musoleum · 5 years
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♛ AU SERIES ⇢ ‘The Denzo Diaries’ [x]
↳ Morning after
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musoleum · 5 years
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musoleum · 5 years
dick grayson: You’re the one who made me the man I am today.
bruce wayne: You can’t blame me for that.
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musoleum · 5 years
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musoleum · 5 years
@killcrimes / starter for John annoying tf out of Jason! (trying to post this without the icon and see what happens)
    Maybe any other day he would have been a bit more considerate... Oh, bollocks, he would’ve just had Orchid do it. But he was out of cigarettes. So he tapped on the mystery man’s face a couple times with a clammy palm.
         “I don’t know who you are, or why the bloody House decided to adopt you, but have you got a cig? Nasty habit, I know, but I’m gonna need my fix before we go solvin’ any mysteries.”
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musoleum · 5 years
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@joannahunts | Lavelle ( Benny Lafitte ❤ Jo Harvelle ) Aesthetic
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musoleum · 5 years
Benny Lafitte– Heavy Machinery Operator, Thief, Cook
Benny grew up in Carencro, Louisiana, and learned to put his knack for maneuvering heavy machinery into use – for thievery, of course.  From posing as a repo man to ripping off armored vehicles, Benny’s a lot more than a truck driver.
That eventually earned him some prison time, but well, he has a hard time sitting still.  After escaping, he lost the authorities in LA.  He was hired to do a job with a pretty vicious crew, teaming up with Damon Salvatore’s team.  When his contacts turned on Damon, though, his honor code kicked into gear:  he turned on them and managed to get Damon and Enzo out alive.  Since then, he’s been a member of the family, working as a cook at their bar and living in an apartment above the garage.
He’s fiercely protective, quite friendly, and definitely believes in honor among thieves.  He keeps an open mind when Dean Winchester comes onto the scene, but he’s a lot more perceptive than anyone thinks.
Established Relationships:
–Damon ( “Boss” ) Salvatore (boss, friend) ~ @musoleum​ –Jo ( “Honey” ) Harvelle (coworker, friend, lady love) ~ @joannahunts –Enzo ( “Bud” ) St. John (teammate, friend) ~ @musoleum​
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musoleum · 5 years
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“ You wish. “ He murmured, chuckling more to himself as he pulled back, resting his hands on the other’s hips as he relished the sight of him. All degrees of red from his cheeks to his neck. “ Should I kiss you again to convince you otherwise?”
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               It took Zane a moment to digest those two words, but then he shook his head. “I don’t,” he said softly. “Dreams end. Dreams like this have ended a lot.” He gulped at the way Isaac looked at him and leaned closer, resting his forehead against the werewolf’s. “I want you to kiss me again. And I don’t want this dream to end.”
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musoleum · 5 years
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musoleum · 5 years
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There is no reprieve until his own lungs demand they part for breath, thumb tracing his bottom lip after. A breathless chuckle caught in his throat as he took in the sight of him, nervous and quiet still despite how he had practically melted in Isaac’s arms. It almost felt surreal that he could share this level of fondness with this boy and have this effect on him. “ You okay? “
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               Zane was a little dazed, truth be told. His pupils were dilated and dark, his lips pink and a little kiss-swollen, his breath coming in short little puffs. His cheeks were still flushed, but they turned a shade pinker at the question. Zane licked his lips and nodded.
          “Y-yes,” he breathed. “Just... ‘m I dreaming?”
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musoleum · 5 years
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“ Come here then, Dork. “ He murmurs fondly, hand cupping his cheek and drawing him in closer. Smile prominent until it’s slightly hidden by the press of their lips. He really can’t handle Zane some times. He was too cute for his own damn good. 
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               Zane’s stopped breathing before their lips even meet. Isaac’s smile makes his stomach do cartwheels, and he can’t wrap his head around the idea that he’s smiling for him. If the breath wasn’t frozen in his lungs, he’d gasp when Isaac’s lips pressed to his. Instead, he lifts a hand into those tantalizing curls as his mouth yields to the werewolf’s.
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musoleum · 5 years
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musoleum · 5 years
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               benny lafitte: vampirate.
     Benny was born in 1759, and raised on a ship, the Épargnant de Vent. According to its crew, his father was a married naval officer, and his mother a surveyor’s daughter. She never took him ashore with her, and he wasn’t expected to survive, but he did. He was “orphaned,” however, after an accidental fire sank the ship when he was twelve. He was rescued, floating on a piece of driftwood days later, but he was separated from any of the other survivors.
     He never stayed on land long, stowing away from port to port and stealing to survive. When he was caught at age 15, he was recruited by the Patriots rather than imprisoned. After the Revolutionary War, he tried to go legit, saving money to buy himself a merchant ship.
