mysurveys · 6 years
Random Qs
Survey #8 on the Countdown to 2019!
What the hey, I’ll do another one. My eyes need a short break from all the anime goodness I’ve been getting lately.
Did you enjoy art class in high school?
I didn't attend a public high school. In fact, I left middle school halfway through the eighth grade and began attending a private Christian school with a much different teaching method.
It had all ages and the lessons were catered to your level on each subject. That meant I was very advanced in English for instance but way behind in math and science since I have dyscalculia.
There wasn't an art class. Why on earth do you really need such if you're not pursuing art at all? I can’t draw well. My visual-spatial skills are my second most problematic form of intelligence.
Which describes you more, a child at heart or an old soul?
I've been described as both because those aren't in opposition at all.
Being a child at heart means you can still enjoy the things from your youth and you might experience childlike wonder about things even as an adult.
Being an old soul means you're more advanced than your peers even at a very young age. It indicates a higher level of understanding, knowledge, wisdom.
My mother referred to me as the latter even when I was a tot. We don't really believe in old souls in relation to the concept of reincarnation, though. She just picked it up from others without fully comprehending the term.
Have you ever driven a sports car?
I've never driven a car at all. I think it would give me anxiety issues.
How old will the last person you kissed be on their next birthday?
I really don't remember his birth date. That was ages ago.
Do you believe it’s important to practice self-acceptance and self-love?
Not if you're using it to excuse yourself from becoming a better person.
There's a huge difference between simply stagnating in life while stubbornly excusing all of your flaws and actually loving yourself, accepting your negative qualities that can't be changed and truly embracing the idea that you can always be better.
What was the last thing you said out loud?
"Do you want to go outside?" That was to my cat.
Yes, I talk to them and it’s not just some gibberish baby talk, although I meow at them too. They’ll meow at me in return and we’ll go back and forth as if conversing in Chatanese.
Oh, the word “chat” actually means “cat” in French which makes that a play on words there. I’m so clever.
Do you have any nieces or nephews?
That's not a possibility for me.
Do you ever feel any bitterness towards those who have more than you?
I don't covet other's belongings nor do I feel envious of their status, and it’s useless for me to feel bitter about such things. It's a waste of time.
If I really want anything that other people have then I should get off my duff and work for it. That's all there is to it.
However, I don’t want a lot of things that are out of my grasp either and material goods are worth less than intangible things like love and friendship. I have plenty of those things in my life too.
When was the last time you had an alcoholic drink and what kind was it?
I've only ever had a tiny sip of cheap red wine to shut up an annoying SO who's been my ex for over a decade now.
That was when I was about 17 or so, I think. My dyscalculia makes it hard to remembers dates, ages, timelines. I just know we were teens.
Have you ever seen an animal give birth?
I haven't seen such in person, only on video.
Do you feel like you’re less easily-bothered by things as you get older?
I've never been easily bothered outside of Bipolar issues. It takes a lot to anger me even when I'm in a Bipolar mood, though.
My anger is vastly different from feeling frustrated or agitated. It makes me very quiet, but if I speak then I just go for the jugular.
My personality is very level-headed; I'm the last to lose my cool in a crisis and I'm never personally offended by anything because I'm just too easygoing. I'll only feel offended for the sake of others even if I don't know them.
What’s one thing you accomplished today?
I haven't done much. It's 2:07 AM right now and I got up at something like 10 PM yesterday. I had to be up for an allergy shot and lunch.
I'd gone to bed after staying up all night by about 2 or 3 PM on Friday and since I got up so late, I'm pretty awake at the moment. I've just done a survey before this after watching TV for a bit.
Do you know anyone with an opioid addiction?
Not that I'm aware of at least.
What was the last thing you apologized for?
I don't remember.
Have you ever been on a cruise?
I haven't.
Would someone having a different religion than you stop you from being close friends with them?
I wouldn't have them as a close friend, but they could still be a friend of mine. It's actually human nature to be closer to like-minded people and it's not necessarily a negative quality. It's very helpful in forming bonds.
Did your parents try to push you into a certain degree or career path?
They've never pushed me at all.
How soon after Christmas do you take your decorations down?
We don't decorate at our house since we're lazy and we go over to my maternal grandmother's for that.
Who's the hardest working person you know?
Definitely my father. He was a real workhorse, but now he's retired.
What're some things that are crucial for a healthy relationship?
The obvious things? Honesty, relatability, fidelity, stability, trust, reliability, good communication, common values and moral views.
You need to have enough things in common when it comes to your interests and personalities while also having some dissimilar qualities to keep things fresh. That allows room to become complementary of one another.
What’s your favorite film genre?
Horror flicks are my faves.
Are you more of a complainer or untroubled by things?
I can complain really well if I feel like it, but I'm often content.
Have you ever taken a biology class?
I haven't.
Are you a polite person?
It depends. Who are you, where are we, what’s the situation? I'm really well-mannered when it comes to certain forms of etiquette, but then I disregard other forms that just don't make sense.
Sometimes humans play too many games and I'm just not into feigning niceties for social rewards. I'm too upfront for that.
Can you name any songs by Godsmack?
Is there one called Voodoo? I'll JGI… Yeah, that was them.
Were you ever on a speech and debate team in high school or college?
I didn't go to college or a public high school and I never would've wanted to do such if I had.
What’s something your family and friends would consider to be so you?
Horror flicks and Halloween. It’s just that I don’t have a huge sweet tooth.
What're some foods you eat for dinner the most frequently?
I like variety, but I'll sometimes latch onto a food and eat that until I burn out. It's that way with broccoli florets right now.
Would you ever dye your hair silver?
I'd rather not dye it anything unnatural if I ever did dye it at all. I'd probably go black if I did, but my natural hair color is dark brown despite having bits of the other natural colors in it too. I like that about it.
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mysurveys · 6 years
Random Qs
Survey #7 on the Countdown to 2019!
Since my last survey I’ve been sick, busy, lazy... It’s been a long time, but I felt up to doing another right now. I’m not promising any more as a follow up to this tonight, though. I’ve been too into anime lately.
Air Conditioning - At what level or temperature is it on today?
I don't know exactly. It's usually on 68-70, though.
Pet - Where does your pet sleep at night?
Our dog Chloe sleeps on my parents' bed and my cats will be in the house or outside at night.
Laptop - Is it in your lap, on the table, or somewhere else and is it charging?
It's on a table in our living room and it's charging.
Smartphone - Who do you only use your smartphone to talk to without texting or otherwise?
I still don't own or want a smartphone. It’s not something I require because I hate talking on the phone and I'm not interested in texting.
If I go out then I like being unplugged so I can live my life. Being obsessed with some kind of tech is a codependency I really don't need.
Pillows - How many pillows do you actually use while sleeping, not just on your bed?
I'll use two for sleeping every night.
Candles - What's your favorite scent that you own and how often do you light it?
I prefer LED tealights, especially since I have cats. Scented items usually bother me too. I'm allergic to a lot of things.
Cigarettes - Who in your house smokes?
My father used to smoke off our property when he was stressed, but he hasn't done that in years to my knowledge.
My mother and I would never tolerate someone smoking in our house. That shit can kill you, including secondhand smoke.
Couch - How many people could sit comfortably on it?
We only have a love-seat in our living room. My parents and I only have recliners in the den. Mine is extra-spacious.
Glasses - Who wears glasses in your house and are they near or farsighted?
I wear glasses daily because I'm nearsighted and I can't wear contacts. Both of my parents will sometimes use cheap reading glasses, though. They're over 65 now, so their vision isn't as good as it used to be.
Toothpaste - What brand do you like best?
I have to use Sensodyne. My teeth are sensitive to hot, cold and sweet items. My whole body is hypersensitive.
Pencils - Do you prefer using regular or mechanical pencils?
I'd rather just use a pen, but I'll use either of those if they're available.
Coffee Mug - What kind of hot beverage do you drink the most?
I’ll mostly drink coffees that I make at home, although I'll drink ryokucha (green tea) too.
Television - What's your favorite television channel and what're the best shows on it?
My go-to channels are Investigation Discovery and The Weather Channel lately. I'm partial to A Crime To Remember and Evil Lives Here on ID right now, but TWC is something I watch no matter what's on.
The actual weather reports in the morning during AMHQ are really soothing to me and I like So You Think You’d Survive? and SOS: How To Survive.
Chap-stick - Do you get chapped lips a lot, and when was the last time you had them?
I don't often get chapped lips, but it occasionally happens in the winter. It happened sometime during the winter, probably before the new year.
Musical Instrument - What instrument is your favorite and what's your favorite song on it?
If I'm going to listen to only one instrument then I'd choose the ocarina. I like the drums, guitar, piano, harp. It's still better for music to be played with multiple instruments, though.
Trashcan - Whose responsibility is it to take out the trash at your house?
My father often does it, but sometimes I'll do it for him.
Plants - What kind of plants do you have in your house and how often are they watered?
We don't keep any plants.
Hair Dryer - Who in your family has the longest hair and how long is it?
My parents have very short hair, so mine is the longest. It's a bit passed my shoulders right now.
Chocolate - What kind is better, milk, dark or white?
I prefer white, but I'll also eat dark chocolate sometimes. My faves are Hershey's Cookies & Creme Drops if I'm having a real treat, or just the sugar-free Russell Stover Dark Chocolate Medallions.
Shoes - The last time you went out, what shoes did you wear?
My Wolverine hiking shoes. They're the best I've ever owned. I like sturdy footwear that encompasses my feet.
DVD Player - What do you have more of, VHS tapes or DVDs?
I think I tossed out all my personal VHS tapes years ago. I mostly have DVDS, but I’ve got some Blu-Ray discs too
Insects - When you find an unwanted insect inside of your house, do you kill it, take it outside, or leave it alone?
If it's just an insect then I prefer to put it outside if it doesn't have a stinger. If I find a lizard then I'm the same way.
But if I spot a spider, I'm going to try killing it because those can be dangerous. I can't really spot the difference, so it's better to just be safe.
Spiders are specifically arachnids and not insects, though. I'm not lumping them together, but some people call them "bugs" just because the word evokes the image of a pest that bugs them.
