young Lady” Kokushibo was planning to explain to his rather unforgiving Master about his concerns over his very menacing, spoiled, bratty daughter’s behaviours towards all the other Upper Moons
“What about my daughter, Kokushibo? I dare you to try tell me my daughter isn’t perfect” Muzan barked coldly, the second his servant mentioned his beloved daughter. How dare he think he could try tell him how to parent his daughter! Those harsh words he spat out couldn’t cut down Kokushibo’s confidence as the demon samurai muscled out a response in very little time, he was barely intimidated by his own Master. He needed to get his point across, the Upper Moons are continuously tortured by you, Muzan’s precious daughter
“I’m not… suggesting that… I just… need you to know… about what she… does to us” Muzan titled his head, displeased and annoyed but since he favoured the brother of his worst enemy severely, he was willing to hear him out. But whatever he may say will be such bullshit, he can already tell. “Okay. What is the problem, Kokushibo. Tell me” The blood reds glared, unreasonable traces of anger already rising. To him, anybody merely mentioning his daughter in a negative light is insulting her and he wouldn’t let any breathing being insult his precious love
“Have you seen… how she… treats us?” Muzan’s stroked eyebrow rose in confusion as he shakes his head no, arms crossed over his chest. What could you possibly do to the five demons coursing with his blood, a lone Hashira could not stand a chance against them. “She attacks us constantly…” Kokushibo remarked in his signature low voice, causing Muzan to be thrown back internally. Shock overflowing him, that claim is just ridiculous
“Attacks you? That’s nonsense” Muzan answered firmly and still deep in disbelief, sitting down before Kokushibo after a few seconds of thought, to meet with his hexa-eyes. Kokushibo shakes his head slowly in response without a word, his hands still curled up and laid in his lap, Muzan simply didn’t believe that his perfect princess pulls mischief and causes chaos behind his back. “She does… she treats Hantengu like… a scratching… post and treats Akaza… like a punching bag” As the two built men spoke in a rather passive-aggressive and firm aura
You laughed mischievously under her breath, your blood red eyes glaring hatefully at the whimpering, whining Upper Moon 4 laying on the floor beneath you as you raised your claws up to be seen by him. Hantengu cried out as you swiped at his face with a delighted grunt each time, blood staining your claws. The surrounding Upper Moons all reacted differently to you targeting one of their fellow Moons, most wanted to get away
Gyokko immediately dropped into the safety of his ceramic pot at the mere sight of you, as Akaza flinched in horror at you, shuffling to the edge of the many block-like building’s roof whilst Douma chuckled at you and your mericless attacking on the poor Hantengu, slowly faning his face with his golden fan. None of the Upper Moons knew Kokushibo was trying to convince their Master that his daughter is unnecessarily attacking them, since she can totally get away with doing whatever she wants
“Are you sure she isn’t playing with them? Dokusha has different ways to play, then most kids” Muzan barked in a meaningful, honest response as he didn’t bother to move, completely interested in hearing all his Upper Moon 1’s arguments over you and your supposedly despicable behaviour to anybody, other than him. But he truly couldn’t seen what the problem is, you are harmless. None of the Upper Moons should be cowering at you, this concept sounds like delusion to him
“No… playing isn’t striking until… we bleed…” “It sounds more like you’re all too weak to handle playing with a child who has claws” “Master… She doesn’t play with… us, she hurts us” “What is the problem with her being able to hone her skills? I don’t get the problem, Kokushibo”
As the argument grew up and the voices rose, you leaped at Douma once you were done with the bleeding and pathetically sobbing Hantengu. Snatching his luxurious fan from his hand whilst you pinned him down as he chuckles at you, not even flinching at you stabbing it right though his eye. Your malicious grin spread as you purposefully twisted the impaled item in the Upper Moon 2’s socket, hoping he’d respond in any form. Their torment was your pleasure, but you hissed annoyed when Douma laughed louder and lifted a hand to pat your hair
He isn’t in pain?! How dare he mock you! You always get what you want and you want him to fear you! You hissed outloud, stamping on the fan as you kneed his stomach firmly. The closed fan dug deeper into his skill and spit out more of his disgusting red blood onto the cloor. Hantengu whimpered, shying into the nearby corner as his wounds healed whilst Akaza avoided watching the scene only a few metres besides him, trying his best to not intervene
If he were to try stop you, Muzan would have his head in a instant…
Muzan, on the other end of the gigantic marvellous open arena, didn’t even notice the way you attacked his Upper Moons as he continued to push back on every piece of evidence of your cruel bratty behaviour towards his loyal soldiers, presented by the most trustworthy man he has. Kokushibo didn’t want to give up, believing he had the most chance to convince his Master into trusting his every word he spoke about you. Muzan truly didn’t want to take his top’s remarks and he was tempted to ignore the concerns. Since his precious baby is a angel…
Why would she hurt anybody?
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mysweetsmentality · 3 hours
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Blue jeans.
Starring: Muzan Kibutsuji x f!reader;
Format: one-shot;
Warnings: nsfw, modern au, age gap, reader is twenty-one, sugar daddy dynamics, car sex, semi-public sex, vaginal sex, oral sex (Muzan receiving), use of alcohol, cigarettes, vaginal fingering, size kink;
Plot: You were his addiction. Young, beautiful and full of life, you made him forget about his problems for hours, whenever you met. The day you two had crossed paths for the first time, he thought it was not going to be anything more than a simple one-night stand. “No feelings involved” he had told you. Then, why did he miss you whenever you left?
Track: Blue jeans — Lana del Rey "You were sorta punk rock, I grew up on hip hop, but you fit me better than my favorite sweater".
He enjoyed your presence. As he now stared at your smooth, naked back facing him on his bed, he ran one hand through his curly, dark hair and sighed. He was not someone who grew attached to people. Feelings were foreign to him. Maybe he never learned how to love, or maybe love was never instilled into his heart. You, however, you had disrupted his whole life.
He blamed it on your laughter, or on the way your eyes glistened whenever you talked about something you liked. You were so innocent, at times. He loved the way your eyes widened and you hummed in delight, whenever he made you try some exotic dish you did not even know the existence of, until the menu was kindly handed to you by the gloved hand of a waiter.
He did not mind spoiling you.
You were young, your delicate features were a blessing to him. You were the sugar he needed in his sour life.
Glancing at your sleeping frame one last time, he reached his hand towards the nightstand, grasping his lighter and his cigarette pack. Another habit of his not even you could help him get rid of. He opened it absent-mindedly, only to realize it was the last one. Perhaps, it was truly time for a change then.
This cigarette was his last one. And you, you were the last woman he would have ever let step into his life. It was time to settle down, after all. He had spent too many nights in random downtown bars, hooking up with strangers he never remembered the name of, only to search for something he never found: warmth.
You were not supposed to be different. You were supposed to he as shallow as the others, but you were not.
It happened eight months ago. Chatting with your friends, drink in hand, you had caught his plum red eyes that infamous saturday night. Ignoring his presence was impossible. A man like him was too charismatic not to draw attention. The way you had tried to resist him, though, that had made him crave you. He stared at you from his stool, shooting captivating glances at you, trying to make you understand that he was demanding your attention. Defiantly, you barely locked eyes with him, almost making him lose his patience. In other circumstances, he would have probably picked someone else to give him the proper attention he demanded, but there was something about you that made his blood boil.
He wanted you that night.
When you suddenly stood up and slided onto the stool next to his one, still pretending not to see him, he chuckled. You were a delicacy, a rosebud in a nest of thorns ready to wound him, but he was old enough to know how to play his cards right.
“A double whisky, please” you asked the bartender, but Muzan interjected in your conversation.
“It’s on me” he smoothly said, half-lidded eyes staring at the liquid into his own glass.
It irked you. Did he just buy you a drink?
“Yeah, it’s on him” you replied sassily then, averting your eyes from the barman to look at him. He was handsome, elegant, older than you. His cologne pierced your nostrils as you leaned slightly closer to him to search for his eyes, the red eyes he had made sure you would have never been able to shake off of your mind ever again.
“Apparently, you’ve finally got the hint” Muzan lowly said, twirling the rum into the crystal glass before drinking it down in one gulp and gently settling it back onto the counter.
