musexmelrose · 6 years
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—✩ Melrose Pomene || An Aesthetic 002
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musexmelrose · 6 years
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musexmelrose · 6 years
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“ You gotta dig a little deeper, find out who you are. You gotta dig a little deeper, it really ain’t that far. When you find out who you are, you find out what you need — blue skies and sun shine guaranteed. ”
What is your character’s full name ? Melrose Alexia Pomene  How is it pronounced ? Mel-rose | Ah-lex-ee-ah | Pah-mean Is there a meaning behind it ? her mother really wanted a name that was unique and beautiful, her father really wanted a Grecian name, SO her mother named her Melrose after the city that she met her husband in, and her father got to choose her middle name Does your character have any nicknames ? Mel; Melly When and where were they born ? February 23 1999 in Carthay, California What’s their zodiac sign and what traits do they most relate to ? Mel is a pisces and relates most to these traits: artistic talent, strong emotion capability, & idealism What’s their nationality ? American/Greek What’s their occupation ? Rising Star Student What gender do they identify themselves as ? Female
What’s their eye color ? Hazel Do they wear glasses or contacts ? No  Hair color ? Dark Brown Have they ever dyed their hair or wanted to ? She’s never dyed it but is open to the idea ! Height ? 5' 7'' Body build ? Slim Do they have any birthmarks ? no Do they have any piercings or tattoos ? A few small piercings on her ears, no tatts yet If not, do they want to get some ? P o s s  P o s s Do they have a healthy life style ? ooooh yeah. to mel, her body is a temple and she tries very hard to keep it healthy from the inside out How easy do they get sick ? Mel has a great immune system, so when she does get sick she gets SICK and feels like death Any marks on their body ( injuries, … ) ? she has a noticeable scar that wraps around her ankle, sort of like an anklet, from an accident that happened during her first ever performance she fell down the stairs of the stage she doesn’t like to talk about it and will avoid this story at all costs What’s their personal style/how do they like to dress ? mel doesn’t really have a set style as she tries to change things up a lot-- but you can bet she always tries her best to look damn good What is their favorite and least favorite feature about themselves ? she likes her hair but gets insecure about her smile
Positive traits ? creative, passionate, focused, fun-loving, romantic Negative traits ? dramatic, vulnerable, obsessive, sensitive, stubborn What do they consider to be the best and the worst part of their personality ? mel prides herself on her creativity but sometimes resents her over-sensitivity Are they more extroverted or introverted ? EXTROVERTED Any talents ? YEAH BABY : singing ; acting ; dancing ; can play 5 instruments ; can cry on command ? is that a talent ?? yes What are their fears ? Failure in fulfilling her dream Do they have any phobias ? a little bit of claustrophobia, sad clowns kind of weird her out ?, atychiphobia – the fear of failure What is their soft spot ? she’s such a sucker for roses, if you ever piss her off-- a bouquet of roses will usually do the trick... or a kitten... or dark chocolate  List 3 pet-peeves they can’t stand ? chronic lateness ; “no offense...” ;  slow walkers
How far did they go in school ? Are they still studying ? Still studying! She’s currently in her freshman year of college Do/Did they like school ? Sure! of course sometimes she’d rather spend her time elsewhere, she likes to learn and loves the freedom and the fact that many of her friends are right there with her What type of student are/were they ? Mel tries excel in every class she takes, which causes her to usually be a very good student. however sometimes, when classes are hard, boring, and don’t interest her... she can tend to slack off What is/was their favorite subject ? theater & music And their least favorite ? math whose with me ? What were they/would they have been voted as “most likely to…” in the yearbook ? “Most likely to become famous”
Who are your character’s parents ? Zeno Pomene & Meena Syne (maiden name) How would your character describe them ? THE BEST, Melrose adores her parents. they are v busy people so they aren’t around as often as she would like them to be but not to the point where its a negative impact on her life. they are her number one fans and haven’t missed even one of her many performances. they are inspirations to her. Do they have any siblings ? nope ; but she thinks of her Gospel Truth gals as sisters Are they close with their family ? very, her family means everything to her and are her biggest supporters
