Systemic Disenfranchisement of the Feminine:
She stops writing the black tourist as black after he calls out how artists would state his race
Upbringing of a formalist with the desires of an anarchist, yet the diffidence of a woman bound to patriarchal oppression. Gilman writes,
“degrading effect of masculine dominance” gilman iv ; “Starting with a woman’s caucus. Oppressed groups have the right to discuss their problems away from the oppressor.’ Comrade X was furious. “ page 71
“”what seemed exotic to forgeing was oppressive symbol” 78,
‘C’est vrai,’ said Marie, ‘mais tout favorise la prééminence des fils. Ce qui nous empêche de nous inventer nous-mêmes.
EILEEN MYERS, FOREWORD P9 The described experience [is certainly romantic but also in effect] constitutes research into the political history of women and men (aka Patriarchy).
go. Walking carefully so as not to disturb a new vision in my head of the heroine of my novel. Inspired by them. Strong and passionate, her own person. Any pain she feels, she keeps hidden””
BIRDS – no exit scenario: heaven as 3 characters, hell as the endless thwarting onto itself that inhibits happiness, holding that hell is therefore ourselves. Her therapist writes: you are the bird! She laughs. She cannot recognize just yet, in this memory that her narrative is endlessly fed by her own machinations and not the other way around.  :is it possible to create poaradise in this strangeness” 189
How is gender portrayed in Gail Scott’s Heroine? You may consider providing an analysis of the feminist politics (e.g., the intersection between private and public, gender and sexuality) as portrayed by Scott’s narrator.
In the politically charged Quebec of the 70’s era, social movements gained substantial movement; the Parti Quebecois won, feminist movements were gaining traction, and class divisions were being challenged. Thus, it comes as no surprise that Gail Scott’s Heroine centralizes women’s marginalization at the hands of patriarchy
Gail Scott’s feminist affiliations met
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During my first month with my therapist, I was given this worksheet to read and work on. She noticed that while I was talking with her, that my thoughts followed a lot of these. I wasn’t aware that my anxiety had brought me down paths of low self-worth and stinky thinking.  After a couple of weeks of talking with her, she gave me this worksheet to work on. 
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While, at first, I thought these weren’t going to work out, I was very surprised to see just how easy they were to use . My homework at that time was to identify which sort of thinking I used on the regular and which ones would best challenge them for me. So, what do you think? Do any of the maladaptive thinking patterns sound like you? which ways would you like to untwist your thinking? 
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Emergency cleaning: Unfuck your whole house in the shortest time possible
So, your landlord/parents/home inspector/favorite movie star is dropping by, and your place is a disaster. You don’t have much time to clean it up. You’re in emergency mode. Let’s get started.
Don’t panic. Panic leads to fear, fear leads to procrastination, procrastination leads to the dark side. You can do this, but you have to stay calm.
Unlike maintenance cleaning, we’re not looking to completely unfuck one space at a time. Instead, we want to decrease the overall mess in stages, spread evenly across the whole area that we’re concerned about. If you think your home is at Level 10 filth, we want to bring the whole thing down to a Level 9, and then down from there. One really clean spot in an otherwise messy home is not going to be helpful here.
Get prepared. You’ll want to shut the computer down (or turn the modem off if you need your computer to play music). Trust me. Get your music going. Gather up trash bags, your vacuum and mop, some rags or paper towel, sponges, and other cleaning supplies. Use what you have on hand. Don’t get distracted running to the store and spending an hour browsing cleaning supplies. A multi-purpose cleaning concentrate or a jug of vinegar will be just fine.
Breaks are very important. Depending on your time constraints, work in 20/10s (20 minutes working, 10-minute break) or 45/15s. But take breaks because otherwise you’re marathoning, and marathon cleaning is no one’s friend. Keep hydrated, don’t forget to eat, and check in with yourself frequently to make sure you’re physically doing OK.
Make your bed. This will be your home base if you get overwhelmed or need somewhere clear to take a break.
