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CO-WRITTEN WITH @thirstworldproblemss
Astroboot’s Masterlist | Thirstworldproblemss’ Masterlist
Summary: Sweet as he is, dating Steven means you have to be willing to ignore a few red flags along the way. 
Read on Ao3
Please note there’s no tag list, but you can be notified of my new writing updates by following @astroboots-writes and turn on notifs 🤡💖🤡
🔞 This series is explicit as fuck. Please heed the warnings in each chapter.
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Part 1: Sweet, as he is, dating Steven, means you have to be willing to ignore a few red flags along the way. Or alternatively: You get to use that ankle restraint on Steven and sit on his beautiful face. | 9.2k words
Part 2: Something strange is going on with Steven. Or alternatively: how you fix your relationship by giving Steven the sloppiest office blowjob ever. | 9.2k words
Part 3: For the first time since that night, Steven sleeps over, but it might not be him you wake up with in your bed. Or alternatively: Marc makes a dramatic ass entrance. | 4.6k words
Part 4: Steven disappears and you fall into a rabbit hole trying to decode Marc’s secret message. Or alternatively: Marc needs to communicate better. | 8.1k words
Part 5: You try to befriend Marc with mixed results. Or alternatively: God this man is cranky. | 7.1k words
Part 6: You and Marc grow closer, but it’s a little more complicated than that. Or alternatively: Marc refuses to let dead fish lie. | 7.8k words
Part 7: Your subconscious is trying to tell you something important about the choices you have to make. Or alternatively: is it still a threesome if the two men are alters? | 8.2k
Part 8: You and Steven talk and you make a decision. Or alternatively: You spill the beans and things get messy. | 6.4k
Part 9: You and Steven finally reunite. Or alternatively: Marc is a dummy and makes questionable decisions as always. | 8.4k
Part 10: You and Steven try to get used to your new life together without Marc. Or alternatively: Marc is playing (the not ridiculous and totally mature version of) Hide and Seek. | 10k words
Part 11: You overhear things you were not meant to hear. Or alternatively: The girls boys are fighting. | 6.9k words
Part 12: You get more than you bargained for when you follow Marc out into the night. Or alternatively: 🎵 Fighting evil by moonlight. Winning love by daylight 🎵 | 6.2k words
Part 13: The end is the beginning is the end. Or alternatively: You finally get to have Marc’s beautiful face buried between your thighs. | 17k words
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The First date | by @guruan | Scene from Ch. 01
The Fish | by @guruan | Scene from Ch. 05
Goldfish | by @excitedcurtain864 | inspired from Ch. 06
The phone call | by @guruan | Scene from Ch. 10 (Spoiler-ish)
Ten extra minutes | by @guruan | Scene from Ch. 11 (Spoiler-ish)
Pancakes | by @guruan | Scene from Ch.13 (Spoiler warning!)
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The Mandalorian
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Moon Knight 
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Triple Frontier
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Spiderman: Across The Spiderverse
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Ex Machina
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Period Fics
Fic Recs - Part 1
Fic Recs - Part 2
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1K notes · View notes
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Moon Knight masterlist
🔥sex/smut | 🌟= NEW |♾️ gn!reader |🌸 Author favorite
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::🌜 Spring 2024 MK Bingo Event 🌛::
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Assassin's Creed AU (1 of 3 published) Marc- Assassin (~7.7k) Jake- Assassin (~9k) Steven- Assassin
Here We Go🔥 (8 part series, completed) ☑️
Coffee Incident (completed) ☑️ -The Coffee Incident part 1- Marc (~1,1k words) -The Coffee Incident part 2- Jake (~1k words) -The Coffee Incident part 3- Steven (~1.1k words) --Thoughts and shorter bits-- comfort fic w/ family ♾️ w/ a goth reader ♾️ When You're Sick ♾️ Feelings About Your Skincare Routine ♾️ Self-Defense ♾️ The moon boys & your body ♾️
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Marc- Museum Date (~1.7k)♾️ Marc - Trauma Group (~500)♾️ Marc - Prom (~2k words) 🌸 Marc - Paying Your Debt (~2k words)🔥 🌸
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🌟 A Lesson in Fairness (~2.3k) 🔥
uni!Steven- Bonfire Night (~3.2k)🔥 uni!Steven- Study Buddy (~1.8k)🔥 Steven - The Finer Things Club (crossover w/ The Office) (~2k, only canon characters) Steven - Farm Day (~800 words) ♾️🌸 Steven random thought #1 - "Rainy Day" ♾️ Steven random thought #2- What sex is like with the moon boys: aka "hate f*cking* 🔥
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70s AU Blurb A Deal with Jake (~1.1k words) Jake has Ghosts (245 words)🔥
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235 notes · View notes
Ahhh this is so good. Maybe part 2 with reader actually pregnant?
The Arm of a God (And Other Things)
Khonshu x Fem!Reader
You take a week-long hiking trip alone, despite the warnings at the lodge from experienced hikers.
But were you truly alone?
No. Never.
The bears and mountain lions were the least of your concerns. In fact...
They never were to begin with.
TW/CW: NSFW, Smut, PiV sex, unprotected sex, size difference, reader is a size queen, needy(?)Khonshu, creampie, ngl it's a lot like the dude's a god and like 9 feet tall I refuse to believe every part of his anatomy isn't proportionate to the rest of him, like he has a breeding kink?? God of fertility hellooooooo
Taglist: @drinkingwithkhonshu @gingersforeverbox @manque-damour
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"Look, kid, no offense but..." The older man replied to you, his thick, bushy eyebrows pinched with concern for your well-being, "It's dangerous out there if you're alone. And compared to a bear, you're a small snack."
You smile at the old man, briefly taking in his far more rugged appearance. He looked every part of a human grizzly bear; large, imposing, muscular. He could probably take an actual grizzly bear in a bare-knuckle fight and come out even. He was an experienced hiker, a man born for the wilderness.
His concern for you was sweet. Compared to him, you were a tiny porcelain teacup; clean, and fragile. Sure you looked that way, but you trusted yourself and your abilities.
You looked small... but you weren't helpless. And you never had to worry in any of your travels.
"Thank you for your concern, but I'm covered." You chuckle sweetly, tapping the pendant around your neck. It was a small stone, scribbled with some sort of symbols, a crescent moon featured most prominently.
He squinted his green eyes at the necklace. He obviously couldn't understand what they said, but he understood it was some sort of religious object.
"Look kid, god can only do so much if a brown bear raids your camp in the middle o' the night." He says, clicking his teeth.
"Trust me. I got my bear spray, a good taser, a machete..." You begin listing off your protective items, some of which were bullshit. Most of your items in your pack were food and other important supplies.
He seemed impressed once you were done, stroking his thick beard approvingly. "All right, I s'pose. But since you've checked in here, there's a policy you tune into the lodge's frequency so if anything happens, we can come get ya."
To show how serious you took his advice--even if it wasn't needed--you pulled out your radio. It had about a 30 kilometer radius. An expensive purchase, to be sure, but a nice one. You tune it to the frequency he tells you and look at him as you clip it back to your pack securely.
"Anything else?" You chirp.
"Nope... Just... Be careful. The weather can get kinda crazy further up the mountain." He grunts.
You turn, giving a playful salute as you do, dragging deep into your lungs the air of the mountains after a fresh morning rain.
You weren't afraid for what the night brought. Not at all. But you knew that you've never had to be afraid when the moon rose.
Not when you had faith.
You'd made good progress, only having to stop and rest a few times throughout the day, free-climbing a few boulders here and there, and to check your map. Your destination was an old burnt-down mansion that was destroyed in a bad storm sometime in the 1920s. So, over a hundred years ago.
Nobody really knew about them or bothered to find them because they were so far off the beaten path, but you marked your trail to find your way back. If you even got lost in the first place.
The first time you found out about this place was a small article written by a backpacker who explored forgotten ruins on YouTube. Yeah, they aren't as exciting as climbing a pyramid down in South America, but to you they were. You adored finding them and exploring them, touching pieces of recent history that were forgotten far quicker than ruins from thousands of years ago.
And when you found them, you tossed your pack down and did a happy little dance; they were amazing! The walls were made of river stone, joined by concrete and held up merely by their own sturdy construction. Some of the walls had fallen due to time, but you could easily make out a few old windows and doorways. Every inch of the ruins was covered in moss, shrubbery, and old and young trees embracing what was left.
You'd even climbed an old stairway you found in the back for fun; it may have led to the worker's lodgings, or.... hell maybe just another entrance to the second floor.
But now, the sun was gone, and you'd set up camp in the middle of the ruins, where a small pond had formed thanks to a depression in the ground. Perhaps the remains of a basement or cellar that had caved in due to the fire and passage of time.
Your fire crackled as you let your water purifier do it's job, your clean water dripping into your canteen with a steady "drip, drip, drip".
You finished off your pre-packaged meal--a nice packet of spaghetti and meatballs with some extra protein powder thrown in--and was now letting it settle, laying on your plush sleeping bag as you stared at the night sky, the moon fat as it hung from the stars; your fingers brushing and caressing the small pendant around your neck.
"I am not surprised to find you in a place like this." A heavy voice echoed off the stone walls.
You sat up on your elbows and lifted your gaze, smiling as you spot him--a large, lithe figure perched casually on the ruins, the light of the moon illuminating the eerie bird skull in place of his head.
"You know how much I love doing this." You remind him.
"Yes, I know." His voice said softly, his body moving in a blur. In a moment, he was standing above you.
You crossed your arms behind your head and grinned up at him. "It's been a month... Having fun with your Moon Guy?"
"My Moon Knight." He corrects, moving to sit next to you, laying his staff down on the remnants of the stone floor, little bits of grass and foliage peeking through the crags.
"Yeah, yeah." You snort, turning to roll on your side to grin at him again, resting your head in the palm of your hand.
"So... Read on the internet about some crazy shit going down in Egypt. And... It felt like you were gone. What happened with that?"
"Ammit and her cult. My Moon Knight and Taweret's Avatar stopped her. My Fist killed her Avatar." He said slowly. "And for meddling with the heavens... The Ennead imprisoned me, briefly."
You sat up fully, shocked by this news. "What? H-how... Why did--"
His fingers brush your lips to silence you, the touch feather light but enough to cease your speaking.
"It is settled, now. Don't worry." He says to you gently, his hand moving to cup your cheek, his warm palm heating your skin while his thumb brushes your cheek.
You close your eyes and sigh, frowning at him. "Damn you, old man... Don't worry me like that again, or I'll kill you."
"Of course. I wouldn't dare incur your wrath." He chuckled.
"Damn straight you won't." You sigh; his hand moved down your throat to encircle you, flattening on your upper back to pull you against him so you were astride in his lap.
You slowly slide your hands up his bandaged chest, feeling his heat bleed through your skin and warm you to your core. Your fingers toy with the large crescent moon fixed to his chest, brushing his flowing robes off to the sides.
"You are a force of nature," He hums, his other hand sliding down to completely encapsulate your ass and pull you tighter against him.
"One I have come to appreciate far more after my imprisonment."
You chuckle and watch as the strips of linen as soft as a moth's wing fall away into wisps of mist, leaving his almost searing hot skin bare to your touch.
His skin was a lifeless monochrome, ashen color, but it wasn't lacking in life at all, far from it. You could feel his godly heart thump in his chest, feel his muscles twitch as you touched him.
And already, you could feel the hard length of him pressing against you, swelling and twitching as it came to life as well.
It felt like his arousal flooded into you, spreading through your core and riling you up. You could already feel yourself soaking through your underwear, a dark stain soaking through your pants.
Sometimes you wished he could come to you at home; or in a motel room at least, so you can wear something nice for him, some lingerie or...
His fingers brushed your lips once again and he tapped them twice, signaling for you to open.
You obey silently, letting the soft pads of his index and middle finger part your jaws, caressing the muscle of your tongue, your eyes locking with his own eyeless gaze.
A rumble comes from him, and he groans as you roll your hips against his erection, the want and heat almost burning you inside and out.
One of your hands shoves down to undo your belt and unbutton your pants, and Khonshu withdraws his fingers from your mouth and almost dizzingly fast, his hand was shoved into your underwear, toying with your swollen clit.
You moan softly, your own small hands gripping at the gold collar on him for stability as one of his large fingers dips into your tight hole.
He grinds his palm into your clit as his finger curled and pressed against that overly sensitive spot on the walls of your cunt.
"Tight..." Khonshu growled, his other hand rolling your hips in time with his other hand. "You need to relax for me, love."
"T-Trying..." You pant, feeling the cool texture of his smooth dry beak caress against the blazing heat of your cheek.
"Hmmmh." He sighed and retracted his hands from you. "Get undressed. I need you to lie back."
You scramble off of his lap, watching his throbbing length bob eagerly as you peel your clothes off of you, lying back on your sleeping bag, spreading your legs for him to see every inch of you that was ready and waiting for him.
He had been gone for a month, and you knew on some nights, even when he wasn't there with you physically, you knew he would watch as you'd touch yourself to thoughts of him. No mortal man could ever compare to the love and carnal touch of a god, and he always felt a pang of guilt when he had to leave you for whatever duties he had.
But your reunions always ended this way, heat, lust and sheer want for companionship. You had started praying to him when you felt other religions didn't do it for you, finding that you being the wanderer that you were, would find more solace in prayer to a god who protected those like you.
And you certainly didn't expect to catch his eye, let alone capture his heart the way that you had.
His hand rests on your knee, thumb caressing the bones beneath the skin as he leans over you. He couldn't kiss you, but you always made sure that was never a problem, even now, as you tipped your head to place a soft kiss to the smooth side of his beak.
"Fuck--" You groaned, dropping your head back onto your travel pillow when his other hand rediscovered its place against your weeping sex, his thumb rolling small circles over your engorged clit while his other two fingers glide over your entrance; the muscles fluttering in anticipation of what was to come.
You squirm with impatience as each swipe of his fingers only serves to ignite a hotter flame burning low in your loins.
"Khonshu." You breathed.
When you said his name like that, it was always sweeter than any offering or prayer he has received. More uplifting than knowing his works uproots evil to protect the innocent, more delicious than watching Ammit and Harrow die at the end of Jake's gun.
"Just a bit more." He tightly reprimands, his other hand squeezing your knee to remind you to relax.
"You're such a damn tease." You whine, wiping one of your hands down your face, biting your lip and gripping your hair as his fingers inch slowly into your tight, hot hole.
Another deep, rumbling groan comes from him as he feels your body grip him like he was your reason for breathing; dragging, squeezing, pleading for him to just take you already....
But he wouldn't--couldn't--until your body had adjusted enough for this to be pleasurable for you as much as him. He was larger than a human man, and he knew your body was fragile compared to his.
Of course, he always felt smug and prideful when he acknowledged the fact he probably ruined you for any mortal man you may decide to bed one day. Because, honestly, now.
What mortal man can compare to a god in both love and in the bedroom?
You arched your hips up off the ground with a moan, whimpering out his name when his fingers curled upwards. But by bit he could feel your muscles ease up around him, your sweet body becoming slick and welcoming.
Sometimes he would get so mesmerized in how your body reacted just to his fingers that he neglected his cock entirely in focus on you.
He could feel your gummy walls press down on his fingers, fluttering around him as he pumped and curled them inside of you, fingering you open so you could take him fully.
He said your name so softly that it crackled like dry leaves on the wind, and you had to lazily drag your eyes open to look at him, the moon and stars shining above and behind him.