What’s their romantic and sexual orientation ? heteromantic/heterosexual Are they seeing anyone right now ? no but lonely babe likes to dream Have they ever been in an relationship ? not yet forever alone Have they ever been in love ? not yet but a girl can dream How easy do they fall for someone ? SO easily In their view, why didn’t any past relationships work out ? she believes she’s never had one because of her ambition and standards. she’s so dedicated to her career that she’s never had time to devote her love to someone or her attention to finding her prince charming What do they look for in someone ? passion and romance; someone who views love as art Do they believe in love at first sight ? or fate ? both ! she’s a hopeless hopeless hopeless romantic What’s their views on romance ? Do they go after it or avoid it ? SHE LOVES ROMANCE Did they have their first time already ? How was it in their point of view ? lil baby mel is still a virgin ; she’s so busy all the time that she’s never really had a relationship and she’s told herself she’s waiting for loveee What is their view on sex ? one of the most ultimate acts of passion; she would never do it in the absence of feelings What are their turn ons and turn offs ? turn ons: emotions, tuxedos, a nice smile, EYES, romance ; turn offs: unromantic, bad hygiene, emotionless, no appreciation for music Were they ever cheated on or have they cheated on someone ? F u c k  n o  Do they want to get married in the future ? Y E S ! Have kids ? possiblyyy?? she doesn’t have time to think about that yet
Are they right or left handed ? right handed What’s a word that’s always on their lips ? “music” Is there a saying they keep on repeating ? “be fearless in the pursuit of what sets your soul on fire” ... well, that and “can i sing yet?” Do they curse ? fuck Yeah What’s their worst habit ? obsessing over things too easily and being FAR too dramatic--  Do they drink or smoke ? How frequently ? she’s done both but usually sticks to alcohol when the evening calls for it or a glass or two of wine every monday night for The Bachelor Are they an early bird or a night owl ? she can dabble with either BUT she LOVES night life and is use to staying up late due to long hours of rehearsal, songwriting, and performances How tidy is their room ? very neat and organized and vv aesthetically pleasing How long to they usually take getting ready in the morning ? depends. can be 3 minutes or 3 hours
What’s their favorite color ? red-- the color of l o v e ; she’s also keen on purple and gold Favorite movie ? Breakfast at Tiffany’s along with all the tragic romances and rom-coms Music Genre ? don’t make her choose Food ? it’s a tie between Italian & Greek Book ? anything romantic and emotional that probably has a sad ending or anything nicholas sparks Favorite non-alcoholic drink ? that’s a toss up between espresso and cold pressed juice Ice Cream Flavor ? Rocky Road ! OR The Tonight Dough by Benn & Jerry’s Indoors or outdoors ? both?? though the stage tends to be inside...
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musexmelrose · 6 years
Rule #1 never be #2
(via deseptions)
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musexmelrose · 6 years
“She hits like e c s t a s y.
So free up the cheaper seats,
Here comes a GREEK TRAGEDY.”
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musexmelrose · 6 years
Jane told herself she needed to get out more, and that lead her to the bar one night, sipping on a cocktail quickly becoming watered down as the ice rapidly melted in her glass. She was happy to know this one had a karaoke bar, because if there was anything Jane liked doing, it was studying behavior. Typically, she preferred studying primates, but humans were close enough, and this environment was filled with a variety of things that caught her eye - or, in this case, ear, as Melrose sang up at the front of the bar. Jane thought she was a great singer, but as Mel spoke to her, Jane knew a compliment wasn’t the appropriate response, not when she asked a question. “My bucket list is a bit unattainable, at the moment,” Jane admitted. “Sorry.”
* . ° ✩ —Melrose didn’t think it possible for a frown to cross her face for the rest of the night. However, to her surprise, the girl in front of her didn’t waste any time in proving her wrong. Mel’s smile faded for a moment before pursing her lips and placing her hands on her hips. “Unattainable? Nope! No such thing. Not with me at least there isn’t. Haven’t you heard, the world is supposed to be your oyster! You are in a major position to take the opportunities that life has to offer, and right now honey, life is offering you me ! Come on, there’s got to be something you're dying to do? Try a new food? Buy a new dress? Sneak into the aquarium? .... Take a shot?”
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musexmelrose · 6 years
* . ° ✩ — “ H e c k yes ! ” Melrose grinned and turned to face her friend. “You gotta get yourself out there girl! The world needs Marie Bonfamille! The world needs Melrose Pomene too-- it just doesn’t know that yet...” she chuckled. “You’re always talking about branching out, I think it’s time to go for it! Have you thought of any content ideas yet?”
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     ‘i’ve been thinking of starting a youtube channel.’ the following and sponsors of her instagram have been suggesting it for a while, and it sounds fun to her. ‘what do you think?’