You grinned and propped your elbow onto the marble green surface in front of you, your chin rested on the palm of your hand as you watched the barman grasp a bottle to fill your glass. It was thrilling the way he felt so self-assured, his presence alone was enough to make your head spin.
“Don’t flatter yourself. I was just thirsty” you said, earning a chuckle from him.
“You could have asked the barmar to refill your glass from the table” he pointed out, shifting his position to turn his body around and face you properly.
Your cheeks flushed up and, when the glass of whisky was slided towards you, you were quick to grasp it to focus on something else that was not him. You failed so effortlessly though.
“What is it that you want?” you asked him eventually, raising your glass towards your mouth and biting down on the rim softly, before taking a sip of the liquor. It burned down your throat, just like his eyes burned on your skin.
Muzan did not miss his chance and let his eyes travel up and down your small frame. You were perfect, perfect for what he had in mind. Smaller than him, delicate and bold. Being a CEO took away his energy, he needed a distraction and you were a good one. Too precious not to ruin.
He leaned forward, his hot breath fanning your earlobe as he grinned and moistened his upper lip thoughtfully. It was clear that you were affected by his actions. He could see the way your breath hitched and the way your grip on the glass tightened significantly as he spoke “Frankly, just your mouth around my cock” he whispered only for you to hear.
Your eyes widened and you inhaled sharply, as his words sank in. He had no filters and you could not blame him for it. Why? It was probably the force of habit. A man like him could snap his fingers and obtain what he wanted right away. The thrill of doing such a dirty, lewd thing to a stranger, to a man like him, someone you would have probably never met again was tickling your most dark fantasies.
It took you several seconds to make up your mind. You sighed, gently setting your drink on the counter and glanced at your friends from above your shoulder. They were staring at you curiously, some of them probably wondering what you were about to do in excitement and some of them were honestly analyzing the scene with wary eyes. Indeed, the latter ones were the wisest.
“I have a dignity” you pointed out, darting your eyes back on Muzan.
“Growning up, you’ll find out there are things far way more valuable in life than what other people may think of you” he promptly replied, straightening his necktie casually. He seemed tired and not the kind of man who wanted to hurt you. He was not going to coax you into giving yourself away, he just hoped you would say him ‘yes’.
And you did.
As you two stumbled out of the bar fifteen minutes later, you knew you were probably going to either regret it for your whole life, or look back at it as an exciting adventure you had had with an older man on a boring night. He had told you his name was Muzan Kibutsuji. He had whispered it over your lips, right before pinning you against his car door.
His lips captured yours in a fervent kiss, holding your face with both of his huge hands, as his tongue entered your mouth with expertise and elicited a soft series of moans from your throat. It was not just his experience that blew your mind: it was him. It was clear as he unbuckled his belt, in the privacy of his car, and tangled his fingers through your hair.
He locked eyes with you, searching for the slightest sting of fear. He would have stopped immediately, if he had spotted it. Yet, there was just the hunger of anticipation in those glimmering eyes of yours and he firmly but carefully pushed your head down towards his crotch. With your eyes closed, you did your best to pleasure him. Your tongue twirled around the tip, right over the sensitive spot, making him groan softly in pleasure.
It was exactly what he needed. As you began to suck him off, you were slowly making his problems fade away and stress flow right into your warmth mouth. You almost gagged as he bucked his hips up in pleasure and he lolled his head back into the leather headrest, exhaling through his nostrils. When you were sure he was just going to let you finish him off like that, he surprised you.
“Stop” he breathed out, shifting on his seat to grasp the wallet from his pocket.
As he pulled out a condom from it and ripped it open with his teeth, you stared at him in both excitement and fear. Was he going to simply take you without a proper foreplay? You were about to point it out, when he grasped your jaw and planted a tender, passionate kiss on your lips to silence you.
“I am nothing like those dogs you are used to. I know how to properly stretch out a woman” he whispered, almost offended that you had thought so low of him.
“I didn’t—” you tried to apologize, but he simply scoffed and made the words die on your tongue as he pushed the thin fabric of your panties to the side and began to draw smooth figures eight on your bundle of nerves.
You moaned, blushing faintly in the dark car as you finally met a man who knew how to touch you properly. What did you expect? He was twice your years, a man of class, of power. He had told you himself he was not like the guys you were used to.
“You are beautiful, by the way” he whispered lowly, watching the way you arched your back as he thought you were wet enough to take another step. You hummed, squeezing your eyed shut as you adjusted yourself to his thick fingers. It was too much, it was overwhelming, and you could not believe what was truly happening.
He was so skilled that you had almost forgotten you were in a car, in a desert parking lot. You wanted him, you wanted him more than that, therefore you opened your eyes and gripped his wrist gently as a sign for him to stop his ministrations. You were ready for him. For all of him.
And as you straddled his lap, allowing him to guide your hips down to perfectly sink onto him, you knew things would have never been the same again. The thing was that, despite the rather brute way he had told you what he wanted from you, he did not just fuck you that night. The way his mouth hovered over yours, the way he held you so close to him, as if he was afraid you were going to slip away from him grasp, made feel something more.
There was loneliness in that passion, a void that needed to be filled.
Bouncing on his lap, you tugged at his hair, your thighs trembling as his shaft kissed your cervix and his mouth kissed the exposed skin of your neck. He had finally found it: the warmth of a young heart.
Now, putting his cigarette out on the silver ashtray he keeps on his nightstand, he grinned and rolled on his side. Resting his cheek on the pillow, he watched you. He never grew tired in doing it. You were a piece of art from a private collection, a gem. His fingertips glided down your naked back, trailing up towards the spine and grazing over the shoulderblades. You were his. You were his and no one else’s.
You hummed at the feeling, gently lifting your head to glance up at him. Your sleepy eyes always got him and, although he forced himself not to smile, you could swear his upper lip twitched.
“Hey…” you whispered softly, half-lidded eyes staring at him in adoration.
He did not say a word, he simply stroked your hair as if he wanted to lull you back to sleep. Yet, you had learned to read him and his poker face. There was something on the tip of his tongue.
“What is it?” you inquired, not moving an inch but keeping your eyes locked with his red ones.
“Liar. I know that look on your face. You want to ask me something. — you replied, sitting up and letting the silky blankets pool down over your waist — Speak up, Kibutsuji” you invited him to talk, poking his biceps with your index.
He loathed your childish ways to make him give up and talk, but he was almost defenseless in front of them. You were his greatest weakness.
“Actually, I got no questions for you. It’s just that… Well, I’m falling for you, I guess” he confessed.
Never in his life he had pulled down his mask like that. However, a love confession from him was overdued. He spoke his mind no matter what. He was not scared of his feelings for you. It was just that, for the first time ever, he did not want to ruin you, as he thought he wanted the night you two met.
You stared at him with your lips slightly parted, your cheeks heating up, as you scooted closer to him and snuggled into his chest. His chest, where you could hear his steady heartbeat, was your favore place to sleep. It comforted you.
“I love you too, Muzan” you mumbled, closing your eyes as you felt his arm flex and wrap you up into a tight embrace. There was no escape.
Maybe it was a trap, maybe it was the highway to paradise. You did not know for how long it would have lasted. All you knew was what you felt and, in that very moment, you wanted him as much as he wanted you.
Until you filled the void in his heart. Until it broke your bones. Until it hurt.
Tags: @mrskokushibo @doumadono @yazzzmints @tired-writer04 I dedicate this piece to you!❤️
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mysweetsmentality · 3 hours
Hiii! May I request some hc of the reader cockwarming Muzan during a video call with her parents?😎
Cock-warming Muzan during a video call with your parents.
Starring: Muzan x f!reader.
Warnings: nsfw, unprotected sex, slightly choking spanking, vaginal sex, oral sex (Muzan receiving).
Format: headcanons.
Plot: Craving your revenge on your husband for having forgotten about your dinner out yesterday, you came up with a perfect plan to make him pay for his sins. Once he came back from a tiring day at work, you allured him into your trap and forced him to endure a real ‘physical torture’ during a video call with your parents. Were you ready to face the consequences of your actions, though?
• Unaware of what was yet to come, your husband groaned softly at the way your tongue swirled around the tip of his leaking cock. His fingers were tangled in your hair, his head lolled back on the headrest of his leather armchair. You truly knew how to help him steam off some stress after a long, tiring day at work.
