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achieve optimal performance in your content business!
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i'm looking for an advisory board, do you have something to contribute to music business liberation? Hit us up
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Unlocking the Entrepreneurial Power of Modern Musicians
In the dynamic world of the modern music business, being a successful artist requires more than just raw talent. It demands a fundamental shift in mindset—one that places the artist firmly in the driver's seat of their career. This article will explore how modern musicians can harness their entrepreneurial spirit to achieve greater success. While artistry and personal development are crucial aspects of this journey, our focus here is on the art of becoming a more entrepreneurial musician.
Embracing Entrepreneurship in Music
The New Paradigm Traditionally, musicians have often seen themselves as purely creative beings, leaving the business side of their careers to managers or labels. However, the modern music landscape demands a new paradigm—one in which artists actively participate in shaping their own destiny. This paradigm shift places artists in the role of entrepreneurs.
Building a Brand In today's music industry, each musician is a brand. Successful artists recognize the power of their personal brand and harness it to connect with their audience. They understand that their brand tells a story, one that goes beyond their music and communicates their value as an artist and individual.
The Entrepreneurial Mindset To be entrepreneurial in music means having a mindset that seeks opportunities, takes calculated risks, and is driven by a clear vision. It's about recognizing that, like any business, a music career has assets, liabilities, and potential rewards. This entrepreneurial mindset is crucial for modern musicians who aspire to thrive in the industry. The Entrepreneurial Journey
Identifying Opportunities Entrepreneurial musicians continuously seek opportunities for growth and expansion. This could involve exploring new performance venues, collaborating with other artists, or developing unique marketing strategies to reach a wider audience. The key is to keep an eye out for ways to advance their careers. Risk Management
Just as in business, modern musicians need to be aware of the risks in their careers. The entrepreneurial musician understands the balance between taking risks and ensuring that those risks are calculated and aligned with their long-term goals.
Networking and Relationships In the entrepreneurial journey, relationships are invaluable. Modern musicians must actively build and maintain connections with fans, fellow musicians, and industry professionals. Networking is not only about who you know but also about how you leverage those connections to further your career. Monetizing Talent Modern musicians understand that their talent is an asset, one that can generate income in various ways. This could include live performances, music sales, merchandise, licensing deals, and much more. Diversifying income streams can provide financial stability and long-term success. The Joy of Entrepreneurial Success Becoming more entrepreneurial in the music business is not just about financial gains; it's about finding joy in the journey. By taking control of their careers, modern musicians can experience a profound sense of accomplishment. They no longer need to rely solely on external entities to make their dreams come true. Conclusion The path to success for modern musicians is no longer defined solely by artistic talent. Embracing entrepreneurship in music is the new reality. While artistry and personal development are essential components of the modern musician journey, this article has focused on how artists can unlock their entrepreneurial potential. By shifting their mindset, identifying opportunities, managing risks, and cultivating relationships, musicians can seize control of their careers and find joy in the entrepreneurial journey. In this era of unlimited possibilities, modern musicians have the tools and knowledge to be masters of their own destinies. So, if you're a musician seeking greater success, it's time to unlock your inner entrepreneur and take charge of your music career. You are the creator of your musical destiny, and the modern musician journey is the vehicle that will get you there.
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How to master the universe: what i learned after 15 years studying the masters of the universe
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In the vast and ever-expanding universe of life and business, mastering the art of attraction is key to achieving your dreams and ambitions. Attraction isn’t just about the magnetic pull between objects; it’s about the irresistible force you can become by building a brand, upgrading your programming, and engaging in daily upleveling and manifestation practices. By taking charge of your inner OS (Operating System), refining your processes, enhancing your core skills, and mastering key moves and keystone habits, you can accelerate your journey along the optimal growth trajectory. In this article, we will delve into the secrets of attracting success through strategic brand building, upgrading your personal programming, and manifesting your dreams.
Attraction Through Brand Building
Your Brand Identity
The foundation of attracting success in life and business is building a compelling brand identity. Your brand is your reputation, your promise to the world. It’s more than a logo and a tagline; it’s the story, values, and unique qualities that set you apart. Building a brand is about crafting a narrative that speaks to your target audience.
1. Authenticity
Your brand must reflect your authentic self. Authenticity creates a deep connection with your audience. Be true to your values and let them shine through every aspect of your brand.
2. Consistency
Consistency is the key to building trust. Your messaging, design, and customer experience should align across all touchpoints, from your website to your social media profiles.
3. Storytelling
Effective storytelling is the heart of branding. Craft a compelling narrative that resonates with your audience. Make them feel a part of your journey, your struggles, and your triumphs.
Building Cornerstone Content
To attract an engaged audience, create cornerstone content that offers real value. This content should be informative, entertaining, or inspiring. Whether it’s a blog, podcast, or video series, your cornerstone content should establish you as an authority in your field.
Attraction Through Upgrading Your Programming
Your Inner Operating System
Just like a computer’s OS, your inner operating system dictates your beliefs, behaviors, and attitudes. To attract success, you need to upgrade your mental and emotional programming.
1. Self-awareness
Start by becoming more self-aware. Understand your strengths, weaknesses, and triggers. Self-awareness is the foundation for change.
2. Mindset Shift
Your mindset is a powerful tool. Replace limiting beliefs with empowering ones. Cultivate a growth mindset that thrives on challenges and sees failures as opportunities for growth.
Daily Upleveling and Manifestation
Attraction isn’t a passive process. It’s about making daily plays and driving your dreams forward. Incorporate daily upleveling practices into your routine to stay on track.
1. Goal Setting
Set clear, achievable goals. Define what success looks like for you in both the short and long term.
2. Visualization
Visualization is a powerful manifestation tool. Picture your success, feel the emotions associated with it, and believe it’s already happening.
3. Affirmations
Positive affirmations help reprogram your mind for success. Repeat affirmations that align with your goals.
Your Processes and Practices
Success is not just about your goals but also about the processes and practices that get you there. Building an effective routine is crucial for attracting what you want.
Mastering the Morning
Your morning routine sets the tone for the day. Incorporate habits that center and energize you. This could include meditation, exercise, healthy breakfast, and setting your intentions for the day.
Compose the Day
Effective time management is essential. Plan your day with tasks that align with your goals. Prioritize your most important activities.
Mastering the Day
Productivity is about quality, not quantity. Focus on accomplishing your most significant tasks, and avoid multitasking, which can dilute your effectiveness.
Your Core Skills
Your skills are your tools for attracting success. Continuous learning and improvement are key to staying ahead.
Identify Core Skills
Identify the skills that are essential to your field or business. These are the skills that will make you stand out.