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musexmelrose · 6 years
WOW! That’s the only thing that Miguel could think of after listening to her cover of Love on Top. While he doesn’t often listen to Beyonce songs, he could at the very least APPRECIATE the singing chops of another singer when he hears one, and wow, her voice was certainly SOMETHING ELSE! Not only that, but he admittedly was also amazed at how comfortable she seemed to be singing in front of the crowd within this bar. Though he had done something similar, it was a MINIMAL amount of experience he’s had, and Miguel has yet to feel that relaxed as she seemed to be. Once she had finished, the aspiring musician CLAPPED along with the bowed, grinning as she bowed before dropping his arms against the table. Miguel then turned, expecting to go back to minding his own business when her familiar voice was now heard besides him. Blinking, he glanced side to side, wondering if she was talking to him, before REALIZING that she was. At this, he shrugged. “Good times? Sure. FREEDOM? Eh, that really depends.” Miguel began, only to let out a small laugh at her last words. “Do you always ask RANDOM PEOPLE if they want to do something off of their Summer bucket list with you?”
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* . ° ✩ —Melrose had what seemed like a permanent smile plastered onto her face right now. Her whole body in swayed slightly in happiness. As she awaited the boy’s response, she tilted her head a grinned, “’EH’? What do you mean ‘eh’?! Freedom is what makes like interesting! Everyone’s got it whether they realize it or not. Maybe you just haven’t taken advantage of yours yet,” she smirked. “Not always! But after a song then hey, I guess it’s not uncommon! So how about it then? Got something your dying to do?”
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musexmelrose · 6 years
ariel giggled as melrose found her way to the barstool beside her, clumsily sipping at the fruity drink in front of her as she hummed in thought. she was so right. summer was m a g i c. at least it certainly felt so, and that feeling she felt in every bit of her core being was one of the things the redhead loved most about the season. there were just…such an infinite number of possibilities and she thrived on the good vibes; on all the sunkissed days and the starlit nights. “ honestly? i’ve always wanted to get a tattoo. i know its…something no one should ever really do when you’re close to drunk and my dad would probably kill me if he ever found out, but — ” she bit down on her lip desperately fighting the itch to just grab melrose’s hand and drag her with her to the nearest tattoo parlor. “ but he doesn’t ever have to know, right? it’s not like i would tell him! attina maybe would, but i could always swear her into not breaking the sacred bond of sister secrecy…” 
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* . ° ✩ —As the brunette swiveled slightly in her seat, the huge grin already present on her lips grew even wider. “A tattoo! That’s perfect !” she chimed as she turned towards Ariel, “ooh and it comes with a scandal how thrilling!” Melrose was already out her chair and dusting herself off, gearing up to go. “Well come on then, lets do the damn thing! Your father will never know and you’ll have the most precious, sentimental summer memory! Do you have any cute ideas? They’re cute aren’t they-- ooh I hope it’s something deep and romantic!” she said with a sway of her hips. Melrose was getting ahead of herself (like always); however, she was in too good a mood to stop. “Attina would never! And if she does then I’ll haunt her vocal lessons for all eternity. Whatdya say? Wanna get inked?”
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musexmelrose · 6 years
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musexmelrose · 6 years
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musexmelrose · 6 years
* . ° ✩ —Melrose absolutely l i v e d for karaoke nights around Carthay’s local bars. It was a free opportunity for her to do what she loves most while also maybe having a drink or two-- depending on how vulnerable the bouncers were to her charm. Full of what seemed like endless bliss and energy, Mel took a final bow after her cover of Love on Top by Beyonce, and happily made her way over to an open barstool. As she did so, she sighed dreamily and turned to the person in the stool next to her. “Summer is just so damn magic,” she smiled, “I mean a whole season dedicated to good times and freedom. If you could do one thing, right now, something on your summer bucket list-- what would it be? And do you want to do it with me?”
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musexmelrose · 6 years
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hi carthay babes !! my name is Ro and i’m soooooo stoked to be here ! i’m a wreck when it comes to introductions but can i just say that you guys are intimidating as h e c k (in the best way possible) ! on the down low i looked at so so so many of your guys’s pages and you all are so talented and creative and this rp already has such a new flavor to it that i’ve never experienced before so i’m a nervous mush right now ♡
anyways ! i’d love to plot and get to know y’all and i hope i do Melly over here justice ! !
if you wanna read a little more about Melrose than click under the cut ! 
* Beyonce and Rhianna are two of her biggest inspirations.
* She has a Russian Blue kitty names Nike after the Greek Goddess of victory.
* Her favorite works by Shakespeare are A Midsummer Night’s Dream and, of course, Romeo and Juliet.
* Two of her greatest prized possessions are her collections of signed Broadway playbills and  vinyl records.
* Melrose has no intention of stopping at her current label of “double threat.” With the help of Taryn, Melrose is determined to become the very best “triple threat” out there. Hey, maybe even a “quadruple threat” if she can perfect her instrumental abilities.
* Melrose has a very wide range of music that she listens to and can appreciate songs from nearly every genre of music. It’s not uncommon for her to be bopping to some smooth R&B and then immediately switch to some funky throwbacks.