Obviously lizards are reptiles, but they're common here. That's why I had to mention them too. They often get into our house through the garage.
Razor - What are all the areas of your body that you shave?
I don't constantly shave, but I'll take the hair off my legs, arms and armpits if I feel like it. I won’t use razors, though.
Webcam - When you go on webcam, who do you chat with the most and do you use any specific sites or programs?
I don't use my webcam.
Refrigerator & Freezer - Does yours have an automatic ice cube maker, and do you prefer cubed or crushed ice?
We don't need one of those and we only use cubed ice. It's just that we rarely use ice at all.
Sunscreen - What SPF do you use?
I haven't used sunscreen in a long time, but if I do go outside for a while then I tend to stay in the shade. I burn so easily and I'm pretty allergic to a lot of things outside too.
It's been a big problem up until recently, but I've finally found a good allergy doctor now. Maybe I can go outside more soon.
Sibling - Do you get along with your siblings, and if you have more than one then which are you closest to?
I'm an only child.
Cereal - What kind of cereal is in your house right now, is it your favorite and if not then what is?
I think there's just some corn flakes. My fave is Cinnamon Toast Crunch even though I rarely eat that or any cereal.
Pain Relievers - What kind of pain reliever do you use when you have a headache?
We have some off-brand Tylenol with pain reliever. It's the only thing that really works, but if it's an allergy headache then I'll take one of those and a sinus pill of some kind as a decongestant.
Monopoly - When you play Monopoly, what game piece do you choose?
I haven't played in so long, but I used to pick the thimble or the dog the most. It’s been ages and I want to play again.
Now I’ve bought the Mario version since I’ve been having game nights with my mother, Miss Cindy and cousin Julie. We haven’t played it yet, though.
It’s got Mario, Peach, Yoshi and Donkey Kong. My preference would be Peach out of those followed closely by Yoshi, although you can buy others.
I would certainly love a Bowser, but my other faves from what’s available right now are the Boo, Tanooki Mario and Luigi figures. I’d say my number one is really the Boo figure, though. It’s my fave Mario baddie!
Bookshelf - What books, if any, have you read more than once?
I tend not to revisit books. I'm also much more fond of nonfiction.
Card Deck - What's your favorite card game?
The only one I really enjoy is Uno and I've got the Mario edition too.
Umbrella - Do you mind walking in the rain without one?
I really don't mind getting wet most of the time.
Mood Ring - What mood are you in right now?
I'm mostly good despite being pretty stiff since I woke up that way.
Hoodie - Do you prefer the kind with or without the zipper?
I'm good with zips and I like them more than pullovers.
Calendar - What's the picture on your calendar for this month?
The one in our kitchen is a Thomas Kinkade calendar. It's just some spring scene for May right now.
Pajamas - What do you usually wear to sleep in and are you comfortable falling asleep in jeans?
I would hate sleeping in jeans. My usual outfits are PJs, nightgowns or just a tee if it's hot out.
Backpack - Are you in school this year and if so, what grade are you in?
I'm turning 32 later this month, thanks.
Alarm Clock - What time do you have to get up tomorrow morning?
I don't have a specific time to be up, especially since it’s Saturday, and it's currently 12:55 AM too. I might go to bed in the morning.
Jewelry Box - What's your most expensive piece of jewelry, and if it was a gift then who got it for you?
It might be a heart charm necklace I got in a shop on the Kemah Boardwalk here in Texas near Galveston. I’m not really sure, though. It was something I wanted for my birthday from my parents.
Game Console - What's your favorite video game to play by yourself?
Animal Crossing! Any of the main ones, but not the offshoots.
I didn’t care to try out Happy Home Designer and Amiibo Festival. In fact, I never purchased the shitty Wii U system at all. I could’ve played HHD, but it looked lame too. No one I know liked it either.
Mirror - How many times a day do you tend to look in the mirror?
I don't look in mirrors all that often, but I'm not averse to them.
Basement - Is your basement used just for storage, or is it used as another room?
We don't have basements here.
Sports Jersey - What professional teams do you and your family root for?
No one in my immediate family is a big sports fan these days.
Dictionary - What was the last new word you learned and what does it mean?
I kind of rediscovered the word "grimoire" because of the Black Clover anime along with a lot of words based on the character names.
I think the last brand-new one was the name for Licht which means "light" even though there are several I've learned about now.
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mysurveys · 6 years
Random Qs
Survey #6 on the Countdown to 2019!
Here’s the last one for a while! I’m hoping to get some more posted soon, but I’m itching to watch some shows before bed.
What does your house smell like right now?
Well, it's hard to tell since I live here and I'm not using any artificial scents.
If any of your gay guy friends were straight, would you date them?
So you're assuming I'm a straight white chick? I just so happen to be one, but I don't have any gay guy friends.
The only gay guy I even know right now is a cousin of mine and I definitely wouldn't date him if he were straight. My gay friends are females.
If the guy you were planning on marrying had a ridiculous last name, would you just keep your own?
He could take mine if he wanted to. *shrug* It's not a plan or dream of mine to marry, though. I’ve always thought that if I did get married I would take his surname, but it’s not a big deal to me.
What’s the best Nirvana song?
I don't really care for Nirvana.
What was the last thing that impressed you?
My little cat has gotten bolder lately. She put the tom cat on the ground like a boss. 💗
What do you think the best color combination is?
Black with neon colors, light pink and white, periwinkle and silver, etc.
When was the last time you were in a pet store?
I don't remember, but I need to go to one soon. My cats need a much better litter box, especially since my tom cat fails at the whole thing. He’ll scratch the floor, the wall, anything near the box. It’s funny but sad.
Are your lips dark or light?
They're not too light or dark, but more on the dark side.
What nationality is your last name?
Williams. It's probably an English thing from my father's side, but I don't know much about his heritage. That surname is very common here in America, though. It's the third most common in fact.
Would you rather control or be controlled in a relationship?
That's not a term I'd ever use, but I'm mostly submissive sexually and emotionally dominant to a certain degree. I'll be more submissive to a guy in some ways outside of sex, though.
My religion factors into it a good deal, but I like dominant personalities because mine is the same way. It just makes sense to find a strong, dominant type of guy.
Do you think trench coats are attractive on guys?
I like them on people in general. They just look good to me.
What’s your favorite kind of chips and dip?
Always queso dip if I'm eating corn chips, although I also like mild salsa.
If you had to egg someone's house right now, whose would it be?
Why would I have to do something like that, something I've never done and would never do? And "BECAUSE I SAID SO" just isn't reason enough for me, thanks.
Is your bed soft or firm?
It's a bit more on the firm side.
Invader Zim or SpongeBob SquarePants?
Definitely Invader Zim.
Do you keep a cup or bottle of water by your bed at night?
I don't feel the need.
Who was the last boy you saw crying?
I don't remember.
Who does the color purple remind you of?
My mother since that's her favorite color.
What did you name your iPod, if you have one?
I've never owned one nor would I need it.
Does your mom know you do surveys?
She actually does, but she really doesn't use the internet much and she would never read them. IDC if she does, so if she really wanted to then I'd show her where to find them. It's not a big deal to me.
She only knows because I've asked a few questions over the years for survey purposes. I had to ask about a surname on my father's side once, but I more recently clarified my current position on my disability benefits.
That was mostly because I mention such on surveys often. She was kind of laughing because the whole thing is confusing now. We keep getting conflicting letters about it, but we just ignore them.
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mysurveys · 6 years
Random Qs
Survey #5 on the Countdown to 2019!
Here’s the next one with another to follow. Hopefully I’ll get more done sometime soon to keep up the flow too. ❤
What's a smell that you absolutely cannot stand?
Besides the obvious? I really can't stand the smell of spinach in large amounts.
When's the last time you felt adrenaline moving through your veins?
I get a rush whenever I buy stuff honestly.
It's because I've got SZA-B3 as I call it now. Since my case of Bipolar is mild, the shopping addiction element is just borderline. It hasn't been as prominent lately now that my insomnia is better controlled too.
When's the last time you bought new shoes and what are they?
The last pair I remember buying are my brown Wolverine work shoes that were on sale.
Do you know anybody who snorts when they laugh and if so, who is it?
I've heard several friends and family members do it when they really get tickled. I'm not naming names here!
Have you ever been hit on by a stranger and if so, was it flattering or creepy?
I've had it happen in both ways.
Do you remember the first R-rated movie you ever saw and if so, what was it?
I don't really remember, but I probably saw R-rated stuff when I was still little. I got away with murder as a kid.
What's something good and also something bad that happened to you last week?
I've been watching the Dog Days anime in these last two weeks. Nothing too bad has happened, but I'm on a semi-routine of eating three meals a day for some medication and I really dislike it.
Are you afraid of any animals?
It depends since my fears are situational rather than irrational. If I know it's dangerous then why wouldn't I be frightened? It's just that I'm also really brave and I don't freak out during a crisis. That's just so unhelpful.
Do you put your elbows on the table when you eat or do you think it’s rude?
I don't find that rude and people who do seem too uptight.
Have you ever gotten into a fight with somebody over the internet?
Sure, I've gotten into arguments before.
I'm not afraid of confrontation, but I'm not really the type to leave a comment just to bitch before running away since that's so immature. People have done that a lot with me and I'm just going to ignore that childish shit.
Do you think you listen to your head or your heart more?
I'm definitely more logical, but I'm not emotionless either. I just don't allow my emotions to control me and I won’t waste my empathy on people who don’t really deserve it either.
If your mom told you she was pregnant today, would you freak out?
That's not even possible.
You trust all of your friends completely: true or false?
I don't trust anyone completely because that's foolish. All people will let you down and some are more trustworthy and honest than others so it depends on who I'm dealing with.
I'll even have more faith in one friend over another, but I'm only going to consider someone a bestie of mine if they're a really honest, straightforward, reliable kind of person.
How many buttons are on the clothes you’re wearing right now?
Zero since I usually don't wear anything with buttons.
If you could repaint your bedroom, what color would you choose?
I don't care to paint it. My walls are just some white paneling and I'm fine with that.