He was beautiful, in his own macabre sort of way...
Oh, if the Ennead knew he was fucking you, you both would probably be in heaps of trouble. But you always figured "bring it on" because you had some choice words for those bastards if you ever had the chance to meet them.
But those were thoughts for later, right now you were focused on your impending orgasm as his fingers scissored inside of you, pushing you closer and closer to that peak so when he pushed inside of you with his cock you wouldn't hurt (or bleed, as that has happened before when the two of you got overzealous).
And of course, right as you were about to cum, your whole body electrified to the point you actually thought you saw sparks in your peripheral vision... Khonshu pulled his fingers free of your wanting body.
You practically sobbed in frustration as your climax was taken from you so abruptly. It was a favorite thing of his to do to you; edging you like he does. But you knew it was for more selfish reasons than anything else.
He leaned over you, bracing his body on his forearms as he gently brushed your head with his beak--his closest approximation of a kiss--and you felt something warm and wet drip onto your belly.
Sparing a glance down, you pant softly as you watch the faintly glowing fluid drip from the tip of his cock; the very tip of it flushed the tiniest shade of pink on his otherwise colorless body. Maybe once upon a time his skin was a different color, but in his exile, it has become so dull.
"Are you ready." He grits out. More a statement than a question, really, as he knew your answer beforehand. But it was important to him that you never had any reservations.
He would not take without first receiving consent from you, without giving.
He was not Set, after all.
"Please." You breathe, reaching out to touch his cock, fingers brushing along the silky soft skin, smearing the precum over the tip with your thumb; earning a delicious groan from him.
He grunts softly, nodding as he lets you guide his weeping cock through your slick folds and to your hole.
It was always breath-stealing, the moment he pushed into you, his thick girth spearing you open and filling you so full you swore he was buried in your guts.
You kept your hand low, feeling him as he slowly slid further inside of you, a hiss coming from him. You were relaxed now, yes... but still so tight because of your comparative sizes that it knocked him off kilter; your heat enveloping him so welcomingly as though he was coming home again.
"K-Khonshu!" You hiccuped, your eyes rolling back into your head as you felt him fill you.
Khonshu's leg moves, pushing your thigh and nudging your legs open for him further; the both of you making low breathy sounds as your body squeezed him instinctively at the action.
"I'm... going to move, now." He snarls, reaching down to caress your thigh as he pulls back, your body desperately clinging to him, begging him to stay inside.
Your nails claw at his arms as you grit your teeth, sweat beading your brow as you feel him slide out inch by torturous inch before rolling his hips back into yours, filling you up almost as quickly as he pulled away.
"Oh--oh--" You whine, barely able to speak or form coherent thoughts as Khonshu starts arching his back and rolling his hips at the right angle to make your brain turn to mush.
The first time he had you, you thought you actually died. He had you ride his fingers until you couldn't move, and then he had you pinned, still thrusting his hand inside of you, coaxing and caressing your muscles to allow him entrance.
You did bleed, of course, because of his size. You'd had human bed partners, yes, but none compared to him in any way. You'd probably never be able to look at a human cock again and get as excited as you did when Khonshu teased you.
Oh, how strange it was... Gods often looked down at mortals because of their fallacies, not unlike their own in some ways... But lifetimes ago, the Old Gods of Egypt kept close relationships with their mortal followers. Of course... None had gone so far as to lay with them like Khonshu had done with you.
You'd tried to tease him, the first time you got intimate, that you were his first.
That's when he proved to you that just because you were his first human, didn't mean you were his first bedroom partner.
The way he made love to you was ethereal, almost entirely unreal. It was so good that sometimes you thought you'd dreamt it.
"Khonshu, I'm..." You moan, lifting your hips off of the ground to meet his thrusts as they picked up speed.
Khonshu watched you, his eyeless gaze boring holes into you as he studied your face, as beautiful as the most detailed works of art in human history as you came undone around him, soaking his skin as your body pushes every wave of your climax out.
His pace faltered, and he collapsed back onto his forearms as your legs locked around him, digging into the taut muscles of his glutes as your orgasm nearly knocked him senseless for a moment.
He gripped your sleeping bag tight in one hand as his pace quickened, desperate to taste his own release that threatened to swell up inside of him.
"Almost." He says, his voice wavering.
"Do it." You moan loudly, dragging your nails down his back desperately.
"Hrr--you--" He moaned back, his other hand moving back to grip your thigh so tightly you'd be feeling the bruises for days onward, even in his absence.
"You... are... always... so... greedy." He snaps out with each thrust of his hips, the sinful sound of skin slapping skin and your cries filling the ruins.
"Is--Is it really being greedy if you--you want to--want--" Your voice breaks apart as he angles his hips up, his cock throbbing and twitching inside of you as he pumps you full, the sensation of being so utterly stuffed enough to push you into your second orgasm, forcing out globs of his glowing seed around his cock as he fucks you through both your orgasms, riding our your highs together in a blissful, mind-numbing spiral.
You were vaguely aware when he pulled his cock free of your body, barely grasping at the threads of consciousness as he looked down at you, his thumb pressing into your lower belly as he watched his divine seed drip from you.
He half wondered, if maybe you would get pregnant. Wondered what kind of child you would bear. A demi-god, surely, but what kind? In his pantheon, the children of their parents rarely shared the same aspects. Save for some overlapping connectivities, that is...
He could almost see your belly swell, nice and round... And felt something tug deep within his chest, a drive to see if this little thought bubble could burst--to see if his imagination would be a reality and bear fruit.
But, of course... His mind was dragged to the forefront of reality when your shaky little hand caressed the skull that was his head, your eyes drowsy and satiated as you smiled up at him, your god, your protector.
Your lover.
As he laid next to you, he curled your body with his and watched as the last embers of your fire burned away, leaving you only haloed in the soft, silver rays of his moon.
He couldn't believe he ever found you
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A Touch Of Hope (Logan Howlett)
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Pairing: Logan Howlett x female mutant reader
Summary: After a mission went wrong, Logan brought an injured mutant into the school. And with that, new hope has arisen - for mutants, for the school, even for Logan.
General warning: graphic depictions of violence, smut, explicit language and more.
This story is for 18+ audience. Minors DNI.
Author's note: I love that Logan is tall in the movies. They... fucked up. And I am here for it. The reader is a female. I don't do any description BUT she has long hair (I'm sorry). If you find something, let me know. I am writing this for fun, not rushing and just enjoying the process.
Set in an alternative universe. In other words - I can do what I like.
• Begin Again (Chapter One) After a failed mission, Logan unexpectedly brings home an injured mutant. | Words: 5300+
• 'Hell' (Chapter Two)  Y/N shares how she escaped 'hell’. | Words: 4300+
• Spark (Chapter Three) Charles reveals something more about Y/N's mutation. | Words: 3800+
• Window of Opportunity (Chapter Four) In Salem, Logan and Y/N have the opportunity to save the boy. | Words: 5200+
Staff: Charles Xavier, Hank McCoy (Beast), Piotr Rasputin (Colossus), Remy LeBeau (Gambit), Bobby (Iceman), Kurt Wagner (Nightcrawler), Kitty Pryde, Anna Marie (Rogue), Ororo Munroe (Storm), Logan Howlett (Wolverine), Scott Summers (Cyclops), Jean Grey, Peter Maximoff (Quicksilver)
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The Start Of Something New (Bruce BannerxReader)
Summary: Meeting you sparks something new for Bruce AND Hulk.
Words: 5,852 Warnings: Sex on the first date, PIV, Oral sex (female receiving), Hulk is a flirt, Only sex with Bruce tho.
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When Tony had handed over the username and password to a newly made dating profile, Bruce had been very confused, and honestly, a tad reluctant.
However, after being hounded by his best friend to just give it a try, he gave in. The first few swipes had gone horribly. Most women unmatched with him after the first few messages. Or worse, they knew he was in the Avengers and had some sort of weird fetish about it. That is until he matched with you. Sweet, funny, beautiful, hard-working you. 
You were like a meteor that knocked him out of orbit.
Something different than anything he had experienced with other partners. Messaging back and forth in the app had quickly turned into an exchange of numbers. Texting with you had been easier because it gave Bruce time to analyze his responses, but hearing your laugh while talking on the phone? God, he was certain there was no better sound. You were so open and honest that communicating came naturally. Which wasn’t something he was used to after his failed relationship with Natasha. He pushes those thoughts from his mind and instead focuses on nervously pacing outside of the Aquarium. After a month of good morning texts and late-night phone calls—today is the day. The day the two of you would finally meet in person and go on your first real date. You two had shared coffee over Facetime a few times, but to Bruce those weren’t dates. This would decide if you’d want to continue communicating. And though you made him feel at ease whenever the two of you spoke, the thought of fucking it all up weighs heavily on him. Bruce checks his watch for the fifth time before catching sight of his reflection in the glass exterior of the building. He fixes his hair while giving himself a pep talk. “Come on, Bruce. You’ve got this. Don’t overthink it, just be yourself.” Your Uber pulls up just as he finishes his words of affirmation. He quickly straightens his back and turns to see you just as you step out of the car. You’re wearing the prettiest little sundress that sways softly in the summer breeze. He gulps. You look perfect. Jogging over to you, he holds out his hand to help you up onto the curb. “Hey!” He closes the car door behind you with a nervous smile, “T-thanks for coming. You look amazing.”
You can tell that Bruce is nervous and it warms your heart. Little does he know that you feel similar. Not only is he a brilliant scientist, but he has saved the world multiple times…what right do you have to spend time with him? You try not to let your insecurities show and squeeze his hand, not only as a comfort to him, but for you as well. “Aw Bruce, thank you. That’s so sweet of you to say.” You let yourself size him up before quirking your head to the side. “You look rather handsome.” His cheeks flush, though he tries to hide it by talking about where he’s chosen to take you for your date.
“I was glad to hear that you enjoy the aquarium.” He keeps your hand in his as he steers you towards the entrance. “I thought it would be the perfect place to bring a so-fish-ticated woman like yourself.” Bruce laughs at his own dad joke before rubbing his face in embarrassment. Tony had told him to keep the dumb jokes at a minimum. But then his ears perk up at the sound of you giggling and a smile tugs at the corners of his mouth. Just like the first time he heard you laugh over the phone, he’s instantly put at ease, “Thank you for not clam-ming up at my terrible humor.” You giggle harder, your free hand coming up to grip his bicep. “Your humor is not terrible!” you lightly scold as you approach the first tank of colorful fish. They instantly capture your attention. “Wow, they’re all so beautiful!” Your hand on Bruce’s bicep feels so warm. He can’t stop himself from staring at your reflection in the glass—you look good together. 
“Which one is your favorite?” he asks to stop himself from planning out an entire future with you. It’s too soon for that. Especially when there are so many variables that could mess things up. You tilt your head to the side, taking a moment to respond, “Hmmm, probably this one.” You point to a fish with a blend of blue and purple scales. 
He nods and looks at the corresponding identification card printed next to the tank.
“Oh look here, that one is native to Wakanda. The scales are used to produce important and sustainable fertilizer for their diverse agricultural offerings.” He realizes he’s rambling, and looks to you wide-eyed. “Sorry, I tend to ramble when I get excited.” You smile and turn to face him fully. “There’s nothing to apologize for. You’re so smart, Bruce. I could listen to you talk for hours.” Sheepishly, he rubs the back of his neck. He can’t deny that the praise feels good but he feels undeserving. “I mean I only read what the identification card says,” he deflects with a teasing grin, hoping the joke would hide his insecurities. You cock your hip before playfully swatting at his upper arm. There’s such a fire in you. Bruce adores it. “You know what I mean, Doctor Banner. Now, show me which fish is your favorite?” Your curiosity about his interests has him lighting up. He doesn’t hesitate to pull you over to another tank. “My favorite is right over here.” Dropping your hand, he instead comes to stand behind you. With one hand on your waist and the other pointing out the fish. He hadn’t meant to tuck you so perfectly against him, but he did, and now he doesn’t ever want to move away. The smell of your shampoo and perfume mix together, leaving him totally captivated. It takes all his restraint to keep talking and not bury his face into your hair. 
“That’s the puffer fish, or Tetraodontidae. They have this defense mechanism, so basically, when they are threatened, they can expand to over double their size. I guess I have a soft spot for them.” 
You find yourself leaning back against his chest as you listen to his explanation. His reasoning not only makes perfect sense but shows you how insightful he can be. “I can understand why. It’s almost like you and Hulk.” You turn your head to meet his gaze. It’s only then that you both realize just how close you’ve both become. Bruce can’t help but notice that his lips are inches from yours. “Yes. It’s like me and Hulk.” His voice comes out huskier than he intends. There’s a tension building. One that’s begging to break free. All either one of you would have to do is close the last remaining inches, but before you can, Bruce’s watch beeps. It breaks the trance and has you both stepping back from one another. He checks his watch and silences the alarm. “Shoot, we have to hurry. There’s something I need to show you!” Without another word, he takes your hand and starts leading you to another part of the aquarium. There’s a bounce in his step as he walks you to the big surprise. His whole reason for picking the aquarium for your first date is because on your dating profile, you had written that your favorite animals are otters. Bruce had tucked this piece of information away until he needed it. He had painstakingly looked for an aquarium that not only had an otters exhibit but gave people the chance to pet them. He couldn’t wait to see the look on your face when you found out. But when you both turn the corner you are instead faced with a giant sign that reads “Exhibit Closed for Renovation”. His heart drops and the blood in his veins starts to boil. He had checked the website! Had planned the entire date around this! “The website said it was going to be open!” he grits out as the hand not holding yours clenches into a fist. He feels Hulk beneath his skin, tugging to be let out. Bruce tries to suppress the feeling, but his chest begins to heave. Things have been better between them. No longer did he treat Hulk as a monster but as a part of him. Bruce made space for him in his home and life, which led to them not needing to fight one another for control. Instead, they attempted to live side by side. However, this is different. It mirrors a time when even the slightest inconvenience would trigger the Hulk. The tips of his ears and fingers prickle to a subtle shade of green. “This isn’t fair. Now everything is ruined!” He lets out a low growl and grips the hand he’s holding until you wince. You don’t have time to respond before you’re forced to rip your hand out of his grasp. That’s when you notice the color of his fingertips. Not knowing what to do to help, but not willing to abandon him, you step in front of him and cup his face. “Bruce? I need you to look at me. Nothing is ruined.” As you talk, you maneuver him backward until you’re both tucked away in a corner close to an emergency exit. You figure this is the best place for him to be if he did in fact lose control. Unfortunately, Bruce doesn’t respond. Instead, he tucks his chin to his chest and continues to breathe heavily. You say his name with a little more force, but still, nothing. He’s too preoccupied with the fury bubbling in his stomach. It causes tendrils of anger to spread through his limbs. Your words are muffled and your touch is hot. All his internal attempts to calm himself are destroyed by the deep seeded anger and self-loathing. 