• Well, of course you did. You were enjoying yourself too, after all. Yet, this was not going to last long. Despite your hunger for him and your devotion in satisfying your husband’s needs, giving Muzan a blow job was just a part of your devious plan. Muzan Kibutsuji was not going to get his release tonight, he was going to endure so much frustration and physical pain he would have thought twice the next time, before ‘forgetting’ about another important dinner with you.
• You glanced up at him as he yanked your hair back, his plum red eyes meeting yours in a lustful glare “Ride me” he demanded, watching the way you suavely stood up from between his knees and quickly unzipped your skirt, letting it pool down at your feet.
• Muzan loved watching you strip for him. The power he had over you, the way you always obediently left the items fall on the floor one by one was enticing. He loved seeing you bouncing up and down his cock, feeling your mouth hovering over his one sinfully, as you thought you were the one in control. He found it amusing the way you always tried to break him, but never really succeeded in it.
• If only he knew how the tables were about to turn…
• You bit your lower lip softly, your panties following the destiny of your skirt and landing on the floor as you leant down towards Muzan. You captured his lips in a tender, yet passionate kiss “Your wish is my command” you whispered then, before turning your back at him and lowering yourself onto his erected, throbbing member. Muzan moaned softly, his hands gripping your hips tightly as your walls clamped down on him.
• “Fuck— Feisty, aren’t we? – he breathed out, sitting up and pressing his still covered chest against your back – I did not expect a reverse cowgirl today, but I’m not complaining” he chortled, his mouth latching onto the left side of your neck as you stared at the pc awaiting for the incoming video call from your parents.
• “I feel experimental, babe… – you sneered, rolling your hips even so slightly to elicit one of his guttural, erotic groans from him – I promise you are going to enjoy it”.
• Muzan hummed, his hot breath fanning your earlobe as he snapped his hips up abruptly, making a high-pitched moan to erupt from your throat “Fucking start to ride me like the bitch in heat you are, darling” he hoarsely said, only to narrow his eyes at the pc as the Skype ringtone spread through the room.
• Now, Muzan was one hundred percent sure you were going to ignore the call. Your parents would have understood anyway, thus he chuckled and wrapped one hand around your throat “Ah, imagine your father’s face, if he saw the lewd faces you’re about to make…” he stated, a smug smile plastered over his face.
• Poor Muzan.
• “Mmm, you better not do that because I really have to answer. Face the camera, Mr. Kibutsuji” you whined, right before dragging your finger on the cursor and answering the call.
• Muzan.exe stopped working. His mouth agape, his expression blank as the cheerful faces of your parents appeared on the screen. How dare you? That was what betrayal felt like.
• “Hi mom! Hi daddy!” you greeted your parents, waving your hand at them as if you were not stuffed with the twitching, hard cock of your husband.
• Muzan gulped down nervously, his hand squeezing your hip harshly as if he wanted you to know that you had royally screwed up. However, you were going to give him a very hard time in speaking to them. After all, he deserved it, right? Therefore, you rolled your hips slowly, pretending you were just shifting your position. Muzan stiffened, a groan almost erupting from his throat “Good evening, Mrs and Mr. L/N” he rasped, faking cough to mask the pleasure engulfing his lower abdomen.
• Sweat ran down his back as he was forced to strike up a conversation with your parents. Why did you do that? Why were you punishing him?
• Then your mother spoke and he froze solid, reality dawning on him as a cold shower. His cock almost softened, but you promptly shifted again and he had to clasp his hand over his mouth to fake another stupid coughing fit “How was your dinner yesterday?”.
• “Aww, unfortunately, we had to call it down… — you pouted, planting a kiss on your husband cheekbone, shifting slighty on your seat – As you can see, Muzan is not at his best!”.
• “I wonder why” Muzan almost growled, as his hand slided down towards your clit. Well, if you were going to be a pain in the ass, he was too. As he started rubbing figures eight on your bundle of nerves, careful not to let your parents get a hint of what was going on, your cheeks heated up and you knew you were toasted by the dangerous glint in Muzan’s eyes.
• Long story short, you made up an excuse and ended the call. But, as soon as you did, Muzan lost his temper.
• You did not even had enough time to realize what was happening that you found yourself bent over the desk, Muzan’s hand spanking your ass a few times in a row, before he leant down towards your ear “What the fuck was that, huh? Acting all bitchy for a dinner? Ah, you must be starving! I’ll give you a wholesome meal you’re not going to regret, dear. Daddy is going to take care of you”. With that, he pulled out of you only to pick a feral pace.
• Spoiler Alert: you could not even walk to the bed on your legs, once he was done with you.
Hello there! My my, I got a little carried away I think… I’M NOT SORRY THOUGH. I’m a whore for Muzan, but y’all know it already. I hope you have enjoyed this one as much as I did!
Tag: @tired-writer04 because we got a kink for him. Send help, guys💀❤️
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mysweetsmentality · 3 hours
Warning: Sexual themes.
He grabbed the back of your head slamming it into the pillow as he hammered his cock into you from behind. You damn bitch you like that isn't it?" He huffed out and he used his other hand to grip you hip making it easier for him to thrust into you. "You were practically begging him to rail you. B-but guess what? No one will fuck you the way the way I fuck you." You were a moaning mess not being able to form any coherent words. "Nobody will ever make you feel the way I feel." He's thrust were becoming more vigorous and rough. He was slam his big cock in and out of you like there's no tomorrow. You tightened around him signalling your about to cum. "S-shit just like that.." He moaned. You came with a broken cry as he continued his brutal fucking. After a couple more rough slamming, he finally came deep inside you. Maybe you should get him more jealous next time.
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mysweetsmentality · 3 hours
Muzan sits there with a smile on his face everytime your lips make contact with his skin
Hands holding your wrists loosely as you cradle his face, turning it this way and that way to place kiss after kiss - each kiss punctuated by a "Mwah!"
A chuckle rumbling through his chest
"Are you done, my love?" He asks, eyes filled with a lovestruck gaze "I have a meeting to attend"
breathe stuttering as you giggle
"Do you not enjoy my kisses?" You say with a pout
Muzan has to stop himself from whining as you try to pull away, keeping your hands on his face as he speaks,
"Of course I do, I just need to go for that meeting..."
With a sigh you bring him in for one final kiss, lips meeting his sweetly
"Come home safe to me" you whisper, placing another sweet kiss on his skin "Come home safe.."
"I will"
And he leaves.
Form poised and walk graceful
A blush flushes his skin upon catching his reflection, of course you had kissed him while wearing lipstick...
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mysweetsmentality · 11 hours
My Number One Priority | Kokushibo
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₊˚⊹♡ ∘₊ ───────────── ₊˚⊹♡ ∘₊ ─────────────── ₊˚⊹♡ ∘₊
warnings ✩° : 18+ NSFW, cursing, brat taming!receiving, rough sex, p in v, fucking against a wall, built up tension, consumption of alcohol (but non-intoxicated sex), not established relationship, consensual sex, size difference, open area fucking, dirty talk, dacryphilia.
pairing ✩° : bodyguard!kokushibo x fem!reader, au not specified maybe modern idk…
premise ✩° : as your personal body guard, kokushibo is tasked with looking after everything you do to ensure your safety. you typically don’t take kindly to his overbearing nature, seeing as he’s just someone your dad hired, but kokushibo wants to change your mind about this whole protection thing to show you it’s really not all that bad.
word count ✩° : 5.7k
authors note ✩° : so. i’m back. with this. lol!
Keep reading
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mysweetsmentality · 11 hours
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His little slayer
Kokushibo x fem reader smut!
Summary: following your mission, you managed to run into the demon you were sent to look for. Only it seemed to be the upper moon one, kokushibo, who seemed to have started his heat.
Warnings: (Dark content! ) 18+/ MDNI!!noncon turn to dubcon ( do NOT read if uncomfortable with this type of things!), fingering, rough fucking, readers face down ass up type way . Creampie, reader gets called 'little slayer' as a nickname but is in fact of age!!
