murrayjacob97 · 7 years
Molly Weasley watched her third oldest son turning his back to their family but never gave up on him.
Molly Weasley saw her husband at his weakest moment as he laid wounded in St. Mungo’s hospital. She never understood what muggles thought when they started praying to their god(s):                                                                         But that night as she sat at her husband’s hospital bed she couldn’t help but fold her hands, close her eyes and just hope that there was indeed a greater deity that could bring her husband back to her family.
Molly Weasley put a bandage around her fifth son’s head when he was bleeding onto her sofa, his ear ripped away. She did not let her heart and actions be ruled by panic and fear. She would not  risk her son’s life like that.
Molly Weasley saw her son that wasn’t her son dead in Hagrid’s arms and did not show how she broke inside. Instead, she gripped her wand a little tighter, bit her lip a little stronger and started to fight a lot grimmer.
Molly Weasley cried over her fourth son’s cold body, his last laugh still etched into his face. She witnessed her fifth son crumbling right then and there. She saw her family grieving and crying. She went through hell but reminded herself to keep going.
Molly Weasly got up and stared straight into the eyes of Narcissa Malfoy. 
Proud woman, blonde hair, pale skin.
Split lips, bloody cloak, sad eyes.
They did not exchange one word.
But one glance was enough.
Narcissa’s eyes darted to Fred, to Harry, then back to Molly. Her lean finger’s tightened indiscernibly around her son’s bony shoulder.
A nod.
The war had taken enough lifes. Enough children.
And as one mother to another, Molly Weasley nodded back.
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murrayjacob97 · 8 years
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Woo Pig Sooie.
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murrayjacob97 · 8 years
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Thanks to this guy, I managed to get all of my stuff home from college. He's one of the best. Love you @murraya13
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murrayjacob97 · 8 years
Infinite reposts on this.
can you please give me 5 real reason on why we don't need feminism in the US
 No wage gap (X) (X)
Rape is illegal and the one in 4 statistic is false (x)
No rape culture (x) (x)
Women can vote
Women can drive
Women can do what they want without a man
The “women do half the work and own less than 1% of the worlds land” stat is total bullshit (x) (x)
Women have five more rights than men (x)
The right to genital integrity
The right to vote without having to sign up for the draft
To choose whether or not they are ready to be a parent
The right to be assumed caregivers for children and get all the benefits from it
The right to call unwanted sex rape, while under definition of the law, men cant be “raped”
Women serve less jail time than men for the same crime (x) (x) (x)
False rape accusations are high and women who make them are not being properly punished (x)
Men have more issues than women and feminists are making them worse or claiming they dont exist
Misandrists head the movement (x)
Any of my followers care to ellaborate more?
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murrayjacob97 · 8 years
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murrayjacob97 · 8 years
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Decision Day has come and gone, and while not all engineers are CIVIL, I am proud to say that I am.
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murrayjacob97 · 8 years
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Vote for a Doctor! #bc2dc2016
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murrayjacob97 · 8 years
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Dr. Ben Carson's plans for office are: practical (unlike Trump and his wall), well thought out (unlike Cruz and his ties to antiquated fuel sources), and consistent (il unlike Rubio and amnesty). Dr. Carson grew up poor--he knows what social programs America needs. Dr. Carson is a retired neurosurgeon--he knows how the health care system needs to be reformed. Dr. Carson knows the value and importance of a good education and a supportive family--he wouldn't be anywhere without them. Dr. Caron speaks his mind--he isn't worried about "safe spaces" or being politically correct, what he says is what he believes, and he means it. Finally, Dr. Carson supports the United States Constitution and all of its Amendments--something that cannot be said about other candidate when they want to give people's freedom and money to those who have neither worked for it, nor earned it. #bc2dc2016 @realbencarson #VoteBenCarson
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murrayjacob97 · 8 years
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I am honored to have been able to vote--to have my voice heard. I am proud to have fulfilled my civic duty.
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murrayjacob97 · 8 years
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Today I am voting absentee for the first time. Here's hoping there's a sticker inside.
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murrayjacob97 · 8 years
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This is my first day as a Lunchtime Literacy buddy with the Volunteer Action Committee. I'm exited to share my love of reading with elementary school kids, and teach them the importance of being literate.
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murrayjacob97 · 8 years
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There are too many coincidences for this to be "purely random." #Godbreathedcreations
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murrayjacob97 · 8 years
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The new Panic at the Disco album is great!
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murrayjacob97 · 8 years
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murrayjacob97 · 8 years
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It's Hard to be Humble when you're Proud to be Pig Headed #WooPigSooie
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murrayjacob97 · 8 years
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Way to start the New Year! #WooPigSooie ❤️🐗🏈 #UARK
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murrayjacob97 · 8 years
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