“This always happens. I can’t do anything right. Everything is ruined.” You’re more panicked now, it’s evident in your tone. “Forget about the otters! I don’t care. Please, Bruce, I’m just happy to be here with you!” What do you do? How do you break him from this spell? You needed him to focus on the good! An idea pops into your mind and before you have a chance to think it over…you do it. You grip his face, jerking it towards you, and kiss him—hard on the mouth. Your arms encircle his neck, putting your all into the kiss and trembling slightly. All you can do is pray your plan works and he kisses you back. For Bruce, his world stops spinning and time stands still. The kiss is enough to bring him back to the present. His heart rate settles and his skin tone reverts to normal, but his eyes are shut tight. He can’t kiss you back, not like this. Not when you were only kissing him for your safety. So he gently pushes you away. “T-Thank you…for that but I’m…I’m sorry. You shouldn’t have had to…do that just to shut me up.” His words confuse you and you speak over him before he can continue, “I didn’t do it to shut you up! I did it because I wanted to and because I thought giving you something happy to think about would help.” You lose your nerve, faltering momentarily. “I…I’m sorry if I was wrong. I shouldn’t have kissed you without your consent.” Bruce’s brow furrows and he finally meets your gaze again. “Wait, you wanted to kiss me?” You nod in earnest and he smiles. He brings his hand to cup your cheek. “You were so brave and strong. I can’t thank you enough for being here for me.” You relax into his touch, letting your face rest in his palm. You’re so beautiful and sweet. It makes Bruce long for things he hasn’t allowed himself to want. “I’m also sorry for assuming you were kissing me out of pity. I guess I just couldn’t imagine anyone wanting to kiss…that.” He motions behind him, to where the Hulk had almost been standing. 
You tilt your head to the side, giving him a questionable look. “The Hulk is just a part of you. I know you’re used to people being afraid of him, but I’m not. I would kiss you, him, and anything else in between.” His cheeks twinge pink. Someone kissing Hulk? That wasn’t something Bruce could even fathom, but the feeling of his pulse skipping a beat tells him that his green counterpart is excited by the offer. Nervously, he chuckles at the realization. “W-Why don’t we take things one step at a time?” He says this not only to you but to appease Hulk into calming down. You take his hand and nod in agreement. The touch sends tingles from his palm and up his arm, making him feel bold. “Can I…I mean, may I kiss you? For real this time?” You nod with a smile and Bruce closes the distance between you. The kiss is soft and chaste but he can still taste the sweetness of your mouth. He hums at the taste but pulls away before he loses himself. “There’s one more thing I wanted to show you.” He extends his hand to you. “Come with me?” You take it and let him lead you to the back of the aquarium. He leads you past countless tanks of exotic fish until you come to a dark room. So dark that it’s almost pitch black, but quickly your eyes adjust, revealing tanks filled with various-sized jellyfish. You gasp at how delicate they are, their subtle glow showing their translucence. Their bodies pushing and pulling them through the water in an almost intricate dance. 
“Did you know that jellyfish are the world's oldest animal?” You shake your head ‘no’, transfixed on the tanks before you but soaking in his words like a sponge. “Scientists have found fossils indicating they preceded dinosaurs. I think they're magical.” You’re alone in this small dark space, and Bruce steps closer to whisper into your ear. “I think you’re pretty magical too.”
You gasp and turn towards him, whispering his name just before he captures your lips in another kiss. He’s more confident now, pulling you closer by your waist and gripping your hips tightly. You make out like teenagers, anxious and hungry for more. He whimpers at how good you feel and you can’t help but shudder against him in response. Your hands slide up to wrap around his broad shoulders. You feel safe in his arms so you push your body flush against him. He responds in turn, opening his mouth so that your tongues can touch. You’re so turned on that you’re certain you’ll combust, but he breaks the kiss. He’s breathing hard, clearly attempting to calm his heart rate. You give him space to do so and instead lace your fingers with his. He smiles his thanks before speaking. “How about on the way out, we take you to the gift shop so I can buy you a stuffed otter to make up for not being able to see the real ones?” You nod in excitement until it clicks that the date will be ending soon. “I would love that, but…what if after, I didn’t want to go home? What if I wanted to go home with you?” It takes Bruce a few moments to process exactly what you’re asking, but once it does his eyebrows shoot up his forehead. “Yes! Uh…I mean, I would be honored.” The gift shop, walking to his car, and the drive to his home go by in a blur. One minute, you were asking him to take you home, and the next, you were holding a stuffed otter in your lap as he opened the car door for you.
You smile at the gesture, letting him help you out of his car, and walking up the front steps to his home. Little do you know, Bruce is holding his breath in hopes that he hadn’t left his home a mess before leaving. He sighs in relief after unlocking the door and seeing that the house is relatively clean. You step forward, taking in your surroundings, but his eyes are taking in your body. He imagines taking you to his bed and undressing you slowly. You move about his home, having no idea he was undressing you with his eyes. “You have a lovely home, Bruce. Most guy’s homes are…well…gross.” You giggle to yourself before placing your otter on the couch. He says your name in a way that make the hairs on the back of your neck stand on end. It sounds hot…needy…sexual. You turn to him, and like the opposite ends of two magnets, you’re pulled together–crashing into each other. No longer able to resist, your hands grope and mouths meet. You want to beg for more but he’s already hoisting you up by the waist and carrying you down the hall. You don’t know where he’s taking you, and frankly, you don’t care as long as he keeps kissing you. 
He stumbles while pushing open his bedroom door with his foot, but quickly regains his stride over to his bed so he can carefully lay you down. Your hair fans out along his pillows and he sighs. “Fuck, you’re beautiful.” 
Hearing him curse has you biting your bottom lip. You grip his shirt and tug him towards you until he’s leaning over you. “I want you, Bruce. I’ve wanted you since the first time we talked on the phone.” He nearly chokes at your confession because he’s certain he had made an utter fool of himself on that phone call. “Please…” Your plea breaks him from his thoughts as your fingers start working on unbuttoning his shirt. “Please don’t make me wait anymore.” Shit. Shit. Shit. This was happening. This was really about to happen. Bruce’s cock jumps within the confines of his pants. “I won’t, Princess. I won’t make you wait.” His words are rushed, breathless as trembling fingers work on unzipping your sundress. “I’ve been wanting you too.” You’re both rushing to get one another naked now. His shirt. Your dress. His pants. Your bra. His cock is freed from his boxers and Bruce sighs with relief. You blush at the sight of how hard and thick he is. It would fill you up so perfectly. He looks at you with the same amount of desire in his gaze. Your nipples harden under that gaze, causing his cock to throb. And then he’s on you, crawling over your body so he can cage you beneath him. He can’t help himself from kissing his way down your chest and stomach, pausing only when he gets to the waistband of your lace panties. “May I?”
He doesn’t need to ask, but the fact that he does warms your heart. You nod, giving your consent, and he hooks two fingers under the lace. You lift your hips, making it easier for your panties to be pulled down your legs. Once free of them, you let your legs fall away to reveal your cunt to him. You blush, knowing you’re already wet with slick. “Your kisses have been making me wet all afternoon,” you whisper, embarrassed. Bruce perks up at this information, letting a finger trace along your folds. “Wow, really? All afternoon?” You nod, your face feeling hot. “I love that you’re this wet for me.” He turns his head so he can leave kisses along your inner thigh. “I want to taste,” he groans, hungry for it. So hungry that he dives his face between your thighs, licking from your slit to your clit. He moans as the taste and scent of your cunt fill his senses. You moan at the feeling of his tongue alternating between licking your clit and slipping his tongue inside. Each time, your inner walls clench around the muscles of his tongue. “Oh God, y-you’re so good with your mouth!” you pant, starting to buck your hips. Lewdly, he devours your wetness, grunting against your flesh. His arms wrap around your thighs and pull you forward so your cunt is smashed against his face. He turns his focus on your clit, eagerly sucking on it. He’s so turned on by the noises you’re making and the taste on his tongue that he can’t stop himself from rutting into the mattress to get some relief. “I want you to cum on my face,” he declares suddenly, as if the idea just popped into his head and he couldn’t stop himself from saying it out loud. “Can you do that for me?” You find that you can only nod as the pleasure steadily builds throughout your limbs. “Here, let me try this,” he says as he slips his middle finger into your awaiting hole. Instantly, you grind down on it, crying out his name when he starts fingering you harder. His mouth returns to your clit, swirling his tongue over it to drive you closer and closer to the edge. And damn are you close to that edge. You scream for him, tell him how good he’s making you feel. He doesn’t let up, and without warning, your back is arching off the bed as you cum all over his face, just like he wanted you to. He works you through your aftershocks, licking up every drop of cum that spills out of you until your body slumps back onto the bed. It’s only then that he eases his finger out and sits back on his knees. “That…was incredible,” he pants with a light chuckle and then leans over you once more to leave a kiss on your temple. “Thank you for that, Princess.” You practically purr at the nickname. Usually, names like that give you the ick, but Bruce saying it gives you butterflies. “I love it when you call me that. I like being your Princess.” You hook a leg around his waist, beckoning him closer so his cock is nestled against the cleft of your cunt. He whimpers, grinding his erection against you. He wants to be inside you, wants to fuck you hard and deep, but he needs to slow down. “W-Wait, wait,” he pleads, holding your hips firm in an attempt to keep you both in place. “We…We need to talk first.” Something about his tone gives you pause. “What’s the matter?”you ask, giving him your full attention. Bruce worries at his bottom lip, wanting to say the right thing. “I don’t want to scare you but…sometimes…uh, when I cum, I turn a little…green.” A blush works its way up from his neck. “If you catch my drift.” You sit up, more intrigued than afraid, but the man before you misunderstands and continues on nervously. “You have n-nothing to worry about, I promise you. I would never let anything happen to you.” You silence him by pressing a finger to his lips. “I’m not afraid. Not of you or of him. I want to make you cum.” Your hand drops, replacing it with your lips, whispering against his mouth. “I want to make you both cum.”
Your acceptance of him and his other half stirs an animalistic lust from deep within him. When he moves on top of you, it feels as if it’s in tandem with Hulk. They had never moved as one before. Had never wanted the same thing so completely as they do now. 
Bruce kisses you roughly, tongues rolling along one another while their bodies grind. He aligns his cock with your opening, moaning in between your kisses. “Is that what the sweet girl wants? To make us cum so hard that we turn for you?” His voice is deeper, with pupils blown wide with lust. His words have your heart racing, and although this is your first time in Bruce’s bed…something tells you it’s both he and Hulk who would be fucking you tonight. You push your forehead against his and nod eagerly. If he was going to speak, it’s cut off by the growl that bubbles up from his throat. He’s completely overtaken by his feral alter ego, and in one fell swoop, sheathes his cock fully inside of you. You yelp, tensing at the sudden intrusion, but damn does he fill you up. However, the sound seems to bring Bruce back into himself. “S-Shit, I’m sorry. Are you alright?” 
You feel him starting to pull out of your heat. “Don’t!” you cry, wrapping your legs around him to keep him in place. “D-Don’t stop, Bruce. You feel so good. Please don’t stop.”
He nods, relieved that he hasn’t hurt you, and starts rolling his hips. “Mmhh, you feel good too. So tight.” But his slow pace doesn’t last long. His hands push your legs away, giving him space to pull out and then slam back in. You both throw your heads back, swearing loudly at the first deep thrust. Your walls had clenched so perfectly around his length so he pulls out and does it again. The drag of his thick cock along your walls is making you gush. You scream his name and claw at his back. You can’t seem to focus on anything but the hard pounding rhythm of his cock. Bruce bows his head and starts kissing, biting and sucking at your breasts. He does so as passionately as he had eaten your cunt, making you wonder if he has a slight oral fixation when it comes to sex. Not that you mind. You’ll wear the marks he’s leaving on your breasts with pride. 
A hand reaches between your legs to find your clit and rub firm circles on it. You arch into his touch and thrusts, trying to meet both. It causes a wet slapping noise to fill the room as he ruts into you. 
Every thrust brings a flush of green across Bruce’s broad back. But he can’t cum. Can’t turn. 
He needs to make you cum and he needs to keep you safe. But his control is slipping the closer his orgasm becomes. “A-Am I making you feel good, Princess?” You don’t hesitate to moan your reply in between desperate pants, “Yes, fuck yes! G-Getting close. More Bruce. Fuck m-me more, make me cum!” Any momentary self-consciousness fades at the sight of you falling apart. He gives you exactly what you need and cracks his hips faster, harder, rougher, while keeping firm pressure on your clit. It has your muscles tightening, that feeling of sweet release just within reach. His movements become sloppy, unable to keep away his own orgasm for much longer. But you’re too close to cumming to notice or care. “Cum for me, Princess. I…I need you to cum with me.” His words are all you need to come crashing over the edge. Your orgasm rocks you to your core, the entire time chanting his name like he’s your own personal God. Your inner walls pulse around every throbbing inch of his cock, coaxing him to reach his own peak.
His back contorts and green flashes down his arms and legs as he cums, filling you with it as he screams, sounding more monster than man. Was he about to…turn?
You don’t have time to react, because as quickly as it started, Bruce collapses on top of you. You’re honestly too stunned to react but the sound of a whimper breaks you from it. “Bruce?” Your arms come around him so you can stroke his back and hair. “Are you alright?” 
It takes him a few minutes of heavy breathing before he’s able to lift his head.” I-I’m okay. Could we just…lay here for a little while?” He sounds exhausted and lost. It tugs at your heartstrings. “Of course, for as long as you need,” you whisper, allowing your fingers to delicately trace over the lines of his back. For a long while, you lay together with his cock still nestled inside you. Not that you mind, it feels right being close to him. When he’s ready, Bruce slowly props himself up and slips out of you before looking you in the eye. He sheepishly thanks you, looking rather flustered. “I’m uh…sorry if I scared you earlier…you just felt so good and he…” Bruce trails off, clearly too embarrassed to continue, so you sit up and cup his cheek so he looks at you. “You have nothing to apologize for. You made me cum so hard. I’d let you fuck me over and over again if you wanted to.” He visibly perks up at that and can’t stop the boyish grin from spreading across his features. You grin back. “I guess I made him feel good too…if he was fighting to break out.” He takes a calming breath and runs a hand through his hair. “He uh…still does.”
“Really??” You sound shocked but intrigued. “Do you…uh want to let him out? I wouldn’t mind meeting him.” Bruce hesitates, not knowing if letting Hulk out is a good idea, but then he looks back at you. His eyes roam over your beautiful naked body that is now sitting back against the headboard. 
An image of you relaxing in his bed every morning from now until the end of time flashes through his mind. But it isn’t just his fantasy…it’s Hulk’s. “Well…he does think you’re pretty.” “Really? He told you that?” You blush, biting your bottom lip, and Bruce can’t help but chuckle at how adorable you look. “It’s more like a feeling, but yes, in a way.” You nod in understanding and wait for his final say on the matter. “Okay, you and Hulk can meet,” he agrees, and you happily squeal. “I’ll see you in the morning?” “In the morning,” you repeat, and Bruce leans in to give you another kiss before standing. He makes his way over to his dresser and pulls out a clean pair of boxers that are enhanced to stretch to Hulk’s size. “Now, if anything goes wrong, don’t hesitate to use my phone and call Tony,” he says over his shoulder while slipping the boxers on. “Call Tony, got it! But everything will be fine,” you reassure as you reach over the side of the bed to grab your underwear, and Bruce’s discarded shirt and put them on. When you look back at him, he’s facing away from you with his back rounded. He groans as loudly as he did when he came but is undoubtedly pained. Green muscles ripple out from his spine, up his neck, and down his limbs. You watch amazed as he doubles in size right before your eyes. He sways for a moment before gaining his footing and turning around to face you. Your breath catches in your throat at the realization that the famous Hulk is standing in front of you. “H-Hi there. I’m–”
“HULK KNOWS.” His deep booming voice cuts you off. “You do?” Hulk nods. “YOU’RE PRETTY LADY.”  The pet name makes you giggle and move closer to him but still remain perched on the edge of the bed. “It’s a pleasure to meet you.” Your eyes roam over him, wondering what being held in his arms would feel like. “Is…Is this where you sleep too? Or do you have your own room?” You use the questions as a way to distract your mind from thinking about his touch. He scrunches his green nose up in distaste, “BANNER’S MATTRESS TOO LUMPY. HULK HAS BIGGER BED.” He points down the hall to where the home’s second bedroom is. “PRETTY LADY WANT TO SEE HULK’S ROOM?”