Tagging: @raiinbqw @hunny-hotline @jaxyy219 @sneekoo @imyourbrokenfridge @thesweetestqueenofall @honeybubblebuttercup @darlingskiss @blackchim3ra @vyxxi0-o
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Kokushibo couldn't help but clench his teeth as a growl erupted from his throat. The demon was stalking throughout the dark deep forest. Trying to steady his breathing as it had begun to grow irregular for some unknown reason. His chest feeling as though it were closing in. He wasn't sure what exactly the cause of it was. But whatever it was, was beginning to get on his last nerve. Not to mention the fact his body felt as though it was on fire, it also didn't help him that none of his concentration breathing seemed to have been helping him improve as well. He even tried to walk underneath a waterfall to see it could help cool his body temperature for god's sake! Even that was all but a failure in the end.
Yes. He was sure that he was at his wits end.
He was absolutely furious. His hand soon found its way towards the handle of his Katana. He couldn't help but grip it tightly in frustration. He was getting sick of this feeling. Why was his body acting this way all of a sudden?! He only hoped that he wouldn't run into those pathetic excuses of the demon slayer corpse. Or maybe he did. As he'd only end up using them for his relief as he tore them to shreds. Soaking in their screams of pain and agony as he tore into their flesh, ripping them apart. Piece. By. Piece.
His ears soon heard the sounds of quick and somewhat silent footsteps quickly making their way towards him. And from the scent that came from then. He could immediately tell it was a human. He guessed his prayers were somewhat heard. He thought at the familiar sound of a sword being drawn.
Taking out his own, he was quick and easy to deflect the person's attack. With a swipe of his katana, the unknown attacker was easily swung back and thrown to the floor. Though, with a quick grunt they were quick to leap onto their feet once more. Kokushibo paused for a moment until the dust that flew up in the air soon faded revealing his attacker.
It was in fact a demon slayer, but not just any one. It was a female one at that. He huffed in annoyance. "You've made the wrong decision… In choosing to fight me.. Little slayer." You couldn't help but shiver when hearing the demon's voice. It was deep and honestly, a bit intimidating. And it didn't help that you finally had noticed the kanji engraving in his eyes.
Uppermoon one…
The strongest out of the twelve kizuki. You were sure to be doomed if you went onwards from here. The feeling of sweat of uneasiness fell from your forehead but nonetheless, you gripped your handle tighter. Even if you knew you would be killed in the process. You would try your best to slay him, it was your duty as a demon slayer after all.
Seeing how you took a stance, Kokushibo only hummed. He'd make sure to be quick and get rid of you. He would usually humor them, make it look like they had a chance up against him. But in the end, all their efforts were pointless as he'd just slash them with a quick swing of his Katana. Ending their life's right then and there. But tonight was different. His whole entire body was defining him and what he wanted. Which meant that he held little to no patience at all.
But maybe after dealing with you. He could finally try and calm himself with whatever was happening in the beginning. Seeing that you were the first to take charge, kokushibo was quick to block your attack. Not too long after, he also swung his own sword.
Soon all that was heard around the both of you were the sounds of your katanas clashing against one another. That and your grunts as you tried your very best to dodge every attack he swung your way. You and he both were surprised that you'd managed to live as long as you had now. Even if you were now covered with cuts from the attacks he did manage to land on you. All the while kokushibo stood tall with little to no damage on him. Through, he'd just regenerate if he had been hit.
With one final swing you had just barely managed to dodge it but was completely taken off guard by a strong kick that was sent towards your stomach. With a forced cough you were soon forced back making you lose your grip on your katana.
You fell with a grunt as you slid onto the ground. You could only pant as you had grown too tired. You were no match for him, that much kokushibo could tell. But he did applaud that you managed to fight as long as you had. Even if you weren't a hashira. At most you were a kinoto.
"You've managed to survive this long… not many do…I applaud you for that." He spoke out. He continued to watch as you tried to lift yourself up from the ground. God, you looked absolutely pathetic. He couldn't help but think as you tried to crawl your way over towards where your katana layed.
Making his way over towards you, kokushibo soon stood over your body. Lifting up his left leg, he placed it on your back forcing the top part of your body to the floor. You grunted from the force as you still tried your best to reach for your katana. "You fighting is futile… just accept that your life will end…by my hands. " he muttered.
Pressing more of his weight down on you, you couldn't help but grunt in pain as you were being pushed further into the ground. You had to get out of this! You soon began to shuffle every which way you could, trying to release his grip on you. "Let me… go!" You shouted in a growl.
Kokushibo couldn't help but look down on you in amusement. You reminded him of a small and helpless little animal that was about to be devoured by its prey. So weak and defenseless. He kept his gaze on you, enjoying the way you struggled beneath him. His gaze soon stopped on your bottom that was still well in the air swaying side to side as your arms had a firm grip to the floor as you tried to lift yourself from the ground.
Kokushibo couldn't help but notice how his eyes seemed to have been fixated on your action. The way your hips moved as though it were in a taunting manner. He didn't notice how he removed his leg from your back. Or how his hands had moved unsubconsciously lifted themselves until they were firmly grasping onto your ass causing your body to tense and jolt upward in surprise.
"H-hey! What the hell do you think you're doing!" You shouted towards him with a growl. Kokushibo only ignored your shouting as his thumbs began to rub against your ass causing you to freeze in place. Kokushibo also felt his own body heat rise up more than before. Only this time almost growing unbearable. Not to mention how he felt his blood shot through him and directly down towards his groin. And it also didn't help him with the fact that you seemed to have been wearing a skirt than pants like other slayers would have. Honestly, what was up with that?
'Shit', kokushibo thought, his teeth gritting against one another in annoyance. As your skirt had hiked up a tad bit, giving him a little more view on what was underneath. His body seemed to have reacted to it. He knew exactly what was going on. He didn't know how it could have possibly slipped past his mind.
The demon was in heat.
Kokushibo always made sure to keep the thought in mind. He'd always plan ahead to take care of these kinds of things before it escalated too quickly. So how did it manage to pass him this time? He huffed, it didn't matter now. Now that he finally knew what was wrong with him. He knew exactly what to do in order to relieve himself from it all. And who was it that was going to help him through it as well.
"Here's what is going to happen." He mumbled while lifting up one of his hands that held his weapon only to slam his Katana down to the ground as it dangerously landed far too close to your neck forcing you to freeze and listen."You will allow me… kokushibo, upper moon one of the twelve kizuki… to use your cunt as I so please...to help relieve me from my heat". His… heat? You were in deep thought, you thought you had heard of demons going in heat before. But it was rather strange if you had been honest about it. You also thought it was just some joke some slayers of the corpse made up. Guess you were wrong-
His grip on your ass tightened, you gasped when feeling his sharp nails begin to sink into your soft flesh. That and the fact that something hard began to poke your bottom as well- "And in return.. I will allow you to live. " Kokushibo bent over his body to loom over yours. "How does that sound… little slayer" he purred.
You crunched your nose in disgust. A groan was torn from his throat when feeling your ass began to move, managing to rub against his groin as you tried to release yourself from his grip. "Like hell! Get the fuck off me! As if I'd let a demon such as yourself have their way with me! " you hissed towards him. All while the more eager to get him to let you go.
Though, it only triggered him to buck his hip forward making you jolt forward from the force and being able to feel more of his erection. You couldn't help feel your face heat up when feeling just how large it was. God, this was bad. This was very very bad! -
"Shame, you didn't have much of a choice…" He chuckled down towards you. His hand that was once on his Katana was brought back to your ass. With a tight grip, he pulled you back on to his bulge making you gasp- "I was going to fuck you anyways… you only get to decide whether…you lived of not. " he added as he began to slowly grind himself against you causing you to yelp at feeling more of him.
"But do not worry… " he muttered as his right hand slowly began to move its way under your skirt and towards your core. "I'll make sure to pleasure you as well… just before I kill you." Your legs immediately tried to close on themselves to try and prevent him from reaching further. This only made him huff in announce as he kneeled to the ground. His thighs forcing their way between your legs forcing them to spread themselves wider like before.
"Didn't I tell you before… " he growled as he slightly bent forward allowing his chest to press against your back to keep you in place. All while two of his fingers began to lightly graze themselves against your covered lips making you whimper. "You fighting me is futile. Just give in… Won't you? " he huffed into your ear as he grasped onto your underwear. Giving a rough tug, he managed to rip it off from you, making you gasp at the force.