What's been the best night of your life so far and why?
I've had plenty of good nights so I don't really know. *shrug*
Did you learn to read before, during or after kindergarten?
I can't really remember. I've got memory problems, though. That being said, I was always prodigious with my reading skills so I was already on a collegiate level when I entered middle school.
Has anybody ever thrown you a surprise party?
I'm happy that they haven't. I'm not a partier and surprises can often be irritating if I'm not the one doing the surprising.
Would you ever even think about taking part in a wet t-shirt contest?
I would never do that.
What's the last thing you lost?
I haven't lost anything lately so I don't remember.
Have you ever pretended to be sick to get out of something?
I did that several times as a kid when my mental illnesses and learning disabilities really started to take a toll on me.
I might not have been physically ill, but I was mentally and emotionally in turmoil. It doesn't excuse faking illnesses, but I had really good reasons for my distress rather than it being laziness or a lack of interest in things.
Who's somebody you know that's spoiled rotten?
I really don't hang out with spoiled brats.
Would you rather visit Poland or Portugal?
Neither interest me personally.
Have you ever seen somebody give birth?
I haven't nor would I really want to.
You have ten minutes to make dinner for two people, so what do you make?
I'm incapable of cooking and baking. It involves math, memorization and getting close to fires. No, thanks.
Have you ever borrowed something and just never gave it back, and what was it if so?
I had this friend in middle school who lent me something for safe-keeping and I had lent her something of mine. We both totally forgot to give each other those things back, but I'm sure it wasn't out of malice on her part.
She was too sweet for that and I ended up with her pikachu necklace while she kept that Zelda guide book of mine.
What's one thing you wish you understood about the opposite sex?
Honestly? I get along better with men who follow the average male wavelength than I do with females of the like, so most men don't really confound or astonish me.
Men and women who assume they can do a lot of things better than the opposite sex are just weird. Most things really depend upon your individual skills rather than your genitals or gender mindset. Honestly!
Is you hair color the same as it was when you were a baby?
I've never, ever dyed my hair before. If I even did then it would be a natural color and probably black.
Have you ever been in trouble for being too loud?
Never. I've always been quiet-toned but outspoken, although I might not care to talk to you.
Have you ever given somebody a sucky gift?
I've certainly never done so on purpose. Why bother getting them something? The people I buy for usually love my gifts, except for my father who's just ridiculously picky and shy about it.
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mysurveys · 6 years
Random Qs
Survey #4 on the Countdown to 2019!
Here’s another one. I’m glad to be getting some done with another soon to follow and hopefully a third. It’s a good start toward #100.
Have you ever tried to walk on a moving vehicle and fallen over?
I haven't.
What's your favorite kind of bread and is there any of that in your house?
I don't really have a favorite type of bread itself, but I love the toasted bread over at the Schooner which is a kind you can get in bags at one of the grocer's in our area. We don't have any at home right now, though.
Do you own any equipment to make cocktails, like jiggers or shakers?
I don't drink alcohol.
How many times have you seriously injured yourself?
I've never had any really serious injuries from accidents.
When was the last time you were a passenger in a car and sat in the back?
I don't remember.
Did you attend Sunday school as a child?
I went for most of my childhood.
What's the longest your hair has ever been?
Down to my ass.
What about the shortest, not including as a toddler or baby?
Early last year it was higher above the shoulder than I've ever gone before.
Have you ever smoked a cigarette?
I haven't, but I'm not stupid enough to start a disgusting and deadly bad habit. Smoking even kills bystanders. Why would I risk my life like that?
Are or were you in the school band and if so, what instrument did you play?
I was never in the band.
Who does the grocery shopping in your household?
My mother does the majority although I'll join her. Sometimes my father helps out too.
What's the best thing you’ve ever bought at a thrift shop?
I haven't been to one of those in ages. *shrug*
Would you dye your hair blue for $10,000?
I do have a bod-modding rule, but for that much I'd bite since it wouldn't be permanent.
Have you ever ordered an unusual drink at a bar?
What's your favorite thing about summer?
Swimming in lakes and fishing off docks.
When was the last time you went to your local library?
I've only been a few times in my life since I dislike libraries. I'd rather just go to a bookstore.
Do you have any friends who work in retail?
Not to my knowledge.
Can you do a proper cartwheel?
I'm sure I'd fail if I even tried.
Have you ever been pulled aside by security at the airport?
I haven't, but I've only gone into an airport once with the person who was traveling.
Are you a fast-thinker or a slow-thinker?
I'm more of a fast one. I've also had racing thoughts from Bipolar before, but I've always had a quick mind.
Do you watch The Simpsons regularly?
I don't like that show at all. It's lame.
If you were to donate to charity today, what would you donate to?
I wouldn't donate to big name charities so it would be something local. However, I prefer donating items rather than cash. I'd give to someplace like one of our nearest pet stores or an animal shelter probably.
What's your favorite card game and when was the last time you played it?
Uno! I've last played the Mario version on a Friday with my mother and Miss Cindy. I’m not exactly sure when that was, though.
Would you consider yourself to be good at spelling and grammar?
Yes, I am.
Who was the last person you cuddled with?
Lucius, my cat. The last human was an SO of mine ages ago. I'm not touchy-feely with humans, or even that physically affectionate unless I'm with an SO for quite some time.
Have you ever spoken or performed on stage in front of a large audience?
Not a large one, just school auditoriums. I once did a music solo piece during a choir performance.
Did you ever go to summer camp when you were younger?
I didn't, happily enough.
What's your favorite seasonal candy?
I can't think of any seasonal ones.
Are there any television shows you own in entirety on DVD or VHS?
Only small collections, like my DC Birds of Prey DVDs.
How far away from your house is the nearest gas station?
I wouldn't really know. I'm terrible at geography and math since I have DTD and dyscalculia respectively.
Do you know anyone who's fluent in a second tongue?
Besides myself, many of my close friends online are E2Ls or E3Ls.
What's the scariest movie you’ve ever seen and who did you watch it with?
I'm not that scared by horror flicks, but I'd say that the new version of Stephen King's It was pretty awesome. I watched that one with my mother and Wyatt at the cinema.
When was the last time you had a bubble bath?
Not since I was a kid.
Have you ever been pressured into doing drugs and did you say yes or no?
I've never felt pressured although I was certainly asked many times. It's not easy to make me feel pressured into things.
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mysurveys · 6 years
Random Qs
Survey #3 on the Countdown to 2019!
Here’s my third one for now, hopefully with more to follow soon. If I can do more than 100 this year then that would be great.
What's something you don't have but wish you did?
Nothing comes to mind beyond obvious things like more money and better health. I’m not greedy and too materialistic.
If you could change one thing about your appearance, what would it be?
I'd either get rid of my hidradenitis, lose my nerd frames by having better eyesight or I'd just lose weight to get healthier.
Do you have a significant other?
Not at the moment and I'm good with that for now.
Have you ever had a threesome?
I'd never do such now that I’m a Christian.
When's the last time you watched American football?
Never. I'm not that into sports so I only watch some of the Olympics.
Who's your favorite boy band?
I don't have a favorite.
What's the last game you used dice for?
Do you believe in Heaven and if so, do you think you're going there?
I do on both accounts. It’s not by a Christian’s works but by their faith that they’re saved by Christ who grants eternal life in Heaven. If it were based on our works then no one would get into Heaven at all.
Do you have an infinity tattoo?
I'm against bod-modding for religious reasons so I don't have any tattoos or piercings. I’ve liked few, but I’ve seen infinity tattoos that I’ve liked before.
What's your favorite Beatles song?
I haven't listened to their music in so long that I don't really have one.
Are you interested in surfing at all, and have you ever been?
I'm not even remotely athletic.
What was your best subject in school?
English, literature arts and choir were my best classes.
Do you enjoy Beyoncé’s music?
I don't.
When was the last time you went overseas?
I can't travel outside of the US, mainly for financial reasons.
Who did you last hook up with?
I don't hook up.
What's the hardest drug you've done?
I'm above the influence because drugs destroy lives. I’m not willing to be a part of that and I don’t self-medicate either. I’m too strong and intelligent to subject myself to such.
What're three things you're not good at?
Math since I have dyscalculia, geography partly due to DTD, and memorization skills since I also have memory problems.
Do you use the metric system in the country you live in?
No, we don't.
What brand of bottled water do you prefer?
I only drink Ozarka.
How would you describe yourself to someone who didn't know you?
I'm a cat-loving, math-hating Christian conservative with a minor case of SZA-B3 who excels in logic and linguistics. I only hate math because I suck at it due to dyscalculia, but it is very important obviously.
What's your favorite type of bird?
Penguins, finches, ravens, crows. Also owls despite how stupid they actually are outside of hunting. I'm not a huge fan of birds.
What does the last text message you sent say?
Have you ever been to Chicago?
God, why would I want to?
What's your favorite chocolate candy?
KitKats, Crunch bars and Hershey's Cookies & Cream Drops.
Have you ever been called a racial slur?
Yes, despite being white. It happens.
When's the last time you had an orgasm?
I have unwanted ones about 3-5 times a day. The last one was an hour or so ago too. It’s not fun when they’re unwanted.
Do you need to use the restroom right now?
Yes, I do. I’m trying to finish this first.
Why did you last stand in line?
I rarely do that so I have no idea.
What's your favorite pirate movie?
I've honestly seen so few that I guess I'd just go with POTC 2.
Have you ever watched Gossip Girl?
I haven't.
How do you take your tea?
I only drink ryokucha and I prefer the blackberry and pomegranate kind with some sugar-free honey.
Who did you last tell that you love them?
I think it was my mother.
Who's your favorite character from Orange Is The New Black?
I've never watched that and never plan to.
Who's the worst US President in your opinion?
Now that his terms are over, I'll go with Obama based on his policies, but he also had the worst gaffes.
Bill Clinton’s scandals were horrible, but Obama was even confused about how many states there are. And he went to Harvard Law? Nice statement on the educational system.
It's hard for me to judge presidents who were before my time since I don't have all the facts and I wasn’t even there. Why judge them?
