mxladymorgan · 5 years
This is probably the last post I’ll write here but I thought it was better to explain that, for reasons I have addressed before, I did not follow anyone from my new account without them following me first. This means I did not automatically follow everyone after the change, but rather advertised the new account, waited, and followed from it only those who appeared on my new notifs. 
So if you’re wondering “she moved, why didn’t she follow me from her new account?” that’s why. (There will be a post explaining my reasons further if you scroll down.)
I have advertised the change enough times and won’t spam any of you again with it. Feel free to unfollow this blog. It’s archived. It’s such a big mess I had to use a concealing theme but the posts can still be accessed via the archive (and then by checking the embed option). I really don’t want to delete my precious memories!
I am now at sxlverswan. I will only follow mutuals from this blog if they follow first - so if you don’t, I’ll take that as lack of interest in Mo, even if you maintain your follow here (I won’t check). 
If that’s the case I say good day to you and thanks for the good times we shared together behind distant computer screens. I really treasure that!
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mxladymorgan · 6 years
moved to sxlverswan.
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mxladymorgan · 6 years
I’m sorry in advance if this sounds bitchy and I ask you to consider it venting more than anything. 
TL;DR: I’m starting afresh with a new blog soon and shan’t be moving threads (unless my partner asks me to) or asks (might or might not, at least not from the get-go).
I was going to slowly ready Morgan’s new blog, draft replies and only announce the move when I had a nice queue of replies.
But I changed my mind. I’ll finish what I have to do and start anew. And slowly migrate unanswered posts from here to there and work on them when not much is going on or inspiration strikes. It feels shallow an exercise to have x many posts ready before the move because the reality is... No one cares? 
My closest partners are on hiatus or in a similar writing low as mine and if they’re not around I don’t have much to do. Some partners I still (and forever will) treasure don’t lose a second in following me if I tell them I have a new blog (they would follow a blog for a potato rp if I told them I was making one) but as of late, doesn’t matter what character I’m working more on, how many or what memes I reblog, how many or what calls I post... There’s no engagement. None. Might as well not bother to come online.
Already gave up those for Tommy (though not of him; I wanna write him and be decent, if I can’t be great) because, and while people owe me nothing, I can’t help feeling like I’m making an ass of myself (and I can’t help feeling how I feel). The thing about rp is, you got to have initiative and get people to engage with you. I feel I did what I had to do and can’t be blamed for trying? They can’t say I had no memes to choose from or that I didn’t show a willingness to write. As much as rl allows me and as much as I can boss it, I come here and go through the same process of old, spending hours on only a handful of answers because I think about so many aspects of the writing and what’s being written. I want to feel proud of the final product and hope my partner will get this energy when they read my reply.
As for Morgan, if I am to be realistic, she’s not particularly dear to my followers. I feel she’s tolerated - though I can’t dismiss the anonymous support I once or twice got and I do blame myself for her not being more appreciated.
This being said, I don’t mean Morgan has to be adored like a goddess, and indeed that’s not what I aim for, but it’s a bit sad, for me, at this point, to look back on my journey on rp and see that I’m the same writer who once wrote Ace and who got a lot of support for it but here I’m only valid as a writer so long as write Ace. I am just trying different characters because this variety fascinates me. I’m trying to develop my own characters, of which Morgan was the first, or get out of my comfort zone, hence Tommy. I have either improved as a writer over this year or kept the same - I don’t feel I got worse. And many people who said they liked my writing through Ace felt uninterested in Morgan. It was not that I didn’t promote her. I did, I said it was still me but they did not care. And others who decided to follow me in this journey are present in number but just as uninterested. A few people only @ Morgan for dash games. 
At the end of the day, it’s a bit heartbreaking to see that a blog I stopped writing on for about a year is still getting new followers on a regular basis and one I did my best to come to every day and write with the same verve, the same curatorship hardly gets one effing meme from the scarce number of followers it has, which don’t come cheap. A canon name weighs as a canon name and content comes second place, that’s the conclusion I’m forced to draw from experience.
I blame no one. It’s just how life goes.
But Morgan’s important to me so... I am still writing her. There’s so much I want to do. And if you want to, you’re free to come along. If not, then I thank you for all the support, for the nice writes, for the feel-good moments and good luck on your own writing journey!
