mummasaurus212 3 days
1 whole year since our little firecracker came into our lives. You're so full of love, personality, and have the most infectious giggle. You came along right when we needed you, and you've completed our family perfectly. We are so grateful you chose us.
Happy birthday, Sienna Eevee Wren. We love you to the moon.
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mummasaurus212 26 days
Turns out I was right to be scared.
I took her to the gp Monday morning just for a check up everything looked OK no signs of an ear infection or tonsillitis they said just to monitor her and give panadol. So we went home and I did that. Then by 730 she went down hill, still refusing food and her temp went up. I loaded her in the car left husband with Lincoln and started the drive to urgent care. I didn't get 200 meters from home and I heard her having a febrile convulsion in the car seat. I called the ambulance because I didn't know if I should get her out or what. She stopped after a few minutes and remained sleepy to I drove to the emergency department.
We still don't know what's wrong with her or why she's unwell. They want a urine sample from her but that's easier said than done.
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The tiny one is not feeling 100%. We're hoping its just the sand she ate at the beach yesterday (while we were trying to have our family photos) giving her a belly ache. However, she's vomited a few times this evening (mostly associated with solid food and trying to give paracetamol) and I am absolutely terrified she is going to have another febrile seizure, even though her temp seems OK. I don't think I'll be sleeping much tonight
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mummasaurus212 28 days
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The tiny one is not feeling 100%. We're hoping its just the sand she ate at the beach yesterday (while we were trying to have our family photos) giving her a belly ache. However, she's vomited a few times this evening (mostly associated with solid food and trying to give paracetamol) and I am absolutely terrified she is going to have another febrile seizure, even though her temp seems OK. I don't think I'll be sleeping much tonight
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mummasaurus212 1 month
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So very proud of this little guy. We've hardly used nappies since Friday and he is already recognising that he needs to go or when he wants to. Today for the first time he started ti have an accident but stopped then finished on the potty. He's told us every time he needs to poop and successfully done it on the potty
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mummasaurus212 1 month
Day 1 went ok. We has a few accidents and 1 success. A nappy was used at bed time and when we went out for an hour or so. Hes also (much to my disgust) taken a shine to the potty.... but if it gets things moving then we can work on it. By the end of the day I thought today was going to be about the same.
But, he's woken up this morning and sat on the potty after breakfast, and tried but nothing happened so hopped up and put this Undies on. A little while later the ran over to ke and said oh no! I pooed. I asked have you or do you need to? And he said I NEED TO! so he sat for a little while longer and hopped back up. Literally 3 minutes later he started stamping his little feed and said oh oh oh I need a wee again then did a poop! I'm so proud of our little guy
We're starting toilet training today.... wish me luck!
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mummasaurus212 1 month
We're starting toilet training today.... wish me luck!
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mummasaurus212 1 month
I love my job. It's amazing, the team, the environment, the diversity it's great. But holy heck, being a working mum is TOUGH! I now work 64 hours a fortnight. That's 64 hours I don't get to see our kids. 64 hours I trust other people I've never met before with my two tiny people.
I work from 8:30 - 5. Which means they're in care from around 8am until somewhere between 515 and 530 depending on traffic. By the time we get home, they're both exhausted. Sienna is hanging for some quality time at the boob getting her milky goodness and Lincoln is hungry and overtired in desperate need of some quiet relax time. But we're rushing, rushing to get dinner cooked, rushing to get through the shower, just so we can have 30-45 minutes of quality time before they go to bed. The mum guilt is like nothing I've experienced before. I feel myself wanting the weekend more than I used to because I know we can slow down and have some quality time together and enjoy each other. They're only small for a little while and I feel terrible that they're away from me for 64 hours a fortnight.
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mummasaurus212 1 month
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The bond these two have is incredible.
Lincoln's old room at day care was on the ground level of the centre, the same as siennas. So throughout the day during their outside times, they would see each other and interact through the fence (kind of like pool fencing with gaps). Now he is in pre K, he has moved upstairs, and he is missing her so much. On Wednesday, he got really sad and was standing at the door of their classroom, and when the educator asked what was wrong, he said he wanted Sienna. They called downstairs, but she was sleeping, so they couldn't. But they instead took him outside and showed him where he could see the nursery outside area from upstairs so he can keep an eye out for her. Now, every now and he then he yells out to her and gives her a big wave 馃グ
I must admit I was very nervous about this close age gap, but oh my goodness, watching them grow together has been amazing.