     But one night in 1793, his ship was ambushed by vampire pirates. They slaughtered the sailors until only one was left standing, and then they turned him. Benny spent over a century with the vampirates, indoctrinated into their family and feeling little remorse for the atrocities he committed by their sides.
     But in 1961, he fell in love with Andrea Kormos. He abandoned the vampirates, and during his relationship with her, tried to process his feelings of guilt and work towards something resembling redemption. The vampirates found them, though, in Carenco, Louisiana, and they killed him for his betrayal. Unbeknownst to him, they turned Andrea.
     He spent over 50 years in Purgatory, until he met a human there, Dean Winchester. The two joined up, with Benny leading Dean towards escape with the promise that he would take the vampire with him. They developed a brother-like bond during their eight month journey through monster-ridden Purgatory, and Dean kept his promise.
     Benny returned to the world of the living to exact revenge on his maker for killing Andrea, but he was broken when he discovered her at his side instead. He and Dean killed them both, and he returned to Carenco to try to find a place for himself in the world. He ultimately failed, though, and when Dean asked him to return to Purgatory to help his brother Sam escape, Benny agreed, because at least Purgatory was a world he understood.
     Benny is a gentleman, despite his vampiric nature. He is a bit rough around the edges — old-fashioned, uneducated, not afraid to solve problems with violence — but ultimately well-meaning. He strives for redemption for the crimes of his former life, so he doesn’t drink from humans anymore, instead feeding from blood bags.
     Benny gravitates towards Louisiana and the seas. He is more restless and short-tempered when he’s too far from the ocean. He tends to seek a sense of belonging, especially with a family he can adopt. Solitude wears on him and weakens his resolve.
Please see the rules page on the blog. But here are some specific reiterations for Benny.
No ship pressure. Benny has very little romantic experience, so it takes him some time and chemistry to figure out how he feels about a muse.
As a general rule, I ship chemistry and consider my muses to be pansexual. However, Benny has never shipped with a guy before, so if you want to ship something like that, it would take a lot of development. He’s not homophobic or judgmental (all manner of outcasts found their way to the sea back in his day), but he is old-fashioned.
I do write with OCs with bios.
I only have one ship with Benny, and it’s ship-exclusive with @joannahunts‘s Jo Harvelle. I’m not inclined to write him with any other canon-based Jo muses.
don’t know if I ship:
Denny. I’ve been approached about it before, but none of the plots I’ve tried writing between him and Dean have ever lasted long enough for me to develop any feelings about this ship one way or the other.
Senny? Sam and Benny? I don’t know if it’s a thing, but I could see it being a thing with chemistry? Main thing I’m unsure about there is that Benny has no experience shipping with men, so I don’t know how well that would work.
               desired connections.
Dean and/or Sam Winchester.
Anyone from the South, he loves fellow Southerners.
Anyone with/on a boat. He also loves seafarers.
Other vampires? He misses being a part of a group of people who understand him.
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musoleum · 5 years
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               anael: ripped out her grace.
     Anael was an Angel of the Lord, created at the beginning of time after the Archangels, along with all of her brothers and sisters. For millennia, she was a dutiful Angel, in charge of her own garrison of soldiers.
     However, after centuries of watching the humans on Earth, she became envious of their mortality. She came to understand that experience was more valuable to mortals because their time was limited. Eventually, she ripped out her Grace, the source of her Angelic powers.
     Her soul was reborn in a miraculous infant to an infertile couple on Earth. She was cherished by her entire family and had a very fulfilling life with no recollection of her Angelic past. She loved traveling and photography, and dreamed of being of career in travel journalism.
     When she was in college, she started hearing voices. A constant broadcast of Angels, talking to each other. The hunters who came to help her called it “Angel Radio.” With their help, she rediscovered her Angelic life. Even when they found her Grace, she didn’t want to take it back, but she was forced to to save the lives of her companions.
     This is typically where I diverge from canon with Anael. I incorporate anything I need to for a plot, but her motivations returning to the garrison and betraying Castiel don’t make sense to me or my muse, so she’s very canon-divergent.
     Ana (which is what she prefers to Anael) is quite indulgent, seemingly determined to enjoy every bit of life even before she knew how much she had sacrificed to get it. She loves food and experimental cooking, all travel from day trips to overseas tours, creative expression like photography and writing, and anything else she can try.
     Despite that, it’s a bit difficult to read Ana at first. She retains a lot of the stoic outer expression that she possessed as an Angel. One has to spend a lot of time with her to read the small changes in her expressions, or to earn a smile.
     After re-acquiring her Grace, Anael regains some of her sense of duty and persistence, but her duty is to herself only. Her allegiance to the Lord never returns, and in fact, she becomes more rebellious as a restored Angel. She is decisive and stubborn, and she has a bit of a temper.
Please see the rules page on the blog. But here are some specific reiterations for Anael.
