myceliumcreature · 3 hours
I was right that people define things as ‘feminine’ or ‘masculine’ randomly just as a way to define trans people out of their gender because why the hell am I getting asks saying that liking insects is feminine.
I was bullied growing up for being a ‘girl’ who had ‘unfeminine’ interests. But now that I’m out as trans all my ‘unfeminine’ interests are now ‘feminine’ and I’m bad at being a man
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myceliumcreature · 3 hours
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myceliumcreature · 3 hours
I just think it would be funny to switch things up and lead with "popular far-right online blogger, Joan Rowling" once in awhile.
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myceliumcreature · 3 hours
White people will casually be like "yeah I GUESS some men experience oppression but it never relates to how they are men"
Like, I'm genuinely a little impressed that they managed to bury their head in the sand the entire time there were global Black Lives Matter protests. Were you on earth? What were you even doing? Were you hiding in a bunker with no internet access and only other white people that entire time? Did you slip into an alternate reality? Can I go there?
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myceliumcreature · 3 hours
There is no crime where torture is an acceptable punishment.
There is no crime where sexual assault is an acceptable punishment.
There is no crime where slavery is an acceptable punishment.
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myceliumcreature · 3 hours
i think that all the people who argue about gender by saying "the woke left cant even define a woman" need to get hit with the "who are you" question by a buddhist monk. no, thats your name, who are you. no thats your profession, who are YOU. no you fucking idiot thats your species, who are YOUU. dumb bitch u cant even define yourself
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myceliumcreature · 3 hours
it kills me how much people love to speculate on the trans male experience. transphobes and even other trans people will conjure up ideas of what it must be like for us to live, how hormones affect us, and especially what society treats us like. they love to tell us how we live our lives; strawman after strawman about fictional trans men who started hormones and became "evil and ugly", completely fabricated stories about about how every trans man they know suddenly "gained male privilege" and never deal with misogyny or transandrophobia.
people who tell you how your transmasculine experience will go have no idea what they are talking about. even if they sound confident, they are not correct- each and every transmasculine person has a different experience in life- we do not automatically gain the societal privilege of cishet white men once we decide to socially transition. they cannot see what your future holds. you don't deserve to have someone telling you how you will experience your own life, it is yours, you are allowed to live your truth, pave your own way and prove that we have varied lives that transcend what transphobes think the trans male experience is.
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myceliumcreature · 3 hours
Tattoos only impact the aesthetics of the end result so it's up to the individual to decide if they are okay with that. If someone did care about that, there are other doner sites, such as the thigh, or the lower abdomen. Abdominal flap phalloplasty is the oldest method of phalloplasty and was first preformed in the 1940s.
wait hold on so with phalloplasty they take skin from ur forearm right? what happens if u have tattoos there like can they not use that anymore??
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myceliumcreature · 3 hours
The funniest thing I ever did on tumblr dot com is send myself an anon ask apologizing for a previous anonymous ask that was being transphobic. I then publicly answered to say, thank you for doing the right thing and then I turned off anonymous asks. That was 7 years ago, and I just found this sitting in my inbox:
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myceliumcreature · 3 hours
I want one of those scenes in a dude bro film where “tomboy” chick has to wear a dress to go undercover or whatever, but instead of the guys drooling as she walks down the stairs, they’re like “k. U need to stop. Go put the cargo pants back on. You look super uncomfortable and awkward in that. Brutus, you go be the fake prostitute.”
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myceliumcreature · 6 hours
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myceliumcreature · 6 hours
Some folks have GOT to get used to the idea of people who gain weight intentionally and/or for kink reasons. You don’t have to understand it completely to be cool with ppl being turned on by their own or their consenting partner’s weight gain. Fat lib is for kinky folks too
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myceliumcreature · 6 hours
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guess who just learned their phone has a manual focus mode so now I can take nice crisp aquarium photos 🤗
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myceliumcreature · 6 hours
the self care industry will sell you face masks and teas and whatnot so i'm here to remind you not to forget the most important self care activity which is masturbation
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myceliumcreature · 6 hours
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captain picker isgonna finger himself
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myceliumcreature · 6 hours
y’all remember being 15? That was fucked up
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myceliumcreature · 6 hours
i am a simple man. I see a creature. I walk over and pet the creature. This is what life is all about baby
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