I won’t decide about Trump yet either, although I wasn’t a fan. Making judgments is normal and everyone does it despite how people want to hide it, but consciously prejudging things and people is always bad.
It’s just a sad show of outright bias to call Trump’s overall presidency the worst before it’s even over. Don’t be so immature.
Who's your favorite superhero?
Batman since he's just a human without superpowers. He's got the qualities of Sherlock Holmes along with martial arts skills.
Why did you last cry?
I don't even remember. It's been a while.
How much sleep did you get last night?
I don't even remember when I went to bed, but I got plenty of rest.
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mysurveys · 6 years
Random Qs
Survey #2 on the Countdown to 2019!
Here’s my second survey. I’ve got one more after this.
What do you want for your birthday?
It's not until May so I still have some time to decide.
What’s your favorite flavor of tea?
I'm currently drinking a lot of Lipton's ryokucha with blackberry and pomegranate, although I put sugar-free honey in it too.
What’s your favorite fall drink?
I'm sure I've done this one before, and maybe multiple times. My current fave drink for fall and winter is cocoa.
What’re you going to be for Halloween?
I probably won't do anything for it on that front, but I tend to watch horror flicks. I like to re-watch The Nightmare Before Christmas and fave scary movies like A Nightmare On Elm Street, but I’ll also see new ones. 
Do you think you’ve learned a lot and grown a lot in the past year?
I did do some growing in 2017, but January was only filled with a couple illnesses. Then I caught a stomach bug at the first part of February too since my father had a much harsher version.
Are you satisfied with how you’ve spent your year?
2017? Mostly. The latter months were wonderful.
What’s something you’ve learned lately?
I absolutely needed a decent allergy doctor. I'm also in need of re-testing. Since I'm no longer using Medicaid, I can see a decent doctor for that.
I'm in the process of it right now. He's put me on a regiment of a pill and some junk I have to coat my nostrils with three times a day. IDK, I was half-asleep when I went since I was still on the mend from being sick.
Do you have a lot of friends?
Yes, but more so online than off. When I'm offline, I've got a few core friends. I dislike having a bunch in person.
Do you own a yellow scarf?
I have one that's a very light yellow, or else I'd hate it.
Do you own brown shoes?
My Wolverine work shoes are in shades of brown.
Do you own anything leopard print?
Several things, like two purses, two identical mini backpacks, one faux fur vest and more.
Will you buy a cake for your next birthday?
I'd rather not, unless it's a cookie cake.
Are you counting down the days until your birthday right now?
I'm really not.
Are you excited for something currently?
Not right this minute.
If you could change just one thing about your life right now, what would it be?
I wouldn’t be forced to eat three times a day for a pill I’m taking.
What’s your favorite color?
Periwinkle which is a pale and wintry shade of blue and purple. Well, technically they say it’s on the violet spectrum. It just looks more purple to me since violet is its own color.
Have you ever been to a school dance?
I never wanted to go to those as a kid.
Do you make a list of goals at the beginning of each week?
I don't feel the need to do that so often, but I've made some for my year.
Are you artistic?
In some ways, like with music and writing. I'm not that great with visual arts specifically since my visual-spatial skills aren’t that good.
When was that last time you drew a picture in a sketchbook?
Never ago. Well, I’ve copied pictures, but that’s it. My original art of that nature has always been done via computers.
Is there a tree right outside your bedroom window?
My window overlooks the kitchen window with the small walkway to our front door between them.
Is it windy right now where you are?
I don't hear any wind at least.
Is it raining?
It's not raining right now.
What’s something about you that makes you different from everyone else?
My fingerprints mainly. Those are the most unique thing about you. Even your DNA is shared with others. Your fingerprints are entirely unique.
Do you dress the same way as your peers?
I don't pay attention to the way people my age dress. I act older and most of my friends are at least five years older than I am too. However, I realize I’m always dressing younger than my age. I actually look 16-18, though.
Do you talk the same way as your peers?
The way I talk is a generous mix of lingo I've picked up over my lifetime. It doesn’t really match my age directly.
Do you have the same life goals as your friends?
My friend group is really more diverse than that.
Are you having a good day?
My day has been uneventful, but nothing bad has happened.
Is your hair red?
It has red bits, but it's an overall dark brown.
Do you like brownies?
If they're moist and chewy.
Have you ever dressed up as a witch on Halloween?
I haven't, but my parents were too strict for such when I was a kid. It’s not like they were strict in other ways, they just wouldn’t let me dress up as anything outside their religious beliefs.
What’s one color that you never wear because it doesn’t look good on you?
I don't pay any mind to such.
Have you ever been to a masquerade?
I've never wanted to go to one.
Do you eat vegetables?
Some, but I especially like seaweed.
Do you wear leggings?
I only have one pair because they're kind of thick knitted ones, otherwise I'd never wear leggings.
Is there anybody you think is hot over the age of 40?
I definitely think people can look good even when they're older than 40, but I usually don't notice such.
Who's the most inappropriate person you know?
I think it's our next door neighbor, but we rarely see her anymore.
What year in your life do you think you were the least attractive?
I've never felt really unattractive. I’ve mostly been disinterested in such.
Did anything bad happen to you in August?
I don't remember by this point, although I remember specific events more so than timelines.
Who in your phone has a heart after their name?
What was the last movie you watched and with whom?
I rented Batman: Gotham By Gaslight last night and watched it by myself. It had an interesting premise, but the outcome had become obvious to me once I eliminated the other suspects. Still, the movie ended really well.
Is there anything you’re avoiding?
Not really.
If you could have one thing right now, what would it be?
There isn’t anything I really need right this minute.
If your parents searched your room, would they be angry at what they’d find?
I'm 31 although I do live with them since it's either this or assisted living. I've got learning disabilities like dyscalculia so I need help from my mother who acts as my caregiver right now. They don't go through my shit, though!
Do you think anyone has feelings for you?
I know a few guys do right now, but I'm disinterested in love.
Have you given somebody more second chances than you can count?
I actually know how to count. I mean that I only believe the "second chance" mentality should apply to whether or not they're going to stay in your life.
I've given people second, third, fourth chances. It depends on who they are, what they've done, what our relationship really is and how it's been. I tend to give people a lot of chances, but not cheaters.
After breaking up, what’s the worst?
It's not always a terrible thing for me. It might be a decent breakup. I've felt that way before. I've even remained best friends with more than one guy after that. Only one breakup was pretty bad for me.
But sometimes the worst thing can just be feeling a natural low and remembering all the good times along with the breakup itself. I'm not one who dwells on that a long time, though.
Do you think your last ex deserves to die?
I don't feel that way about anyone, but my last ex is a bestie of mine.
Do any girls like the last guy you kissed?
I wouldn't know or care. He's so far in my past.
Are you happier now than you were three months ago?
Maybe a little less now just because I've been sick a lot.
Are things going the way you planned?
I don't plan out my life on that level. I take things as they come.
Have you done anything sexual today?
I haven't done anything sexual in over a decade and I'm good with that.
Is there something you want to say to someone, but you can’t or won’t?
Not really. I don't tend to hold things in since it's unhealthy. I’ll only do that with my father because it’s useless to confront someone like that.
Do you have a second mom?
There will never be anyone who comes close to my real mother.
Do you hate the last boy you were talking to?
The last man I talked to in person was my father and I don't hate him, but he's not that close to me either.
I don't hate anyone really since that's way too obsessive, dedicated and petty. There are just a handful of people I really dislike and plenty of others I disregard altogether since they're not significant to me personally.
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mysurveys · 6 years
Belated Valentine's Survey
Survey #1 on the Countdown to 2019!
Here’s my first survey post of 2018 after a hiatus. I’m hoping to do at least 100 surveys before 2019 as well. I didn’t do that many last year.
Arrow - How much does your happiness depend on your relationships with others?
It's basically 50/50 because I crave independence and alone time. If my relationships themselves were shitty then I'd obviously be less happy, wouldn't I? But they're honestly fine right now.
Bouquet - What’s your favorite kind of flower?
Red spider lilies, snow bells, cherry and peach blossoms, lily of the valley, etc. Honestly? I like silk flowers instead of real ones.
Chocolate - What would you most like to receive on Valentine’s Day?
Not chocolates and flowers. I'm not big on V-Day with SOs, but sometimes I self-gift plush dolls or my mother buys me some.
I decided to do that again for myself this year the day before V-Day. I got two different sea turtles, two identical rainbow tigers, and this pretty pink alpaca too. Adorable!
Couple - Are you annoyed by public displays of affection?
Depends on the level, how I'm feeling, where I am, etc.
Cupid - What’s your sexuality?
I'm straight by choice as I'm a Christian or else I'd just be bisexual because it would be about love rather than sex.
I'm also a demisexual who acts asexual because sex is gross, all things considered. I'd rather learn things and have fun doing hobbies.
Date - Do you think age differences are a big deal?
They obviously are up to a point. It's not okay to be in a relationship with a minor when you're an adult.
Heart - Can you talk about your crush or love?
I'm not in love and I don't have childish infatuations.
Hug - How comfortable are you with physical contact?
If you're not my SO then we have to be pretty close for me to want your touch. I'm honestly more comfortable touching animals than other humans and my affectionate displays are usually with my two cats.
Kiss - Have you had your first kiss and if so, with whom?
His name is Matthew, but I haven't seen him in over a decade now thankfully. He turned out to be a loser.
Poem - Can you write me a poem?
Get a clue: roses are red and violets aren't blue.
Rose - Are you romantic?
Not so much.
Sweet - Do you like candy and chocolate?
I'd rather not receive candy and flowers for V-Day personally. Unless it's silk flowers, I like jewelry and plushies.
True Love - Do you believe in love at first sight?
You can't honestly love someone until you really get to know them.
XXOO - Are you dominant?
"No, I believe in equalty" ← So two dominant people can't hook up? That's news to me. It's my preference as a dominant woman to date equally dominant guys.
You can't equally make choices as a couple, though. It requires actual compromise every time and that's not an equal split really.
That would be amazing if possible, but it isn't. Not everything has to be completely equal to be good and fair, though.
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mysurveys · 6 years
Random Qs
Survey #52 on the Countdown to 2018!
