Patricia Komar is an author of fiction books and feature writer for Modern Dog, a North American magazine. She has written about competitive canine sports and working dogs including articles on agility, flyball and earthdogging. Ms.Komar earned degrees in Switzerland, New York and British Columbia where she studied the arts, psychology and writing.  She lives in the Pacific Northwest with her husband and two dogs.
She composes highlight article for North American productions and is additionally the writer of The Ghost in the Hollows, Missing in the Hollows, Missing in the Hollows Chapter 1 and suspense and thriller fiction - Jobmobbers: Under the watchful eyes of coyote.
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Patricia Komar: Freelance Author And Writer
Many businesses and companies are popping up for writing articles or short stories. Many look for good writers but sadly they are unable to find so. Everyone can write but not with the required passion. However if you’re one of those businesses looking for a freelance writer with the required experience and passion, Patricia Komar, freelance author and writer, will save your day.
Patricia Komar, freelance author and writer, loves to go on adventures. She sets off for kayaking, canoeing or hiking with her family every once a while. She is literally a free spirit. She has had so many adventures that she started channeling her adventurist passion into writing. If you read one of her books, youll know how deep she can write about details. Youll know how experienced she is. Popular on a small scale, this freelance author and writer’s abilities will be a great addition for your writing company. She deserves more fame than she currently has!
She is not only experienced in writing though. That’s not the end of it. She has worked as a therapist, counsellor, teacher, life guard, professional swimmer, waitress, bartender, dancer, singer, actress, public speaker and as a featured writer of canine sports and activities. She currently holds three degrees from universities in Switzerland, New York and British Columbia on psychology, writing and arts. Imagine the amount of talent this freelance author and writer has.
She has written books adventures such as The Ghost In the Hollows, Diary of a Teen Explorer, Kellie and The Dancing Garden, Jobmobbers and Missing in The Hollows. All of these books are available in a hard copy as well as an eBook.
Her books have been sold successfully and readable by people of every age or by adventure fanatics. Never have her books disappointed her fans either! She is a multitalented freelance author and writer.
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How to Make Your Next Suspense Novel Stand Out from the Crowd
Suspense novels are one of those particular book genres which readers love to devour, often in single sittings as they sit on the edge of their seat, wondering what could happen next. Suspense, and suspense thrillers, are popular among both readers and writers. But how can you make sure that your next suspense novel truly stands out from the crowd? The following is a handy guide that will walk you through the best ways to make your next suspense novel truly stand out.
Use a good time constraint
The best thriller books have time constraints—and so should your next novel. Time constraints allow for an organic building of suspense as time runs out for the protagonist or protagonists. The time constraint should be long enough that a story can happen within its beginning and just before its end, but it should be short enough that the reader feels the tension. For instance, a character could have just 24 hours to figure out who kidnapped their children, or 7 days to solve a murder mystery before they become the next victim.  
Read books by your favorite suspense authors
One way that you can improve your own suspense writing is by reading books from a great suspense thriller novel writer. You will have a much easier time understanding how a good suspense novel should flow if you’ve taken the time to read great suspense books from successful authors.
Create high stakes—and keep them there
No one will feel the tension and suspense in your novel if they can’t place themselves in the main character’s shoes and understand why they need to race against the clock and do whatever it takes to solve their problem. In other words, you need to ensure that the stakes are high enough, and that you don’t let the protagonist lower the stakes before the climax of the novel. Examples of high stakes include loved ones in danger of dying, characters being framed for murder, or even the main character becoming a target for a murderer.
Come up with dilemmas
Dilemmas are one of the best obstacles you can use in a suspense novel, because they present the character—and the reader—with something to chew on. Dilemmas can range from philosophical—a character having to choose whether or not to become violent in an effort to save their daughter from kidnappers—to the more extreme, such as choosing which person to save from a madman. The better the dilemma, the more invested readers will become.
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Welcome To Patricia Komar
Patricia Komar is an author of fiction books and feature writer for Modern Dog, a North American magazine. She composes highlight article for North American productions and is additionally the writer of The Ghost in the Hollows, Missing in the Hollows, Missing in the Hollows Chapter 1 and suspense and thriller fiction - Jobmobbers: Under the watchful eyes of coyote.
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The Hollow Hills Explorers Series and author Patricia Komar www.patriciakomar.com
BOOKS ON LOCATION The Hollow Hills Explorers Series comes alive in video. A live and close-up look at witch's beard, the hollowed out stumps carved out by loggers in the 1890's that now look like eyes and mouths. Discover the inspiration for the books, The Ghost in the Hollows and Missing in the Hollows. Also what just may happen to the nature park. Oh no! A noisy road may pave over the earth in a part of park.
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