Skill Development
Invest in learning and developing these core skills. This might include taking courses, attending workshops, or finding mentors who can guide you.
Your Main Moves
In the vast universe of opportunities, making the right moves is critical. Your main moves should align with your goals and vision.
Develop a clear strategy for your life and business. Understand your niche, target audience, and competition. Define your unique selling proposition.
Execute your strategy with intention and consistency. Take calculated risks and learn from both successes and failures.
Your Keystone Habits
Keystone habits are small, consistent actions that trigger a chain reaction of positive behaviors. Identify and cultivate these habits for lasting change.
Healthy Lifestyle
Maintaining a healthy lifestyle, including diet and exercise, can improve your energy, focus, and overall well-being.
Make a habit of continuous learning. Read, listen to podcasts, or attend workshops regularly.
Networking is crucial for business success. Build relationships with like-minded individuals and experts in your field.
Your Development Pathway
Your journey towards mastering the universe through building a brand and attracting success is an ongoing process. Understand that growth takes time and dedication.
Acceleration Velocity
Identify areas where you can accelerate your growth. This might involve investing in technology, expanding your team, or increasing your marketing efforts.
Organic, Grassroots, Inbound Marketing
Effective marketing is essential for attracting your target audience. Embrace organic, grassroots, and inbound marketing strategies. Create valuable content that draws people to your brand and products.
Monetization and Traffic Strategies
After 1-2-3 years of consistent content creation and brand building, you can begin to monetize your efforts. Explore various revenue streams, including products, offers, and traffic strategies to maximize your success.
Diversify Revenue Streams
Consider multiple income sources, such as online courses, consulting, or affiliate marketing, to increase your financial stability.
Traffic Strategies
Utilize a mix of SEO, social media marketing, and paid advertising to drive traffic to your website and products. Stay updated with the latest trends and adapt your strategies accordingly.
Mastering the Universe: Attracting Success in Life and Business Through Brand Building, Upgrading Your Programming, and Manifestation
Mastering the universe through building a brand and attracting success in life and business is a journey that combines strategic brand building, inner programming, daily manifestation, and consistent personal development. By upgrading your inner operating system, perfecting your processes, and honing your core skills, you can make the right moves and adopt keystone habits that pave the way for success. Remember that success is an ongoing process, and it takes time and dedication to reach your goals. Through organic, grassroots, and inbound marketing, you can attract the right audience and, after several years of effort, monetize your brand to create a sustainable path toward your dreams. With the right mindset and practices, you can compose your day, master the moment, and ultimately master the universe of opportunities before you.
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http://www.musicbusiness liberation.com
Composing the Symphony of Your Life with Your Words
In the grand symphony of life and business, composing the melody that resonates with your aspirations begins with a few critical notes.
Choose Yourself
"Choose yourself," the first crescendo, echoes a fundamental truth. To master the universe, you must first select yourself. Believe in your potential and acknowledge your worth. Recognize that you are the conductor of your life's orchestra.
Pick Your Crown Up at Your Feet
The next note in your symphony is "pick your crown up at your feet." Sometimes, success demands a humbling moment where you reclaim your power and self-worth. You are the ruler of your own destiny, and your crown belongs where you choose to wear it.
Build the Foundation
"Build the foundation" is the bassline of your symphony. Just as a composer constructs a strong base for their music, you must lay down the groundwork for your success. This includes developing your brand, honing your skills, and crafting a narrative that defines your journey.
Master Your Destiny
"Master your destiny" is the climax of your symphony. This is where you take control of your life and business. You set clear goals, align your actions with your vision, and steer your journey in the direction of your dreams.
Liberate the Music Business
Finally, "liberate the music business" signifies the grand finale. It's about breaking free from constraints, exploring uncharted territories, and finding innovative ways to succeed in the world of business. Like a maestro taking the stage, it's about boldly embracing new possibilities and pushing the boundaries.
Your symphony, composed with these notes, becomes your personal anthem. By integrating these elements into your journey, you'll become a magnetic force, attracting the success you desire in life and business.
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Let me tell you about the difference between Modern Musicianship and Traditional Musicianship so you are clear what that looks like…
Modern Musicians are the most driven, motivated, and dedicated of musicians. They concentrate on their dreams and desires with a focus and determination that powers them through every obstacle or challenge that come up as they live into their blueprints. Their blueprints are their well designed destination.
The old game, the traditional music business was the machine driven crapshoot run by gatekeepers and those without your best interest at heart.
Slow, clunky, outside in, machine centric, impersonal, top down,
Codependent, on a weak, unclear foundation, living in the old economy, playing the old game of traditional music biz, often directionless with fuzzy unfocused goals and usually unwilling to try anything differently.
The traditional artist/musician thinks like a wage worker or union member. Short term, just for today, often enduring the creative growth traps we call starving artist syndrome and like-a-holism. They live mostly in a survival mode of wherever the next thing is going to come from, they live in a primarily reactionary state.
Outside in, traditional artist development, develops an incomplete skillset, without a game plan, and achieves traditional success.
Hands over control of their career and rights.
Acts more like an employee than an entrepreneur
Sacrifices freedoms and autonomy.
Operates on outdated infrastructure with disconnected systems, processes, and teams.
Often overloaded, disorganized, easily distracted, off balanced and undisciplined.
The new game, the modern music business is the grassroots career development from the ground up, create your own slice of paradise.
It’s follow your interests and desires, passions and dreams down to the liberation and tipping point in all dimensions
Fast, direct to fan, inside out, artist and people centric, wide spectrum of personalized experiences.
Access centric content businesses. Flowing and growing.
Self Reliant, on a strong, clear foundation, and creates OWN economy, playing the new game called the modern music business, leads projects and team with an active vision and clear direction, and commits to a lifelong pursuit of content, career, and self mastery.
Modern Musicians achieve focused and clear goals time and again with solid progress tracking, optimal development support and accountability.
They master their universe from the inside out.
The secrets of the universe are inside Modern Musicianship, you need only unlock them by putting them into practice in your career and your next project.
Modern Musicians get it right at the source. They get the music right first, then they commit to and do the inner and outer work required to flourish long term.
Modern Musicians think long term, achieves self actualization, self transcendence, like an enlightened entrepreneur, Establishes their global UVP. and creates own economy from independently grown wealth.
They internally believe that their security and their freedom and their sense of peace and purpose comes from and remains within their control.
Oversees and manages career operations and delegates tasks
Earns and enjoys complete creative freedom and autonomy in their ideal lifestyle.
Operates on upgraded state of the art infrastructure with a fully integrated career operating system to manage their projects and keep their team and fans on the same page.