* With the intention of learning more, Melrose can currently play 5 instruments: the piano, the guitar, the bass, the violin, and the drums.
* She’s the karaoke champion at three different bars across Carthay.
* While her dancing does still need some work… the girl can do a full on split.
* Mel experiences emotions very intensely— so her heart is always fully invested into whatever it is she’s feeling. This is what causes people to think her overdramatic and sometimes fake. It’s not her fault though. She can’t help it if a really good movie makes her sob till her eyes run out of water or if a cute boy she maybe just made eye-contact with makes her heart soar.
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she totally needs some more connections so bring me all the friends, all the enemies, and everything in between ! i’m down for anything !!
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musexmelrose · 6 years
the lowdown:
Meet Melrose Pomene, she is currently 19 years old and a college freshman at Carthay University. If she’s not at school, you can find her in Olympus Square, where she lives. At one point, others thought she was just like Melpomene, but nowadays people see a resemblance to Normani Kordei Audreyana Michelle. Melrose can be creative, passionate, and focused, while also being dramatic, vulnerable, and obsessive.
✧ LIKES: Shakespeare, cats, dark chocolate.
✧ DISLIKES: horror movies, Birkenstocks, football.
the quick facts:
✧  A star in the making, Melrose is a girl dedicated to the arts. Spending majority of her time in the theatre deparment or choir room, you can best assume she’s working on some piece of art she’s dying to show her classmates. If you’ve ever heard her sing, you’ll know just how much passion she puts into her work. She can cry on the spot if you ask her too. Some people call her a goddess because of her beauty while others call her a tragedy for her ability to make others feel her pain at her own will. Melrose watches The X Factor like it’s her religion and afterwards pulls out a carton of ice cream and cries over The Bachelor because she wants a life like that. She’s determined to eventually be on the big screen, but for now she’ll pour her heart out in lyrical form and hang out with her best friend and the town choir group, “The Gospel Truth”. 
✧   Melrose can be pretty dramatic, and it makes sense with her performance record. Melrose is attracted to tragedy in art, and self-expression, so theatre was the perfect match for this girl. When she’s not rehearsing with The Gospel Truth, she’s running lines for the next big production. Melrose is known for landing lead roles, and it’s not just because she can cry on demand. No, Melrose just has this intense passion that has inspired her work, and it’s contagious. Emotions run strong through her, and while it leads to some inspired work, it can be draining.
✧   Some might think Melrose is taking too much on, being the double-threat that she is, but she thinks she’s got it all under control…for now. Besides, the only thing that will ever make her feel weak (in the knees…or ankles) is none other than Hercules Donovan, which she can’t help but feel shy around when he makes his appearances around town. But where was she again? Oh right! Being famous! She’s going to get there one day, even if it takes an act of a God to get her there. She’s determined to take her hopeless romantic tendencies and turn them into hit songs. Just you wait and see, Melrose Pomene is going to be huge one day. 
the connections:
✧ Taryn Shores- To Melrose, Taryn is everything. One day she’s her big sister, the other she’s a role model, and sometimes she’s just the best friend. If Melrose ever needs anything, Taryn is usually there to help. Melrose is pretty close to everyone on The Gospel Truth, but her relationship with Taryn is definitely the strongest. It’s no surprise either, seeing as Melrose calls Taryn pretty much every night to talk about everything under the sun.
✧ Anna Arendelle- When Melrose isn’t working away at her music career, she’s probably hanging out with Anna, her trusted BFF. One of their favorite things to do together is play matchmaker and predict what relationships will sprout up in Carthay. Beyond their wild imaginations, the two can be found marathoning all sorts of realty television and playing endless amounts of board games.
✧ Attina Benson- Melrose usually participates in her school productions, but sometimes she ventures out into the local theatre, where she met Attina. Melrose usually winds up in ensemble in those productions, but she believes that’s purely because they don’t know her yet. Still, even if ensemble isn’t as glamorous as Melrose would like, she’s enjoyed getting to know Attina and learn from the older starlet, who is always happy to give advice and chat. 
the social network:
✧  INCOMING MESSAGE from TARYN: Sorry I missed your call! I’m in a class! I’ll be free in like…..45 minutes?
✧  RECENTLY WATCHED: Breakfast at Tiffany’s.
✧  TWEETED by @melrosepomene: It’s a girl’s night out baby!
✧  RECENTLY PLAYED: Love on Top - Beyonce.
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musexmelrose · 6 years
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character aesthetic  ➙ ​ { the muso }
M U S I C is the what SAVED me.
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musexmelrose · 6 years
“stop being dramatic”
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musexmelrose · 6 years
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