This one is from yesterday since I got home late, but at least it’s pretty current. I finished it close to midnight and it’s only 12:12 AM right now. I’m trying to post them as soon they’re finished.
How would you spend a day at the beach?
I would want to do more than hang out on the shoreline honestly. We're about two hours away from Galveston, TX.
I like going to the shops and some of the restaurants that look out on the beach. They also have an ice cream parlor that's great if it's summertime, but I'll go to the beach in the winter too.
Have you ever experienced altitude sickness?
I've never had that, but my ears have popped from going up on mountain drives before.
Was the last show you watched a rerun?
I last watched an old Gojira film I recorded which was on El Rey Network during their Kaiju Christmas Marathon.
"Have a very kaiju Christmas. It's the best time of the year. There won't be snow or mistletoe, but have a cup of kaiju cheer.
Have a very kaiju Christmas. And in case you didn't hear: oh, by golly, have a jolly Kaiju Christmas this year." #KaijuChristmas
Is there any event you wish to remember more clearly?
I have a poor memory that falls in line with other learning disabilities, but there's one major benefit.
It's so much easier to live in the here and now when your memory isn't good. My problems used to be my long-term, but it's done a 180 on me.
When your school has a snow day, how do you spend it?
We only had an "ice day" that one time when everything iced over in SETX. So I stayed the hell indoors, what do you think?
For you, what's the hardest thing about writing?
Depends on the topic really. I don't find fanfiction that hard since I'm full of ideas, but I'm less motivated to write journal entries.
If you could change your gender for a day, would you?
I would always say I wouldn't, but now I think I'd try it for just a day. How would people treat me differently? It wouldn't be a bad thing to experience for only a day, but I wouldn't want to be a dudebro full-time.
Do you respond to the people that yell out their car windows at you?
I don't drive and my mother usually drives me. She doesn't incur people's wrath that often, but I don't yell out the window at anyone if they're yelling at us. The only one with road rage in our family seems to be my father.
What’s your biggest priority right now?
My health is almost always my number one concern. My genetics are terrible so I'm obese with diabetes and hidradenitis, and I had endometriosis back when I had a uterus, cervix and tubes.
All of my ills both physical and mental are my shitty genetic inheritance from both sides of my family. None of them are unrelated to my relatives.
Do you ever make a big deal out of nothing?
I don't dramatize things I find to be small since that's useless. But if you just brush off the feelings of someone you love by saying it isn't even a real issue then you might not be doing them justice.
I've known and loved some people who honestly dramatized everything, though, and I just didn't feed into that myself.
Did you pay attention to anything you were being taught in health class?
I didn't pay attention to most of my classes since a lot of things they teach in public schools here tend to be garbage, like popular myths in history class or the subjective and sometimes outdated information in English classes.
I only focused on a few different things in my literature arts classes and some art projects.
If you’ve stayed overnight in a hospital, how did you entertain yourself?
That's only happened once or twice. The last time I felt fatigued and wasn't allowed to get up for hours so I mostly watched TV that night.
I had my uterus, cervix and tubes all removed after dealing with endometriosis and other concurrent problems since my first period at age nine. But they treated me like I was much older. I should've been allowed up sooner.
What does it feel like to fall asleep in someone’s arms?
I've never found it very comfortable.
Do you recall the first time you learned the truth about sex?
My middle school was going to educate us on our periods, but they called it "Sex Ed" when they told our parents.
Mine assumed I was about to get the 411 on everything so my mother gave me "the talk" first in a bizarrely clinical way. Awkward.
How do you hold or position your pillow while you sleep?
I use two of them and sometimes I'll hug the edges.
What's a common sleeping position for you?
I prefer my right side unless I need to digest well.
Have you ever rubbed anyone’s feet?
I remember doing that for my maternal grandmother as a kid and I didn't find it to be horrible.
Is there a food that makes you sick just thinking about it?
Not really, but I love foods like octopus and squid sashimi or even crawfish. I'm more open to foods that some people find gross. I've only ever thrown up after eating a lot of spinach. I really can't stand that on its own.
What's one thing you fantasize or daydream about doing?
I don't really do that regarding my own life, I'll just do that over fanfic ideas.
When was the last time you were on a swing set?
I haven't been on one since we lived in our second house, but I don't remember my age when I stopped using my swing set.
Have you ever had perfect attendance in school?
I don't remember.
Have you ever written anything on a bathroom stall?
I've never felt the desire to do that.
Do you find extreme bodybuilders attractive?
I'm not attracted to that at all.
Do you or would you own a pair of giant sunglasses?
I'd rather not.
Are your hands unsteady?
They definitely shake chronically after trying several medications in my late adolescence.
Are you envious of anyone’s artistic abilities?
I don't waste my time envying other people's talents and skills. If I want to do something myself then I'll focus on learning it since it's possible to do a lot without being innately gifted. If I can't learn it then I should focus on the gifts I've already got.
Do you ignore people when you’re mad or upset with them?
It's in my nature to confront things. I'm courageous, headstrong and outspoken so I don't retreat most of the time.
I've learned to just ignore people if they can't handle an honest conversation, though. If you're not mature enough to do that, I'm not going to bother paying attention to what you've got to complain about.
Are you starting to realize anything?
I just realized I need to get to bed soon. I'll continue this survey later today and I'm stopping at 2:35 AM on the 28th.
Are you okay right now?
I'm restarting this at 10:58 PM the same day and I'm doing really good after a night out with family members and a friend.
Is there anything you can never forget?
Short of amnesia or senility, there are tons of things I'm not going forget.
Are you stubborn?
Has anyone told you that you’re amazing?
Have you ever cried uncontrollably on a boy’s shoulder before?
I haven't done that on anyone's shoulder. I've cried on my mother's as a child, but I wasn't uncontrollably sobbing on her. That's not something I'd find comforting.
Looking back, did you ever think you would be where you are now?
I never dwelt on the past or the future.
Who were you last in a car with?
My mother and my cousin.
What time did you get up today?
I don't know what time it was when I first woke up, but I went back to bed since I felt sick. It was about three in the afternoon when I finally got up and didn't feel so bad, though.
Have you ever slept on a couch with someone?
I haven't.
Who called you at midnight on your birthday?
I'm thankful that no one does that.
When was the last time you saw your mom?
Just a few minutes ago.
What's the last thing you drank today?
Diet Mt. Dew.
Who did you last talk to in person?
My mother.
Is it easy for someone to make you smile and laugh?
It depends on my mood, the situation, who it is.
Do you ever choke on your own spit?
I remember that happening before throwing up since my saliva gets hot and I'll start drooling. /TMI
Do you ever feel like you’re not good enough?
If I'm not good enough for someone else then I don't need them in my life. I don't need to be loved by everyone, though, I just need to be loved by God and a few good people. I am so I'm very blessed.
What’s standing in the way of what you want right now, if anything?
Realistically, there are things I can't have. The main thing is better health. I just have horrible genetics. Other things I could ask for are relatively minor and I have the things I honestly need in life.
Are you scared of moving on?
There isn't anything I've feared moving on from in my life. I'm pretty adaptable and some changes are great.
If someone loved you right now, would you want them to tell you?
I'm not interested in romantic love these days. But it would be better for them to get it off their chest and know that I'm not looking for a partner and that I may never feel that way about them. Rejection is better than unrequited love.
Is anything bothering you?
Not right now.
Will you talk to someone on the phone tonight?
I sincerely hope not since I hate talking on the phone.
Have you ever loved someone older than you?
I think all of my exes have been older and I prefer them to be so by at least five years.
Has your partner ever stayed up with you all night?
Maybe on the phone? I'm not sure.
Have you ever stayed up all night on the phone?
I really don't remember if it was that long, but I know we spent hours.
Are you afraid to grow up?
I'm 31, thanks, and I'm more content as an adult than I was as a child.
Are you looking forward to anything?
We might be going to Galveston tomorrow depending on the weather and how everyone feels. I don't know, they've changed their plans so many times that looking forward to it is difficult now. If it happens then that's great.
Have you ever been called a bitch?
I've had friends call me an "alpha bitch" before, though. They know I'm outspoken, dominant, strong-willed, etc. That's not something that bothers me. It just depends on the context and intentions in that case.
If that's happened before with others in a negative sense, it wasn't by anyone I personally cared about. I don’t really remember.
Could you use some sleep right now?
If I'm getting up at nine tomorrow morning then I need to go to bed by at least one or two, but I'm not tired just yet.
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mysurveys · 6 years
Random Qs
Survey #51 on the Countdown to 2018!
Here's my last one from the 12th, which means I'm all caught up!
What's the first thing you do when you get on the computer?
I don't form honest habits as an HSP so it could be anything from checking my email to getting on LJ/DW to using Google. Who knows.
What’s the one thing that could make your day better right now?
I want something to drink soon. Maybe some ryokucha with blackberry and pomegranate along with some of that Stevia honey.
What’s the last TV show you watched?
An episode of The Gifted.
What do you mainly watch on YouTube?
I'll mainly look up songs.
Do you sing in the shower?
Not usually.
What's one thing that you just wish you could do all of your life?
I thrive on variety so I'm not sure.
Have you ever thought of a weird question, but you didn’t ask it?
Probably not. I'm the type who'll just ask rather than being one of those fools who always wonders.
Do you pour thoughts into diaries?
I have an LJ with DW as a backup, but I'm using a paper journal now too. I’m not a frequent journal writer, though. It’s more often that I’ll take surveys if I’m not on hiatus. That happened recently.
What's the last thing you ate?
Some shrimp fried rice from Sun Wok.
Do you own Nike shoes?
Definitely not since I haven't worn sneaks in ages. My current faves are a pair of Wolverine work shoes I got on sale. They look like ones you’d go hiking or camping in, which is their main appeal for me.
Do you think if you died, the last person you kissed would even care?
I sincerely hope he doesn't think of me anymore. I'm only going to think of him when surveys ask me about him too.
Have you ever loved someone you thought you didn’t stand a chance with?
I'm not fatalistic and I don't believe in being out of someone's league. I mean, we're all just humans honestly.