“I would love that.” You smile and he holds out his hand for you to take. You do so, and with more gentleness than should have been capable of someone his size, he helps you out of bed and leads you to his room. However, the entire way, your eyes stayed glued on Hulk–memorizing and taking in the parts of him that were still innately Bruce. With your tiny hand in his massive one, he steps inside his bedroom, no longer needing to crouch down because the ceiling is higher now. The walls are covered with photos and newspaper clippings of the Avengers and their families. You smile, it’s endearing to see that he has a soft side. Hulk flops down on the extra-large mattress with a smirk, stealing your attention away from the photographs. “HULK’S ROOM BETTER. BED SOFTER AND BETTER FOR SNUGGLES.” He pats the spot next to him on the bed, silently inviting you over.  You raise a brow in his direction.
You couldn’t believe it…he was flirting with you. Boldly flirting with you at that! As if he already knew he had you right where he wanted… Those green eyes look at you like the alpha of a pack, ready to lay beside his mate. Maybe Hulk wasn’t just Bruce’s rage personified but also his self-confidence with the opposite sex. Not having an answer, you decide to climb up and join him on the bed. If he wants to be a flirt, then so would you. You lay down beside him so you can rest your head on his rather huge bicep. “Mmhm, you’re right…much more comfortable.” You smirk up at him. Seeing the smug look on your face has him laughing, his frame rumbles with it. “PRETTY LADY LIKE HULK’S ARMS BETTER! BANNER WILL BE JEALOUS.”
You shake your head at his silliness. “I love both of your arms,” you lightly scold until you yawn without warning. “Shoot, sorry about that. I guess I’m more tired than I realized.”
Hulk shakes his head at your apology and lightly pats your head. “NO SORRY. PRETTY LADY SLEEP NOW.”
You nod, suddenly finding it difficult to stay awake. He pulls you in, letting you fully nestle against him.
At first, his words confuse you, but then you remember one late-night phone conversation when you told Bruce that having your hair played with always puts you right to sleep.
You smile at the memory, confirming Hulk’s words, and his fingers find their way into your hair. He gently strokes and pets, leaving you nearly purring.
Hulk chuckles under his breath but doesn’t stop the movement of his fingers. “PRETTY LADY SOUNDS LIKE KITTEN.”
“I guess that makes me Hulk’s kitten,” you mumble, trying to stifle another yawn.
Your half-lidded eyes finally fall shut.
It only takes another moment and you’re asleep.
Hulk watches you, not wanting sleep to overtake him, but it isn’t easy when he feels so relaxed with you in his arms. Eventually, exhaustion seeps in, winning him over. But just before he fully subcomes to sleep, both Hulk and Bruce share the same thought.
This would be the start of something new.
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would've could've should've pt1
See my full list of works here!
Part of the 500 Follower Celebration Requested by: Anonymous
Summary: A careless comment from Thor calls into question the stability of your relationship with Loki
Pairing: Loki x Reader
Word Count: 3.5k
Warnings: 18+ | mature themes; the slightest bit of steam toward the beginning; angst; Tony and Thor having a very much "bro" type attitude and not in the good way; hinting at Reader's emotional baggage; the slightest mention of human experimentation [let me know if I missed anything!]
Things to be aware of: established but private/secret relationship; Reader's baggage will be explained further in part 2
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There was something rather peaceful in the routine you and Loki had settled into when either of you came back from a mission. Decompressing the night before the debriefing care of Rogers that you took bets on how long this one would last. And whoever won would get to pick where to get takeout from on your next indoor date night.
Your last mission was particularly stressful, nearly losing a limb from triggering a booby trap while retrieving intel about potential human experimentation from a HYDRA base. The second Nat mentioned that little tidbit in passing while you were unpacking your equipment from the mission, the god left the common area, raiding the pantry for a selection of your favorite snacks, and queueing up one of your comfort movies.
The one about a woman that hit her head and found herself stranded in a romantic comedy only to realize that her best friend, the one that had been in front of her all this time, was her great love all along.
When you got to your apartment, Loki was already there with the movie ready to play on the screen, and he even went the extra step to open and plate the snacks on the coffee table in your living room for easier access. And the cherry on top of it all was that he brought over one of his sweaters for you to change into, something he'd been doing more and more ever since you mentioned how comfortable they were during one of your missions together where you'd shared a suite.
"You know, I'm pretty sure they're watching the same movie outside," you mentioned, speaking around the wafer stick you were munching on. "Nat just texted me that she has Netflix power considering how this mission got us stressed out to hell and back. Wanna just watch it outside with the rest of the guys?"
The god shook his head, pulling you closer to him. "If we join them outside, then I would be unable to do this." He tilted your chin up and pressed a soft kiss to your lips. "And this is my favorite part," he mumbled against your skin before proceeding to give you a series of kisses, increasing with passion in each one.
Suddenly whatever was happening in the movie didn't matter to you anymore, an army of butterflies fluttering near violently at your stomach as he wrapped his arm around you and maneuvered your positions until you were straddling him on the couch, your knees on either side of his hips. He kept his hand on your waist, holding you steady while his other hand buried itself in your hair before he licked into your mouth, letting out a decadent sounding moan when your tongues met.
He moved his hand to your lower back, changing your positions once again so that your back was flat on the couch, and he hovered over you and between your legs. You leaned into his touch, losing yourself in his attentions, until his hand moved upward, cupping your breast. That was when you broke the kiss.
"I'm sorry," he panted, immediately moving his hand away once he saw the frantic, panicked look in your eyes. "I got carried away--"
"No, sweetie, I'm sorry," you insisted, placing your hands on his shoulders, and pulling yourself up slightly to kiss him, trying to reassure your boyfriend he did nothing wrong. "It's just…I want to be ready, really, I do. And I know it's frustrating for you it's just that…every time we take a step  in that direction something in me starts running and cowering in a corner, it's not fair to you that--"
"Please don't apologize, darling, you have nothing to be sorry for." He righted your positions on the couch, delicately stroking your hair and giving you a soft peck on your lips before he stood, offering you his hand. "I think we could both benefit from cooling off a bit. Would you like to join the others outside?"
Despite having offered it yourself just a few minutes earlier, your stomach dropped when the tables had turned, knowing that you'd put a stop to something that could have turned out completely mind-blowing and possibly even life changing. Only thing was, when you reached the peak of a relationship, that was it.
The only way forward was down.
"You go ahead," you told him, walking toward your bedroom. "I'll just change into my sweats first…so no one asks questions."
By some miracle, no one on the team had caught on yet that you two had started seeing each other and had been in a relationship for the better part of the year. And neither of you seemed to be itching to burst your little bubble of privacy quite yet, knowing that the second the team knew, Wanda and Nat would be down your throat with questions practically begging for every detail. And Thor would be doing much of the same for his brother.
At least that was the story you tried to tell yourself. It was better than what that little voice in your head tried to scream at you every time he didn't take the seat next to you. Or when he'd drop your hand and take a few steps back the second he heard someone rounding the corner.
Loki gave you a strained smile, starting to walk toward your front door. "I'll see you outside then." Before you could reach your bedroom, he called out to you. "I love you, little mortal."
You blinked back the tears that were threatening to come out, looking back at him with a contrived smile of your own. "I love you, too, Mischief."
A good few minutes passed before you exited your apartment, the movie paused on the TV and a rather lively discussion being had among your teammates. Something about Barnes' new girlfriend.
"Oh good you're here, jellybean, welcome to the circus," Tony greeted you, jutting his chin toward the empty seat next to Wanda. "Need your input on something."
Instead of taking the seat, you walked over to the bar to pour yourself a glass of wine. You had a feeling you were gonna need it. On your way there, you spotted Loki seated near his brother, giving you a minuscule smile and a tiny wave of his hand.
"Go ahead, I'm listening," you called out.
"Stark's trying to tell me the woman I'm seeing isn't all that interested in me because she doesn't want to spend the night," Bucky started. "Said she's just with me for the aesthetic of dating me, whatever backwards 21st Century nonsense that is. I'm trying to tell the rest of these horn dogs that maybe she's just not ready yet. Good things take time. Flowers need to blossom--"
"Sarge, don't ever say that line again, it's so cheesy you'll attract rats in here," you shot back, pointing your finger at the soldier before turning toward Stark. "That said though…I'm with Bucky on this one, Stark. Maybe she's just not ready yet I mean…not everyone's ready to drop trou and put out so easily, you know. How long have you been dating this girl anyways?" You turned back to Bucky as you asked the question.
"Three weeks? Give or take?"
"Dammit Stark, it's only been three weeks, give our boy some time." You made a show of facepalming before you picked up your glass, plopping down next to Wanda who immediately rested her head on your shoulder.
"They've been at this for the last ten minutes," she groaned. "Wake me when they put the movie back on." Meanwhile, you clocked Nat next to her, not so subtly massaging her temples in an attempt to calm herself down. You shared the feeling; this was such a common sense discussion it shouldn't have lasted thirty seconds.
"Well then perhaps you could provide some insight for another situation, Lady Y/N," Thor boomed from across the floor, swatting his brother's hand away when he tried to get the blond Asgardian to stop.
"Brother you really need not--"
"Nonsense. Lady Y/N seems knowledgeable on how timetables and relations between mortals work, perhaps she'll finally give the perspective I have been seeking."
Your boyfriend shot you a look, as if he was already embarrassed by what his brother was about to say, piquing your curiosity even more. "I'm all ears, Thunder. Ask away."
"My brother has been seeing a mortal woman for the better part of the last Midgardian year. My best estimate…eight moons," he began, your stomach once again dropping at the realization that he was about to ask your insight about…yourself. You gave him a motion to go on, placing your glass on the table to hide the way your hand had begun to shake. "And while it has been as you here on Midgard would say 'like pulling teeth' trying to get him to divulge any detail about her, something I have surmised is that she also seems unwilling to spend the night with him. Yet he claims they love each other."
"Yikes, tough break, Reindeer Games!" Tony winced. "My two cents? You're not just on the same boat with Barnes over here, you're the goddamn captain of the ship. Go on, jellybean, tell him."
"I-I…" you stuttered, your heart thundering in your chest from unwittingly having been placed on the proverbial hot seat. "Maybe she just…wants to be sure, you know? I mean…I don't know how y'all do it in Asgard but here, with some people, being intimate is…something m-more than physical."
You could see from where you sat that the raven-haired god's fingers were twitching, his leg bouncing as if he wanted to stand up and leave the room. You pretty much wanted out of this, too.
Thor waved off your explanation. "I completely disagree. That amount of time passed, I believe one should be sure lest she be wasting both of their time. Brother, much as I can tell you love this mortal, it is my expert opinion, which I believe will be backed by the men in this room, that your mortal woman does not love you. This is, as our genius friend Stark has stated earlier, all for the optics of having you at her arm."
It was getting impossible to breathe. How dare he say that about you right in your face like this? Thinking he knew everything there was to know about your relationship just because he was in one of his own?
"You know not the first thing about her, Brother," Loki hissed, speaking through his teeth as if he was readying himself to strike.
"I know enough," the blond Asgardian shot back dismissively. "You know I think the world of you, Brother, and after everything you've endured, you deserve every bit of happiness this universe will grant you." He clapped his hand on Loki's shoulder. "If this mortal shares not this sentiment, then perhaps your time is better spent elsewhere."
"He's right, Mischief," you choked out, your voice so small you were surprised it even traveled that far that it had everyone looking to you. "Maybe you are wasting your time with this one…you know, if she's making you wait so long." You stood up abruptly, making Wanda groan in protest when she nearly fell over to the spot you'd just vacated.
In what was probably your most poorly miscalculated decision for the night, you downed your wine in a single gulp, starting to walk back to your apartment.
"Hey where you going, jellybean, you just got here," Tony hollered from his seat. "Come on, I know talking about Frosty the Snowman's nonexistent sex life was a drag, how about we all drop it for now, I'll order some tacos and we can go back to grilling Manchie here."
"Or we could lay off either of us and grill someone else for a change?" Bucky groaned, throwing his human arm over his eyes as he turned his face to the ceiling.
"You know what, you are so right, let's talk about the big guy who has a lot to say about being the resident relationship expert." Stark turned to face Thor. "How is Lady Thunder lately? And how are you with the whole your old hammer chooses her over you thing?"
The conversation faded into a dulled roar in your ears as the wine begun to take what fleeting effect it would have on you, your pulse faintly thumping in your ears as you made your way back to your apartment.
You hadn't even been back two minutes before your door swung open again, the God of Mischief standing at your entryway looking a mix of concerned and distraught. "Darling, I completely apologize for my oaf of a brother, I had no idea he would--"
"It's okay, Loki," you cut him off, throwing your hands up as if to push away the conversation. "Maybe he's on to something, I mean you should be with someone who doesn't take forever and a day to be ready for something like this, maybe we should--"
In an instant, he stood inches away from you, placing his hands on your shoulders in a gentle but firm grasp. "Don't say another word, my love, please." He rubbed his hands up and down your arms in a soothing gesture; whether it was to soothe you or him was beyond you.
"You want more, I get that," you pressed on. "And I can't give that to you--"
"You are all that I want, precious mortal." He leaned in, pressing a desperate kiss to your lips before wrapping his arms around you. "I am already more than content that you've even granted me the honor to know who you are outside of our duties. This is all I need, to be able to love you as I have these past moons."
Tears began to fall from your eyes as your words weighed heavy on your tongue. "I'm sure there's someone out there more than willing to give you what I can't, it's selfish of me to keep you--"
"Stop, little mortal, I beg of you," he pleaded, repeatedly pressing his lips to your forehead. "Don't rid yourself of me like this. I don't care if there's someone else out there, they aren't you." He sat you both down back on the couch, cradling you against his chest as his hand rubbed up and down your back in soothing motions. "Please just try to put what my oaf of a brother said out of your mind. His opinion is entirely his own and it is one I do not share."
Your next question blurted out without much resistance. "Loki what if I never become ready? What if you really are wasting your time with me, you shouldn't--"
"Any time I spend with you, regardless of how it is spent, is never a waste," he whispered, stroking your face as he held your gaze. "If ever you decide to share that part of yourself with me, it will be an honor that I will cherish for the rest of my days, but I will never be the one to place pressure on you to move yourself at a pace you're uncomfortable with."
You nuzzled your face into the crook of his neck, prompting him to press a kiss to your temple when you sniffled from the tears you were trying and failing to hold back. "I do love you," you mumbled against him. "You know that, right?"
"Of course I do, my darling mortal." He pressed his cheek against yours, taking deep breaths to calm himself after the scare your words from earlier gave him. He wanted to punch his brother clean across the jaw for jeopardizing his happiness with his careless words, and the stabbing pain it put him through seeing how deeply that opinion had cut you.
He started moving toward your bedroom, carrying you in his arms bridal style. Mostly in refusal to let you go even for a fraction of a moment.