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mxladymorgan · 6 years
I will be moving the asks I got recently and post them there when the blog is ready to be used, which will take a while, as I will have to move pages, headcanons and some other drafts too. Will see if I can get it going quickly but for the sake of an estimate, don’t count on it before December.
I just feel this blog has become a real mess and would rather archive it and start a new one since I am never deleting my posts. The reality is I don’t have the same life I used to have, where I had time aplenty for rp & it seems I have to opt between getting quicker with answers or nuke everything and don’t take more than I can chew (because I could chew a whole lot but not anymore!). Obviously... I am deciding to control things a bit more without changing my way of writing or indeed the whole process behind it.
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mxladymorgan · 6 years
♡ Because it’s Halloween as well...
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mxladymorgan · 6 years
♡ It’s Momo’s birthday!
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mxladymorgan · 6 years
♡ I am thinking... I have such a ridiculous amount of drafts I’m thinking it might be easier to continue only a few threads - most drafts I have are for asks anyway, so a bit of cleaning might be good for me to write here some more. I’m going to shove ongoing threads I know my partners want to keep going in spite of how slow I am in a tracker and go from there. I might call a real hiatus for a while just until I get comfortable with how many drafted answers I have finished before queueing them. This being said, I appreciate all the asks and threads I have received.
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mxladymorgan · 6 years
its your birthday?! well then, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! btw, i really love your OC and writing style
♡ anonymous
Yes, it is. Thank you very much, nonny, for the birthday wishes AND the commentary! I really apreciate it that you took a moment to acknowledge Morgan and say you like my writing style - it’s a great booster to think about when in times of doubt! Also sorry I haven’t posted anything lately… but it’s not a hiatus! 
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mxladymorgan · 6 years
♡ It’s my birthday. 
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mxladymorgan · 6 years
♡ I am revamping all my icons.
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mxladymorgan · 6 years
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❀  Rules ❀ Verses
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mxladymorgan · 6 years
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Whether you’re looking for a cup of tea and a biscuit, a free hug or a hot iron in the gut, Emil can deliver. 
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mxladymorgan · 6 years
Bones hoped the day would go without a fight. He did not approve of unnecessary conflict, even if he allowed the men to have themselves the occasional brawl for purposes of nought but entertainment, well aware mutiny was the permanent solution any crew would find as a means to end their discontent, thus sealing the Captain’s fate. Being a smarter man, and as he did not want to lose his multiple manpower, Bones decided that when the time came for the first to be thrown by or against one of his men, he’d be ready for the ensuing chaos.
A merry bunch they were, occupying five or six tables and making noise above the foamy pints. Only Santiago and Paraty did not drink. The former, a man of the cloth, harboured no ill feelings towards the alcohol-loving crewmates but refused to inebriate himself the same way. The latter, he was a young boy still and even if the older men insisted on him having a drink - “It won’t hurt the lad!” - the priest would put a stopper to any funny underage business by giving the child a petrifying look or weighing a holy hand on his shoulder.
The captain himself sat on a stool by the bar, back turned on the crew as though embarrassed by their antics. This was only partly true but could a man be blamed for wanting a break? If trouble started, then he would turn around to face the mess and watch the fight a bit like a negligent guardian would watch his playful children or end everything on the spot, should the activity prove harmful to innocent bystanders.
With his eyesight free of distractions and a mind hardly yet touched by alcohol - and so it would remain, a single drink always sufficing - it took him no efforts to sense a longing gaze upon his person, just the kind he was not used to anymore. Sure, the captain had his oddities and sometimes a strange look would meet his own, prolong a minute to fully absorb the man’s looks and mannerisms, but eventually, the stranger would shrug it off and decide not to waste time deciphering a boring puzzle which brought no reward. It was not like Black Bones was a non-human creature or a supernatural one. He was just a man.
Yet, this attention was not unfamiliar to him either, just lost in a past he insisted was distant even if it was very much still in the present. In other words, back when Bones was still Morgan, the nameless pirate’s attention would have been, in her head, very much, if not completely, justified and easy to understand. 
It made her uneasy but the man did not shift in his seat. After all, he’d learned how to keep himself collected and conceal his thoughts before those he found unworthy of knowing them, whether out of dislike or caution. Bones would not be alive to tell the story if he had not. In some aspects, lowly piracy did not differ much from high politics.