This character is known as Anna Milton in canon. She was known as Anael in most fanon until the introduction of a character named Anael in season 13. I have been writing Ana since long before that character was introduced, and I haven’t watched Supernatural since season 11, so I won’t change my muse to accommodate for the later canon.
Shipping is always based on chemistry. Ana is pansexual, and is usually inclined towards females.
I do write with OCs with bios.
I only really have one ship for Ana, and it’s a ship exclusive to @joannahunts‘s Jo Harvelle. Everything with Ana is based on chemistry, but she’s honestly more interested in her familial relationships than shippy plots.
dont know if I ship:
Danael? Dean and Ana. It was just sex in canon.
               desired connections.
ANGELS. All Angels. She wants family stuff.
Anyone who wants to interact with her really.
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musoleum · 5 years
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               amma crellin: mama’s little doll.
     Amma Crellin is the third daughter of Adora Crellin, the second daughter of her and Alan Crellin. She is significantly younger than her two older sisters, Camille and Marian. While Camille has been estranged from her family since she was young, Marian tragically and mysteriously died many years before Amma was born. As a result, Amma was the center of attention for an over-protective, over-compensating mother.
     Amma grew up in Wind Gap, Missouri, in an old and large plantation-style house. Her mother raised her like Southern aristocracy, expecting her to dress and act like a sweet young lady. Amma thrived on her mother’s doting attention, and so she always acted just as expected when her mother was around. She even hand-made a doll house replica of the mansion they lived in. When her mother wasn’t around, though, Amma dressed in promiscuous clothes and acted out for the attention of her peers and older men.
     As Amma progressed through her later years of high school, her mother started to take an interest in other young girls. Especially those that reminded her of her eldest daughters, whom she believed she’d failed. A few of these girls went missing and were eventually found murdered. This got the attention of Camille, then an investigative reporter, who returned to town to write an article on the disappearances.
     Through much family turmoil, Amma was excited to meet and spend time with her estranged older sister. But as Camille’s investigation continued, she uncovered the truth behind Marian’s death: Adora had caused her death via Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy, meaning she regularly got Marian (and later Amma) sick because she craved the nurturing rituals of caregiving and the attention and praise when her patients got well. But she went too far, causing Marian’s death.
     After Adora’s arrest for Marian’s murder, under suspicion for the deaths of the other girls in town, Amma went to live with Camille in a bigger city. It wasn’t until the disappearance of another girl in the building that Camille realized — and Amma confirmed — that she had killed her peers, out of jealousy of her mother’s attention.
     Amma is extremely manipulative. She thrives on attention and becomes violently jealous when she isn’t the center of it. She will do or say or act however she needs to to earn and keep the attention of others, especially older, authority figures.
     Despite this major fault, Amma’s real problem is a lack of security in her identity, individuality, and purpose. Her entire life, she has been the victim of her mother’s mental issues, from her guilt to her MSBP. She was conceived to replace a sister she never knew, so she doesn’t know how much of her is her and how much is Marian. She believes she is more like Camille than Marian, which scares her because her mother even admits she doesn’t love Camille.
     In addition to her identity issues, Amma was always taught to rely on her mother for everything she needed. She was actually punished throughout her life if she rejected any of her mother’s mysterious treatments for imagined ailments, or any of her mother’s other attempts to take care of her. She’s never had to make any decisions for herself, let alone take responsibility for them, so she is very immature, impulsive, and short-sighted.
Please see the rules page on the blog. But here are some specific reiterations for Amma.
Amma is not a good person. Writing her does not mean I condone anything she says or does.
While Amma loves attention of any kind, including sexual and romantic, she is not a healthy person, and ships with her will probably be toxic. Developing anything remotely functional with her would be a hell of a slow burn.
I do write with OCs with bios.
Shipping is based on chemistry, as with all my muses. But I don’t have any ships for Amma based on her canon. Therefore, all ships with her will be independently developed through chemistry.
               desired connections.
Camille Preaker.
Adora Crellin.
Anyone willing to interact with her tbh.
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musoleum · 5 years
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musoleum · 5 years
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               allison argent: silver huntress.
     Allison Argent is a character from MTV’s TV show Teen Wolf. She was raised as a relatively normal girl, except that her family traveled a lot throughout her childhood. She was also a national-level archery competitor. The Argents finally settled down in Beacon Hills, California, when Allison was a sophomore in high school.
     There, she met and fell in love with Scott McCall. She didn’t find out until several months into their relationship that Scott was a werewolf. And it wasn’t until after that discovery that her father finally told her that her family hunts werewolves. She then began her training as a werewolf hunter, keeping her relationship with Scott a secret.
     However, during one of many conflicts that made their way to Beacon Hills, Allison’s mother died. She killed herself after sustaining a bite from a werewolf. After that, Allison became disillusioned with the world of supernatural creatures and attempted to distance herself from it, but failed. After she and her father realized they were being manipulated by her grandfather, they broke off from their family and established their own code: we protect those who cannot protect themselves.