But as far as my personal relationships have gone, I've always ended up with the guys I've fallen for. I just haven't found the right fit, but it’s the last thing on my mind now
Having an SO has never been a big deal to me. I don’t want kids and I don’t need a man to make me whole, fulfilled or satisfied in life.
Does anyone have strong feelings for you?
Yes, a few guys. Three besties of mine still have feels for me in different ways, but I was never in love with one of them. The other two are exes of mine from years ago.
Romantic love isn’t an interest of mine these days, although I’m still open to it since it’s nice. There’s just so much else that comes first.
Have you ever felt like you weren’t good enough?
Not really. If I’m not good enough for someone else then I don’t need to spend any time and energy on them. I have plenty of other people to love.
What was the last thing you got grounded for?
I was never seriously grounded, but I was a really obedient and polite child. My ‘rents tried it once only to give up on it. They were both so lax.
Do you want things to change right now?
Certain things, but not my entire life. It would be intellectually dishonest to pretend that I don't have room for improvements in my personality and relationships.
There are several things like that, but there are more good things in my life that I only want to improve if they have to change at all. My overall health is the one bad thing I’m constantly working on, though.
What time is it?
It's 7:30 PM right now.
You receive $500 without any reason, so what do you spend it on?
More Christmas gifts for myself and others.
McDonald’s, Burger King, In-n-Out?
Either McD's or BK.
What did you last eat for breakfast?
I don't remember since I've skipped that meal for a while now.
What did you last eat for dinner?
Steak and rice with gravy. That was yesterday.
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mysurveys · 6 years
Random Qs
Survey #50 on the Countdown to 2018!
Here's my third one from the 12th with one more to follow.
Where’s the best place to eat a romantic dinner?
I wouldn't know or care.
When's the last time you puked from drinking?
Never, thankfully. I'm not stupid enough to get drunk.
That never makes anyone behave intelligently, but I’m also on an anti-psychotic medication for my mild experience with SZA-B3 as I call it now based on how it’s evolved.
If I topped that off with alcohol, I can just imagine the horror that could only end with a straitjacket and padded cell. My mind-space is bad enough when I’m hypomanic and in desperate need of sleep.
Have you ever gotten drunk and danced on a bar?
What was the name of your first grade teacher?
Mrs. Smith.
What're you doing right now?
I'm only doing this while listening to 1K Words in English from FFX2 via YouTube.
What did you want to be when you were growing up?
At first I wanted to be a veterinarian when I was very young, but then I really wanted to be a singer-songwriter for the rest of my childhood.
Why did you get the shirt that you have on right now?
It's just a nice Independence Day shirt from 2016. I’m patriotic obviously, but I’m not a nationalist. The shirt was a bit of an impulse buy, but it makes for good nightwear and it’s cute.
What was your last thought before going to sleep last night?
I don't remember.
Do you bite your nails?
Ew, no.
Are you a jealous person? 
I'm really not invested in such. It's a waste of time and energy.
Whose car were you in last? 
My mother's.
What will you dress up as for Halloween? 
I didn't do anything last Halloween.
Can others make you cry easily?
If I don't care about you at all then you don't have that kind of influence on me nor will you make me angry. We don’t get mad or sad directly at people unless they actually matter to us somehow, even when they shouldn’t.
It’s so unhealthy and exhausting to seek the acceptance and approval of everyone else, so I choose to only be affected in those ways by the people and pets that I love most.
I’m not too emo like that, though. I’m very easygoing most of the time and typically content. The only difference has been the effect of Bipolar on me when I’ve had insomnia. It agitates or elates me via hypomania.
Do you pay attention to calories on the back of packages?
There are other things I have to pay attention to such as carbs and sugars and fats. I can’t be concerned about every single thing in what I eat or I’d be obsessing over it endlessly.
Are you currently wanting any piercings or tattoos?
I'm against bod-modding for religious reasons.
Have you ever cried uncontrollably on a friend’s shoulder before?
I haven't.
Looking back, did you ever think you would be where you are now?
I've never dwelt on the past or the future. I take things as they come.
Who were you last in a car with?
My mother and our family dog.
Has more than one person ever told you they’re in love with you?
I've had more than one guy in love with me concurrently, but I'm monogamous for religious reasons.
When's the next time you'll leave your house?
I don't know.
Has someone ever called you at midnight on your birthday?
Ugh, I'd hate that.
When was the last time you saw your mom?
Today since I have to live with my 'rents. It's either this or assisted living due to prominent learning disabilities. Dyscalculia, DTD, memory problems. My genetics are awful, but my mental illnesses are less of a problem now.
Did you have an exciting weekend?
It was just really chill.
What're your plans for tomorrow?
I don't have any right now.
Are you more of an outspoken person or a quiet one?
Those things aren't opposites. The word you're looking for here is "reserved" rather than "quiet" because being outspoken means that you're upfront, honest, straightforward. It doesn’t mean you’re loud or talkative.
I'm an outspoken person, but I'm quiet rather than loud and I might not talk a lot depending on the setting, my mood and the people I’m with.
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mysurveys · 6 years
Random Qs
Survey #49 on the Countdown to 2018!
Here's another one from the 12th with two more to follow.
Do you like salted or sweetened popcorn, if any?
Sweetened popcorn is okay, but I prefer it salted and buttered.
What do you think about alternative medicines?
Some can be good and some aren't. It depends on the individual medicine.
Peaches or mangoes?
What items do you buy most frequently at the shop?
Which shop? I go to several shops, you know.
Have you ever played beach volleyball?
I haven't.
How much money's in your purse, wallet or pocket right now?
I don't have any cash in my pockets and I don't know how much is in my wallet right now.
Sticky toffee pudding or ice cream sundaes?
The latter.
What do you normally eat at a barbecue?
Depends. Maybe dogs or ribs.
Does thunder and lightning frighten you?
No, I love both.
Do you prefer aquatic creatures or flying types?
I'm more interested in aquatic life.
What animals are only native to your continent or country?
The Luna moth is only found in North America just to name one.
If you add all the numbers of your zip-code, what’s the result and does the number have any significance to you?
The total is 29 and that doesn't have any direct significance to me.
Do you prefer spray-on or roll-on deodorant?
Doctors have recommended spray-on deodorants to me.
Have you ever played trivial pursuit and if so, what’s your favorite category?
I've never played it.
What's directly to the left of you right now?
A chair with a few of my magazines on it, the lamp I'm using and some curtains to the nearby window.
Is there anything purple in the room you’re in now?
I see a few purple items.
Have you ever watched a naughty film or show with someone besides a partner?
Do you say "uh" a lot when you speak?
I don't stutter or litter my sentences with a lot of breaks unless I'm feeling pressured.
Did you have a habit of saying "like" after nearly every word?
Thankfully I've never done that.
Would you like to go swimming with dolphins?
Not so much.
"Oh god, no, dolphins seem like assholes." ← It really depends on the dolphins. Some really are asshats in the wild, but then there are others in captivity who aren't as bad.
Wild ones can be rife with STDs and they'll kill the babies of other species along with their own, plus other unmentionables. I wouldn't want to meet a wild one in the water!
What're five or more of the strangest names you’ve ever heard?
I'm mostly thinking of really different spellings of common names for this rather than anything uniquely strange…
Some alternative spellings of common names here in the USA are just too weird for me, but then I'm mixed on black names.
Some of them are too difficult for me to pronounce, but there are others I really like such as Antiqua which reminds me of the Backyardigans character.
Do you prefer writing on lined or plain paper?
It's easier on lined paper. That keeps the writing from being so uneven.
Did you ever do charcoal pictures in school?
I really don't remember.
What’s your favorite crayon in the crayon pack?
Meh, I'm not a huge fan of those. I've always preferred colored pencils.
Did you like those scented pens and if so, which ones, or were they overrated?
I thought such was pretty silly.
Can you convert simple measurements such as CM into MM or G into KG?
No, but I have dyscalculia which is basically the math version of dyslexia.
When it comes to participating, do you prefer running, swimming or gymnastics?
Swimming! As long as it's in a body of fresh water. I hate chlorine and salt water swimming.
What's the closest city to you called and what state or country is it in?
I think the closest is Port Neches, but I suck at the specifics of geography since I have DTD and memory problems.
What can you tell me about your state or country?
I live in Texas and our state flower is the bluebonnet, our state tree is the pecan, our state bird is the Northern mockingbird, and our state dog is the blue lacy. We need a state cat so I nominate the American short-hair.
Have you ever used a synthesizer on a computer music program?
Not on a computer program.
When was the last time you bought someone a gift?
Yesterday. It was another Christmas gift for Wyatt.
Is the room you’re in cold, hot or in the middle?
It's warm in here right now.
Do you take bubble baths and if so, what bubble bath do you put in?
I never take baths.
Do you like the name Crystabelle?
Not so much.
Do you prefer classical music or jazz?
Either out of the two.
Do you actually care on a personal level about Peter Andre and Katie Price?
"I’ve never heard those names before." ← Same.
What’s your birth month?
It's May.
Do you have an odd habit and if so, what is it?
I don't form honest habits as an HSP.
What to you is beautiful beyond all compare?
I'm pretty sure anything I could mention can be compared to other things.
Would you rather be mute or only have use of one leg?
I'd rather lose a leg, I guess.
Does your mother’s name begin with an L, S, R, T or M?
Her name is Jean since I'm not afraid to just say so.
Does your father’s name begin with C, A, P or R?
His name is Jerry.
Do you like Salem from Sabrina the Teenage Witch?
Depends on the version really.
What part of your body has been injured the most?
I've never had major external injuries, but I'm short a uterus, cervix and tubes now.
Without mentioning the name, can you describe your favorite TV show?
It's about the city a young billionaire lives in before he becomes a superhero. Obvious much?
What TV channel do you watch most often?
I'm not sure, but I mainly watch toons and educational programming. There's always true crime, but I've been watching Investigation Discovery less these days. I've seen so many of the shows!
What're four things you like about yourself physically or otherwise?
I'm highly courageous, intelligent and creative. I’m also endlessly curious.
What do you expect from life?