Whether by female intuition or a very capable (genderless) brain, Bones guessed the man who eyed him so intently must be the other captain. Should it happen that they shared the same attitude towards binging and brawling, then both would be allowing the crew a moment of indulgence while staying apart of the inebriation.
Decided to break the awkward silence, Bones ventured a chat.
“I thought a captain ought to keep an eye on his crew rather than in another captain but that is actually a wiser thought.” It was no threat, though, and Bones lifted his pint in the manner of a peaceful nod. “Those are yours, aren’t they?” He indicated the second drunken bunch with his tankard still.
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Now, it was not overtly often that Drake found himself siting inside a bar, but it was his crew who seemed to be in the mood of a bit of a pick-me-up and there was no better way to get them into a bit of a better spirit after a chilly morning but a bit of liquor; he did, however, condone becoming ridiculously drunk. Honestly, the very thought of any of his crew members getting sloppily drunk was already causing the ginger to tense up, a little, but looking back towards their pleased faces as he sat further off by himself, it was good to see them this way … even if it was only for today.
The Worst Generation member’s gaze did linger too much longer upon his crew though for there was something a bit more interesting within the bar at this moment. There was another crew there, and while it wasn’t hard to pick out the one who had the highest chance of being the Captain, there was something … off about him. Perhaps it was the dimmed lightly of the bar, but it was hard to pull his gaze away from the man. There was some interest there in Drake’s gaze, but it wasn’t long before said gaze glanced down towards his pitiful looking water which he took a small drink from before setting it back down.
He wasn’t usually interested in others–men or women, but that man was interesting … for whatever reason. 
What’s more was that there was the barest hint of a woman’s scent under the stench of musk, liquor, and bit of smoke that was already in the air, and that was even stranger because there were no women in the bar. Both mind and nose could not be tricked at the same time though, could it?
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mxladymorgan · 6 years
Hey You! Yes You! You are Phenomenal! You are amazing! You are breathtaking A work of art! A master piece! You're going to pull through because I have faith in You! I BELIEVE IN YOU! Now you just need to have some faith in yourself! I'll always be by your side! In your corner! Now go out there and shine like the sun you are!💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛 ☆passive aggressive cheerleader
♡ anonymous
Thank you so much, whoever you are! I’m ever in need of a little reassurance, support, affection and it’s crazy how a simple chain message can have a boosting impact! So thanks for remembering me and taking a moment to send this too!
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mxladymorgan · 6 years
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❝  All archaeological data are expressions of human thoughts and purposes and are valued only as revelations thereof. ❞
ᴀʙsᴛʀᴀᴄᴛ: Independent, selective and private O.ne P.iece original character Petrie Flynnigan, archaeologist and member of the Heart Pirates. Penned by Sparrow.
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mxladymorgan · 6 years
this is obvious but ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
♡ send hearts or sparkles | @silvertonguedeity   
My one regret is lacking knowledge of the Mar.vel universe as to bother you much more or knowing how to do a good plotted thread. I don’t mind learning but I wouldn’t know where to begin. You know I’m watching the movies mostly for my girl but that’s how it goes. 
And why do I regret it? Honestly? Because of you and you alone. You’re a great writer, Tabitha, and if my ignorance cannot vouch for “accuracy”, you have me in love with your portrayal. The feeling just perspires through your words. That kind of writing ability together with a love for the character that is easy to be perceived as it being genuine - “as adored” indeed - not just a fancy / a rp whim, makes me want to take a plunge beyond the superficial and fecking share in the grief or bask in the happy times. 
I didn’t plan this to become a Tabitha appreciation post, but there you have it.
This is an intro to say... I have a fondness for it too! And I feel honoured you feel that way? I don’t imagine L.oki’s a guy who’s easy to have a relationship with so when you pour a bit of your heart into an answer and he pours a bit of his onto Morgan... my own heart flutters as a result.
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mxladymorgan · 6 years
end ✨ if you ship them platonically
♡ send hearts or sparkles | @theoceanslibrarian
I will forever like Aya and Morgan’s ladyfriendship where they can keep each other company during afternoon tea, quietly chat and read or go shopping for clothes together. It sounds very trivial, perhaps even boring, but there is comfort to be found in the unexciting things and Morgan appreciates being able to do these things with Aya. She’s the only quiet one - apart from Dani - she knows and that is the novelty in a world of more eccentric characters.
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