mustgovern · 3 years
i couldn’t log into this blog until know, but cara’s now on my multi @sennik
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mustgovern · 3 years
training   /   sparring   rp   meme.
is that the best you can do?
i won’t go easy on you.
i’ll go easy on you.
quit going easy on me.
hit me.
is this necessary?
try again.
here, let me show you.
get off of me.
you’re heavy.
you’re crushing me.
your stance is all wrong.
you won’t hurt me, i promise.
i don’t want to hurt you.
i think i’m going to feel that tomorrow.
relax, i’m trying to help.
you need to take this more seriously.
did that hurt?
that hurt!
got you.
loosen up.
your shoulders are tense.
don’t get distracted.
come on, throw your best punch.
you’re holding that wrong.
watch where you’re swinging that.
is that all you’ve got?
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mustgovern · 3 years
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mustgovern · 3 years
angel: season 3 … sentence starters
“I’m tired of being the dead one.“
“Good to see you out and about.“
“Go to your room and stay there!“
“Maybe you’re growing as a person.“
“Isn’t that what you do? Save people?“
“No, you’ll do this because I tell you to.“
“But you can’t save me this time. Can you?“
“You’re still human. How’d you manage this?“
“No, you’re not. You’re gonna have me killed.“
“I love you so much, I almost forgot to brood.“
“I know the risks of my job, and I accept them.“
“I’ve been told you’re very powerful, very wise.”
“Stop saying that. And stop calling me pastries.“
“I’m not really instilling any awe anymore, am I?“
“It’s just important to me that she’s taken care of.“
“You know we can’t. I know we can’t. But we did.“
“I swore that I would show no mercy. And I won’t.”
“Wow. Y'know, next to you, I am downright linear.”
“Do you know why I’m here? You are my last hope.“
“Give up? I had nothing to give up. You saw to that.”
“I spent years in a cave starving, what’s their excuse?“
“Well, you know what they say… life’s full of surprises.“
“I came out of my room. Small steps, just like you said.“
“I suppose it’s one of the unwritten laws of being a dick.“
“Hey, I’m all for being idolized, but what the hell is going on?“
“What’s your version of love? “’It’s not real unless it kills me’?”
“I wanna say I’m sorry. I wanna say it and mean it, but I can’t.“
“Now, you did say you were just gonna kill the humans, right?“
“We tried to stop her by hitting her fists and feet with our faces.“
“I’ll say. It almost looks like a spring-loaded decapitation device.“
“I cannot help you. No man can. This is not meant to be known.“
“He should have got hammered and gone to Vegas like I told him.“
“Dead! So dead! So very, very dead. Just how dead are you, huh?“
“You think you won because you’re still alive? I lived. You just existed.“
“It happened so fast. The thing just grabbed the guy and he was gone.“
“These feelings that I’m having, they’re not mine. They’re coming from it.“
“Now, why couldn’t you have had that kind of foresight when we needed it?“
“All I know is, you use the word dick again, and we’re gonna have a problem.“
“Hmmm, not sure really. It could be the low scary voice that’s giving me trouble.“
“Someday you’ll learn the truth, and you’ll hate yourself. Don’t. It’s not your fault.”
“He doesn’t need a lap dance, he needs some peace and quiet to work through this.“
“I realize we sacrifice a great deal of our social lives, but we have to. Work demands it.“
“He’ll beat you down until you stay down, because he doesn’t even think of you as alive.“
“Just because I sent you to Hell that one time doesn’t mean that we can’t just be friends.“
“This is what your promises are worth? I’m having a lot of trust issues at this time in my life.“
“It’s not the pain. It’s the helplessness. The certainty that there is nothing you can do to stop it.“
“No. You’ll prove that I can trust you when the day comes that you have to kill me — and you do.“
“They don’t know what it is. They don’t know what it means. Nothing like this has ever happened.“
“No matter what else, I think I proved that you can trust me when I could have killed you and I didn’t.”
“You have a taste for red, too… and revenge. I know. It’s so much more fun than forgiveness.“
“If you don’t mind, I’d prefer a clean kill. The last time I was merely wounded. It took months to heal.“
“You, who are actually responsible for the entire thing, feel nothing at all, because you are a vicious bitch.“
“Then why were you crying five minutes ago? There’s not a thing about badly re-applied mascara that I don’t know.”