Develops a fully integrated creative and technical fluidity
Achieves a centered, dynamic, balanced mind body and soul to fully express itself long term
Modern Musicians embrace their awesomeness and master their universe from the inside out.
Are devoted to achieving and fulfilling their full potential
Achieves optimal productivity and workflow through an optimal workflow structure you’ll begin to develop starting today.
Builds a strong foundation on an optimal career infrastructure
Modern Musicians are always learning and growing, earning and flowing
Focus on what they want and where they do want to go instead of away from what they don’t want
Modern Musicians live into their blueprints by envisioning their ideal life and then driving the dream each day through their thoughts, feeling, speech and action.
They adhere to the laws of life and master the 9 factors for success
They master their main moves, their Core Focus Activities, and their RCA’s their Recalibration Activities.
But listen…
You are probably stressed and overwhelmed, or maybe you are managing yourself and your business well, but you acknowledge that the modern music/content business it is a lot to be responsible for.
I get it!
There are so many hats to wear, tasks to juggle, things to coordinate, and pieces to manage for every project and campaign in your career that it can easily be overwhelming or exhausting for you!
As a full-time independent musician in the modern music industry your responsibilities now include the management, coordination and delegation of several areas of career operations including recording and production, licensing and publishing, distribution and promotion, merchandising and fulfillment, admin/accounting, website, memberships, database and socials, booking and touring operations, and still rehearsing and rocking your live performance night in and night out.
You have exceptional responsibility. But you have exceptional opportunity.
I created an entire system for developing your full potential with Modern Musicianship in a way that is comprehensive and interconnected to definitively clarify each Artist’s unique business model as well as structure their creativity to harness their time and energy and fully focus on the next most important Mission. This has taken great time and care. It has been a labor of love. It was first built out of personal necessity, and then expanded upon and has been built into my programs and trainings to serve my clients and students with a unifying framework that eliminates as much of the overwhelm and confusion that so easily results in Creative Growth Traps, as possible.
Modern Musicianship is multi-dimensional mastery.
It’s success born of happiness, mastery and fulfillment for the long term.
It’s how to create your own economy.
It’s how to use the conscious, subconscious and superconscious minds to get in sync with your purpose and passion and create your paradise, your heaven on earth.
Modern Musicianship offers you the keys to unlocking your full potential and growing a modern music business.
Modern Musicianship is more like a religion because it’s something you practice daily and the methods, models, techniques, and strategies that you implement will completely transform your life and take you to your heaven on earth. Your paradise in this world. Your inner and outer liberation.
The Creators Paradise.
It’s about owning your power.
It’s about harnessing your inner OS and playing the GAME to achieve your goals and create your paradise. Your heaven on earth. Again, life is The Creators Paradise.
The G.A.M.E. is how you achieve your greatness and fulfill your dreams and desires.
Become an A PLAYER, get in The G.A.M.E.
Modern Musicians operate at a level higher than traditional musicians by integrating the technology and marketing into their creative expression and communication, by mastering the fundamentals of business and communication.
You have to awaken to the game and then activate in the game on your journey to self actualization, transcendence, authentication and liberation. From there you can choose to continue with the scaling and content business mastery/self realization stages of the journey.
You start by tapping into source and asking god and the universe for what you want and to awaken you to the world where having that is possible.
Then you complete each cycle.
You develop in stages and seasons.
Modern Musicianship is a 9 stage journey to content business mastery and self realization.
It’s what you do, why you do it, and it’s how you do it.
It’s playing the GAME of business while mastering the craft of your artistry and your self.
It’s the game of building your legacy.
It’s the growth of your brand
It’s the process, rules, and principles for how to create an extraordinary life.
It’s the structure to perform and produce at your best.
It’s the complete career development system built for helping you get to your paradise.
It’s how to master your universe.
How you will master your inner and outer game.
Modern Musicianship is the process of your soul and career and life’s unfoldment.
It’s the heart and science of success.
It’s what you do, why you do it, and it’s how you do it.
It’s the process of achieving your success, mastery and fulfillment.
It’s playing the GAME of business while mastering the craft of your artistry and your self.
It’s the game of building your legacy.
It’s the growth of your brand.
The expansion of your soul.
It’s the process, rules, and principles for how to thrive all night running a modern music/content business.
It’s the structure to perform and produce at your best.
It’s the complete career development system built for helping you get to your paradise.
It’s how to master your universe.
I’m repeating myself so it gets further engrained.
Repetition is the mother of all skill and mastery.
This material, if you apply it, will increase the quality of new fans you generate, the effectiveness of how you develop your career, and the revenue you earn in result.
What you need is a pathway to your paradise:
These are The New Rules of The G.A.M.E. 10 Rules, Skills, and Steps to Optimal Performance and Music Business Liberation. How to build a thriving, career, brand and music business as a musician in the modern music industry.
Here they are in summary:
It's so important that i'll say it again.
Modern Musicians CREATE Their OWN Economy.
SKILL #1: Imagination and using the Inner OS to turn your dreams into reality
RULE #2: You must commit to the path to be successful.
SKILL #2: Decision making effectiveness
STEP #2: DECLARE YOUR INDEPENDENCE as an Artist in the Modern World
Plant your flag and realize that you are unstoppable, as long as you don’t stop.
STEP #3: Blueprint your learning journey - what are the skills and capabilities that you need to develop to carry out your mission?
SKILL #4: Planning and organization
RULE #5: Grow from the ground up - with Grassroots career development
SKILL #5: Project Management, Delegation, and Goal achievement
STEP #5: Awakening to The Game. Play The G.A.M.E. The Grassroots Authenticated Music Experience
RULE #6: Build a BRAND. Focus on the core - It's all about the core, your main moves
STEP #6 focus on the core - get to your core self, your core identity, true self realization, your 7 core functions, the core engagement cycle, your main moves
your core traffic strategies, your core revenue streams, your core content/communication formats, your core relationships
RULE #7 masters the modern toolset - The digital toolset to create their paradise
SKILL #7 - Marketing and Communications
STEP #7: install your music marketing system
RULE #8: optimize for lifestyle and automate your profits - from impoverished and starving artist to a thriving and abundant modern musician - resourcefulness - quality of the emotional experience
STEP #8: - Develop Your S.T.A.R.S. and live the Modern Musician Lifestyle - build a content business - actualize, transcend, operationalize, create, launch, automate, optimize, accelerate, maximize, and master.
RULE #9 Everything is a system or a process. systems and processes.