Start with the garbage. Going from room to room, throw out anything that is obvious trash. Once you fill a bag, take it out. Repeat as many times as necessary.
Move on to dishes. Gather the dishes from all over your house and bring them to the kitchen. If you can, start them soaking in a sink of hot, soapy water or start loading the dishwasher. After the dishes are all in one place, spend one 20/10 getting started getting them under control.
Now it’s time for your flat surfaces. Countertops, tables, dresser tops, etc. Clear them off and wipe them down. Don’t get distracted in too much sorting and organizing. We’re in crisis mode here. There will be time to get in-depth once this is all done. The same applies to cabinets and closets. Unless you have reason to believe people will be opening closed doors, leave these alone for now.
Attack the floordrobe and shoe pile. Get your clothes either put away or in the hamper. Start a load of laundry if you need to, but keep in mind that laundry and dishes have three steps: wash, dry, and put it away, goddammit!
Get random stuff up off the floors. If something is trash-worthy, throw it away now rather than just move it around a bunch of times. Otherwise, put stuff where it belongs.
Take another 20/10 or 45/15 to catch up on more dishes, if needed.
Head into the bathroom. Pour some cleaner in the toilet bowl, fill the sink with hot water and cleaner, and either spray the tub and shower with cleaner, or fill the tub up with some hot water and add cleaner and let it soak. Put everything away that’s out and shouldn’t be, clean the mirror, counters, and toilet seat. Sweep or dry mop the floor. Wipe down the sink and tub/shower, and give the toilet bowl a scrub. Mop the floor.
Sweep and mop the kitchen floor.
Vacuum everything you can, and sweep everything you can’t.
Walk outside of your house (don’t lock yourself out, please). Walk back in and see what catches your eye first. Go and deal with that.
If you’re being inspected or your landlord is coming in for repairs, spend time on whatever area they’ll be focusing on.
Give the whole place one more once-over and pay attention to anything you’ve missed so far.
It’s an old trick, but if your place is a little funky-smelling, put a pan of water on the stove on low heat and add some citrus or cinnamon or vanilla. Don’t leave it unattended or forget about it.
Take a shower, put on something clean, and eat something.
You can do this. It’s overwhelming, yes, but it is not impossible. You just need to do it. You have a list. You have directions. You have a whole bunch of Internet strangers who have been there before and who are cheering you on. You can do this, but you need to get started.
Why are you still here? GO. START. NOW.
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could you recommend me some books on critical theory, but like some introductory reading on it?
Introductions & anthologies:
Jonathan Culler, Literary Theory
David Lodge, Modern Criticism and Theory
Graphic Guides: Philosophy, Derrida, Foucault, et al
The Norton Anthology of Theory and Criticism
Roland Barthes, Image Music Text
Albert Camus, Create Dangerously
Susan Sontag, Against Interpretation 
Mieke Bal, Narratology
John Berger, Confabulations
Edward Said, Orientalism
bell hooks, Feminist Theory
Umberto Eco, On Literature
Linda Hutcheon, A Poetics of Postmodernism
Zadie Smith, Changing My Mind
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my parents aren’t teaching me life lessons.
#i need some adults to TEACH ME SHIT ABOUT LIFE
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A very lovely Mia sent me this picture of her new moom and snuh tattoo, how sweet is that! [original drawing post here]
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Strong words to use on a Resume
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If you have ever had to write a resume for work or for an application, then you know the hardest part is figuring out what type of words to use that sound professional and and intelligent.
Example: If an application asks you if you have any relevant experience for a job at a day care center and you have experience, like you have babysat children. You would look at the words in the columns to see what words you should use that will help your resume stand out. You might put down “Have supervised and attended to children on a regular basis.”
I hope this is helpful to you.