“You son of a bitch! You bastard! You think I’d forgive you?! Never! You’re gonna die! You hear me? You’re gonna pay!“
“I know you don’t want to talk about it, but you don’t mess with dark magics and expect to just walk away like it doesn’t matter.”
“Look at it. Listen to it. Can you smell it? This world. This horrible world. Why would anyone want to bring a baby into it?“
“We did so many terrible things together. So much destruction, so much pain. We can’t make up for any of it. You know that, don’t you?“
“She’s got the big puppy love. I mean, who wouldn’t? You’re handsome and brave and heroic, emotionally stunted, erratic, prone to turning evil, and let’s face it, a eunuch.“
“I never understood that saying-right as rain. How is rain right? Or wrong for that matter? Okay, I suppose if there’s a flood it’s wrong, and speaking of floods, or just being overwhelmed—”
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mustgovern · 3 years
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TV MEME | [1/30] male characters ↳ richard cypher, legend of the seeker
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mustgovern · 3 years
not to channel cara but i love richard cypher so much, i love him so much, he’s such a good boy, he deserves to live in a forest and be surrounded by all the people that love him.
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mustgovern · 3 years
i feel like maybe it’ll be easier for me to write again if we just establish some connections, so like this post if you wanna do that ??
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mustgovern · 3 years
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mustgovern · 3 years
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mustgovern · 3 years
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Why is it that when I’m hunting down a man I never have to look further than the first brothel past the city gates?
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mustgovern · 3 years
like don’t get me wrong, the mord-sith costume looks iconic, but also wildly uncomfortable from head to toes, and it’s wild to me that it’s basically the point. it’s made so you can recognize them immediately. it’s also made to specifically signify all that mord-sith training is. it’s not just that their assigned weapon gives them the same pain it gives those they use it on, it’s also that they are wrapped in leathers and straps that are tight and uncomfortable on purpose, it’s that they wear boots on high platforms that are impractical and can’t be comfortable, it’s the way they put their hair into tight braids and never cut it. 
at the very least, cara found a way to reclaim this uniform and make it into a significant expression of free will, without discarding the fact that this is who she was made to be and pretending to be someone she isn’t, but at the same time visually representing the change that occurred to her and discerning herself from the other mord-sith.
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mustgovern · 3 years
heartwin​. . . 
@mustgovern​​ : eretria.
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the sword easily slices through eretria’s target before the point finds the ground with a soft thud. she’s been keeping herself busy - keeping herself distant from the others - for the past hour or so and her arms now ache from the weight. ❛ i pictured that one to be zedd’s head, ❜ she mutters, the blonde’s presence not lost on the rover. ❛ if he throws another rule at me i might just lose it. ❜
starter call : still accepting.
The low ambient of their camp fizzles out pleasantly and in the meantime, Cara keeps a watchful eye on the newest addition to their group. It’s natural for her to be distrustful    —    she would have argued against Richard’s choice if it wasn’t the same logic that allowed her to remain as something more than just an ally. She takes the decision in stride because of him, but for the same reason she finds herself following right behind the girl, her gaze sharp.
  ❝  None of us like the rules,  ❞     she says, stepping from the line of trees. Truth is, sometimes she wants to throttle the wizard, but her loyalty is a fixture by now. She doesn’t know her.     ❝  But the wizard knows what he’s doing.  ❞   Cara pauses, then takes a step towards her, keeping her voice low and centered.     ❝  Richard believes in people. He’s too trusting and it’s easily exploited. But I’m not and I don’t think you are either, so I’ll say this once    —    if you ever try to go against any of them, or harm them in any way, I’ll make sure to get very creative with getting my point across. And trust me    —    there are many ways to make someone beg for mercy.  ❞
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mustgovern · 3 years
i have icons for cara, but i shall have to iconless for the time being until i solve the issues with my pc.
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mustgovern · 3 years
(Originally posted by galacticrpmemes who has since deactivated. Now available again without having to reblog from private users)
ᴅʀᴀɢᴏɴ ᴀɢᴇ II ꜱᴇɴᴛᴇɴᴄᴇ ꜱᴛᴀʀᴛᴇʀꜱ
change genders as needed!
“I was hoping we could talk.”
“I could create such desires if I wished, but it is far easier to nurture those which already exist.”
“You’ll hardly find my services “standard”.“
“That’s right. Once you’re numb, you’ll do anything I ask.”