SKILL #9 Systemization and process creation
SKILL #9 Create your operations manual
RULE #10 - inner os - being autotelic - integration - conscious, subconscious, and superconscious harmony - become your best self - live the transformation - live each day as your highest self
SKILL #10: Fully integrated thinking - with your head and your heart aligned and congruent
STEP #10 - Create owners manual. Get into flow. Create a masterpiece with your life. Be as if you already had the desired states and qualities. Love the divine in everything and everyone.
One of the first things you need to know about playing the G.A.M.E. is that there are many seasons along your journey and different stages, (foundation, incubation, optimization, acceleration, maximization, and mastery,) as well as different zones that you can see in the chart below.
Modern Musicians live in the 3rd and 4th zones. The learning and the growing never stop.
Learning and growing equals earning and flowing.
You are at the choice point. You are at a choice point every day. The moment of decision where you commit to upgrade your mindset, habits, skills, and toolset. You have the choice to decide which zone you stay and play in.
If you are bold and determined to step your music business game up, then please continue.
Modern Musicianship is integration of what you learn and understand in order to do and experience that which brings you happiness, success, joy and fulfillment. It’s your journey with spirituality as well as your self mastery, creative fulfillment, and overall inner and outer achievement.
It’s built on the principles and laws of success and developed from studying hundreds of successful artists and entrepreneurs. It combines the best of what i’ve learned in transformational coaching, training and communication for the last 15 years including elearning and instructional design, optimal performance coaching, creative fulfillment, positive psychology, nlp, cognitive behavior therapy, marketing, spirituality, mind body soul alignment, goal achievement, self development, growth hacking, adult development, neuroscience, self actualization, self mastery, and the laws of the universe.
The levels of change examine how the chain of behavior integrates deeper than just the behavioral level. That is one level, but to have transformative influence growth needs to be integrated at each level to impact behavioral and internal transformation. The model helps us understand the different levels at which we experience the world.
Modern Musicianship integrates the idea that it starts with the dream, but that that is just the first step of the process in completing the mission, the goals, the projects and the tasks on the runway. Once you have these core blueprints in place your job is to drive the dream in generating how you feel. It’s about how you feel about the dream on a daily basis. Your involvement and engagement with it is a practice as you learn to master inspiration and motivation as well as concentration and intuition to create an extraordinary life.
Live The Good Life: How To Create an Extraordinary Life By Becoming an Extraordinary Person
Living an extraordinary life means becoming an extraordinary person. Their is only one you in the world. It’s your job to make that the most extraordinary expression with the most extraordinary meanings and performances. Life is what you make it. It is the song you write. Becoming extraordinary starts with having a foundational understanding of what living a good life means.
What does it look like and what does it feel like?
You are the creator of your reality, and you have to create your paradise, not your prison.
Awakening to the game begins with empowerment and activation.
It starts with living what we call the good life.
Joy, bliss, flow, abundance, fulfillment, happiness, freedom, mastery, and purpose. A life of service doing what you love.
All contributes to a life about becoming the best you can be.
A quest to achieve your greatness accomplished in missions, quests, goals, creating and providing unique fan experiences, and becoming a champion.
Music Business Liberation means:
Self Actualization is the fourth stage in the 9 stage journey of Modern Musicianship. It is the the period in which you reach grounded true flow and optimal performance.
Creative fulfillment
Physical vitality
Emotional liberation
Mental liberation
Intellectual liberation
Spiritual liberation - Enlightenment This is actually self transcendence as god shows you how to serve the world.
Relational liberation
Financial liberation
What does it mean to live the good life?
We say Habits, skills, mindset, systems and processes, strategy, blueprints go into your Infrastructure. This is the foundation for your optimal workflow structure, which helps you maintain optimal performance. It is what makes achieving your goals and dreams, living your values, mission and purpose automatic and fun.
Following your dreams through Intrinsic motivation to become your become your best doing what you love most.
A life that satisfies and fulfills you and that serves other people.
Becoming a Champion.
Enjoying the journey, focused on the process.
The journey is the process of enjoying the fruits of the moment and appreciating the experience of being alive and choosing what we get to do with our time and attention.
A life with a defined dream vision purpose, mission goals and projects.
Pursuing your passions with courage
There is a something that comes over you when you pursue your passions with courage for many years at a time. God shows you a path forward every step of the way. For Modern Musicians there is an inner conviction that my destiny lies in my ability to go after my big dreams with courage in spite of fear and uncertainty and doubt. Otherwise they would never materialize.
Freedom and fulfillment
The good life is built on freedom and fulfillment. These two characteristics are hallmarks of the Modern Musician Lifestyle. This entire system stems from freedom and fulfillment. Building skills, habits, mindsets, capabilities to dial into the sweet-spot with the recipe of your life.
Doing what you love
Doing what you love is the name of the game. It is through this pursuit that you raise your vibration and have something to give to others. There is no greater joy than doing what you love and helping other people by doing it.
Living in the moment
This is the gift you give yourself. When you bring awareness and intention to your attention you experience the joy of the present moment. Living in the present moment is the gift available to us in each moment.
Falling in love with what you have
It’s in what you already have, who you already are, what you’ve already done, when you build equity in that you build your wealth. Build an abundance of what brings yourself and others success and fulfillment.
Confidence and abundance
Confidence is built through competence and self discipline as well as trust in the plan, setting out on a course and developing skills, habits, and mindsets to become your true self and live with confidence and abundance.
Attitude of gratitude
What you appreciate grows and expands. Keep that in mind so stick to the plan. Steadfast your hand and become the man or woman you know you can. Always keep an attitude of gratitude close in hand, come from the heart as well as you can.
Having it all begins with believing that you can have it and then following the natural path to fulfillment of the vision in every area of your universe.
My mind can bring my desires to life if I focus on the right things, so that’s what I focus my attention on most of the time.
Finding something to feel happy about sets the calibration point.
If you can find one thing, you’ll attract another and another and another until you feel your whole world flooded with positive thoughts that leave you empowered and inspired and taking massive action as a result.
Developing your gifts. Your talent and potentials.
This is what you dedicate your life to. Developing your genius and delivering your gifts to the world in the many ways that you can.
Playing the game of life and business like it’s an infinite game.
Becoming legendary by Playing an infinite game
When you begin to think and play an infinite game like The G.A.M.E. You become legendary which starts with the way you think and act. When you think in a superconscious state you activate the channel and connect to the frequencies that your spiritual riches live on. This may take practice, or getting into GAMMA states may be instantaneous and easy for you. You’ll learn more about the 5 brain states later.
The G.A.M.E. Is infinite. You want to be relevant long after your gone. How can you become that way? How can you become infinite in how you think about your life and Your Game?