I don't have a lot of expectations; I take things as they come so I'm grounded in the moment.
In five years time, what do you not want to be doing in your worst-case scenario?
Uh, going on a homicidal killing spree? I mean, my imagination is just fine.
Are you good at being diplomatic or having tact?
Not if you're just expecting me to feign niceties for social rewards or to avoid confrontations. I'm not going to disguise cowardice as those. I'm also more upfront and blunt, or I can be abrasive if I really don't like you.
Do you cut up pizza or eat it in your hands?
I just eat it tip-first by hand.
What food smell makes you feel physically sick?
The smells of garbage or human waste are obvious options.
What're five words that describe your bedroom?
Messy, large, white paneling, off-limits.
Would you feel worse losing weight, your phone or your purse?
I'd love to lose weight and I don't own a phone.
How do you behave when anxious or nervous?
That depends on what's causing me to feel that way, but I mostly respond as such due to Social Anxiety Disorder.
It varies based on the situation, though. SAD isn't nearly as prominent for me as it used to be several years ago.
Can you see cars go by from where you sit now?
I can only see our backyard and the one adjacent.
Do you hate slang or do you welcome it?
Depends on the slang.
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mysurveys · 6 years
Random Qs
Survey #48 on the Countdown to 2018!
I've mostly been busy around the holidays, but now I've got a chance to post the survs from the 12th before I’m all caught up.
Are you the type of person who's often in off-and-on relationships?
I'm not that indecisive.
Do you know what high school your father went to?
I really don't remember.
Do you eat breakfast daily?
I don't, but sometimes I'm asleep all day or until noon. It depends on my sleeping schedule.
How many people have you loved this year?
I haven't really been in love this year and that's the last thing on my mind.
Who was the last person to cook dinner?
My mother cooked some steak and rice last night.
Do you think about school or work a lot on the weekends?
I can't work a paid job and I'm not in school, but I do have a little nonprofit group. It's not something I dwell on when I'm not even involved in it at the time, though. I'll work on it any day of the week too.
How many times have you actually been in love?
I've experienced real love five times so far.
What time will you be getting up tomorrow morning?
I don't have a clue. Maybe I won't be up in the morning at all.
What color shirt were you wearing yesterday?
I wore an old Independence Day shirt from 2016 as nightwear, something I'm wearing right now. That one is red, white and blue obviously.
I also wore my TBBT Bazinga! shirt with the show's logo on it when I left the house that day. That one's just white and light blue.
Is anyone falling for you?
Not to my knowledge. There are only some besties who've been in love with me before or they still are.
What's your current annoyance?
I hate the chair I'm using in this room, but the other two are worse.
What do you currently hear at the moment?
I'm hearing the TV in the den so I'm going to put on my headphones and listen to music… Now I'm listening to Cry Wolf by Bebe Rexha via YouTube instead.
If you could go back one month and change something, would you?
I don't waste my time on wishes and regrets. I learn from my mistakes so they're all valuable to me.
Your brother tells you he’s in jail, so what do you say?
I don't even have siblings.
Do you have siblings over the age of 21?
See above.
Do you think you can last in a relationship for six months?
I'm neither a child nor incapable of long-term commitment.
How many pills do you take a day?
I take six prescriptions when I wake along with four herbal pills, then I take four prescriptions before bed.
Do you think you’re wasting your time on the person you love?
I don't think that love and mistakes are wastes of my time.
Is the room you're in right now clean or a mess?
It’s messy since my 'rents and I are all messy people, but it's not too bad.
What're you stressed out about?
Nothing at the moment.
What color's your hair?
It's naturally a dark brown with bits of the other natural colors that really show in the sunlight.
Do you wear glasses?
Yes, I have to since I can't wear contacts.
When's the next time you’ll kiss someone?
I'm not psychic and I'm not in a relationship right now either.
Last December, how was your love life?
Mostly nonexistent. I'm not interested in love right now.
Have you ever been around someone who was high?
Not in person.
Do you currently have a hickey?
Are you the type of person who has a new partner every week?
Definitely not. I'm not indecisive or interested in flings.
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mysurveys · 6 years
Random Qs
Survey #47 on the Countdown to 2018!
Here's the last survey from the 9th before I post some from the 12th.
Here's to catching up!
What three major things are you looking forward to right now?
We're probably going to Galveston after Christmas and then there's Christmas day itself, but those are the only big things I've got going on right now. I'm not sure what's going to happen next year yet.
How many sexual partners would you consider to be a lot?
It depends on your age, I guess. It would seem like a lot to me if someone had 10+ toward the end of their life if they weren't just a promiscuous type of person. I've only had the one and I shouldn't have slept with him.
What do you watch on TV before 3 PM?
Toons that come on super early or educational programming, my main viewing habits.
What're you doing for Thanksgiving?
My 'rents took Wyatt and my maternal grandmother over to my cousin’s where we had a small but nice meal.
How many people have you dated, and are you picky or will you date anyone?
I haven't done traditional dating, but I've had several minor relationships and three more serious ones. I'm not into dating just anyone since I have standards and things I want in a partner, though.
Maybe I'm too picky, but I'm not in need of a man to make me whole or fulfilled or satisfied in life. Having an SO and getting married are the last things on my mind.
Have you ever seen the movie Waiting For "Superman" and if so, what did you think?
I've never heard of it before, but I'm going to Google it right now…
It's just a documentary on the educational system. I'm really not interested in it.
What have you been missing the most lately?
I haven't missed anything lately, and I don't miss anyone chronically either since I'm not clingy or codependent.
If you have a car, who bought it for you and if you don’t then why not, and what kind of car do you have or want?
I don't drive because I have DTD (Developmental Topographical Disorientation).
Have you tried Mountain Dew White Out?
I've never seen it before.
What’s your favorite place to go in your city and why?
There aren't many good places here, but I do love Cali Kitchen which is a Vietnamese restaurant.
What're the best stores in your mall?
We don't have a local mall. The nearest one is literally across the divide and it sucks.
Have your feelings about survey-taking changed since you first started and how if so?
I don't have deep feels about them or anything, they're just good time-wasters that I enjoy filling out.
It's more my attitude as a person that has evolved as I've been doing these things. I've become better and stronger through the years. It shows in my answers especially in recent posts.
What new albums are you excited for?
I don't pay attention to such.
What’s the worst part about your job?
I can't work a paid job, but I do have a small nonprofit group. Nothing's really that bad about it either. I'm the Lady Boss so everything is under my control and I'd just change things if I weren't happy with them.
Where do you do your banking and what does your bank card look like?
I use two different banks right now, but why would anyone want to know about my card?
Do you think losing your virginity is different for a girl than it is for a guy?
“It’s different for everyone.” ← This exactly, even before I read it.
What does your favorite accessory look like and where did you get it?
My Christian fish ring is my fave. I only take it off to shower or do handwriting these days, unless I'm cleaning it.
Is it harder for you to save money or spend money?
It's definitely harder to save it, but I'm never in dire straits.
Do a lot of people bike in your area?
No, not really. We don't have sidewalks and a lot of people just walk.
Have you ever been fired and if so, for what?
I've never been hired because I got onto disability at seventeen. I'm not on it now because the social security office has been giving us constant issues lately. It's not something we can deal with until after the holidays, though.
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mysurveys · 6 years
Random Qs
Survey #46 on the Countdown to 2018!
Here's another one from the 9th to be followed by one more from that day.
Is your hamper currently overflowing?
It never does that, but it's very tall.
Are you a fan of the Pink Panther?
I'm not so much a fan of the movies as the toons.
Have the police ever come knocking on your door looking for someone?
They haven't.
We’re going to the best amusement park ever so what's the first ride you choose?
I don't care for rides at all so I'd rather go somewhere else.
Did you have intense night terrors as a child?
I've never had any real problems at bedtime nor a belief in monsters and ghosts as a child.
Do you know anybody who works in a tattoo parlor?
Not to my knowledge.
Have you ever played flashlight tag?
I haven't.
Could you call yourself a movie buff?
I'm not one.
Do you prefer skin-tight t-shirts or ones with flowing sleeves and such?
I'd prefer the flowing sleeves.
Have you ever broken something and blamed it on somebody else?
No, but I very rarely break things to begin with.
The Breakfast Club, yea or nay?
I liked it well enough, but I'm not that big of a fan.
Robin Williams or Adam Sandler and why?
I only liked a couple of their movies so I have no real preference.
Have you ever had a piercing get infected?
I've never had a piercing since I'm against bod-modding for religious reasons.
Do you like to read other people’s survey answers?
Depends on the person really. It's not as if I like everyone else in the world, but there are plenty of takers who have interesting answers and I get these things from over 30 people. I've added more recently too.
Do you know a lot of useless movie quotes? 
I can't memorize such, but I don't like it when people quote things all the time. Just be you and say something from the heart even if it's not all that original.
I'm not into quoting things as a joke either. Spontaneous humor is always preferred.
Have you ever shoplifted?
I did that once with something small as a little kid just to know what it was like. My guilt was overwhelming. That's why I promptly returned that tiny nail I stole from a local hardware store. I just put it back in the bin secretly, though.
Who's a band that you really want to see in concert?
I don't like live music of that type.
Do you hate when people say that everything’s going to be fine when it’s not?
It depends on what's going on and how they really meant it. Sometimes a good reminder that this too shall pass is reassuring, but telling me it's all fine when it obviously isn't doesn't help me cope or anything.
I prefer honesty tempered with the realization that most things aren't going to last forever.
Do you check your fire alarms when you’re supposed to?
We don't have one anymore. It just kept going off because of cooking smoke. We really should get a new one now that my paternal grandmother isn't alive and here to set it off like that, though.
Are you a shorts-wearing kind of person?
Not so much.
Is your grandparents’ house obsessively tidy?
I wouldn't say her house is like that.
Au Gratin potatoes, yay or nay?
They're good.
Do you prefer to tape or tack up posters to your walls?
I prefer tacks.
When you cook, do you like to throw in random things?
I don't cook or bake. I hate that kind of stuff since it involves some math and getting too close to the fire.
About how much can you bench press?
I'd rather just press my ass to a bench and call it a day.