Lifting the two fingers that were against your core. He brought them up against his lips before allowing his tongue to lap around them, coating them with his saliva. Once he deemed that it was enough to use as lubricant he brought them back down to your quivering lips before carefully sliding them into your opening making you gasp. "H-hey- w-wait a minute! " you clenched your eyes shut when feeling him slowly drag his fingers out only push them back in. "I told you before… just give in" he grunted before nuzzling his face into the back of your neck just before lightly nipping at the area.
Your eyes squeezed tighter while you gritted your teeth in a scowl. One of your hands immediately went down to try and force him to stop, all while the other tried its best to keep your body up. But it was no use when your body began to tremble at the feeling of his fingers stretching, opening your walls wider. "W-what do you think you're- doing! " you cried out. Kokushibo only hummed, "I'm only preparing you of course… I'm quite large and wish to not… break you this early on. "
"Well, stop it! " you hissed your hand finally being able to grasp onto his wrist. "Why? Your body seems to be finally reacting to my advances properly. " you bit your lip to try and hide a groan as you felt his fingers pump themselves deeper into your entrance. God as much as you hated it. He was right. You couldn't deny it as you felt yourself growing wetter as he kept thrusting his fingers into you. And by god did it feel good too. But it wasn't like you'd ever let him know that. You let out a Yelp at the feeling of his hand twisting in a new angle, this allowing his thumb to brush against your clit. Your grip on him tightened in anticipation.
A whine tore out of your lips when his thumb began to slowly make circles against your bud. "Not to mention it sounds like you…my little slayer.. Are beginning to enjoy this as well. " he cooed as he continued to toy with you. You turned your head as best as you could to give him a glare. "Like hell! As if you could ever make me e- enjoy- OH GOD! " You were cut off by his pace beginning to pick up speed making the hand that held on to him fell to better hold yourself up. And your head went limp and as a whine was being torn from your lips. Kokushibo's eyes squinted in delight, enjoying the control he seemed to have on your body.
"Oh really?" He began as you covered your mouth to try and hide anymore noises coming out of you. Your eyes began to roll in pleasure at the feeling of him curling his fingers. "Because it seems to me… your body is telling me otherwise" your hand began to muffle your quiet moans as you shut your eyes closed to focus on holding yourself together. Your breath hitching at the feeling of a building pressure beginning to form. "And by the way you're clenching on my fingers alone… I'd say you're close to coming undone… are you not, little slayer? " he asked in a whisper, his body still bent slightly as his lips brushed against the shell of your ear. His warm breath caused your back to arch and your cheeks burning up as he placed a firm kiss just near below your jaw. God, the way he spoke was driving you insane.
"Fuck.. You- AH! " you shouted as his thumb that still circled against your clit swiped it one final time before you felt your climax come crashing down. "Oh fuck! '' You cried out, your hand that covered your mouth slammed onto the ground, your body shaking from your sudden release. Kokushibo only chuckled at this, his fingers still pumping inside of your now dripping cunt. "It seems as though… I was right." He purred as he felt your arousal begin to drip down his hand. He gave your now swollen bub one final brush making you shutter until he finally pulled himself off you, a whine leaving you as his fingers also finally withdrew from you as well.
Kokushibo couldn't help but stare down at you. You seemed to be in a panting mess, trying to catch your breath. Your legs still slightly shaking from your orgasm. Humming, he hiked up your skirt higher now fully showing your name ass to him. He even managed to notice how some of your own slik slowly slid down against the inner of your thighs. Your hole clamping against nothing at the sudden loss of his fingers that were in you moments before. He couldn't wait any longer at the feeling of him growing harder.
Releasing you from his hold, he hastily began to remove his kimono off him as his body heat grew to extreme to his liking. His hands immediately fell to his silk belt from his hakama pants. Undoing the tie, he tossed it carelessly to the side, soon after sliding his pants down just enough to free his length. You who was still trying to get a hold of yourself together, didn't seem to notice him lining himself to your entrance until you felt his left hand fall against your ass check as he began to give it a light massage and the way his tip began to rub itself against your slik puffed lips making your gasp.
"I'm going to put it in now. " he warned you as he continued to lubricate the crown of his cock against your slit. Your eyes widened, your face heating up more from embarrassment at his words and at the feeling just how large he was. "W-wait Wait! T-there's no way you're going to make that fit! " you cried out. He huffed as he got himself more comfortable behind you. "Believe me when I say, it will… I'll force it if I have to anyway." He growled, slowly beginning to push his hips forward allowing his length to finally push inside of your hole. Your eyes feeling like they were bulging out at the feeling of him stretching you open making you whimper as tears began to form and fall down your face. All while kokushibo groaned at the feeling of your walls clamping down against him as they tried adjusting to his length. Loving how you were soaking from your previous orgasm allowing him to easily push himself through.
"See-" he grunted out as he slowly pulled his length out half way before pushing it in once more, stuffing you full- "it fit in perfectly… almost as if you were practically made for me in fact. " he teased as he rolled his hips before continued to have his way with. You on the other hand were a quivering mess. You didn't even have the energy to curse at him. Not when he was pushing his large cock into your quivering cunt. Your face flushing from hearing the sinful sounds coming from both your bodies as he thrusted himself in. Not to mention how you began to become more vocal to it as well.
You bite back a moan at the feeling of his tip brushing against your sensitive spot. He must have taken a noticed as he smirked. "Oh? Did I hit something? " he grunted, his thrusting pace begining to pick up. "By the way your clenching against me… I think I did. " he taunted with a Huff. You turned your head to glare at him. "Shut- Ah! Shut up! " you whined your face warm with embarrassment, moaning as he grabbed your ass in a firm hold and slamming himself into you hitting the exact same spot making your eyes roll.
"Ah fuck! " you mewled out in half pain as his grip on you was to harsh and in pleasure at him hitting all the right places making you grip the grass below you. Kokushinbo only let out a grunt at the feeling of your heat tighten on his cock. He didn't remember the last time he ever felt this good during his heat. Looking down to you, his eyes half lidded as he was to caught up in his own pleasure. Looking down he couldn't help but enjoy how your body seemed to jolt with every hard thrust of his hips. He began to rub his thumbs against your ass massaging it, loving hearing how hard you'd try to hide your moans from him.
It was clear to him that you were indeed enjoying yourself. With the way he'd notice how you'd try covering your mouth to hold in those cute little moans. Or the way your legs would tremble with every harsh thrust, not to mention how utterly wet you've become making an absolute mess on him. Your cunt gripping onto him wanting more of him. And lucky for you. He'd glad do just that.
Letting go of your ass with his right hand. He let it glid down your body enjoying the way how it made you shiver. Placing his palm on the center of your back, he gave you a firm push sending your body further to the ground. "Stay like this for me… won't you? " he asked making you shiver at how low and seductive his voice sounded. His hand returning to your ass. You mufflled a moan, your back arching at the feeling of him going slightly deeper into you. God, you'd have been lying if you said you weren't beginning to enjoy it. As much as it pissed you off as a demon of all things were making you feel this way. He was making you feel the best you'd ever had with anyone you were with before.
Your eyes widened with shock as a cry tore from you when feeling him thrust deep into you. Your fingers digging themselves into the floor below you as you could feel him push his way further, his tip just kissing your cervix. "My god! " you cried in utter bliss. Not being able to contain your moans any longer as you continued to cry, your head laying on the floor. Not even caring of getting your uniform dirty anymore dirty than it already was from both your previous fight. Even going as far as spreading your legs further apart to allow him more room. Not to mention how you also pushed yourself against him showing signs of wanting more of him.
Kokushibo groaned at this. His eyes closing tightly until opening one of his six eyes to stare down to your quivering body. He couldn't help but smirk, " You know… " he began lowering his voice. His body leaning over, allowing you to feel how muscular he was to lay against your back. One of his arms resting beside you to keep him up while the other was kept on your ass keeping you secured." By the sounds coming out of your mouth… I'd say you were actually enjoying this. " withdrawing his hips back, be pulled himself out your soaking wet pussy with just the crown of his cock still in. Whimpering at the loss feeling of his dick in you. Lifting your ass to push more of him back in, you whined when his grip on your ass kept you in place making him chuckle.