It is how you can be more strategic in achieving your goals and dreams.
It’s building a great content business that facilitates liberation in all areas of your life.
Building a great network is about cultivating great relationships.
Start with the relationship with yourself first, then go and share and inspire and elevate others.
Defined vision and mission
You need to have a defined vision and mission from your dream to runway blueprint, as you may have completed by now or will be doing later.
Success habits and rituals
These are one part of the critical success factors, and need to be done in The Ready State, and with Blissipline as you’ll learn later. The success habits are how you build the character and the destiny that you desire and deserve. Success habits can be developed across every dimension of your universe.
A Well Designed Destination vs. An Undesigned Destination
In 3-5 years you want to arrive in a well designed destination, instead of an undesigned destination. This means that you want to flesh out blueprints all the way down to the ways you want to feel and the things you want to achieve. Modern Musicians begin with the end in mind. They are incredible achievers who love to plan and then bring their plans to life through implementation of the plan. They follow the goal achievement process of setting their blueprints, driving the dream, and then living into their blueprints.
Life in service to your purpose, the world and others
Therein lies your power. It’s a frequency that you live on and thus transmit. My purpose is a life of service. It is a life dedicated to the liberation of souls, and the full development and realization of potentials.
Empowered, aligned, clarity and focus, mastering your life
These are hallmark characteristics of being a modern musician, and the modern musician lifestyle.
Creating your own reality
You do indeed create your own reality. How we think, feel and behave generates our experience and our reality. Modern Musicians see this as the greatest opportunity that god or man could give you.
Designing your future
The first thing you have to do is to design your future life. You can get as detailed as you like and you can go out as far as you’d like, just be sure to really figure out what you want and then make a plan. This plan is apart of your blueprints.
Then living into it
The next thing you need to do is to not only execute the plan, but to live into the blueprints.
This is the part that you need to bring mindfulness and a lot of meditation on all these strategies and action plans as you assimilate information, execute and create the assets that build the fanbase and income to fund your future.
Living into ideals and blueprints
You get this constant sense that something good is always about to happen, and it brings a peace and a joy to the moment. I feel like it’s a constantly evolving process, but having blueprints and ideals give you and the universe a place to start to develop into your true self, to manifest your ideals in every area of your life.
Masterful Mission
Your mission is connected to your purpose and gets you out of bed in the morning. It’s extremely important to have a masterful mission that you are working towards every day.
Purpose and desire fulfillment
The real drivers here are fulfilling your purpose, dreams, aspirations and desires. There is no more worthy of a pursuit.
Goals, projects and tasks
Turn goals into skills through habits and practices.
Maybe your goal is to earn five and eventually six and seven figure paydays through launches and campaigns, the strategies, which you’ll do through the habits of creating and launching products, programs and courses.
The path of Mastery
Is the most satisfying and fulfilling path of any I’ve ever traveled. It is a build up of a symphony of skills, capabilities, wisdom and insight that combine in your definite chief aim or your major purpose. I believe we each have a great destiny, and the path of mastery in each area of your life will lead you to it as you combine skills and abilities to form the full multidimensional expression that is you. It’s through the growth that you feel alive and engaged and prepared on a solid foundation to thrive. A life of deep work leads to the most satisfying relationships starting with yourself and everyone you attract into your life as you add value to every person that comes into your life.
Constant improvement
You have to identify the areas in your life that you want to improve and then commit to advancing each area, skill, habit, you have to identify, change and strengthen beliefs into a philosophy, you have to learn how to build positive states that are so vibrant in well being that you don’t spend any time on your fears or worries. You can quickly and easily adjust the lens of your thoughts and feelings when you find yourself in disempowering states with perception filter reframes.
Standards, Processes, and Workflows
You must set standards and build processes and workflows in each key dimension of your life. This is how you will go above and beyond. This is how you will set the standard. Your workflows are where your productivity and your creativity intersect, your processes are how you maintain your standards and improve your ability to produce, publish, promote, and profit from value.
Lifelong learning
Many people believe that the learning process happens during our time in school and then stops after that. This is a mistaken idea. Life is actually learning most of the time. You are learning about yourself, about others, about your job, about your dreams and desires, you are learning about the world and all of it informs your perspective and what you do, say, think and feel.
A Complete Education
You have to determine who you want to be, and then assemble all the skills habits mindsets systems and process
For achieving the goals, dreams and desires through complete learning you can advance along the progression of integrated growth and skills development creating a symphony of skills for your masterful mission and turning your life into a masterful performance.
Success Habits and practices
Your success habits and practices are what you build your life on. They are the key ingredients in the pathway to your success. Start by identifying 1-3 areas of universe mastery and then 1-3 success habits to install into your life and stay consistent with those habits for days, then weeks, then years, then decades, and a lifetime of success and happiness.
Identity – Developing an unstoppable self concept
It’s about an alignment in your identity with your source and your true self. That’s an active process that is a fluid conversation between you and the divine.
Mastering your functions
I believe if you spend your time and energy worrying about whats wrong or what you don’t have you’ll miss the opportunity to experience what you want to have happen.
If you focus on what you can control you focus on the bridge of actions, feelings, thought and speech that will close the gap between where you are and where you want to end up.
You want to focus on each of the 7 functions of the content business growth process so you will be most likely to succeed.
Vibrant energy and living in the present moment
Practices that renew and refresh you like success conditioning can raise your vibration and cause you to feel a vital amount of energy. Each of your practices throughout the day adds to the energy and experiences of your day.
Inner OS Mastery
The Inner OS is the equipment god gave you to create and master your life. Your emotional system, nervous system, your mental faculties, and your sensory mechanisms. We don’t learn anything about it in school. The use of it will determine where in life you go.
Mastering your brain states
As you’ve learned there are 5 main brain states and you need to learn how to operate in all of them. Through conditioning with sound therapy you can tap into and tune your alpha states, beta states, theta, delta and gamma states.
Training your nervous system for happiness, fulfillment, bliss and success.
You can learn to do this throughout your day in many subtle and not so subtle ways through what you think, feel, speak and do.
Faith instead of fear
Your spiritual DNA is perfect. Your spirit is perfect. Belief In god and the universe is a state we must reside in. This is a mainstay of Modern Musicians. They are faithful and they receive the abundance of life’s riches through deep understanding of certain laws and principles.
Love instead of anger
Modern musicians learn to shift to a 5D consciousness and become a loving human that actualizes their potential in life. They learn to choose love instead of anger and negative emotions.