Do you get embarrassed easily?
Not really.
Have you ever duct-taped somebody’s mouth shut?
Who's the biggest nag, your mom or your dad?
Neither of them nag a whole lot, but I'd say my father does more of it.
Is dinner done yet?
It's 2:06 AM right now. I'll just eat whenever I feel like it.
Do you know how to jump-start a car?
No, but I don't even drive.
Have you ever had your phone die on you in the middle of a conversation?
I've never carried a cell phone of any kind. It's not something I'd really want to do. If I'm leaving the house just for the day then I'd prefer to stay unplugged as to actually do some living.
Is anybody in your family a carpenter?
Not to my knowledge, but there are a lot of extended members I don't really know.
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mysurveys · 6 years
2017 Reflections
Survey #45 on the Countdown to 2018!
Here's one from the 9th to be followed by another couple from that day. I'm trying not to take any again until I catch up to myself and I'm going to start doing previews the same as most do on here.
Oh, and this survey was for a different year so I just changed the dates on it.
What's the single best thing that happened in the past year?
I'm not sure I can choose between two things this year, but why force it?
The first is that my prescription meds for SZA-B3 were adjusted so that I'm sleeping regularly now. That obviously helps stabilize a person's mood and boots their cognitive functions. It's been working really well for me so far.
There's also my recent trip to the Aquarium Pyramid at Moody Gardens with Mom and the possibility of returning there this month.
We also want to go to some Christmas event in Galveston, but I don't know if we'll get tickets to that. We'll see.
What's the most challenging thing that happened to you in 2017?
My overall health is almost always my greatest challenge.
What thing did you learn the most from this year?
I've realized what it's like not to have frequent bouts of insomnia. That's huge and amazing.
What's the kindest thing you did this year?
I'm not sure… I did donate a giant bag of cat food to Petco a while ago. It's a big thing since we had Harvey hit us hard.
There were a lot of businesses in need of things because of the storm. It was something I no longer needed since I've switched my cats to a different brand better suited to their dietary needs by their vet's recommendation.
Did you lose a close family member this year?
Not anyone close to me, although an extended family member had a heart attack during the storm.
What're three words to describe 2017?
Storms, snow, fun.
What did you do that you never did before?
We tried going back to a sushi bar we had nixed before only to find out it had much improved. Now it's my favorite.
Mom and I also went to the new Aquarium Pyramid at Moody Gardens as mentioned which was a lot of fun. I'd gotten my first horrible haircut too, although it mostly just amused me. And I met Wyatt this year too.
Oh, and I went out to the movies with Mom, Wyatt and a woman from our church who also has minor problems with Bipolar although we haven't done anything else. She's shy about doing things with us for financial reasons.
One more thing to mention are my two visits to a pier on Pleasure Island recently, once with just Mom and then with my 'rents and Wyatt.
Did you keep last year’s resolutions and if so, what were they?
I kept the major things and tossed out minor ones because I had so many health issues these last two years. I'm going to try making some for 2018 now that I'm in such a good place, though.
I resolved to see a dietitian regularly while otherwise improving my eating habits and I got out of the house more. That increased gradually along with my exposure therapy for Social Anxiety during this year.
Did you travel to any interesting places in 2017?
Ones I've mentioned already.
What would you like to have in 2018 that you lacked this year?
Better health is always on my wishlist for the new year.
Do you even believe in New Year’s resolutions, and why or why not?
I didn't used to care for such since so many people totally fail to keep them. However, I'm not most people.
The ones I've made before were useful for me although others had to be disregarded in favor of more important things.
Do you believe that 2017 had an occurring theme for you and if so, which theme and why?
I'm always in a constant fight with my overall health, but there were marked improvements. I've also tried several new things that turned out to be really great, and I've met new people I like in person as well.
Do you feel like 2017 went by too fast?
Not really, but I don't usually feel that way about the year.
Did you fall in love with any new artists during the year and if so, who are they?
I felt less concerned with new music this year.
What were two of your accomplishments in 2017?
I've managed to get in a better place with my health which is a constant struggle for me.
Another major thing was getting out more than I usually do this year. I've had Social Anxiety Disorder for most of my life, but my exposure therapy has done wonders.
Now it's not that much of an issue for me and I haven't had a panic attack in a long time too.
What's the best book you read this past year?
I'm not really an avid reader and I mostly read educational books when I do. Nothing too memorable was on my roster this year to be honest.
It was more about the educational shows like American Ripper and The Hunt For The Zodiac Killer, and also the new Knighfall series depicting the Knights Templar.
What was your favorite movie this year?
My top three were Thor: Ragnarok, Justice League and the new movie for Stephen King's It.
What's something you'll do next year?
Not sure yet. I need to make some goals for myself.
However, I've wanted to start up ACNL this year so maybe I can get around to that in 2018. I'd also work on that blog for it I had wanted to get to. Things just weren't stable enough this year.
If you could fly anywhere in the world in 2018, where would you go?
Hokkaido, Japan is my number one destination. I just can't travel outside of my country.
What was your biggest regret of 2017?
I don't practice regret as it's useless. Just learn from the hardship and mistakes so you can truly move forward in life.
Do you think you’ll be having a better year in 2018?
I'm not psychic. No one really knows that for sure.
Did you make any new friends or lose any this year?
I only made new ones.
What was the biggest adventure of 2017?
I'm only mildly adventurous so my faves were going to that aquarium I mentioned and visiting Pleasure Island twice.
Did you get cake on your birthday or just presents, and did you get what you wanted?
I don't care for cake, but I got the things I wanted. It's just that my asshat father started shit because he refuses to listen to people and then denies it.
You can't listen to someone if you never let them finish a thought. That kind of stuff is par for the course now and then, though. It's gotten better lately.
How much did you change this year and what’s different about you?
My mental health has shifted some in the last couple of years. I've adjusted some of my meds to suit that, but I've also found pills that actually help me get some sleep too.
As I've said already, I've also gotten out of the house more often. I've done bigger things now that I'm sleeping well too. It's been good.
I'm also less chatty which was due to Bipolar 3 and sometimes caused by insomnia since that's a symptom. That never really bothered me, though. I'll leave paragraphs on my survs if I want, but I've been more concise recently.
It obviously helps to have a clearer mind after getting enough sleep, and not being in a hypomanic state more often too.
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mysurveys · 6 years
Tunes Survey
Survey #44 on the Countdown to 2018!
This one's from the 8th and I've done more on the 9th and 12th so far.
What's a song you like with a color in the title?
Paint It Black originally by The Rolling Stones, although my fave cover is by Inkubus Sukkubus.
What's a song you like with a number in the title?
One by Three Dog Night, but my fave cover is by Filter from the X-Files: Fight The Future soundtrack.
What's a song that reminds you of summertime?
Soda Pop by Britney Spears, which is from Pokemon The First Movie.
What's a song that reminds you of someone you would rather forget about?
I don't seriously want to forget any of my exes because they taught me a lot, but I'm not so hot on thinking about Matthew M. more than I have to.
He was the worst SO of mine and the only one I ever thought of as a total loser by the end of our relationship. Still, the song Fighter by Christina Aguilera reminds me of him.
What's a song that needs to be played loudly?
Not too loudly, but I'd go with (Hey You) Free Up Your Mind by Emma Bunton. She was Baby Spice of the Spice Girls band. It's another song from the first Pokemon movie.
What's a song that makes you want to dance?
Nothing always puts me in a grooving mood, but sometimes Shake It Off by Taylor Swift works.
What's a song to drive or ride to?
Definitely Cruisin' which is originally by Smokey Robinson, but I prefer the cover by Gwyneth Paltrow and Huey Lewis.
What's a song about drugs or alcohol?
I have no interest in songs about drugs, alcohol, sex or being braggadocious. So I obviously dislike a lot of rap music.
What's a song that makes you happy?
Nothing always makes me respond that way.
What's a song that makes you sad?
Same as above. Music doesn't directly influence my moods like that.
What's a song you never get tired of?
I'd get tired of anything eventually.
What's a song from your preteen years?
I always listened to old Beatles songs back then, so just pick your poison.
What's one of your favorite ‘80s songs?
Eye Of The Tiger by Survivor which is my fave fight song. It inspired one of my usernames, but my nickname is also Tigress partly due to my year's Chinese zodiac sign.
What's a song you would love played at your wedding?
I have no idea, getting hitched is the last thing on my mind.
What's a song that's a cover by another artist?
Man, I've already mentioned several… I can't really think of another off the top of my head.
What's one of your favorite classical songs?
I don't really have favorites of songs without lyrics.
What's a song you would sing a duet with on karaoke?
I'm a fantastic singer so karaoke isn't really any fun for me. *shrug*
What's a song from the year you were born?
Hm, I'd have to Google that…
Sledgehammer by Peter Gabriel! ❤
What's a song that makes you think about life?
No Rain by Blind Melon.
What's a song that has many meanings to you?
Well, most songs seem rather straightforward…
Maybe something by Nightwish because they have songs laden with lots of meaning, although I'm not talking about interpretations here.
What's a favorite song with a person’s name in the title?
I don't have any faves with names in them. In fact, I prefer songs that don’t drop names like that.
What's a song that moves you forward?
Fight Song by Rachel Platten is pretty inspirational.
What's a song you think everybody should listen to?
I don't think there's a song like that.
What's a song by a band you wish were still together?
I don't really feel that way.
What's a song by an artist no longer living?
Thriller by Michael Jackson.
What's a song that makes you want to fall in love?
None have that effect on me.
What's a song that breaks your heart?
I think the only one I could even bring up is Tears In Heaven by Eric Clapton since I know what it's really about.
What's a song by an artist with a voice that you love?
I Want To Conquer The World by Bad Religion.
Despite my own beliefs, they have some good songs and I used to listen to them a lot as a kid. However, there’s content regarding confusion about God that I could've explained when I was 13.
What's a song you remember from your childhood?
The Sailor Moon cover of I Wanna Hold Your Hand by the Beatles.
What's a song that reminds you of yourself?
Bitch by Meredith Brooks. That's the only one that doesn't have any content I could possibly disagree with. LOL
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