"What're you doing?" you mumbled, making a motion to move out of his arms.
"We're going to bed, darling. Just to sleep, nothing more, I swear."
"Hmph…" you shook your head, the motion making the tip of your nose nuzzle his neck in a slight tickling sensation. "Maybe…maybe you should stay at your place tonight." Your voice was so small, so unsure of what you'd just said. The god stopped in his tracks, his body going rigid and making you immediately regret your words.
"Do you want me to leave, dear heart?" he choked out, his heart at war with himself as it protested against him putting you back down on your feet.
"No," you admitted, lifting your head from his shoulder and showing him the tears that had begun to redden your eyes. "I want you to stay, I'll always want you to stay, I just don't…" Your breath hitched in the back of your throat, almost sounding like a hiccup. "I don't want you to be frustrated because of me--"
"I'm not," he reassured you, resting his forehead on yours. "Being with you like this is more than enough for me. I need you to know this, my darling."
He laid you down on your bed before his clothes changed into his own loungewear set with a wash of his green magic, settling under the covers next to you and pulling you into his arms.
"Promise me something, Mischief?"
"If…and when…the time comes that you get tired of waiting? And you want to be with someone else--"
"Little mortal, not another word." He tightened his hold on you, as if he couldn't hold you close enough. "Please, my love, let's just retire for the night."
"Just let me get this out," you insisted. "Let me say my piece and I'll never mention it again. Okay?"
He sighed, pressing a lingering kiss to your forehead. "Okay."
"If you want to be with someone else, just promise you'll tell me and leave me first? I don't wanna find out waking up one morning and seeing someone else with her arms around you and just waving it around for everyone to see." Your voice dwindled and wavered into barely a whisper, your arm tightening around his midsection, a part of you already refusing to give him up even if the day were to come.
"That will never happen," he told you. "Why would I ever wish to leave you?"
"Just--Just promise me anyway. Please?"
"Look at me, little mortal." He traced along your jaw with his finger, tilting your chin up so he could see your eyes. The sight of the genuine fear of that precise outcome reflected in your expression knocked nearly all of the air from the god's lungs. "On the remotest chance of that happening, I promise I will never do wrong by you. But I want nothing more than for you rest assured that I will never wish to be with another.
"Perhaps one day you'll believe it. But I will gladly spend my days proving my devotion to you. This…This I will gladly swear to you. On whatever semblance of a soul I have left." He brushed the tip of his nose against yours before pressing a tender kiss to the same spot. "I love you, my darling Y/N."
You finally settled in his embrace, resting your head on his chest as you began to let your breathing even out. "I love you, too, Loki."
Just the thought of history repeating itself one day had your blood going cold, feeling as if your very bones were shaking from the images your mind conjured of the inevitable day that Loki would leave you. Somewhere deep inside you knew it was ridiculous for you to even think that your boyfriend was anywhere even near capable of putting you through what he had all those years ago.
But that was the thing about fear. Sometimes it was rational, like jumping out of the Quinjet and having a passing scare that your parachute had a hole in it. And other times it was outright absurd. Like now. Thinking that in the morning after you first had sex, the god would have realized there wasn't anything worth spending more time with. That he'd have had his fill of you and now it was time to move on to better prospects.
It didn't help, either, that your overly cautious mind was yelling that the signs were all there. That it could tell you exactly where this was headed because of the dropped hands. The refusal to even sit near each other. The barely there acknowledgement when you were even in the same room together. Everything that had happened before with him…felt like a mirror image of what was happening now. With Loki.
And you didn't have it in you to tell him that his desire for privacy was slowly and quite surely crushing you.
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A/N: Starting off another story from the request pile! This is going to have 3 parts, where both parts 1 and 2 will deliver on the more angsty part and part 3 will be the comfort/fluff. I know you asked for "90% angst", Anon, but hopefully 10k words worth of angst will do it…because part 2 is 6.5k words long 😳👀
everything taglist: @simplyholl @loopsisloops @imalovernotahater @coldnique @loz-3 @huntress-artemiss @salempoe @vickie5446 @athalialaufeyson @lokiprompts @kats72 @kikster606 @asgards-princess-of-mischief @lokixryss @thomase1 @mischief2sarawr @peaches1958 @lovingchoices14 @lunarnights95 @goblingirlsarah @iamlokisgloriouspurpose @creationsbyme @maple-seed @mjsthrillernp @ladyofthestayingpower @mygfloki @sititran @glitterylokislut @ozymdias @fictive-sl0th  @lokidbadguy @mochie85 @silverfire475 @joyful-enchantress @elizabethmidnight2017 @holdmytesseract @smolvenger @gigglingtiggerv2 @lokidokieokie @lunarnights95 @superficialdomina @kmc1989 @november-rayne @goddessofwonderland @buttercupcookies-blog @peaky-marvel @lokiified @tom-hlover
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It All Fell Down | Steve Rogers
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SUMMARY: You and Steve promised each other a life together after you bring everyone back. 5 years had been enough for you two to marry and have a child together, but with a possible chance to bring everyone back including your brother it was worth it. You just wish you knew the risk before it all fell down.
PAIRINGS: Steve Rogers x Reader
CONTENT WARNINGS: SFW, fluff, angst, time-travel, alternate universe, death, blood, gore, thanos.
AUTHOR'S NOTE: Okay, so this song is definitely inspired by Dynasty by MIIA. I was listening to it on repeat and came up with this idea, I thought about writing it for ACOTAR but I felt that the idea I had in mind fit Steve better so here we are. Highly recommend listening to the song at least once, mainly towards the end of the one-shot, when their facing off against Thanos. This is also a AU as it doesn't quite follow the movie ending. I took a different route. Also I have included a dragon in this story but I'm kind of changing things up so it might seem confusing when introduced to the dragon. I hope you like this!
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James Rogers giggled as he ran around your house. Your husband was out and you were home watching your son. Your parents were there to help, they were in the kitchen cooking dinner for the five of you. The only thing missing was your brother. He had been one of the many people who disappeared when Thanos snapped his fingers. He was right by your side, fighting with you and Steve.
Then he was gone before you even had a chance to register what was truly happening. It was a struggle at first for everyone to live in a new world where only 50% of the population lived. When you found out that you were pregnant life became a little more bearable. You still helped out at the Avengers compound but you had taken to motherhood quickly and loved it more than anything.
Steve was an amazing father to your son and you couldn’t wait to tell him that James would be a big brother in a few months. But everything changed when Steve returned, Natasha with him and an old friend you thought had also disappeared. The shock was evident in your face as you stopped in your tracks standing in the hallway and staring at Scott Lang,
“Scott?” You breathed out, the shock leaking from your voice as well. He walked towards you pulling you into a tight hug.
“It’s so good to see you.” He whispered after pulling back from the hug.
“How?” You didn’t understand what was going on and you wanted to cry, your emotions were all over the place.
“I was stuck in a place called the Quantum Realm.” He explained.
“Daddy!” James yelled running past you and Scott and immediately jumping into his father’s outstretched arms.
“You two have a kid?” He asked, looking from you back to Steve. The blond soldier smiled softly, holding onto James tightly as he walked up next to you.
“We do.” Steve answered.
“James, this is mommy and daddy’s friend Scott. Scott, this is our son James.” Your child tried to hide away in his father’s grasp, his shyness taking over at the new person. Scott smiled at your son. “What’s happening?” You proceeded to ask, wanting to know why Scott and Natasha were here.
It was normal for Natasha to always be here. She had married your brother before the Accords had happened. Therefore she was your son’s Aunt by marriage. And even after he had disappeared Natasha still came over. She spoiled James to death and you love their relationship.
“We might be able to bring everyone back.” Natasha said, hope lingering in her eyes. Something you hadn’t seen in the last five years.
“What?” Your words were choked as they fell from your lips. Steve reached out and grabbed a hold of your hand entangling your fingers together.
“If we can go back in time and retrieve the stones we might be able to reverse what Thanos did. We can bring everyone back!” Scott said excitedly.
You exchanged a look with your husband, he had his eyes on you. Your parents entered the room looking at the group and understood what needed to be done.
“Do it.” Your mothers voice ran through your ears and you turned to look back at them.
“Mom, I can’t leave James. One of us has to be here with him.” You said.
The older woman stepped forward, she grabbed your free hand and held it in hers. A soft sad smile graced her pink lips, she too had hope clear as day in her brown eyes.
“James will be fine with his grandparents. The world needs Captain America and The Dragon Rider. The world needs saving, and if you can bring everyone back, if you can bring Lu back, then you need to go. You need to be there when he returns.” Tears started to flow down your cheeks.
“Okay.” You paused and looked at your husband. “After we do this we retire permanently.”
“I can agree with that.” Steve said softly, sending you a bright smile.
You turned back towards Scott and Natasha. “Let’s go bring our family home.”
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In the days since you and Steve had agreed to help bring the others back, you had gathered everyone that was left. You and Natasha had found Clint and brought him back. It was a sight to see and one you had never expected to see. When others joined you some had to be introduced to Egan, your fire-drake. He was the last of his kind, looking for his bond partner. The dragon had bonded with you years before you had become an Avenger. He heard your cry for help one night when you were out on a mission as a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent.
You had sustained an injury to your abdomen and were left to bleed out. Had it not been for Egan you wouldn’t be here right now, you wouldn’t be an Avenger, or a wife, or a mother. You wouldn’t have everything that you have. You found the bond between you and the dragon and held onto it until he had managed to get you back to S.H.I.E.L.D. From there he never left your side.
The two of you started to train together, and he showed you how to use his powers. The bond that tied you two together allowed you access to the fire-drakes powers, it allowed you to use them as you pleased. With communications you were the only one who could understand him when he talked, oftentimes you’d translate for him if he talked to the others that were a constant in your life.
For this mission you’d be going back in time to 2012 with Steve, Scott, Tony, and Bruce. However you’d have to leave Egan behind. He wasn’t going to be thrilled about it when you went to tell him. He had been your protector for years, you couldn’t be separated from each other and if you were it would only be in death if one of you died. His duty to you as a bonded partner was to help keep you safe.
You stood looking at the machine that would take you back to 2012. While you were so excited to bring everyone back, to bring your brother back something felt off about this mission. Your gut was telling you that something was going to happen. The others had gathered behind you looking at what you had been looking at.
“I need to talk to Egan before we leave.” You mentioned Steve and the others listening to you. They kept their gaze on the time traveling device. This plan had taken a few days to get together, especially having to learn more about each of the stones and where they’d be.
“He’s not going to be happy when you tell him he has to stay here.” Steve said, as he walked up to you placing his large hands on your hips and pulling you close to his body.
You glanced up into his green-blue eyes, a hand lifting up to rest on his cheek. You moved your thumb back and forth, the feeling of touch enough to comfort you.
“I know. And even though we’re moving back through time, he’ll still be able to feel our bond and I’ll still have access to his powers. It will be okay.” You tried to smile but you couldn’t ignore the gut feeling. You heard a thump coming from outside, indicating that Egan had returned from the lake, his favorite spot on the Avenger’s compound. It was odd for a fire-drake but he loved it.
Steve placed a kiss on your temple and removed his hands from your hip. Your hand fell from his face and you started to walk away, heading outside to speak with Egan while everyone started to prepare for the mission.
“Egan.” You called out, when you stepped outside.
“Yes, my dear Rider.” He called back, whispering in your mind.
You came to a stop, lifting your eyes to look at the fire-drake. He leaned his head down towards you. You lifted your hand and scratched underneath his chin. The scales were rough, but it was nothing you weren’t used to.
“I have to leave for a mission and I need you to stay here.” You said, looking away from the dragon.
He released a puff of air, the sentence enough to anger. “Why, Rider?” Egan had a knack for calling you “Rider” instead of using your name but you really didn’t mind. If that’s what he preferred to call you then that’s what you allowed him to call you.
“We’re going through a place called the Quantum realm, you can’t go in there and you can’t go back in time. But the bond will still work and I will still have access to your powers. Therefore I’ll be able to keep myself protected until we get back.” You explained.
“Why does this mission require that of you?”
“We’re going to bring everyone back, Egan. There is a way to do it and this is the way.”
“You know dangers will follow you back, that’s why most do not reach further back in time.”
“I know, and my gut is telling me something will happen but we have the chance to bring them back. We need to bring them back. So I’m going despite what my gut is telling me.”
“As long as you don’t die on me, Rider.”
“I won’t, I have you to come back to, and a kid to come back to.”
“Is this truly the last mission? Does this mean retirement is finally on the horizon?”
“I hope so, why?”
“I smell the child you bear, when the child is born I will become their new bonded dragon.”
You looked at the dragon, his orange eyes gleaming at you. “I forgot you could smell babies in the womb. Why not James?” You asked.
“He is bonded to another dragon, and that dragon will make its appearance known when James calls out to it. Just like you did, and just like the child inside you calls to me.”
“You’ll protect this child?”
“It is my duty, just like it was my duty to protect you Rider. So long as you promise to be safe on this mission.”
“I promise.” You looked back as Steve stood at the door holding it open. “It’s time to go, I’ll see you when we get back.”
“If you need me to talk, I’ll be there through the bond.”
“Thank you, Egan.”
With these words you watched Egan lift off into the sky and fly back towards the lake. You turned around and headed towards Steve. Then you’d all leave to retrieve the Infinity Stones, one step closer to bringing your brother back.
───── ❝ ◂ ❚ ⊱ꕥ⊰ ❚ ▸ ❞ ─────
You returned, a smile on your face. All the stones had been collected. You were now closer than ever. As you looked around however you noticed one person missing from the group. Natasha. You stepped forward, away from Steve.
“Where is she?” You asked, calling attention to everyone. Clint fell down to your knees. When he did you felt it then and there. You walked to Clint, until you too fell to your knees. Your hands reached out for Clint, he looked at you with a defeated look on his face. His best friend was gone, your sister-in-law gone, there was no way you could bring her back.
You rested on Egan looking up at the sky as he rested on his make-shift bed that was placed in the water. While he liked to be around water he didn’t exactly like certain parts of it. You needed to hear what happened but you also needed space from everyone, Steve knew that. You had always been that way after a loss. But something like this, he wasn’t so sure he’d be able to pull you back from whatever spiral was going on in your mind.
“Calm the thoughts.” Egan whispered in your mind.
You ignored the dragon. “Do we know if she had family?” Tony asked, finally breaking the silence between them.
“Yeah. Us. Lu.” Steve said, mention your brother. The blond looked up to you, while you looked away at the mention of your brother. Now you had to tell him that he lost his wife, that he wouldn’t ever get to see her again. Tears escaped your eyes at the thought of telling him, you’d need Steve with you when you told Lu.
“What?” Thor questioned, walking over to them. He was taking the news just as hard as everyone else if not worse.
“Huh?” Tony stood from the bench looking at Thor.
“What are you doing?” He asked.
“Just asked him a question.”
“Yeah, no, you’re acting like she’s dead. Why are we acting like she’s dead? We have the stones, right? As long as we have the stones… Cap, we can bring her back. Isn’t that right? So, stop this shit. We’re the Avengers. Get it together.”
“Can’t get her back.” Clint said, finally speaking. A quiet sob escaped your lips as you closed your eyes.
“What’s he…? What?”
“It can’t be undone. It can’t.”
Thor laughed, looking around at his friends, at his family. “Look, I’m sorry, no offense, but you’re a very earthly being, okay? And we’re talking about space magic. And “can’t” seems very definitive. Don’t you think?”