Joy instead of sorrow
Starting with a base of happiness as the center of who you are. Firmly confident in your true self. Joy should be something you bring to the party. You have to cultivate joy in all your activities and interactions with others. Joy is an emotion Modern Musicians experience on a daily basis.
Pursuing your goals and dreams
The path to becoming extraordinary is the dedicated all in pursuit of your goals and dreams. There is no half in or half out commitment here. Modern Musicians dedicate themselves to the achievement of their goals and the fulfillment of their dreams and desires. It’s an all-in, playing full out state we call The Ready State.
Meaning and Fulfillment
Meaning is your motivational canvas, empowered meanings can change your life and revitalize your energy while disempowered meaning can fatigue or irritate you. Modern Musicians see life as a game they can win by the meaning they shape their world with. It’s these little distinctions that turn them on and fulfill them.
What qualities and characteristics of the good life can you think of? Here are a few to start with:
◆ State of celebration, gratitude, fulfillment, satisfaction, honor, abundance, confidence
◆ Self made independent wealth
◆ Launching, growing, thriving, scaling, and mastering
◆ Living in the vibrational state of your higher self
◆ Delicious deliberate creation
◆ Unconditional happiness
◆ Getting into the mood to feel the stories aligned with what you want
◆ A state of bliss, having found the kingdom within, harmony with the three minds
◆ Living in beautiful states of being, Mastering your emotions
◆ Serving a purpose greater than yourself
◆ True self mastery – Seeing yourself as and living as the person you want to be
◆ Finding what turns you on and activating in the game
The game is your purpose and your mission in life. It’s the life affirming process of growth and love.
Modern Musician Activation Exercise:
See yourself becoming enlightened and receiving your purpose, then embracing your journey and mastering your mission and vision through managing and performing your daily dial tasks and the processes that order your life and workflows in all key result areas.
Envision a flow based journey to the destination that fulfills you and makes you rich with passive income and a diversified portfolio of investments yielding tremendous returns for all involved for 1000 years.
See yourself walking with your fans and seeing how you improved the quality of their lives somehow.
Go into your future now. Walk into the house, make yourself a cup of coffee, turn on the computer in the morning eager to get to work on your opportunities and responsibilities.
Feel how it would feel to have accomplished your vision and your dreams. Sense with all your heart what that would feel like.
Live into the blueprints of the life you want with confidence and with a sense of ease and oneness with the universe.
Sense with a staying power the beauty of your strength and confidence in your self and who you are as a person.
Allow yourself to be your true self.
Tune yourself to the frequency your success lives on. Feel yourself resonating on that frequency and see the joy that it brings you to be tuned into your dream.
Notice how you have to commit to the path, then you have to align and allow.
What understandings have you had since you received this training and went through this exercise?
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Music Business Blueprints coming soon!
from #themusicbusinessarchitect
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Coming soon.
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Play the GAME with Modern Musicianship and music business blueprints Coming soon!
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Rise and shine it's time to train the super stars of today and tommorrow.
Master Your Destiny and unlock your full potential
Modern Musicianship
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Welcome to the GAME
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#masteryourdestiny #modernmusicianship
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http://www.musicbusinessliberation.com Unlock your full potential with Modern Musicianship.
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Success Conditioning To Become Your Best Self
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There are many ways to become your best self but it starts with cultivating yourself and your talents through finding the path that is going to help you most effectively actualize your full potential.
Success not only means the result of the achievement but also the feeling that success brings.
Modern Musicians train themselves for their success.
With the tools and practices of success conditioning.
With their learning journey, and in their spiritual journey as well as with their career path and the process of producing results.
They are always training themselves to be their best self on a daily basis.
They are training themselves to always do and perform their functions and main moves in all conditions and to create their own reality.
Training is essential for living and performing at your best.
When you learn to train for your success, you take success into your own hands.
Success is achieved twice. First in the mind, then in reality.
Success is who you become in the process of achieving a goal.
The desire creates the vibrational version of what you want. If you can maintain the frequency of what you want, you create the necessary vibration to allow what you want to happen.
So you have to form your vortex through creating your blueprints and then you have to line up with your desires.
Alignment should become very natural for you as you are integrating the dream to runway blueprint, the 7 levels of change and the 7 levels of creation right into your process, and thus finding alignment feels like the natural course.
One aspect of a Modern Musicians definition of success is emotional liberation. One result of music business liberation is emotional liberation. This means the ability to achieve emotional states that fulfill them, and the ability to transform negative emotional states into positive productive and beautiful states.
Success should be the conditioned feelings of wholeness and being complete. A sense of one-ness and a sense of harmony in your life. Success is something you attract from who you become.
Fears and limiting beliefs
In rewriting your story you learned how to change limiting beliefs through belief clearing and now you can use success conditioning to live into the blueprints of your true self, capable of achieving success, regardless of the condition.
Success Conditioning
When we think about success conditioning we have to think about how to integrate the conditioning of many individual dimensions or areas of focus in order to prepare oneself for the success that they will achieve.
Strengthening and conditioning every area of your life with exercises that will help you grow exponentially.
Mental, emotional, spiritual, physical, social, intellectual, financial, career and recreational success conditioning.
Once again, this will become apart of the fundamentals for you in your career.
It’s really all about mastering the fundamentals.
How you think, feel, speak and act.
Thoughts become feelings, and lead to speech and action.
Action leads to habit.
Habits sew a character and lead to pathways.
Pathways lead to your destiny.
Your paradise is just a pathway from where you are now to where you want to be with 6-20 new habits and practices.
If you are ready to commit to your success, the pathway is the most satisfying and fulfilling experience of your life.
You have to learn to love the process and enjoy the journey.
Modern Musicians commit to doing what it takes to achieve their success.
The Flow Protocol is a process of synnergizing the conscious, subconscious, and superconscious minds to be fully engaged in the process of achieving your goals.
You have to link large amounts of pleasure and fulfillment to the creative endeavor so that the thing you are doing becomes the most enjoyable experience. This is how you are able to get into the zone of flow.
Let’s take Roger Banister for example.
He believed that he was going to break the four minute mile.
He envisioned himself doing so over and over again.
He conditioned himself mentally, physically, emotionally so that he believed with every fiber of his being that he would achieve his goal.
Part of success conditioning is believing in yourself with an unstoppable self confidence and self concept that will accomplish your goals.
Part of it is seeing yourself proceeding through the process of achieving it.
Part of it is making yourself a vibrational match to the frequency of the fruit of your goal.
An unstoppable spirit, unstoppable energy, becoming your best self begins with a foundation of success conditioning.
It’s through daily conditioning of the mind on all three levels of mind conscious, subconscious, and superconscious that magic begins to happen and things connect internally and externally.