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Moving Out Master Post
Hey, figured I’d make a master post for reference purposes.
things to know before moving
first look at the realistic costs of moving
things nobody tells you about your first apartment
beginner’s guide to online apartment searching
how to find your first apartment
establishing a budget
things to consider when apartment hunting
apartment tour checklist 1
five decisions to make before apartment hunting
apartment hunting step-by-step
apartment tour checklist 2
how to choose a neighborhood
apartment hunting checklist
apartment tour checklist 3
moving advice
apartment organization tips
a complete guide to your first apartment
how to save on utilities
moving tips
household essentials list
couponing tips
how to shop for/buy your first apartment
before you move checklist
places to get free moving boxes
apartment checklist
couponing 101
moving printables
things to know before moving day
planning for moving day
budget guidelines
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Two job-hunting resources that changed my life:
This cover letter post on askamanger.com. A job interview guide written by Alison Green, who runs askamanager.
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This year July has 5 Fridays, 5 Saturdays and 5 Sundays. This happens once every 823 years. This is called money bags. So copy this and money will arrive within 4 days. Based on Chinese Feng Shui, the one who does not copy, will be without money. Figured I'd pass this on!
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Tips for living alone
Buy a bat (I have my old color guard rifle) or similar. Keep it in your room/near your bed.
Get a lock for your bedroom door.
If you’re moving into a new place, change the locks. Who knows who had a key to your place before you.
Keep your phone/a phone in your room.
Get a weather alert system set up. App, weather call, little weather radio that tells you about major weather events.
Adopt a pet
Wave at your neighbors. Take note of the ones that make you uneasy. Watch out for kids always.
Be nice to your mail person. No matter what.
If you choose to drink/etc alone, unplug your wifi router. You’ll thank me.
Have extra seating. People sit when they visit. Your one comfy chair is great for you. Not so great for you + grandma + ur five cousins, your aunt, and a couple others.
Learn the self-Heimlich
When you take a shower, bring your phone to the bathroom in case you fall your phone is no longer halfway across the house, it’s just on your counter
Idk what else
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To all my teenage and younger followers...
Let me tell you some life lessons I have learned in my 24 years on this Earth. 
1. Read the fine print. In every lease agreement, credit card application, and bill. Never take the information in large print as truth. The world is a place full of capitalist greed and people will try to swindle you for every dime you have. 
2. A credit card very rarely makes things better. While suddenly having a couple thousand dollars to spend might sound amazing, keep in mind the fact that you’re going to have to pay that back and then some. Never get a card with an annual fee if you can avoid it- because even if you don’t use it, it’ll still cost you.
3. Set up automatic payments. You will forget payments, and that can cost you (literally) a great deal. Set up automatic online payments with reminders so that you know it’s coming up, but don’t have to worry about it. 
4. In-Store credit cards are almost always terrible. Sears, Home Depot, Victoria’s Secret- all of them. They are usually packaged with fun deals like “get $50 off this purchase if you’re pre-approved!”. They fail to mention the 25% interest rate, annual fees, and the fact that it can only be used in that store. 
5. Keep your receipts. Seriously! Just keep a folder in your car and one in your house and drop every receipt you get in them.  At the end of the month dump them out and go through them. You’ll be amazed at what your spending looks like when it’s splayed out in front of you.  It makes budgeting much easier when you see real numbers. These can also come in handy around tax time- you would be surprised at the things you can write off in certain situations.
6. Learn about income tax. Visit the IRS website and educate yourself! It sounds boring (and it freakin’ is) but in no way does high school prepare you for or teach you about taxes well enough to hold your own in the real world. 
7. Claim as little as possible on your W4. When you start a new job, they always give you a W4 to fill out for tax information.  On line 5 of the form, it’ll ask how many allowances you want to claim. Now, claiming yourself may seem like a good idea because you get to keep more money on your paycheck- but it can also come back to bite you at the end of the year.  You may even end up paying in! On that same note, make sure your employer files your tax information correctly. I once ended up paying in $8,000 in taxes because my employer never had the IRS take taxes out of my checks! Whoops!