“Yeah, look, I know that I’m way outside my pay grade here. But she still isn’t here, is she?” Clint asked, as he walked away from the post he had been leaning against. You sat up on Egan’s back, looking down at the others. But your eyes found your husband. Tony pulled his glasses off and lowered his head.
“No, that’s my point.” Thor tried to fight, it seems he really was the only one fighting. You could really say much, you didn’t know what you could say.
“It can’t be undone.” The words echoed in your ears like a drum. Releasing a shaky breath you looked away from the others again. “Or that���s at least what the red, floating guy had to say. Maybe you wanna go talk to him, okay? Go grab your hammer and you go fly and you talk to him.”
“Clint.” You muttered, placing your eyes back on the man. He turned, pulling his eyes away from Thor to look at you. But you said nothing, his name was all you could manage to say. But he could see the pain on your face. It hurt to see that pain, he had to look away.
“It was supposed to be me. She sacrificed her life for that goddamn stone. She bet her life on it.”
Bruce turned back towards them, looking around at his friends. His eyes lingered on you, only then when you felt his gaze did you look at him. “She’s not coming back. We have to make it worth it. We have to.” Steve stood, his eyes found Bruce’s.
“We will.”
When the others left you slid off Egan’s back onto the dock. Steve took your hands in his and held onto them as he steadied you.
“You should tell him.” Egan whispered in your mind. You looked back at the dragon, a glare exiting from your face and towards Egan. He only chuckled in your head.
“What’s he saying?” Steve asked, pulling you back to him.
“He wants me to tell you something.” You whispered softly, lowering your head afraid to look at your husband. It wasn’t that you were afraid to tell him, it was more that you were afraid of what you might lose. One person near and dear to you was gone, you couldn’t lose anyone else, but that lingering feeling wouldn’t go away.
“What is it?” Steve questioned, quirking a brow.
“James, he is going to be a big brother.” You said softly, a small smile falling onto your face. The sadness had been replaced with happiness and Steve pulled you into his embrace as he released a laugh.
“When did you find out?” He pulled back to stare at you, scanning your face for any trace of a lie.
“A few days ago, Egan later confirmed it. I wasn’t entirely sure until he told me that he could feel the bond between him and our kid.” You explained, looking back at Egan who gave a nod.
“He’s not bonded with James?” Steve seemed confused, and you understood why.
“No, apparently James is already bonded to a dragon. One that’ll come to him when he calls out to it. I guess my time is coming up which means that Egan will need a new bonded Rider and it seems that our child is the perfect match to take over.”
“As long as you still make sure both our children know how to handle these dragons with care. I’m happy we’re having another kid.”
Once again you were smiling. Though the thought of having to raise this kid in a world where Natasha no longer existed broke your heart. But one thing was clear, you would make sure your kid knew who their aunt was. You rested your forehead on Steve's. He closed his eyes for a moment and so did you. The moment was broken when they called out to you and Steve. With a heavy sigh the two of you headed back towards the building to hopefully bring everyone back, to bring your brother back.
───── ❝ ◂ ❚ ⊱ꕥ⊰ ❚ ▸ ❞ ─────
Your eyes were on the gauntlet, the scan was finishing up. Steve stood in front of you, while Rocket and Tony were looking at the glove.
“All right, the glove’s ready. Question is, who’s gonna snap their freakin’ fingers?” Rocket asked, sending the question around the room.
“I’ll do it.” You shifted slightly as Thor walked over to the gauntlet.
“Excuse me?” Tony inquired.
“It’s okay.”
“Stop, stop. Slow down.”
“Thor. Just wait.” Your husband said, stepping in front of him and taking charge. “We haven’t decided who’s gonna put that on yet.”
“I’m sorry. What, we’re all just sitting around waiting for the right opportunity?’
“We should at least discuss it.” Scott said, jumping into the conversation. You knew none of them would be able to handle the power. The only ones strong enough to handle it would either be you or Bruce. But you knew very well with the baby growing inside you, you couldn’t risk it. Your eyes found Bruce as he found yours. The two of you exchange a silent conversation without words.
“Just let me do it.” You heard Thor whisper to Tony. “Just let me do something good. Something right.”
“Look, it’s not just the fact that that glove is channeling enough energy to light up a continent. I’m telling you. You’re in no condition.”
“What do you think is coursing through my veins right now?” Thor proceeded to ask him.
“Cheez Whiz?” Rhodey remarked, glancing at the God of Thunder.
Thor pointed to him, but his eyes remained on Tony. “Lighting.”
“Lighting won’t help you, pal.” Bruce said, taking a turn in the conversation. It’s gotta be me. You saw what those stones did to Thanos. They almost killed him. None of you could survive. Maybe Y/N, but that’s a big if.” Bruce further explained, walking right up to the glove.
“How do we know you will?” Steve asked him, his hand had found yours. You squeezed it gently but kept your eyes on Bruce.
“We don’t. But the radiation’s mostly gamma. It’s like… I was made for this.” Bruce grabbed a hold of the glove and turned away from everyone. Steve placed you behind himself to keep you and the baby protected. Steve knew about the shield that swarmed around the baby, but you didn’t have one and this was his reasoning for you behind him in case something happened.
“Good to go, yeah?” Tony asked his friend.
“Let’s do it.”
“Okay, remember, everyone Thanos snapped away five years ago you’re just bringing them back to now, today. Don’t change anything from the last five years.” Tony explained to him.
“Got it.” Everyone shielded up as a way to protect themselves.
“Friday, do me a favor and activate Barn Door Protocol, will ya?” Friday started to do what Tony had asked, the sun disappearing from the building all together.
“Everybody comes home.” You watched as Bruce pushed his hand forward sliding it into the glove as it shifted into a different size to better accommodate Bruce’s hand for the snap. When it was all done, the stones started working. The power moved up his body, he fell to his knee groaning.
“Take it off! Take it off!” Thor shouted.
“No, wait. Bruce, are you okay?” Steve asked, holding his hand to the side but looking at Bruce. Bruce released another groan.
“Talk to me, Banner.”
“I’m okay.” He finally answered. I’m okay.” You felt the glimmer of hope finally settling in your chest as you watched the scene before you unfold quickly. Bruce lifted his hand, and snapped his fingers. The glove slid from his hand and he fell to the ground.
“Bruce?” Steve called, running to his side and kneeling down. Clint ran to the glove, kicking it away.
“Don’t move him.” Tony said. You kneeled behind Steve looking down at your friend. Bruce looked around at you, Steve, and Thor while holding onto Steve’s arm.
“Did it work?” Bruce questioned you all.
“We’re not sure. It’s okay.” You glanced up at your husband, a smile falling onto your lips. But that smile faded when destruction fell onto the compound. Egan flew from the water and towards the building. In the midst of the collapse you were pulled away from Steve. You knocked your head in the process, and a pipe flew into your shoulder. A scream came from your throat.
“Egan!” You screamed. You were in the rubble by yourself. It felt like it was falling down, like it was going to collapse any second. You couldn’t see Steve, he was nowhere in sight. “Steve!” You screamed once more.
“I’m coming, Rider.” Egan’s voice filtered through your head. “Stay calm, deep breaths.”
You moved to your knees looking around, a sharp pain shot through your shoulder, you looked over to the left side and noticed the pipe protruding from it.
“Shit.” You mumbled to yourself. Moving your other hand you ripped a piece of your suit off. Releasing a few breaths you placed your hand onto the pipe, then you proceeded to pull the pipe out. Another scream escaped your dusted lips. You took a second to stop, then you noticed the spot you were in moved again. Panic started to fill inside you, you were trapped with nowhere to go and were more than likely going to die.
“Focus on the pipe, not death. I will get to you, Rider.” Egan said.
Taking another deep breath you exhaled again, then you proceeded to pull on the pipe again. Tears began to prick at your eyes as you continued to pull on the pipe. Finally you were able to get it out of your shoulder, then you took the cloth you had ripped from your suit and tied it as tight as you could to make sure the bleeding stopped. Just when you thought the rubble around you was going to collapse, Egan appeared, moving it out of the way.
“Climb on, Rider.” You smiled brightly at the dragon and moved onto his back, holding on as he started to move back the way he came from. The rubble from the building moved around his long body. He continued to climb up while you stayed close to him to ensure that none of the rubble hit you in the process. You could feel the pain coming from your shoulder but you were choosing to ignore it. You needed to get back to the surface to fight.
“Did you see any of the others?” You questioned, attempting to subside your panic over who might have been injured or worse died.
“No, but he returned.” Egan managed to get out as he pushed through more rubble close to breaking the surface.
“Who returned, Egan?”
“The one we lost to.”
“Thanos?” You closed your eyes, the feeling that lingered in your body was still there. It was all because of the Titan, he had returned. And he might have been from a different time but it seemed he still had the same plan. “Shit, this is not good. Fly, you need to fly now.”
Egan didn’t need to be told twice. He took off and flew up towards the entrance he had come in, upon flying through it you looked to see the army Thanos had with him. Your eyes found Steve as he picked himself from the ground, standing against Thanos even if it was a last ditch effort. Suddenly a voice came through on your speaker, that connected you to the rest of the team.
“Hey, Cap, you read me?” Hope filled your chest when you heard your friend’s voice for the first time in five years. “Cap, it’s Sam. Can you hear me?” You pulled your eyes away from Steve as something started to appear behind him. “On your left.”
A portal appeared, three figures walking through it. When you got a closer look you saw that it was T’Challa, Okoye, and T’Challa’s sister Shuri. He nodded to Steve as Sam flew out of the portal. More portals were appearing, the ones you had lost all returning to help aid in the battle against Thanos. To aid as one whole team, to win for a better future. Tears glimmered in your eyes when you caught sight of your brother on his own dragon, Terra.
It was an unfortunate event to watch not only your brother disappear but his dragon as well. He had bonded with his dragon years prior to your bond with Egan happening. He knew well before you did that you would find a dragon to bond with. Egan flew higher in the air coming up next to Terra. Both dragons sent a nod to each other as you continued to smile at your brother.
“Avengers…” Steve called out from down below. “Assemble.”
Battle cries left everyone’s throats as they all took off towards the enemy, yourself included. Egan flew lower and lower to the ground, breathing fire on the army that came towards your team.
“I need to drop down, get me as low as you can then continue to fight okay?” You ordered, looking around for your husband. You wanted to fight by his side, you knew very well that your brother would come looking for you anyway.
“I can do that Rider.” Egan lowered down close enough that you could drop to the ground. When you did you rolled forward, pulling a blade from your suit you took off running for Steve. When you made it to him, you slid on the ground throwing your blade into the familiar Chitauri alien you once fought against. Steve looked down at you, then he picked you up from the ground pulling you into a hug.
“I’m okay.” You whispered, hugging him just as tightly. “We’re okay.” You promised. When you pulled away from him you walked over to the alien and pulled your blade from its body.
“Don’t leave my side, unless you're with Egan.” Steve ordered, while you were tempted not to listen to him you understood his need to keep you and your baby safe. Before you had a chance to reply someone stepped into your line of sight.
“This looks like a great time for a family reunion.” Lu said, a bright smile covering his face. When your older brother was close enough he pulled you into a hug.
“I missed you.”
“I know, I missed you too. Now, where’s my wife?” Lu questioned when he pulled back from you. He watched sorrow fill your face and Steve’s face at the mention of Natasha. You could tell he knew just from your looks. “How? How did she die?” He pushed, a few tears escaping his eyes.
Your lips trembled, “she sacrificed herself for the soul stone, I’m so sorry, Lu.” You cried out, hating to be the one to tell your brother. He looked down at the wedding band, a soft cry leaving his lips. Then he wiped his tears away.
“Okay.” He breathed out. “I will mourn her loss after we win this battle.”
The three of you went back into the battle, you stayed close to Steve fighting as many of the aliens as you could. The gauntlet was being dragged across the battlefield to get it back to the van and return the stones. Steve grabbed a hold of you to cover you as shots were fired down around you. You moved away from Steve pushing your blade through another alien as Steve talked to Peter Parker.
The firing shots were getting worse and worse, Egan had returned to protect you from the cover until eventually it stopped. You looked up watching as Carol flew down towards the ship and destroyed it completely. A smile tugged its way to your lips as the female finally showed up to help. You moved away from Steve and Egan, swinging your blade into the aliens that came towards you. Their blood fell onto your body, but you didn’t have a care in the world.
“Y/N!” Someone shouted your name. You turned around and when you did you came face to face with your husband. He looked at you, like it was the last time he’d get to see your face light up when he appeared. He was okay with the fate he had chosen for himself, if it meant that you and his baby were alive then he was okay to die this way. Finally your eyes lowered to the blade that had been plunged into his stomach. Everyone on the battlefield seemed to halt their movements, even the ones you were fighting against.
“Breath.” Steve whispered, lifting his hand to the side of your face. When the breath of air finally left your airways he collapsed to the ground. You followed in suit, grabbing a hold of him and pulling him into your chest.
“No, no, no.” You cried out, the tears breaching through. Your hands had long since let go of the blade you had, they were now holding onto Steve’s wound. The blond looked up to you, a smile washing onto his face. “No, please don’t leave, don’t leave us.” You cried out. Your brother and Tony had appeared. Tony came up next to you looking down at his friend. While Lu came to the other side. Both Egan and Terra shielded you all but they could feel it come, they’d have to move out of the way.
“You tell James, I love him.” Steve ushered out of his lips.
You shook your head. “No, you’re gonna tell him yourself because he needs you. Our babies need you, I need you.”
“I’ll always be with you, no matter where you go, no matter what happens. I’ll never leave your side. I love…” Steve choked out the next words. “I love you… so much.” Steve looked over at his brother-in-law. “Take care of her, and the kids.”
“I will, Steve.” Lu said.
Finally your husband gave you a final glance as he took his last breath. You looked at him, never leaving his eyes. “Steve?” More tears fell down your already stained cheeks. “Steve, baby, please.” You lowered your head to his chest to listen for a heartbeat but felt nothing.
“Stay calm, my dear Rider.” Egan whispered in your head. You noticed that Lu had managed to get Tony in the air and away from you. He had climbed onto Terra and went back into the battle as it had begun to rage on again. You summoned every inch of the power that connected you to Egan.
A gut wrenching scream rushed through your mouth as the powers swam out of your body burning any alien that was a few feet from you. But you couldn’t fight anymore, exhaustion had rendered you useless. Time seemed to slow down as the powers disappeared from your body. You lowered your head back to Steve’s body and held onto him. You were numb, not able to feel anything that happened around you. This was the last thing you had ever expected.
This life you had built with Steve had been taken away from you just like that. It all fell down in the end and there was nothing you could do about it, nothing you could do to save him from saving you. At some point your brother had returned to gather you up from the battlefield. Terra had picked up Steve’s body. Nothing would be the same now that he was gone. You were just thankful to have your two kids, a piece of him remained in them and you were forever thankful.
───── ❝ ◂ ❚ ⊱ꕥ⊰ ❚ ▸ ❞ ─────
In the aftermath of the battle you had learned that Tony had sacrificed himself to save everyone else. You stood out by the lake, James in your arms and resting his head on your shoulder. Bucky came up next to you, he looked at the child in your arms. Finally you turned to look at the man that Steve called his best friend.
“Are you going to be okay?” Bucky asked, finally breaking the silence between you two.