With success conditioning you can build the confidence and the abundance as well as unlock new capabilities.
There are many tools for Success Conditioning
If you were a client i would generally recommend one or two to try consistently for a month and then report back what you found. You may fall in love with these tools as they will draw the best out of you and properly prepare you to receive the good that your higher self is, and the treasures you have in your future. Falling in love with your own success is perfectly acceptable, but find something that you love about what you are doing, commit to it and it will bring you joy all the way through the journey. Success conditioning will only add to your attractiveness.
As mentioned, Roger Bannister used visualization in order to see himself as he wished to be. In order to see his wish fulfilled. In order to see himself actually accomplish something that others thought was impossible. But through conditioning and believing in himself he was able to accomplish something that changed history.
Think of it from outside your perspective Multi sensory experience Think in terms of movie scenes Notice how it makes you feel to adjust the dials in the visualization Make it brighter, make the feelings stronger, use visualization to step into your best self
Visualization can be one of the most satisfying and valuable things you can do to motivate and inspire yourself. The only problem is that it’s hard. Maybe you’ll find it easy and if so go with it. I’ve not found it to be as simple as I wanted it to be, but that I’ve improved over time I can now see how important it is to my motivation and thus I work at this a little every day and it certainly adds to my motivation in certain ways. If done correctly, meaning that you visualize the things you WANT or desire or plan to experience-it is an extremely effective method for priming and paving a pathway for things to happen in your life. I will delve deeper into visualization tactics and techniques in another lesson.
When you psychologically prime yourself to feel or perform a certain way you can circumvent all the environmental and external events that lead to or cause the feeling or experience and put yourself into that experience through positive associations and priming to improve your state of being.
A wall is primed with a coat of paint before it gets the final coat to stick.
A baby is primed to get into certain joyful states when people go “well hey there cute little baby goo-chi-goo,” and a professional athlete primes himself with certain feelings and ideas that he experiences while listening to his favorite music before the big game.
A warrior primes himself to perform a certain way through preparing for the moments he will enter and do what he has trained himself to do.
A peaceful warrior gets in touch with the range of positive human emotions and experiences and primes himself to get into the ready state on their way to optimal performance.
Priming yourself to feel a certain way is useful to your overall ability to prime those emotions and experiences through associations, trigger words or phrases, and circumvent certain environments or processes typically required to get into a state.
Priming behavior – this is one of the best ways to trigger your best behavior and performing at your best.
Advertisers and tv networks prime you for creating thoughts and associations that lead to purchasing decisions and create brand impressions including certain thoughts and feelings about a particular brand.
Priming can be negative or positive. I don’t do much negative priming as I want to focus on positive priming for experiences, emotions, feelings and positive experiences and reactions to me and my message.
You can change your state of mind with a priming routine and you can prime yourself to feel certain states, experiences and emotions through repetitive positive priming to create positive associations that help you create a beautiful state that is your life.
Segment Intention
Segment intention is your ability to intend and create an experience or event, to visually illustrate and thus activate a series of processes that perpetuate good patterns of thought, feeling, speech, and action during a segment of time. One cycle as we call it. One single work block of time. Usually 25-60 minutes. The greatest power we really have is being able to use your inner os to intend the way you want something to go and then create that in real life.
This power is most illustrated by the power that a musical artist has to impact the world through their genius. The ability to create experiences is the gift the ultimate creator created for us.
With segment intention you are practicing the art of allowing.
It’s the prepaving of the pathway of wanted thoughts and feelings.
It’s the vibrational blueprinting for your segments and it’s a tool for taking conscious command of how to best use a situation or time block.
It’s a process of focusing your thoughts by becoming more aware of them and choosing the ones that cause you to thrive.
You’ll get better at the process of segment intending through practice and experience. Deliberate creation is one of the most satisfying experiences we can have as humans, and segment intention is one of the best ways to achieve that.
Prayer didn’t become a mainstay practice in my life until recently, most of the time my prayers were prayers for help. It was about god if you can help me out this time I will honor and serve you. I learned that god is love and that prayer can be apart of the manifestation process, and that when you proactively thank god for the things he’s doing and continues to do in your life, that you get better results, have less problems, and overall enjoy a happier quality of life. God is the great king of this world and if you don’t know him I encourage and urge you to seek his council. It is through the grace of god that I’m here doing what I love for those that love it.
Now I added this one into the game as a success conditioning tool because the act of preparation is a mainstay practice I want you to develop in your life. Preproduction includes preparation and planning and is the first stage in the growth of your life, business, health, wisdom, you name it. Preproduction is apart of the content business growth process. You are always preparing, and while you do not need to be a doomsday prepper, in expecting the worst out of life I think you condition yourself for things closer to that kind of a reality when you do think and act like the things are going to turn into the worst possible outcome. I advocate for preparing your mind body and soul for the functions, experiences, relationships, events, and situations that you want to happen. That is the purpose of success conditioning. To make doing the thing successfully apart of your way of life. Scientifically, If you are always improving and preparing for the future you are excited about you will be much more likely to bring it about, and do so without as much stress and pain and chaos.
Reviewing notes, papers, journals, processing ideas, thinking of solutions.
This tool is another one I’ve added into the game although it can be somewhat similar to preparing, but because you are like a rocket ship headed to the stars I want you to build the practices that help you achieve and keep your success, happiness, fulfillment and flow. One of the best ways to know where you are, and to understand what you know is to review your notes, papers, journals, and proactively add up the ideas into understandings that generate breakthroughs and insights that will change your life in subtle and not so subtle ways.
Reviewing old papers, notes, journals I’ve solidified and built a base of wisdom from knowledge and experience that serves as a foundation for all future projects, experiences and events in my life.
This is something I learned from Tony Robbins as he used this tool to prepare himself for his roles in life and motivate himself to activate his higher self and serve the world and the person he was working with at the greatest level he was capable of. I’ve found that incantation are like affirmations in that you have to be in a receptive state in order for them to be effective. Essentially with incantation and affirmation you are trying to use the conscious mind to ingrain these ideas as beliefs in your subconscious mind and that’s when you will experience the full power of these tools and practices.
Autosuggestion or affirmation is another weekly regular, apart of my daily life that I’ve used to encourage a positive emotional state and become greater than my environment. Through centering and rooting to my true self and using these tools to keep aligning and coming back to that as the base set point for my life, I’m able to activate my life and past experiences to create value in the moment thus giving me a control and feeling of creating my own reality. It’s much different than worrying and reacting to the news of the moment and the thus I’ve found it to be a very effective way of conditioning myself for success in a variety of ways.