"To think, a demon. The very thing you swore onyour life to slay…is making you moan this sinfully. " he breathed heavily just against the shell of your ear making you tremble. A gasp leaving past your lips as he thrusted his whole length deep into you making you cry out. He angled his hips making sure to thrust deeply into you making you moan and cry below him, soft cries begging for more. "Are you enjoying yourself…my little slayer?" He purred just beside you letting his breath tickle your ear. You nodded your head, moaning as he began to nip at your it. "Use your words slayer. " he growled, his rough callous hand giving you a harsh slap on your ass making your jolt and nod more frantically, "y-yes! God yes! It feels amazing! " you managed to rasp out fat tears rolling down your cheeks at a familiar tight knot beginning to form.
Kokushibo immediately took note of this as he felt your walls begin to flutter against him. "Is the little slayer about to come again? " he taunted fucking your a bit harder. But with the way you tilted your head against him and a moan being ripped out from you. Leaving him to assume you didn't mind. "Don't worry, I am as well. " he grunted, the feeling over his own orgasm coming soon as well this making you cry out more.
He began to give you kisses against your skin. Sometimes even allowing some of your skin into his mouth as he sucked on it harshly making sure to leave a mark. "Won't you moan my name little slayer? " he breathed against your ear once more making you shutter. "Come on little slayer… moan my name out. I know you, know it. " he coached his hips beginning to stutter. "Moan it as you make a pretty mess with your cum on my cock" this seemingly to make the knot in you snap.
"K-kokushibo~! " you mewled while finally Cumming onto his cock that was still being pumped into your now soaking pussy. "That's a good little- little slayer" he growled against you making you moan. "That's a good girl. " he panted as he gave you a few more thrust before one hard and powerful thrust causing him to groan and your back to arch in a moan at the feeling of him realising his own seed in you. Your eyes rolled at the feeling of him filling you up making your mouth fall open and a loud moan come out before your head fell to the ground in a panting mess. Kokushibo gave a few more thrusts before allowing himself to take a breath before lifting himself off you all while letting go of your ass and finally withdrawing his cock out of your dripping hole. This causing your body to fall limp onto the floor leaving you still trying to catch your breath.
"Well, that was most enjoyable now was it. " he huffed as he stood up and began dressing himself. You only having the strength to give him a side eye. "Will… will you kill me now like you said you would" you managed to whisper out, but nonetheless catching kokushibo's ears. He gave you a glance. You were panting, eyes half open as you grew to exhausted, and your legs slightly twitching every few minutes.
He hummed deep in thought, he had said he'd kill you wouldn't he? His gaze was locked into your quivering and most likely now sweaty body. Though, you had made him felt ways he hadn't before with another. And if something like this were to happen again. He wouldn't mind using you once more. "I won't kill you-" he began, turning to you fully as he started to make his way to you. Standing in front of you, he squatted while reaching a hand out to take a strand of your hair.
"But, I do have two options for you. " he said as he began to play with your hair. "You either come with me. I will make sure no demons would ever come near or harm you…You will be sheltered, clothed and fed…All while allowing me to take you when my heat or any time I wish. " your eyes widened hearing this. Was he… was he actually serious?! He let go and raised a finger to lay against his lips "that- or have your fellow slayers such as yourself find you like this, all beat and used by a demon…I'm sure you'll have a very fun time explaining how you allow a demon… the strongest of the kizuki nonetheless to have its way with you… you chose little slayer… what will it be? " he hummed.
You were left frozen. You'd either stay with this demon. One who's lived how ever many years on this earth, who's taken who knows how many lives of innocents. And all while allowing him to have his way with you whenever he pleaded? Was he insane?!
But then, you thought of his other option. He was right. How were you going to explain to the corpse members how you layed with a demon? Sure it might pass as he was clearly stronger than yourself. An upperank of all, you were no hashira. There were absolutely no way you'd kept up with them. But even then, you also know how they'd also look down on you. Call you the one who'd allow a demon to have its way with them. No one would ever look at you the same. No one would ever respect you the same.
Looking back to him, your eyes wandered his body. His kimono yet to be put on allowing your eyes to wander. Your face heated up, now that you had a better glance at him. He was a rather attractive one if you had been honest. He looked to be a male somewhere within his late twenty's. His chest was rather toned as well. If he stated to take 'care' of you. You honestly began to not mind at the thought. Even if that did technically meant that you'd be going against the corpse. Oh what the hell-
"I'll… I'll leave with you. " you panted your eyes struggling to stay open before closing. You heard him chuchle, hearing some shuffling. You felt yourself being lifted into the air what felt like muscular arms wrap themselves around you. "That's a very well choice. " kokushibo chuckled walking away with his things in his other hand. Pressing a kiss against Your head that was resting against his bare chest.
"Let's leave to your new home… my pretty little slayer"
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mysweetsmentality · 11 hours
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Your Mine
Yandere kokushibo x fem reader smut
Summary: Kokushibo doesn’t like the fact he found out that you spend time with Akaza while he is away without his acknowledgement.
Warning: this will include a bit of a blood kink (?), fingering, rough fucking , chocking, matting press, cream pie
Tagging: @uzuis1sthusband @thotfulwriter @uchihabucketlist @rvnunaa​  
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mysweetsmentality · 12 hours
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Which ones Daddy?
Michikatsu x reader (MODERN AU!!)
Summary: After seeing the videos of twins confusing their own child. You and Yorrichi’s wife Uta thought it would be fun to give it a shot with your own husbands.
Warnings: slight suggestive??
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mysweetsmentality · 12 hours
Yoriichi x reader x Michikatsu smut (because I've been craving some of that)
(Btw, this is my first time writing smut so it'll probably be quite bad)
(This is a modern AU where the reader, Michikatsu and Yoriichi are in a polygamy relationship)
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Michikatsu and Yoriichi glance up at you as you enter the room. Having just finished showering, your bathrobe clinging loosely to your body, and your skin was still a little damp. Nothing you thought would stimulate any kind of response. However, you're two lovers have a tendency to be a bit...perverted at times. Their eyes bore into you as you proceeded to brush your hair.
Michikatsu was in agony. The simple thought of knowing you where naked in the room next door set a heat throughout his body. A desperate craving he had to satisfy.
His brother wasn't much better. Yoriichi's arousal spiked as soon as he saw your almost bare body exit the bathroom, dirty images filling his mind as he watched you.
You ran your fingers through your hair as you finished brushing it, the strands flowing silkiny through your finger. As you placed the brush back on your desk, you felt a pair of strong arms wrap around you in a warm embrace. You lent back into Yoriichi touch as he nuzzled his face into yiur hair, inhaling deeply as he did so.
"You're beautiful, "he muttered, his hands trailing a light path up you arms.
Warms coated your face at his words, to nervous to disagree, to flustered to answer.
Yoriichi stared to place gebtle kisses along your neck, his hands trailing a feather-light path down your arms. Michikatsu mived to stand infront of you, his hands cupping your face as he pulled you in for a desperate kiss. His lips moulded against yours in a kiss both soft and searing. Both gentle and rough.
As your wrapped your arms around Michikatsu's neck, Yoriichi's kisses started to gradually turn rougher, his lips leaving faint marks in his wake, causing you to moan into his brother's mouth.
Michikatsu's tongue brushes against yours, gis hands trailing up your thighs.
"M-Michi..." the heat that had begun brewing in your core intensified at his touch.
"Relax, beautiful," his voice rough with desire. "We'll look after you."
"P-please..." the simple plea, the simple world fulled their desires even further, your consent breaking the rest their restraint.
Michikatsu slid his hand further up your thigh as Yoriichi started pulling at your robe, desperate to rid you of it.
As the fabric pooled at your ankles, Yoriichi's hands slowly began to massage your breasts. Tease your nipples. Your back arched from the pleasure.
Michikatsu couldn't wait any longer. He thrusted two fingers up, inside your wet cunt, memorizing each moan you made as he did so.
"Mmm. Ngh!"
Whilst continuing to support you, Yoriichi placed his lips around one of your perky nipples, swirling his tongue around it. You gripped onto his Yukata, moaning loudly at the constant stimulation. Michikatsu's rough thrusts with his fingers. Yoriichi sucking on your nipple, playing with your soft tits.