     Though her relationship with Scott suffered through their struggles in opposing worlds, Allison remained loyal to his pack after rejecting her grandfather’s indoctrination. She fought with them as an archer, until they faced a fox demon that possessed their friend, Stiles. During the final battle with the Nogitsune, she was killed. She died in Scott’s arms telling him that she will always love him.
     I usually write Allison as though she was gravely injured during that battle, but survived it. I tend to prefer writing my muses as adults, so my “default” is to write her a few years after this experience. Further details vary from plot to plot.
     Allison is proud, headstrong, and adventurous. She loves to laugh and she’s willing to bend rules to have fun if she thinks she can get away with it. She’s also realistic and prudent, carefully assessing risks before she takes them. She’s loyal to those people and causes she cares about.
     She’s an expert marksman, and she’s trained to use a bow in both short- and long-ranged combat, as a ranged and melee weapon. She is also proficient with a range of other weapons, including firearms, blades, and even bolas. Buuut that’s about the only thing she’s good at it. If it isn’t combat or battle strategy, she probably sucks at it.
     My particular Allison muse is pretty sex-driven, but she’s inclined towards casual or short-term relationships. She’s not promiscuous — she won’t sleep or flirt with just anyone. Either you are her type, or you’re not. She’s very pansexual, and she goes for lots of different types of people, but she’s scared of commitment and will likely try to stay away from crushes on nice, sweet people who want a white-picket-fence kind of future.
    Please see the rules page on the blog. But here are some specific reiterations for Allison.
Allison loves being unpredictable, so don’t try to godmod her. If you want your muse to physically contact her in a post, either end it there or ask me privately about the nature of the contact.
DO. NOT. AUTOSHIP. I can’t stress this enough. Chemistry is absolutely paramount for shipping with me and any of my muses. Even if you see the ship listed below, it’s important for us to feel out writing chemistry before we plot anything deliberately romantic.
That said, if we don’t ship (yet), feel free to send her a meme if I post one. If she’s not feeling it, I’ll just delete it, but memes can be a great way to get an idea how she feels about a muse/ship.
Most crossover ships are ship-exclusive — meaning that I likely won’t do it again. If I ship with one Steve Rogers, I likely won’t ship with another. Crossover ships take a lot of effort to build, and unless one person’s take on a muse is drastically different from another’s, I prefer to honor the investment I’ve made with the other mun into the development of that relationship. Those ships will not be listed below.
If you wanna ship, just ask. Even if you see that I ship it with someone else, or I don’t list it below, there’s no harm in asking :) If I can see something working with our muses, I’m more than happy to try it. I love to ship!
I definitely write with Allison twin muses (TWIN AUs!), and OCs with bios. I do not write with self-inserts.
DISCLAIMER: chemistry is the god of shipping for me. ALL of the ships listed below are subject to chemistry.
Scallison. Deep in her heart, Allison feels like she will always return to Scott.
Dallison. Ah, the fate-adjacent ship. I’ll always wonder what would’ve happened between them if Derek had never met Kate.
Allydia. I’ve never gotten to write it, but I love their relationship in canon and I think it has potential to be more.
Mallison. Ugghhh, Malia and Allison would’ve been brilliant together!
Jorallison. (Jordan Parrish and Allison.) This one might seem a little out of left field, but it’s based on my chemistry with @redefinereality. I’m disinclined to try it with anyone else.
don’t know if I ship:
Stallison. I’m open to it, but I’d need a plot that makes sense and a healthy dose of chemistry.
Allisaac. It’s a cute development in canon, but I’m not convinced that relationship was built to last. Again, chemistry would be the deciding factor here.
don’t ship:
Jallison? Jackson and Allison. Whether you see him as gay or bi, the only development in canon for this relationship is pretty manipulative. And Allison would take issue with dating her best friend’s first love.
Whatever Allison/Chris is. I do write incest on my blog (tagged! cw: incest), but not this one (and not 99.9% of parent/child ships tbh).
Idk if Peter/Allison is a thing? People seem to ship Peter with friggin’ everyone in the show. But I generally don’t ship him with people significantly younger than him, so probably a no on that one.
               desired connections.
I’ll interact with anyone with a good idea of how our muses would meet, but here are some muses I’d love Allison to interact with, or those I have ideas for.
Derek Hale.
Lydia Martin.
Malia Tate.
Chris Argent.
Other Allison muses.
Supernatural hunters from any other fandom!
Dean and/or Sam Winchester.
Vampires? Any supernatural creatures, really.
Buffy characters! Bad ass huntresses UNITE!
Shadowhunters characters? Even though I don’t know much about them?
Oh god, super heroes. Vigilantes. Allison wants to be a vigilante, too!
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