Another very powerful success conditioning tool is the declaration. You’ve heard of the declaration of independence. Well declarations are one of the strongest forms of committing and anchoring a belief, action or outcome you are committed to creating in your life. These can be changes you want to make, or things you want to do, these can also be standards for your relationships, thoughts, or feelings. In the second Rule of the GAME you are declaring your artistic independence and committing to the growth of your music business and life.
Imagination, also referred to as the sixth sense by some, is actually best looked at like this. Your imagination is the connection between you and god. Your imagination is god, and when you are using your imagination positively you are activating the gifts of the creator. Imagination is a powerful form of success conditioning that should be used alongside all the other tools. Your imagination contains the power of God. The force that creates worlds. Don’t ever underestimate the power of your imagination to create miracles in your life and the lives of others. The problem is that our imagination wanes for the practical realities of life and our experiences and we forget that we have this incredible power. Activate your attention through concentration and harness your imagination to unlock your full potential.
Belief Clearing
Another tool for self development, another form of conditioning yourself for success is to actually clear and remove the blocks that limit you called limiting beliefs. These are the nuissance beliefs that internal friction, can cause split energy and unwanted experiences. Beliefs are frames in your matrix. Strong beliefs have strong roots and should be planted with care and consideration for their purpose in your life. Belief clearing is crucial to paving a pathway for the wanted thoughts, feelings and experiences in your life and should be looked at like weeding or planting in your garden. You have an entire lifetime of amazing experiences to look forward to, integrate regular belief clearing and you will find less friction in the experience of your reality.
This is the most important mainstay practice that Modern Musicians integrate because it helps accelerate and integrate all your development though a simple practice that you’ll love and look forward to doing each day. Meditation is crucial. To your balance, to your sanity, to your happiness, to your fulfillment, to your mastery, to your performance, to your productivity, to your health it is scientifically proven to improve your quality of life and help you create positive daily experiences and emotions. If you haven’t already begun, start your meditation practice today starting with as simple as 5 minutes and building up to 20-30-60 minutes and multiple times a day, and as long as you can go. (I’ve gone up to 12 hours, though you don’t have to be so ambitious.)
Emotionalizing your vision
Another crucial component in turning your dream into a daily set of feelings and experiences working toward your vision with alignment and a sense of purpose is harnessing the tool of your emotions to feel and connect to your vision each day.
Self Talk
The way we talk to ourselves affects how we feel about ourselves and others. Your self talk is about the way you see yourself, and what we are trying to do is to improve the way you feel and see yourself through positive self talk that inspires and motivates you. Think about the difference between when you are beating yourself up and when you are encouraging yourself to do something new. They are two ends of the spectrum, and the self talk you have conditioned yourself to becomes easier. Break the bad patterns of negating self talk with uplifting self talk that inspires the best out of you. I want you to start to treat yourself the way that you’d treat a great friend. You would never talk to yourself the way that you sometimes talk to yourself, so plant that seed and begin to water it the next time you find a negative dialog. Try to find the good in yourself and others instead of jumping to the negative and replaying the negative in addition to telling yourself harmful or destructive things.
  Success conditioning keeps you on track with your optimal flight path
As I’ve grown in my life and in my work, I’ve had a greater and greater sense of being autotelic with my daily activities, as mastery becomes the driving force for my life and work.
The journey and my engaged interactivity with my learning and development over the years has led me to a deeper understanding of how each piece of my life and work draw parallels to stories, points, lessons, and ideals.
I was playing a round of golf with my dad on Sunday and I had several great shots that gave me vision and inspiration as well as clarification for how to apply it in my life.
On the downward swing before impact with the ball I had the sense that my swing plane was on a flight path to an optimal trajectory and destination.
I create products to contribute to the world, serve my ideal clients and customers and drive my life where I want it to go through who I become.
Each product is on a flight path and that is the critical path of what needs to happen in order to reach it’s destination. The goals for each project.
The flight path are the tasks and process on the launch runway, the impact point is the launch. You need to set all the dominos up and then knock them down.
The problem is that the fear uncertainty and doubt keeps us from both seeing the pathway as well as taking the action, thus we don’t feel the aliveness of working towards a goal and enjoying the process.
There is a feeling of knowing that you need to cultivate through building your unstoppable self concept, and it will give you confidence throughout the wavering feelings of FUD. Fear uncertainty and doubt.
The Flight Path
Your flight path is your launch plan and the tasks on the runway.
You have to feel yourself locking into your flight path.
And you have to see your flight path. You don’t have to always see it start to finish but ideally you can see the whole flight path of a launch.
When you can feel the automatic pull of the momentum bringing you into the flight path as you stay focused and complete the mission, you can live into the energy of the future as it pulls you toward your destiny.
This is how you concentrate into results.
Modern Musician Activation Exercise
This exercise is called Lock it in.
It’s a little phrase you will remember anytime you feel like you are off track or just drifting.
Lock it in.
When you make the decision to LOCK IT IN you commit your mental and physical energy to doing something. The best in the world develop their ability to commit to something and then lock it in during the process to ensure they complete the mission.
When you’re distracted or in FUD you are going to remind myself to lock it in and then simulate yourself feeling like a train locked into your success pathway, aligned and on the right track.
Lock it in is a mixture of anticipation plus expectation with conscious and subconscious willpower that accelerates your path with quantum leaps and major breakthroughs on the journey to your paradise.
Lock it in in each day and each week.
Don’t wait until perfect, just lock it in and get into action.
Get into action on your dream and when you have the spirit of nothing can stop me you have the spirit of a Modern Musician.
Remember the principles:
You have to believe you can achieve it.
You have to know how you are going to get there.
You have to align with what you want.
You have to take massive action.
This can start out as small steps that gradually increase into larger periods of concentration and massive action.
But success is a state of mind. It starts with your attitude.
Success is a journey and success is a process.
Success is a way of being starting with an attitude and you can condition yourself to being that way starting now.
Success means harnessed potential meets opportunity to add value.
Therefore we have to know what we are training and preparing for.
We have to learn how to feel and prime those states now.
With success conditioning we can turn ideas into gold, and beliefs into the pathways that guide you to your dreams.
“You have to condition yourself so that no matter what without a shadow of a doubt you will achieve the results you want”
Tony Robbins
The path to success is conditioning yourself with small steps each day that prime and prepare the pathways to the experiences and events you plan and prepare for, performing and acting on the opportunity. Success is adding value to your fans and customers, and anything that leads to self actualization and self realization. One way I’ve heard it put is, if you have a goal and are working toward it you are successful. I thought that was a great way to put it. Use success conditioning to become successful in your life and career.
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