8. Start a savings fund. No matter how small it is! Even if you just put away $2 a week- it will eventually add up.  If you can, start a savings account that will earn you interest. 
9. Save your paystubs! If you plan to buy a car or rent an apartment, they’re going to want to see them.
10. Write down the start and end dates of every job you have. Making a resume and filling out job applications will be much easier with this information.
11. Make a good resume and keep printed copies as well as a digital copy at all times.  There are many excellent resume writing resources online that can help you (heck, I can help you- I used to work in HR!) buff up your resume.  You never know when you might meet someone who can present you with an opportunity! 
12. Never be afraid to ask for a raise or promotion.  If you are performing well and meeting or exceeding expectations- ask your supervisor for a raise or change of position that will pay more.  If you are aiming for a promotion, stroke the company’s ego, say something like “I would like the opportunity to prove my worth to the company and further my career with (         ).”
13. Debt collectors do not give up. They are a lot like the Terminator.  If you block their numbers or ignore their calls, they’ll find your family members or show up at your house. This is no joke. I have had hospital bill collectors call roommates, my parents, and even my dad once.  They are relentless and they do not care about your current situation or financial stability. They follow a script and expect you to pay up.  It’s hard not to panic when you get that first collections call- you definitely don’t feel in control of the situation. But remember, debt collectors are actually bound by many restrictions- they are barred from: 
-Using abusive or obscene language. -Harassing you with repeated calls.-Calling before 8 a.m. or after 9 p.m. unless you agree. -Calling you at work if you have asked them to stop. -Talking to anyone but you or your attorney about the debt. -Misrepresenting the amount of your debt. -Falsely claiming to be an attorney or a law enforcement official. -Falsely claiming to be a credit bureau representative. -Threatening to sue unless they actually plan to take legal action. -Threatening to garnish wages or seize property unless they actually intend to do it.
Always ask for written information on the debt- tell them to send you a paper statement of the debt so that you can look it over and decide what to do. Offer to make payments that are within your financial means- if they try to bully you into making larger ones, tell them you are well aware that they’ve looked into your finances and should know what you are able to afford.
14. Get renters insurance. Better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it! 
15. Take inventory of the things you own. If you own electronics, guns, or other expensive items, write down the serial numbers and take pictures of them in your house. That way, if there’s a break in, fire, or flash flood, you have documentation and data to provide to your insurance company. 
I’ll add more as I think of them, but here’s a start. It’ll be tagged under “successfully adulting”.
EDIT: Here’s a link to the google drive document version of this. It will be updated periodically! https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Q_YnP3euuJcfjpQY7wuE1JmB_5e60ebZFsfW5f0MtGM/edit?usp=sharing This document also includes a resources section with links to help you get started in many areas of adult life!
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She’s a fucking psychiatrist.
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It is not often that this MadMan is taken aback .. especially by something I already suspected/knew…  but sometimes seeing the proof or having it validated can still render shock, disgust and in this case grief.
I always wondered about the high rates of cancer and diabetes in my neighborhood, and in other Black neighborhoods.  These diseases are not inherent in people of African descent.
What makes it worse is that every elder in my family has died at the mercy of one of these diseases.  My mother passed from cancer at the young age of 59… as did every other elder on my floor in the co-op building we owned in Harlem.  I long believed environmental factors played a huge part in the mortality rate of my beloved Harlem residents… so to come across this  … as you can imagine, floored me and left me speechless.
There is a part of me that says “this can’t be true”, but the larger part of me, having grown up in the area, having seen the bad food sold to us ..(even the more affluent of us in Harlem) .. I have no choice but to acknowledge what I have known for years has been validated.
and no one cares…
The only thing I can do as an individual is share the knowledge and information.  If we get MAD enough collectively, raise our voices.. eventually we will be heard.  I hope.
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Honest Posters of Our Relationship with Technology
Designer Ajit Johnson, living in England, has imagined a series of posters called “#This_Generation”. With honesty, the posters show anecdotes linked to our daily relationship with technology and social networks.
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