“We’ve lost it all. Everything your father and I built.”
“Those elves you’re friends with, they’re… Rather strange, aren’t they?”
“My little boy/little girl has grown so strong. I love you. You’ve always made me proud.”
“The people fear what we can do, but to use that fear to bludgeon us into submission is wrong! And they do it with our blessing!”
“I have made this place a sanctum of healing and salvation! Why do you threaten it?”
“Since when is Justice happy? Justice is righteous. Justice is hard.”
“The oppression of us stems from the fears of men. Not the will of the Maker.”
“I will not stand by and watch you treat us like criminals, while those who would lead us bow to their jailors!”
“I haven’t been on the surface very long, I keep thinking I’ll fall up into that sky any minute.”
“Killing my former brothers-in-arms is oddly satisfying.”
“I’d rather him alive and furious than dead and buried.“
“You should all be grateful!”
“Your kind think selfishness and want are normal. This city, all of it, leaves a bad taste.”
“Friend and enemy blend together in this sea of filth. I can barely discern one group from another.”
“Their actions are merely symptoms. Your society is the disease.”
“I have seen every vice and weakness of your kind, how few of you take responsibility.”
“We’re not killers or slavers. Anything short of that, however, is fair game.”
“I intend to take what you owe––––with interest.”
“A dangerous thing, taking sides. I avoid it wherever possible.”
“Ah my little _____, predictable as always.”
“ Do I detect a note of jealousy? It’s not surprising. The lad is rather skilled, isn’t he?”
“You weren’t always this way, _____. Once upon a time you had affection for me. I remember it fondly.
“What do I care what shield they carry? If they challenge us, the dead themselves will meet the call!”
“Zealots are bravest where their lies can’t be argued: behind closed doors.”
“I’m preparing for the worst. The very worst. This may require absorbent linens.”
“There are other ways to see the world.“
“If I offend, well—some people try very hard to be offended.”
“Shameful, isn’t it? How I don’t mindlessly repeat the mistakes of my father?”
“Death is never justice.”
“Eternity is long enough that we need not rush to meet it.”
“I cannot take sides.“
"I saw something nasty in the woodshed.”
“You smell like cinnamon buns.“
“Can I have some Salamanders, please?“
“One day the magic will come back. All of it. Everyone will be just like they were. The shadows will part, and the skies will open wide.“
“They know what I am. Let them come, if they find the courage.”
"What has magic touched that it doesn’t spoil?”
“Now the battle awaits us. Na via lerno victoria. ‘Only the living know victory.’ Fight well.”
“Am I supposed to forgive, no matter how many times they hunt me down? Am I supposed to forget all the things they’ve done to me?”
“You realize this is a cause you can’t hope to win.“
“Everything was fine until today!“
“I have… dreams. There are voices in the dreams. They ask me to come, to give shape to the Void around them.”
“Hurtled into the chaos, you fight… and the world will shake before you.”
“Is it fate or chance? I can never decide.”
“Regret is something I know well. Take care not to cling to it, to hold it so close that it poisons your soul.”
“We stand upon the precipice of change. The world fears the inevitable plummet into the abyss. Watch for that moment… and when it comes, do not hesitate to leap. It is only when you fall that you learn whether you can fly.”
“There is always a catch. Life is a catch! I suggest you catch it while you can.”
“It’s the only way…to hear the music.”
“I did not think any of us would leave those caverns alive.”
“You’re very brave. Take this, with my blessings. You remind me of someone…I hold dear, though I never had the courage to say that to her.”
“Felicitate me!”
“There are men who struggle against destiny, and yet achieve only an early grave. There are men who flee destiny, only to have it swallow them whole. And there are men who embrace destiny, and do not show their fear. These are the ones that change the world forever.”
“I’m sure someone thought far too long about my name.”
“When in doubt, run away, and let me handle it.”
“Something else I can help with?”
“Onward! There’s much to be done.”
“Next time, could we hunt something small and cuddly? Maybe vegetarian?”
“We do a lot of walking, don’t we?”
“I have an excellent sense of dramatic timing. And good hair.”
“They say your life flashes in front of your eyes before you die. Any helpful flashes yet?”
“Seems to me, the last man standing gets final say on who is right or wrong.”
“Anyone who leaves, is a deserter. And we all know what happens to deserters…”
“You better have a good reason for bothering me.”
