murkwud · 1 year
sometimes i’m a 30 year old man. sometimes i’m a drag queen from new jersey. sometimes i’m a scared 14 year old emo kid. 
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murkwud · 2 years
carmen working on a school project: this is going to make me lose it i want to ruin it and drop out of the program
alyx and jenna working on the same project: fix it up a bit :) there, now it's coming together :D i love school :) this is good
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murkwud · 2 years
fusion update 🔍🌷
we meditated through it last night 🖤💘 jenna hasn't fronted yet, but we *might* be hearing her voice internally. we're going to let her introduce herself when she's ready!
jinx and the little were happy to help the system heal and fused peacefully and joyfully!
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murkwud · 2 years
fusion update 🖤💘🔍🌷
the fusion is slowly getting closer. this has been a long process for all of us. we're aiming for it to happen this week.
we read through our old diary tonight. it put our life in perspective and we've all come so far! we came to a deeper understanding of how and why different alters were formed.
jinx is ready to become a newer, better part of us. the little is happy to help us heal and grow🌰🌱🪴🌷💐🌳
jenna will introduce herself when she's ready🕷
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murkwud · 2 years
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update on jenna!
jinx and little 2 are making the new "body" for them to fuse into, it looks similar to this picrew :) they've also been talking about what jenna will be once fused.
age: 16-17
role: caregiver, social / emotional protector
pronouns: she/they
colour: hot pink
emoji: 🕷
this is a big step for us, it's scary but it will help us all so much in the long term 🖤💘
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murkwud · 2 years
big changes coming to the system!
jinx and one of the littles are going to fuse🖤💖
we've been planning this for a few months and now they're feeling it coming soon. not sure when it'll happen or what the new alter will be like. we're going to call them jenny/jenna/jen
updates will be posted!
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murkwud · 2 years
had an anxiety attack & one of the littles is singing i dont smoke by mitski to make us feel better LOL
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murkwud · 2 years
dissociated in public then had to talk to people :////////// not fun
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murkwud · 2 years
we managed to stick to our goal of tracking our switches every day for a month :D it's cool to have a visual and organized view of our brain like this
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murkwud · 2 years
socially interacting has gotten so much harder recently
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murkwud · 2 years
forgot about this....... oopz:3
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murkwud · 2 years
making jinx front in therapy next week bc shes been causing problems lolz
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murkwud · 2 years
this body is so hard to live in oh my god
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murkwud · 2 years
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this is what we feel like while switching LOOOL
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murkwud · 2 years
theres 7 people in this body and none of us want to go to work today 😖😖😖😖
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murkwud · 2 years
this is the most s*icidal we've been in a while. everything is falling apart and nothing is looking better.
we have therapy on tuesday, hopefully it does something
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murkwud · 2 years
one of our roommates clogged the fucking shower drain and THIS BODY IS THE ONLY ONE TRYING TO FIX IT. literally went out and got shit to fix it yesrerday. it only got half fixed.
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