Michikatsu thumb then began to roughly flick your clit, making your body twitch, and writhe from each jolt of pleasure. You clenched tightly around Michikatsu's fingers, throwing your head back onto Yoriichi's shoulder.
"That's it, baby," Yoriichi groaned into your ear. "Cum for us."
Nothing else needed to be said, as you immediately released onto Michikatsu's hand, crying out loudly in yiur orgasmic bliss. Michikatsu's thrusts continued until you rode out your orgasm, when he slowly removed his fingers, a stream of your juices running down then. He licked his fingers clean, groaning at the taste.
As he picked you up, Yoriichi turned your head to kiss you. Gentler than his brother, but still just as arousing, the way his tongue flicked against yours.
He positioned you above him, kneelng on all fours as he layed underneath you. You felt the bed shift, and Michikatsu's presence behind you.
Yoriichi kissed you softly again as he sliwly slid his cock into your cunt, swallowing your moans as he did so. He thrusted slow at first giving you a small time to adjust.
Your eyes shot open again as you felt Michikatsu push his cock into your ass. You pulled back from Yoriichi's passionate kiss to catch your breath.
"Fuck! Michu...Yori..." your moans fulled their thrusts as they began to fuck you harder.
Kisses where placed all over your body, but you where unable to determine who's they where. All you could focus in where the thrusts from the two men you loved. You craved.
"Nugh! H-Harder..."
Michikatsu's voice responded to your please with a simple "beg for it," spanking your ass as he did so.
Moans where all you could muster atthis point, the two cocks pounding into you making thinking feel impossible.
Yoriichi was more merciful than his twin and rubbed your clit, helping you to newr your end.
"F-Fuck! I-I'm gonna c-cum!"
You clenched them both tightly as you did just that, them pulling out before following you over the edge, painting your back and stomach with their cum.
As you collapsed onto Yoriichi, weak and exhausted, he wrapped his arms protectively around you, stroking you hair as your breathing calmed down. Michikatsu sat on the other side of you, massaging your legs.
"Did we go to hard, my dear?" Yoriichi spoke, a calm and gentle tone in his voice.
"No. No i liked it. A lot actually. I'd want to do it again."
The twins smirked, and Michikatsu gebtly pushed open her thighs.
"There's no time like the present."
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mysweetsmentality · 12 hours
He's the type of boyfriend that is a huge gentleman. He opens the door for you, he surprises you with bouquets with your favourite flower, buys your favourite drinks and snacks during your period whenever he stops by the convenience store, holds your hand everytime when both of you are out together. He's your gentleman.
TANJIRO KAMADO, Yoriichi Tsugikuni, Akaza, WAKATOSHI USHIJIMA, AKAASHI KEIIJI , Daichi Sawamura, MITSUYA TAKASHI, Hakkai shiba, Chifuyu Matsuno, Levi Ackerman, REINER BRUAN, Jean Kristen
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mysweetsmentality · 12 hours
Yoriichi x F!reader Minors DNI 18+
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⋆⁺₊⋆ ☀︎ ⋆⁺₊⋆ REQUEST ARE OPEN
Summary: You and yoriichi have one main thing in common, you both want a family
Warning: breeding kink, creampie, fluff, vanilla sex, oral sex f!receiving , mentions of a stillborn, spit as lube. Not prof read⚠️
A/N: I just wanted to write a little smut for my dear lil sunshine boy, I'm sorry for the all the smut as of late I've been possessed.(>-•)╦̵̵̿╤─ (⊙⊙). I’ve edited some things from the og so if it’s different from the sneak peak thats why :4.
Yoriichi has never been the best at showing emotions, you’re very aware of this. Many are put off by his lack of expression.
You’ve learned that even though his face doesn’t show any emotion, that doesn’t mean he isn’t feeling anything. In truth he feels a lot, he’s an incredibly sweet and kind man.
The main point of your bounding between you and yoriichi is that you both desperately want a family.
You lost your family just like Yoriichi, of course you talked about other things but the topic of family always snuck it’s face into your conversations.
⋆⁺₊⋆ ☀︎ ⋆⁺₊⋆
You make your way towards Yoriichi with a tray of of food in your hands. Yoriichi is quietly sitting on your porch, he would have been mistaken for a statue if he didn’t shift his head into your direction.
“Forgive me for taking so long, I thought I had sweat tea but I ended up only having green tea” Yoriichi takes the plate from your hands as you sit down, he returns after your fully seated.
“It is fine, I like green tea” his voice bland a quick as usual. You hand him a cup, you carefully watch him take a sip. You’re worried you somehow managed to mess up the tea.
His face doesn’t change as he finishes his sip. “It’s good” again his voice is bland but you know he actually likes it. There’s a awkward silence between you to, your eyes wander trying to find something to make the mood better.
Your eyes fixate on the tea, picking up your own glass you scoot yourself closer to him. You smile at him “I-I heard that green tea is good for fertility” the smile quickly fades from your face as Yoriichi stares at you.
For once you have no idea what he’s thinking or feeling, he just stares directly into your eyes. Panic washes over you as you believe you’ve greatly upset him. Your face turns a beat red and you stumble out an apology.
“I’m sorry! I didn’t mean it-like that!” You avert your gaze away from him being to embarrassed for the prior statement. Yoriichis gaze slightly softens and he opens his mouth “it’s fine, I know you mean well”.
Your gaze makes it back to his, your heart speaks before your mind. “I….I mean…I just thought..what if you got re married” immediately you mentally slap yourself.
In a conversation you had with yoriichi awhile back you brought up getting re married, you said you were open to the idea of getting re married while yoriichi shut down the thought of re marrying.
You’re already about to spill out another apology but yoriichi cuts you off. “If I got re married then this tea would be quite helpful, I appreciate the thought” he’s voice is different you don’t know how but it is, his voice sounds like a new song to you. Your eyes widen as he entertains the thought of getting re married.
You stare at him, and lean closer to him. Slowly you place your hand on Yoriichis cheek, your heart beat fastens. The world feels almost silent as the only thing your able to hear is the sound of your heart racing. Yoriichi doesn't move neither does his gaze, he carefully watches you.
Now you're inches from his face, you pause and stare into his eyes one last time. Next you connect your lips to his soft and warm ones. Your heart flutters as your lips connect, you feel so loved, beautiful and wanted.
Yoriichi shortly kisses you back wrapping his arms around you in the process. Sliding your arms around his neck you both deepen the kiss. As you both kiss Yoriichi gently moves you onto your back and makes his way on top of you. Yoriichi licks your lower lip asking permission to go inside. You let his tongue in as you wrap your legs around his hips. Both of your tongues dance with each other. You feel as if you're melting into him.
You both were so lost in the kiss neither of you realized your hips were grinding against each other. A bulge formed in Yoriichi pants, he subconsciously grinds his bulge harder into your clothed sex.
Yoriichi pulls away from the kiss -much to your dismay- thoughts race through your mind as you wonder what you did wrong in order to make him stop.
“I don’t want our first time together to be on the floor… Can we move to your room?” As he gets up he grabs your to help you up, he doesn’t let go after. “Yes….I think that would be much more romantic” you respond unsure as what to say.
Hand in hand you walk to your bedroom, you open the door for him and went in. You both sit down on the futon, his lips immediately find themselves back onto yours.
Yoriichi once again pulled away but this time he focused on your neck. He trails kisses upon your neck, gently sucking on your neck. There will defiantly be marks on your neck in the morning.
sneakily his hands find their way to your obi, he slowly unties it. Your obi slips off of you and soon does the rest of your kimono. Leaving you in nothing but your panties. In return you undress him, you’re slow wanting to take in all of his image. It seems you aren’t alone, yoriichi takes this opportunity to also admire your body. Feeling his gaze you instinctively cover your breast and stomach.
He stared at you a little dumbfounded, did he not like you stretch marks? Or was he disgusted with your extra pudge? Thoughts started to run through your mind, Yoriichi seemed to have taken noticed. Yoriichi pulls your hands away from your chest, bringing them to your side. While covering yourself you had left finger marks from squeezing to hard.
