msho-blog · 12 years
LOL, excuse me while I try to contain myself.
Tumblr media
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msho-blog · 13 years
Why I'm losing respect for Tumblr
promiscious, pretentious, arrogant and facetious, kids are shitting out more shit, than I can usually deal with. 
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msho-blog · 13 years
The path from inner turmoil, begins with a friendly ear.
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msho-blog · 13 years
Respect is the ultimate currency.
Money has value. Respect is invaluable. 
You do the math.
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msho-blog · 13 years
Classy, classy.
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msho-blog · 13 years
I picked up a good-bad habit over the post HSC/party-it-up/celebratory period. Although I have a crush on coffee, I am in love with tea. Black Tea. 
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msho-blog · 13 years
Facebook(ed) Really(?)-tionships
One word : Mistake. (I honestly, don't have anything against them, at all - just voicing out) 
Why ?
Well, okay the underlying fact is that Facebook doesn't have the 'authority' to make things official; everyone knew that right ? Of course they all do. One would think if they all knew that, then this whole relationship status cr4p wouldn't be regarded so highly. It just is I suppose, but it really shouldn't. I personally think that it's an invasion of privacy, to be frank. Who cares if you're not in a relationship on Facebook ? It doesn't dictate sh#t. Plus, it's all the more brutal when it ends; hurts like a bitch. Yes, from personal experience, it does hurt like a bitch. I used to date one (a bitch), so please trust my judgement on that one. It's a painstaking feat when people actually rush to you at such a tender instance in time, trying to comfort you and asking if you're okay (obviously you're not, you just got dumped, or did the crime) - that's usually when your guards fall, and whatever you're holding back, just comes out - metaphorically like vomit, figuratively with emotion.  If you're dating someone, then that is something else wonderful - that's your business though, and if you choose to share it others, you might as well tell them yourselves. A relationship written up on Facebook, is just text. Treat is as another status update. 
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msho-blog · 13 years
“It is impossible to live without failing at something, unless you live so cautiously that you might as well not have lived at all - in which case, you fail by default.”
—J.K. Rowling
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msho-blog · 13 years
I don't know how this whole argument came about but, in my most personal opinion, I I ideally think that (a) slut is an attitude; not a dress code.
I mean really ? 
Girls can present themselves in various manners when in public - it may be suggestive, nerdy, conservative, and you probably know what I mean. And with that said, it goes back to the principle that although some things may appear a certain, it doesn't necessarily mean that they're as is. Some people just like to dress a certain way I suppose - revealed or concealed. In all cases, how one dresses lies with personal preference, and how we perceive one another lies on assumption. 
A slut is someone who likes to engage in a promiscuous lifestyle, and is surprisingly okay with that; need I say more ? Nope. I know a majority of people look down on those who wear this label, but that doesn't make the on-lookers better in any way - it just shows the looseness of some compared to others. A lot of people tend to forget that there's a valid reason as to why people are, the way they are. If a person chooses to live a certain way, then it's best to leave it be unless your conscience says so. Story cut short : Assumptions = Bad Juju. 
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msho-blog · 13 years
Girl, you think you can see, and with that see clearly - your vision is blurred and opaque, seeing only merely. I know that you - you think you know, but have no idea. So for the meantime "homie", I'ma disappear.
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msho-blog · 13 years
So I've decided to migrate(ish) to a different blog because the one I usually use, just doesn't hold the same kind of appeal that it once held; now it's just strictly for browsing, I mean yeah, that's all it is really.
Plus some of my followers in which I thought were genuine friends, turned out to be people who are just as judgemental and assumptive as the next person; quite crushing actually.
It phases me as to how some people can gather the nerve to judge, label and conclude how a person is, or isn't - without solid enough grounds and/or facts to do so. 
A little pathetic in my opinion.
I never work with the initial impression of a person, to endow what type of person they are. Never ever. Not until I have actually gotten to know the person from a set of angles, will I then pass judgement. Ideally, I like to think of it in the way that they are innocent, until proven guilty. 
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