“I don’t like it when people interrupt my thoughts.”
“Other people always took the risks to keep me free.”
“Maker’s breath! Can’t you do this when I’m not around?”
“You’re a far better representative of the family than I would have been.”
“It seems I am again in your debt… and shadow.”
“You soulless bastard!”
“If you have a problem with my brother/sister, you have a problem with me.”
“A hundred ways to run, and we choose backward.“
“I’d prefer to stay in this world as long as possible. And if I can make it an ordered place without looking like a zealot, all the better.”
“The world is a big place, but the faces are the same. We do right here, we make a difference.”
“There’s no escaping you, it seems.”
“I am a visionary. I’ve seen our destiny.“
“Our mistakes make us who we are.”
“Sailing is like sex. Do it wrong, and it’ll make you sick. But do it right, and there’s no feeling in the world like it.
"When you get right down to it, we’re not responsible for anyone but ourselves. You can choose to be free, or you can choose to be saddled with all the world’s problems.”
“I like big boats, I cannot lie.”
“Don’t bet anything you’re not prepared to lose.”
“You see, sweetness, men are only good for one thing. Women are good for six.”
“Shit. What have you gotten yourself into this time, _____?”
“Justice… answers to nobody!”
“Leave! This does not concern you!”
“Do not say his name! He will hear you! Do not wake him!”
“Me and my boys will get our money’s worth, bitch.”
“Need a little special something for that special someone?”
“Did you say something? I didn’t hear you. And clumsy me, I seem to have dropped a coin purse in your hand.”
“I’ll try not to hit anyone. On our side, I mean. I’m babbling again. Let’s go.”
“If anyone is to do any slaying, it will be me.”
“Would you hurry it up? I haven’t eaten all day…”
“We tried to be good! We did everything we were told!“
“You deny us our freedom so that you may sleep better at night, but I say it is a restless and undeserved slumber.”
“You push us into desperate acts, and then use that as justification to press ever further!”
“Start talking, _____. They tell me you’re good at it.”
“Bullshit! That’s not what really happened!”
“I’m not interested in stories. I came to hear the truth.”
“What makes you think I know the truth?”
“I hope you live a long life, _____, because your judgment before the Maker will be harsh.”
“We all have our strengths to exploit, mine is finding like-minded people.“
“I found her eyes, her skin, her delicate fingers… and at last, her face. Oh, this beautiful face.”
“I have chosen my path.”
“Your words did not fall on deaf ears.”
"How about ‘the smart-mouthed _____ gets slapped across the face’?”
“Oh, don’t be jealous, sweetie.“
“Let’s get you some experience, sweetie!”
“Why is this taking so long? Can ones so evil truly be so powerful? Maker, guide your humble servant! Please tell me what I must do! What if… I’m not doing the right thing? What if this is all madness? No! I must remain vigilant!”
“How does it feel, _____, to know I hold the life of one you love in my hands?”
“The job’s simple: break up the meeting and kill every one of those bastards.”
“There are few things in this world more powerful than a promise kept. Remember that.”
“There’s truth in your face. A rare thing in a human.”
“There is a light in your heart, human. Don’t let it go out. You will need it.”
“It has been a long, hard journey to this place. And it’s far from over.”
“Do you ever feel like you’re part of a story that someone’s telling? Maker, I wish whoever was telling the story had made me more handsome.
"When was the last time you were with a woman?”
“'I don’t like this’? That’s right up there with, ‘What could possibly go wrong?’”
“There’s a recipe to a good hero, _____. It’s like alchemy. One part down-to-earth, one part selfless nobility, two parts crazy, and you season liberally with wild falsehoods. You let that percolate through a good audience for a while, and when it’s done, you’ve got your hero.”
“Once more I am falsely accused of whatever it is that I am accused of. Falsely.”
“_____, I’m a businessman. Now and then, I shoot people.”
“You should know by now that I love the sound of my own voice, _____.”
“What a mess of mud and blood. No resale value at all.”
“Protect what matters with everything you have, or you’ll have nothing, and deserve it.”
“They will not have you…not while I breathe.”
“Shout if you need me, _____. I’ll always be there for you. Just… knock first.”
“Honey, I could write volumes on the things I know.”
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mustgovern · 3 years
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mustgovern · 3 years
my fave thing about cara is that she’s a hufflepuff.
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mustgovern · 3 years
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