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K H - S T A R T - M E N U || N Y C T O T H E M E S
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Hello! This is the KH Start Menu Theme by nyctothemes Obviously, it’s based off the multiple Kingdom Hearts starting menus. While there are things NOT available to change, like the background color, the colors of the two Main Links, and the heart symbol, but there are many things you CAN change, like the background IMAGE, the color of the sidebar’s watercolor, and the two mainlinks’ colors (view below to see more) and more.If you DO want to change something else but aren’t sure what’s up, please google your question before asking me (unless of course it’s not a question fit for google) :) Also forgive me as I may not know the answer!
R U L E S:
do not remove any theme credit, neither from page or coding.
do not move credit to a page.
F E A T U R E S:
4 extra links
custom cursor
custom favicon
O P T I O N S:
the background image:
Kingdom Hearts
Kingdom Hearts FinalMix
Chain of Memories
Chain of Memories (Riku)
Kingdom Hearts II
Kingdom Hearts II FinalMix
Birth by Sleep
Dream Drop Distance 1
Dream Drop Distance 2
sidebar image:
Blue watercolor
Yellow watercolor
Red watercolor
the 2 mainlinks’ background:
Dark blue
Dark Red
Dark Yellow
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Current State Of The Union
IN: Tuna. Season 3. Drawing.
OUT: Wasabi. California Rolls. Guests.
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Socially Withdrawn
Forgive me if I don't want to subject my tongue to it's doom by wasbi, but I am NOT eating any kind of ghetto mixed "sushi: California rolls" loaded with the green death.
My roommate Polly and her recent fiance Jimmy concluded to the amazing idea of making green bomb California rolls, they call sushi, for dinner.
"See it's not spicy, it just goes through your nose and that's it." I can hear her speaking incredibly loud in the kitchen. Who are you telling? I could care less if it goes through your nose and out your ass. "It's not bad...it's funny." she continues. And I'm getting fed up. Call me a moody bitch, but I am not having the best weekend in the world right now, and I don't like to be badgered into things. I was never one to give into, or even look twice, to peer pressure, so I am definitely not playing Russian Roulette: Sushi Edition.
So I finally shouted back, "Oh my god! You don't eat when I cook things for you, so stop trying to get me to eat yours!" Maybe I acted to rashly, snapped too soon, harsh? But I was done taking what the world threw at me.
I don't care that Jimmy was hanging out today. I don't care that he was spending the night here. I didn't. What I did care about, was that he ate our food we paid for without so much as asking if he could. He took a shower with Polly in the same bathroom at the same time. Might I remind you that her bathroom, is MY bathroom, and being the Victorian styled germ a phobic that I am, THAT severally grossed me out. They also went into Polly's room, that of course I share with her, and changed together for an extended amount of time. Again, grossed out.
I get the lovey dovey honeymoon phase of being a couple. Trust me, I do. I was an unsuspecting victim of it a few years ago myself. (gag me) but I only knew this girl for two maybe three months. Our morals were different, our life styles were opposites. And while she had the overwhelming desire to share every last detail about the dirty deed with me, I had the overwhelming desire to kill myself.
This being said, this weekend was a total suck fest. But sitting here thinking about just when my life became a downward spiral, I realized it wasn't just because of my odd roommate; it started when I moved out here to begin with. I missed my old life. I missed my friends that I could always find something something to do with on boring weekends or Friday nights. I missed my crazy cousins and their family parties. I missed having to go to work everyday from 3 to 6 and work like a dog to be able to see my class room full of wild kids smile and enjoy my company as much as I enjoyed theirs. And, I never thought I'd say it, but I missed my family. Although we had the tendency to drive each other crazy every time we were together in the same mile, we were there for each other. We knew how to look after one another, and could spell out the do's and don't of living with one another. Instead I was here, with an apartment mate, Taylor, who spends as much time as I do hiding in her own room from Polly, and Polly herself who could drive me up a wall.
So it's easy to say that these so called glory days of college were not off to even a decent start. And I was beginning think I had made the wrong choice in coming here. As much as I felt I was ready to move on and find my place in the world, I wasn't ready to deal with other people in such close, 24 hour proximity. I used to be...so what went wrong? What changed me from social butterfly to a cut off from the world, privacy loving book worm? And, was I destined to stay this way forever?
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Current State Of The Union
IN: Malibu Chicken. Sticker Decals. Kingdom Hearts.
OUT: Foil. Air Kisses. Giant Tentacle Liquor Display.
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Curent State Of The Union
IN: Marshall Lee. Awkward. November.
OUT: October. Alarm Clocks. "A) A Friendless Loser."
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