“No. I won’t, not for a long time. But I know that I’ll get through it. I have James and his little brother or sister. I have my parents and my brother, and I have all of you. So while I say I won’t be, I will. I just need a day at a time.” You explained. Bucky gave a nod of his head.
“Was it your idea or his?” Bucky pointed to your son.
“He insisted on your first name being his middle name but I thought that James was a perfect first name and that he would love to share the same first name with his uncle. He has Lu’s name as his middle name so it works out.” You paused looking back out at the water, taking in a breath you held it.
“Breathe.” Egan whispered.
You exhaled and looked back at Bucky. “I expect you to be one hell of an uncle to these kids. I don’t want you to be a stranger, I know Steve wouldn’t be too happy about it.”
“I will visit as much as I can, Y/N.”
“Sounds like a deal, Bucky.” With those words you walked away from the man. He watched as you disappeared, going back to the life you had created with Steve even though he wouldn’t be a part of it anymore.
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Miguel O'Hara (Spider-Verse)
★"Nonviolent Communication"★ (ongoing story; 142k words minus drabble)
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soft!Miguel x SpiderFemReader; Slowburn; Colleagues to Friends to Lovers | After the events of BSTV, you're recruited into the Spider Society. Your boss is distant, works day and night. You can't help but feel intrigued by him despite his coldness. One day he shows up to your apartment after you fail to show up for duties.
Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five | Part Six | Part Seven | Part Eight | Part Nine | Part Ten | Part Eleven | One-Shots (read between Part Eleven and Part Twelve if reading the fic) ⚉Thanksgiving One-Shot for Nonviolent Communication⚉ ⚉Blanca Navidad One-Shot for Nonviolent Communication⚉ ⚉New Year's One-Shot for Nonviolent Communication⚉
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☆Part One☆ "No Fever" "A Really Good Cook" ☆Part Two☆ "Two Random Coffee Cups" ☆Part Five☆ "So Serious" ☆Part Six☆ Miguel's Ofrenda ☆Part Seven☆ "Two Hot Drinks" "Merry Christmas" Miguel Receives Food ☆Part Eight☆ Seconds Tick By Miguel is Found ☆Part Nine☆ Recovering Miguel Cleaning Miguel's Face at the Infirmary Grumpy Miguel Eating Hospital Food Scars n All - Reader's view of Miguel! ☆Part Ten☆ Trying to Not Make a Sound Ternura - Miguel Observing Y/N Peaceful Sleeping Hand Feeding Miguel! Miguel Smelling Reader's Sweatshirt Miguel Peacefully Sleeping Dreamy Sleeping ☆Part Eleven☆ Late Night Kids Talk - Reader and Her Peter Late Night Kids Talk - Reader and Her Peter (Full Version) Caught Dancing "I Wondered if Maybe... I Wasn't Enough" "Mwah!" Pinky Squeeze ☆Other Art☆ Peter and his support for SpiderReader "I Bite" - Animatic ☆Thanksgiving One-Shot Art☆ Peter B., Mayday, Miguel, and Lyla Miguel and Reader - Various Scenes Miguel Caught Staring ☆Blanca Navidad (Christmas) One-Shot Art☆ "... heard, appreciated, and ... loved." - Various Sketches
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★ Double Trouble 18+ ★ 2099 Miguel X Reader X Variant Miguel, adult themes, no plot | You find yourself with two Miguel's. ★ Double Trouble - Part Two ★ 2099 Miguel X Reader X Variant Miguel ★ Making Tamales with Miguel ★ Fluff ★ Baking Halloween Cookies with Miguel ★ Fluff ★ A November Morning ★ Fluff
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It's from 2010, Tom Hiddleston, if you only knew. (x)
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marc steven steven steven STEVEN
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9K notes · View notes
Kinktober Masterlist
Day 1: Mafia!Miguel x Reader
Day 2: Professor!Kakashi x Nurse!Reader
Day 3-Feral! Miguel x Reader
Day 4- Miguel x reader (Public Sex)
Day 5- Grimmjow x Shy!Reader (cockwarming)
Day 6- Miguel x Reader (Shower Sex)
Day 7- Miguel x Clumsy!Reader (Toys)
Day 8- Reno x Bullied! Reader
Day 9- Hidan x Reader (Angry Sex/Dirty Talk)
Day 10- CEO!Miguel x New Hire!Reader
Day 11- Miguel x Reader (Size Kink)
Day 12- Miguel x Reader (Oral/Suit On)
Day 13- Zoro x Quiet!Reader (Window Sex)
Special Friday 13th A.K.A Miguel Birthday Drabble
Day 14- Mafia!Grimmjow x Reader (Phone Sex)
Day 15- Miguel x Reader (Breeding Kink)
Day 16- Miguel x Villian!Reader (Bondage)
Day 17- Grimmjow x Enemy!Reader (Mirror Sex)
Day 18- Master!Miguel x Maid!Reader
Day 19- Miguel x Reader (Sex Pollen)
Day 20- Roommate!Miguel x Reader
Day 21- Yandere!Miguel x Reader (Breeding/Lactation Kink)
Day 22- Leona x Reader (Dry Humping)
Day 23- Miguel x Reader (Sleepy Sex/69)
Day 24- Miguel x Chubby!Reader (Praise Kink)
Day 25- Kakashi x Reader (Threesome)
Day 26- Stressed!Miguel x Stranger!Reader (Public Sex)
Day 27- CEO!Miguel x New Hire!Reader PT.2 (Toys/orgasm denail)
Day 28- Gynecologist!Miguel x Nervous!Reader (Teasing/Fingering)
Day 29- Zoro x Reader (Facesitting/overstimulation)
Day 30- Villain!Miguel x Hero!Reader
Day 31- Ghost face!Miguel x Shy!Reader
Hope you all enjoyed Kinktober! It was fun writing something everyday! Now, I do have favorites out of these and so do many of you, I will be making short stories out of some of these one shots so stay tuned!
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Utterly Enraptured
Pairing; Miguel O’Hara x f!reader
tags; breeding, little bit of overstimulation, Miguel goes into rut, creampie, wordcount 4k
Summary; Miguel seems to have forgotten about a certain side effect from having half of his genetic makeup being spider DNA
Wet, warm, perfectly molded to his length. Large palms pressing against thighs, his mouth quieting your little gasps and hiccups. His murmured praise, his filthy tongue pressing against your hole wetly, licking long stripes up your skin. Hungry. The twitch of his hips, the choked whimpers, he wants it. Needs it. 
You’re gasping, trying in vain to muffle your moans into the pillow while he completely and irrevocably rearranges your insides. You’re so fucking sweet – god, he wants nothing more than to stuff you full of his seed, pull out and admire the view of him seeping out from your weeping pussy. 
He wants to push it all back in with spit slicked fingers, kiss away all of your tears and do it all over again until you’re sobbing in pleasure, begging for more, more, more –
Miguel wakes up feeling fire burn at the base of his spine and the undeniable hardening of his cock. He immediately wants to just roll over and go back to bed. 
It’s 7:47, he has to get up in ten minutes, he’s way too hot but the floors are probably freezing, his blankets are so so comfortable and his dick is aching. So far, great start to his morning. Miguel turns to his side, finding your side of the bed empty. He resists the urge to groan. 
Right, you have your early work shift today.
 He mourns the loss of the warmth as he kicks off his blankets with one languid motion. For a moment he’s tempted to just indulge himself right now, right here. Your scent is still in the air, soaked into your pillow, heady and intoxicating. 
Absent-mindedly he palms himself, cupping the sizable bulge and considers. Miguel wants you, to be completely honest. Always does. Like a thirst that will never be quenched, he craves you. All of you. Your hands, your flesh, your blood — if he could, he’d worship every single inch of you for the rest of eternity. 
And you’re not here. Unfortunately. He imagines your hand, smaller than his, wrapping securely around his length, the other curled loosely around his hot, swollen balls, and slowly exhales. 
He can wait. He has self control. He doesn’t have time to fist himself like a wild animal. He has an online meeting to attend since he, for once, is taking a break from the Spider Verse for a day or two.
Miguel heaves a sigh and gets up, stretching lazily. The chill seeps into his skin and he resigns himself to taking a cold shower. 
(He ends up having to clean spurts of creamy white off of the shower walls anyway. He is so fucked.)
There’s something wrong with him. There’s something wrong with today. Wrong, wrong, wrong. Miguel can’t get you out of his head. 
You usually don’t leave his mind regardless, but at the moment, all he can think of is bending you over the nearest flat surface, letting you slather at his tip, feeling your sweet, tight pussy clench around him while he whispers obscenities in your ear.
He thinks of you all day, but his thoughts are never this…vividly vulgar. Miguel will admit to having the stray passing instance but right now? He’s practically been a depraved fucking dog for the past three hours straight. 
This morning didn’t help. That damn dream didn’t help. He’s been staring at his laptop for the past thirty minutes trying desperately to redirect his thoughts to something more productive, his board members are droning on and on about stock values and whatnot  – he has work to finish, but jesus, he can’t think of anything but you.
Your taste, your heat, your everything. He’s hard as rock as he mumbles some bullshit excuse to his meeting members before shutting off his laptop with a definite click. It’s as if a fog has filled his head, keeping him drunk and dizzy. Miguel’s body feels unbearably hot right now, scorching, needing. 
“Lyla,” his voice is strangled. “What’s the date?” 
His assistant flickers to life next to him, drawing up a calendar.
“Mm…it’s the 8th,” she says, blinking down at him. “Ah, I see. Your uh, time of the month, y’know?” She wiggles her eyebrows and he growls, waving her away. She pops up a little ways away, putting her hands on her hips.“Hey, don’t shoot the messenger, man,” Lyla frowns. “Just telling you,”
“Thanks,” He says bitingly, dismissing her and groaning into his hands. You won’t be home until later – and later means that he’s going to have to suffer for the next few hours, alone and unbearably horny. Wonderful. 
Mentally, he berates himself with a low hiss, feeling annoyed that he didn't connect the dots earlier. His throat is dry and he swallows raspily.
He should’ve looked at the date, how could he have forgotten? Heightened sensitivity, overheating, inability to focus, the urge to fuck you into next week — all signs pointing to a very large neon billboard that says “SPIDER INSTINCT FUCKERY” in big bold letters. In other words, mating period.
 It happens every other month through the 8th to the 10th when his body decides that it’s time to procreate and do nothing else for the next two days. 
He sucks in a ragged breath slowly, trying to calm his fast beating heart. It doesn’t work, only serving to remind him of the pulsing in his chest and between his legs. 
It wasn’t this bad before he started dating you. All he had to do was tug on his cock a few times and he was fine, for the most part. Anything else could be burned off by fighting criminals and doing his usual dimensional overseeing.
That was before you. You and your gorgeous smile, you and your honeyed scent, you and your burning touch. He’s so hungry — greedy. He wants your flesh in his hands, your slick on his chin, your hands on his body. 
He doesn’t even realize he’s getting up from the couch and migrating to your shared room until his knees hit the mattress and his huge frame curls up on your side of the bed. His cock is stupidly hard, twitching and throbbing from where it’s formed a tent in his sweatpants. 
Miguel can already feel the precum seeping out of him and staining his boxers. A whine rips itself out of his throat as he buries his head into your pillow, basking in your familiar sweet smell. 
A heady mixture of your favorite shampoo, perfume and body, all swirling around him as he grinds his lower half into the bed desperately like a dog in heat. 
It’s not enough. It’s not enough. 
He needs you, craves you. His large hand snakes down to wrap around his weeping length, the other pulling down his sweat pants and boxers to give him some relief. It’s agony, waiting for you to come home. 
He wishes you were here right now, wishes that he could pepper your face with kisses and croon apologies while he slowly bottoms out in your tight cunt while you writhe beneath him. 
Or on top of him. He doesn’t give a damn. Any position you want, he’ll do it. 
Just imagining your sweet whines and whimpers has his breath labored. He presses the heel of his palm against his stiff length, hissing at the jolt of pleasure and sensitivity that burns through him. It’s painfully dry, but he takes the slick precum dripping out of his tip to aid the tight slide of his fist over his fat cock. God, he just needs to pump you full of him and fuck it all back into you. The thought of you, all swollen and glowing with his kid makes him nearly feral.
His hips jerk upwards and he can’t help but imagine your hand instead of his, can’t help but imagine how much better it would feel. 
He gasps quietly as his thumb presses against his slit, jaw tightening, fangs threatening to break skin. The hand currently not wrapped around his cock is clenching the bedsheets hard enough to rip. 
He just needs to wait. He just has to wait a little longer. You’ll be home soon. 
You slip off your shoes at the door, setting them aside on the rack near the entrance. The warmth from the apartment chases away the chill and you set down your bag, heaving a sigh of relief. You’ve been looking forward to spending time with your boyfriend all day since he has a rare day at home today. 
You peek around the hall, letting your aching feet be comforted by the rugs near the living room. Where is Miguel anyways? 
“Heyyyy,” Lyla pops up in front of you suddenly, grinning when you startle. “Looking for Miguel?”
You set a hand on your chest trying to calm your jackrabbiting heart, before giving her a small smile.
“Yeah. Is he here right now? I mean he said he would be, but I don’t know if he’s doing his Spider-man thing right now,” You tilt your head as Lyla’s expression flickers. She adjusts her glasses, glancing at your bedroom door.
“Well uh, he’s in there. Might wanna be careful though,” She mutters, checking out her bright pink nails absentmindedly. You raise an eyebrow.
“Why’s that?”
In lieu of explanation she draws up a calendar and materializes a glitching pen in her hands, circling the date. Your frown in confusion. 
“The…8th?” You blink and she nods. Why would today be significant? It’s not your anniversary, the only thing that comes to mind at the moment is… “Oh.” You swallow dryly, remembering vague flashes from two months ago. Two months ago when he had fucked you silly for what was basically two days, interspersed with breaks in between. Then the sheepish explanation of what he calls "mating period" where his DNA practically drives him insane with rampant horniness. 
 Lyla nods empathetically.
“Yeah…well, good luck! I've heard that massages really help with soreness.” She vanishes with a pop of golden glimmers, leaving you alone in the hall. 
You glance where she had been moments prior before sighing. Dating a man with half of his makeup being spider DNA came with its quirks. Your feet carry you down the hall and you open the door to find –
Oh fuck.
Miguel, in all of his bare glory, strong thighs spread wide, leaving nothing to the imagination. His sweatpants and shirt are in a heap on the floor, most likely thrown in his haste. His heaving chest is gleaming with sweat, abdomen twitching, looking like a Greek God. 
And there, his throbbing, swollen cock squeezed tightly in his fist, his hips working back and forth at a languid pace. Long and thick, the tip shining slightly with precum. It makes you salivate, sticky heat beginning to grow between your legs. 
The room's atmosphere is heavy as you mindlessly draw closer. Fuck, his gasps and whimpers sound so pretty. Half of his large frame is hanging off the bed as you realize he's on your side, face buried desperately in your pillow.
"B – baby," His words stutter in his throat as your scent overwhelms him, his nostrils flaring. "Please, please, please —fuck, need you so bad," he quivers, taking his hand off of his face to look back at you. He's grimacing, gorgeous plush lips stretched into a pathetic pout and you hum in acknowledgement, putting a hand on his thigh. He twitches but makes no other move.
Your clit throbs in response to the pure neediness in his voice, high and whiny. He sounds utterly wrecked, squeezing his cock and waiting for you to touch him. You’re so close, your hand is on his body, but it’s not where he wants it. 