He makes his way lower down your body, he places kisses on the marks you left behind. You can hear your heart beat, you believe he can to. His hands sneakily makes it to your breast groping your chest. Taking one of your breast into his mouth and while his hand plays with your harden nipples. His tongue swirls around your buds, the other pinching your nipple.
A loud pop sound comes from him letting go of your chest, he looks up at you and squeezes your breast. “These need to be filled” Yoriichis words go straight to your clit making you somehow wetter than you already were.
Yoriichi lays you onto your back, in the process he grabs your legs. He taps two fingers on your thigh, asking for approval. Turing your head you slowly open your legs, your panties were dampen from your arousal . Shivers run up your spine as he place’s sweet kisses down your inner thigh. He makes sure to be slow, wanting to savor the moment. Finally he makes it to needy cunt. Yoriichi simply moves your panties to the side, he is to hungry to fully take them off. You could feel is hot breath against your clit, you instinctively bump your hips up.
He laps at your cunt, instinctively you close your legs. It’s been so long sense you’ve had someone go down on you, the feeling almost feels foreign. You didn’t even realize what you did until you feel yoriichis hand tap your thigh. Immediately you open your legs back up, your face is red as a tomato. “Sorry!!” You squeak out, turning your head to the side out of embarrassment. “It is fine…” is the only thing he said before closing his lips around your sensitive nub, sucking gently and promoting your eyes to flutter shut.
With one hand you grab his neat ponytail to push his him down further, the other grabbing the futon beneath you. Yoriichi fingers prod at your opening slithering into you. Instinctively you arch your back to get more stimulation. Yoriichi slides in another finger which earns him a sweet moan from your lips. A mixture of your fluids and yoriichis spit drips down his chin. Your once free hand moves to yoriichis ponytail “Yoriichi I’m close!” you moan in-between words. He doesn’t stop. Letting go of the futon you grab his ponytail and force his head down more, arching your back and hips in the process. Yoriichi laps at your clit and his fingers curl inside of you. Your vision goes white as you feel yoriichi lap at your sweet release. Your legs shake as you continue to hold yoriichi in place, panting form your high. It’s been a very long time sense you’ve had an orgasm this amazing. Yoriichi takes the initiative and pops his head up then pushes your hips down.
His gaze meets yours instinctively you turn away your arm covering your blushful face. You’re a little embarrassed that your juices are all over yoriichis mouth and chin. Yoriichi pulls your hips towards his, pulling you out of your thoughts. Somehow you feel hotter. He spits in his hand and rubs his very hard, leaking shaft. See his cock makes your mouth water, it’s just as beautiful as the rest of him. Big with a pretty pink tip, you wished he would’ve given you the time to suck him off, perhaps next time… yoriichi rubs his tip up against your entrance, rubbing it up against your soaking cunt. A grunt comes from him as your warm sticky juices cover his shaft. Anxiety erupts over you, hopefully he won’t find you “to loose”.
With a shaky breath Yoriichi speaks “I’m going to put it in now…” his face his flushed and his briefly look up at yours. All you can do is nod as you eagerly wait for him to finally put it in.
Finally he directs his tip to your entrance, slowly he slides in. Both of you moan at the feeling of one another’s body’s finally connecting. Yoriichi is big but you didn’t expect him to stretch you. He stops waiting for you to adjust to his size, he looks up waiting for your approval.
“Con-continue…please” your speech slow from you trying to calm your breathing. Yoriichi starts with slow thrust, trying to be gentle with you and find your sweet spots. His fingers dig into the meat of your hips, surely it will leave marks in the morning. Yoriichi earns a moan out of you as he brushes a certain spot inside of you.
“Right there! Right there!” You wrap your legs around his hips and hands hold onto his back. Keeping him there not wanting him to lose that spot. Yoriichi thrust more rough hitting that spot that made you see stars again. Heading your sweet moans made him pick up his pace his forehead onto yours.
You earn grunts and wines from yoriichi as you squeeze around him. Your cunt practically sucking him in deeper yearning for more. Each time he hits that spot he yearns a moan of his name from your sweet lips.
Yoriichi kisses your forehead lovingly, each kiss making your heart and cunt flutter. He moves kisses down your nose to your cheek then to your lips. Yoriichi sucks at your bottom lip making your mouth open, he takes this as an opportunity to sneak his tongue back into your mouth. In between kisses both of your moans can be heard. You feel like it’s your first time all over again, completely lost in the others body, sloppily kissing and humping. Yoriichis thrust turns into sloppy grinds wanting to get as deep as possible inside of you. Yoriichi breaks the kiss leaving a trail of saliva running down both of your chins. His eyes make it towards your chest seeing the stretch marks on your breast. Thoughts of you bearing hid children spread through his head, he knew he wanted a family with you but actually being in the moment? Having the opportunity to have the family he always wanted? It made his head spin.
Yoriichi pulls out completely leaving your poor cunt grasping onto nothing, a whine leaves you as the uncomfortable feeling of being empty flushed over you. What happened? What went wrong? Why did he pull out? You were about to ask why but was quickly stopped and yoriichi grabbed under your knee. He pushes your knees to your chest and lines himself back up to your cunt. Yoriichi quickly waste no time and bottoms you out, You scream and the absolute pleasure. He had put you into a mating press, somehow yoriichi feels deeper and bigger. His heavy balls slap against your dripping cunt. Both your juices and his precum slide down your ass onto the once cleaned Funton.
Your nails dig into his back leaving little red marks. You feel a familiar tightness building up in you. Yoriichi seems to be close as well, with that he picks up his pace.
You try desperately to tell him that you’re close but, you can’t seem to be able to forms the words to tell him. Drool drips down you mouth as your completely taken over by pleasure.
Jerking your head back onto the soft pillow that tightness that had been building up finally releases.
Yoriichi fucks you through your sweet organism, somehow going faster before finally stopping hitting his own orgasm. Thick white strings of cum line the walls of your sweet cunt, filling your womb to the brim.
Yoriichis warm cum seeps out of your pussy spilling onto the soiled sheets.
You both stay there for what feels like forever. Enjoying the feeling of one another’s bodies being against each other.
Looking up at yoriichis face he’s completely flushed, sweat drips down his forehead as he looks down at your also flustered self.
Yoriichi he looks at you like he’s just learned how to love all over again.
You don’t want him to stop and it doesn’t seem that he’s planning on stopping anytime soon. As he starts grinding his hips into yours once more.
You pull him down into a kiss, and of course returns the kiss. It’s sloppy and dirty as your tongues intertwined.
This seems to rile him up as he starts fully thrusting into your filled cunt once more.
God you hope the tea thing was true
🍓 I need to go to bed, my eyes hurt from lack of sleep ( ◜◡༎ຶ). Also sorry for all the smut my brain has just been 𓀐𓂸 all week. ALSO! Thank you for 300 followers ya'll are the best (ง ˃ ³ ˂)ว ⁼³₌₃⁼³
🍓edit: I have 700 followers now THANK YOU!!!
🍓 Update 3 i no longer like this, I’ll make a remake eventually, but I hope this short sweet fic makes y’all happy. I really pushed this off because I’m no longer happy with it. But I finished it. I wanna move on to other things. But expect more fanfic of him. Actually fuck it if enough people want a part two I’ll make a longer smuttier one. Sorry if you didn’t get tagged when u asked by notifications are all full. Also need more fanfic of this man I’m feral.
@ethereal1l @lovelymiraix @yoriichisc0msl4t2 @yoriichis-love @sush1trasher @aweebontheinternet2005 @xiernia @anemoneorc @lovelymiraix @ethereal1l @weebflames @azuriel-kinayoko @lovingyeet @krillfromsky @rjssierjrie @t0miejins @yuyuchann1 @genshinsimpforlif @hyunjinslefteyeball4 @puddingchoo
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mysweetsmentality · 12 hours
You: Nooo, don’t pick me up, I’m too heavy!
Yuuji Itadori, age 26, man of all men: I picked up a car with no adrenaline when I was 15.
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mysweetsmentality · 22 hours
KNY Incorrect quotes#61 Eye-Candy
Yoriichi, staring at You: God I want them to top me...
Michikatsu: I thought that too but then I discovered how good they looks under me
Yoriichi: Oh? I’m going to have to give them a test run then
Kakushi!Y/n, bright red: I’M TRYING TO WORK YOU PERVY TWINS
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