Its HARD, and they yell and be rough and can't share to save themselves, but their bond is unbreakable, and the good times outweigh the bad
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mummasaurus212 1 month
Lincoln has moved rooms around day care from todders/tiny tots to pre kinder and he is THRIVING. He's so happy to have his friends from last year back and seems to be slotting in so well. The first day, he was a little clingy before I left, but by Thursday, we ran off without saying goodbye. I'm so proud of us for raising such an independent, well socialised little boy 馃ぉ
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mummasaurus212 2 months
A couple of milestones for Miss Sienna this week...
Miss sienna has decided that she can confidently walk around furniture and take assisted steps 馃槶 she's also pulling herself up on things and letting go.
She has also finally popped her first tooth! Bottom left, same as Lincoln! The other side is really close behind.
As with all learning and development, her sleeping is shot. She had begun to sleep lo ger stretches overnight, and I had been resettling in her room rather than bringing her to our bed. But that's out the window for now.
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mummasaurus212 3 months
Last week gastro, this week hand foot and mouth. Poor Lincoln is copping the whole book.
I actually think the HFM came from sienna. She was feeling warm last week and very sooky. But she's teething so we put it down to that. However, on Friday she was yelling in the highchair and I caught a glimpse of a sore in her mouth but couldn't get her to open again to check it our further.
This is the worst our little guy has had it. His whole nappy area and mouth are full of sores and he's been telling me "feet are a bit sore, mummy" all day.
Towards bedtime, he was sitting on the couch watching play school crying and saying help me, mummy. Help Lincoln. Ouch in here (points to his mouth). It broke my heart in two. Short of ibuprofen, he won't take anything else, and at the moment, swallowing is so painful for him he doesn't even want that.
He's in bed now, but very, very restless, and is just crying when he wakes. I just want to scoop him up and take the pain away
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mummasaurus212 3 months
Our baby is teething. They've been coming for a while but I can actually see them in her gums. She's having panadol almost every night because it's making bed time really tricky. It looks like the bottom two will come through first followed by the top 2 pretty closely.
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mummasaurus212 3 months
This week I officially start work 4 days while both my babies are in care. I miss them so much and it's only day 2.
Lincoln had been very up and down. So loving and happy, then on the flip of a coin yelling at me and being rough. I know it's just testing to see what he can get away with, but man, it's exhausting.
He's absolutely thriving in day care at the moment. Which is amazing. We have a huge cuddle and a talk about his day ahead then I'm allowed to head off to work. No tears, sometimes there's a " I coming too" but usually can be distracted or talked out of it.
Sienna is standing on furniture and stamping her feet up and down learning what they're about. It won't be long before she's coasting around and walking. I'm not ready.
She's been seeing a physio for quite some time now because her feet turn in a little (like a bend in the middle, inwards) just from how she was inutero. She's now got special little booties to wear overnight, but our physio is hoping as she starts to walk, it'll self correct. So it's just a wait and see.
Being a mum to these two little monkeys is the best thing in the world. I can't imagine my life any other way now. They make me smile all day long.
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mummasaurus212 4 months
I feel like absolute crap. Almost every afternoon lately. Like to the point I'm sitting here trying to will myself not to vomit. My ttc brain goes oop might be pregnant, but I've been on the iud since June.
I need to go and pick up Lincoln but I don't know if I could make the drive to town without having to stop
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mummasaurus212 4 months
I'm so excited. I commented on a local photographer 12 days of Christmas give away and I won an hour photo session and $100 print credit! I've been wanting to get some updated family photos since sienna arrived, but we haven't been able to afford it.
We've settled on a beach shoot for this one, now we just have to line up a day when she's free 馃榾
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mummasaurus212 4 months
Decided to cook a delicious roast pork for tea tonight and try Lincoln on some pork before his allergy review next week.
Roast is done , and the vegetables in the thermomix steaming. I went to put them in the thermal bowl 30 mins later, and I'd forgotten to set a temperature so that were still raw!!!
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mummasaurus212 4 months
Can I just day how fucking proud I am of this? This stash is just from pumping at work. No extras at home.
When I was feeding with Lincoln, I had a milk stash of maybe 4 bags on top of what we needed for day care. It was a constant stress for me. I don't know if it has anything to do with the fact that sienna doesn't have allergies and my diet is full of all different foods or not. But my goodness. My supply is crazy.
My plan is to wean her by her second birthday. I think that timing was perfect for Lincoln and I. As much as I miss the closeness we would share while feeding, it was our time and he coped so well.
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