“You’re so desperate, Miguel,” You croon, reaching out slowly and wrapping your hand around his base. He makes a choked sound, his hand falling away to run through his sweaty hair. “Aren’t you?”
He doesn’t answer for a second, visibly trying to contain himself before he speaks, low and ragged.
“Yes,” He finally hisses, crimson irises foggy and clouded with lust. You hum in approval at his answer, squeezing lightly as you begin to pump him, going at a pace you know is wholly too slow for his taste. “Don’t t — tease me, cariño. Faster, baby, please,” He begs, his breath stuttering in his chest. 
You rock back on your heel as you begin stroking faster, your thumb tracing the veins on the underside. Miguel’s eyes roll back as your deliciously hot mouth descends on him, your tongue circling his tip juuust the way he likes it. Fuck, you can feel yourself getting wetter with each trembling hiss and moan you pull out of this man — your man. You separate from him with a pop, licking pre from sticky fingers while he watches hungrily.
The smell of arousal — your arousal, invades his senses and his hands twitch and he lunges, pulling you up to him and flipping you over. You yelp in surprise as his hands immediately squeeze flesh, your hips, your thighs, your ass, anywhere he has access to. 
You tilt up to kiss him and he leans down, pressing his lips to yours firmly. His tongue swipes against your bottom lip and when you allow him access inside he moans quietly, fangs digging into your lower lip lightly. 
Your shirt is practically discarded at the speed of light and you shiver for a second at the cold washing over your skin before Miguel's all over you again.
He leans forward to fumble with your bra, fingers struggling to unclasp the hooks on the back. You laugh and pull it off yourself, to which he rolls his eyes fondly before his mirth is devoured by desire.
Thick fingers nimbly pull at your pants waistline.
"Take these off too, sweetheart," He whispers, leaving wet open mouth kisses trailing down your neck. You shiver, obliging quickly and kicking them off. They land somewhere on the floor and you don't care enough to look for them. Not when Miguel is between your legs, staring down at your clothed pussy like it's his last meal.
He inhales slowly, leaning down to press his head against your thigh. You smell so fucking intoxicating, he wants nothing more than to bury his face between your legs and make you scream in pleasure. But first he has to get rid of your panties.
"Hurry up, Miguel, please," You whine, wiggling your hips as if to try and encourage him. As if he needs any sort of encouragement. 
"Do you care about these panties?" He asks, quick and low. You blink.
"No…? –! " You gasp as he lowers his head and fucking rips them off of you in one quick motion with his damn teeth. "Miguel!"
"I'll get you new ones, baby. Promise." He kisses your inner thigh, holding you down with two large searing hands. "As many as you want. As long as I get to have this goddamn pussy, I'll get you anything."
Your glistening lips look absolutely delicious, all wet and soaked from watching him play with his cock in front of you. He wants to put his mouth on your throbbing, swollen clit until you sob, wants your pussy in his face, wants his tongue in you while you grab at his hair and urge him for more. You'd taste divine, and he nearly just decides to do it anyway.
But his cock is so hard it almost hurts and he's about three seconds away from getting blue balls, so instead he sinks one finger in your drenched cunt. Your breath hitches and you turn your head into a pillow as he begins to finger fuck you in earnest. The obscene sound of slick gushing out from your hole makes Miguel nearly feral, nearly has his eyes rolling back into his head as he feels your tightness squeeze and pulse around his thick digit. You hiss at the stretch, slow pain and growing pleasure intertwining as Miguel goes slow adding a second. 
"You're doing so good, so good, baby. You feel so – fuck, so good. Can you take one more?" He asks breathlessly. "C’mon, you're such a good girl, aren't you?"
You nod amidst blurry vision, gasping as he slides another finger in. His pace is fast and punishing, and the final goddamn nail on the coffin is the way his fingers press into your g-spot, while his thumb rubs messy circles on your puffy clit. 
"Cum, baby, you can do it, you can fucking cum for me, can't you?" He latches onto your tit, swirling his tongue around your nipple in such a way that makes your head foggy. 
“Mig – guel!” You whine brokenly as he rolls it between his teeth, sharp points of pleasure burning up your spine like wildfire. Miguel can’t help but groan at the feeling of your sweet cunt clamping down on his fingers, and he increases his speed at the telltale signs of your impending orgasm. You're so so close and when the building coil in your lower stomach finally snaps, you sob, gushing all over his palm.
Your bare chest heaves as he murmurs sweet praise in your ear, telling you that "You did so good, cariño," and "Look at you, you're so gorgeous all spread out like this,". Miguel drags his tongue down your neck, pulling away for a second to suck your juices off his fingers in an awfully erotic display of tongue, saliva, and a flash of a grin. 
He presses kisses to your face, trying his absolute damndest not to hump you like a fucking dog but he’s waited so long and he’s going to go fucking insane if he doesn’t get your pretty pussy wrapped around his cock in the next two seconds. 
“C’mere, baby,” Miguel takes himself in hand, his other keeping your thighs spread so he can see your twitching hole all wet and ready for him. “Can’t wait any damn longer – I’ll fuckin’ – explode or something.”
Looking up at him from your position is absolutely deadly. His hair is disheveled, strands slipping from their usually neat positions, his expression is utterly and completely devoted as his chest heaves. Your eyes travel down to shamelessly stare at his massive package, complete with his proportionally large hand curled around the weeping length. 
He’s so stiff that he splits your lips easily, and he groans at the feeling of your slick coating the underside of his cock. You can’t help but gasp as he grinds against you slowly before the head catches on your clit and pushes inside. 
And oh god, he could die right here and be happy, he could fucking die with the tip of his dick buried in your tight pussy and think that his life is fulfilled. It takes everything in him not to cum and paint your insides in a creamy white. Your wet walls are so slick and he hisses as they clamp down on him.
“Fuuuuck… baby you — you gotta loosen up for me, relax — mnnshit — “ he gasps, and you cry out, shifting underneath him. He rubs sloppy circles on your clit, his breathing labored as a few more inches of his monstrous cock slide in, “There we go, there we — nnngh, okay, good, so fucking good, you’re such a pretty girl,” he babbles nonsensically, practically losing his mind in the warmth. 
“M — Miguel,” You hiccup, nudging him out of his daze. “Move — please, s’not enough,” You want him in your guts, you want him to fuck you until the only thing you can remember is the shape of his cock. 
And who is he to deny you?
He shoves the rest of himself in in one fluid motion, his throat closing in on itself as he bottoms out, his pelvis flush to yours. His mouth parts slightly as his lips form an o shape, and he thrusts once, caging you in his burly arms. 
“Oh shit — I’m gonna move, okay? M’gonna move,” he warns you, before pulling out slowly only to slam his hips back into yours with wild abandon. You suck in a startled breath as he begins to absolutely fuck your brains out, fire igniting deep in your lower stomach again. There’s none of his usual careful approach, there’s no teasing, no smug remarks. He’s focused on one thing and one thing only: stuffing you full of his seed until he physically can’t anymore. 
You can barely get anything out as he grinds against you, his dick so deep inside that you’re sure that he’s showing through your lower stomach. Fuck – he feels so good as he fills your tight pussy, rocking precisely in all of your sensitive spots. The head of him practically kisses your damn cervix, sending you rocketing towards your second orgasm of the night. 
Your brain is so mushy and pleasure-drowned that it takes you a second to realize that he’s still talking and oh fuck.
“Let me fill you, le— let me cum inside, please, please, baby, I wan – nngh, I want you all round and swollen f’me,” he sounds utterly wrecked, desperate and hungry all rolled in at once, “Wouldn’t you look so pretty an’ gorgeous? Pleas – e, please? Need you full, all full of me,” Miguel begs, grunting lowly when you clamp down on him from the downright filth flowing from his mouth. 
“Yes – Miguel, just –nnhgod, oh shit, oh fuck,” You lose the tail end of your sentence as your head melts out of your ears and pleasure sears through your veins. Miguel whimpers at your words, shoving himself deeper than you thought was humanly possible. 
“Waited so long for you, baby, was so – was so lonely, needed you – need you – “ He hits a spot that has you keening, eyes rolling back and your head bumping against the headboard of the bed. You’re driving him utterly insane, your moans and cries sounding like a blended symphony of bliss pounding through his eardrums. He leans down to litter any inch of bare skin he has access to in dark marks, his burning mouth trailing wetly down the valley between your breasts.
“M’close, Mig – uel, I’m going to cum, baby –” You manage to gasp out before you’re overwhelmed completely and your vision erupts into stars as you gush around him for the second time in one day. It feels like someone has poured molten pleasure down your veins and you’re incandescent with it. 
Miguel chokes, low and deep in his throat, feeling your slick pussy tighten around his girthy cock, slathered in your juices. It tears a downright animalistic sound out of him, a trembling snarl from somewhere in his chest as he thrusts once, twice, then finally pumps you full of creamy thick seed. 
His mouth is agape, transfixed in a silent ‘o’ as his hips stutter and his balls draw up tight, every atom in his body devoted to filling you completely. When he’s finished, he rolls his hips a few more times, fucking his cum deeper inside of you despite his hiss of overstimulation. 
Your limbs are putty in his hands as he slides out slowly and adjusts you into a more comfortable position, his eyes lingering on the way some of his cum drips out of your loose hole. He pushes it all back in with two fingers, giving you a small smile of apology at your choked mutter, before collapsing down next to you and dragging you close to his chest. 
“...How long does this last again?” You rasp, voice sore from screaming. Miguel hums in contemplation, nosing your shoulder from where he’s draped over you.
“About a day and a half more to go,” He responds languidly after a moment. “Are you okay with that?”
You know you’re going to be so sore by the end of it. You know you’ll probably be feeling it for weeks on end after. You know you’ll probably have to take a few sick days to recover too. 
“Mhm,” You answer, kissing his cheek. “I can handle it,”
“That’s good,” He replies quietly, and you stiffen, feeling his fat softened cock twitch against your thigh. He raises his head to give you a semi sheepish look and you gulp.
Maybe you can’t handle it, actually. It’s okay though, since Miguel will take care of you long after. 
Man im so sorry this was pretty late. At least i managed to get it in before October ended. Also I’d let that man dick me down any day of the week, 24/7 😻😻
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miguel accidentally overstimulating himself not realizing that his breeding kink kicked in 🤲🧎‍♀️
overstimulation with miguel o’hara ❤︎
— a/n: oh my
warnings ゚𐦍༘⋆: some vulgar language, mentions of having kids during sex
“Mi—Miguel,” you gasp out, wrapping your arms around his neck as he fucks you into the mattress, “‘s—‘s too much? Ah—are you oh—okay?”
You shudder in unison as he pumps another load of his cum into your drenched pussy.
“I’m fi—fine,” he stutters as his dick twitches. It hurts—he’s sensitive—but it’s not enough. He hasn’t given you enough.
A broken mewl escapes you as your head hits the headboard, Miguel tightens his grip around your waist to keep you from slipping off his cock as his hips stutter through his thrusts.
His visions blurs as you clench around his dick—he was surprised he was still able to move.
He chokes when your pussy flutters—the way you clamp down on his dick makes his body go slack and his eyes roll back.
You’re both covered in sweat, and cum, and saliva. You feel hot, the silk bedsheets Miguel bought does nothing to cool you down, and your head is spinning. Your heart pounds in your chest as your body tenses—you were about to cum again, and your pussy wanted to cry.
“Miguel,” you whimper, “‘m close, Miguel, ‘m close,” you whine. His dick deliciously rubs against your walls as he sticks his thumb into your mouth—your head hits the headboard.
“I know mami—me too.” Your head hits the headboard again, “Gotta fill you up again, don’t you want that? Gonna make you feel good, I promise mami, I promise.”
“Mig—“ he pushes his thumb down on your tongue.
“‘m gonna make you feel so good, mami,” he starts to babble, “Gonna feel so good.”
Somehow every movement he made was even more intense, you could feel every vein, every twitch, every—everything. He became more precise, every thrust ended with him hitting your g—spot, you were never sure if that was going to be the moment you came.
“Miguel—,” you babble, sucking his thumb. “‘m gonna cum, right there Miguel, I’m gonna—“
His thrusts became erratic, the feeling of your warm pussy engrains itself in his memory.
He’d definitely be going back to this memory.
“Wait for me mami, I’m almost there too,” he grabs one of your hands, bringing it close to his mouth, and he presses his lips against your wrist. “Gonna make you a mother, yeah?”
You bite his thumb.
He presses a hand against your stomach as the bed creaks, “Make me a father?”
His hips stutter as you moan around his thumb.
You avoid eye contact as he leans over you, the pure devotion in his eyes makes you feel tingles in your stomach—and make you feel even more of that in your pussy.
“Look at me when you come mami, pl—please. Need you too.”
You didn’t expect it to happen that quickly when you looked at him.
Miguel looks down at you with lust blown eyes, his hair drops down from his face, and his mouth hangs open—the hand holding your wrist shaking. He slowly thrusts into you as he came inside you—your own cum mixed with his leaking around his dick.
His chest goes up and down as he heavily breathes—fuck was he beautiful as always.
He dips his head pressing a quick sloppy kiss onto your lips, “You’re leaking.”
You laugh, “It’s your fault.”
You expect him to laugh, to take it as a joke and then pick you up to go take a relaxing bath and cuddle for the rest of night—but he doesn’t.
“Oh,” he purrs, “Well, I should fix my mistake, shouldn’t I?”
He drops your wrist and focuses on your left boob, he pinches your nipple—you moan softly.
You wince in unison when he starts to move his hips again, his free hand trailing down to your waist from your stomach, “Ha—have to make sure none of my cum goes to waste, right mami? Can’t risk you not getting pregnant.”
Tears weld in his eyes, your pussy hurts as you pulse around him. He lets out a weak breath, “You want me to cum in you again, right?”
Your head hits the headboard once more as he thrusts get stronger.
It hurts, you’re too sensitive, and you’re positive he is too—yet he’s right. You do want that, you want him.
With a broken, hoarse voice, you say “Yes.”
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mymarvelmasterlistblog · 10 months
miguel keeps so many nsfw pics of you in his phone.
one where he’s taking you from behind and you’re looking over your shoulder with a lazy smile
one where you have your tongue laying flat against the tip of his cock and you’re looking straight into the camera
one where you’re laying on your back, bare breasts as you give your best naught smile to the camera and doe eyes that makes him go crazy
one where you have your tongue out, his cum dripping all over it as you grin widely and looking up to the lenses
one where has his large hand cupping your bare tit under the soft material of your tank top (and another where he’s playing with your nipples)
one where he takes a close up picture of your pussy spread open, filled with him cum
one where you both go sunbathing at the beach and he’s laying on the plump of your ass cheek
one where he pulls his cock out of your pussy halfway and sent it to your ex boyfriend because he can’t fucking stop texting you as he added with the caption that says ‘she’s fucking busy’
one where his face is buried deep into your pussy, hands gripping around your thighs. eyebrows furrowed, eyes red as a devil as he looks into the camera
one where it’s a night in, a movie is playing in the background as he settles his face in between your breasts while you read your book
one where you’re naked, just in your panties, on your stomach and rolling yourself a blunt
one where you just got both of your nipples pierced and he took the picture right after
and lastly, one where he fucked you on your wedding night, just in your white matching lingerie set, panties to the side, garters still attached around your thighs and a veil still perched on top of the crown of your head.
details here ;)))
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